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《公共管理学》homework(1) 一、名词解释 1.公共管理: 公共管理是指公公组织为解决公共问题,追求公共利益,运用公共权力,通过制定公共政策、有效地实行与监督等,提供公共物品和公共服务,维护公共秩序,对公共事务进行管理的社会活动。 2.公共选择理论公共选择理论是一门介于经济学和政治学之间的新兴交叉学科,它是运用经济学的分析方法来研究政治决策机制如何运作的理论。 3. 公共管理协调指协商、调整公共组织系统与其外部环境之间和系统内部的各种关系,使之权责清晰,分工合作,相互配合,有效地实现公共管理目标和提高整体效能的行为。 4. 公共管理监督是指依法对政府和公共事业组织等公共组织及其工作人员的监察和督导活动。 二、单项选择 1.1926年在美国出版两本权威的行政学教科书《行政学研究导论》《公共行政学原理》的两位学者分别是( B ) 25 A.泰勒和法约尔 B.怀特和威洛比 C.威尔逊和古德诺 D.马克斯?韦伯和赫伯特?西蒙 2.公共选择理论理论对政府的本质和行为的基本假设是( B)

A.社会人 B.经济人 C.自动人 D.复杂人 3.大萧条以后,为资本主义的稳定和发展起到了积极的作用的经济理论是( A ) A.凯恩斯的政府干预理论 B.新自由主义取消政府干预理论 C.亚当?斯密的“小政府”理论 D.古典经济学派的限制政府干预理论 4. 最早建立了比较规范的文官制度的国家是( A ) A.英国 B.法国 C.德国 D.美国 5. 18世纪英国著名经济学家________,在他著名的经济学著作《国富论》中对政府财政的管理范围和职能进行了限定。( C ) A.威廉?配第 B.马歇尔


作业 4 1、输入一个正整数n,再输入n个学生的成绩,计算平均分,并统计不及格成绩的个数。#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" main() { int Failed,i,n; float Mark,Sum; printf("Please input n:"); scanf("%d",&n); Failed=Sum=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("Please input Mark %d:",i); scanf("%f",&Mark); Sum=Sum+Mark; if(Mark<60) Failed++; } printf("aver=%f\n",Sum/n); printf("Failed=%d\n",Failed); getch(); } . 2、输入一个职工的月薪salary,输出应交的个人所得税tax(保留两位小数)。 计算方法:tax=rate(salary-850)/100 当salary≤850时,rate=0; 当850

main() { double money,rate,Tax; printf("Please input money:"); scanf("%lf",&money); if(money<=850) rate=0; else if(money<=1350) rate=5; else if(money<=2850) rate=10; else if(money<=5850) rate=15; else rate=20; Tax=rate*(money-850)/100 ; printf("Tax=%.2f",Tax); getch(); }

材料结构与性能作业题Homework and Solution-2012

Homework (Due Oct. 29, 2013) 1.Show that the minimum cation-to-anion radius ratio for a coordination number of 6 is 0.414 [Hint: use the NaCl crystal structure and assume that anions and cations are just touching along tube edges and across face diagonals. 2.In terms of bonding, explain why silicate materials have relatively low density. 3.If cupric oxide (CuO) is exposed to reducing atmospheres at elevated temperatures, some of the Cu2+ ions will become Cu+. a)name one crystalline defect that you would expect to form in order to maintain charge neutrality under these conditions, b)How many Cu+ ions are required for the creation of each defect? c)How would you express the chemical formula for this nonstoichiometric material?. 4.The modulus of elasticity for titanium carbide (TiC) having 5 vol% porosity is 310 GPa (6 45?psi). a) Calculate the modulus of elasticity for the nonporous 10 material. b) At what volume percent porosity will the modulus of elasticity be 240 GPa (6 10 35?psi)? 5.Calculate the room-temperature electrical conductivity of silicon that has been doped with 2×1024m?3 of boron atoms. 6.Explain why a brass lid ring on a glass canning jar will loosen when heated. Suppose the ring is made of tungsten instead of brass. What will be the effect of heating the lid and the jar? Why? 7.Zinc telluride has a band gap of 2.26 eV. Over what range of wavelengths of visible light is it transparent? What might be its color? 8.Selecting one of the advanced materials listed below(including, but not limited to), mak e a PPT with text and graphics to describe characteristics and applications of the materials, then present your PPT in class in 5 minites . TiNi-based Shape memory alloy,GaAs photonic crystal,LiNbO3 laser crystal,PZT pizeoelectrics,NiCuZn-ferrite,BiFeO3 multiferroics,ZnO Nanorods,graphene,Fullerene,cathode materials for Li-ion batteries,amorphous silicon thin film transistors,polycrystalline silicon thin films by vacuum evaporation,carbon nanotube membrane,Nonlinear Optical Crystals,etc. (List all your references. Answers without proper references will receive no credit.)

对作业的不同看法(Different Opinions on Homework)

对作业的不同看法(Different Opinions on Homework) theconflictoverwhatorhowmuchhomeworkshouldbecomespartlyfromthefa ctthatpeoplecan'tseemtoagreeonthepurposeofhomework.whatdoteachers think?someteachersthinkthathomeworkisnecessarytoreinforcewhatislearn edinschool.andsotheyasktheirstudentstomemorizewhatwasdiscussedinclas sthroughhomework.someteachersthinkthepointofhomeworkistocovermat erialthattheclassdidn'thavetimetogetto,sotheirhomeworkistoletstudentsle arnadditionalthings.otherteacherslikehomeworksimplybecausetheywantst udentstoformworkhabitsandstillothersbelievehomeworkisnecessarybecau seitisthebestwayforparentstolearnwhattheirchildrendoinschool.parent'sop inions?butmanyparentsseemtohavedifferentideas.elissacohen,whohastwin satlafayetteelementaryschool,doesn'tlikethefactthatthethird-gradestudentsinelementaryschoolsareaskedtowriteabout25booksummarie sayear."theydothesamethingoverandoverwithoutreallygettingintoaltertnat ewaysofthinkingaboutbooksandthinkingaboutreadingandwriting."experts' opinions?someeducationreformers,suchashowardgardner,aharvardunivers ityprofessor,well- knownforhistheoryonmultipleintelligence,thinkthatcohenisontherighttrack .butitisoftenhardtopersuadeoverworkedteacherstogivemuchthoughttoho meworktasks.对作业的不同看法关于应该留什么样的作业或者留多少


《物理教学论》课堂作业(2011.11.12) Why is homework important? 09级应电(1)班李宏/40906282 子曰:温故而知新。这里的巩固知识应该就是前者“温故”的含义。遵照人的记忆与遗忘的规律,老师通过布置家庭作业让学生巩固已学的知识,对于学生掌握知识很重要。 因为课外作业是对课堂教学的有效延伸,是知识的巩固和深化,是学生课外学习的重要手段。 对学生来说,首先,通过家庭作业可以增强学习技巧和巩固所学的知识,及时了解自己的学习情况,在作业中遇到不懂的地方,可以及时请教老师,从而纠正错误,端正学习态度,改进学习方法,争取更好的成绩。 其次,通过家庭作业可以发现学生弱点,孩子的家庭作业要靠自己完成,一些学习上的薄弱环节,在课堂上没能融会理解的知识点可以在写作业中自己发现和弥补,从而提高学习效率。 再次,通过家庭作业可以从小培养学生自主学习和完善学习方法。通过举一反三,学习新知识,掌握新方法尽心尽力完成老师留的作业,加强对知识点的理解,思考完善学生思维。改善自己的学习方法。 对于教师来说,布置家庭作业是教学的一个重要组成部分,是获取教学反馈信息的重要手段。布置课后作业,老师可以通过一个班学生的作业完成情况,了解到“教”的整体效果;通过一个孩子的作业完成情况,老师可以了解到这个孩子对"学"的掌握程度; 批改学生的作业,通过多次作业的累积完成情况,老师可以了解学生之间的性格智力差异及特性, 发现学生学习的难点和弱点,及时调整教学方法和教学重点,教师可以及时获得教学的反馈信息,以便于更好的服务教学。 最后,我很赞同教育心理学家话:“兴趣是最好的老师。”因此,我们布家庭作业要起到激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极性的作用。如:要求学生写生字生的作业,一般不超过三遍的。对学生来说,每学一个生字,刚开始感到新鲜有趣,但如果每次作业总是机械的重复抄写,就会使学生感到枯燥无味,从而会分散注意力得不到好的教学效果。 Homewok is important!

高二英语Homework Exercise课后作业和答案

Homework Exercise Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The room was filled with _________as students waited for the test to begin. 2.She is ___________with her money.She must lend some money to you. 3.The palace is full of priceless _________________(古董). 4.The need to communicate is a key _____________(特征) of human society. 5.We were disappointed that they insisted on such a(n) _______(死板的) explanation of the rules.Ⅰ.选词填空 be bent on,would rather...than...,on the run,be set in,at a time 1.Work while you work,play while you play.One thing_____________ works better. 2.She’s always _______________. 3.The film _______________ the old village. 4.She __________________ making life difficult for me. 5.Most people _________________stay at home ___________go out. Ⅲ.完成句子 1.真奇怪这位母亲竟然虐待自己的孩子。 ____________________________________________________ 2.这所学校的一些地方急需维修。 ____________________________________________________ 3.这条路蜿蜒穿过山间。 ____________________________________________________ 4.他们试图保护这个镇不受攻击,结果没有成功。 ____________________________________________________ 5.我有很多事要做,每天都忙忙碌碌。 ____________________________________________________ Ⅳ.单项填空 1.The website just offered a brief introduction the whole book for us to read. A.rather than B.more than C.other than D.less than 2.Can you and touch your toes without ? A.bend down;bending your knees B.bend over;bending your knees C.bend down;bend your knees D.bend over;bend your knees 3.Armed with the information you have gathered, you can______ preparing your business plan. A.set out B.set about C.set off D.set up 4. Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life journey. A.give up B.settle down C.get through D.set off


优点: 1.地理位置:位于北京东南五环外5公里,在行政区划上属于通州区,是距离CBD最近的 生态小镇,距离国贸仅15公里,开车20分钟,位于通州新城与亦庄新城的交汇处,位于环渤海总部基地内,三圈融汇,也是京津冀北区域的核心地区,也是带动京津城镇走廊产业发展的区域产业中心。 2.交通轨道:周边有京哈,京沪,京津,五环路、六环路等高速公路,地铁八通线跟亦庄 线,八通线的九棵树站,梨园站立项目比较近,亦庄线的次渠站离项目仅有5分钟车程,还有规划中的S6号线、M12号线,也是将顺义、通州、亦庄紧密联系在一起的,地铁亦庄火车站也是将来京津城际铁路重要的交通枢纽。 3.生态环境:台湖是以绿色生态定位的小镇,有萧太后河流经本区,景观及农产品丰富, 如:古运萧太后河码头遗址公园,台湖文化艺术公园,金福艺农番茄联合国,红缨旅游观光园,金盛强花卉农业观光园等。 4.周边学校:有台湖中学,台湖镇中心小学,台湖幼儿园,潞河中学,中国人民解放军陆 航学院,剑桥圣贝斯英文高中,北京市剑桥中学等。 5.周边医疗:陆航医院,潞河医院,梨园妇幼医院,通州区台湖卫生院等 6.金融储蓄:中国银行、农业银行、建设银行、交通银行、工商银行、北京银行、邮政储 蓄等等 7.开发商优势:本项目是由北京昆鼎投资管理有限公司投资运营的,昆鼎集团是专业的产 业园区定制专家,服务过众多知名企业,包括世界500强企业在华总部及园区的定制,如:亚马逊、ABB、科博莱、KDDI、GE等等,无论从对企业需求的把握、建筑品质以及日后的园区运营,其经验值及专业性都超过其他项目。 8.建筑设计单位:北京维拓时代建筑设计有限公司,是北京市具有一定知名度和影响力的 建筑设计公司,始于1979年的甲级资质建筑设计院,在全国8000余家建筑设计公司机构中名列前20强,近10年来,多次荣获全国十佳建筑设计机构,北京地产十佳建筑设计机构等荣誉称号,龙湖颐和原著,红玺台,金科王府,远洋LAVIE东湖湾名苑,2010上海市博会太空家园馆,永泰喜来登酒店,燕莎奥特莱斯,阳光100国际公寓等 9.园林设计单位:笛东联合,是一个国际化的规划设计公司,具有多年历史的规划设计机 构,在温哥华,渥太华,旧金山,及北京设有分支机构,提供项目策划,城市规划,城市设计,景观设计,LEED技术等专业服务,具有丰富的国际项目运作经验,在土地利用与新城发展规划,城市综合性地产开发与社区规划设计,校园及高科技园区规划,生态系统与可持续发展研究等方面具有崇高声誉,以往设计项目:成都龙湖,西安龙湖,重庆龙湖,中铁置业,保利地产,绿地集团,澳园地产,山水文园,融创控股,万达集团,中建地产,新希望集团,大陆希望集团等知名企业提供规划设计及景观设计等服务。 10.土建施工单位:中建二局第四建筑工程有限公司,组建于1952年,其前身是中国人 民解放军基本建设工程兵第五师,是国家房屋建筑工程施工总承包一级资质。 11.物业公司:北京双新,二级资质物业公司 12.园区会所:园区有独立会所,面积为3225平米,主要针对园区内部服务,如:提供餐 饮、休闲、商务会议、接待、客房、便利店、地铁班车等专属服务。 13.结构设计:L型和U型平面两种平面设计,都采用大面宽,小进深,有利于建筑的自然 采光和通风效果,主体为框架结构,分割自由,组合灵活,多面采光设计,即使分割所有房间也都是带有窗户的,全部是明间 14.材料设施:外立面为干挂石材,稳重大气,可悬挂企业LOGO,彰显企业实力;窗户是

小学生英语作文带翻译:写作业 Do homework

小学生英语作文带翻译:写作业Do homework 每天放学回家,我做的第一件事情就是放下书包写作业,一写就写到很晚。不是老师布置的作业多,是我作业写得慢。原因有三:1、我字写不好看,总是擦了再写,写了再擦。2、我写字的姿势不对,总需要爸爸在一旁提醒我。3、我会分神,写写玩玩,玩玩写写。 Every day when I go home from school, the first thing I do is to put down my schoolbag and do my homework. I write it very late. It's not that the teacher assigned too many homework, it's that I did it slowly. There are three reasons: 1. My handwriting is not good-looking. I always wipe it and then write it. 2. My writing posture is not right. I always need my father to remind me. 3. I can be distracted, write and play, play and write. 现在爸爸要求我在规定时间内完成作业,我正尽量改正,相信我会做得越来越好! Now my father asks me to finish my homework within the time limit. I'm trying my best to correct it. I believe I will do better and better!

My Homework(我的家庭作业)(初中英语作文)

My Homework (我的家庭作业) Yesterday my teacher asked us to write a diary about how to do housework. When I got home I get a mop and began to clean the floor. Seeing this, my grandma ran to me quickly shouting, “Baby, don’t do that. It’ll make you tired. Let me do it for you.”Then I went to clean the windows. Just when I was starting, my grandpa ran up quickly and stopped me, saying the same words as grandma. Each time I wanted to do something, they would always come to stop me. So I did nothing. The next day I handed in my diary, which said, “Grandma and grandpa were afraid housework would make me tired, so they did everything for me .” Seeing this, my teacher was quite surprised. But the teacher saw it too, other students in the class did not do housework. Some students’housework was done by their parents. The reasons for these students, it’s very similar to my reason. Their parents are also afraid that they are tired. There are only a few students in the class, who can do their own housework at home.And the reason why these students can do their own housework at home, is that these students


作业检查总结优缺点学生作业检查总结 一、本次检查发现的优点1、学生作业总体写得比较认真,教师批阅规范,且能做到比较细致、及时。 2、对学生出错的地方,老师及时辅导,学生进行了订正。 3、老师引导学生保持整洁的作业比较好。特别是优秀学生的作业,干净、字体美观,给人赏心悦目的感觉。看来,在学生的写字习惯方面,老师们都花了大量的心思,费了不少力气,孩子们已经初步养成良好的写字习惯。 4、有部分教师在评价中能根据学生基础和特点采用评语或盖图案章来评价和激励学生,且以作业本作为平台与学生进行情感交流。 6、每个单元都能进行卷面分析,找出存在问题,制定改进措施。 二、存在的不足1、有的班级学生的错题没有订正,有些订正后老师没进行第二次批改;还有一些老师批改马虎,一些做错的题目当对来勾,造成误批。 2、个别班级的作业书写普遍马虎,字体不够美观。 3、各班差生作业质量都较差,老师也没有跟进督促,作业本、练习册上的作业做错很多后,都没有订正。 4、有些同级的的单元分析表,除了分数情况,表格里的分析内容是一模一样的。 三、针对本次作业检查情况,建议如下: 1、鼓励所有教师评价应能结合学生特点及作业质量给出定性评价,并且写出相应的鼓励性或期待性的文字评价,或绘简笔画图形等评语。但是不要只表扬优秀学生作业,而更应该努力发现较差学生进步的闪光点,以此为契机,培养学生兴趣,激发学生上进。 2、对差生的作业要严格要求订正,要根据定好的措施认真做好扶差工作。 3、以后在写单元分析表时,应根据每班的实际情况制定可行的措施,措施应该有针对性和实效性。 希望各老师能从这次检查总结中找到自己的不足,反思自我,争取在下半学期的工作中能克服缺点、发扬优点,让自己的课堂生动有效,作业规范实效,学生乐学高效。 1

4英上JJ Unit 2Lesson 7 Homework课后作业

lesson 7 Homework 一、读一读,连一连。 1. 2. 3. 4. A. write a story B. sing a song C. wash the clothes D. draw a picture 二、根据句意及首字母提示补全句子。 1. I like to r________ a book. 2. What d________ you like to do in the morning? 3. These are m________ coats. 4. She does her h________ in the afternoon. 三、我会选。 ( ) 1. What do you do ________ the evening? A. at B. in C. on ( ) 2. He does ________ homework. A. he B. him C. his ( ) 3. I draw a picture ________ my story. A. to B. with C. for ( ) 4. This is ________ I sing a song. A. the way B. ways C. way ( ) 5. I play a game ________ a Sunday morning. A. for B. in C. on 四、看图,找出与图片相符的句子并将其序号填在括号内。 ( ) 1. A. We draw a picture. B. We write a story. ( ) 2. A. I sing a song. B. I read a book.

作业检查记录优缺点 小学业务检查总结

作业检查记录优缺点小学业务检查总结 神山中心小学业务检查总结为了更好的督促教学业务各项工作,使学校各项教育教学工作步入轨道,9月27日,教导处联合教研室对开学一个月以来教师的备课、作业进行了一次全面检查,基本情况良好,但是,检查中也发现了一些问题和不足之处,现将本次检查情况总结如下: 一、取得成绩: 绝大部分老师能及时备好课,也达到了规定的课时量,超时备课也能按质按量完成,中老年教师备课认真,扎扎实实,青年教师也不错,开拓创新。准确把握教材的重点、难点,如:抓文章中重点词句的理解; 学习文章的写作方法; 抓文章中作者所表达的情感、思想内容以及对学生进行德育渗透等方面都值得发扬。在教学准备上,老师们能根据教材的需要采用不同的教学手段,更好地突破教学重点、难点,提高教学效果。从检查情况来看,老师们都能运用多种教学方法进行课堂教学,体现了新的课程理念。新课程理念倡导课内外联系,校内外沟通。检查中发现老师们非常注重了知识的拓展和延伸。 二、存在的问题: 1、个别教师的备课不赶进度,特别是综合实践、地方课程,很多教师并未开始。 2、部分教师小科备课过程过于简单。 3、教学策略把握不够娴熟,部分备课存在抄袭现象。 4、作业激励性评语明显不足。 今后工作方向: 1、进一步加大常规检查力度,做好各项教学常规工作是提高教学质量的前提。 2、要超前一周备课,备课要实用,操作性强,体现教学新理念。 3、抓好教学策略应用,使备课不在只为应付检查所用。 4、抓好学生的书写与作业簿本的保护。 5、进一步要求做好激励性语言评价,评价语言要多元化,体现不同学生的不同作业特点。 神山中心小学教导处2011年9月29日 感谢您的阅读!

中学英语教学设计习题作业-Assigning homework

Tasks for out-of-class study 1. The following is a homework assigned by a student teacher for Module 5 My School Day Unit 1 I Love History,to a group of junior grade 1 students. Do you find any problems with it? How can you improve it? Homework: Draw a timetable of your class and stick it onto your desk. 2. Try to give different types of homework assignment to students, based on a class you’ve observed. Then present them to your group members and discuss whether the assignments are effective or not. Reference answers Task 1 1. There are principles for assigning homework: ?Make sure the assignment length and difficulty is appropriate for the age of your students. ?Teach study skills so that your students can complete their work with less anxiety. ?Think about the objective of each homework assignment ?Assign homework involved in various skills. ?Don’t wait until the last few seconds of class to assign homework. 2. According to above principles, we can see that the main problem is no clear objective, and it involves in writing skill only. 3. A possible version: Please draw a new timetable of your lessons and talk about it with your desk-mate as follow: A: What time is your … lesson? B: I have … at… A: Do you have… lesson at …? B: No, I don’t have …. But I have … at…. Task 2 Sample homework assignments for Unit 4: Body language (reading), from new senior English for China Student’s Book 4 Sample 1: Homework: Surf the internet to collect more information about body language in different countries and share it with your classmates next period. Note:This is an extension homework. While doing this homework,students can get more knowledge about body language in different countries by surfing the internet or by exchanging the information with each other. Besides, the students have more freedom to decide what information

Homework 8光华管理学院概率统计作业

Homework8 October26,2011 1.Suppose that X1,X2,...,X n form a random sample from a normal distribution for which both the mean and the variance are unknown.Find the M.L.E.of the0.95 quantile of the distribution,that is,of the pointθsuch that Pr(X<θ)=0.95. 2.Let X1,X2,...,X n represent a random sample from each of the distributions having the following probability density functions:f(x;θ)=θxθ?1,0


YOYO 20110201056 Opinions on daily homework Easy plan Introduction: background of homework Advantages: 1. strengthen knowledge; 2. check teaching methods; 3. restrain students Disadvantages: 1. no time for fun and rest; 2.copy; 3. lose interest in study; 4. stress; 5. full development Conclusion: disagree; example; own opinion Homework plays an important part of education. However, as education is paid more and more attention and society is getting more and more competitive, students, especially in primary and high school complain that they are overloaded with too much homework. It leads to a controversy about the necessity of daily homework. There are some merits of daily homework. It is good for both teachers and students. Firstly, it can strengthen the knowledge the students have obtained and help them get a better understanding of the latest knowledge. In the meanwhile, homework can help teachers check whether their students have absorbed all the information and improve their teaching skills or methods. Generally speaking, most students in primary and high school lack sell-control and their parents are so busy with their work that they have little time to supervise their children’ studies. Homework can restrain students’ desire for fun and get them to study. Supporters of daily homework are in a firm

写作业 Do homework小学生英语作文带翻译

写作业 Do homework小学生英语作文带翻 译 写作业 Do homework小学生英语作文带翻译 每天放学回家,我做的第一件事情就是放下书包写作业,一写就写到很晚。不是老师布置的.作业多,是我作业写得慢。原因有三:1、我字写不好看,总是擦了再写,写了再擦。2、我写字的姿势不对,总需要爸爸在一旁提醒我。3、我会分神,写写玩玩,玩玩写写。 Every day when I go home from school, the first thing I do is to put down my schoolbag and do my homework. I write it very late. It's not that the teacher assigned too many homework, it's that I did it slowly. There are three reasons: 1. My handwriting is not good-looking. I always wipe it and then write it. 2. My writing posture is not right. I always need my father to remind me. 3. I can be distracted, write and play, play and write. 现在爸爸要求我在规定时间内完成作业,我正尽量改正,相信我会做得越来越好!

Now my father asks me to finish my homework within the time limit. I'm trying my best to correct it. I believe I will do better and better!

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