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lost 丢失的38story 故事75grandson 孙子2

soft 柔软的39donkey 驴76granddaughter 孙女3

orange 橙色的40way 道路;方法77cousin 堂/表兄弟或姐妹4

grey 灰白的41road 路78emperor 皇帝5

pink 粉红的42different 不同的79soldier 战士6

white 白色的43happen 发生80war 战争7

inside 在里面44heavy 重的81army 军队8

outside 在外面45silly 愚蠢的82captain 队长;首领9

wonderful 精彩的46stupid 愚蠢的83mountain 山10

property 财产47clever 聪明的84mile 英里11

umbrella 雨伞48intelligent 机智的85tired 困的累的12

polite 有礼貌的49strong 强壮的86brave 勇敢的13

custom 习惯风俗50angry 生气的87sheep 绵羊14

date 日期51accept 接受88suddenly 突然15

test 测试52refuse 拒绝89surprised 感到吃惊16

bring 带来53invite 邀请(动词)90exciting (某事)令人兴奋17

calculator 计算器54invitation 邀请(名词)91excited (某人)感到兴奋18

pool 水池55leave 离开;剩下92full 满的;饱的19

rule 规则56centre 中心93empty 空的20

dive 跳水潜水57cartoon 卡通漫画94bored (人感到)无聊的21

puppet 木偶58opera 歌剧95boring (某事令人)无聊的22

scissors 剪刀59finish 完成96cooked (煮)熟的23

first 第一60holiday 假期97delicious 美味的24

second 第二61museum 博物馆98oil 油25

third 第三62shop 商店99salt 盐26

next 下一个63city 城市100soup 汤27

lastly 最后64town 城镇101tomato(es)西红柿(注:复数+es)28

finger 手指65countryside 乡村102potato(es)土豆(注:复数+es)29

mix 使混合66village 村庄103onion 洋葱30

stir 搅拌67restaurant 饭店104pan 锅31

lettuce 莴苣68hospital 医院105bowl 碗32

mouth 嘴巴69stay 暂住;逗留106spoon 调羹33

month 月份70barbecue 户外烧烤107chopsticks 筷子34

carrot 萝卜71hotel 宾馆108knife 小刀(注:复数knives)35

salad 沙拉72lake 湖109fork 餐叉36

loudly 大声地73river 河流110dish 大碗(注:复数+es)37

quietly 安静地74travel 旅行111plate 盘子1…怎么了?2…怎么了?3…怎么了?4我找不到…了5它是什么样子的?6包里面有什么?7今天几号?8星期天是几号?9今天星期几?10五一是星期几?11我不想错过考试12别担心13考试几点开始14你准备好一切了吗?15别跑(否定祈使句)16不准跑(否定祈使句)17情态动词接动词原形18真可惜19真可惜20你愿意来参加我的聚会吗21我很乐意22让我们开个聚会吧23你可以直接拿碗喝汤吗24注意倒装句构成25那确定是那样(起强调表赞同)26我们用餐叉用餐(注意with+某物,表借助某工具=use sth.to do)27假期里你喜欢做什么(注意:like doing)

七年级英语下段考后重点词汇重 点 句 子What's the matter with sth.?What's the trouble with sth.?What's the date today?What's the date on Sunday?What day is it today?What day is May 1st?What's wrong with sth.?I can't find …What does it look like?What's inside the bag?Don't run.(Don't +原形)No running.(No +ing)will/would/can/could/shall/should/may/must+动原What a pity/shame.I don't want to miss the test.Don't worry.What time does the test start?Have you got everything?Can you drink soup from the bowl?So+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语So+主语+助动词/情态动词/be动词We eat food with forks.That's a pity/shame.Would you like to come to my party?Yes, I'd love to.Let's have a party.What do you like doing on holidays?

28这个假期你准备去干什么?(将来时be going to+动原)29你准备去拜访朋友吗?(将来时be going to+动原)30你准备逗留多久?(将来时be going to+动原)31我不敢相信我的眼睛。32对我来说写下这个音词很容易(注意It's…to do句型)33它是关于什么的?34发生什么事了?


That's terrible.I can't believe my eyes.It's easy for me to write down the word.What's it about?What happens?What are you going to do this holiday?Are you going to (visit your friends)?How long are you going to stay?

=use sth.to do)

e going to+动原)



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