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(1)He's in constant tr ouble with the police.

(2)He's usually quiet polite in my presence.

(3)Stan's dad died,leaving his mother to raise three sons alone.

(4)I have great faith in you——I know you'll do well.

(5)Things will get easier As time goes by.

(6)I got up early the next morning to jog.

(7)Julia began to clear the dishes from the table.

(8)He's about average height.

(9)If it all goes wrong,don't blame me.

(10)The match was cancelled due to a lack of support.

(11)I'm still bitter about the whole affair.

(12)I cherish the memory of those happy times.

(13)I have the impression that she is very good at her job.

(14)Make exercise a part of your daily routine.

(15)The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer.

(16)I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often.

(17)First,make sure the printer has enough paper in it.

(18)I had no option but to ask him to leave.

(19)We need to learn to accept people who have different beliefs from ours. (20)People tend to need less sleep as they get older.

(21)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived.

(22)He may look 30,but he is actually 45.



I want to have a cold drink rather than coffee.


He was determined not to smoke in my prensence.


It's time we got rid of these old toys.


He doesn't play half as well as his sister.


Not until 84 years ago did American women get the right to vote.

(6)The teacher told her it was a “fairy tale”and that none of the occupations she listed were women's job(她所列举的工作没有一项是女人能够做的)

(7)Jean was scared of her at first but grew to respect her firmness and fairness.(对她的严厉和公正渐渐心生敬佩)

(8)When you leave school,if you don't go for your dreams,no one will do it for you.(如果自己不去追求梦想,那么就没有人会来帮你忙的)

(9)He dreams of becoming a trainee dancer.(他梦想成为一名舞蹈教练)

(10)What Mr.John said changed the course of his son's life.(改变了他儿子的一生)

(11)我俩过去常常一起逛超市(hang out)

We two used to hang out in supermarket.

(12)情人节那天,他送给女友一束花(a bunch of)

He gave his girlfriend a bunch of flowers on Valentine's day.

(13)你是否已经决定到什么地方去度假?(decide on)

Have you decided on where you will spend your holiday?


I am grateful to you for showing me around the city.


A young man saved a little girl from drowing.


He performed best and deserved the gold medal.

(17)我一点也不想卷入他们的争论(get sucked into)

I have no intention of getting sucked into their argument.


There is no book that can compete with this one.

(19)如果你再这样下去,你会一无所获的(end up with)

If you go on like this,you will end up with nothing.


I am skeptical about the Chinese football team's chances of winning.

(21)或许我们能想出一个解决问题的办法(come up with)

Maybe w can come up with a solution to the problem.


His parents lacked the money to send him to university.

(23)我们应当不遗余力把失去的时间补回来(make up for)

We should spare no efforts to make up for lost time.


I don't think we'll succeed,but let's try anyway.

(25)如果你碰巧见到他,让他给我打个电话(happen to)

If you happen to meet him,ask him to call me.

(26)他设法在人群中找到了自己的朋友(seek out)

He managed to seek out his friend in the crowd.

(27)他岂止是不喜欢,他简直是讨厌烹饪(far from)

He didn't just dislike it,he is simply far from cooking.

(28)别指望今年会加薪了(count on)

Don't count on the salary increase this year.


I could scarcely recognize him.


I believe everyone in the world could make contribute to the future of the world.

(31)Hobbies can enhance your creativity,help you think more clearly and sharpen your focus.


(32)If you start thinking of your hobby as something that helps you professionally as well as personally,you won't feel so guilty about making time for it.


(33)You also take a risk that making your hobby your career will take all the fun out of it.


(34)如今,人们越来越依赖计算机来解决各种各样的问题(rely on;solve)Nowadays,people rely inc reasingly on computers to solve various problems.


Your future is not defined by the English exam,but passing it will enhance your chances of finding a job.

(36)This thinking is dangerous because it presupposes that happiness is a "response"to having,being or doing something.


(37)It has been my finding that actually the opposite is true.


(38)Happiness is conscious choice we make every day of our lives.


(39)众所周知,在语言学习方面,女生比男生更易学好(universally;tend to)Universally,girls are tend to learn better than boys in language learning.

(40)这种病的病源不明了,但很多医生都在寻找更好的治疗方法(source;in search of)The source of the disease is unknown,but many doctors are in search of better treatments.



English is not easy to learn-most common verbs are irregular (不规则) and it has a large (1)vocabulary.How you pronounce and write a word can also be very different. However, verbs are less(2)complicated than other languages and there is only one form to speak to someone directly—“you”.

English is very flexible—there are different versions of English in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean (加勒比海地区). Most (3)airlines and shipping companies use a simple form of Englіѕh to make (4)communication easier.

It is also the first language of technology and (5)education.Eighty percent of the (6)information on the Internet is in English. Almost all schoolchildren in Europe study it as a first foreign language.

About 25,000 new words(7)enter the English language every year. A lot of people tweet(在推特上发微博) or use other(8)social media. But what is m-commerce(微商)? It's e-commerce on a mobile phone, of course!

What is the future of English as a(9)global language?Will another language ever (10)replace it? Many people think not— it is already too popular.


Why are dreams so strange? Where do dreams come from? People have been trying to answer this since the(1)beginning of time. But no one has produced a more (2)satisfying answer than a man called Sigmund Freud. One's dream-world seems strange and (3)familiar, he said, because dreams come from (4)a part of one's mind which one can neither(5)recognize nor control. He named this the “unconscious mind”.

This(6)discovery of Freud's is very important if we wish to understand something about ourselves. For the unconscious (潜意识) forces(7)with in us are at least as powerful as the conscious forces we know about. Why do we choose one friend (8)rather than another? Why does one story make us cry or laugh while another story doesn't(9)affect us at all?Perhaps we know why. If we don't know, the reason may (10)lie deep in our unconscious minds.


There are lots of ways to meet new friends, and once you have decided that you are no longer going to be shy,and that you are(1)willing to step outside of the places where you are more comfortable,you will be able to(2)approach new people quiet easily.

First of all, remember that a good friendship is(3)based upon interest,so if you are looking to make friends, start to join clubs or go places(4)where you have interest. For instance, if you like to play sports, join a sports team or after school sports club.

If you have interests in music or writing, join clubs or organizations that(5)promote the things that you are interested in. When you see someone in a place like that, and you think that they look nice, it is always a good idea to(6)simply go up to them and(7)introduce yourself.Don't put too much(8)pressure on yourself, and remember that friendships don't always happen instantly. Simply be(9)thoughful with the words that you choose, and ask interesting questions so that you can start a conversation, you might find that you have much more(10)incommon than you would think.


Video games aren't only for play; they also(1)provide work. The workers, known as game developers,(2)make a living by creating the games you enjoy playing. Making video games is a serious- and big-business.(3)According the Entertainment Software Asociation, in 2009, the video game industry had sales(4)in excess of 10 billion and(5)employed more than 32,000 people in 34 states. Creating these game is(6)complex and requires the (7)collaboration of many developers,who perfom(8)a variety of tasks, from production to programming. They work for both small and large game studios to create games that can be played on many different(9)devices,including consolve systems,(10)computers,and cell phones.


Thanksgiving is the official launch of the holiday season. We start by giving thanks. We (1)end with giving gifts.But in the rush of creating the(2)perfect holiday season (parties,planning,purchasing),how often do you(3)pause and sincerely experience appreciation for the big and little things in life that often get(4)taken for granted?

How often do you stop and truly(5)appreciate all that you have in your life and everything you(6)are able to do? When was the last time you felt sincere sense of(7)gratitude for something like the water running from your tap or for electricity and all the modern(8)conveniences that you use? When was the last time you stopped to appreciate a day when your body was functioning(9)properly and your health was good? Take away any one of those things and you immediately experience the(10)frustration of its loss,but not taking the time to experience gratitude can cause its own discomfort also.


Psycholpgists studying the key to a good life have reached a very inteseting finding that could(1)affect the future of some of the men and women reading this. They have(2)discovered that there are two distinct(3)paths to a good life—and although the life of

either group could be termed both good and happy,the(4)lifestyle of one group would be far more satisfying and indeed gratifying.

The largest group of people interviewed(5)regarded their life as happy and successful. And those two(6)qualities—happiness and success—were the extent of their wishes. They were(7)content to continue on the path for the rest of their life.

Those in the smaller group(8)chose to lead what they termed a “meaningful life”, during which they enjoyed not only happiness and success,but also(9)gained gratification from making a (10)positive contribution to their fellow humans.


A hobby is an activity you enjoy doing. It is something of your choosing, something (1)unique to your taste and talent. It can(2)enhance our well-being and give more meaningto our life. People who cultivate themselves through such acivties are less(3)likely to sufferfrom anxieties, rage, depression and other negative feelings.

A hobby is the easiest way to(4)restore your balance whenever you are over- worked ors tressed. It will always give you pleasure and help you to(5)relax.Perhaps one of the mostactive ways to get in touch with yourself is to explore yourself through your hobby. When you have a hobby, you will try to create time for yourself and manage your(6)schedule well to keep that appointment with yourself. When you (7)take up a hobby with a sense of purpose, you canthink of adding value to yourself.

Most people think that the time to pursue their hobby is when they retire. But by that time,people would have less ability to learn a hobby. However, those who have(8)pursued a certainhobby at a younger age would continue to do so well into their old age. What's more, a hobbygives you a reason to(9)reach out and share with other people. It will give you an enriching and(10)rewarding experience for the rest of your life.


The way people hold to the belief that a fun-filled, pain-free life equals happiness actually(1)reduce their chances of ever attaining real happiness. If fun and pleasure are equal to happiness then pain must be equal to(2)unhappiness.But in fact, the(3)opposite ,is true: more often than not things that lead to happiness (4)involve some pain. As a result, many people avoid thevery attempts that are the source of true happiness. They fear the pain inevitably brought by such things as(5)marriage,raising children, professional achievement, religious commitment, and selfimprovement.

A bachelor may(6)risist marriage even though he finds dating, to be less and less satisfying. If he is honest, he will tell you the reason is that(7)is afraid of making a commitment,for commitment is quite painful. The single life is filled with fun, adventure, and excitement.Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most(8)distinguishing features.

Couples with infant children are lucky to get a whole night's sleep or three-day vacation.I don't know any parent who would(9)choose the word fun to describe raising children, but couples who decide not to have children never know the joys of watching a child(10)grow up or of playing with a grandchild.



B1)Which of the following skills are both input and receptive skills?

A) Reading and speaking.

B) Listening and reading.

C) Listening and writing.

D) Speaking and writing.

D2)What is not recommended by the author as a way to improve reading skills?

A) Reading as much as you can.

B) Making notes when necessary.

C) Thinking about the structure and unfamiliar words while reading.

D) Reading difficult books.

B3)Which of the following statements is true regarding listening?

A) If you becomc skillful and more native-like in reading, you necd not practice listening.

B) Listening skills will grow automatically as reading skills improve.

C)We need not take notes in listening.

D)Listening is a productive skill.

C4)Communicative competence is__

A) receptive skills

B) productive skills

C) the ability to use language to do things

D) the ability to understand and produce language correctly

A5)What is the most wonderful result of learning English?

A) We can communicate with people around the world.

B) We can listen to VOA or BBc.

C) We can express our ideas in English.

D) We can translate Chinese language into English.


A 1) In the first paragraph, the word "enthusiasm"can be best replaced by__.

A) passion B) confidence

C)doubt D)success

D 2)In which year didn't Maurice Greene win the 100m and 200m races in Kansas High School State athletic meeting

A) 1993. B)1992

C) 1991. D)1990

B3)In which year was Maurice Greene the most dominant figure in sprinting?

A) 1997. B) 1999.

C) 2000. D) 2001.

C4) Which of the following statements is true about Maurice Greene?

A) He has never been intimated by anyone else.

B)His confidence comes from his wide smile and tattoo(纹身).

C) He has been greatly influenced by Muhammad Ali.

D)He was the greatest American sprinter of all time.

A 5) According to the passage, what are the main reasons for Maurice Greene's success?

A) Confidence and hard training.

B) Natural talent and enthusiasm.

C) Enthusiasm and hard training.

D) Talent and luck.


B1) When the author was very young, he began to______

A) live with his uncle

B) sing pop songs

C) sing folk songs

D) study vocal music

D 2) The music training he received was

A) given in the Children's Palace

B) very strict

C) about how to sing well

D) all of the above

C3) Which of the fllowing statements is NOT true?

A) The author always likes singing.

B) The author has been the winner in many singing competitions

C) The training the author received made him lose interest in singing.

D) When the author was young, he wanted to be a famous singer.

A 4) What can be inferred from the passage?

A) The author didn't have the conditions needed to become a professional singer

B) The author' s parents didnt want him to be a professional singer.

C) The author gave up the hobby of singing.

D) The author didn't like listening to music.

D5)The author writes the article to__

A) show how interesting singing is

B) explain why he likes singing most

C) introduce some good songs to us

D) persuade us into pursuing hobbies


B1) Happiness is something

A) that can be bought

B) everybody wants to have

C) related to the amount of money we have in the bank

D) related to luxury items

C2) which of the following does not belong to the“three secrets to happiness"?

A) Having good relationships with people.

B) Thinking positively.

C) Fleeing from work.

D) Getting engaged in something.

C3) What can be inferred from the passage?

A) Happiness is easy to get.

B) A good relationship takes one too much time to establish.

C) When we are busy doing something, we may forget time.

D) Watching TV attentively is a kind of flow

A4) Positive thinking can__

A) make people feel happy

B) make people more powerful

C)never be a habit

D) work at any time

B5) The author writes the article to___

A) show how difficult life is

B) explain how to obtain happiness

C) help us focus on our work

D) explain the relationship between money and happiness

主题①My Hobbies(我的爱好)

My hobby is swimming, because swimming is good for health. Can exercise my own body, I also like water. Water is the source of life. Swimming is easy and fun. Do you have the same hobbies as me?

主题②My dream (我的梦想)

Everyone has his dreams. As students, we have many kinds of dreams, dreams can be big or small, have dreams to have motivation. My dream is very funny and interesting, which is

more worth my efforts. I want to take photos with my favorite stars through my efforts. He is Li Yifeng, a hair quality boy whom I have liked and admired for 9 years.

主题③My college life(我的大学生活)

Many people think college life is free and comfortable, but I want to say this is not true. In fact, my college life is so busy that I don't know whether I have enough energy. As for my college life? It is like a dream, sometimes in the dormitory to catch up on the draft, sometimes in the wild, good mood!


大学英语期末复习资料及答案 ☆Unit 1 I. Vocabulary 1. There was something __c___ about Julia’s quiet dignity. A. impress B. impression C. impressive D. impressed 2. Social services were strongly __D___ for not taking more action to protect children at risk. A. critic B. critical C. criticism D. criticized 3. I braced myself __B___ the results of my blood test. A. to B. for C. in D. with 4. Vitamin A helps build resistance __B___ infection. A. to B. for C. in D. with 5. Rob was __A___ enthusiasm. A. brimmed with B. brimmed to C. brimming with D. brimming to

6. I can’t __D___ what color to paint the house. A. take out B. look out C. make out D. figure out 7. During the most _C____ time in her career, she wrote five novels. A. produce B. production C. productive D. producing 8. The world’s __A___ resources must be used wisely. A. definite B. infinite C. finite D. definition 9. Without proper lessons, you could __B___ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano. A. keep up B. pick up C. draw up D. catch up 10. He decided to speed up the research _A____at completing it ahead of schedule. A. shot B. shoot C. short D. shooting 11. We__D___ into my car and set off. A. was cramming


英语期末复习资料 选词填空 (1)He's in constant tr ouble with the police. (2)He's usually quiet polite in my presence. (3)Stan's dad died,leaving his mother to raise three sons alone. (4)I have great faith in you——I know you'll do well. (5)Things will get easier As time goes by. (6)I got up early the next morning to jog. (7)Julia began to clear the dishes from the table. (8)He's about average height. (9)If it all goes wrong,don't blame me. (10)The match was cancelled due to a lack of support. (11)I'm still bitter about the whole affair. (12)I cherish the memory of those happy times. (13)I have the impression that she is very good at her job. (14)Make exercise a part of your daily routine. (15)The police are trying to discover the identity of the killer. (16)I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. (17)First,make sure the printer has enough paper in it. (18)I had no option but to ask him to leave. (19)We need to learn to accept people who have different beliefs from ours. (20)People tend to need less sleep as they get older. (21)The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. (22)He may look 30,but he is actually 45. 句子翻译 (1)我想喝冷饮,不想喝咖啡 I want to have a cold drink rather than coffee. (2)他决心不当着我的面抽烟 He was determined not to smoke in my prensence. (3)是时候扔掉这些旧玩具了 It's time we got rid of these old toys. (4)他演奏水平不及他姐姐的一半 He doesn't play half as well as his sister. (5)直到84年前美国女性才取得了投票权 Not until 84 years ago did American women get the right to vote.


大学英语(二)期末复习资料 听力 Longconversation 一.1. A.Sheimpressesthemanwithherperformance. B.Shehasnodifficultyfinishingtheassignments. C.Sheoftenfailstoturninherhomeworkontime. D.Shecomeslatetoclassfromtimetotime. 2. A.Itimprovesherperformanceinothersubjects. B.Itenableshertohelpherfatherinbusiness. C.ItmakesherloseinterestinSpanish. D.Itpresentsgreatdifficultyforher. 3. A.Hehasagoodpersonalrelationshipwiththewoman. B.Hescoldsthewomanforchallenginghisauthority. C.HethinksthewomanhasagiftforSpanish. D.Hedislikesgivingadvicetohisstudents. 4. A.Engageincreativeactivities. B.Tryherbesttopleaseherfather. C.WorkharderinherSpanishclass. D.Exercisetostrengthenhermuscles. 二、1. A.Therearesomanyplantsthatitishardtoseethesky. B.Manyplantsaresickbecauseoflackofsunlight. C.Theplantsaremorespectacularthanshehaseverdreamed. D.Theplantsstrugglehardtoseethesunortheskyabove. 2. A.Theyenjoybeingsofarawayfromtechnology. B.Theylivemilesandmilesawayfromeachother. C.Theynevertravelmorethan15milesalongtheriver. D.Theyareseparatedfromtheworldoutsideofthejungle. 3. A.BecauseEmilyshowedheragreattreasure. B.BecauseEmilyhelpedherwinabigprize. C.BecauseEmilygaveheranemptybottle. D.BecauseEmilygaveherabottleofwine. 4. A.Smallandcommonthingsshouldalsobevalued. B.Localpeopleintherainforestareeasiertoplease. C.Withoutmoderntechnologylifecanbequitedifferent. D.Localpeopleintherainforesttakemodernlifeforgranted. 三、1. A.Theylikethelifestyleatthebeginningofthe1960s. B.Theyareinspiredbytheentertainmentofthe1960s. C.Theyarebigfansoffamousactressesinthe1960s. D.Theyarelikelytodresslikepeopleinthe1960s. 2. A.Theyarebrightlycolored. B.TheyareinhonorofthemovieTheGodfather.


大学英语期末复习资料及答案英语是一门广泛学习的语言,尤其是对于大学生而言,掌握一定的英语能力对他们的学习和未来的发展都十分重要。本文将提供一些大学英语期末复习的相关资料和答案,希望能够帮助大家更好地准备期末考试。 一、听力理解 听力理解是英语考试中的一个重要部分,也是大多数学生较为薄弱的一个方面。为了帮助大家提高听力水平,以下是一些复习资料和答案供参考: 题目一: 听力材料:A: What kind of movies do you like? B: I enjoy watching romantic comedies. 问题:What kind of movies does B enjoy watching? 答案:B enjoys watching romantic comedies. 题目二: 听力材料:A: Did you go to the party last night? B: No, I had to finish my assignment. 问题:Why didn't B go to the party? 答案:B didn't go to the party because he had to finish his assignment.

二、阅读理解 阅读理解是英语考试中另一个重要的部分,考察学生的阅读能力和理解能力。以下是一些阅读理解题目和答案供复习之用: 题目一: 阅读材料: Growing up in a small town, Tom felt trapped. He dreamed of seeing the world, experiencing new cultures and meeting different people. When he finished high school, he decided to travel abroad. 问题:Why did Tom decide to travel abroad? 答案:Tom decided to travel abroad because he wanted to see the world, experience new cultures, and meet different people. 题目二: 阅读材料: The invention of the light bulb had a significant impact on people's lives. Before its invention, people relied on candles and oil lamps for lighting. The light bulb not only provided a brighter and more convenient source of light, but also contributed to the development of many other industries. 问题:What impact did the invention of the light bulb have on people's lives?


1. 使某人声名永驻to give sb. permanent fame 2. 给予某人掌声和收益to provide applause and profit where sb. is concerned 3. 永久地离开了某地to quit a place for good 4. 不幸的是sad to say 5. 为??????拍手喝彩to clap for sth./sb. 6. 反抗/反感?????? to revolt against/at/from sth./sb. 7. 绊倒某人;使某人犯错误;使某人受挫to trip sb. up 8. 把??????对准?????? to aim… at… 9. 尽管如此;仍然all the same 10. 瞟某人/某物的眼神one’s quick eye for sb./sth. 11. 落魄,潦倒to come down in the world 12. 闻名世界to achieve world fame 13. 有意做某事to do sth. on purpose 14. 有一种要做??????的欲望to have the urge/a deep need to do sth. 15. 把??????写成文字to hav e… written into a script 16. 以沉重的代价换来的自知之明painfully-bought self-knowledge 17. 进入,来到(某处)?????? to find one’s way into… 18. 失去了对??????的信心to los e one’s fai th in sb./sth. 19. 与某人共同走进夕阳之中/与某人白头偕老to walk into the sunset with sb. 20. 发现某人是一个?????? to find in sb. a man/woman of… 1. Jack’s shirt was burned by ____ from the fire. A) spots B) spills C) sparks D) sprays 2. The wood was so rotten that, when we pulled, it ____ into fragments. A) broke off B) broke away C) broke up D) broke through 3. We shall have to ____ the meeting until next week, I’m afraid. A) postpone B) conduct C) replace D) last 4. To our ____, Geoffrey’s illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared. A) entertainment B) judgment C) relief D) relaxation 5. The working of the machine ____ that of the human brain. A) compromises with B) competes with C) communicates to D) corresponds to 6. The attack was the latest in a series of border ____ in that area. A) accidents B) incidents C) events D) occurrences 7. The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don’t ____ themselves better. A) direct B) accustom C) adjust D) behave 8. The oppressed peasants rose up in armed ____.


第一单元 (1)Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a(n)harmonious(adj.和谐的,融洽的)society. 只有当我们意识到互相帮助的重要性,我们才能致力于构建一个和谐社会。 (2)College education can help enrich(v.充实,丰富)our knowledge,but more importantly,it prepares us for entering society and serving society in the future. 大学教育有助于丰富我们的知识,但更重要的是,它为我们将来进入社会和服务社会做准备。(3)He adopted(v.采用)a more cautious approach and decided to run more tests. 他采用了更谨慎的方法,并决定运行更多的测试。 (4)They have warned the world to expect more frequent and intense(adj.强烈的)extreme weather events, and this is what we are seeing. 他们警告说,世界将面临更频繁、更剧烈的极端天气事件,这就是我们所看到的。 (5)We hope that both sides exert calmness and restraint(n.克制)and continue to dissolve differences through negotiation. 我们希望双方保持冷静克制,继续通过谈判化解分歧。 (6)Even after the economic crisis,South Asia continues to be one of the most dynamic(adj.动态的)economic regions in the world. 即使在经济危机之后,南亚仍然是世界上最具活力的经济区域之一。 (7)I have a steady income and a(n)flexible(adj.能适应新环境的,灵活的)schedule so that I can visit different countries every year. 我有稳定的收入和灵活的时间安排,这样我每年都可以去参观不同的国家。 (8)The young woman ran after the robbers but collapsed(n.崩溃,瓦解)almost immediately due to the exhaustion from the struggle. 那个年轻的女人追着强盗跑,但由于挣扎的疲惫,她几乎立刻瘫倒在地。 (9)In many countries being fat does not fit in with the modern ideal of beauty which is exemplified(v.举例说明)by fashion models and young film stars who are all incredibly thin. 在许多国家,胖不符合现代美的理想,时尚模特和年轻的电影明星都瘦得令人难以置信。(10)School in the United States have stepped up recruitment of foreign students,to diversify(v.使多样化)their student bodies,as well as to boost their funding. 美国的学校已经加强了对外国学生的招生,使他们的学生群体多样化,同时也增加了他们的资金。 翻译: 1)爱人者有仁爱之心,自爱,爱亲人以及其他人 A loving person is a person who is kind-hearted, loves himself, loves his family and all the other people. 2)所谓"和而不同"是指君子之间保持互相尊重,和谐,友爱的关系。 Harmony but not sameness means that a gentleman keeps mutually respectful,harmonious and friendly relations with other people. 3) 中国人庆祝春节与西方人过圣诞的方式基本相同,大量购物,互赠礼物,大快朵颐。The Chinese people observe the Spring Festival in muchthe same way that theWesterners do Christmas, doing a lot of shopping, exchanging presents, and havingbig meals. 4) 我们需要改变的不一定是自己的生活方式,或者物质条件,而是我们对待生活的态度。What we need to change is not necessarily our lifestyle, or our physical conditions,but rather our attitude toward life.


一.听力35%: (选择题,来自第1,2,3,6,7 单元section 4 部分,以及Model Test 1。 复合式,来自四级题目) Unit 1, 短:A the woman C the women friend ask him to cheat in the exam A tom like the man C the woman think the man should have real friend C the man lost contact with jean 长:B since they were in the kindergarten A sincere Cthe women want to know whether for the job C the women done an investigation into jack 篇:B those who make many friend at school B because they can help management and teamwork A because we have different relationship with different people C one hunderd and fifty Unit 2, 短:BCBAC 长:CBAA 篇:DACD Unit 3, 短:ADDBB 长:BBBA 篇:ADAD Unit 6, 短:BCDDB 长:CBDC 篇:BAAC Unit 7, 短:CDBBC 长:BADC 篇:ACBD 二.阅读 35%:(两篇来自四级,两篇来自 3 级) 三.翻译 15%:(第 1,2,3,6,7 单元课后习题翻译部分改编) Unit1 p14 1, Lively behavior is normal 2, Fast cars appeal to 3, diverse arguments 4, I asked my boss for clarification 5, sensitive to light 6, Mutual encouragement 7, made fun of him 8, persists in his opinion/viewpoint 9, to be the focus of the attention 10, we buy our tickets in advance Unit 2 p45 1, the main drawback with this type of search engine 2, She’s very generous with her time 3, they will never be more than a casual acquaintance 4, He doubted that the car was hers 5, they will remain in the memory forever 6, In a world too often filled with uncertainties 7, a year ahead of the prediction by the research group 8, so long as she doesn’t make a habit of it Unit3 p71 1, Carry over into personal life


2022-2023学年第(1)学期期末复习资料 一、Maritime terms Unit 9 commercial ship, cargo ship, breakbulk carrier, bulk carrier, container ship, auto carrier, tanker, fishing vessel /ship/ boat, passenger ship, cruise ship, ferryboat, tow boat/ tug boat, barge, sunken hold barge, flat top barge, specialized ship, pallet board, hydraulic hatch, bridge, ballast system, refrigerated hold, deck, compartments, tank, void, tunnel, longshoremen, container terminal, loading and off-loading the cargo, ship fitter, marine pipefitter, a universal port, containerized general cargo, bulk cargo, berths, freighter, oil / chemical tankers, ro-ro ships, break bulk carriers, feeder, seaborne cargo Unit 10 seafarer, shipmaster, crew, seagoing, deviate, dike, bulk cargo, oceanic climate, a heat island effect, canal cruise, fresh water lake, fishing village Unit 11 ship construction, a major hurricane, annual cargo haul, the container throughput, fishing base, marine products, coastal freight, coastal catches, large-scale container terminal, container traffic, TEU (twenty-foot equivalent unit), breakwater Unit 12 nautical mile, knot, latitude, nautical chart, open seas, pilotage, shore pass, logbook, loading list, harbour dues, round voyage 二、英译汉 Unit 9 1. These ships will mostly have four or five holds (a hold is the cargo space in a ship), with one or, in a few cases, two holds aft of the engineroom, and four to five holds generally forward of the engineroom. 2. These ships are designed to carry large steel containers that are usually twenty feet or forty feet long, eight feet wide and eight feet tall. 3. There will be no large hatch covers like there is on general cargo ships and bulk carries, but there will be much smaller manholes at each tank for workers who need to climb down into the holds to work. 4. Just forward of the bridge is the pumproom, where the pumps for the ballast system will be found. 5. For example, banana boats that are not much more than small general cargo ships. Due to the cargoes they carry, banana boats can be unsettling because insects and other pests can inadvertently access the holds. Key: 1. 这些船通常有四到五个货舱(hold是船上的货舱),其中一个货舱或少数情况下有两个货舱在机舱的后方,有四到五个货舱在机舱的前方。 2. 这些船是设计用来装载大型钢质集装箱的。集装箱通常长20英尺或40英尺,宽8英尺,高8英尺。 3. (油轮)不会像一般货船和散货船那样有大舱口盖,但每个油箱上都会有小得多的人孔,供需要爬进舱内工作的工人使用。


大学英语(4)期末复习资料 (附参考答案) 一、语法(75题) Grammar: Choose the best choice to complete the sentences. 1.I every week. A go swimming B goes swimming C went swimming 2.I work yesterday. A doesn’t go to B didn’t go to C don’t go to 3.my father phone me last night? A Do B Does C Did 4.What in their spare time? A do the students often read B the students often read C the students do often read 5.I was reading the newspaper Joyce came over to chat. A at then B when C where 6.I sleep well when I was younger. A don’t used to B didn’t used to C didn’t use to 7.We everything together, but now we don’t. A use to do B used to do C used do 8.There have been a lot of changes 1978. A since B from C for 9.Her brother in the army for three years. A have been B has been C was 10.I haven’t paid DJ Richard . A since B already C yet https://www.wendangku.net/doc/0519469898.html,st year I often that library. A went to B go to C goes to 12.anything wrong with the machine? A Are there B Is there C Do there 13.Who gave you those flowers? A / B do C did 14.I some drinks when I noticed this woman. A am making B make C was making 15.Did you play basketball? A use to B used to C be used to 16.She has just Shanghai. A went to B gone to C go to 17.You borrow my bike tomorrow. A must B can C should 18.You go there. A don’t have to B need not to C don’t need 19.The nights be cold. A are B should C will 20.Hurry up, we’ll be late. A or B and C but 21.I go to the party. A might not B not might C mustn’t 22.He be ill. He looks so pale. A can B must C mustn’t 23.I can’t promise you . A something B anything C nothing 24.Jim is Jack. A as tall than B as taller as C as tall as 25.He is boy in our class. A the tallest B the most tall C a tallest 26.you don’t know the answer, ask me. A Since B Because C If 27.You smoke here. A mustn’t B needn’t C don’t 28.Paris tonight. Look -- here’s the plane ticket. A I’m flying to B I fly to C I can fly to 29.My car consumes gas than hers. A few B less C little 30.Mary has more books her brother.


单选 1 This is the book __I was telling you just now. A about that B in that C in which D about which 【答案】D 2 问答题 汉译英:众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的. 请输入答案 【答案】 It is well known that lung cancer was caused at least in part by smoking too much. 单选 3.The picture__has a house and flowers is the one l like best. A IT Bthat Cwhat Dwhere 【答案】B 4. Don't give the baby meat to eat,because he cannotit. Ause Bapproach Cconfine Ddigest 【答案】D 5 名称解释 汉译英:众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的. 请输入答案 【答案】 It is well known that lung cancer was caused at least in part by smoking too much. 17:59 28分·LL 6/48 6 问答题 汉译英:必须教导年青人学会区分善与恶。(the difference between good and evil) 【答案】 Young people must be taught to learn the difference between good and evil. / We must teach young people to learn the difference between good and evil.


《大学英语1》期末考试综合复习资料 I. Use of English(20%)—交际英语,共10道选择题,每题2分,共20分。 II.Reading Comprehension (40%)—阅读理解,4篇文章,共20道选择题,每题2分,共40分。 III.Vocabulary and Structure(30%)—词汇及语法,共30道选择题,每题1分,共30分。 IV.Cloze Test (10%)—完形填空,共10道选择题,每题1分,共10分 I. Use of English (10×2) Directions:In this part there are 10 incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen ter. 1. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station —____________ A. No, I couldn’t. B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. C. I couldn’t tell you. D. You can’t ask me. 2. — What day is today — _____________. A. Today is March 24. B. Today is not bad. C. Today is sunny D. Today is Saturday 3. —How do you do Glad to see you. — _________________________ A. How are you Me too. B. How do you do Glad to meet you. C. I am fine, thank you. And you D. Nice, how are you 4. —I’m sorry. Bob’s not in his office. — _________ A. Can you take a message for me B. Are you sure for that


大学英语3 1. Customer: Excuse me. How much is a letter to South Africa? Clerk: The rate for airmails is two dollars. 2.Please remind me to see the director at 10. 3. Conversion is amethod of turning words of one part of speech to those of a different part of speech. 4. The “de-” in “demilitarize” is a/an reversative prefix. 5. Semantic motivation explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of the word. 6. Client: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Turner? Secretary:I’m sorry. He’s at a meetin g right now. 7.Online shopping brings competition to traditional business operation. 8. “Omnibus, earthquake, discotheque” are replaced by “bus, quake, disco” respectively in the way of clipping. 9. Connie: Are you doing pottery? It looks like fun! Frank:Would you like to try it? Connie: Boy, would I? Thanks. 10.Customer: The jeans look cool. May I try them on? Salesman: Sure. What size, please? 11. If I had known your address, I would have visited you.

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