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人教版 必修一Unit 3 句子翻译

人教版 必修一Unit 3 句子翻译
人教版 必修一Unit 3 句子翻译

Unit 3 句子翻译练习

1.我们迫不及待地想骑车旅行了。(can’t wait to do)


3.她试着说服她丈夫坐飞机去,但他丈夫坚持要做火车去。(persuade, insist on)

4.Tom一直梦想着做一次环球旅行。(dream about, journey)


6.我认为在夜空下爬山是一件有趣的事。(it’s fun…., beneath)

7.自从他10年前离家出走,她就没有他的音讯了。(ever since)

8.我不并乎钓到多少鱼,我只是喜欢钓鱼时的宁静。(care about, care for)

9.他们决定第二天一大早就出发。(determine )


11.如果一个人老是改变主意,他将一事无成。(change one’s mind)


13.她从不向困难妥协。(give in)


15.他想用自己的羊毛衫换你的茄克衫。(wool coat, change…for….)


1.We can’t wait to take a bike trip.

2. I prefer to stay at home rather than go to

the movie.

I prefer staying at home to going to the movie.

3.She tried to persuade her husband to travel

by plane ,but he insisted on going by train.

4.Tom has been dreaming about making a

journey around the world.

5.People here use the river to transport

( for transporting ) people and goods. 6.I think it’s fun to climb the mountain

beneath the stars.

7.She hasn’t heard from him ever since he

left home 10 years ago.

.I don’t care about how many fish I catch. What I care for is the peace while fishing.

(I just care for the peace while fishing. )

9.They determined to leave/set off

early the next morning.

10.The meeting was badly organized.

11.If one is always changing his mind, he will

succeed in nothing.

12.He insisted (that) he hadn’t stolen anything and that he (should) be set free.

13.She never gives in to difficulties.

14.It’s hard to breathe at a high altitude.

15.He wants to change his wool coat for

your jacket.

16. I’m leaving for America next Wednesday, and the plane takes off at 3 pm.

人教版高一英语必修一unit3 课文翻译和知识点详解

Unit 3 Travel Journal 旅行日记 Journey down the Mekong 旅行湄公河 part1:THE DREAM AND THE PLAN 梦想和计划 My name is Wang Kun.① Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip. Two years ago,she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one. Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming. They are Dai and grew up in western Yunnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.(同位语)Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too. ② It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the entire Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. Now she is


Words and expressions Unit 1 1、She was really u_____ about the way her father treated her. 2、It was very stupid of you to i_____ your mother’s advice. 3、He made a good s_____ in last exam. 4、All the people are c_____ about the growth of the younger generation. 5、She’s h_____ my book away somewhere. 6、My summer vocation was completely spoiled by a_____ of wet days . 7、The boy is c____ about skating. 8、It’s against n_____ for a mother to hurt her child. 9、He came here on p____ to discuss it with you. 10、How d______ you say so? 11、Design a_____ to find out what kind of friends your classmates are. 12、I live all a____ but I don’t feel lonely. 13、I want your a_____ on this work. 14、It is a little difficult to c____ someone down when he or she is excited. 15、He was caught c_____ in the exam. 16、No matter what he says, don’t ____ him. 17、C_________ with other countries was difficult during the war. 18、He formed the h______ of getting up early. 19、Both of them are e_____ of China Daily. 20、List what a good friend should do and ____ the list with your partners.(分享) 21、They are _____ .(骗子). 22、He paid no attention to their_______(自尊心) 23、Arrange the exhibits_______ to size.(根据) 24、He’s_____ from loss of memory.(患有) 25、The politician is really in a dangerous______.(境遇). 26、Why don’t you ____your idea ____on paper?(写下) 27、He _________________his English study(有困难) 28、She ___________________a foreigner.(爱上) 29、____________to change the situation.(努力) 30、____________snow can cause trouble.(过多)


英语必修3句子翻译练习 Module 3 Unit 1 1. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。(in memory of) The hospital was built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. 2. 孩子们盼望着万圣节,在那时候他们可以盛装打扮并互相捉弄。(look forward to; dress up; play a trick on) The children are looking forward to Halloween when they can dress up and play tricks on each other. 3. 我肯定他在会议上出现,因为他是一个守诺言的人。(turn up; keep one’s word) I’m sure that he will turn up at the meeting because he is a man who keeps his word. 4. 大家都很清楚他在撒谎。(obvious) It was obvious to everyone that he was lying. 5. 这出电影让外婆想起了她的童年。(remind … of …) The movie reminded grandma of her childhood. 6. 那个国家最后终于脱离美国,赢得了独立。(gain independence from) The country gained independence from the USA at last. 7. 他屏住气,一头扎进河里。(hold one’s breath) He held his breath and dived into the river. 8. 农民们正在地里收割庄稼时,就在那时他们听到了溺水女孩在呼救。(gather; drown) The farmers were gathering crops in the field when they heard the drowning girl calling for help. 9. 他为他的粗鲁无礼向我道歉并希望我能原谅他。(apologize; forgive) He apologized to me for his rudeness and hoped that I would forgive him. 10. 他们一获得许可就马上出发去灾区。(set off; permission) They set off for the disaster-hit area as soon as they got the permission. Module 3 Unit 2 1. 如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。(benefit,consult with) You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult with your teacher. 2. 他认为自己能够逃过学习而考试,但最后他失败了。( get away with ) He thought he could get away with not studying for the exam, but in the end he failed. 3. 除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。(a balanced diet, put on weight ) Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight. 4. 他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze) He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown. 5. 在做了一个令人惊叹的演讲之后,他又赢回了同事们的支持。(Win back…) After making a wonderful speech, he was able to win back the support of his colleagues. 6. 他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(Earn a good living, be limited by; lack of) His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education. 7. 如果我们联合起来,我们能减少完成这一项目所需要的时间。(combine one’s efforts; cut down) If we combine our efforts, we can cut down the time needed to complete the project. 8. 在搬进新房子之前,他扔掉了不需要的东西。(Throw…away)


高中语文必修一文言文翻译重点句 1 ?君子曰:学不可以已。青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。 君子说:学习不可以停止。靛青是从蓝草中提取的,但是颜色比蓝草要更深;冰是水毀成的,但是比水更冷。 2.故木受绳则直,金就砺则利,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。所以木材经墨线画过就直了,金属刀剑拿到磨刀石上就锋利了,君子广博地学习并且每天对自己检验反省,就能智慧明达,行为没有过错了。 3?君子生非异也,善假于物也。 君子的天赋不長和一般人不同,是他们善于借助客观条件啊。 4?蟹六跪而二螯,非蛇缮之穴无可寄托者,用心躁也。 螃蟹有六只脚和两只钳夹,除了蛇洞和鳍洞就没有可以藏身的地方,是因为用心浮躁。 5?吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝跋而望矣,不如登高之博见也。 我曾经整天地思考,不如片刻学习的收获大;我曾提起脚后跟远望,不如登上高处看见的围广。 6、蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。 蚯蚓没有锋利的爪牙、坚强的筋骨,却能向上吃泥土,向下引地下水,是因为用心专一。 《师说》 1?师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 老师是传授道理、教授学业、解释疑难的人。

2?吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎? 我学习的是道理,哪里要了解他的年龄是比我大还小呢? 3?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 因此,无论地位高贵还是地位低贱,不论年长还是年少,道存在的地方,也是老师存在的地方。 4?古之圣人,其出人也远矣,犹且从师而问焉;今之众人,其下圣人也亦远矣,而耻学于师。 古代的圣人,他们超过一般人很远,还要跟从老师向老师请教;现在的许多人,他们比圣人差的远了,却以向老师学习为耻。 5. 是故圣益圣,愚益愚。圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎?所以圣人更加圣明,愚蠢的人就更加愚蠢,圣人之所以成为圣人,愚人之所以成为愚人,大概都是由于这个缘故吧。 6?彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也。 那些教育儿童的老师,教孩子们读书,让他们学会停顿断句的,并非我所说的传授道理、解释疑难的老师。 7?问之,则曰:彼与彼年相若也,道相似也。位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。问那些嘲笑者,他们就说/那个人与某人年龄相近,修养和学业也差不多。” 以地位低的人为师,就认为耻辱,称地位髙的人为师就被认为谄媚。 8. 巫医乐师百工之人,君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤? 巫师、医生、乐师及各种工匠,士大夫一族是不屑一提的,现在士大夫的认识反而赶不上他们,这不是很奇怪吗? 9. 是故弟子不必不如师,师不必贤于弟子。闻道有先后,术业有专攻,如是而


高一英语必修一Unit 3课文翻译 Unit 3 Travel journal Reading JOURNEY DOWN THE MEKONG 沿湄公河而下的旅程 PART 1 THE DREAM AND THE PLAN第一部分梦想与计划 My name is Wang Kun. Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I have dreamed about taking a great bike trip.我的名字叫王坤。从高 中起,我姐姐王薇和我就一直梦想作一次伟大的自行车旅行。Two years ago she bought an expensive mountain bike and then she persuaded me to buy one.两年前,她买了一辆昂贵的山地自行车,然后还说服我 买了一辆(山地车)。Last year, she visited our cousins, Dao Wei and Yu Hang at their college in Kunming.去年她去看望了我们的表兄弟——在 昆明读大学的刀卫和宇航。They are Dai and grew up in western Y unnan Province near the Lancang River, the Chinese part of the river that is called the Mekong River in other countries.他们是傣族人,在云南省西 部靠近澜沧江的地方长大,湄公河在中国境内的这一段叫澜沧江,在 其他国家(境内)叫湄公河。Wang Wei soon got them interested in cycling too.很快,王薇使表兄弟也对骑车旅游产生了兴趣。After graduating from college, we finally got the chance to take a bike trip.大学毕业以后, 我们终于有了机会骑自行车旅行。I asked my sister, "Where are we going?"我问我姐姐:“我们要去哪儿?” It was my sister who first had the


一小测验 Ⅰ.课标单词 1. __________ adj. 热心的,热情的→enthusiasm n. 热心;热情 2. __________ adj. 令人惊异的→ _______ v. 使吃惊→ ________ adj. 感到吃惊的→ amazement n. 惊愕,惊异 3. __________ n. 信息→ inform vt. 通知,告知 4. __________ n. 指示,用法说明→ instruct v. 教导,命令,指示 5. _________ adj. 令人厌烦的→ _______ adj. (对某人/事物)厌倦的,烦闷的→ ______ vt. 使厌烦 6. ___________ adj. 尴尬的,难堪的→ __________ v. 使困窘,使局促不安→ _____________ adj. 令人为难的→ embarrassment n. 窘迫;为难 7. __________ n. 行为,举止→behave v. 举动,举止 8. __________ n. 描述;形容;描写→ describe vt. 描写,记述 9. _______ vt. 使(人)印象深刻;使铭记→ __________ n. 印象,感想→ impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的 10. __________ n.纠正,改正→correct adj.正确的→ _______ v.改正,纠正,批改 11. __________ v. 鼓励,激励→ __________ adj. 鼓舞人心的→ ___________ adj. 受到鼓舞的,更有信心的→ encouragement n. 鼓励,奖励 12.enjoyment n. 享受,乐趣→ _______ v. 享受,喜欢→ ________ adj. 令人愉快的,有乐趣的 13.fluency n. 流利,流畅→ _______ adj. 流利的,流畅的 14. _____________ adj. 失望的→ ______________ adj. 使人失望的,令人失望的→ disappoint vt. 使失望→ _____________ n. 失望 15. _________ n. 助手,助理→ assist v.帮助 Ⅱ.常用短语 1.____________________________________与……相似 2.____________________________________某人对(做)某事的态度 3.____________________________________离……远,远非 4.____________________________________一点不像,与……完全不同 5.____________________________________玩得很开心 6.____________________________________起初,一开始 7.____________________________________换句话说 8.____________________________________期待;盼望 9.____________________________________对……印象深刻 10.____________________________________在……开始的时候 11.____________________________________在……结束的时候 12.____________________________________被(划)分成…… 13.____________________________________参加


1.贰:从属二主)并且在与晋国结盟的情况下又与楚国结盟。 2.【敢:岂敢(怎敢);执事:敬称,您】怎敢拿这件事来麻烦您? 3. 远:边远的国家)越过别的国家把边远的地方当做边邑。 4.(厚:变雄厚;薄:变薄弱)邻国的势力雄厚了,您秦国的势力也就相对削弱了。 5.且君尝为晋君赐矣:(为:给予;赐,恩惠,好处)况且您曾经给予晋惠公恩惠。 6. 许君焦、瑕,朝济而夕设版焉:(晋惠公)许诺给您焦、瑕两邑,(但他)早上(渡过黄河)上 8.(第一个“封”:使……成为疆界;肆:扩张;第二个“封”:疆 (微:没有;夫人:这个人)没有这个人的力量,我就不会到这个地位(或。 :(因:依仗,依靠;敝:损害)依靠人家的力量反过来伤害人家,不仁慈; 11.(与:结交;“知”通“智”,明智)失掉了自己所结交的(同盟国), 12.(易:替代):用战乱来改变出兵时的整肃,是不勇武的。 13.吾其还也(其:还是):我们还是回去吧! 1.:(谒:请)即使没有太子说的这番话,我也希望向您请求赴秦了。 2.(更:改变)希望您再想想(考虑)别的办法吧! 正常语序为:顾不知计所出耳)(顾:只,仅仅):只是不知道报仇的计策 (然则:既然这样,那么;见:被;陵:欺侮,凌辱): 4.樊於期偏袒扼腕而进曰:!”:(乃今:如今)樊於期脱下一只衣袖,露出一只胳膊,抓着自己的手腕走上前说:“这是我日日夜夜咬牙切齿拍自己的胸膛表示痛心啊,如今得以听到教诲。 5.(函:用匣子):于是就收拾安放樊於期的首级,用匣子 6.(为:准备):于是准备行装派荆轲(赴秦)。 7. wǔ,逆,迎着]视:人们不敢迎着目光看(他)。 ※8. 荆轲有所待,欲与俱,其人居远未来,而为留待:荆轲等待着一个朋友,想要同(他)一起 。 9. ?丹请先遣秦武阳!”(迟:认为…迟缓):过了些时候(荆轲)还没有出发,太子嫌(他)动身晚了,怀疑他有了改变初衷和后悔的念头,就又请求他说:“日子已经不多了,荆卿难道不打算启程吗?请让我先 10.通“返”,返回)者,竖子也:现在去了而不能回来复命的,那是没出息的人! 11.(“决”通“诀”,诀别,告别):那就请让我(现在和你们)告辞诀别。 12.(荆轲)就上路了。 13.[zhǐ]之声:荆轲应和着唱歌,发出变徵的声调。


Unit3 知识点(班二) 词汇要点 1.determine vt.决定,决心,确定,测定 Determination n. 决心,毅力determined adj. 坚毅的,下决心的decide[同义]v.决定典型用法be determined to do sth ⑴She is a girl of great ______________ (determine). ⑵He is determined ________ (face) out the situation. ⑶There is a ____________ (determine) look on his face. 2.similar adj. 类似的,相似的 be similar to[搭配]类似于,与……相似the same ...as...[近义]与……相同 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f22761269.html,anize v.组织 organization n.组织,机构organizer n.组织者organized adj. 有组织的 4.surprise vt.使惊奇,使诧异n. 惊奇,诧异 Surprised adj. 感到惊讶的surprising adj. 令人惊讶的 be surprised at 对…感到惊讶to one,s surprise (=surprisingly) 令人感到惊奇地是 (1) Everybody here was ____ (surprise)the news. (2) ________________________ (surprise),he was so frank that he told me all of his secrets. 5..transport n.& v.运送;运输 派生:transportation n.运输;交通工具 6.persuade vt.说服,劝说 persuade sb. to do 说服/劝服某人去做 persuade sb. into doing 说服/劝服某人去做 persuade sb. out of doing说服/劝服某人不做 注意:劝而不服则要用advise sb.to do sth.或者try to persuade sb.to do sth.。 ⑴我们劝李老师戒烟,他不再抽烟啦! __________________________________,and he never smoked at last. ⑵我们劝王老师戒烟,可他不戒。 ___________________________________________________________,but he didn’t. 7.graduate v.毕业n.大学毕业生派生:graduation n.毕业 短语:graduate from 毕业于 (1)After ____________ (graduate),what are you going to do? (2)My sister graduated ______ Beijing University ____ 1982. (3) He is _____ graduate of Oxford. (填冠词) 8..care vi.关心;介意n.关心;照顾 care about ( be worried about/concerned with)忧虑;担心;惦念


高一英语必修一1-5单元练习unit1 一)把句子补充完整 1. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道 You will know the __________ when you _______ ________ all the numbers. 2. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。 We tried to _________ him _________ but he kept __________ excitedly. 3. 玛丽在医院里住了很长一段时间后,恢复了健康。 After a long stay________ _________ Mary ________ 4. 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。 Since Li Ming _________ here, he has ________ ________ _____ < _________ his neighbours. 5. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。 If you don’t want to stay with me, you can _______ _______ and go. 6. 战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历, 以便老了以后能够记住。 During the war, I ________ a lot. I wrote my diary to ________ ________ my ___________, so I would __________ them when I was old. 二)填入所缺的词。 1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ down myself. 2. Parents are always c_______ much about their children. . 3. True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other. 4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________. 5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow. 6. A_______ to the law, t_______ are not allowed to smoke or drink. 7. The old man went t_______ many wars and s_____ a lot from them. 8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e________. 9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________. 10. By internet, we can c_________ with people all over the world c_________. 11. By now, he has formed the h______ of doing some reading before going to bed. 12. The r_____ he gave for his c_____ in the exam was simple. [ 三)选择填空 --- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while


1.君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。 君子广博地学习而且每天检查反省自己,就能智慧明达并且行为没有过错了。 2.君子生非异也,善假于物也。 君子的天赋和一般人没有不同,只是他们善于借助外物罢了。 3.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。 蚯蚓没有锋利的爪子和牙齿,强健的筋骨,却能向上吞食尘土,向下喝地下的泉水,是因为用心专一。 4.木直中绳,輮以为轮,其曲中规。 木材直得符合拉直的墨线,用糅的工艺把它制成车轮,它的弯度就合乎圆规的标准了。 5.虽有槁暴,不复挺者,輮使之然也。 即使又被风吹日晒而干枯了,不会再挺直,是因为用火烤使它成为这样的。 6.吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎? 我以道为师,哪里用得着知道他的年龄比我大还是小呢? 7.圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎? 圣人成为圣人的原因,愚人成为愚人的原因,大概都是由于这个缘故吧? 8.位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。 以地位低的人为师,就足以感到羞耻;以官大的人为师,就被认为近于谄媚。 9.句读之不知,惑之不解,或师焉,或不焉,小学而大遗,吾未见其明也。 不明句读,不解决疑惑,有的从师,有的不从师,小的学了,大的却丢了,我没有看到他的明达之处。 10.彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非无所谓传其道解其惑者也。 那些孩子的老师,教他读书,学习书中的文句,并不是我所说的传授那些道理解答那些疑难问题的老师。 11.余嘉其能行古道,作《师说》以贻之。 我赞赏他能履行古人之道,写《师说》来送给他。 12.少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。 不一会儿,月亮从东山之上升起,在斗宿和牛宿之间缓慢地移动。 13.纵一苇之所如,凌万顷之茫然。 我们任凭苇叶般的小船在茫茫万顷的江面上自由飘动,越过浩荡渺远的江面。 14.固一世之雄也,而今安在哉?


Section ⅢUsing Language 基础夯实 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It is ________ (正好是) four o'clock, not one minute more nor one minute less. 2.The old man was ________ (感激的) to me for my carrying the luggage for him. 3.She strongly ________ (不喜欢) being spoken to like that. 4.It is the custom to give a ________ (小费) after you are served in western countries. 5.They ________ (交换) books with each other. 6.There is an unfair ________ (条款) in this contract. 7.He has ________ (收到) a letter from his family. 8.Please ________ (解释) why you are late. 9.This song is popular with ________(青少年). 10.I often ask for ________ (建议) when in trouble. 答案 1.exactly 2.grateful 3.disliked 4.tip 5.swapped 6.item7.received8.explain9.teenagers10.advice Ⅱ.完成句子 1.The cost ________ ________ ________ (总计达) 100 million yuan.(add) 2.It is the first time I________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________(面对面与她交谈).(talk) 3.I ________ ________ ________(担忧) her safety.(concern)


《劝学》 1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水。 靛青,是从蓝草中提取的,但是比蓝草的颜色还要青;冰,是水凝结而成的,却比水还要寒冷。 2、君子博学而日参省乎已,则知明而行无过矣。 君子广泛地学习,并且每天检验反省自己,那么他就会聪明多智,并且行为就不会有过错了。 3、假舆马者,非利足也,而致千里。 借助车马的人,并不是脚走得快,但是可以到达千里之外。 4、假舟楫者,非能水也,而绝江河。 借助舟船的人,并不是会游泳,但是可以横渡江河。 5、君子生非异也,善假于物也。 君子的本性跟一般人没什么不同,只是君子善于借助外物罢了。 6、积善成德,而神明自得,圣心备焉。 积累善行养成高尚的品德,那么精神和智慧就得到提升,圣人的心境由此具备。 7、故不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。 所以不积累一步半步的行程,就没有办法达到千里之外;不积累细小的流水,就没有办法汇成江河大海。 8、锲而舍之,朽木不折;锲而不舍,金石可镂。 用刀雕刻一下就停止,那么腐朽的木头也刻不断;用刀雕刻永不停止,那么金石也能雕刻成功。 《师说》 9、师者,所以传道受业解惑也。 老师,是靠他来传授道理、教授学业、解释疑难问题的人。

10、惑而不从师,其为惑也,终不解矣。 有了疑惑却不跟随老师学习,那些成为疑难的问题,就始终不能解决。 11、人非生而知之者,孰能无惑? 人不是生下来就懂得道理的,谁能没有疑惑? 12、吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎! 我学习道理,哪里要了解他的年龄比我大还是小呢? 13、生乎吾前,其闻道也固先乎吾。 出生在我之前的人,他得知真理本来比我早。 14、是故无贵无贱,无长无少,道之所存,师之所存也。 因此无论地位显贵还是地位低下,无论年纪大的还是年纪小的,(只要是)道理存在的地方,就是老师存在的地方。 15、圣人之所以为圣,愚人之所以为愚,其皆出于此乎? 圣人成为圣人的原因,愚人成为愚人的原因,大概都是由于这个原因而引起的吧? 16、彼童子之师,授之书而习其句读者,非吾所谓传其道解其惑者也。 那些孩子们的老师,是教孩子读书来帮助他们断句的,尚不是我所说的给人传授道理、给人解释疑惑的老师。 17、位卑则足羞,官盛则近谀。 以地位低的人为师,那是很使人丢脸的事,以官位高的人为师,就近于谄媚。” 18、巫医、乐师、百工之人,君子不齿,今其智乃反不能及,其可怪也欤! 巫医、乐师、百工这些人,君子们是不屑提及的,现在士大夫的智慧反而赶不上(这些人),多么奇怪啊! 《赤壁赋》 19、少焉,月出于东山之上,徘徊于斗牛之间。 不一会儿,月亮从东山上面升起,在斗宿和牛宿之间逗留不前。


1.为了保持健康,我叔叔经常早起去锻炼。(in order to; frequently; take exercise) 2. 比起开车,我同桌更喜欢骑自行车。(prefer to do rather than do) 3. 这是我哥第二次用英语和别人交流。(this is the second time that…) 4.即使我们发现完成这个任务有点难,我们还是提前完成了它。(even if; schedule;it形式宾语) 5. 信不信由你,没有标准英语这样东西。 6.我们班主任是一个很容易相处的人,因为她可靠,诚实且关心别人。(get along with;care about) 7.曾经我梦想成为一名科学家,但现在我对医学变得痴迷。(there was a time; dream of; be crazy about) 8.自从2008年来,安吉县的汽车数量增长迅速。(ever since; the number of;increase) 9.圣诞节快到了,孩子们迫不及待想庆祝了。 10.老师坚持我们写日记来记下这次有趣的经历。(insist; keep a diary; set down) 11. 就我而言,环境对一个人的成长起着重要的作用(in my view; growth; environment; play a part)。 12. 我堂姐星期五要去西湖。这是她第三次去那里了。(be doing; this is the … time that…) 13. 他坚定的表情告诉我们,谁都无法改变他的想法。(change one’s mind) 14、妈妈坚持认为我应该在10点以前睡觉。(insist) 15、地震发生的时候我叔叔正在楼上睡觉。(when) 16、一旦她来组织这次活动,你就知道她是一个很固执但很有决心的人。(once; determined)


13人小班课堂第一课 授课日期:2017.10.09 教学主题:相互认识、必修一第一单元单词 教学重点:简单的自我介绍句子、重点单词拓展、重点单词造句举例 教学难点:单词拓展与使用举例 教学目标:1.学生与老师快速适应; 2.学生能够正确使用简单句介绍自己; 3.学生至少掌握5个重点单词的词形转换与简单例句。 教学内容: 一.简单自我介绍 范文一: Hello, everybody. My name is XXX. I studied in the XXX Middle School in the past three years ,during which I have been very fond of and good at English and Chinese ever since. My hobbies include swimming in summer, skating in winter as well as reading novels and listening to music in my spare time. I am a warm-hearted girl who like communicating with others and making more friends. That is my character is extroversion's. Nowadays, I am glad to be one of you and looking forward to my brand-new life. Thank you! 范文二: My name is ________. I am graduate from ________ school . There are ________ people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.

高一英语必修一 unit1

课时作业(一)Unit 1Friendship Section ⅡWarming up & Reading—Language Points (本栏目内容,在学生用书中以独立形式分册装订!) Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1. They are discussing how to build up a____________(power) government. 答案:powerful 2.Please clean the____________(dust) windows after class. 答案:dusty 3.The poor woman is so____________(concern) about her son’s safety that she couldn’t sleep well all night. 答案:concerned 4.To be honest,I don’t think you’ll get the work________(finish) on time. 答案:finished 5.Hearing what Father had said,the crying child soon calmed________. 答案:down 6.I once studied some Japanese at college,but I’m afraid that I’ve________(entire) forgotten it now. 答案:entirely 7.If you add________ all the numbers,you’ll find you have made more progress. 答案:up 8.Little Jim________(ignore) his teacher’s suggestion so he made the same mistake again. 答案:ignored 9.While________(walk) his dog in the park yesterday afternoon,Bob heard someone shouting for help in the distance. 答案:walking 10.—Do you know our town? —No.This is the first time that I________________(come) here. 答案:have come Ⅱ.选词填空 add up,calm down,go through,face to face,at dusk,set dow n 1.You’re too excited.We will discuss the problem when you____________. 答案:calm down 2.Peter has lost his job,and the family is________________a very difficult time. 答案:going through 3.I’ve talked to him on the phone but I’ve never actually met him __________________. 答案:face to face 4.The writer used to________________all his important thoughts in his diary. 答案:set down 5.When we________________the numbers,we realized we had spent too much. 答案:added up 6.The hike took me 3 hours,and finally I was back ______________________. 答案:at dusk Ⅲ.完成句子 1.He picked up a wallet while________________(步行回家时). 答案:(he was) walking home 2.__________________________________________(是英语老师) told us an interesting story in class yesterday. 答案:It was my English teacher who/that 3.To be honest,it was the first time that I______________________________________(看这么好的一部电影). 答案:had seen such a good film 4.________________________________________(曾经有一段时期) we didn’t get along well

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