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Translate the following terms into Chinese: (0.5%×10=5%)

1) affricate 2)distinctive feature 3) parole 4) generative grammar 5) bilingualism 6) felicity condition 7) design feature

8) denotation 9) labiodental 10) linguistic relativity Translate the following terms into English:(0.5%×10=5%)

11)人际功能 12) 真值条件 13)女性语域 14)音节划分 15)结构主义

16)社会语言学 17) 论元 18)单元音 19)衔接 20)对比分析

III. Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the corresponding letter A, B, C or

D on the answer sheet. (1%×20=20%)

1). language is a system of arbitrary _________ symbols used for human communication.

A. cultural

B. conventional

C. decoded

D. vocal

2). A word with several meanings is called _________.

A. an abnormal word

B. a polysemous word

C. a synonymous word

D. none of the above

3). There are different types of affixes or morphemes. The affix “ed” in the word “learned” is known as a(n) __________.

A. derivational morpheme

B. free morpheme

C. inflectional morpheme

D. free form

4). The syntactic rules of any language are ________ in number.

A. large

B. small

C. finite

D. infinite

5). “I picked some tulips.” __________ “I picked some flowers.”.

A. entails

B. presupposes

C. is inconsistent with

D. is synonymous with

6). Y's utterance in the following conversation exchange violates the maxim of __________.

X: Who was that you were with last night?

Y: Did you know that you were wearing odd socks?

A. quality

B. quantity

C. relation

D. manner

7) “Can I borrow your bike?” _____ “You have a bike.”

A. is synonymous with

B. is inconsistent with

C. entails

D. presupposes

8) The study of language at one point of time is a _______ study.

A. synchronic

B. historic

C. diachronic

D. descriptive

9) Which of the following is a typical tone language?

A. English

B. Chinese

C. French

D. All of the above

10) Two allophones of the same phoneme are said to be in ___________.

A. phonemic contrast

B. complementary distribution

C. minimal pair

D. none of the above

11) In terms of the place of articulation, the following sounds [t][d][s][z][n] share the feature of _________.

A. palatal

B. alveolar

C. bilabial

D. dental

12) Transformational Generative Grammar was introduced by _______ in 1957.

A. L. Bloomfield

B. N. Chomsky

C. F. Saussure

D. M. A. K. Halliday

13) Which of the following is a correct description of reference?

A. a relationship between an expression and other expressions which have the same meaning

B. the set of all objects which can potentially be referred to by an expression

C. a relationship between a particular object in the world and an expression used

in an utterance to pick out that object

D. an intra-linguistic relationship between lexical items

14) What is function of the sentence “How do you do’?

A. Directive

B. Phatic

C. Informative

D. Evocative

15) In the following sounds, ________is a central vowel.

A. /?/

B. /u/


D. /з/

16) Which of the following languages has the syllabic writing system?

A. Chinese

B. Japanese

C. English

D. French

17) Which description of the meaning components of the word “father” is right?

A. [+human, +adult,-male]

B. [+human, -adult, +male]

C. [–human, +adult, -male]

D. [+human, +adult, +male]

18) Once the notion of ________ was taken into consideration, semantics spilled into pragmatics.

A. meaning

B. context

C. form

D. content

19) Black English has a number of distinctive features in its phonological, morphological and syntactic systems which are _______.

A. rule-governed

B. systematic

C. arbitrary

D. both A and B

20) “Hot dog” with the first syllable stressed means _________.

A. an overheated animal

B. a kind of food

C. a barking dog

D. a dead dog

IV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false:(15 pts, 1 point for each)

Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false: (1%×15=15%)

1)Animal call systems are not genetically transmitted.

2)According to N. Chomsky, “competence” is the actual realization of his knowledge

in utterance.

3)A syllable without a coda is a closed syllable.

4)Parole refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a

speech community.

5)Phonology is a branch of linguistics which studies the sentences patterns of a


6)Languages differ in their selection of contrastive sounds.

7)The English spelling exactly represents its pronunciation.

8)Constituents that can be substituted for one another with loss of grammaticality

belong to the same syntactic category.

9)According to semantic triangle, there is no direct link between a symbol and

referent, i.e. between a word and a thing it refers to.

10) A referring expression can be used to refer to nonexistent things.

11) All the grammatically well-formed sentences are semantically well-formed.

12) Pragmatics studies the aspect of meaning that is not accounted for by semantics.

13) An illocutionary act is the consequence of or the change brought about by the


14) Social dialects, or sociolects, are varieties of language used by people

belonging to particular social classes.

15) The structural tests focus on the communicative and linguistic competence.

V. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in ONE word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given.(1%×10=10%)

1)The three branches of phonetics are labeled as a____________ phonetics, auditory

phonetics and acoustic phonetics respectively.

2)One general principle of linguistic analysis is the primacy of speech over


3)S_________ studies the sentence structure of language.

4)C____________ analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can

be divided into meaning components.

5)The noun “tear” and the verb “tear” are h_____________.

6)H. Sweet made a distinction between narrow and b_________ transcription.

7)Linguistics’ found that it would be impossible to give an adequate description

of meaning if the c_________ of language use was left unconsidered.

8)Interchangeability means that any human being can be both a producer and a

_______of messages.

9)Language may determine our thinking pattern and similarity between languages is

relative, the greater their structural differentiation is, the more diverse their conceptualization of the world will be. This has often been called the Sapir-Whorf h___________.

10)S______ act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language.

II.Translate the following terms: (0.5%×20=10%)

Translate the following terms into Chinese: (0.5%×10=5%)

1)塞擦音 2)区别性特征 3) 言语 4)生成语法 5)双语现象

6)适切条件 7)结构特征 8)外延 9)唇齿音 10)语言相对论

Translate the following terms into English:(0.5%×10=5%)

11)interpersonal function 12) truth condition 13)women register

14)syllabification 15) structuralism 16) sociolinguistics 17) argument 18) monophthong 19)cohesion 20) contrastive analysis

III. Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets.(1%×20=20%)

1-5 DBCCA 6-10 CDABB 11-15 BBCBA 16-20 BDBDB

IV. Decide whether each of the following statements is true or false.(1%×15=15%)

1-5 FFFFF 6-10 FFFTT 11-15 FTFTF

V. Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first

letter of which is already given as a clue. (1%×10=10%)

1) articulatory 2) writing 3) syntax 4) contituent 5)homograph

6) broad 7)context 8)receiver 9) hypothesis 10) Speech


语言学概论试题(一) 一、填空(每空1分,共15分) 1.语言中最单纯、最常用、最原始和最能产的词是根词。 2.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,文字是最重要的辅助交际工具。 ?3.我国古代学者为读懂古书而建立的训诂学、文字学、音韵学组成了我国的语文学,通称为“小学”。 4.英语属于印欧语系的日耳曼语族的西部语支。 ?5.语音可以从生理角度分析它的产生方式,从物理角度分析它的表现形式传递过程,从社会功能角度分析它的功能作用。 6.是否能够独立运用,是区分词和语素的根本特点。 ?7.现代大多数国家的拼音文字的字母,大多直接来源于拉丁字母。 ?8.具有不同功能的三种最基本的语法单位是语素、词、句子。 ?9.语言发展的主要特点是渐变性和不平衡性。 ?10.我国宪法 1982年第19条明确规定“国家推广全国通用的普通话”。 二、选择题(每题1分,共10分)?????? 1. 中国的传统语文学研究的薄弱环节是( D ) ??A.文字学B.语音学? ?C.词汇学D.语法学 ?2. 汉语属于( B ) ?A.屈折语B.孤立语 ?C.多式综合语D.粘着语 ?3. 一种语言中数量最少的是( B ) ??A.音素B.音位 ??C.语素D.音节 ?4. 文字的前身是( C ) ??A.结绳记事B.手势 ??C.图画记事D.实物记事 ?5. 派生词中包含( B ) ??A.词尾B.词根 ??C.虚词D.根词 ?6. 语音和语义结合的最小的语言单位是( C ) ??A.音素B.义素 ??C.语素D.音位 7. 汉语单词“忽然”出现的位置是( C ) ??A.主语位置B.谓语位置 ??C.状语位置D.定语位置 8. 以下各种语言变体中,属于社会方言的是( D ) ???A.土话B.客家话 ???C.客套话D.黑话 9. 下列语素中属于自由语素的是( C ) ???A.初B.视 ???C.人D.民 10. 在语言结构的某一环节上能够互相替换,?具有某种相同作用的各个单位之间所形成的关系叫( D ) ??A.转换关系B.组合关系 ??C.层级关系D.聚合关系 三、名词解释(每题4分,共20分) ?1.专语语言学以具体语言作为研究对象的语言学。 2.组合关系指两个以上相连续的语言符号组合而成的线性关系。 3.语流音变语流中的某些音由于相互影响而发生临时性的变化,这种变化就叫语流音变。 4.语义场由具有某些共同义素的一群词类聚而成的场。 5.语法范畴把同一性质的语法意义综合和概括所形成的语法意义的类别。 四、试以国际音标标出下列各词的读音(每题2分,共10分) 1.优秀 2.维持 3.宏观 4.精神 5.离开 五、用义素分析法分析下列各组词(每题3分,共9分) ?1.瞻仰 [+用眼 +往一定方向 +崇敬地]


经济学说史期末复习试题 一、填空题(每小题1分,共20分) 1、被认为是政治经济学之父和统计学创始人的是(),福利经济学之父是(),提出创新理论的经济学家是()。 2、马歇尔经济学说的核心和基础理论是(),科斯论证了企业本质,并提出了()的概念,亚当?斯密在1176年完成《国富论》,它的基本思想是()。 3、亚当?斯密提出了四大赋税原则分别是()、()、()、()。 4、萨伊定律是指(),凯恩斯定律是指()。 1)中。2 3 4 D、拉弗 5、新古典综合派的代表人物是:() A、罗宾逊 B、萨缪尔森 C、卢卡斯 D、拉弗 6、亚当?斯密经济政策的基本原则和中心思想是()。 A.政府管制 B.自由放任 C.宏观调控 D.宏观调控与市场调节相结合 7、古希腊思想家中谁区分了“经济”和“货殖”的不同()

A.柏拉图 B.亚里斯多德 C.色诺芬 D.苏格拉底 8、经济学说史上第一次在文献中提出“政治经济学”一词的着作是() A.《政治经济学原理研究,或自由国家内政学概论》 B.《政治经济学批判大纲》 C.《献给国王和王太后的政治经济学》 D.《政治经济学批判》 9、魁奈认为,纯产品是() A.商品中扣除生产资料和工资后剩下的部分 B.产品中扣除生产资料和工资后剩下的部分 C.农产品中扣除生产资料和工资后剩下的部分 C. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ? 1 2 3 4 1 2、早期重商主义与晚期重商主义的异同点是什么? 经济学说史期末复习试题答案 一、填空题(每小题1分,共20分) 1、威廉?配弟、庇古、熊彼特; 2、均衡价格论、交易成本、经济自由; 3、公平、确定、便利、经济; 4、供给会自行制造需求、需求会自行创造供给; 5、享乐递减定律、享乐均等定律、享乐扩充定律;


练习1 1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is one of the design features of language.A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 3. ___ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one’s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation .A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 4. __ __ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 7. To say “How are you.” “Hi” to your friends is the ____ __of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 8. “Tell me the result when you finish.” If you want to get your hearer to do something, y ou should use the _____ of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as __ ___. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural D. abnormal 10. A linguist is interested in ___A. speech sounds only B. all sounds C. vowels only 11. Which of the following sounds is a voiceless bilabial stop? A. [t] B. [m] C. [b] D. [p 12. Which of the following sounds is a voiced affricate? A. [y] B. [t∫] C. [z] D. [dЗ] 13. Which of the following sounds is a central vowel? A. [ ? ] B. [ i ] C. [ou] D. [a: ] 14. In the following sounds , ______ is a palatal fricative ? A. [ s ] B. [∫] C. [ l ] D. [θ] 15. In the following sounds, _____ is a voiceless affricative? A. [dЗ] B. [v] C. [t∫] D. [θ] 16. In English if a word begins with a [ l ] or [ r ],then the next sound must be a __ __. A. fricative B. nasal sound C. semi-vowel D. vowel 17. Of the “words” listed below___ is not an English word A. [r∧b ] B. [ l? b ] C. [m?sta:∫] D. [lm?p] 18. ___ are produced when the obstruction created by the speech organs is total and audibly released. A. Back vowels B. Stops C. Fricatives D. Glides 19. The International Phonetic Association devised the INTERNATIONAL PHONETIC ALPHABET in _____. A. 1965 B. 1957 C. 1888 D. 1788 20. ___ is a phonological unit , and it is a unit that is of distinctive value. A. Phone B. Phoneme C. Allophone D. Sound 1. [ f ] is a dental consonant. F 2. Phonology studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription. F 7. The three / p / are allophones. T 3. Phoneme is a phonological unit. T 4. Phone is a phonetic unit. T


英语语言学试题(1) I. Directions: Read each of the following statements carefully. Decide which one of the four choices best completes the statement and put the letter A, B, C or D in the brackets. (2%×10=20%) 1、As modern linguistics aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, and not to lay down rules for "correct" linguistic behavior, it is said to be ___. A、prescriptive B、sociolinguistic C、descriptive D、psycholinguistic 2、Of all the speech organs, the ___ is/are the most flexible. A、mouth B、lips C、tongue D、vocal cords 3、The morpheme "vision" in the common word "television" is a(n) ___. A、bound morpheme B、bound form C、inflectional morpheme D、free morpheme 4、A ___ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that introduces the embedded clause. A、coordinator B、particle C、preposition D、subordinator 5、"Can I borrow your bike?" _____ "You have a bike." A、is synonymous with B、is inconsistent with C、entails D、presupposes 6、The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___. A、semantics B、pragmatics C、sociolinguistics D、psycholinguistics 7、Grammatical changes may be explained, in part, as analogic changes, which are ___ or generalization. A、elaboration B、simplification C、external borrowing D、internal borrowing 8、___ refers to a marginal language of few lexical items and straightforward grammatical rules, used as a medium of communication. A、Lingua franca B、Creole C、Pidgin D、Standard language 9、Psychologists, neurologists and linguists have concluded that, in addition to the motor area which is responsible for physical articulation of utterances, three areas of the left brain are vital to language, namely, ___ . A、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and the angular gyrus B、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and cerebral cortex C、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and neurons D、Broca's area, Wernicke's area and Exner's area 10、According to Krashen, ___ refers to the gradual and subconscious development of ability in the first language by using it naturally in daily communicative situations. A、learning B、competence C、performance D、acquisition II. Directions: Fill in the blank in each of the following statements with one word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to fill in One word only, and you are not allowed to change the letter given. (1%×10=10%) 11、Chomsky defines "competence" as the ideal user's k_______ of the rules of his language. 12、The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b______ . 13、M_______ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed. 14、A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of words to form a complete statement, question or command. 15、Synonyms that are mutually substitutable under all circumstances are called c______ synonyms. 16、The illocutionary point of r_____ is to commit the speaker to something's being the case, to the truth of what has been said. 17、Words are created outright to fit some purpose. Such a method of enlarging the vocabulary is known as word c______.


语言学概论试题及答案 分享 首次分享者:◇﹎ゞ丫丫℡已被分享11次评论(0)复制链接分享转载举报语言学概论形成性考核作业及参考答案 语言学概论作业1 导言、第一章、第二章 一、名词解释 1、历时语言学——就各种语言的历史事实用比较的方法去研究它的“亲属”关系和历史发展的,叫历时语言学。 2、语言——语言是一种社会现象,是人类最重要的交际工具和进行思维的工具。就语言本身的结构来说,语言是由词汇和语法构成的系统。 3、符号——符号是用来代表事物的一种形式,词这样的符号是声音和意义相结合的统一体。任何符号都是由声音和意义两方面构成的。 4、语言的二层性——语言是一种分层装置,其底层是一套音位;上层是音义结合的符号和符号的序列,这一层又分为若干级,第一级是语素,第二级是由语素构成的词,第三级是由词构成的句子。 5、社会现象——语言是一种社会现象和人类社会有紧密的联系。所谓“社会”,就是指生活在一个共同的地域中,说同一种语言,有共同的风俗习惯和文化传统的人类共同体。语言对于社会全体成员来说是统一的、共同的;另一方面,语言在人们的使用中可以有不同的变异、不同的风格。 二、填空 1、结构主义语言学包括布拉格学派、哥本哈根学派、美国描写语言学三个学派。 2、历史比较语言学是在19世纪逐步发展和完善的,它是语言学走上独立发展道路的标志。 3、人的大脑分左右两半球,大脑的左半球控制语言活动,右半球掌管不需要语言的感性直观思维。 4、一个符号,如果没有意义,就失去了存在的必要,如果没有声音,我们就无法感知,符号也就失去了存在的物质基础。 5、用什么样的语音形式代表什么样的意义,完全是由使用这种语言的社会成员约定俗成。 6、语言符号具有任意性和线条性特点。 7、语言的底层是一套音位,上层是符号和符号的序列,可以分为若干级,第一级是语素,第二级是词,第三级是句子。 8、语言系统中的所有符号,既可以同别的符号组合,又可以被别的符号替换,符号之间的这两种关系是组合和聚合。 9、组合是指符号与符号相互之间在功能上的联系,聚合是指符号在性质上的归类。 三、判断正误(正确的打钩,错误的打叉) 1、文字是人类最重要的交际工具。(×) 2、地主阶级和农民阶级之间没有共同语言,这说明语言是有阶级性的。(×) 3、在现代社会,文字比语言更加重要。(×)


期末复习练习及答案 判断题 (1)所谓水利工程,是指对自然界的地表水和地下水进行控制和调配,以达到除害兴利目的而修建的工程。() 答案:正确 (2)重力坝的基本剖面是三角形是因为考虑施工方便。() 答案:错误 (3)拱坝的超载能力高是由于坝体厚度较薄、材料均匀性好。() 答案:错误 (4)土石坝的不均匀沉陷主要由地基的不均匀性造成。() 答案:正确 (5)侧槽溢洪道的过堰水流与泄槽轴线方向一致。() 答案:错误 (6)泄水隧洞的线路选择是确定一条隧洞长度最小的路线。() 答案:错误 (7)枢纽布置就是将枢纽建筑物紧凑地布置在一起。() 答案:错误 (8)船闸一般布置在靠近河道深泓线一侧。( ) 答案:正确 (9) 海漫的作用是进一步消减水流剩余能量,保护护坦安全,并调整流速分布,保护河床、防止冲刷。() 答案:正确 (10)升船机的作用是利用机械力量将船只送过坝(闸),其耗水量大、运送速度慢、运输能力高。( ) 答案:错误 (11)水闸闸室的稳定计算方法与重力坝相同均是取一米的单宽作为荷载计算单元。( ) 答案:错误 (12)过堰水流与泄槽轴线一致的岸边溢洪道,称为侧槽溢洪道。( )

答案:错误 (13)弯道环流原理都应用在有坝引水枢纽中。( ) 答案:错误 (14)无坝取水口一般设置在河道的凸岸。( ) 答案:错误 (15)坝基设有防渗帷幕和排水幕的实体重力坝,可以减少坝基面上的浮托力。( ) 答案:错误 (16)拱圈中心角2A增加对稳定有利,对应力不利。( ) 答案:错误 (17)泄水隧洞的线路选择是确定一条隧洞长度最小的路线。( ) 答案:错误 (18)枢纽布置就是将枢纽建筑物紧凑地布置在一起。( ) 答案:错误 (19)挡水建筑物的作用:是拦截河流,形成水库或雍高水位。如:各种材料和类型的坝和水闸;以及为防御洪水或阻挡海潮,沿江河海岸修建的堤防、海塘等。( ) 答案:正确 (20)重力坝的工作原理是在水压力及其它荷载的作用下,主要依靠坝体自身重量产生的抗滑力来满足稳定的要求 答案:正确 单项选择题 (1)土坝坝体由于不均匀沉降而产生() a、纵缝; b、横缝; c、水平缝; d、竖向裂缝。 答案:b (2)因为作用于重力坝上游面的水压力呈( )分布,所以其基本剖面是三角形。 a、三角形; b、矩形 c、梯形; d、弧形。 答案:a (3)双曲拱坝是指坝体在()方向上呈拱形。 a、水平; b、铅直; c、水平和铅直; d、a与b和c均不对。


1. Phonetics & Language Introduction: 1. There is no logical connection between meaning and sounds. A dog might be a pig if only the first person or group of persons had used it for a pig. This is ______one of the design features of language. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 2. Language is a system of two sets of structures, one of sounds and the other of meaning. This is ______ . It makes people possible to talk everything within his knowledge. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 3. _____ refers to the ability to construct and understand an indefinitely large number of sentences in one’s native language, including those that he has never heard before, but that are appropriate to the speaking situation. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 4. _____ refers to the fact that one can talk about things that are not present, as easily as he does things present. The dog couldn’t be bow-wowing sorrowfully for some lost love or a bone to be lost. A. duality B. arbitrariness C. productivity D. displacement 5. ______ means language is not biologically transmitted from generation to generation, but the linguistic system must be learnt anew by each speaker. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 6. ______ means that any human being can be both a producer and a receiver of messages. A. duality B. Arbitrariness C. interchangeability D. cultural transmission 7. To say “How are you. ”“Hi” to your friends is the _______of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 8. “Tell me the result when you finish.” If you want to get your hearer to do something, you should use the _____ function of language. A. directive function B. informative function C. phatic function D. interrogative function 9. A linguist regards the changes in language and language use as _____. A. unnatural B. something to be feared C. natural C. abnormal 10. A linguist is interested in _______.


试卷代号:1093 语言学概论(本) 模拟试题 一、举例解释下列名词(每词5分,共10分) 1. 音位变体 2.借词 二、单项选择(每小题2分。共10分) 3.下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语言是人类最重要的交际工具,文字也是人类最重要的交际工具 B.不同的阶级使用语言具有不同的特点,说明语言具有阶级性 C.人类多种多样的语言说明语言具有任意性特点 D.语言是一种纯自然的现象 4. 下列说法只有( )是正确的。 A.语法的组合规则是潜在的 B.语法的聚合规则是潜在的 C.语法的组合规则存在于书面语言中 D.语法的聚合规则存在于口头语言中 5.单纯词就是由一个( )构成的词。 A.词根 B.词干 C.词缀 D.词尾6.下列各种说法只有( )是正确的。 A.词义的模糊性说明词义是不可捉摸的 B.多义词使用不当会产生歧义,如“门没有锁” C.“glass”的本义是玻璃,派生义指玻璃杯,这是隐喻 D.同义词在修辞上具有对比作用,可以利用来突出对立面 7.下列说法只有( )是错误的。 A.语法的规则可以类推,但也有例外,如“wife”的复数不是“wifes” B.}昆合语又叫克里奥尔语,它可以被孩子们作为母语来学习 C.混合语只限于某社会集团使用,缺乏广泛性 D.“墨水”原指黑墨水,现指各种颜色的墨水,这种变化是词义的扩大

三、综合分析题(共40分) 8.描写下列音素的发音特点。(8分) ① [u]: ② Ea]: ③ [m]: ④ [x]: 9.分析下面词语中各个构词语素的类别,是词根、词缀还是词尾。(12分) ① going ②老乡 ⑧绿化 10.指出下列词组的结构类型。(10分) ①学生和老师 ②空气新鲜 ③热烈欢呼 ④摆放整齐 ⑤阅读报纸 11.指出下列句子中画线词语的词尾所表示的语法意义和语法范畴。(10分) He buys many books. 四、问答题(每小题10分,共40分) 12.为什么说语言是一种特殊的社会现象? 13.语言符号是一种分层装置,这种分层的核。g,是ffA?其上层由哪些要素构成? 各要素在数量上有何特点? 14.举例说明基本词汇的特点,并简要说明这些特点之间的相互影响。 15.什么是双语现象?双语现象随着社会的发展会出现怎样的结果?


复习题一一、判断题(共6题,共18分) 1. 服务深刻地体现了企业与消费者利益的一致性。(3分) ( ) .标准答案:正确 2. 从目标客户群搜集的数据一般是离散的、结构化的、无需验证的。(3分) ( ) .标准答案:错误 3. CRM的终极目标就是帮助企业满足客户的需求。(3分) ( ) .标准答案:正确 4. 为了有效降低组织内部水平边界的内耗,必须使组织的边界具有更多的渗透性。(3分) ( ) .标准答案:正确 5. 数据源是为了特定的目的或应用范围数据仓库中独立出来的一部分数据。(3分) ( ) .标准答案:错误 6. 主题是一个抽象的概念,是指用户使用数据仓库进行决策时所关心的重点方面,一个主题通常与一个操 作型信息系统相关。(3分) ( ) .标准答案:错误 二、填空题(共4题,共12分) 1. 汽车________服务是指向广大汽车购买者提供金融支持的服务,其服务主体是汽车买主提供金融服务的 机构。(2分) .标准答案:金融; 2. 生产者把商品出售给最终消费者的分销渠道称为________渠道。(2分) .标准答案:直接; 3. 汽车________服务是指向短期的或临时性的汽车用户提供使用车辆,并以计时或计程方式收取相应租金 的服务。(2分) .标准答案:租赁; 4. ________质量是指产品和服务应当具备的质量。对这类质量特性,顾客通常不作表述,因为顾客假定这 是产品和服务所必须提供的。(2分) .标准答案:当然; 三、单选题(共10题,共40分) 1. 在明确的战略业务模式和专注市场中,根据客户价值、需求和偏好等综合因素对客户进行分类,并提供 有针对性的产品服务或营销模式,称之为( )。(4分) A.客户战略 B.客户细分 C.客户质量 D.客户搜索


《语言学概论》练习 一、名词解释: 1、语言学:语言学是研究语言的科学,研究语言的性质、功能、结构,揭示语言的发展规律的科学。 2、语言:语言是语音和语义结合的符号系统,是人类社会最重要的交际工具,是一种特殊的社会现象,是人类思维的最有效的工具。 3、符号:符号是用于传递信息、指代事物或思想的标记。 4、组合关系:组合关系就是两个同一性质的结构单位(如音位与音位、词与词等等)按照线性的顺序组合起来的关系。简单地说,就是符号与符号相互组合起来的关系。 5、聚合关系:聚合关系就是语言结构某一位置上能够互相替换的具有某种相同作用的单位(如音位、词)之间的关系,简单说就是符号与符号之间的替换关系。 6、语音:语音是语言符号系统的载体,它是由人的发音器官发出的、负载着一定的语言意义的语言的声音 7、音素从音质的角度划分出来的最小的语音单位。 8、发音部位:发音部位是指发辅音时形成阻碍的器官部位。 9 、音位:音位是指具体语言(或方言)中有区别词的语音形式的作用的最小的语音单位。 10、音位变体:是一个音位的不同变异形式,是音位在特定语音环境中的具体体现或具体代表。 11、区别特征:一个音位之所以区别于别的音位,是因为它具有某种特殊的不同于别的音位的语音特征。这种能区别音位的语音特征叫区别特征。 12、音节:音节是音位与音位组合起来构成的最小的语音结构单位。 13、语法:语法就是用词造句的规则系统,它是词的构成规则、变化规则、组合规则的总和。 14、句子:句子是交际中最基本的表述单位,是交流思想的基本语言单位。 15、词:词是造句的时候能够独立运用的最小单位; 16、语素:语素是最小的语音语义结合体,语言的最小单位; 17、变词语素:没有构词作用,但是能改变一个词的形式的语素,是变词语素,词尾就是变词语素。 18、构词语素:具有构词作用的语素就是构词语素,词根和词缀能参与构词,就是构词语素。 19、单纯词:是由一个词根语素构成的词。例如汉语的“人、手、水、河、啊、琵琶、枇杷、哗啦、坦克”等,英语如man、teach 、book、moon、sun、long 等都是单纯词。 20、合成词:合成词是由两个以上的语素构成的词。 21、复合词:完全由几个词根语素按一定规则构成的词就是复合词。例如汉语的“思想、学习、黄瓜、大豆、胆怯”等,英语的如“snowwhite、makeblieve、earthfall 、friendship 、motherland ”等。 22、语法意义:指相对于词汇意义而言由词的变化所体现出来的意义。 23、形态:也叫做词形变化,指词与词组合时发生的词形变化所形成的聚合。 24、社会方言:社会方言是指社会内部不同年龄、性别、职业、阶级、阶层的人们在语言使用上表现出来的、在全民语言基础上产生的语言变体。


语言学概论题 2009年语言学概论试题及答案 第一部分 选择题 一、单项选择题 1.关于“语言”的定义,下列说法不正确的一项是 A.语言是一种社会现象 B.语言就是人们说出来的话 C.语言的客观存在形式首先是有声的口头语言 D.语言是一个符号系统 2.关于“言语活动”、“语言”和“言语”三者之间的关系,下列说法不正确的一项是A.“语言”等于“言语活动”减去“言语” B.“语言”是主要的,而“言语”是次要的 C.“言语”是“言语活动”中的社会部分 D.“语言”是从“言语活动”抽象出来的一个均质的系统 3.索绪尔创立的语言学可以称为 A.传统语言学 B.历史比较语言学 C.结构主义语言学 D.社会语言学 4.从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位是 A.音渡 B.音素 C.音位 D.音节 5.[p…]的发音特征是 A.双唇送气清塞音 B.双唇不送气清塞音 C.舌尖前送气清塞音 D.舌尖前不送气清塞音 6.下列各项中,都是不圆唇元音的一组是 A.[i,u] B.[e,o] C.[A,y] D.[?,a] 7.说话人根据表达需要有意识地加上去的句重音是 A.节律重音 B.语法重音 C.固定重音 D.强调重音 8.下列关于语汇的表述中,正确的一项是 A.语汇是有意义的能独立使用的语言单位 B.语汇是最小的有意义的语言单位

C.语汇是固D.语汇是一种语言中词和语的总和 5.[p…]的发音特征是 A.双唇送气清塞音 B.双唇不送气清塞音 C.舌尖前送气清塞音 D.舌尖前不送气清塞音 6.下列各项中,都是不圆唇元音的一组是 A.[i,u] B.[e,o] C.[A,y] D.[?,a] 7.说话人根据表达需要有意识地加上去的句重音是 A.节律重音 B.语法重音 C.固定重音 D.强调重音 8.下列关于语汇的表述中,正确的一项是 A.语汇是有意义的能独立使用的语言单位 B.语汇是最小的有意义的语言单位 C.语汇是固定词组和熟语的总汇 D.语汇是一种语言中词和语的总和 9.从词的构造方式看,汉语“健儿”一词属于 A.单纯词 B.派生词 C.复合词 D.简缩词 10.下列各个汉语词语中的“子”是词根语素的是 A.笼子 B.鸽子 C.瓜子 D.日子 11.下列关于语法的表述中,不正确的一项是 A.语法是关于词的构成变化和词构成词组和句子的规则 B.语法是说本族语的人的直觉知识和约定习惯 C.语法是与语音、语汇等要素互不相关的规则 D.语法是与语音、语汇等相比变化较慢的现象 12.在“这些书我看过了”这个语言片段中,“这些书”和“我看过了”的性质是A.既是成分也是组合 B.是成分,不是组合 C.是组合,不是成分 D.不是成分也不是组合 13.下列关于词义模糊性的表述中,正确的一项是 A.词义所指范围边缘区域模糊,中心区域明确 B.词义所指范围边缘区域明确,中心区域模糊


《语言学基础理论(修订版)》部分习题答案 第一章总论. □言语是 ×. 言论与语言×. 音义结合的符号系统 √. 说话和所说的话 □语言是一种 ×. 形式和内容相统一的视觉符号 √. 音义结合的听觉符号系统 ×. 用来交际的触觉符号系统 □抽象思维的一般特性是 ×. 概括性、民族性×. 概念、判断、推理 ×. 固定、再现、改造√. 概括性、社会性 □语言是思维的工具指的是 ×. 一切思维必须由语言完成 √. 主要指抽象思维和直观动作思维、形象思维的高级阶段离不开语言×. 指直观动作思维和表象思维离不开语言 □思维的三种类型是

√. 直观动作思维、表象思维、抽象思维 ×. 概念、判断、推理 ×. 固定、再现、改造 □语言符号的任意性是 ×. 语言符号的创造和使用总是任意的 ×. 我们可以任意理解语言的符号 √. 语言符号音义之间没有本质的联系 □语言符号的线条性 ×. 语言符号的排列没有阶级性,象一根线条排列在一起 ×. 语言符号一个跟一个依次出现,随时间推移不分层次逐渐延伸√. 语言符号在时间的线条上逐个出现,同时不排除层次性 □“他肯定不会来了!”这句话强调了说者的 ×. 说话行为√. 施事行为 ×. 取效行为×. 言语行为 □汉语声调从中古到现代的“平分阴阳,入派三声”的规律是√. 个别语言的发展规律×. 一般语言的发展规律 ×. 汉民族各种方言的发展规律 □一个民族内部共同使用的语言称为

√. 民族共同语×. 民族交际语 ×. 国际交际语 □克里奥尔语是语言的 √. 混合×. 融合 ×. 分化×. 整化 □语言融合的“底层”现象是 ×. 语言装置的最下面一层,即语音部分√. 被融合的语言的某些遗留下来的因素×. 被压迫的阶层 第二章语音 □声调决定于 √. 音高×. 音强 ×. 音长×. 音质 □[p、t?、b、k]在发音方法上的共同特点是×. 清音×. 不送气 √. 塞音×. 擦音 □舌尖后浊擦音是


Chapter 1 Introductions to Linguistics I. Choose the best answer. (20%) 1. Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human __________ A. contact B. communication C. relation D. community 2. Which of the following words is entirely arbitrary? A. tree B. typewriter C. crash D. bang 3. The function of the sentence “Water boils at 100 degrees Centigrade.” is __________. A. interrogative(疑问) B. directive C. informative D. performative 4. In Chinese when someone breaks a bowl or a plate the host or the people present are likely to say“碎碎(岁岁)平安”as a means of controlling the forces which they believes feel might affect their lives. Which functions does it perform? A. Interpersonal B. Emotive C. Performative√ D. Recreational 5. Which of the following property of language enables language users to overcome the barriers caused by time and place, due to this feature of language, speakers of a language are free to talk about anything in any situation? A. Transferability B. Duality C. Displacement D. Arbitrariness 6. Study the following dialogue. What function does it play according to the functions of language? —A nice day, isn’t it? — Right! I really enjoy the sunlight. A. Emotive B. Phatic C. Performative D. Interpersonal 7. __________ refers to the actual realization of the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language in utterances. A. Performance B. Competence C. Langue D. Parole 8. When a dog is barking, you assume it is barking for something or at someone that exists hear and now. It couldn’t be sorrowful for some lost love or lost bone. This indicates the design feature of __________. A. cultural transmission B. productivity C. displacement D. duality 9. __________ answers such questions as how we as infants acquire our first language. A. Psycholinguistics linguistics C. Sociolinguistics D. Applied linguistics 10. __________ deals with language application to other fields, particularly education. A. Linguistic theory B. Practical linguistics C. Applied linguistics D. Comparative linguistics II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. (10%) 11. Language is a means of verbal communication. Therefore, the communication way used by the deaf-mute is not 12. Language change is universal, ongoing and ? 13. Speaking is the quickest and most efficient way of the human communication ? 14. Language is written because writing is the primary medium for all

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