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A man got into a train and found himself sitting opposite a woman who seemed to be about

thirty-five years old. Soon they began talking to each other, and the man said to her, "Do you have a family?"

"Yes, I have one son," the woman answered.

"Oh, really?" said the man. "Does he smoke?"

"No, he's never touched a cigarette," the woman replied.

"That's good," the man continued. "I don't smoke either. Tobacco is very bad to one's health.

And does your son drink wine?"

"Oh, no," the woman answered at once. "He's never drunk a drop of it."

"Then I congratulate you, ma'am," the man said. "And does he ever come home late at night?"

"No, never," his neighbor answered. "He goes to bed immediately after dinner every night."

"Well," the man said, "he's a wise young man. How old is he?"

"He's six months old today. But he will grow up to be a gentleman," the woman replied proudly.











1.The man and the woman are talking about the woman's son. 男人和女人谈论的是女人的儿子。


2.The woman thinks her son will be a gentleman. 女人觉得她的儿子将会是个绅士。


3.The conversation took place on a train. 谈话发生在火车上。


4、The word "disappointed" probably best describes the man's feeling at the end of the conversation.



5、The woman is so proud of her son that she does not really understand what the man's questions mean. 女人以儿子为豪,但是她并没有真正明白男人的问题。



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阅读理解 1-1. In order to learn to be one’s true self 1.according to the passage frist of all one most obtain knowledge 2.when you try to do something ,what matters is to carry it through to the end 3.the end of learning should be mastery 4. according---- another man success should spur us on to greater efforts 5.the author implies(暗指) success depends not so much on natural ability as it does on effort 1-2. Earthquakes 1. most destruction brought and by earthquake is the result of the following EXCEPT the panic brought about by earthquakes 2.this element of the unknown refers to the fact that earthquakes may occur anywhere at any time 3.NOT true A worldwide earthquake warning network has not been put into use 4.the author believe that the prediction of earthquake is of some help 5. it inferred last paragraph chiefly interested in getting prepared and handling the possible destruction beforehand 1-3. The accuracy of scientific 1. the passage says that accuracy of scientific observation depends on timekeeping methods 2. more precise 3. Scientific research 4. Atomic clocks will be important in space flight 5. A Peacetime Use of the Atom 1-4. In communities north of Denver 1. A huge financial problem has arisen 2. They pooled their effors to help solve it 3. unthinkable 4. To see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the problem 5. keep people properly informed of the crisis 5. Very high waves are destructive 练习2-1 1. rarely 2. is liable to lessen 3. influences the power of high waves 4. variable 5. A submarine commander navigating his vessel at a depth of 700 feet will not be affected by araging surface storm 6. In Western countries…the installment plan (2012)练习2-2 1. More than 10 percent American families buy things on installments 2. the buyer has to pay extra额外 money as interest 作为利息 3.


完型填空、阅读理解及中英翻译的考试策略 一、完型填空 考生总认为完型填空较难,其实,纵观每年的考题我们不难发现,似乎上半年的完型填空出的都不是书上的题目,而下半年是从书中某一课摘选出来的。这就要求大家一定要对教材非常熟悉,特别是A课文,一定要做到熟读。当然,我们一定要了解到:完型填空主要考的是词组的搭配(当然与段落前后的含义要相符),加之时态与语态的变化,真正考上下文连接的意思相对较少,同时注意一些连词、介词的使用,基本上是能够完成的。 二、阅读理解 阅读是大家最头疼的,由于分数占的比重较大,同时在卷面占的页数较多,使大家一眼望去望而生畏。其实,在做阅读的时候,只要我们能够把所问的问题看准,同时找到问题中最关键的词汇,返回到原文中找这个词汇出现的位置,其前后就是答案。大家可以用笔把这些关键词画出来,俗话说,找答案不容易,找词还是比较容易的。在做题过程中,其中可能有词汇的解释题,即用一个词汇或词组来解释原文中的某个词,这种题绝对靠实力,不用到原文去猜了。还有特别要注意的是”NOT TRUE”的概念,肯定有三个题是完

全符合原文意思的,千万别一激动就选A,定下心来回顾整个答案。可以说,阅读理解30分,只要大家能达到20以上,这份卷子通过应该不成问题。 我们来举例说明: People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets. Who decides what you buy in the supermarkets? Do you decide? Does the supermarket decide? When you enter the supermarket, you see shelves full of food. You walk in the aisles(过道)between the shelves. You push a shopping cart and put your food in it. You probably hear slow music as you walk along the aisles; if you hear fast music, you walk quickly. The supermarket plays slow music. You walk slowly and have more time to buy things. Maybe you go to the meat department first. There is some meat on sale, and you want to find it. The manager of the supermarket knows where customers enter the meat department. The cheaper meat is at the


【一】 第一节翻译语篇(5小题,计10分) 阅读下面的短文,然后将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。 You are in your last year of junior high school. 66. Have you thought about what it will be like in high school? Are you ready for a fresh start in a new environment? Some high school graduates from the United States share their tips: Organize and plan your studies “The biggest thing is to stay organized,” says Philip Tubiolo, a graduate from Baypor t High Schools. 67. 他说你可以要么用纸要么用在线工具帮助你的学习. “I would transfer (转换) paper notes online and make study guides. Everything was in one spot (场所) for finals and midterms.” Find your interests “I knew I was more of a science kid.” says Bayport’s Tubiolo. “I took AP Biology in 10th grade and loved it”68. AP classes are college-level classes that high school students can take. He also joined his school’s Science Olympiad t eam.69. 在一次数学比赛中,他赢得了一等奖。He even decided on a college major, alt hough most students don’t need to make this choice so early. Find healthy ways to relieve stress and have fun “I t’s not just study, study, study,’’ says Roslyn High School student Todd Warshawsky. “I was a track (田径) runner. That was a stress reliever from study.” Sachem North High School graduate Erin Maryzek agrees. “70.我们都应该学会在学校生活中找到一些有趣的事情” says the Northeastern University freshman. 66.___________________________________________________________________________ 67.___________________________________________________________________________ 68.___________________________________________________________________________ 69.-__________________________________________________________________________ 70.___________________________________________________________________________ 【二】 第一节语篇翻译阅读下面短文,将画线的句子翻译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分) I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me, a boy, meant play, play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning something. 66. However,I changed how I used to behave at school with the help of mv teachers. I tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the school rules. Growing and learning were great fun. Every year we had different kinds of public service activities. 67.Not only could we learn things from them, but also we were given chances to show ourselves. It helped us know more. In Grade 8, I won prizes in drawing and English speech competitions. 68.同时,我通过加入社团交到了许多朋友。I am in Grade 9, and I have realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because I am going to take the exams to get into the senior high school. Soon, I’ll say goodbye to my teachers. 69.他们自我要求严格并且十分耐心。I believe whenever I think of them, I will be thankful. And I’ll never forget my classmates who are always kind to me. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. School is not just a place, but a large building made up of rules, knowledge and love. 70. 每个人的学校生活都充满着影响他生活的起起落落。I can describe my school in ‘Three S S”. They are: Small, Sweet


Today, we tell the story of the 9-11 attacks through some of the words spoken that morning ten years ago. A newly released document includes recordings of air traffic controllers, military pilots and others reacting to the fast-moving events. 今天,我们将通过9.11袭击事件发生时的一些对话回顾10年前的那一幕。一份最新公布的文件包括空中管制员(简称空管)、军方飞行员和其他人士对这次突发事件反应的录音。 On September eleventh, two thousand one, nineteen al-Qaida members hijacked four passenger planes in the eastern United States. They crashed two of them into the World Trade Center in New York City, destroying the Twin Towers. 2001年9月11日,19名基地组织成员在美国东部劫持了4架客机,并将其中两架撞向纽约世贸中心,撞毁了这栋双塔楼。 A third plane hit the Pentagon, the Defense Department headquarters outside Washington. The fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. 第三架飞机撞到了华盛顿郊外的国防部总部五角大楼。第四架飞机坠毁在宾夕法尼亚州某地。 The document is known as an "audio monograph." It begins with normal radio calls shortly after eight o'clock. American Airlines Flight 11 had just left Boston for Los Angeles with ninety-two people. 这份新公布的文件被称为“音频专辑”,它从八点后不久的正常电台呼叫开始。美国航空公司11号航班刚从波士顿起飞前往洛杉矶,机上载有92名乘客。 AA11: "Boston Center, good morning, American 11 with you passing through one nine zero for two three zero." 美航11航班:“波士顿空管中心,早上好,美航11航班正从190爬至230。” CONTROLLER: "American 11, Boston Center, roger, climb, maintain level two eight zero." 波士顿空管:“美航11航班,波士顿空管中心,收到!继续爬升,保持高度280。” 注:这两段对话涉及空管术语,可能翻译有误。 Soon radio contact is lost. A flight attendant on the plane, Betty Ong, called a company office to report the hijacking. 随后无线电联络丢失。飞机上一位名为Betty Ong的空中乘务员给公司办公室打去电话报告飞机被劫持。 A woman at that office then calls the airline's emergency line. 该办公室一位女职员随即拨通了航空公司的紧急电话。 NIDIA GONZALEZ: "So far, what I've gotten, the number five flight attendant's been stabbed, but she seems to be breathing. The number one seems to be stabbed pretty badly and she's lying down on the floor, they don't know whether she is conscious or not. The other flight attendants are in the back, um, and that's as far as I know. It seems like the passengers in coach might not be aware of what's going on right

2013年高考新课标全国卷2 英语阅读理解中文翻译

第一篇 医生是著名的糟糕“引航员”,他们不需要听命于别人因为他们早已全部知道。我很辛运:1970年我成为了一名引航员,差不多比我从药学院毕业早10年。我之前并没有意识到这些,但是成为一名引航员让我成为了一名更好的外科医生。我喜欢飞翔。当我开着更大更快的飞机,在更为恶劣的天气的时候,我学到了机组资源管理,或者称为CRM,一种可以飞得更安全的方法。这意味着机组成员应该听命并站出来为好的结果说话,忽略自己的地位1980年我第一次接触到CRM。那不久之后,一名主治医师和我正在恶劣天气中飞行。控制员让我们准备着陆时已经太晚了。主治医生正在飞行,我是一个保证安全的引航员,由于一个糟糕的转弯他变得手忙脚乱,他忘记把起落架放下来。他是一个不错的引航员——还有我的上级——所以为他们说好话会觉得很奇怪。但是我必须这么做:我们的生命处于危险之中。我把我的不容易抛到了一边然后说:“我们现在需要把起落架放下来!”这是我在CRM压力下第一堂真实的课程。从那之后我就开始在手术室使用这招了。 CRM要求引航员/外科医生鼓励他人站出来说话。这更要求当建议来自反方时,医生不会有可能阻止从属医生再次提出建议的过激反应。所以呢,当我在手术室的时候,我从他人那里获取想法和帮助。有时候他们不愿意站出来说话,但是我希望如果我继续鼓励他们,有一天某个人会组织我把起落架收起来。 第二篇 1947年一群由一位澳大利亚管理者率领的来自艺术世界的名人决定在爱丁堡举办一场国际化的音乐、舞蹈和喜剧盛会。在第二次世界大战之后,这个主意重组了欧洲。 在同一时间,“Fringe”这个单词作为官方节日的挑战出现了。1947年,在每个人都有表演的权力的信念促使下,八个戏剧团没有被邀请,在一间废弃了很多年的屋子里他们也是这么做的。 很快,几群学生先是来自爱丁堡大学的,后来是来自牛津和剑桥、达勒姆和伯明翰大学的学生,他们当时正在前往Scottish首都之旅中,每个夏天在小小的教堂里为爱丁堡人表演由不知名戏剧作者写的戏剧。 今天,“Fringe”,一度缺乏关注的艺术形式,已经极度地繁荣了这个包含1500多个戏剧、音乐和舞蹈表演的持续21天的节日盛会的每一天。追溯到1959年,只有19个戏剧表演团在表演,有人说它愈来愈壮大了。 1971年付费管理员才第一次被雇佣,今天八个管理员一整年都在工作,并且在八月份人数自动上升至150.2004年200个地方为来自50个不同国家600多个不同的剧团表演的1695个节目提供了场地。卖出的票超过125,000,000 第三篇 据说很多人的情绪会受巧克力的化学作用影响,巧克力店类似于中医药店可能只是时间的问题。这看起来就像是电影查理和巧克力工厂的背景。 新加坡的巧克力研究设备能生产100多种巧克力,它的创始人是Chris Lee,一个成长在父母的comer 店里,一只手几乎总是伸在甜品罐里的人。 如果巧克力研究设备看起来是个不错的主意,那就是因为lee 不仅仅是有原则的销售人员,他更是一个与很多知名公司如Levi's和Sony有贸易关系的销售部门领袖。当开始制作不同口味的巧克力时,这个主意自然导致了工作时的想象力(?) cpf的产品是“绿色的”。在乡村生产并且分了十条生产线。含酒精系列产品最受欢迎。Exotic系列——用四川辣椒、红豆、cheese和其他香料制成的——也做得很好并且尝起来很有趣。至于chocolate snobs(自认为很懂巧克力的人),这些自认为他们比别人更了解巧克

高考语文复习 古文阅读 理解并翻译文中的句子

2009高考语文复习古文阅读理解并翻译文中的句子 《考试说明在古代文阅读方面,对“句子”理解提出两条要求:一是“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”(不同的句式和用法是指判断句、被动句、宾语前置、成分省略的词类活用);二是“理解并翻译文中的句子”。由于高考过几年规定不直接考查古汉语的句式,而是把它糅合在其它项中作间接考查,所以本讲着重讲后一项。 一、理解句子 正确理解句子是正确翻译的前提,故先讲如何理解句子。理解句子,即要分析语境,又要分析句子本身。这里主要从分析句子本身的角度来说。 1.以易求难,推敲关键词语 多年来的高考试题表明,要求考生理解并翻译的句子,并非每一个词语都有难度,都不会理解,而只有一两个词语有较高的难度。从这个意义说,理解句子就是对关键词语的确切认知。一般说来,这关键词语表现为多义实词或词的形态特点(单音词、双音词)或用法特点即活用。 例1:(何子平之)母本侧庶,籍(户口册)注失实,年未及养,而籍年已满,便去职归家。时镇军将军顾觊之为州上纲,谓曰:“尊上年实未八十,亲故所知。州中差有微禄,当启相留。”子平曰:“公家正取信黄籍,籍年既至,便应扶持私庭,何容以实年未满,苟冒荣利……” 在这段文字中,“州中差有微禄,当启相留”是什么意思呢?“州中”、“有微禄”、“当”、“留”都是不难理解的,难的是“差”、“启”、“相”这三个词。“差”是个多音词,这里该怎么理解?“州中”既在州中;“有微禄”,有少许俸禄。可见“差”应读chāi,为当差之意,即任职。“启”有打开、陈述等意,因为要向上陈述某人之任职,所以应理解为“禀告”。“相留”,自然不是互相挽留,而是挽留何子平。于是全句该理解为:在州中任职有少许奉禄,将禀告上司挽留你。这样看来,所谓以易求难,就是根据已知求未知。“求”的过程,就是对语句作分析的过程。 2.转换角度,辨析句式特点 有些文句,在实词,虚词方面没有太多障碍,但要真正说清其含意遇到麻烦,这时就得转换视角,从句式方面作考虑,这样也许会寻求到正确的理解。 例2:(胡)威受之,辞归。每至客舍,自放(读cuàn)驴,取樵炊爨.,食毕,复随旅进道,往还如是。质(胡威之父)帐下都督,素不相识,先其将归,请假还家,阴资装,百余里要之,因与为伴,每事佐其经营之,又少进饮食,行数百里。威疑之,密诱问,乃知其都督也,因取向所赐绢答谢而遣之。 在这段文字中,“先其将归,请假还家”一句,字词上没有一点疑难,但“先其将归”是什么意思?是“早就要带他回去”吗?自然不是。原来这是一个省略句,在“先“之后省略了一个介词“于”,其,指代胡威。这样看来,全句的意思是:在他将要回去之先,(都督)便请假回家。用这个意思去替代原句,正好与下文意思一致,因为“阴资装”等句意思是:暗中准备盘缠,在百余里外的路上迎接他,就与他结伴同行,每次遇到什么事情,就帮助他处理。从分析句式入手,是理解句子的重要方法,如“至于公事,何由济乎?”句中“何由”是“由何”


Passage One During the past several years, many new uses of television sets have been introduced.在过去的几年,新的使用电视的方式出现了。 Video cassette recorders, video games, cable TV, and home computers are becoming popular accessories(附件) for the home TV.视频磁带,游戏机,有线电视以及家庭电脑都成为电视的有机组成部分。The videodisc(碟片) is the most recent and perhaps the most important of the new home entertainment media.碟片是最新的也是最重要的家庭娱乐媒体。 A videodisc looks like an ordinary record, but it reproduces pictures and sound. 碟片很像一个普通的拷贝,但是它可以记录图像和声音。It is designed to play back programs that have been recorded on it. 它可以回放储存在上面的信息和程序。The manufacturers record movies, concerts, and educational programs on the discs.在碟片上可以储存电影,音乐会,以及教育节目。 A videodisc is made of plastic. 碟片是用塑料做成的。Its surface is covered with tiny pits that wind around the disc in a coil.碟片的表面是一些圆形的凹槽。The size and arrangement of the pits form a code that represents the recorded pictures and sounds.凹槽的数量和排列可以记录图片和声音。As the disc spins on the disc player, the player reads the code and translates it into a TV


大学英语b阅读理解全中文翻译版 A man got into a train and found himself sitting opposite a woman who seemed to be about thirty-five years old. Soon they began talking to each other, and the man said to her, "Do you have a family?" "Yes, I have one son," the woman answered. "Oh, really?" said the man. "Does he smoke?" "No, he's never touched a cigarette," the woman replied. "That's good," the man continued. "I don't smoke either. Tobacco is very bad to one's health. And does your son drink wine?" "Oh, no," the woman answered at once. "He's never drunk a drop of it." "Then I congratulate you, ma'am," the man said. "And does he ever come home late at night?" "No, never," his neighbor answered. "He goes to bed immediately after dinner every night." "Well," the man said, "he's a wise young man. How old is he?" "He's six months old today. But he will grow up to be a gentleman," the woman replied proudly. 有个男人上了火车,坐在他对面的是一个看起来35左右的女人。很快他们开始彼此交谈起来,男人对女人说,“你有家庭吗?” “是的,我有一个儿子。”那个女人答道。 “噢,真的?”男人继续问道,“他抽烟吗?” “不,他从来不抽烟。”女人答道。 “真好”,那个男人继续道,“我也不抽烟。烟草对我们的健康有害。那你的儿子喝酒吗?” “噢,不,”女人立刻回道,“他滴酒不沾。” “那我真的祝贺你,女士。”男人继续问道:“那他会晚回吗?” “不,从不”,他的邻座说道,“他每天晚上一吃完晚饭就睡觉呢。” “喔”,那个男人说道,“他真是一个一个英明的小伙子。他多大了?” “他今天6个月大。但他长大后将会成为一个绅士。”那人自豪地说。 1.The man and the woman are talking about the woman's son. 男人和女人谈论的是女人的儿子。 A:T B:F 2.The woman thinks her son will be a gentleman. 女人觉得她的儿子将会是个绅士。 A:T B:F 3.The conversation took place on a train. 谈话发生在火车上。 A:T B:F 4、The word "disappointed" probably best describes the man's feeling at the end of the conversation. "disappointed"这个词最适合来形容男人谈话结束后的心情。 A:T B:F 5、The woman is so proud of her son that she does not really understand what the man's questions mean. 女人以儿子为豪,但是她并没有真正明白男人的问题。 A:T B:F KEY:AAABB 1 / 3


英语阅读理解带翻译10篇:给予 Like most people, I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important discovery: giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you lack money. This is how I experimented with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store flashes to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the storekeeper. One discovery I made about giving-away is that it is almost impossible to give away anything in this world without getting something back, though the return often comes in an unexpected form. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list. As I was about to leave, the postmaster appeared in the doorway. He had overheard our conversation. “Wasn’t it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?”I said yes. “Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office if we have to make one for you. You don’t know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get nothing but complaints.”

高三语文复习 第22讲古文阅读理解并翻译文中的句子

高三语文复习第22讲古文阅读·理解并翻译文中的句子 《考试说明在古代文阅读方面,对“句子”理解提出两条要求:一是“理解与现代汉语不同的句式和用法”(不同的句式和用法是指判断句、被动句、宾语前置、成分省略的词类活用);二是“理解并翻译文中的句子”。由于高考过几年规定不直接考查古汉语的句式,而是把它糅合在其它项中作间接考查,所以本讲着重讲后一项。 一、理解句子 正确理解句子是正确翻译的前提,故先讲如何理解句子。理解句子,即要分析语境,又要分析句子本身。这里主要从分析句子本身的角度来说。 1.以易求难,推敲关键词语 多年来的高考试题表明,要求考生理解并翻译的句子,并非每一个词语都有难度,都不会理解,而只有一两个词语有较高的难度。从这个意义说,理解句子就是对关键词语的确切认知。一般说来,这关键词语表现为多义实词或词的形态特点(单音词、双音词)或用法特点即活用。 例1:(何子平之)母本侧庶,籍(户口册)注失实,年未及养,而籍年已满,便去职归家。时镇军将军顾觊之为州上纲,谓曰:“尊上年实未八十,亲故所知。州中差有微禄,当启相留。”子平曰:“公家正取信黄籍,籍年既至,便应扶持私庭,何容以实年未满,苟冒荣利……” 在这段文字中,“州中差有微禄,当启相留”是什么意思呢?“州中”、“有微禄”、“当”、“留”都是不难理解的,难的是“差”、“启”、“相”这三个词。“差”是个多音词,这里该怎么理解?“州中”既在州中;“有微禄”,有少许俸禄。可见“差”应读chāi,为当差之意,即任职。“启”有打开、陈述等意,因为要向上陈述某人之任职,所以应理解为“禀告”。“相留”,自然不是互相挽留,而是挽留何子平。于是全句该理解为:在州中任职有少许奉禄,将禀告上司挽留你。这样看来,所谓以易求难,就是根据已知求未知。“求”的过程,就是对语句作分析的过程。 2.转换角度,辨析句式特点 有些文句,在实词,虚词方面没有太多障碍,但要真正说清其含意遇到麻烦,这时就得转换视角,从句式方面作考虑,这样也许会寻求到正确的理解。 例2:(胡)威受之,辞归。每至客舍,自放(读cuàn)驴,取樵炊爨.,食毕,复随旅进道,往还如是。质(胡威之父)帐下都督,素不相识,先其将归,请假还家,阴资装,百余里要之,因与为伴,每事佐其经营之,又少进饮食,行数百里。威疑之,密诱问,乃知其都督也,因取向所赐绢答谢而遣之。 在这段文字中,“先其将归,请假还家”一句,字词上没有一点疑难,但“先其将归”是什么意思?是“早就要带他回去”吗?自然不是。原来这是一个省略句,在“先“之后省略了一个介词“于”,其,指代胡威。这样看来,全句的意思是:在他将要回去之先,(都督)便请假回家。用这个意思去替代原句,正好与下文意思一致,因为“阴资装”等句意思是:暗中准备盘缠,在百余里外的路上迎接他,就与他结伴同行,每次遇到什么事情,就帮助他处理。从分析句式入手,是理解句子的重要方法,如“至于公事,何由济乎?”句中“何由”是“由何”的倒置,“何由济乎?”就是“凭什么才能成功?”而不是“有什么理有才能成功?”


2012年职称英语综合类阅读理解目录 1.第一篇:Telling Tales about People讲述关于人们的故事 2.第二篇:Outside-the –classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference课处学习带来很大不同 3.第三篇:Milosevic’s Death 米洛舍维奇之死 4.第四篇:Feast on Turkey and Good Wishes at Thanksgiving 火鸡盛宴和感恩节的祝福 5.第五篇:Sino-Japan Animosity Lessens 中日敌意减少 6.第六篇:TV Shows and Long Bus Trips看电视与长途汽车旅行 7.第七篇:Modern Sun Worshippers现代日光浴崇拜者 8.第八篇:The Changing Middle Class变化中的中产阶级 9.第九篇:Single-parent Kids Do Best单亲幼儿最出色 10.第十篇:A Letter from Alan艾伦的来信 11.第十一篇:The Development of Ballet芭蕾舞的发展 12.第十二篇:Smuggling走私 13.第十三篇:The Barbie Dolls芭比娃娃 14.第十四篇:Sleep睡眠 15.第十五篇:Orbital Space Plane轨道航天飞机 16.第十六篇:The Sahara 撒哈拉沙漠 第一篇T elling T ales about People讲述关于人们的故事 最普遍的非小说类文学作品类型之一,就是一些描述人们生活的故事,并且很多人喜欢阅读这类作品。这些故事大致分为三类:自传、回忆录和传记。 自传是作者记录自己故事的文章。通常自传会以作者最早期的回忆开始并以对现在情况的总结作为结束。自传的作者也许不会完全客观地介绍自己。然而,他们给读者提供了一个途径来了解自己比较好的行事风格和为何成就这样的自己。就像本杰明?富兰克林和海伦?凯勒一样,各种各样的人们已经写了自传。其他的作者就像詹姆斯?乔伊斯一样仅仅写了关于自己生活的虚构小说。这些不是自传,但是它们和自传非常相近。 严格意义上来讲,回忆录是既注重作者本身的生活经历,也注重其所处的时代所发生的事件的自传性的描述。回忆录作者通常把这些事件作为他们生活的背景。他们详细地描述这些事件并论述这些事件的重要性。虽然近些年,回忆录这个词似乎开始变得可以和自传互换,但是目前回忆录也许还没有因外界评论而有所改变。 传记事实上是记录(作者以外).其他人的生活。在很多方面,传记也许是这三种非小说类文学作品中最难写的了。自传作者知悉他们所写的事件因为他们就生活在其中。但是传记作者不得不尽量从很多不同的渠道来收集信息。然后他们不得不决定包含哪种事实。他们的目标是用比较全面的图片来介绍一个人物,并不是过于乐观也不是过于批判。一个公正并详尽的传记也许要花费许多年来研究并进行书写。 第二篇:Outside-the –classroom Learning Makes a Big Difference课处学习带来很大不同让一群大学生去负责募集30万美元的马拉松式的跳舞活动,这种募捐听起来肯定有点儿冒险。当你知道这笔募捐款是提供给需要医疗护理的儿童,你可能会觉得这个想法很疯狂。 佛罗里达大学一个22岁的学生Darren Heitner说大多学生领导者不想在他们不太关注的事情上花太多时间。他任马拉松式跳舞经营部经理两年了。 Y vornne Fangmeyer是威斯康星大学学生组织办公室主任,在二月组织了一次学生参加校园组织的调查。她说增进友谊是大家提到最多的参加校园组织的原因。 像Fangmeyer的大学那样规模很大的学校,有4万多学生,学生首先想要找到属于们的校园一角。 威斯康星大四的学生Katie Rowley肯定了调查结果。“我加入校园组织希望让校园感觉上变得小一些,这样不仅可以投入到校园生活中还可以交到很多朋友”。 这些关于友谊的看法并不意味着学生不考虑他们的经历。Heitner说:“我认为很多人加入校园组织来


1 Romantic love is one of the most enticing topics around. Just about every movie, TV show, and country-music song contains some element of romance. For many, romantic relationships are by far the most important in their lives. 浪漫的爱情是最迷人的一个话题。几乎所有的电影,电视节目,音乐和乡村音乐歌曲包含一些爱情元素。对许多人来说,浪漫关系是迄今为止在他们的生活中最重要的。 As a society, we long for intimacy. We grow up believing that if we "just meet the right person" we will be happy. This message is popularized by modern media. It is perhaps one of the most destructive messages around. Quentin Crisp says: "The consuming desire of most human beings is to deliberately plant their whole life in the hands of some other person. I would describe this method of searching for happiness as immature ..." 作为一个社会,我们长期的亲密。我们相信如果我们“仅仅满足人的权利”,我们会很高兴的。这个消息是由现代媒体推广。这也许是最具破坏性的消息。昆廷说:“脆的大多数人的消费欲望是故意的种植他们的整个生活在另一个人的手。我会形容这种方法寻找幸福是不成熟的……” When we feel unhappy it is natural to start searching for the cause of our distress. There is nothing wrong with this, but it becomes a problem when we start searching outside of ourselves. We are taught that 当我们不开心的时候很自然地开始寻找我们的痛苦的原因。这没有错,但它成为一个问题,当我们开始搜索以外的自己。我们都知道 if we are happily "coupled" we won't have problems. It is therefore natural to blame our partner for our "aloneness." The consequences of this belief are enormously self-destructive. 如果我们是快乐的“耦合”我们不会有问题。责怪我们的“孤独的伙伴是很自然的。”这一信念的后果是巨大的自我毁灭。 Romantic love is exciting, but what happens when the romance wears off? Experts estimate that romantic sexual attractions last only 18 months to two years. Using love or sex as a drug will only prevent us from

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