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[1]A cargo exception would appear on

A. a Bill of Lading.

B. the cargo manifest.

C. the-Export Declaration.

D. a Letter of Indemnity.

Key: A 一个货物例外条款将出现在提货单上

[2]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a

A: Polluter B. Emitter C. Spiller. D. Oiler

Key : A (光盘)船舶排放有害物质进入空气或溢出流入海中的石油是污染源

[3]Antiseptics are used principally to

A. speed-healing

B. prevent infection

C. reduce inflammation.

D. increase blood circulation

Key: B (光盘)消毒剂主要用于防止感染

[4]Any partial loss or damage shall be pro rata on the basis of such declared value.

A. adjusted

B. arranged

C. determined

D. fixed

Key : A (光盘)任何部分的损伤或损害应根据这类声明的价值被按比例核算。

[5]At the time of ,you will be credited with two days' extra basic salary.

A: paying-off B. signing off C. sending off D. going off

Key: B 在签署解雇合同时,你将得到两天额外的基本工资。参阅《劳务输出合同》第9条

[6]Beams are cambered to

A. increase their strength

B. provide drainage from the decks

C. relieve

deck stress D. All of the above

Key: B 甲板横梁被制成弧型是方便甲板排水。

A. home

B. family

C. China

D. returning

Key : A (光盘)我收到指令,在我船回航途中,我将挂靠Maderra港装载一些货物。

[8]Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing

A. automobiles

B. baled cargo

C. large wooden crates

D. palletized Cargo

Key : A (光盘)叠架捆货法设备最普遍用于汽车的固定。

[9]Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail

A. in dense fog

B. in boisterous weather

C. in the- open sea

D. in Rivers

Key : A (光盘)雷达使我们在浓雾中安全航行成为可能。

[10]The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the .

A. Proof bar

B. Shifting bar

C. Long bar

D. Spreader

Key : D (光盘)防止引航梯扭曲的梯踏板是横撑杆。

[11] will be broadcast every one hour on VHF Channel 6.

A. VHF News

B. Channel Rules

C. Visibility Time

D. Navigationals Warnings

Key : D (光盘)在这个港口,它的规定是航行警告是每小时在甚高频6频道播发

[12]A wooden float placed between a ship and a dock to prevent damage to both is called a .

A. camel

B. dolphin

C. rat guard

D. wedge

Key : A (光盘)一个木制的漂浮物放在船和码头之间以防止两者的损坏,叫做浮护木。

[13]Cargoes which an explosive inflammable poisonous and corrosive nature are called dangerous goods.

A. is

B. are of

C. is of

D. are

Key :B 易爆易燃有毒,有腐蚀性的性质的货物被称为危险货物。

[14]Concerning the use of a stabilogauge稳性测量仪, what of the following cannot be found?

A. Mean draft

B. Trim

C. Displacement

D. Deadweight

B (光盘)关于使用稳性测量仪,以下什么不能被得到?吃水差

[15]Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean .

A. lower low water

B. high water

C. low ater

D. sea level

Key :D (光盘)这海图的正面等高线指的是英尺表示的平均海平面以上的高度。


A. Grounding

B. Sailing

C. Adrift 漂流

D. Running into danger

Key : C (光盘)浮动控制没有明确确定的方向就是漂流

[17]I should like to rent a house modern comfortable and in a quiet neighborhood.

A. all in all

B. after all

C. above all

D. over all

Key : C 我想租一幢现代舒适,首先在一个安静的社区

[18]Most propellers on merchant vessels are constructed of

A: manganese bronze.锰青铜 B. cast iron. C. mild steel. D. improved plow steel

Key : A (光盘)许多船舶的螺旋桨都是锰铜做的。

[19]Prior to magnetic particle inspection of anchor chain, the chain should be

A. degaussed

B. demagnetized

C. soaked

D. sandblasted

Key : D (光盘)在对锚链进行磁粉检验(磁粉探伤)之前,锚链应被喷沙。

[20]Since the fire is increasing on board the vessel, the Captain orders that the ship be

A. subtle

B. dental

C. brittle

D. scuttled 急忙撤退

Key : D (光盘)因为船上的火灾蔓延,船长命令弃船。

[21]Sometimes a tropical storm moves so slowly that a vessel if astern of it can it.

A. cross

B. approach

C. proceed near

D. run into 追上

Key : D (光盘)有时候热带风暴移动缓慢,以至在他后面的船舶可以进去。

[22]That means the bags are refilled with loosed contents.





Key : D 那包袋重新收集意思是包裹用散装内容物重装。

[23] should you do first when heaving up the anchor.

A. Engage the wildcat 锚链轮

B. Release the brake C: Release the pawl D.Engage the motor

Key : A 起锚时,你第一步将做合上持链轮。

[24]All dunnage planks and mats must be sent on board commencement of loading.

A. prior to

B. during

C. in the period of

D. afterwards

Key : A 所有垫舱木板和草席必须在开始装货之前被送上船。

[25]Chafing 防磨擦gear is normally used

A. for portable fenders

B. for ground tackle

C. on the inside of the hawsepipe

D. on mooring lines

Key : D 防擦装置通常有在系泊绳上。

[26]Clouds are classified according to their

A. size

B. moisture content

C. altitude and how they were formed

D.location in a front

Key : C 云按其高度和形状如何分类。高度和形成方式

[27]Fog is most commonly associated with a(n)

A. warn front at night

B. low pressure area

C. anticyclone

D. lack of frontal activity

Key : A 雾最普遍伴随着夜间的暖锋。

[28]Permission is kindly requested the clean ballast water at Berth No. 196.

A. pump out

B. to pump out

C. pumping out

D. be pumped out

Key : B 请求允许在第196号泊位排放压载水。

[29]Possession of a bill of lading enables the holder obtain delivery of the goods at the port of destination.

A. to

B. by

C. on

D. in

Key : A 提单的拥有能够使持有者在目的港获得交货。

[34]Reinforcing frames attached to a bulkhead on a vessel are called

A. side longitudinals

B. intercostals

C. stiffeners

D. brackets

Key : B 附着在船舶舱壁上的加强肋骨框架被称为扶强材。

[31]Strong smelling cargo should be stowed the cargo absorbing foreign smell.

A. together with

B. on top of

C. underneath

D. away from

Key :D 味重的货物应该远离吸味的货物

[32]We enclose herewith an application in triplicate for repaits

A. in one copy

B. in two copies

C. in three copies

D. in four copies

Key :C 我们同此附寄修理申请一式三份。

[33]What is NOT a securing system used on as contoinership

A. Lashing system

B. Stacking system

C. Locking system

D. Buttress system

Key : B (光盘)什么不是用于集装箱系固系统。B为堆码系统

[34]You may terminate the tenure at any time after the probationary实习period giving one month notice in writing.

A. on

B. by

C. in

D. at

Key : B 在试用期之后,你可以在任何时候解除本合约,但应(通过)提前一个月作出书面通知。参阅《劳务输出合同》第27条

[35]After the passage of a cold front the visibility

A. does not change

B. improves rapidly

C. improves only slightly

D. becomes poor

Key : B 冷锋过境后,能见度迅速地改善。


A. Foul缠绕of anchor

B. Dropping anchor

C. Weighing anchor

D.Walking back anchor

Key : A 锚被其自身的链缠绕在周围定义为锚链缠绕。

[37]Cargo booms must be weight tested to recertify the Safe Working Load (SWL) every

A. year

B. two years

C. four years

D. five years

Key : D (光盘)吊臂必须重量测试每5年重新认证的安全工作负荷

[38]Chafing gear is used to

A. anchor the boat

B. pick up heavy loads

C. protect fiber rope from abrasion

D. strengthen mooring lines

Key : C (光盘)防擦装置被用于保护纤维绳的磨损。

[39]Frames to which the tank top and bottom shell are fastened are called

A. floors

B. intercostals

C. stringers

D. tank top supports

Key : A (光盘)固定在舱顶和船底间的肋骨架构叫做肋板。

[40]It should be observed the master is not bound to show both the number of packages and the weight.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. when

Key : A 应该被注意到,船长没有责任说明货物的件数和重量。


[41]Life jackets should be marked with the

A. maximum weight allowed

B. stowage space assigned

C. vessel's home port

D. vessel's name

Key : D 救生衣必须标记以船名。

[42]Sea Protest should be presented to

A. Emigration Office

B. The Harbour Master or Port Authority

C. Ship Registers

D. Port Captain

Key : B 海事声明应(被)提交给港监局局长(港务监督长)或港口当局。

[43]Separating both blocks of a tackle to prepare it for reuse is called

A. chockablocking

B. fleeting

C. overhauling

D. two blocking

Key : C 为了重新使用而分开滑车的两个部件进行修理叫做拆修。

[44]The cesser clause mainly purports to relieve from paying demurrage.

A. the Shipowner

B. the carrier

C. the shipper

D. the Charterer

Key : D (租船契约上的)责任终止条款主要意味着解除承租人支付滞期费。

[45]The productivity of working shifts can be improved through a decrease of

A. working hours

B. gangs

C. idle time

D. weight per set

Key : C 工班的工作效率能够通过减少待时来提高。

[46]The Shipowner that the ship shall proceed on the voyage with reasonable despatch.

A. contains

B. occurs

C. encounters

D. undertakes保证

Key : D 船东承诺船舶在航次进行当中有合理的速谴。

[47]The speed at which a storm centre moves is the

A. Speed of movement

B. Speed of advance.

C. Speed of storm

D. Stone movement speed

Key : B 风暴中心移动的速度是前进的速度

[48]Usually it will be who will be liable for the payment of demurrage.

A. the Shipowner

B. the shipper

C. the carrier

D. the Charterer

Key : D 一般来说,由承租人负责支付滞期费用。

[49] the torn bags of castor seeds you mentioned we have already replaced them by new ones.

A. Regard

B. Regards

C. Regarded

D. Regarding

Key : D 关于你提到的篦麻子破包,我们早已将它们换新。

[50]All the cargo holds must be cleaned out meet the requirement of the cargo surveyor .

A. such / that

B. so / that

C. such / to

D. so / as to

Key : D 所有货舱必须被清洁的如此干净以致于符合货物检验员的要求。

[51 By regulation,cargo tanks must be inert before and during what operation

A. Stripping

B. Loading

C. Cleaning

D. Crude oil washing

Key : D (光盘)对于规定,货油舱在进行什么操作前和过程中必须被惰化?原油洗舱。

[52]Catenary as applied to tow lines denotes the

A. Dip of the line--浸入水中的缆绳

B. Stretch of the line—缆绳的延长

C. Strain on the line—缆绳吃力

D. Length of the line—缆绳的长度

Key : A 悬链线当应用于拖缆时表示浸入水中的缆绳。

[53]Cyclonic storm of the China Seas the hurricane of the West Indian Ocean.

A. is refer to

B. corresponds to

C. is same as

D. stand for

Key : B 中国海的气旋风暴相当于西印度洋的飓风。

[54]El Abbasa (Sweet Mater) Canal from River Nile at Cairo to Suez Canal at Ismailia.

A. extend

B. extending

C. extends

D. are extending

Key : C EL Abbasa(甜水)运河自开罗的尼罗河延伸到伊斯梅利亚(埃及城市)的Suez运河。

[55]Generally speaking,the most favorable bottom for anchoring is

A. very soft mud

B. rocky

C. a mixture of mud and clay

D. loose sand

Key : C 一般来说,大多数锚泊的良好底质是泥沙混合物。

[56]If you had started loading earlier, you loading now.

A: would finish B. will have finished C. would have finished D. will be finished

Key :C 如果你早点开始装货,现在就会装完货。If+过去完成时,主语+would+have+过去分词

[57]Life preservers must be marked with the .

A. stowage space assigned

B.. vessel's name

C. vessel's home port

D.maximum weight allowed

Key :B 救生浮具必须标记以船名。

[58]Never make comment,estimate or guess in your Logbook,but only.

A. the specifications .

B. the facts

C. the descriptions

D. the details

Key :B (光盘)不要将评语,估计和猜测记入航海日志中,但仅除事实外。

[59]Of the following, is not likely to be a proper remark made on mate receipt.

A. Stave off---桶板脱落(批注) 阻碍,防止

B. Staved in---冲过, 冲破, 压扁, 拆散

C. Barrel oozing---桶渗漏(批注)

D. Well caked---结块(批注)

Key :D 关于下列,结块不可能被适当地批注在大副收据上。

[60]On my last voyage it at the discharging port that some watches were piIfered.

A: happens B. has happened C. happened D. had happened

Key :C 在我们最后的航次中,在卸货港发生了一些手表被盗的事情。

[61 ]One of the requirements for a general average act is

A. a successful venture

B. no imminent peril

C. no losses

D. All of the above

Key : A 共同海损行为的必要条件之一是成功的冒险。

[62]Please all the lines fore and aft, the vessel is just in her position of the berth now。

A. pay out

B. make fast

C. shorten

D. hold on

Key : B (光盘)请栓紧所有船艏艉的缆绳,现在船刚好在泊位的适当位置上。

[63]Vessels transiting the canal must have their accommodation ladders and cargo booms

A. removed

B. rigged in 收起

C. readjusted

D. tested

Key : B 船舶通过运河必须将舷梯和吊杆收进(船舷)。

[64]When joining a vessel, do not forget personal documents and your spectacles, and if necessary.

A. drug

B. remedy

C. medicine

D. healer

Key :C 加入船只时,不要忘记个人文件和你的眼镜,医药,如有必要

[65]A galley grease fire on the stove may be extinguished using

A. water

B. foam

C. the range hood extinguishing system

D. fire dampers

Key :C 发生在炉上的厨房油火可使用有作用距离的灭火系统扑灭。

[66] A true bearing of a charted object, when plotted on a chart, will establish a

A. fix

B. line of position

C. relative bearing

D. range

Key : B 海图物标的真方位当在海图上标绘时将是一条位置线。

[67]A vessel is listed when it is

4. down by the head B. down by the stem C. inclined due to off center weight D. inclined due to wind

Key : C 当由于重量偏离中心时,船舶发生倾斜。List 因为重力原因横Incline 因为其他原因横倾。

[68]Cable tension for catenary calculations is taken at the

A. Chain locker---锚链舱

B. Fairlead---导缆孔,导缆器

C. Anchor---锚

D. Contact point of chain with seabed---链和海底的接触点

Key : B 取导缆器的位置进行悬链缆索拉力的计算。

[69]Fire may be spread by which means

A. Conduction of heat to adjacent surfaces

B. Direct radiation


D. All of the above

Key : D 火灾可以通过哪中方式被蔓延?临近表面的热传导,直接辐射,对流。

[70]In nautical terminology a dog is a

A. Crow bar---撬杆,起货钩

B. Device to force a watertight door against the frame.

C. Heavy steel beam.---沉重的钢铁横梁

D. Wedge.---楔子

Key : B (光盘)在航海术语中,(水密门的)板闩把手是一个把架构压到水密门上面的设备。

[71]In the Northern Hemisphere, a wind that shifts counterclockwise is a

A. Veering wind---顺向风(北半球顺时针方向,南半球逆时针方向)

B. Backing wind---逆向风(北半球逆时针方向,南半球顺时针方向)

C. Reverse wind---逆风

D. Chinook wind---钦诺克风(美国西岸冬暖夏凉的西南风)

Key : B (光盘)在北半球,风向呈反时针变化是逆向风。

[72]Never stowed like this.

A. optional cargo should be

B. should optional cargo be

C. should be optional cargo

D. optional cargo must be

Key :B 选港货从来不能这样堆装。(倒装句)

[73]Owing to the big draught of the ship, she has to go alongside by the time of

A. spring tide

B. flood tide

C. ebb tide

D. slack water

Key : A (光盘)由于船舶的大吃水,她靠泊必须在高潮时。

[74]Set of current is

A. its velocity in knots

B. direction from which it flows

C. estimated current

D. direction toward which it flows

Key : D 流向是水流流去的方向。

[75]The master has no Authority to contracts, such as Charter Party, already made by the owners.

A. alter

B. conduct

C. carry out

D. follow

Key :A 船长没有权力改变早已由船东签定的合同如租船契约。

[76]There is an area anchoring and fishing across the entrance.

A. prohibited to

B. prohibited from

C. prohibiting to

D. prohibiting from

Key :B在进口的对面有一个禁止锚泊和捕鱼的区域。

[77] are included in the Queen's enemies.

A. Public enemies

B. Pirates—海盗

C. Robbers—强盗,海盗

D. The enemies of the state to which the merchants belong—货主所属国家的敌人

Key :A 公敌包含在敌国人中。

[78] of my ship's propeller is very strong.

A. The running reflection

B. The turning effect

C. The moving speed

D. The changing sensibility Key :B 我船螺旋桨的旋转影响非常强。

[79]Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)

A. Barometer---气压计

B. Wind vane---风向标

C. Anemometer---风速计

D. T hermometer---温度计, 体温计

Key : C 吹越拖带船的视风速能够通过风速仪被测量。

[80]Conditions for crossing a rough bar are usually best at

A. low water slack

B. high water slack

C. high water ebb

D.high water flood

Key :B 通过海底不平的浅滩的条件通常最好是在高潮平流时。

[81 ]Drinking salt water will

A. Be safe if mixed with fresh water—假如混合淡水是安全的

B. Prevent seasickness—防止晕船

C. Dehydrate you--使你脱水

D. Protect against heat cramps—防止中暑性痉挛

Key :C 饮用海水将使你脱水。

[82]Dunnage may be used to protect a cargo from loss or damage by .

A. Ship’s sweat---船体汗水

B. Inherent vice---固有缺陷

C. Tainting---玷污,污染

D. Hygroscopic absorption---吸湿

Key : A 垫舱物料可被用于保护由于船体汗水导致的货物损坏或损失。

[83]Fleet weather forecast messages are the expected conditions in

A. a certain area

B. all ocean areas

C. some areas

D. important areas

Key : A 船用天气预报信息被预报的条件是在某一确定的区域内。


A. Floating

B. Sailing

C. Drifting

D. Running into danger

Key : C 由风和流确定其漂浮方向定义为漂航。

[85]I having your approval for the routine maintenance at your earliest convenience.

A. hope to

B. want to

C. look forward to

D. expect to

Key : C 我期待尽早地得到你日常维修的批准。

[86]In the navigational triangle, the angle at the elevated pole is the

A. Meridian angle---子午圈角

B. Altitude---仰角高度

C. Right ascension---赤经

D. Azimuth angle---方位角

Key :A (光盘)在航用三角形中,仰极的角度是子午圈角。

[87]That the showed that the ship complied with the requirements of the said Convention.

A. looking

B. seeing

C. sightseeing

D. inspection

Key : D (光盘)检验查明此船符合上述公约(书译)。(本题中Inspection用Survey代替估计也行)

[88]The arrangement of charts in the catalogue is

A. on a regional basis

B. on a national basis

C. shown orderly

D.appeared from A to W

Key : A 目录中海图的排列是基于地区性的。

[89]The Shipowner is not by the fact that a remote cause of the loss was an excepted peril.

A. excused

B. excepted

C. excluded

D. exported

Key :A 除海上风险外损失的原因(间接原因)不能免去船东的责任。

[90]They in the Engine Room in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.

A. carried out

B. carried on

C. carried off

D. carried forward

Key :B 他们继续在机舱无论条件非常的困难。


A. Abandon vessel

B. Adrift

C. Beach to

D. Assembly station

Key : A 将在遇险中的船员和乘客从船上撤离叫做弃船

[92]We regret that in view of the above, we are not in a position to liability for the shortage.

A. consume

B. perfume

C. assume

D. confuse

Key : C 鉴于以上的问题我们感到抱歉,我们不能够承担短缺货物的责任。

[93]What is official proof of a vessel's ownership?

A. Certificate of Documentation

B. Bill of Lading .

C. Transfer Certificate

D. Logbook

Key :A 什么是船舶所有权的正式证明?符合证书

[94] refers to the angle between true North and heading line of the vessel.

A. True position

B.True meridian

C. True course

D. True bearing

Key :C 真航向指的是真北与船舶船首线之间的夹角。


A. Backing (of wind)

B. Beach (to)

C. Veering (of wind)

D. Maintaining direction of the wind Key :A 风沿着反时针方向变化定义为(风的)反转。

[96]Addition of weight to a vessel will ALWAYS

A. reduce reserve buoyancy

B. increase righting moments

C. increase GM

D. Alt of the above

Key :A 给船舶增加重量将总是减少保留浮力。

[97]Brief particulars of voyage should be declared in




Key :D 航次的简要细节应在总申报单中(被)声明。

[98]Extended cyclical variations in tensions will cause an anchor chain to break due to

A. fatigue

B. corrosion

C. distortion

D. abrasion

Key :A 长期的拉力周期性变化将致使锚链由于疲劳而断裂。

[99]Failure to comply with the above may action being taken against the vessel.

A. resulted in

B. result in

C. resulting in

D. to result in

Key :B 没有遵守上述的(规定)可能导致提起针对船舶的诉讼。

[100]For any given pedestal crane, when the boom is lengthened, the lifting capacity is

A. unchanged

B. increased

C. eliminated

D. decreased

Key :D (光盘)对于任何基座式起重机,当其吊杆被延长时,则其起重能力被降低。

[101]Gangway with pilot ladder on my starboard side.

A. being rigged combined

B. is rigged combining

C. rigs combining

D. is rigged combined Key :B 在我船右舷,舷梯与引水梯结合被装妥。

[102]1n anchoring orders, UP AND DOWN means

A. the chain is not upright

B. the chain is tight

C. the chain is upright

D. the chain is slack

Key :C (光盘)在锚令中,上和下的意思是锚链垂直。

1103]My Deratization Exemption Certificate免于除鼠will by the end of this month.

A. become due 到期

B. become valid

C. become lawful

D. become effective

Key :A 我的免于除鼠证书这个月底将到期。

[104]Seasickness is caused by rolling or rocking motions which affect fluids in the

A. stomach 胃

B. lower intestines

C. inner ear

D. bladder

Key :C 晕船是由于内耳液体的滚动或摇动影响而引起的。

[105]The meaning of SLACKEN HER SPEED is

A. increase ship's speed

B. slow down ship's speed

C. make up ship's speed

D. fix up ship's speed Key :B 放松她的速度的意思是降低船速。

[106]The undersigned that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.

A. claims

B. declares

C. complains

D. says

Key :B 签名人声明,本人系由所述政府(经)正式授权发给本证书。(书译)

[I07]Which data is NOT painted on the bow of a lifeboat?

A. Number of persons allowed

B. Name of the vessel

C. Weight of the boat

D. Home port

Key :C 哪一项资料不被写在救生艇的首部?艇的重量

[108] that kind of weather persist,it would be very likely that the two ships would touch each other.

A. If

B. Provided that

C. Should

D. When

Key :C 假如那样的天气持续下去,那两艘船就容易碰在一起。

[ 109]A cargo hose is marked with the

A. maximum working pressure

B. bursting pressure

C. safety relief valve setting

D. maximum temperature

Key :A 货油软管被标记有最大工作压力。

[110]A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for

A. the Sun

B. the Moon

C. Venus

D. None of the above

Key :B (月球视半径的)改正量被包含在航海天文年历的月亮改正量中。

[111]A venetian vent or rice ventilator is used in stowage of which cargo?

A. Bagged cargo

B. Bulk grain

C. Bulk rice

D. Refrigerated goods

Key :A 威尼斯式通风筒或谷物通风筒被用语袋装货物的积载。

[112]An engine compartment gasoline, fire requires which type of extinguisher?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Dry chemical

C. Foam

D. All of the above

Key :D 机舱油汽火灾要求哪一种灭火器(扑灭)?CO2,干粉,泡沫

[113]Annual inspection of vessel cranes shall be conducted by


B. the person in charge

C. a qualified inspector

D. the crane operator

Key :C 船舶起货设备的年度检验应由合格的检验员实施。

[114]At the master gyrocompass, the compass card is attached to the

A. spider element

B. sensitive element灵敏元件

C. link arm

D. pickup transformer

Key :B 在主电罗经中,罗经盘被附在灵敏部件上。

[115]Fishing stake, the position of which frequently exist in the area covered by this chart.

A. removed

B. altered

C. corrected

D. converted

Key :B 被这张海图覆盖的区域的渔栅的位置经常变化。

[116] If we had stayed at that port much longer, we the tropical storm.

A. will meet with

B. met with

C. would meet with

D. would have met with

Key : D 假如我们在那港口停留再多一点时间的话,我们将会遇到热带风暴。

[117]In relation to cargo gear, what does SWL mean?

A. Safe working load B: Ship's working lift C. Starboard wing lift D. Stress weight load

Key : A 关于货物设备,SWL是什么意思?安全工作负荷

[118]Most minor spills of oil products ate caused by_

A. equipment failure

B. human error 人为失误

C. major casualties

D. unforeseeable circumstances Key : B (光盘)许多小的溢油事件都是有人为失误引起的。

[119]Of the following, which one is not term of Marine Weather Bulletin?

A. Complex low

B. Depression

C. High pressure

D. Ambient pressure环境压力

Key : D 对于下列,哪个不是海上气象公告术语?环境压力

[120]The securing systems for containers were developed to prevent container movement during. which ship motion?

A. Surge

B. Roll

C. Sway

D. Yaw

Key : B (光盘)集装箱的绑扎系统被开发以防止集装箱在船舶哪一种运动下的移动?横摇

[121 ]The shipper must in a suitable manner dangerous goods as dangerous.

A. mark or label

B. write or sign

C. type or stamp

D. print or paint

Key : A (光盘)托运人应该以适当的标记或标签危险货物是危险的。(托运人应以适当的方式在危险货物上作出标识)

[122]In Beaufort Scale, the wind force 7 with speed of 28-33 knots is defined as

A. Moderate gale

B. Near gale

C. Strong gale

D. Whole gale

Key : B 在蒲氏风级表中,风速28-33节的7级风被定义为疾风。

[123] the general cargo is to be loaded in No. 1 tweendeck both wings, where to put the containers?

A. Whether

B. Suppose假设

C. In case

D. How about

Key : B 假设杂货全部装在第一舱二层舱的两舷,那末集装箱装在什么地方呢?

[124]A hygrometer湿度表is a device used for determining

A. the absolute temperature

B. atmospheric pressure

C. wind velocity

D. relative humidity

Key :D (光盘)湿度计是用于测量相对湿度的设备。

[125]Between the side frames on a vessel, support for the deck beams is provided by

A. Stanchions---柱,支柱

B. Brackets---支架,托架,托座肘板夹板

C. Web frames---桁板肋骨,加强肋骨

D. Deck stringers---甲板边板

Key : A 在船舶的边肋骨之间,为甲板横梁提供支撑的是支柱。

[126]Galvanizing镀锌would be suitable for protecting wire rope which is used for

A. cargo runners

B. stays 拉索

C. topping lifts

D. All of the above

Key : B (光盘)镀锌将适用保护用于稳索的钢丝绳。

[127]If there is any fine arising from inadequacy of marks,shall be liable for it.

A. the Carrier B; the Owner C. the Captain D. the Merchant商人

Key : D 货物标记不适合引起的任何赔偿(罚款),货主应负责。

[128]In Admiralty Sailing Directions, bands is the word used to indicate marking.

A. horizontal

B. vertical

C. diagonal

D. vertical or diagonal

Key : A 在英版航路指南中,条纹用于表示水平标志。


Key : A 在指定的区域,岸基机构指挥和协调搜救操作定义为RCC。

[130]Marine Note of Protest should be submitted to _

A. Notary public office--公证处

B. Customs office—海关

C. Immigration office—移民局

D. Port quarantine office—港口检疫办公室

Key : A 海事声明应被提交给公证处。

[131 ]Please have the damage on gangway as soon as possible for account of the Stevedore Company.

A. repaired

B. repair

C. repairing

D. repairs

Key : A (光盘)请尽可能快地修复舷梯并(将费用)记在装卸公司帐上。Have…repaired, 把…(交他人)修理

[132]The bank in the vicinity on Cambodia Pt. and Pt. Obi considerably seaward.

A. extending

B. has extended

C. have extended

D. were extended

Key :B 在Cambodia港和Obi港附近的浅滩已经不可忽视地向海延伸了。

[133]The foreman says that the stevedores stopped working owing to the of the winch.

A. breakdown

B. breaked down

C. broken down

D. broke down

Key :A 工头说工人停止工作是由于起货机故障。

[134] of arresting the ship is to secure her continued presence and to prevent her from slipping away.

A. Project

B. Subject

C. Object

D. Inject

Key :C 扣留船舶的目的在于保证她继续存在并防止其悄悄溜走。

[1351A design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kinking is the

A. detachable link

B. stud link链环

C. Kenter link

D. connecting link

Key :B (光盘)为防止变形而改进的锚链是有档链环。

[136]A stabilogauge稳性测量仪is a calculator used to ①Measure GM.②Measure initial stability.

A:①only B.②only C. Both①and② D. Neither①nor②

Key : C 稳性测量仪是一个用于①测量GM值。②测量初稳性的计算工具。

[137]A vessel's Classification Certificate is issued by the .

A .Bureau of Shipping—船检局 B. National Cargo Bureau—国家货物局

C. Port Authorities—港口当局

D. The Customs—海关

Key :A 船舶入级证书由船级社颁发。

[138]An occluded front铟囚锋is caused by a(n)_.

A. low pressure area

B. high pressure area

C. area of calm air

D. cold front overtaking a warm front

Key : D 锢囚锋由冷锋追上暖锋而形成。

[139]Bilge keels舭龙骨are more effective at dampening rolls as the__

A. pitching increases

B. list increases

C. rolling increases

D. draft decreases

Key : C 舭龙骨在横摇增加时减少横摇最有效。

[140]Chart legends which indicate a conspicuous landmark are printed in _.

A. capital letters 大写字母

B. italics

C. boldface print

D. underlined letters

Key : A 海图表示显著陆标的标题被打印为大写字母。

[141]Deck beams横梁on a vessel are generally spaced at equal intervals and run_.

A. longitudinally纵向

B. vertically垂向

C. transversely横向

D. intermittently间歇地

Key : C 船上甲板横梁一般等间距(横向)排列

[142]ln charter-party, the acts of cover the taking of the goods by violence from outside the ship.

A. thieves 小偷

B. robbers 强盗

C. strikers 罢工者

D. embargo 禁运

Key : B 在租约中,强盗行为包括在船的外部通过暴力获得货物。

[143] Inflammable cargo _in the holds adjacent to the engine room.

A. shall never be stowed

B. may be stowed

C. can be stowed

D. should be stowed

Key : A (光盘)易燃货物不得装入靠近机舱附近的货舱中。


A. broaching the anchor

B. shifting the anchor.

C. walking the anchor

D. weighing the anchor

Key : D 自海底提升起锚叫做起锚

[145]Metacentric 稳心height is a measure测量of

A. initial stability only

B. stability through all angles

C. maximum righting arm

D. All of the above

Key :A 稳性高度仅衡量船舶初稳性。

[146]Protection and Indemnity Associations in short term in shipping circle is called as


B. Associations

C. P and I Clubs

D. the Clubs

Key : C 保赔协会的缩写在海运行业被叫做P&I Clubs

[147]Ship's steering gear refers提交to

A. cargo handling machines

B. deck winches and derricks

C. engine-room tools

D. course controlling system

Key : D 船舶的操舵装置指的是航向控制系统。

[148]The Certificate of Freeboard is the

A. Load Line Certificate

B. Certificate of Inspection

C. Admeasurees Certificate

D. Forecastle Card

Key :A 干舷证书就是载重线证书。

[149]The Charterer is not to load in a lesser time than the laytime装卸时间, even if this is possible.

A. obliqued

B. objected

C. obliterated

D. obliged负有义务

Key :D 承租人不被责成(没有义务)在更少的装卸货时间内装货,即使这样做是可能的。

[150]The port clearance结关for a ship should be granted the completion of loading or discharging in the port.

A. before

B. when

C. after

D. during

Key :C (船舶)出港许可证在完成在港的装货或卸货后应被批准。

[151] THE shipowner _,in the case of an ordinary charter-party or bill or lading, prima facie entitled to the freight.

A. has

B. is

C. have

D. are

Key :B 船东在一般的租约或提单下,初步证据有资格要求运费。(签了租约或提单,船东就有取得运费的初步证据)[152]Usually the Charterer has to redeliver the ship in the same good order when delivered, fair wear and tear excepted.

A. in

B. by

C. on

D. as

Key :D 通常承租人将船舶交还给船东时与在租船交船时的良好状况相同,不包括正常磨耗。[153]What method of extinguishing fire in a hatch is the best to minimize damages to the cargoes?

A. Foam

B. C02

C. Water

D. All of the above

Key :B 对于货舱内的火灾用什么灭火方式使货物的损坏减少到最小?CO2

[154]When it must be specified whether salt or fresh water draught is given.

A. necessary

B. is necessary

C. being necessary .

D. it is necessary

Key :A 必要时,给出的吃水必须指明是海水的或是淡水的。

[I55]Which agency assigns an official number to a vessel?

A. Bureau of shipping—船检局

B. Collector of customs—海关征收员

C. Treasury department—财政部门

D. Coast guard--海岸警卫队

Key :D 哪个机构给船舶指定船舶(登记)编号?海岸警卫队

[156]You can safely step in the bight 海湾of a line_.

A. when it is not under strain

B. if both ends are made fast

C. in an emergency

D. at no time

Key :D 你可以按时安全地进入海湾。

[157]Date line passed eastbound,

A. jumping over today

B. backing to yesterday

C. jumping over tomorrow

D. backing to the day before yesterday Key :B 向东通过日期变更线,日期后退一天。

[158]I look forward to _for this at your earliest convenience.

A. having your approval

B. approved by you

C. get your answer

D. know your opinion

Key :A 我期待尽早地得到你的批准。Look forward to, 期待,盼望…(后接名词或动名词)

[159]If the circumstance of the case admits, don't alter course to port for a vessel on you own

A. starboard side

B. port side

C. stern

D. head.

Key :B 假如环境情况许可,不要对你左舷的船朝着她转向。

[160]If the Shipowner relies on an excepted peril, he must_that the loss or damage was caused thereby.

A. prove

B. approve

C. disprove

D. improve

Key :A 如果船东要依赖免除风险,则他必须证明损失或损坏是由那方面产生的。

[161]In telex abbreviations,CFM and INFM refer to and_respectively.

A. confirm, inform

B. confide, inflow

C. conform,infuse

D.confessed, inflame

Key : A (光盘)在电报缩写中,CFM和INFM分别指的是确认和告知。

[1621In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to latitude on the Earth?

A. Altitude

B. Zenith

C. Declination

D. Zenith distance

Key :A 在地平坐标系中,地平纬度相当于地球上的纬度。

[163]On one hand, you have to continue loading, on hand, I'll contact the Despatch Office right now.

A. another

B. other

C. the other

D. the others’

Key :C 一方面,你必须继续装货,在另一方面,我将现在立即联系调度办公室。

[164]Sometimes the charter-party that the vessel must only use safe ports within a certain area.

A. improves

B. installs

C. contains 包含

D. requests

Key :C 有时租约中包含船舶必须仅使用在一定区域内的安全港口。

[165]The carrier is the owner or Charterer who enters 报关into a contract with

A. the consignee

B. the cargo owner

C. the shipper

D. the consignor

Key :C 承运人是与托运人签约的船东或承租人

[166]The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are

A. untrue

B. impossible

C. suspectful

D. unimportant

Key :A 港口区域内指示的灯标和浮筒的位置和特性不正确。

[167]The tanktops are strengthened suitable for of bulk cargo.

A. sling board unloading

B. grab discharge

C. elevator discharge

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0219491537.html, unloading

Key :B 内底加固适用于抓斗卸散货

[168]One hour before arrival at, Elbe 1 light vessel, masters are advised to contact the pilot boat by

A. telephone

B. telegraph

C. telex


Key :D 在到达易北河一号灯船前一小时,船长被建议通过甚高频联系引水船。

[169]I hereby request permission the ship's main engine for routine maintenance. .

A. immobilize

B. to immobilize

C. immobilization

D. immobilizing

Key :B (光盘)我因此请求允许停航进行主机的日常保养。

[170]My radar is not working. I require shorebased 岸基radar assistance. Is shorebased radar assistance ?

A. used

B. available 可得到

C. in use

D. can be used

Key :B (光盘)我船雷达不工作。我需要岸基雷达援助。岸基雷达援助可用吗?

[171] Open ullage holes in tanks which are no must be protected by.

A. PV valves

B. warning signs

C. flame screens

D. stop-check valves

Key :C 未经除气的油舱测量孔必须用防火网保护。

[172]Owing to the big draft, the ship is not permitted to go alongside until the time of

A. ebb tide

B. flood tide

C. spring tide

D. slack water

Key :C 由于大吃水,船舶不允许靠泊直到大潮时。

[173]Whenever a new method of work is introduced, experts will thoroughly hat new risks may arise

A. look at

B. look for

C. look into D look on

Key :C 只要一种新的工作手段被引入,专家们都将彻底地调查可能引发的新危险。

[174]Which of the following best indicates how many tons of cargo, a ship can carry?

A. Bale cubic

B. Deadweight

C. Gross tonnage

D. Net tonnage

Key :B 以下哪一项最能说明船上装载多少货物?载重吨

[175]A cloud of marked vertical developmt 对流发展(often anvil-shaped) would be classified

A. cirrus 卷云

B. cirrocumulus卷层云

C.. altocumulus高积云

D. cumulonimbus 积雨云

Key :D (光盘)垂直显著发展的云(经常是砧板状)将被分类为积雨云。

[176]After each reading of an oxygen indicator, the instrument should be purged with

A. CO2.

B. fresh air

C. the tested compartment's air

D. water

Key :B (光盘)在每次读取测氧仪后,设备应用新鲜的空气净化。

[177]Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate

A. cable areas

B. dumping grounds

C. fish trap areas

D. precautionary areas

Key :C 被长短粉红色虚线围闭的区域说明是渔网区。

[178]At common law, the master, as agent of , has the right to land or warehouse unclaimed goods.

A. Charterer

B. Shipowner

C. cargo owner

D. shipper

Key :B 按习惯法,船长被看成是船东的代理,有权将无人认领的货物卸到岸上或仓库里。[179]During the voyage from Dalian to Singapore, my vessel heavy damages to the deck fittings.

A. maintained

B. sustained持续

C. pertained

D. contained

Key :B 在自大连开往新加坡的航次其间,我船甲板设备遭受严重损坏。

[180]Lighter' longitudinal stiffening frames on the vessel side plating are called

A. stringers 纵材

B. sid e frames

C. side stiffeners

D. intercostals

Key :A 驳船在船壳板上的纵向加强肋骨叫做纵梁。

[181]Lines drawn through points on the Earth. having the same atmospheric 大气pressure are known as

A. isothermal等温线

B. millibars

C. isobars D seismics

Key :C 在地球表面,连接所有具有相同的大气压的点所形成的线,叫等压线

[182]Mariners proceeding across the main routes are to do so at as wide an angle as practicable.

A. recommended被推荐

B. reported

C. applied.

D. complied

Key :A 航行者进行穿越主航道被推荐尽可能大角度(穿越)。

[183]The angle maximum righting arm corresponds approximately to the angle of

A. deck edge immersion

B. the load tine

C. downflooding

D. loll

Key :A 最大复原力臂对应的角近似是甲板进水角

[184]The carrier has before and at the beginning of the voyage to due diligence to make the ship seaworthy适航.

A. pay

B. export

C. import

D. exercise实行

Key :D 承运人在开航前,应尽职调查,处理,使船舶适航

[185]To increase the distance航程to the vessel ahead by reducing one's own speed means

A.. Fall back .B Keep low speed C. Running after D. Drop back

Key :D (光盘)通过减速以增加与前方船之间的距离叫退后(后撤)。

[186]Unless除非the Shipowner carries the goods to the destination agreed on, he entitled to any part of the freight.

A. is

B. has

C. is not

D. has not

Key :C 船东如没有把货物运到商定的目的港,则无权获取任何运费

[187]When liquid is free to move transversely横向in a tank, the effect is called

A. Free communication

B. Free density

C. Free surface自由液面

D. Negative GM

Key: C (光盘)当液体在舱内自由横向流动时,其作用叫做自由液面。

[188]Which factor is most likely to impair the strength and durability of synthetic line?

A. Dry rot

B. mildew

C. Sunlight

D. Washing with mild soap

Key: C 哪个因素最可能削弱合成纤维缆绳的强度和耐用度?太阳直射

[189] will be paid by shipowners after tallyman理货员doing the tally work.

A. Cargo handling expenses

B. Tally money

C. Cargo tallying dues

D. Tally fees理货费用

Key: D (光盘)理货工人在理货完成后,船东将付给他们费用。

[190]A continuous watertight bulkhead is normally also a(n)

A. structural bulkhead

B. exterior bulkhead

C. centerline bulkhead

D.joiner bulkhead

Key: A (光盘)连续水密舱壁是结构横舱壁。

[191]A sheave 导缆滑车is a

A. grooved wheel in a block

B. line to hold a lifeboat next to the embarkation deck

C. partial load of grain

D. seaman's knife

Key: A 槽轮是滑车里有凹槽的轮子。

[192]A smooth, tapered pin, usually of wood, used to open up the strands of a rope for splicing is called a(n)

A. batten

B. bench hook

C. awl

D. fid 支撑材

Key: D 有一种光滑的锥形针,通常是木头的,被用来打开绳子股进行插接,被称为木笔。

[l93]Attention is the advice on the use of charts in The Mariner's Handbook Chapter 3, Section 1.

A. fixed to

B. needed for

C. pushed to

D. drawn to

Key: D 注意海员手册关于海图的使用的一些建议。

[194]By the time charter, a Shipowner agrees to place his vessel at the disposal of a Charterer for

A. a period

B. a trip

C. a voyage

D. a journey

Key: A (光盘)对于定期租船契约,船东同意在其间由承租人来支配他的船舶。

[195]Damage to cargo caused by fumes or vapors水汽from liquids, gases, or solids is known as

A. contamination

B. oxidation

C. tainting污染

D. vaporization

Key: C (光盘)因来自液体,气体或固体的气味导致货物的损坏被称为沾染。

[196]How is the intensity强度of a light expressed in the Light Lists?

A. Luminous range .B Geographic range C. Nominal range额定光力射程 D.Meteorological rang

Key: C (光盘)在灯标表中,如何表示灯光的强度?标称能见距离

[197]In anchoring orders WALK BACk 松THE CHAIN means

A. pay away the chain

B. take in the chain

C. check up the chain

D.take a strain on the chain

Key: A 在锚令中,倒转绞盘(锚机送链放锚)意思是松出锚链。

[198]International distress signal in VHF calling for help is

A. Help Help Help

B. Mayday Mayday Mayday D Save Save Save D. Rescue Rescue Rescue Key: B 国际遇险信号在VHF上呼救是三个Mayday

[199]Navigational warnings and weather bulletins for slipping from Singapore Radio.

A. broadcast

B. broadcasted

C. are broadcast

D. are broadcasted.

Key: C (光盘)航行警告和气象公告由新加坡电台发布。

[200]Panting frames are located in the

A. after double bottoms

B. centerline tanks on tankships

C. fore and after peaks.

D. forward double bottoms Key: C 抗拍击肋骨被置于艏尖舱和尾尖舱。

[201]Please arrange 安排 a cleaning gang to sweep out all the ship's cargo holds to enable her to receive cargo at this port.

A. to

B. with

C. by

D. for

Key: D 请安排清洁工人清扫所有船上的货舱以便能够在本港接收货物。

[202]Radar makes the most accurate精度determination of the

A. Direction of a target—物标方向

B. Distance to a target--物标距离

C. Size of a target—物标大小

D. Shape of a target—物表外形

Key: B 雷达获得物标距离的最准确判断。

[203]Ships changing their location within the port limits are also required to report their new

A. bearings

B. distances

C. sections

D. positions

Key: D 在港界范围内船舶的位置有变化时还被要求报告她们的新位置。

[204]The extent of the damage could not be though I inspected it with the Chief Stevedore in charge.

A. Sure 确信的,肯定的

B. Contained 包含,容纳,容忍

C. Ascertained 确定,探知

D.Applied 申请,应用Key: Key: C 虽然我和负责的工头已检查过,但不能够确定损坏的程度。

[205]The granting of radio pratique检疫通行证the vessel only as far as the Port Officer of Health is concerned. A. clear B. clears C. clearing D. is cleared .

Key: B 办妥无线电检疫的手续仅仅涉及到相关的港口卫生官员

[206]The time allowed for loading and discharging cargo in a charter party is referred to as

A. charter hire

B. demurrage

C. dispatch

D. laydays

Key: D 在租约中被允许用于装货和卸货的时间被称为Lay days。

[207]My Deratization Exemption Certificate will (expire) on the 16th of September.

A. become due

B. become valid

C. become lawful

D. become effective

Key: A 我的免于除鼠证书这个月底将到期。

[208] shall the amount of compensation from PICC exceed the insured amount of the insured ship.

A. In any case

B.In case

C. In no case

D. In case of

Key: C 从中国人民保险公司得到的赔偿金额数量决不可能超过被保险船的保险金额数量。

[209]A mortgagee does not acquire A right to the freight he has taken actual or constructive possession of the ship A. where B. If C. and D. unless

Key: D (光盘)除非承受抵押人实际或推定取得了船舶的所有权,否则他无权取得运费。

[210]A twin-screw ship going ahead on the starboard screw only tends to move

A. in a straight line

B. to port

C. from side to side

D. to starboard

Key: B 一双车船仅用右舷车前进,趋向左舷运动。

[211 ]A vessel under sail, displaying a black conical shape, point down, is regarded as 机帆并用船

A. Power driven.

B. Sailing.

C. Not under command. D: Fishing.

Key: A 一船驶帆航行,显示一黑色圆锥体,尖端向下,被认为是机动船。

[212]After being rescued from the vessel accident, the people agreed that they had much to

A. thank

B. be thankful

C. be thanked

D. be thankful for

Key: A (光盘)在事故船舶被营救后,人们一致同意他们应该得到感谢。

[213]Any vessel in need of carrying out deck washing must be by the department concerned before hand.

A. requested

B. allowed

C. approved

D. inquired

Key: C (光盘)任何需要进行甲板冲洗的船舶必须事先得到有关部门的批准。

[214]Calibration Stations give special transmissions for the calibration of ship's

A. gyro-compass

B. marine radar


D. navigational satellite

Key: C 校准场为船舶测向仪的校准提供特殊的发射信号。

[215]Cargo that gives off fumes that may contaminate other cargo is known as a(n) D

A. delicate cargo

B. dirty cargo

C. toxic cargo

D. Odorous cargo气味货

Key: D (光盘)散发出气体可能污染另外货物的货物被称为气味货。

[216]If a vessel lists to port, the center of buoyancy will .

A. move to port

B. move to starboard

C. move directly down

D. Stay in the same position

Key: A 假如船舶左倾,浮心将移到左边。

[217]In vessel construction, beams are transverse girders which provide support to

A. bulkheads

B. deckhouse structures

C. decks

D. vertical frames

Key: C 在船舶结构中,横梁是提供甲板支撑的横向构件。

[218]It is predicted that heavy rains are to flood the harbor and its vicinity in a few days.

A. frightening

B. thteatening威胁

C. scattering

D. warning

Key: B 据预报,过几天大雨泛滥淹没威胁港口及附近地区。

[219]Navigational warnings are published according to

A. the designed area

B. the designated指定area

C. the indicated area

D.all area over the world

Key: B 航行警告时根据指定区域发布的。

[220]All accidents and damage to ship, equipment or personnel, must be in the vessel deck log

A. entered into

B. entered

C. entered with

D. entered in

Key: B 所有的事故和船舶损坏,设备或人员,必须记录在甲板日志中。

[221 ]As compared to Carbon dioxide, dry chemical has which advantage?

A. Cleaner

B. Effective on metal fires

C. Greater range

D. More cooling effect

Key: C 与CO2相比,干粉灭火器有哪些优点?作用距离更远.

[222]In vessel construction建造beam brackets are triangular plates that join the deck beam to a

A. bulkhead

B. frame

C. stanchion

D. deck longitudinal

Key: B 在船舶结构中,梁肘板是连接甲板梁与肋骨的三角形板材。

[223]Such remarks as WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE OR SHORTAGE will be considered by a court A. valuable B. invaluable C. valueless D. priceless .

Key: C (对货物)的损坏或短缺没有责任,像这样批注将被法院认为没价值的。

[224]The lashings of a stack of containers with interlocking fittings restrain the forces that cause

A. Toppling

B. racking

C. buckling

D. crushing

Key: B 具有联锁装置的集装箱系固设备对叠层之间的不足具有制约作用。

[225]The use of between bags may lead to chafage and tearing of the bags.

A. strips of burlap

B. heavy paper

C. dunnage boards

D. strips of rope yarn

Key: C 在包装袋之间使用垫板可能引起袋子的擦损和撕损。

[226]In convention, a vessel which carries more than 12 passengers shall be deemed as a passenger ship.





Key: C (光盘)在SOLAS公约中,承载超过12名乘客的船将被视为客船。

[227]A lashing used to secure two barges side by side, lashed in an X fashion is

A. backing wire

B. scissor wires

C. face wire D breast wire

Key: B 用于两并靠船舶的绑扎,绑扎成“X”形状,被叫做交叉绑扎。

[228]A port if more than ordinary prudence and skill is needed to avoid exposure to danger there.

A. safety B is safe C. is not safe D. is of safety

Key: C 假如避免危险需要过多的谨慎和技巧,则那港口是不安全的。

[229]All inflatable life rafts have

A. safety straps from the overhead B built in seats C. releasing hooks at each end D. water stabilizing pockets Key: D 所有气胀式救生筏都具有稳定水袋。

[230]Every ship should hoist when approaching and entering ports.

A. its flashing light

B. the ship's name

C. its identification

D. Its signal letters

Key: D 每一艘船在接近或进入港口时应升起她的船名旗。

[231]In the doldrums you will NOT have

A. high relative humidity

B. frequent showers and thunderstorms

C. Steep pressure gradients

D. frequent calms

Key: C 在赤道无风带将不具有陡峭的气压梯度。

[232]PAN-PAN repeated three times over the radiotelephone indicates which type of message will follow?

A. Distress

B. Safety

C. All clear

D. Urgency紧急

Key: D 在无线电话上重复三次Pan-Pan显示接下来的信息将是紧急的。

[233]Placing a lashing across, a hook to prevent a fitting from slipping out of the hook is called

A. faking B flemishing down C. mousing D. worming

Key: C 穿越钓钩口放置绑索以防止属具滑落钓钩称为缠扎钩口。

[234]Radiation fog辐射雾

A.always forms over water

B. Is formed by a temperature idversion

C. Is thinnest at the surface

D. dissipates during the evening

Key: B 辐射雾由逆温形成。

[235]The Note of Sea Protest shall not be submitted to

A. Port Authority

B. Notary Public

C. Diplomatic Representative.

D. the Government of the port

Key: D 海事声明不提交给港口政府。

[236]The officer on duty bolted down into the sea for inspection but no of any floating object was seen.

A. sign B remark C. trace D. Acknowledgement

Key: A 值班驾驶员俯视海面检查但没有看到任何漂浮物的迹象。

[237]The Ship articles shall be signed by each seaman and the

A. Master of the vessel

B.shipping commissioner

C. Coast Guard

D. CustomsrService

Key: A 每个船员和船长必须签定船员雇用合同。

[238)There shall be two principal through the harbor for the passage of vessels of over 60 tons burden.

A. straits

B. channels

C. canals

D. roadsteads

Key: B (光盘)那里应有两条供60吨以上船舶通过港口的主要航道。

[239]Vessels should be manned duly qualified officers and crew adequate ensure the safety of navigation.

A. by / to

B. with / to

C. with / for D from\ for

Key: B 船舶应配备适当合格的高级船员和普通船员,以确保航行安全

[240]Which of the following is not a maritime perils

A. Stranding or grounding.

B. Striking upon rocks or shoals

C. Collision between ships

D. Fire

Key: D以下哪项不是海难?(火灾可发生与任何地点而不仅仅在海上,故不属于海上风险)

[241] should be presented to the customs officers.

A. Bonded Store List

B. Deratization Certificate

C. Load line Certificate

D. Radio Safety Certificate

Key: A. 烟酒申报单(海关监管物品申报表)应被呈递给海关官员。

[242]A bowline is used to

A. join line of equal size

B. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a line.

C. be a stopper .

D. keep a line from fraying

Key: B 单套结用于临时在绳子的末端成型一个眼。

[243]A continual worsening of the list or trim indicates

A. negative GM

B. progressive flooding

C. structural failure

D. An immediate need to ballast

Key: B 连续恶化的横倾或纵倾表明船舶可能累进进水。

[244]Before counterflooding to correct a list, you must be sure the list is due to

A.negative GM

B. flooding

C. Off center weight

D. Reserve buoyancy

Key: C 在反向打入水(防倾覆注水)以克服倾斜前,你必须确保倾斜是由于非中线面载荷引起的。[245]CASE OF DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY TO A PERSON IN AN ACCIDENT OR SHIPPING DISASTER is

A. Salvage

B. Operations of the salvage

C. Casualty

D. Injury

Key: C 在事故或海难中人员的死亡或严重受伤事件是意外事故。

[246]Charts are subject to frequent correction according to

A. Notices to Mariners

B. Mariner's handbook

C. Sailing Directions

D. Guide to Port Entry

Key: A (光盘)海图依据航海通告而被频繁改正。

[247]Current refers to the

A.vertical movement of the water

B. horizontal movement of the water

C. density changes in the water

D. None of the above

Key: B 流指的是水的水平运动。

[248]For details of these and other lights the larger scale charts and Admiralty Lists should be

A. considered .

B. consulted

C. conclued

D. commanded

Key: B (光盘)对于这些和另外的灯标的详细资料,大比例尺海图和英版灯标表应被参考。

[249]How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?

A. Light blue haze

B. Light brown haze

C. Light gray haze .

D. Perfectly clear.

Key: D (光盘)一台正常运转的柴油机出现什么样的排气?完美的清晰

[250]If the sky was clear, with the exception of a few cumulus clouds, it would Indicate

A. rain

B. hurricane weather

C. fair weather

D. fog setting in

Key: C 假如天空清爽,除少量积云外,它将预示晴天。

[251 ]In the horizon system of coordinates what is equivalent to the poles on the Earth?

A. Celestial poles

B. Zenith, nadir

C. Ecliptic poles

D. Nodes

Key: B 在地平坐标系中,天顶,天底相当于地球上的极。

[252]Lsogonic lines are lines on a chart indicating

A. points of equal variation

B. points of zero variation

C. the magnetic latitude

D. magnetic dip

Key: A等磁差线是海图上相同磁差的点联成的线。

[253]Molded depth is measured from the

A. inside of the shell

B. outside of the shell

C. top of the center vertical

keel D. top of the garboard stake

Key: A 型深自船壳板的内侧量起。

[254]Nylon line is better suited than manila for

A. towing alongside

B. towing astern

C. holding knots and splices

D. resisting damage from chemicals Key: B 尼龙绳比马尼拉绳更适用于尾拖。

[255]0n an anchor windlass, the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a

A. brake compressor wheel

B. devil's claw.

C. wildcat

D. winchhead

Key: C 在起锚机上,锚链越过并通过它的轮子被称为持链轮。

[256]The International Load Line Certificate is a document indicating of the various load lines of the vessel.

A. decks

B. cabins

C. holds

D. positions

Key: D 证书文档指示了船上各种载重线的位置

[257]The Master may have his/her license suspended or revoked for

A. carrying stowaways

B. sailing shorthanded

C. being negligent

D. All of the above

Key: C (光盘)对于存在的疏忽,船长拥有的执照可能被终止或撤消。

[258]The ship on a low rock was broken in two by the waves.

A. that had been driven

B. had been driven

C. have been driven

D. which to have been driven

Key: A (光盘)搁浅在浅处岩石上的船在风浪中断成了两段。

[259]There is another thing I want to let you know. The lighting in the hold is very poor, even dark to work the cargo.

A. if

B. very

C. too

D. very much

Key: C (光盘)我想让你知道另一件事。货舱内的照明很差,甚至太黑以至于无法装卸货物。

[260]Vessels transiting Suez Canal are charged according to their

A. Gross Tonnage

B. Suez Canal Tonnage's

C. Net Tonnage's

D. Panama Canal Tonnage's

Key: B 船舶通苏伊士运河的收费是根据苏伊士运河吨收取的

[261] is not a type of charter-party.

A. A voyage charter-party

B. A time charter-party

C. A charter-party by demise

D. The charter of the United Nations Key: D 联合国宪章不是一种租船契约。

[262]A combination or all-purpose nozzle produces

A. low-velocity fog only

B. a solid stream only

C. a solid stream and foam

D. a solid stream and fog

Key: D 多用水枪产生实心流柱和水雾

[263)A compass card without north-seeking capability that is used for relative bearings is a(n)

A. bearing circle

B. pelorus

C. bearing bar

D. alidade

Key: B (光盘)一个没有指北能力的罗盘用来显示相对方位叫哑罗盘(哑巴的哑,也叫呆罗盘,现在很少用到了) [264]A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n)

A. running fix

B. fix

C. estimated position

D. assumed position

Key: C 单一位置线与推算船位结合得到的船位是估算船位。

[265]Although KG for-a vessel in lightweight is relatively high the vessel is stiff Because

A. KM is small

B. KM is high

C. BL is small

D. KB is large

Key: B 虽然空载时的KG相对较高,但船舶依然稳性过大因为KM也高。

[266]Before switching on gyro-compass, you should make sure that the power supply on board is

A. high or low

B. AC or DC

C. strong or weak

D. on or off

Key: B 在开动电罗经之前,你应确保船上交流或直流的电源正常。

[267]Cargo that is highly susceptible to damage by tainting from odorous cargo is Called

A. clean cargo

B. delicate cargo

C. dry cargo

D. immune cargo

Key: B 非常容易受气味货影响而损坏的货物叫做忌气味货。

[268]Every effort will be made by the Company to ensure that you are at the termination of your tenure..

A. received

B. relieved

C. believed

D. conceived

Key: B 公司将尽力确保在你任期结束时被接替。(原文:本公司将尽可能在雇用期满时解约)


[269]I'11 have the damaged parts repaired in Hongkong and send you in due course the amount of expenses

A. incurred

B. happened

C. spent

D. paying out

Key: A (光盘)我将在香港修理损坏的部件并及时地将产生的费用数量发送给你。

[270]In case of inconsistency between this bill of lading and the applicable tariff , this bill of lading shall

A. prevail

B. provide

C. apply

D. supply

Key: A 假如提单和实际的运价表之间不一致时,应以提单为准。

[271]Planning to stow in the end lower holds will result in much broken stowage.

A. large crates or cases

B. small curved items

C. drums

D. Filler cargo

Key: A (光盘)计划将大的条板箱或箱子装在船尾底部货舱将导致大的亏舱。

[272]The line-throwing appliance provided on board ship is

A. for the saving of life

B. for fire-fighting

C. for mooring purpose

D. for towing purpose

Key: A 船上准备的抛绳设备是用于救生时使用的。

[273]The Mariner's Handbook general information affecting navigation and is complementary to the Sailing directions.

A. giving

B. give

C. gives

D. given

Key: C 海员手册给出的影响航行的信息也是对航行指南的补充。

[274]The phrase VESSEL IN BALLAST usually means

A. the ship is fully loaded

B. the ship loaded with water C: a ship with cargo D. a ship with no cargo

Key: D (光盘)短语vessel in ballast通常的意思是船舶没有装货。

[275]We usually choose cargo-handling equipment according to

A. the ship type

B. the port's organization

C. the cargo's nature'

D. The dockers' ability

Key: C (光盘)我们通常根据货物的性质选择货物装卸设备。

[276]Your fireman's outfit includes a(n)

A. chemical protection face shield

B. approved work vest

C. self-contained breathing apparatus

D. marlinspike

Key: C 你的消防装备应该包括什么?自给式呼吸器。

[277]Your first 4(four) months' service with the Company shall be treated as period.

A. Experimentational

B. presumed.

C. probationary

D. contemporary

Key: C 在本公司服务的前4个月为试用期。参阅《劳务输出合同》第25条

[278]On a Mercator chart, 1 nautical mile is equal to

A. I minute of longitude

B. I degree of longitude

C.I minute of latitude

D.I degree of latitude

Key: C 在默卡托海图上,1海里等于1分纬度(的长度)。

[279]The depth a shallow patch, lying about 1. 3 miles southeastward of Nanshan Tou lighthouse reduces to about 6. 1 meters.

A. above

B. over .

C. Up

D. upon

Key: B 横位于Nanshan Tou灯塔东南方大约1.3海里的浅水区上方水深减少到6.1米。

[280] it rain tomorrow morning, the loading

A. Should / will be postponed

B. If / shall be postponed

C. Should / would be postponed

D. If / has to be postponed

Key: C 大部分地区风力3到4级,风向不定,明早转东北风5级.这预报指的是指定区域的风力.

[281 ]A barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a

A. high pressure system

B. low pressure system

C. high dew point .

D. low dew point

Key: B (光盘)气压表显示气压下降说明低压系统接近。

[282]A gas-free certificate would usually be issued by a(n)

A. CCS marine surveyor

B. certified marine chemist

C. port engineer

D. MSA marine inspector

Key: B 除气证书将通常由化学专家颁发。

[283]A lookout can leave his station

A. at the end of the watch

B. at any time

C. ONLY when properly relieved

D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch

Key: C (光盘)了望人员只有当被适当接替后可以离开了望岗位

[284]Above-normal tides near the center of a hurricane maybe caused by the

A. high barometric pressure

B. jet stream

C. storm surge

D. Torrential rains

Key: C (光盘)飓风中心附近的异常潮汐可能是由于风暴潮引起的。

[285]After using a C02 portable extinguisher, it should be

A. put back in service if some C02 remains

B. hydrostatically tested

C. retagged

D. recharged

Key: D (光盘)CO2便携式灭火器使用后,应被重新充装。

[286]All of the following are associated with cumulonimbus clouds EXCEPT

A. steady rainfall

B. hail storms

C. thunderstorms

D. tornadoes or waterspouts

Key: A 除稳定的降雨量外,以下所有均与积雨云有联系。

[287]All the holds to be loaded with grain must be swept commencement of loading.

A. cleanly / during

B. clear / meanwhile

C. clean / between

D. clean / prior to

Key: D (光盘)所有准备装载谷物的货舱必须在开始装货之前被清洁干净。

[288]Filler cargo refers to

A.durable packages

B. small pieces

B.C. the cargo in which. the voids appear D. the cargo suitable for stowage in void spaces

Key: D 填隙货(物)指的是适合装在空隙空间的货物。

[289]For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the

A. waterline

B. freeboard deck

C. plimsoll mark

D. Amidships section

Key: A 对于一艘正浮的船,吃水是自龙骨到水线的垂直距离。

[290]If you shorten the scope of anchor cable, your anchor's holding power

A. decreases

B. increases

C. remains the same .

D. has no relation to the scope

Key: A 假如缩短锚链长度,锚的抓力减少

[291]Many new will be opened, up at sea in the future for those with a university education.

A. opportunities

B. realities

C. necessities

D. probabilities

Key: A 他们的大学教育将来在海上有许多新的机会被展示。

[292]Mean high water is the average height of

A. the higher high waters

B. the lower high waters

C. the lower of the two daily tides

D. all high waters

Key: D (光盘)平均高潮是所有高潮潮高的平均值。

[293]Please mark (out) one of the most famous registers of shipping in the world.



C. Lloyd's Society

D. Liberia Shipping Registry

Key: C (光盘)请标记出一个世界上最著名的船级社。劳埃德船级社

[294]Sailing directions are kept up to date by

A: publications B. notices to mariners C. supplements D. Annual Summary of Admiralty Notices to Mariners Key: C 航路指南通过补遗(被)保持最新。

[295]Shifting weight aft in heavy weather will reduce the tendency to yaw but may increase the tendency to

A. be pooped

B. pitchpole

C. broach

D. squat

Key: A 在恶劣天气中向船尾转移重量将减少首摇的倾向,但可能增加浪击船尾的倾向。

[296]The Chief Checker reminded the Chief Officer the dried turnips on top of the turpentine.

A. to put not

B. not to put

C. of putting

D. of not putting

Key: C (光盘)理货组长提醒大副萝卜干(干芜箐)放置在松节油(松脂)上面。

[297]The loading operation in hatch Nos. 2. 4. 5 {suspended} and labors went ashore

A. went dead

B. discontinued for a long period

C. went ahead

D. completed

Key: B 第2,4,5货舱的装货作业以暂停(中断一段时间)并工人们已上岸。

[298]The master of a ship must allow a reasonable time to the consignees of the cargo For

A. delivery

B. take delivery

C. Taking delivery

D. delivering

Key: C 船长应当允许一个合理的时间以便让收货人获得交付。

[299]The release of the attached ship can only by provision of bail, usually a very large sum.

A. be secured

B. be sincere

C. be simulated

D. be signature

Key: A 被扣押船的释放仅能够通过提供保释金被取得,通常是一笔巨大的金额。

[300]The Shipowner is entitled to freight if he is ready to deliver at the port of destination the goods which were loaded.

A. no

B. some

C. half

D. full

Key: D 船东若已在目的港备妥交货,其有权获得全部的运费。

[301]Vessel towing with the current shall tow more than two boats and they must be towed alongside.

A. at times

B. at any time

C. at no time

D. at moment

Key: C 从事顺流拖带的船舶,所拖船应决不得超过两只,而且必须采用舷拖。

[302] means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.

A. Great Circle

B. Position Line

C. Rhumb line

D. True Bearing

Key: C (光盘)恒向线是一条地球表面的曲线,与所有的子午线成相同的角度。

[303]A block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a

A. bight block

B. gin block

C. heel block

D. snatch block

Key: D (光盘)在滑勾钩子处或卸扣末端能打开并置入一个绳环的滑轮叫开口滑轮。

[304]A foam-type portable fire extinguisher is most useful in fighting a fire in

A. generators

B.. oil drums

C. the bridge controls

D. Combustible metals

Key: B 便携式泡沫灭火器对扑灭油桶着火最有效。

[305]A spreader bar is used to

A. increase the lifting capacity

B. increase the lifting radius

C. protect the slings

D. protect the upper part of a load Key: D 一个延长杆用于保护上层货物。

[306]A wind vane on a moving vessel shows

A. dead reckoning wind direction

B. true wind direction

C. apparent wind direction

D. estimated wind direction

Key: C 运动的船上的风向标指示视风的方向。

[307]All of the following can be determined by use of a stabilogauge EXCEPT

A. metacentric height

B. mean draft

C. moment to trim one inch

D. deadweight

Key: C 除英寸纵倾力矩外,以下所有项目均能够被稳性测量仪确定。

[308]Before sailing for a foreign port, what document must you get?

A. The Policy of insurance

B. The Report of Entrance

C. The Clearance

D. The Pratique

Key: C 在开往国外港口前,你必须获得什么文件?结关书

[309]Charts should be corrected by using information published in the

A. Light List 8. American Practical Navigator C. Notice to Mariners D. Coast Pilot


[1]A cargo exception would appear on A. a Bill of Lading. B. the cargo manifest. C. the-Export Declaration. D. a Letter of Indemnity. Key: A 一个货物例外条款将出现在提货单上 [2]A vessel emitting harmful substances into the air or spilling oil into the sea is a A: Polluter B. Emitter C. Spiller. D. Oiler Key : A (光盘)船舶排放有害物质进入空气或溢出流入海中的石油是污染源 [3]Antiseptics are used principally to A. speed-healing B. prevent infection C. reduce inflammation. D. increase blood circulation Key: B (光盘)消毒剂主要用于防止感染 [4]Any partial loss or damage shall be pro rata on the basis of such declared value. A. adjusted B. arranged C. determined D. fixed Key : A (光盘)任何部分的损伤或损害应根据这类声明的价值被按比例核算。 [5]At the time of ,you will be credited with two days' extra basic salary. A: paying-off B. signing off C. sending off D. going off Key: B 在签署解雇合同时,你将得到两天额外的基本工资。参阅《劳务输出合同》第9条 [6]Beams are cambered to A. increase their strength B. provide drainage from the decks C. relieve deck stress D. All of the above Key: B 甲板横梁被制成弧型是方便甲板排水。 A. home B. family C. China D. returning Key : A (光盘)我收到指令,在我船回航途中,我将挂靠Maderra港装载一些货物。 [8]Peck and Hale gear is used most commonly for securing A. automobiles B. baled cargo C. large wooden crates D. palletized Cargo Key : A (光盘)叠架捆货法设备最普遍用于汽车的固定。 [9]Radar makes it possible and much safer for us to sail A. in dense fog B. in boisterous weather C. in the- open sea D. in Rivers Key : A (光盘)雷达使我们在浓雾中安全航行成为可能。 [10]The step of a pilot ladder which prevents the ladder from twisting is the . A. Proof bar B. Shifting bar C. Long bar D. Spreader Key : D (光盘)防止引航梯扭曲的梯踏板是横撑杆。 [11] will be broadcast every one hour on VHF Channel 6. A. VHF News B. Channel Rules C. Visibility Time D. Navigationals Warnings Key : D (光盘)在这个港口,它的规定是航行警告是每小时在甚高频6频道播发 [12]A wooden float placed between a ship and a dock to prevent damage to both is called a . A. camel B. dolphin C. rat guard D. wedge Key : A (光盘)一个木制的漂浮物放在船和码头之间以防止两者的损坏,叫做浮护木。 [13]Cargoes which an explosive inflammable poisonous and corrosive nature are called dangerous goods. A. is B. are of C. is of D. are Key :B 易爆易燃有毒,有腐蚀性的性质的货物被称为危险货物。 [14]Concerning the use of a stabilogauge稳性测量仪, what of the following cannot be found? A. Mean draft B. Trim C. Displacement D. Deadweight B (光盘)关于使用稳性测量仪,以下什么不能被得到?吃水差 [15]Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean . A. lower low water B. high water C. low ater D. sea level Key :D (光盘)这海图的正面等高线指的是英尺表示的平均海平面以上的高度。 [16]FLOATING NOT CONTROLLED WITHOUT A CLEARLY DETERMINABLE DIRECTION means A. Grounding B. Sailing C. Adrift 漂流 D. Running into danger


问题翻译 第一章、公共用语 1、你的出生日期是什么时候? 2、你的海员证的号码是多少? 3、你来自哪里? 4、你们船长的国籍是哪里? 5、你认为船上最重要的事情是什么? 6、你经常挂靠的港口是什么? 7、你最喜爱的电视节目是什么? 8、你最喜爱哪个网站? 9、你最喜爱一周中的哪一天?为什么? 10、你最喜爱哪种类型的电影? 11、你喜爱哪种音乐? 12、你最喜欢的杂志是什么? 13、你家乡的人口有多少? 14、你们国家的人口有多少? 15、你家乡最好的事情是什么? 16、你家乡最坏的事情是什么? 17、你的家乡怎么样? 18、在你们国家有没有由于天气原因引起的灾难? 19、你最喜欢看电视上的哪种运动项目? 20、你认为世界上最受欢迎的运动项目是什么? 第三章靠离与锚泊业务 1、你能列举出至少三种缆绳吗? 2、在引航员上船前要准备什么? 3、你船在不会弄断锚链危险的情况下抛锚的最大对水速度是多少? 4、船舶需要引航员时,应该升哪种信号旗? 5、到达港口前船舶怎样与港口取得联系? 6、引航站经常询问船舶哪些信息? 7、哪些信息需要报告给引航站? 8、什么信息需要从引航站确认? 9、船舶进入交管区时,需要报告什么? 10、锚绞缠是什么意思? 11、如果你被命令“备双车”,你要怎样复诵和报告? 12、你能列举世界上的3个著名运河吗? 13、在甚高频通信中,当你要求接收者保持在16频道时,你要怎么说? 14、在海上甚高频通信中,你怎么纠正错误? 15、在海上甚高频通信中,怎样强调信息中的重要部分? 16、弃船是什么意思? 17、缩写ETD是什么意思? 18、拖锚是什么意思? 19、在航是什么意思? 20、走锚是什么意思? 21、雷达信标和雷达反射器之间有什么区别?


154题中英对照 1.Self-igniting signals自动点火信号is not provided with onboard lifeboat? 2.According to IMO, the retro-reflective tapes反光带shall be posed outside lifeboat. 3.Lifebuoys-救生圈is not required on survival crafts 4.Have the safety belts for totally enclosed lifeboats全封闭式救生艇been examined 5.Are your lifeboats fitted with tripping line锚爪拉索 6.The fireman's outfit consists of safety lamp, protective clothing, rigid helmet, breathing apparatus 但不包括VHF 7.Mercator projection莫卡托投影can always give true distances 8.Why do distances always have to be measured from the nearest scale on a Mercator chart? Because it varies for each latitude因为它与每个纬度成比例 9.Ship's heading is the direction the vessel is pointing.航向是船舶指示的方向 10.How long would 15 minutes of longitude be at a latitude of 60 degrees North? 在北纬60度15分经度是多长?7.5海里 11.Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass? The magnetic compass is always placed inside steel constructions磁罗经总是放在刚性结构里面 12.Which one of the followings is correct regarding the use of gyrocompass? Gyrocompass needs to be checked from time to time旋转罗盘需要经常被核查 13.What often happens when using echo-sounder at river estuary where a layer of fresh water lies on the top of denser salt water? A scattering layer appears.出现散射层 14.Regarding the use of GPS, which one of the followings is incorrect? GPS can provide a real-time position 实时的位置under any condition 15.officer shall be aware that A. Radar’s range reading is more accurate than its bearing reading 16.As for racon, which one is incorrect:D. Racon can be used to take place of radar 17.What does a Racon help with? D. Identifying a seamark 18.What does ECDIS stand for:B. Electronic Chart Display and Information System 19.The IALA buoyage system is divided into two categories:C. The lateral system and the cardinal system 20.The lateral system is used in B. restricted water such as buoyed channels 21.In region A, The green buoys are kept to starboard and red to port when sailing from sea to land 22.Which one of the followings about Traffic Separation Scheme(TSS) is incorrect? D. Being in the TSS does change the general rule of the Road convention 23.How do you take a running fix移线定位? C. By taking bearings from a landmark at intervals and measuring the distance covered in intervals. 24.Who has the right of way in a Traffic Separation Scheme? C. The vessel coming from the starboard side 25.What would be colour of IALA starboard hand lateral buoy, as seen when sailing toward land, in Europe? 答案:A在欧洲,当驶向沿岸时将会看到航标协会右舷指示侧标是什么颜色?Green绿色 26.As the tide makes the water D. rise and fall twice a day a resulting current is generated 27.the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect. This is called the C. Slack平潮


航海英语试题库3:翻译题 Section 1 Expressions in Logbooks 1. Crew employed in preparing ship for sea. 船员作出海准备。 2. Took in 200 tons of fresh water in forepeak tank. 首尖舱装入200吨淡水。 3. Took in 450 tons of drinking water in fresh water tanks. 淡水舱装入450吨饮用水。 4. Filled up all ballast tanks with sea water. 所有压载舱装满海水。 5. Filled up fore and aft deep tanks with sea water for ballast. 前后深舱装满海水用于压载。 6. Lashed up objects both in holds and on decks. 将舱内和甲板上所有物品系固好。 7. Secured objects aloft and lashed up lifeboats. 紧固好高出物件,系固好救生艇。 8. Secured all derrick booms and other fittings, then battened down all hatches. 紧固好所有吊杆及索具,然后封舱。 9. Secured watertight doors for heavy weather. 紧固好水密门预防恶劣天气。 10. Tried out (Tested) steering gear and whistle, and checked up deck watch and telegraph with duty officer. All in good order. 试验舵机、汽笛,与值班轮机员对时钟、车钟。一切正常。 11. S/B eng. (Stood by engine.) 备车。 12. R/O eng. (Rang off engine.) 主机定速。


laden ship满载船 ensign国旗 propeller blade螺旋桨桨叶/轮叶、叶片Bosun水手长 Carpenter木匠 Beaufort scale蒲氏风级 mariner's handbook海员手册 revolution转数,旋转,革命 innovation创新,革新,改革 fishing gears捕捞设备 Aldis lamp爱尔迪斯信号灯,手提式信号灯Morse code莫尔斯码 veering风向顺转 backing风向逆转 well-found ship舾装完好船,设备完善的船舶foundered(船)沉没 clockwise顺时针 anti-clockwise逆时针 sextant六分仪 lying at anchor锚泊 lying at the outer anchorage在外锚地锚泊cadet实习生,卡带 hatch coaming舱口围板 painter 艇首缆,系艇索 self-righted自动扶正 U-bolt U型螺栓 hunting gear追随装置 bare steerageway舵效航速 twin screws双螺旋桨 cargo surveyor验货师 accommodation ladder居住舱舷梯,舷梯hogging中拱(用平均吃水与船中吃水比)sagging中垂(用平均吃水与船中吃水比)after range light后桅航行灯,后叠标灯Bonded Stores免税船上用品 give a wide berth to宽让 high sea公海 dayshape号型 trolling (line)曳绳钓 nylon line has more strength than manila line gooseneck鹅颈管,吊杆弯头 become due到期 be available to do sth. be available for sth.


中华人民共和国海事局 2003年第3期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第32期) 科目:航海英语试卷代号:902 适用对象:无限航区、近洋航区船舶大副 (本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟) 答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑.第1题至68题,每题1分,第69题至76题,每题1.5分,第77题至78题每题10分. 一.单项选择题 1. Freeing ports on a vessel with solid bulwarks ______. A. prevent stress concentration in the bulwark B. permit easy jettison of deck cargo in an emergency C. provide openings through the bulwarks for mooring lines D. allow water shipped on deck to flow off rapidly 2. The collision bulkhead shall be of ______. A. water-tight B. air-tight C. fire-tight D. oil-tight 3. The chief officer has the responsibility for ______. A. supervising the handling of cargo B. the upkeep of the ship and her equipment C. supervising the handling of cargo and the upkeep of the ship D. supervising the handling of cargo and the upkeep of deck equipment 4. The space is _______ hazardous vapour and not deficient in oxygen. A. free off B. free of C. free with D. away from 5. 4 sanitary storm valves to be dismantled, cleaned, ground and coated with _____, then refitted in order. A. bitumastic solution B. read lead paint C. anti-corrosive paint D. boottopping green paint 6. The patches where rust have been removed should be wiped clean before paint is ______. A. applied B. supplied C. replied D. complied 7. By the stowage factor,when given a certain volume of space,we know _______. A. the space of the ship B. the space of one hold C. what kind of cargo can be stowed D. how much cargo can be stowed 8. I have not found my stowage plan yet;in fact,I am not sure ______ I could have done with it. A. whether B. what C. why D. when 9. In order to determine the trimming arm for your vessel at any particular draft,which of the following would you compare? A. Longitudinal center of buoyancy and longitudinal center of gravity B. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of gravity C. Longitudinal center of floatation and longitudinal center of buoyancy D. Longitudinal tipping center and longitudinal center of gravity 10. The net productivity per gang-hour can be improved through a decrease of ______. A. cranes/derricks B. crane/derrick cycles C. crane/derrick cycle time D. weight per package 11. The forward draft of your ship draft is 27′11″and the after is 29′03″.The draft amidship is 28′05″.Your vessel is _______. A. Hogged B. Sagged C. Listed D. Trimmed by the head 12. Pinching of the cargo hose between the vessel and the dock should be prevented by_______. A. adjusting the hose supports B. laying out an excess length of hose on deck C. tying off the topping lifts and runners to winch heads D. All of the above 13. During loading or discharging,the tallymen must make contact with _______ on duty so as to solve problems in time. A. ship owner B. ship’s officers C. shippers D. consignors 14. Some of other bags were also damaged because _______. A. negligence of the stevedores B. three bags being slipped off the sling C. wire slings were used instead of sling platform D. ship’s officer on duty observed 15. The ship will be responsible for the cargo loaded or unloaded _______. A. only when the cargo is within its rail B. during the time when loading or unloading is going on C. after the cargo is checked by tallymen D. as soon as loading or discharging begins 16. Your ship is carrying hazardous cargo. During a daily inspection,you notice that some of the cargo has shifted and several cases are broken. You should FIRST _______. A. call out the deck gang to jettison the cargo B. log the facts in the rough log and inform the Chief Mate later C. make a determination of the seriousness of the breakage,and do what you think best D. report the facts immediately to the Master,who will make a decision 17. You have berthed in a port area with other tank vessels. What signal is displayed by a vessel to indicate it is transferring flammable or combustible liquid cargo? A. A flashing yellow light B. A red light visible all around the horizon C. A green light visible all around the horizon D. An illuminated red and yellow caution flag 18. Any vessel in need of carrying out deck washing must be______by the department concerned beforehand. A. requested B. allowed C. approved D. inquired 19. All handling and stowage of packaged hazardous materials on board a domestic vessel engaged in foreign trade shall be done under the supervision of _______. A. a MSA Marine Inspector




航海英语302 烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机 1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines. A.The funnel烟囱 B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection. A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley D.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线 厨房是制作美味食物的地方. 3.——is where delicious food is cooked. A.The funnel B.The messroom C.The galley厨房 D.The satellite antenna 食堂是全体船员用餐的地方 4.——is where the crew eat their meals. A.The funnel

B.The messroom食堂 C.The galley D.The satellite antenna 锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动. 5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary. A.The bulbous bow B.The anchor 锚 C.The bow thruster D.The propeller 船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily. A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏 B.The anchor C.The bow thruster D.The propeller 船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。 7.——is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at low speed.


[1501] The explosive range of a fuel lies between the lower explosive limit and the ______. A. flash point B. ignition temperature C. upper explosive limit D. fire point KEY: C一燃料的爆炸范围在爆炸下限和爆炸上限之间。 [1502] The external flotation bladder of an immersion suit should be inflated ______. A. only after two hours in the water B. only after four hours in the water C. before entry into the water D. upon entry into the water KEY: D浸水服外部的漂浮球片应当已进入水中就充气, [1503] The eye of a hurricane is surrounded by dense black cumulonimbus clouds which are called ______. A.wall cloud B. nimbostratus cloud C. bar D. Funnel KEY: A台风眼去被很厚的积雨云包围,这叫做云墙。 [1504] The eye of the hurricane has ______. A. very high barometric pressure B. average barometric pressure C. the lowest barometric pressure D. no change in barometric pressure KEY: C飓风眼区有一个最低低压。 [1505] The FIRST treatment for a surface burn is to ______. A. wash the burned area with a warm soap and water solution B. flood, bathe, or immerse the burned area in cold water C. cover the burned area with talcum powder and bandag it cover the burned area with talcum powder and bandage it tightly D. leave the burned area exposed to the atmosphere KEY: B皮肤烧伤的第一步应该用冷水冲洗,冲凉烧伤处。 [1506] The first treatment given to a person overcome by benzene vapor should be to ______. A. remove them to fresh air B. flush their face with water for about 5 minutes C. stand them up and walk them around D. remove their clothing and wrap them in blankets KEY: A一个被笨熏到的人第一步应该移动到有新鲜空气的地方。 [1507] The FIRST treatment of a person suspected of having airway burns is to ______. A. move him to a cool location B. maintain an open airway C. apply a cool damp dressing to his neck D. have him drink cool liquids KEY: B呼吸道烧伤的病人第一步应该保持一个开敞的呼吸道。 [1508]The fishing boat upset and sank to the______of the sea. A.base B.under part C.bottom D.down place KEY: C渔船倾覆并沉入海底。 [1509] The fitting of an efficient radar reflector is likely to considerably increase the ship’s probability of ______. A.detection B. being detected C. the detective D. the detected KEY: B有效的雷达反射器装置很可能增加船舶被探测到的可能性。 [1510] 同上 [1511] The fitting that allows a boom to move freely both vertical and laterally is called the _____ A.swivel B. lizard C. spider band D. Gooseneck KEY: D一个可以自由纵向和横向移动的装置叫做鹅颈头。


第六章 34-54,第七章第九节 93-98,第八章 99-110,第十章 128-144,第十一章 145-163,第十三章 174-192 第一节第二节各类证书的内容、展期与更新各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等)航海图书资料( 16)第二章航海图书资料(1-16)第一节第二节第三节第1组航路指南进港指南航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等) 1. __D____ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts. A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Signals C.Mariner's Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版《航海通告》出版用于英版海图的改正。 2. ___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100)国际航标协会海上浮标系统给出有关包括文字和图表解释的 方位标和侧标(五种航标:侧标,方位标,安全水域,特殊标志)的描述。 3. ___A___ gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 standard and 6,000 secondary ports in the world. A.Admiralty Tide Tables B.Admiralty Tidal Stream Atlases C.Admiralty Manual of Tides(NP120)D.Admiralty Tidal Handbooks(NP122 1-3)英版《潮汐表》给出全球超过230个主港和6000个附港的每天潮时,高潮高度,低潮高度的预报。 4. ____D__ gives listings of all lighthouses,lightships,lit floating marks(over 8m in height),fog signals and lights of navigational significance. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Admiralty List of Radio Signals C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)D.Admiralty List of Lights and Fog Signals 英版《灯标雾号表》给出有关灯塔,灯船,点亮的浮标(H大于8M),雾号,和航行灯等重要灯标的列表。 5. ___D___ is a comprehensive reference in graphical and textual form of all Admiralty


(2349---2690) 2349你船靠泊船首在码头并没有拖轮协助。哪一根缆绳最有用当你操纵船舶靠泊时?首倒缆 2350 你船装载不吸湿的货物自寒冷地区到温暖地区。你应货舱不通风。 2351你船因为GM高度不足导致倾斜。为降低G在M之下,你应在G下对称地增加重量。 2352 你船左倾4度且横摇周期短。船壳内有自由流动灭火留下的水。船舶首倾且首干舷1英尺。你应最先采取什么措施?排出首尖舱的水 2353 你船装载吸湿的货物自温暖地区开往寒冷地区。哪一句是正确的?你必须连续且旺盛地通风以防止船体出汗 2354你船的机舱在船中部并且货物集中装在船的首尾部。船舶有拉伸主甲板的中拱。 2355 油船满载,并且你发现尾倾过大。为调整吃水差,你可以转移燃油到船首部。 2356油船满载,并且你发现有轻微的首倾。为调整吃水差,你可以转移货油到船尾部。 2357 你船装载危险货物。在日常检查中,你注意到几个箱子的货物移位并开裂。你首先应立即将情况报告船长并听候指示。 2358你最好把选港货装在二层舱的防堵舱位,这样无论在上海或大连都能够被轻易卸出。 2359你将在常温下装载散装硫磺。哪一句是正确的?散装硫磺可以被符合所有适用规则而没有特别允许的船舶装载 2360 你装运的货物中有一含有一类爆炸品的包裹。包裹潮湿,发霉和污黑。根据规则装运这个包裹你应联系托运人并建议撤回,修理或更换。 2361 你很可能移动重量自上二层舱到底舱。这样一来,船舶将有更大的稳性高度。 2362 你已靠泊在周围有油船的码头。什么信号表示船舶正在进行转移易燃或可燃液体货物?视野周围可见到一盏红灯 2363 你有一定数量的袋装货物装载在三个甲板下二层舱。哪一种堆装方式最稳定?分层换向堆码 2364你们不能完成二舱的装货,能够吗?在肯定句中,用hardly,scarcely等词表示否定时,反意疑问句用肯定动词反问。 2365 在卸货其间,请求你安排必要的理货员在船上进行理货工作。 2366 昨天下午,由收货人指定的两名货物检验员到船上考察。我告诉他们货物是在八月14号到16号好天气下装的,大副收据上没有任何的批注。 2367 木制或钢制舱盖通过油布遮盖保持水密。 2368谁负责检查和核对船舶的等级和技术状况和条件?船舶检验员 2369 谁负责检查和核对船上所装货物的状况和条件?货物检验员 2370 以下哪一项将增加船舶的正稳性?移动重量自上甲板到下甲板。 2371以下哪一项将增加船舶的浮心高度?在上甲板装货(无论在哪装货吃水都增加) 2372 以下哪一项是为什么稳性高度仅能衡量船舶的初稳性的原因?船舶在大倾角时其横稳心不再保持在相同的位置上 2373 Hydraulically operated pusher.---液压推货器. 用于在舱内推动卷钢等货物Spread beam sling---火车吊架Revolving roll clamping device---卷筒夹具. 用于提升搬运筒状货物Platform sling---货板. 用于袋货,箱货,桶货及其包装货物的装卸作业以下哪一项适用于袋装货物?货板 2374以下哪一项对于防止货舱内货物汗湿货损最重要?货舱内的露点温度 2375 以下哪一项是对产生自由液面影响更大一点?液舱的横向宽度 2377在木材作业中,钢丝绳和环钩不适合被使用因为它们很难操作这一类货物。 2378 船舶到达时,未开卸之前的货物(将要卸的货物)处于绑扎状态. 2379 当汽车未工作时,司机应关闭机器。 2380当液体在舱内自由横向流动时,其作用叫做自由液面。 2381 当货物船舶的主甲板移到底舱时GM值增加。 2382当空气在其露点温度时将不能包含更多的水气。 2383 什么是保留浮力?水线上完整空间的体积 2384什么是MTI(Moment to charge trim by 1 inch)?纵倾船舶1英尺所须的英尺/吨 2385我们不将费用记在你的帐上。Charge the expense to one’s account 将费用记到某人的帐上 2386 我们通常根据货物的性质选择货物装卸设备。 2387我们上船和你一起核对涉及如修理单上所述的修理的主要项目。 2388经过水下探测,所述船舶的船底板,舭龙骨,舵和螺旋桨没有存在明显的缺陷。这类型的措词通常出现在船舶检验报告中。(潜水检验报告一般附在检验报告中) 2389经过勘察发现首尖舱的甲板控制阀不能够被关紧。 2390 为改善你船处于危险状态的稳性,你应深舱压载假如它是空的。 2391 装在舱上面的货物最少应用两层垫板,第一层放置便于排除积水。 2392提单下第187号的阀门计划中没有显示。某一批货(s/o No. B/L No. 等)的货物,应用under限定 2393 Strips of burlap---粗布条Heavy paper---硬纸Dunnage boards---垫板Strips of rope yarn---线绳在包装袋之间使用垫板可能引起袋子的擦损和撕损。 2394.包装危险货物的运输IMDG规则(国际危规)被约束(符合)。

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