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牛津英语8B Unit1 Reading,Grammar练习

牛津英语8B Unit1 Reading,Grammar练习
牛津英语8B Unit1 Reading,Grammar练习

8B Unit1 Past and present





3.背诵掌握以下词汇southern till married wife over cinema turn factory

waste pollute realize reduce open lonely throw husband interview

































Mr. Chen k____________ Sunshine Town well. He first lived in the s_____________ part of the town in the city with his parents. When he got m_____________ in 1965, he and his w__________ moved to another flat in the centre of the town. They moved again last year.

Sunshine Town has changed a lot. In the past, 30000 people lived in the town. They had their own small restaurants, s__________ and market s____________. They also had a small post o___________ and an old c_____________. Now, the place has t_____________ into a park.

In some w______________, life is better now. Mr. Chen thinks it’s nice to have o___________ space and pretty gardens. H___________, it has become more difficult to see his old friends. Many of them have moved to other areas and Mr. Chen feels a bit l______________ from time to time.


1.Mr Chen knows Sunshine Town very well. _________

2.He moved into Sunshine Town in 1965. __________

3.He got married last year. __________

4.Mr Chen moved out of Sunshine Town when he got married. __________

5.In the past,30000 people lived in Sunshine Town. __________

6.Mr Chen and his old friend meet in the new park to play cards and Chinese chess.___


一、完成《学习与探究》Unit1 第2课时


游泳的五种训练方法 05-03-31 00:04 发表于:《南京碧水游泳培训班》分类:未分类 游泳的五种训练方法 训练种类能量系统能力发展 1.持续训练:氧化作用,耐力 2.任意变速训练:氧化作用和一部分酵解过程,耐力、持续速度 3.间歇性训练:氧化作用和酵解过程,耐力、持续速度 4.目标设定训练:酵解过程、磷酸肌酸、一部分氧化作用,持续速度、肌肉力 量、耐力 5.短冲训练:磷酸肌酸、酵解过程,爆发速度、肌肉力量 持续训练 游的距离较长,速度适中(太慢就不能本质性的激活有氧代谢系统)。提高人体有氧代谢能力,从而提高耐力。优点在于这种训练方法适用于所有的人。 缺点:对于提高速度没有多大作用,过程单调、枯燥。 任意变速训练 这种训练法是对持续训练法的一种补充。通过快慢相间的游泳训练,可以增强训练的趣味性。也可以在相间的短时间的快速游中通过酵解过程获得能量,从而提高持续速度。 例如:“梯形训练法”——游一趟快的紧接着一趟慢的,再游两趟快的紧跟两趟慢的,直到四趟快的紧跟四趟满的。该训练法同样适合于任何人。 间歇性训练 两次练习之间有一个严格控制休息时间的间歇阶段,并且这个间歇阶段的长短是通过测量运动员的心率来控制的。关键一点是,运动员要在尚未完全恢复体力时便开始下一组练习。在训练中用不同的DIRT(Distance, Interval, Rest and Time)四个因素组合,达到不同效果。 分为两类“慢速间歇性训练”、“快速间歇性训练”。休息时间与练习时间的比例大于1的为“快速间歇性训练”,侧重于持续速度的培养;反之为“慢速间歇性训练”,发展耐力。 优点:对DIRT的调节,使得该训练法适合于每个人;更具趣味性;使运动员承担更大负荷,有很好的激励作用。 目标设定训练 又叫做重复训练法。按照规定的时间,多次重复某一距离的方法。间歇时间的控制要使呼吸和心率基本恢复。训练强度高,但重复次数少。 目标设定训练训练强度很大,因此安排要分散,不要积劳成疾。 短冲训练法 全力以最高速度训练的方法。于目标设定训练不同点在于短冲训练法的距离更短一些(不超过25米),而且要全力游,练习之间的间歇要更常,呼吸和心率更要恢


牛津8BUnit1综合测试题 笔试部分 一、用所给动词的正确形式填空 1.Mary ___________(lose) her pen. __________ you __________ (see) it here and there? 2._________ you __________ (find) your watch yet? 3.---Are you thirsty? ---No, I _______ just ________ (have) some orange. 4.We __________already ___________ (return) the book. 5._________ they _________ (build) a new school in the village? 6.------Has Tom taught you English? -----Y es, he _______________ (teach) us English for two years. 7.I ________________(not finish) my homework yet. Can you help me? 8.---What __________ they __________ (do) with the newspaper? ---They have read them. 9.My father _______________ (read) the novel twice. 10.Wu Dong ________________(be) a soldier for one year. 11.The students _____________(study) in the middle school since last month. 12.How long __________ you ___________(know) him ? 13.Mike _______________ (make) quite a few friends since he came to China. 14.I _______________(give) my friend a nice book recently. 15.Li Ping and Wu Dong _______________(see) the old man three times. 16.________ she ever ___________(teach) you English? 17.These children _________________(stay) in the park for two hours. 18.The students there ___________(finish) _______(do) their homework yet. 19.They _____________ (have) five English evenings last term. 20.They ________________ (have) five English evenings since last term. 21.My father __________ just _________(have) supper. Now he _______________ (read) a newspaper. 22.The old man ____________ ( plant ) more than 200,000 trees on the mountain with his son in the past twenty years. 23. Every one of the students ________ already __________ ( buy ) a new bike. 24. They ___________(go) to the shopping center already. 25. ---__________ you __________(enjoy) it? --- Y es, I did. 26. Mr Green _____________(not come) back to China yet. 27. Where is my pen? How strange! It _________(be) here just a moment ago. 28. They _____________(not see) the film yet. 29.Look! The children ___________(plant) flowers in the garden. 30. My brother ___________(be) to England twice.


计划编号:YT-FS-6100-75 游泳年度训练计划(完整 版) According To The Actual Situation, Through Scientific Prediction, Weighing The Objective Needs And Subjective Possibilities, The Goal To Be Achieved In A Certain Period In The Future Is Put Forward 深思远虑目营心匠 Think Far And See, Work Hard At Heart

游泳年度训练计划(完整版) 备注:该计划书文本主要根据实际情况,通过科学地预测,权衡客观的需要和主观的可能,提出在未来一定时期内所达到的目标以及实现目标的必要途径。文档可根据实际情况进行修改和使用。 我校是河北省游泳传统项目学校。本年我校体育组在校领导的直接带领下,在全体教师的支持下,充分发挥体育教研组的作用。为了更好的提高新市场小学的游泳训练工作,培养更多的人才,特制定游泳工作如下: 一、政治思想 全面贯彻游泳教学大纲,学习和宣传马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论,热爱体育事业,认真钻研业务,发扬奉献精神。 二、游泳训练工作 1、依据游泳大纲,针对不同年级不同年龄段和学生的个体差异,合理制定训练计划,抓好基础训练。 2、在训练中严格要求学生,以身作则,抓好每一

堂训练课,使学生的技术动作规范,培养良好的水感,为上一级输送人才奠定基础。 3、训练课下,比赛结束后,都要认真总结训练和比赛中的不足及优点,在今后的训练和比赛中,优点继续发扬,不足之处要通过学习进行改进。 三、安全教育 “安全第一”是我们搞好训练的基础。学生在训练的路上、在更衣室内、在陆上活动、在水中练习、在回家的路上等等环节,每一个老师都做了详细的要求。本着安全与训练同样重要的原则,在长期训练中安全教育长抓不懈,发扬我传统游泳校多年来安全训练,无事故发生的辉煌业绩。 四、人员安排 王伟负责一年级的训练任务、王涛负责二年级的训练任务、李云萍负责三年级游泳班的训练、陈亚彬负责四年级的训练工作。 五、本年度训练计划分以下几步 训练目标和任务


游泳训练计划Ⅱ 1、说明 (1)本计划适用于已掌握三种泳式,身体健康的普通游泳爱好者。(2)本计划工4周,每周保持3次训练课,共12次课。 2、训练目标和任务 (1)训练目标:提高速度和有氧耐力,增加连续游能力。 (2)训练方法、手段,采用分解练习,间歇游和长距离游练习。(3)训练任务:①改进技术;②提高速度能力和有氧耐力。 3、训练计划 [第一、二周训练计划] 主要任务:改进技术,发展有氧耐力 [第一周计划] 第一次 陆上:力量耐力练习 水上:200M蛙泳; 12×50M腿(蛙、自、仰、蝶)扶板; 12×50M自由泳划手(夹板); 800M自由泳,50M自由泳(小测验,计表)。 第二次 陆上:身体柔韧性练习 水上:200M混合泳技术游; 10×50M自由泳腿,10×50M自由泳手(夹板)技术游; 20×50M,间歇15秒(蝶、仰、蛙、自)。 第三次 陆上:力量耐力练习 水上:400M自由泳; 300M仰泳技术游,300M蛙泳技术游; 1000M自由泳; 200M混合泳技术游。

[第二周计划] 第四次 陆上:力量耐力练习 水上:400M混合泳; 8×25M自由泳,200M仰泳,200M蛙泳技术游; 20×50M间歇游,间歇15秒。 第五次 陆上:柔韧性练习 水上:200M蛙泳; 10×100M自由泳腿; 8×50M划手练习(蝶、仰、蛙、自); 800M自由泳。 第六次 陆上:力量耐力练习 水上:200M仰泳; 400M混合泳技术游; 8×15M自由泳,快速游; 8×50M腿(蝶、仰、蛙、自); 8×50M手(蝶、仰、蛙、自); 8×50M配合(蝶、仰、蛙、自); 4×25M出发(蝶、仰、蛙、自)。 [第三、四周计划] 任务:改进技术,提高速度能力和有氧耐力 [第三周计划] 第七次 陆上:柔韧练习 水上:400M混合泳; 8×25M(蝶、仰、蛙、自)快速游;


51卷第2期(总第190期)中国造船V ol.51 No.2 (Serial No. 190) 2010年6月 SHIPBUILDING OF CHINA June. 2010 文章编号:1000-4882 (2010) 02-0184-06 船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统的设计研究 余世林1,陈辉2,宁海强1,王术新1 (1.镇江船艇学院,镇江,212003; 2.武汉理工大学能动学院,武汉,430063) 摘要 从船艇机舱装备的使用管理要求出发,结合船队实际训练需要,吸收各种轮机模拟训练器研究的成功经验,综合运用虚拟技术、故障诊断技术和网络技术等,开发船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统。具体介绍了系统结 构、系统组成和功能、系统设计和实现方法,提出了一种集船艇机舱装备的操作使用和管理、监控报警、故 障诊断、虚拟维修、考核评分等功能的综合模拟训练系统。经实践证明,该系统功能全面,结构设计合理, 实现方法简便可行,可替代实船开展机电人员培训,效率高、周期短、成本低。 关键词:船艇机舱;综合模拟;故障诊断;虚拟维修 中图分类号:U676.4 文献标识码:A 0 引言 随着计算机软硬件技术、图形显示技术、通讯技术、人工智能等相关技术的发展,虚拟现实技术也取得了突破性进展,并广泛应用于军事、机械、建筑等领域[1]。利用虚拟技术开发的各种轮机训练模拟器、虚拟维修训练系统已应用于实际,取得了良好的使用效果。 船艇机舱设备复杂,涉及学科领域广泛;尤其在浅滩、大风浪等特殊工况下,管理要求高,故障诊断难度大,维修困难。因受装备条件、地理条件、气候条件等方面的限制,利用实船进行训练很难实施;这样就导致许多训练课目难以达到训练要求。因此,必须综合应用先进仿真技术、研制船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统、替代实装进行机舱综合训练、改善当前船艇机舱综合训练现状、丰富培训手段和方法、降低训练成本、提高训练效果,从而对培养高水平船艇机电管理专业技术人才,提高船艇机舱的综合保障水平具有重要意义。 1 系统结构和工作流程 1.1系统结构 船艇机舱综合模拟训练系统的结构示于图1,该系统的核心是实时仿真支撑平台,由支撑平台进行集中管理和调度各个功能子系统,实时反映各子系统的运行状态和训练过程。该系统主要由船艇机舱仿真系统、操作管理模拟平台、故障模拟系统、监控报警系统、虚拟拆装系统和考核评分系统组成。 收稿日期:2009-08-28;修改稿收稿日期:2010-04-26 基金项目:某总部科研项目(2007YY037)

牛津英语8B unit1单元测试和答案

译林牛津8BUnit1综合测试题 笔试部分(100分) I.词汇(15分) A.根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I am ______(surprise) at the news. What about you? 2. When I passed the driving test, I thought I was the_____(luck) person in the world. 3.The little boy is ______(kind) to his classmates, so nobody likes him. 4. What do you think about the air __________(pollute) in your hometown? 5. Danny and Daniel are brothers, and their_____(wife) are sisters. That’s interesting. B.根据句意及所给汉语提示完成单词。 1. The old woman is crying______(悲伤). What happened to her? 2. I’ve______(刚刚) known it. Sorry to hear that. 3. Kitty got______(结婚) last year. Her husband is a computer programmer. 4. The plane ______(降落) at six this morning. Everything was OK. 5. How many ______(街区) are there in your hometown? C.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. -What’s on TV? -Chairman Hu Jintao is having an i________ with President George Bush. 2. -My teeth hurt again, Mum. -Go to see a d________ this time, OK? 3. -Do you know Hu Ronghua? -Of course. He’s good at playing Chinese c_______. 4. Taiwan I_______ is the biggest one in China. Do you know? 5. -Do you think what c_________ the accident?


牛津译林版8B U n i t 1单元测试卷 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

8B Unit 1 综合试卷 一、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ()1. I Tom since he moved to Suzhou. A.didn’t hear from B. don’t hear from B.won’t hear from D. haven’t heard from ()2. You any films? A.Do; see B. Did; seen C. Have; seen D. Will; see ()3. ---- What do you think of your little brother ---- He is clever. , he doesn’t study hard. A.And B. So C. Because D. However ()4. ----Has the plane left ----Yes, it has left. A.already; yet B. yet; already B.already; ever D. ever; already ()5. I have heard of the surprising news. A.just now B. just C. now D. yet ()6. Our teacher is very kind us and it is very kind of him us. A.to; helping B. to; to help C. of; to help D. of; helping ()7. ----Look! Someone the icebox back to the corner. ----Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. A.has moved B. is moving C. was moving D. will move ()8.The poor woman lived in a small house. A.Alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. alone; alone D. lonely; lonely ()9. Putting waste into the river will cause problems. A.too much; too many B. too many; too much C. too much; many too D. too many; much too ()10.I’m sorry I can’t get on the bus because I my ticket in the office. A.left B. forgot C. have left D. have forgotten ()11. ----Have you finished your homework? ---- . Just half of it. A.Not at all B. Not likely C. Not a bit D. Not yet ()12. There great changes in China since 20 years ago. A.are B. were C. have been D. have ()13. ---- you been here? ---- Since 2006. A.How often B. How long C. How far D. How ()14. The young people hope to for further education.


游泳运动员的身体素质以及训练方法 在当今竞技体育中,游泳运动员成绩的表现最终是由与游泳项目相关的力量素质表现的。力量是游泳运动员的主要身体素质,重视力量是现代有用训练的显著特点。力量素质的提高是通过平时在专项训练来完成的,所以力量训练十分重要。 力量素质主要表现在:骨骼肌收缩速度和持久能力上,收缩速度越快,专项速度的表现能力越强,如50米项目的成绩就好一点些。收缩持续时间越长,专项耐力的表现越强,如1500m项目的成绩就好一些。运动员往往因为天生素质的不同或者训练因素的影响,容易偏向一个方面。这就需要我们在了解自身素质的同时,做好有针对性的训练。胸大肌、肱三头肌、三角肌、背阔肌、斜方肌、肱四头肌,这些肌肉群都是游泳运动的主动点力量群,所以针对上述肌肉群的训练将是本人今后训练中所关注的重点。 游泳运动员的专项力量练习,分陆上和水上力量练习两大类。 1 陆上专项力量练习。常用橡皮筋拉力、等动拉力、轮滑拉力、弹簧杠杆拉力等上拉力量训练,其动作与游泳四种姿势的划水动作紧密结合,身体姿势可采用直立、坐、卧三种姿势。陆上拉力力量训练主要发展专项的最大力量、快速力量和力量耐力。 2水上专项力量训练。水上专项力量能最直接增大游泳推动力(牵引力)。水上专项力量的最大特点是,运动员在游进过程或做具体的有用动作中,克服人为增加的阻力。 训练计划 [周训练计划] 主要任务:专项立项训练、综合量训练、耐力训练相结合,提升力量水平。 周一: 陆上:专项力量训练。橡皮筋拉力、等动拉力、力量训练。每个动作做8次,1-2组。 水上:50米仰泳,100米蝶泳,200米混合泳,400自由泳。 周二: 陆上:综合力量训练。卧推、腰腹、下蹲、手腕、单杠、高拉,1-2组,每

牛津译林版八年级下册(新):8B Unit1单元测试卷(1)

牛津8B Unit1单元测试卷 一.听力试题 A.根据听到的句子,选出相应的答语。(5分) ( )1.A.Sure! Here you are! B. Not at all. C. No, thanks. ( )2.A.It’s expensive. B. Very much. C. It has pictures. ( )3.A.I am Mr Brown. Speaking, please. B. I’m afraid she’ll be back in half an hour. C. Who are you? She isn’t here at the moment. ( )4.A.He is a worker. B. He is very strict. C. He works hard. ( )5.A. In three years. B. For three years. C. Three years later. B.根据你所听到的对话及问题,选出正确答案。(5分) ( )1.A.13 B.15 C.17 ( )2.A.Do some washing at home. B. Study at school. C. Do his homework at home. ( )3.A.Some bread. B. Some hamburgers. C. Two cakes. ( )4.A.In a park. B. In a shop. C. In a school. ( )5.A.Jack’s. B. The man’s. C. The woman’s C.短文理解根据听到的短文内容,选出正确答案。(10分) ( )1.What was Mr Brown? A.A bookseller. B.A shopkeeper. C.A conductor. D.A gateman. ( )2.When did the woman come into the shop? A.In the evening. B. At night. C. Early in the morning. D. Early in the afternoon. ( )3.Why didn’t the woman want that piece of meat at first? A.Because it was too cheap. B. B .Because it cost too much. C. Because it smelt bad. D. Because it wasn’t big enough. ( )4.How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge? A. Only one piece of meat. B. Two pieces of meat. C. Several pieces of meat. D. Many pieces of meat. ( )5.Could Mr Brown give the woman both of the meat? A. Certainly. B. Of course not. C. He would try his best. D. The story doesn’t give us the answer. 二.单项选择(15分) ( )1.Excuse me, is there _____in the room? A. somebody else B .anybody else C. else somebody D. else anybody ( )2.I didn't go there yesterday _____the bad weather. A. because of B. because C .if D .but ( )3.Can you do the work better with _____money and _____ people? A litter; few B. few; little C. less; fewer D .fewer ;less ( )4.The_____now is that we have lots of _____to ask. A. question; problem B problem; question C. question; problems D. problem; questions ( )5.I have _____to tell you. A. anything; interesting B. something; interesting C. nteresting; nothing D. interesting; something ( )6.English is _____P.E. A. not more exciting as B. not as exciting as



信息技术练习题(一) 1、(1)用Excel 制作如下表格 要求:1、在表的第一行前插入一行,键入“某大学研究生毕业分配表”,并居于表的中央。 2、增加表格线,数据右对齐,文字居中。 3、计算各年的“毕业生总数”。 4、将全表按“毕业生总数”的降序排列。 5、以年份为横坐标,绘制一柱形图,图表标题为“研究生毕业分配表”。 2、(2) 要求在左起第一张工作表中完成: 1、第一行填充颜色为灰色-25% 2、增加表格线,上表内所有文字居中(水平和垂直两方向,不能只点工具栏的居中),所有数据(包括第一列)右对齐(水平)。 3、利用公式计算每名学生的“总成绩”。 4、将全表按“总成绩”的降序排列。 5、选定姓名、数学、物理、外语、计算机五列数据,以姓名为横坐标(系列产生在“列”,勾选上“分类X轴”),绘制一柱形图,图表标题为“本学期期末成绩单”。

注:不要更改“姓名”“数学”“物理”“外语”“计算机”“总成绩”这些单元格的文字内容,否则将不能识别考生的答题内容。 3、(3)要求: 1、按上表样式建表,在表的第一行前插入标题,幼圆,加粗,14号字。 2、增加表格线,第一列单元格底纹为天蓝色。 3、统计每种花卉销售的总支数,要求必须使用公式或函数计算。 4、使用花卉名称和统计两列数据建立三维圆饼图。 5、将全表按“统计”值的降序排序。 4、(4)要求: (1)按上表样式建表,表的第一行是标题,隶书,加粗,16号字,合并单元格并居中。 (2)增加表格线,表中文字及数据均居中。 (3)第一列单元格底纹为淡黄色,第一行单元格底纹为淡绿色。 (4)统计每个单位产量的“合计”值,要求必须使用


8B Unit 1 综合试卷 一、 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)()1. I Tom since he moved to Suzhou. A.didn’t hear from B. don’t hear from B.won’thear fromD. haven’t heard from ()2. You any films? A.Do; see B. Did; seen C. Have; seen D. Will; see ()3. ---- What do you think of your little brother? ---- He is clever., he doesn’t study hard. A.And B. So C. Because D. However ()4. ----Has the plane left ? ----Yes, it has left. A.already; yet B. yet; already B.already; ever D.ever; already ()5.I haveheard of the surprising news. A.just now B. just C. now D. yet ()6. Our teacher is verykind us and it is very kind of him us. A.to; helping B. to; to help C. of; to help D. of; helping ()7. ----Look! Someonethe icebox back to the corner. ----Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it. A.has moved B. is moving C. was moving D. will move


<<<<<<精品资料》》》》》 8B Unit1测试 一、选择填空(20分) ()1.Mr Green has work ed in Zhenjiang since his family to China years ago. A.has moved B.moved C.moves D.move ()2.It's very to talk him. A.pleasue,t B.pleased,with C.pleasant,with D.pleased,to ()3.We invite experts to give us talks. A.from a day and night C.from p ast to now B.from time to time D.from one to another ()4.He didn't live here.He moved the city ten months ago. A.out from B.out of from C.onto D.out of ()5.The woman was in that hotel before she came here. A.on service B.on the service C.in service D.in the service ()6.The twins has studied in this school. A.two yearsago C.for two yeas ago B.since two years ago D.since two years ()7.The child has come to school by bike his own. A.in B.by C.on D.of ()8.T om went to work late the snowstorm. A.because B.for C.because D.because of ()9.He feels________when he was________. A.lonely,lonely B.alone,alone C.lonely,alone D.alone,lonely ()10.The trip was________and we were________. A.pleasant,pleased B.pleased,pleasant C.pleased,pleased ()11.When___you_____your breakfast this morning?At6.00. A.have,had B.did,have C.are,have D.has,had ()12.It’s________to sleep late and get up late. A.healthy B.healthily C.unhealthy D.unhealthily ()13.The place has turned________a g ar de n already. A.in B.into C.to D.for ()14.Have you finished you homework?No,I haven’t finished it. A.already,yet B.yet,already C.yet,yet D.already,already


( 操作规程 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 控制技术训练安全操作规程(新 版) Safety operating procedures refer to documents describing all aspects of work steps and operating procedures that comply with production safety laws and regulations.

控制技术训练安全操作规程(新版) 1.操作之前确保所有电源开关均处于“关”的位置。 2.接线或拆线必须在切断电源的情况下进行,接线时要注意电源的极性。完成接线后,正式投入运行之前,应严格检查安装、接线是否正确,并请指导老师检查确认无误后,方能通电。 3.在投运之前,请先检查管道及阀门是否按所做训练项目的要求打开,储水箱中是否充水至三分之二以上,以保证磁力驱动泵中充满水,磁力驱动泵无水空转易造成水泵损坏。 4.电动调节阀在自动状态下不允许手动操作,以免造成仪表损坏。 5.在进行温度试验之前,请先检查锅炉内胆内水位,至少保证水位超过液位指示玻璃管上面的红线位置,无水空烧易造成电加热管烧坏。

6.进行操作之前应进行变送器零位和量程的调整,调整时应注意电位的调节方向,并分清调零电位器和满量程电位器。 7.小心操作,切勿乱扳乱拧,严防损坏仪表。 云博创意设计 MzYunBo Creative Design Co., Ltd.


游泳训练的基本方法 训练,就是人体对运动刺激的适应,是最大限度地发展人体运动能力的过程,而训练方法在训练过程中有着极其重要的意义。训练水平的提高、各阶段训练任务的完成和创造高水平的运动成绩,无不依赖于训练方法的正确运用。判断一种训练方法的优劣,也是应该以它能否在系统重复的身体练习过程中不断提高个人活动能力的发展水平为标准。 游泳训练方法,以手段的组织形式划分,可以分为持续训练、间歇训练法、重复训练法和短冲训练法等等。如以能量代谢来划分又可以分为有氧训练方法和无氧训练方法等,由完成形式来判别又有缺氧训练法,以环境来区分又有高原训练法。这些训练方法是随着运动技术水平的发展与提高,以及人们对训练原理和生理机制的认识不断深化而产生和发展的。从目前的发展趋势来看,训练的目的性越强,越需要我们对训练方法进行更加准确分类才能更科学合理地确定训练负荷。 一、游泳训练方法的组成因素及其在游泳训练中的特点 (一)练习的距离 (二)重复次数 (三)练习的强度 (四)间歇时间 (五)完成练习的方式 (六)间歇的形式 二、游泳训练的基本方法 游泳训练方法要求练习手段必须按一定的组织结构和形式进行组合,如首先根据训练目的选择距离、重复次数和强度,然后再确定用什么方式—打腿、划手或配合来完成。在保证强度完成的前提下,最后再决定用什么方式促进机体的恢复以尽快地进人下一个练习,这就是练习手段的组合方式。当练习手段的形式确定后,还有一些细节的变化也会对练习的性质起到影响,例如是连续练习还是分组练习,是采用等速练习、加速练习还是变速练习等等,这些都是决定训练方法组织结构的重要因素。 (一)持续训练法 持续训练法是指不间断地连续进行训练的方法,它往往采用超过比赛距离(长距离或超长距离)、低于比赛速度,用匀速或变速来进行练习的方法。这种方法主要是用来提高心脏功能和发展有氧耐力。 持续练习的时间较长,也就是一次连续练习的量比较大。由于强度不大,对机体刺激所产生的影响比较缓和,所以持续训练法的训练效果出现得较缓慢,但是比较稳定。 1.持续训练法的构成因素 (1)距离:1500~3000米,甚至更长的距离。 (2)强度:中低强度,血乳酸2~4mmo1/L之间,心率130~150次/分,优秀运动员可达1

牛津8B Unit1单元测试卷 含答案word版本

牛津8B U n i t1单元测试卷含答案

牛津8B Unit1单元测试卷 一.听力试题 A.根据听到的句子,选出相应的答语。(5分) ( )1.A.Sure! Here you are! B. Not at all. C. No, thanks. ( )2.A.It’s expensive. B. Very much. C. It has pictures. ( )3.A.I am Mr Brown. Speaking, please. B. I’m afraid she’ll be back in half an hour. C. Who are you? She isn’t here at the moment. ( )4.A.He is a worker. B. He is very strict. C. He works hard. ( )5.A. In three years. B. For three years. C. Three years later. B.根据你所听到的对话及问题,选出正确答案。(5分) ( )1.A.13 B.15 C.17 ( )2.A.Do some washing at home. B. Study at school. C. Do his homework at home. ( )3.A.Some bread. B. Some hamburgers. C. Two cakes. ( )4.A.In a park. B. In a shop. C. In a school. ( )5.A.Jack’s. B. The man’s. C. The woman’s C.短文理解根据听到的短文内容,选出正确答案。(10分) ( )1.What was Mr Brown? A.A bookseller. B.A shopkeeper. C.A conductor. D.A gateman. ( )2.When did the woman come into the shop? A.In the evening. B. At night. C. Early in the morning. D. Early in the afternoon. ( )3.Why didn’t the woman want that piece of meat at first? A.Because it was too cheap. B. B .Because it cost too much. C. Because it smelt bad. D. Because it wasn’t big enough. ( )4.How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge? A. Only one piece of meat. B. Two pieces of meat. C. Several pieces of meat. D. Many pieces of meat. ( )5.Could Mr Brown give the woman both of the meat? A. Certainly. B. Of course not. C. He would try his best. D. The story doesn’t give us the answer. 二.单项选择(15分) ( )1.Excuse me, is there _____in the room? A. somebody else B .anybody else C. else somebody D. else anybody ( )2.I didn't go there yesterday _____the bad weather. A. because of B. because C .if D .but ( )3.Can you do the work better with _____money and _____ people? A litter; few B. few; little C. less; fewer D .fewer ;less ( )4.The_____now is that we have lots of _____to ask. A. question; problem B problem; question C. question; problems D. problem; questions ( )5.I have _____to tell you. A. anything; interesting B. something; interesting

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