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关关雎鸠, 在河之洲窈窕淑女, 君子好逑

参差荇菜, 左右流之窈窕淑女, 寤寐求之

求之不得, 寤寐思服悠哉悠哉, 辗转反侧

参差荇菜, 左右采之窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之

参差荇菜, 左右之窈窕淑女, 钟鼓乐之A Fair Maiden

By riverside are cooing

A pair of turtledoves;

A good young man is wooing A maiden fair he loves.

Water flows left and right

Of cresses here and there;

The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair.

His yearning grows so strong He cannot fall asleep;

He tosses all night long,

So deep in love, so deep!

Now gather left and right

The cresses sweet and tender; O lute, play music bright

For the bride fair and slender! Feast friends at left and right On cresses cooked so tender; O bells and drums, delight The bride so fair and tender!



静女其娈,贻我彤管彤管有炜,My Quiet Maiden

My quiet maiden is fair and tall;

She waits for me at the corner wall. Evasive, she can be found nowhere; Scratching my head, I seek here and there. Beautiful is my quiet lass;

She gives me a blade of crimson grass. The crimson grass spreads a rosy light;



美人之贻I love the grass so fair and bright.

My maiden comes back from the mead;

She gives me a beautiful rare reed.

It's beautiful not because it's rare; But it's the gift of my maiden fair.



桑之未落,其叶沃若。于嗟鸠兮,无食桑葚;于嗟女兮,The Faithless Man

A man seemed free from guile, In trade he wore a smile,

He'd barter cloth for thread; No, to me he'd be wed.

We went across the ford;

I'd not give him my word.

I said by hillside green, "You have no go-between. Try to find one, I pray.

In autumn be the day!"

I climbed the wall to wait

To see him pass the gate.

I did not see him pass;

My tears streamed down, alas!

I saw him passing by,

I'd laugh with joy and cry. Both reed and tortoise shell. Foretold all would be well. "Come with your cart," I said. "To you I will be wed."

How fresh were mulberries With their fruits on the trees! Beware, O turtledove,

Eat not the fruits you love, For they'll intoxicate.




及尔偕老,老使我怨。淇则有岸,隰则有泮。总角之宴,言笑晏晏。信誓旦旦,不思其反。反是不思,亦已焉哉!Do not repent too late!

Man may do what they will, He can atone it still.

The wrong a woman's done No man will e'er condone. The mulberries appear

With yellow leaves and sear. E'er since he married me,

I've shared his poverty. Desert'd, from him I part, The flood has wet my cart.

I have done nothing wrong; He changes all along.

He's fickle to excess, Capricious, pitiless.

Three years I was his wife And led a toilsome life. Each day I early rose,

And late I sought repose.

He thought it not enough And began to become rough My brothers did not know, Their jeers at me would go. Mutely I ruminate

And then deplore my fate.

I'd live with him in vain;

I had cause to complain.

I love the ford of yore

And the wide rivershore. When we were girl and boy, We'd talk and laugh with joy. He pledged to me his troth Could he forget his oath?

He's forgot what he swore. Should I say any more?










君子于役, 不日不月, 曷其有会? 鸡栖于桀, 日之夕矣, 羊牛下括。 君子于役, 苟无饥渴! My Man's Away

My man's away to serve the state;

I can't anticipate

How long he will there stay

Nor when he'll be on homeward way.

The sun is setting in the west,

The fowls are roosting in their nest,

The sheep and cattle come to rest.

To serve the state my man's away.

How can I not miss him night and day? My man's away to serve the states; I can't anticipate

When we'll again have met. The sun's already set,

The fowls are roosting in their nest, The sheep and cattle come to rest. To serve the state my man's away.

Keep him from hunger and thirst, I pray 女曰鸡鸣 女曰鸡鸣, 士曰昧旦。 子兴视夜, 明星有烂。 将翱将翔, 弋凫与雁。 弋言加之, 与子宜之。 宜言饮酒, 与子偕老。 琴瑟在御, 莫不静好。

知子之来之, Cock's Crow, Hark!

The wife says, "Cock's crow, hark!" The man says, "It's still dark." "Rise and look at the night; The morning star shines bright." "Wild geese and duck will fly; I'll shoot them down from high." "At shooting you are good; I'll dress the game as food. Together we'll drink wine, And live to ninety-nine. With zither by our side, At peace we shall abide."

"I know your wifely care,

杂佩以赠之。 知子之顺之, 杂佩以问之。 知子之好之, 杂佩以报之。 I'll give you pearls to wear. I know your will to obey. Can pearls and jade repay? I know your steadfast love, I value nothing above."

鸡鸣 鸡既鸣矣,

朝既盈矣。 匪鸡则鸣, 苍蝇之声。 东方明矣, 朝既昌矣。 匪东方则明, 月出之光。 虫飞薨薨, 甘与子同梦。 会且归矣, 无庶予子憎。 The Cock is Crowing "Wake up, the cock is crowing, The lords to court are going." "It's not the cock that cries, But humming of the flies." "The east is brightening, The court is in full swing." "It's not the east that's bright, But the moon shedding light." "The humming insects fly, It's sweet in bed to lie.

But lords will leave the hall. Do not displease them all!"

无衣 岂曰无衣? 与子同袍。 王于兴师, 修我戈矛, 与子同仇! 岂曰无衣? 与子同泽。 王于兴师, 修我矛戟, 与子偕作!


Are you not battle-drest?

Let's share the plate for breast. We shall go up the line.

Let's make our spears and lances shine.

Your foe is mine.

Are you not battle-drest? Let's share the coat and vest. We shall go up the line.

Let's make our halberds shine.

岂曰无衣?与子同裳。王于兴师,修我甲兵,与子偕行!Your work is mine.

Are you not battle-drest? Let's share the kilt, the rest. We shall go up the line.

Let's make our armour shine. We'll march in line.


昔我往矣, 杨柳依依今我来思, 雨雪霏霏行道迟迟, 载渴载饥我心伤悲, 莫知我哀Homecoming After The War When I left here,

Willows shed tear.

Now I come back

On snowy track.

Long, long the way;

Hard, hard the day.

My grief o'erflows.

Who knows? Who knows!


浴兰汤昔沐芳, 华采衣兮若英灵连蜷兮既留, 烂昭昭兮未央蹇将兮寿宫, 与日月兮齐光龙驾兮帝服, 聊遨游兮周章灵皇皇兮既降, 飙远举兮云中览冀州兮有余, 横四海兮焉穷思夫君兮太息, 极劳心兮忡忡To The God Of Cloud

Bathed in orchid-scented dews

And dressed in robes of varied hues,

With fleecy hair you slowly rise

To Beautify the morning skies.

Within your deathless hall at noon

Your whiteness rivals sun and moon.

The dragon is your charioteer;

You waft and wander far and near.

In silver drops you come with rain;

On wings of wind you rise again.

You gaze upon the land with ease; You float o'er and beyond Four Seas.

Longing for you, I can't but sigh,

My yearning heart to you would fly.

湘君To The Lord Of River Xiang

君不行兮夷犹, 蹇谁留兮中洲; 美要眇兮宜修, 沛吾乘兮桂舟; 令沅湘兮无波, 使江水兮安流; 望夫君兮未来, 吹参差兮谁思;

驾飞龙兮北征, 『覃』吾道兮洞庭; 薜荔柏兮蕙绸,

荪『挠』兮兰旌; 望涔阳兮极浦, 横大江兮扬灵; 扬灵兮未极, 女婵媛兮为余太息; 横流涕兮潺『爰』, 隐思君兮『诽』侧; 桂『擢』兮兰『世』, 『囗』冰兮积雪; 采薜荔兮水中, 搴芙蓉兮木末; 心不同兮媒劳, 恩不甚兮轻绝; 石濑兮浅浅, 飞龙兮翩翩; 交不忠兮怨长, 期不信兮告余以不闲; 朝骋骛兮江皋, 夕弭节兮北渚; 鸟次兮屋上, 水周兮堂下; 捐余『决』兮江中,

Why don't you come, still hesitating?

For Whom on midway isle are you waiting?

Fair and duly adorned, I float On rapid stream my cassia boat. I bid the waves more slowly go And the river tranquilly flow.

I wait for you who have not come;

Playing my flute, with grief I'm numb. In dragon boat for north I make And zigzag to Dongting Lake. Ivy behind, lotus before, Orchid for flag, cedar for oar, I gaze on the lake's farthest side; My soul can't cross the river wide. Across the river I can't fly;

For my distress my handmaids


My tears stream down and slowly flow; Longing for you, I hide my woe. with orchid rudder and cassia oar, I break the ice and snow before, As plucking ivy from the stream Or lotus from trees in a dream. The go-between cannot unite Two divided hearts whose love is


As on a shallow stream can't float Even a winged dragon boat. Faithless, you are deceiving me; Breaking our tryst, you say you're

遗余佩兮醴浦;采芳洲兮杜若,将以遗兮下女;时不可兮再得,聊逍遥兮容与。not free.

At dawn I drive my cab by riverside;

At eve on nothern isle I stop my ride.

Under the eaves the birds repose; Around the house the river flows.

I throw in water my jade rings And cast away my offerings.

I pluck sweet flowers on the isle And give them to maids poor but not vile.

Lost time cannot be found again; From thinking of you I'd refrain.










将腾驾兮偕逝;To The Lady Of River Xiang

On Nothern Isle descends my dear,

But I am grieved to see not clear.

The ceaseless autumn breeze grieves

The Dongting waves with fallen leaves.

I gaze afar 'mid clover white

And wait for our tryst at twilight. Among the reeds can birds be free? What can a net do on the tree?

White clover grows beside the creek;

I long for you but dare not speak.

I gaze afar, my beloved one,

I see but rippling water run.

Could deer find food within the door? What could a dragon do ashore?

At dawn by riverside I urge my steed;

At dusk across the western stream I speed. For you bid me to come today; Together we're to ride away.



















聊逍遥兮容与!A midstream palace shall be made,

O'er its roof lotus weave a shade.

In purple court thyme decks the wall,

With fragrant pepper spread the hall. Pillars of cassia stand upright,

And rooms smell sweet with clover white. We weave the ivy into a screen

And spread the ground with its leaves green. The cornerstones shall be white jade,

And fragrance of orchids shall not fade.

On lotus roof let vetch be found

And fresh azaleas around.

The courtyard filled with herbs so fair,

The corridor with perfume rare.

All gods will come from mountains high Like clouds that overspread the sky.

I throw, when waking from my dream,

My shirt with sleeves into the stream.

I pluck sweet flowers on the bay,

I'd give to strangers far away.

Lost time can't oft be found again,

From thinking of you I'd refrain.



天时怼兮威灵怒,严杀尽兮弃原野;For Thos Fallen For The Country

We take our sourthern spears and don our coats of mail;

When chariot axles clash, with daggers we assail. Banners obscure the sun, the foe roll up like cloud,

Arrows fall thick; forward press our warriors proud.

Our line is broken through, our position o'errun, My left-hand horse is killed and wounded my right-hand one.

The fallen horses block my wheels and I am


In vain I beat the sounding drum with rods of jade.

By angry powers' order our men should be slain, And here and there our warriors' corpses strew the plain.

They came out not to return to where they belong;

The battlefield's so vast, their homeward way so long.

With sword in hand and long bow captured from the west,

Though head and body sever, their heart's not repressed.

They were indeed couragous and ready to fight, And steadfast to the end, undaunted by armed might.

Their spirit deathless is, although their blood was shed,

Captains among the ghosts, heroes among the dead!


张培基英译现代散文选1 1. Phrasal Expression & Words …amid(st) thun derous applause a bare subsistence A be characteristic of B = B be characterized by A A bend in a river / mountain A blind alley A brass drum 小铜鼓 A bygone age a clot of blood A cobbled path A con fused mass of … A faint scent of A forgone conclusion 预料中的必然结局A hired hand on contract A jumble of … 一大堆 A keen sense of A long-timer of Beijing A loose community of smaller family A man of profound learning A mere drop in the ocean A niche in the temple of fame A passing glance A philosophical approach to life a positive outcome A scene of poetic charm A sensation of blissfulness A speck of mud A stone's throw A trace / shade / tint/ sprinkle of … aptly 恰如其分地Art troupe 文工团At a stretch/sitting At one'scommand at the present moment Avaricious desires 贪念 Bark up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标 bashful Bask in the sunshine Be ablaze/aglow with light be advanced in years be an encumbrance to … Be beset/troubled with/by Be blurred by … Be bogged down = be trapped Be bound up with …密切关联be central/indispensable to sb. Be cooped up = be caged be deeply grieved to learn of … be distinguished by Be en grossed in … Be exquisite and nicely arranged be forever cherished / treasured Be hale and hearty Be havened from be humanly impossible Be imprinted/carved/engraved/ingrained on/upon … be in a fix Be instrumental in 交织着 be irrelevant / foreign to Be keenly aware of be keyed up 紧张Be led by the nose be of southern breed Be off and on be on an equal footing with … Be on the lips of … Be on the minds of.. be out to do … be overgrown with wild woods be packed with … Be plagued = annoyed = upset Be possessed Be possessed of be reconciled to … be reduced to be saddled with be sent to gallows Be short of/devoid of Be shrouded in = be covered in = be enveloped in Be sloppy in thinking Be strewn/covered/festooned with … Be stumped by = baffled Be tantamount to ??= equal Be tinted / colored by … Be troubled / seized with … Be tucked away in … Be weaned 断奶 Be weighed down/ troubled with be wet with perspiration/ … Be wide of / far from the mark 离谱 Be wild with excitement / joy Be worthy of … 无愧于 Beam = a big smile on face Bear a thi n coati ng of … begin by degrees 逐渐开始 Beguile = while / idle / fritter away Bibliomania bicker Birds of a feather flock together Blackout: (战时)灯火管制 Blurt 脱口而出bookish / pedantic / impractical view Border sth on the west boudoir 闺房 Bountiful free gifts Bow down to Brazenly claim / credit 厚颜无耻邀功 Break into uncontrolled sobs Brilliant talent burst with vitality Bury the hatchet Button up clothes By dint of 凭借Capon Carcass: slaughtered animal for food Cavernous mouth Chant ancient Chinese books 诵读古籍 chicken-and-egg 因果难断的 Chit chat Click away the seconds Come dimly into sight Come out exceedingly well Come to pass 出现,发生 Come up against Come upon a windfall Come/be of age A Treasury of Best Chinese Prose 古文观Be interwoven with 止 A vast tract of land A virtuous man / a man of supreme virtue / moral integrity A widening expanse of water abandon … to fate Ache/agonize with pain Adjoining room admire sb for sth affected 做作aim high amiable by nature Amuse on eself by =-do …for fun Amusing episode an enlightened king An odd-jobber An opportune moment 合适时机Ancestral home Approach senility 1


关雎 关关雎鸠, 在河之洲窈窕淑女, 君子好逑 参差荇菜, 左右流之窈窕淑女, 寤寐求之 求之不得, 寤寐思服悠哉悠哉, 辗转反侧 参差荇菜, 左右采之窈窕淑女, 琴瑟友之 参差荇菜, 左右之窈窕淑女, 钟鼓乐之A Fair Maiden By riverside are cooing A pair of turtledoves; A good young man is wooing A maiden fair he loves. Water flows left and right Of cresses here and there; The youth yearns day and night For the good maiden fair. His yearning grows so strong He cannot fall asleep; He tosses all night long, So deep in love, so deep! Now gather left and right The cresses sweet and tender; O lute, play music bright For the bride fair and slender! Feast friends at left and right On cresses cooked so tender; O bells and drums, delight The bride so fair and tender! 静女 静女其姝,俟我于城隅爱而不见,搔首踟蹰 静女其娈,贻我彤管彤管有炜,My Quiet Maiden My quiet maiden is fair and tall; She waits for me at the corner wall. Evasive, she can be found nowhere; Scratching my head, I seek here and there. Beautiful is my quiet lass; She gives me a blade of crimson grass. The crimson grass spreads a rosy light;


张培基英译现代散文选3 The Commercial Press and I Unable to see the manuscripts well, I have to rely on someone to read out for me.只能听别人念 With a comment scribbled in red ink about my mistake Enter…on the recommendation of sb. 经…介绍 Co-compile with sb.与…合编 I acted on his behalf as editor of the magazine Fiction Monthly. 代他编…(小说月报)With sb. as my collaborator跟…合作 Do proofreading看校样 It was the post-Great Revolution days when the stirring times found expression in literature.时代的激荡会在文学领域反应出来。 He had up to then written no fiction.他过去不写小说。 Start its publication of the magazine…创办…杂志 Sports requisites体育器械 …boast a galaxy of talent…是知识分子聚集的地方。A galaxy of talent人才济济 Became concurrently director of the People’s Education Publishing House兼任社长 …are still living and enjoy good health健在 It is said that people in the publishing trade live longer.有人说做出版工作的人就是长寿。《什么事不可能》Nothing Is Impossible to a Willing Mind 中国古代神话classical Chinese mythology 《封神传》Canonization of the Gods Make aviation experiments 不过这还是极少数“痴子”的信心,一般人还是嗤之以鼻。 Yet the handful of“dreamers”of those days were subjected to jeers and laughters. 学徒出身的发明家an apprentice-turned-inventor Without the above-mentioned early trailblazers, there would be no human flight to speak of today. 对于飞机大饶兴趣(sb. be) enamored of the flying machine. …不是一蹴而成的。Orville’s 1903 plane was something he accomplished after going through numerous setbacks. Made their first glider(滑翔机)patterned after a paper kite(纸鸢) 所以能向前努力者,无论成败,都有贡献。Therefore, succeed or fail, one is considered to have made a contribution so long as he has tried his utmost. In the face of obstacles面对困难 You need to take much time, do a lot of planning, go through countless procedures and carry out many improvements. And you’ll never make it unless you show the utmost patience. 《说开卷有益》On “Reading Is Always Beneficial” 现在多了一点智识,反过来又觉得古人的不欺我了。Now I know better than to do that. (明事理而不至于…) 可是坏书读了,而知道它的坏的原因与地方,岂不也是一得?After reading a bad book, we know all the whys and wherefores of its being bad.Isn’t that something of benefit to us too? 《当教师的快乐》Joys of the Teaching Career


从关联翻译理论看汉语格律诗英译中形式的趋同 * ———以《春望》三个译本为例 段奡卉 (洛阳理工学院,洛阳471023) 提 要:关联翻译理论把翻译看成一个阐释源语的明示-推理活动,是语言交际的一种方式。而交际的成功取决于 一方的意图被另一方识别。然而,谈到格律诗翻译,则不可避免地要面对“不可译性”,其表现形式———韵式、平仄、对仗格律在译语中如何体现,成了所有译者应该思考的问题。本文以《春望》的英语译文为例,针对格律诗的表现形式,通过比较译文来分析格律诗形式在翻译中的重要性,同时借用关联翻译理论说明格律诗的形式并非不可译。译作只要达到对原作信度和效度的趋同,翻译就算成功。 关键词:格律诗;英译;形式;趋同中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-0100(2011)03-0121-4 Study on the Convergence of the Poetic Forms in English Translation in View of Relevance Translation Theory —A Case Study of Three Chinese Versions of Tang Poetry Spring View Duan Ao-hui

(Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology ,Luoyang 471023,China ) According to Relevance Theory ,translation is an act of ostensive-inferential interpretation of source text ,is a kind of verbal communication.Translational success is relative to the degree of convergence between the relevant factors.But ,mentions of Chinese metrical verse ,the untranslatability is without any doubt an unavoidable Issue.Some different English versions of Tang poetry “Spring View ”are cited in the paper ,which is for a discussion of the intractability in translating classical Chinese metrical verse into English.Through the comparison and analysis of the English translation of classical Chinese metrical verses ,the paper lays stress on the importance of poetic forms in English Translation.Within the framework of relevance translation theory ,this pa-per makes a study on the convergence of the reliability and validity that if the translation is convergent to the original text. Key words :metrical verse ;English translation ;poetic forms ;convergence 中国诗词中的韵式、平仄、对仗格律在译语中难以体现。原本优美的诗篇,译成外文却索然无味。本文以唐代诗人杜甫《春望》的英语译文为例,通过比较译文来分析格律诗形式在翻译中的重要性,同时借用关联翻译理论说明格律诗的形式并非不可译。 1关联理论及其翻译观 1986年,斯珀伯和威尔逊提出关联理论(Sperber & Wilson 1986)。他们把语言交际看成一个涉及信息意图和交际意图的明示-推理过程。此过程包含两个方面:从说话人角度看,交际是一种明示过程,即把信息意图明白展现出来;从听话人角度看,交际是一个推理过程,推理就是根据说话人的明示行为,结合语境假设,求得语境效果,获知说话人的交际意图。格特(Gutt 1991)在其论文《关联与翻译:认知与语境》中对关联翻译理论给出全新解释:翻译是一种言语交际行为,是与大脑机制密切联


2010 年 10 月 第 24 卷 第5 期 新乡学院学报( 社会科学版) Journal of Xinxiang University(Social Sciences Edition) Oct .2010 V ol .24 No .5 ●外国文学研究 论 庞 德 的 汉 诗 英 译 马 燕 1 ,王 鲜杰 2 ( 1.河南工业大学 外语学院,河南,郑州 450000; 2. 河南教育学院 外事办,河南,郑州,450000) 摘 要: 作为“意象派”诗风的倡导者,埃兹拉·庞德一直都是英美现代诗坛举足轻重的人物,对现代诗歌的发 展有着重要的影响。自他的《华夏集》出版以来,人们对庞德的译诗方法褒贬不一。本文将主要从庞德的诗歌翻译 理论以及他对中国古诗的翻译两个方面来进一步探讨庞德在诗歌翻译方面独到的见解。 关键词: 庞德 意象派; ;诗歌翻译 中图分类号 : I712.072 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1674 -3334( 2010) 05 -0109 - 03 收稿日期: 2010 -08 - 15 作者简介: 马燕 ,女 ,河南郑州人,河南工业大学硕士研究生。 意象派诗人埃兹拉·庞德在英美现代诗史上毫 无疑问是最有影响的人物之一,对现代诗歌的发展 影响深远。但自庞德出版《华夏集》以来,一部分人 对他的诗歌翻译方法持反对意见,认为他的翻译是 对原诗词的误读。艾略特曾说: “为了理解庞德的 理论,有必要阅读他的诗歌,为了理解庞德的诗歌, 有必要阅读他的理论。”因此,本文将主要从这两方 面入手,通过理解庞德的翻译理论以及分析他对中 国古诗的翻译,进一步探讨庞德在诗歌翻译方面独 到的见解。 一、简介 埃兹拉·庞德,著名美国诗人。1885 年生于美 国爱达荷州的海利镇。1901 年,他进入宾夕法尼亚 州立大学学习,在那里攻读美国历史、古典文学、罗 曼斯语言文学。1903 年,他转至哈密尔顿大学, 1906 年获硕士学位。1908 年定居伦敦。1909 年至 1917 年间,一些英美诗人发起并付诸实践了一场文 学运动,其宗旨是要求诗人以鲜明、准确、含蓄和高 度凝练的意象生动形象地展现事物,并将诗人瞬息 间的思想感情溶化在诗行中。它反对发表议论及感 叹。1902 年,庞德确定了意象派( imagism ) 这一名 称,并成为英美新诗运动的积极倡导者。他发掘和 扶植人才 与欧美文学界人士广为交游, ,为打破英美 诗歌的沉寂局面和促进美国文学的复兴作出了独特 的贡献。 二、庞德的诗歌翻译理论 庞德的翻译观念与其现代诗学和文化观念密切 相联,他否定传统的翻译原则,打破了翻译与创作之 间的界限。庞德在翻译时,不仅不墨守成规,而且往 往将其诗学革新的观念融入其翻译实践中,并由此 产生了创意翻译法。尤尼·阿帕特( Ronnie Apter ) 在其著作《挖宝: 庞德之后的翻译》中提出,庞德的 创意翻译“主要体现三个方面: 1. 抛弃维多利亚时 期那种矫揉造作、生僻古涩的翻译措辞; 2. 优秀的诗 歌译作可以看做是具有自身独立意义的新诗作品; 3. 每篇译作都有必要看成是一定程度对原作的评 鉴” 。他主张诗要具体,是对具体事物的描述, “庞德所要描写的都是真实存在的客体,比如一幅 画,一种颜色,一块石头,甚至是石头上的雕刻,但绝 不是抽象的概念” 。“庞德的翻译理论强调的是 闪光的细节,表现个别词语,表现单个,甚至是残缺 的意象。他的翻译理论建立在语言能量之上。在庞 德看来,写在字里行间的语言和具体的细节并不仅 仅是代表事物的黑白符号而已,它们还是作者刻意 塑造出来的意象。他把译者看成是艺术家 雕刻家、 、书法家及文字的驾驭者,从而赋予了译者更多的自 109 由 ,使译者在进行翻译时更多地可以发挥创造 [1] 16 浩然之广陵 》为例 ,来说明庞德在诗歌翻译过程中 性” 。庞德的翻译理论核心是其诗歌翻译语言 是如何充分发挥译者的创造性的。首先我们来看一


《英译现代散文选》读书报告 正如张培基先生所说,“散文最真实,最笃诚,不雕饰,不做作,因而是一种最易令人感到亲切的文体”,散文“形散神不散”,句式灵活多变、逻辑性不强。因其“率真”的特点,在翻译成英文过程中不仅要考虑恰当词的选择,而且要照顾的中文字里行间所表达的意义,乃至篇章的布局和风格。在翻译成英文前,正确的理解中文所要表达的意思至关重要。这样才能做到“忠实于原作的内容,保持原作的风格”,在次基础上,还要考虑表达是否通顺,能否被读者接受。翻译不仅仅是语言的对等,文化内涵上也要对等,让读者读起来就像读原作一样的感觉。通读张培基先生的《英译现代散文选》(一)能深刻体会到“忠实、通顺”这四字翻译标准。 一、在短语和词的处理上 李大钊的《艰难的国运与雄健的国民》一文,意在说明历史发展的必然规律,表达了中国革命者的乐观精神。其题目翻译为“National Crisis Vs Heroic Nation”,national 和nation 押头韵,有一种音韵美,读起来朗朗上口,铿锵有力,让读者感受到革命势不可挡的气魄。翻译没按字面直译,而是对汉语的精神的提炼,做到了忠实于原文,可谓是升华与再创造。文章中“要知在艰难的国运中建造国家,亦是人生最有趣味的事”,译文“The greatest joy of life, mind you, is to build up our country during its most difficult days. 此句中“在艰难的国运中”强调时间——这段艰难的日子。故不能按照译题目的思路来翻译此处。 在“艰难险阻的境界”、“曲折回环,极其险峻”、“有时是崎岖险路”、“一段崎岖险阻的道路”中,都表达了危险的意思,但是翻译成英文究竟该用哪个“形容危险”的词,是和汉语表意的侧重点分不开的。第一段中的“艰难险阻的境界”侧重说明这段道路有困难和阻碍,故将“险”省去不译。“曲折回环,极其险峻”是在说水流曲折与猛劲的险,而perilous强调即刻临头的危险,用perilous形容更能体现水流之猛,画面感很强。“有时是崎岖险路”是指征人所走过的路中的一种情况,hazardous可以形容造成损失或严重伤害的时机或场合,故这里比dangerous 更恰当。最后一个为了避免重复译为dangerous 也是必要的。在充分理解文章的基础上,做到了忠实于原文,选择恰当的英语词汇,也符合英语表达习惯。做到这些都是基于对中文和英文的深刻理解。 对于一些汉语中特有的词汇,如《差不多先生传》中“差不多先生”译为“Mr. About-the-Same”可谓是一种再创造。“钱铺”译为money shop而不是private bank,确切的表达了原文的意思。《背影》中的“茶房”,汉语中指旅馆轮船等内的服务员,根据语境的不同,翻译的也不一样。文中出现两处“茶房”分别译为了a hotel waiter和train attendants. 汉语表意灵活多变,因此同样的词或短语在不同的位置,侧重表意不同,功能不同,其翻译所选的词也不同。


汉诗英译风格的“隐”与“秀”* 魏家海 (武汉理工大学外语学院,湖北 武汉,430070) 内容摘要:《文心雕龙》中的“隐秀”审美观不仅对文学创作和鉴赏具有重要的指导意义,而且对汉诗英译也有积极的借鉴意义。“隐”的“重旨”、“复意”和“秀”的“挺拔”、“卓绝”,可观照汉诗英译的美学价值。本文探讨了汉诗意象、谐音和飞白英译的“隐秀”美学特征,指出“隐秀”美学观是检验译诗忠实性的重要标准,同时,原诗和译诗之间的“谐”“讔”关系的不同处理方式,反映了译者不同的审美主体性。 关键词:“隐秀”;美学;批评 一、引言 汉诗英译的美学研究开始回归本土美学范畴,并观照西方美学思想,将逐步成为翻译研究的热门话题之一。发轫于中国古代哲学和美学的中国诗学,是对中国古代文论和诗、书、画论的提炼和总结,尤其是刘勰的《文心雕龙·隐秀》所首倡的“隐秀”范畴,对古典诗词美学理论的“隐”美和“秀”美的发展产生了重大影响,不仅对诗歌创作和鉴赏具有指导作用,而且对诗歌的英译研究也很有借鉴意义,已有论者将“隐秀”引入文学翻译研究(孟东红,2007;申丹,2008)。不过,“隐秀”理论介入汉诗英译的翻译理论,还有待深化和创新。本文从“隐”“秀”关系的视角对汉诗意象、谐音和飞白翻译美学价值进行探讨。 二、“隐”与“秀”的美学特征和相互关系 2.1强调“隐”的文内之义“重旨”和“复意” 《文心雕龙》指出:“隐也者,文外之重旨者也”,“隐以复意为工”。周振甫(1986)解释说,文辞说出之外含有另外一重意思,即弦外之音,话里有话,具有复合之意。黄侃(2000)解释为“言不尽意,必含馀意以为巧”,“隐者,语具于此,而义存乎彼”,也是说的是文义的多重叠合,而不是赤裸裸的直白和外露。这同燕卜逊的诗歌语言的“含混”理论是一致的。这种诗歌的审美技巧是“用一个词或一种表达手法表达两种或两种以上的不同意味,表现两种或两种以上绝然不同的态度”(汪洪章,2005:82)这种“隐”的美学内涵的“复调性”可资借鉴为诗歌翻译中意象的模糊化处理的理论依据。 2.2强调“隐”的文外之义的“余味曲包” 刘勰说:“夫隐之为体,义生文外,秘响旁通,……珠玉潜水,而澜表方圆。”这 指的是“隐”的言外之意或曰“情在词外”,即语言的含蓄美学效果,使人玩味无穷,百读不厌。刘勰又强调“深文隐蔚,余味曲包”,指文辞含蓄深刻多彩,包含着婉转曲折的无穷余味。尽管“隐”可曲可直,但诗歌美学意蕴的婉曲和含蓄,韵味含而不露,给读者留下无尽的解释空间和想象余地。这种“隐”的非直白性为诗歌翻译中意象的“留白”化处理提供了启示。 2.3强调“秀”的篇中“独拔”和“卓绝” 刘勰说:“秀也者,篇中之独拔者也”,“秀以卓绝为巧”,“状溢目前曰秀”。周振甫解释说,秀的独拔,就是拔出流俗,高出一般,是篇中最突出的话。“秀”的“独拔”和“卓绝”既可在个别词句层次上凸显,也可在全篇层次上显露,具有“拔秀”和“显秀”两重含义,“从根本上说,‘秀美’是显现于文中的形象鲜明生动之美,‘秀美’以其显秀之美对应于‘隐美’的蕴含之美”(周波,2005:58)“秀”的彰显和“英华”之美昭示着诗歌翻译中译诗的显秀之美的必要性。 2.4强调“隐”和“秀”的自然性 “或有晦塞为深,虽奥非隐;雕削取巧,虽美非秀矣。故自然会妙,譬卉木之耀英华。”也就是说,“隐”美不是晦涩难懂,深不可测;“秀”美不是刻意雕琢。“隐”和“秀”都要自然天成,语言结构要和谐自然。叶朗(2001:229)说,“隐”“秀”的审美意象,具体可感,是“直接性和间接性、单纯性和丰富性、有限性和无限性、确定性和不确定性的统


误读还是再创造:论庞德的汉诗英译 -------马燕摘要:作为”意象派“诗风的倡导者,埃兹拉庞德是英美现代诗坛举足轻重的人物,对现代诗歌的发展有着重要的影响。自他的《华夏集》出版以来,人们对庞德的译诗方法褒贬不一。本文将主要从庞德的诗歌理论以及他对中国古诗的翻译两个方面来进一步探讨庞德在诗歌翻译方面独到的见解。 关键词:庞德,意象派,诗歌翻译 1948年诺贝尔奖得主、大诗人T·S·艾略特的著名长诗《荒原》的副题是:“献给埃兹拉·庞德,最卓越的匠人”。意象派诗人埃兹拉·庞德在英美现代诗坛史上毫无疑问是最有影响的人物之一,他对第一次世界大战后兴起的现代文学运动的一代青年有着巨大的影响,作为“意象派”诗风的倡导人,庞德对现代诗歌界的发展影响深远。但自庞德出版《华夏集》以来,一部分人对他的诗歌翻译方法持反意见,认为他的翻译是对原诗词的误读。艾略特曾说:“为了理解庞德的理论,有必要阅读他的诗歌,为了理解庞德的诗歌,有必要阅读他的理论。”因此,本文将主要从这两方面入手,通过理解庞德的翻译以及分析他对中国古诗的翻译,来进一步探讨庞德在诗歌翻译方面独到的见解。 一、背景 埃兹拉庞德,著名的美国诗人。1885年10月30日出生于美国爱达荷州的海利镇。在去欧洲以前,他在宾夕法尼亚州立大学就学,在那里攻读美国历史、古典文学、罗曼斯语言文学。毕业时他不但精通英文文法和文学,而且掌握了九种外语。两年后,他转至哈密尔顿大学学习,1906年获硕士学位。1898年庞德首次赴欧,1908年定居伦敦,并结识了著名爱尔兰诗人W.B.叶芝。以后一度成为伦敦文坛上举足轻重的人物。在巴黎和伦敦期间除了继续从事创作外,他发掘和扶植人才,与欧美文学界人士广为交游,为打破英美诗歌的沉寂局面,为促进美国文学的“复兴”作出了独特的贡献。 1909年至1917年间,一些英美诗人发起并付诸实践了一场文学运动,其宗旨是要求诗人以鲜明、准确、含蓄和高度凝炼的意象生动及形象地展现事物,并将诗人瞬息间的思想感情溶化在诗行中。它反对发表议论及感叹。1902年,庞德确定了意象派(imagism)这一名称,并成为英美新诗运动的积极倡导者。庞德曾主编意象派刊物《自我中心者》(TheEgoist),并于1913年编选了第一本意象派诗选。作为一位诗人和诗歌理论家,他不断推动并传播意象技巧的新发明。 二、庞德的诗歌翻译理论


张培基英译现代散文选1 1. Phrasal Expression & Words … amid(st) thunderous applause a bare subsistence A be characteristic of B = B be characterized by A A bend in a river / mountain A blind alley A brass drum 小铜鼓 A bygone age a clot of blood A cobbled path A confused mass of … A faint scent of A forgone conclusion 预料中的必然结局 A hired hand on contract A jumble of … 一大堆 A keen sense of A long-timer of Beijing A loose community of smaller family A man of profound learning A mere drop in the ocean A niche in the temple of fame A passing glance A philosophical approach to life a positive outcome A scene of poetic charm A sensation of blissfulness A speck of mud A ston e’s throw A trace / shade / tint/ sprinkle of … A Treasury of Best Chinese Prose 古文观止 A vast tract of land A virtuous man / a man of supreme virtue / moral integrity A widening expanse of water abandon … to fate Ache/agonize with pain Adjoining room admire sb for sth affected 做作 aim high amiable by nature Amuse one self by… = do … for fun Amusing episode an enlightened king An odd-jobber An opportune moment 合适时机 Ancestral home Approach senility aptly 恰如其分地 Art troupe 文工团 At a stretch/sitting At one ’s command at the present moment Avaricious desires 贪念 Bark up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标 bashful Bask in the sunshine Be ablaze/aglow with light be advanced in years be an encumbrance to … Be beset/troubled with/by Be blurred by … Be bogged down = be trapped Be bound up with …密切关联 be central/indispensable to sb. Be cooped up = be caged be deeply grieved to learn of … be distinguished by Be engrossed in … Be exquisite and nicely arranged be forever cherished / treasured Be hale and hearty Be havened from be humanly impossible Be imprinted/carved/engraved/ingrained on/upon … be in a fix Be instrumental in Be interwoven with 交织着 be irrelevant / foreign to Be keenly aware of be keyed up 紧张 Be led by the nose be of southern breed Be off and on be on an equal footing with … Be on the lips of … Be on the minds of.. be out to do … be overgrown with wild woods be packed with … Be plagued = annoyed = upset Be possessed Be possessed of be reconciled to … be reduced to be saddled with be sent to gallows Be short of/devoid of Be shrouded in = be covered in = be enveloped in Be sloppy in thinking Be strewn/covered/festooned with … Be stumped by = baffled Be tantamount to …= equal Be tinted / colored by … Be troubled / seized with … Be tucked away in … Be weaned 断奶 Be weighed down/ troubled with be wet with perspiration/… Be wide of / far from the mark 离谱 Be wild with excitement / joy Be worthy of … 无愧于 Beam = a big smile on face Bear a thin coating of … begin by degrees 逐渐开始 Beguile = while / idle / fritter away Bibliomania bicker Birds of a feather flock together Blackout: (战时)灯火管制 Blurt 脱口而出 bookish / pedantic / impractical view Border sth on the west boudoir 闺房 Bountiful free gifts Bow down to Brazenly claim / credit 厚颜无耻邀功 Break into uncontrolled sobs Brilliant talent burst with vitality Bury the hatchet Button up clothes By dint of 凭借 Capon Carcass: slaughtered animal for food Cavernous mouth Chant ancient Chinese books 诵读古籍 chicken-and-egg 因果难断的 Chit chat Click away the seconds Come dimly into sight Come out exceedingly well Come to pass 出现,发生 Come up against Come upon a windfall Come/be of age Confirmed = habitual Confirmed = habitual Congenial disposition 天性 convulsive sob cool one ’s heel Cordially


1 张培基英译现代散文选1 1. Phrasal Expression & Words … amid(st) thunderous applause a bare subsistence A be characteristic of B = B be characterized by A A bend in a river / mountain A blind alley A brass drum 小铜鼓 A bygone age a clot of blood A cobbled path A confused mass of … A faint scent of A forgone conclusion 预料中的必然结局 A hired hand on contract A jumble of … 一大堆 A keen sense of A long-timer of Beijing A loose community of smaller family A man of profound learning A mere drop in the ocean A niche in the temple of fame A passing glance A philosophical approach to life a positive outcome A scene of poetic charm A sensation of blissfulness A speck of mud A ston e’s throw A trace / shade / tint/ sprinkle of … A Treasury of Best Chinese Prose 古文观止 A vast tract of land A virtuous man / a man of supreme virtue / moral integrity A widening expanse of water abandon … to fate Ache/agonize with pain Adjoining room admire sb for sth affected 做作 aim high amiable by nature Amuse one self by… = do … for fun Amusing episode an enlightened king An odd-jobber An opportune moment 合适时机 Ancestral home Approach senility aptly 恰如其分地 Art troupe 文工团 At a stretch/sitting At one ’s command at the present moment Avaricious desires 贪念 Bark up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标 bashful Bask in the sunshine Be ablaze/aglow with light be advanced in years be an encumbrance to … Be beset/troubled with/by Be blurred by … Be bogged down = be trapped Be bound up with …密切关联 be central/indispensable to sb. Be cooped up = be caged be deeply grieved to learn of … be distinguished by Be engrossed in … Be exquisite and nicely arranged be forever cherished / treasured Be hale and hearty Be havened from be humanly impossible Be imprinted/carved/engraved/ingrained on/upon … be in a fix Be instrumental in Be interwoven with 交织着 be irrelevant / foreign to Be keenly aware of be keyed up 紧张 Be led by the nose be of southern breed Be off and on be on an equal footing with … Be on the lips of … Be on the minds of.. be out to do … be overgrown with wild woods be packed with … Be plagued = annoyed = upset Be possessed Be possessed of be reconciled to … be reduced to be saddled with be sent to gallows Be short of/devoid of Be shrouded in = be covered in = be enveloped in Be sloppy in thinking Be strewn/covered/festooned with … Be stumped by = baffled Be tantamount to …= equal Be tinted / colored by … Be troubled / seized with … Be tucked away in … Be weaned 断奶 Be weighed down/ troubled with be wet with perspiration/… Be wide of / far from the mark 离谱 Be wild with excitement / joy Be worthy of … 无愧于 Beam = a big smile on face Bear a thin coating of … begin by degrees 逐渐开始 Beguile = while / idle / fritter away Bibliomania bicker Birds of a feather flock together Blackout: (战时)灯火管制 Blurt 脱口而出 bookish / pedantic / impractical view Border sth on the west boudoir 闺房 Bountiful free gifts Bow down to Brazenly claim / credit 厚颜无耻邀功 Break into uncontrolled sobs Brilliant talent burst with vitality Bury the hatchet Button up clothes By dint of 凭借 Capon Carcass: slaughtered animal for food Cavernous mouth Chant ancient Chinese books 诵读古籍 chicken-and-egg 因果难断的 Chit chat Click away the seconds Come dimly into sight Come out exceedingly well Come to pass 出现,发生 Come up against Come upon a windfall Come/be of age
