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Unit 1

Globalization Tr end


3 Learning objectives

1. In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to globalization trend

and WTO.

2. Students will be able to argue either in favor of or against globalization or WTO.

Background reading


1. delegate 代表

2. collapse 失败;垮下

(an attempt) collapse fail suddenly or completely

3. riot 暴乱;骚乱

riot wild or violent disturbance by a crowd of people

4. tear gas 催泪瓦斯

5. Seattle 西雅图(美国华盛顿州的城市)

6. diplomat 外交官

diplomat person in the diplomatic service, e.g. an ambassador

7. jubilant 欢欣,欣喜的(尤指由于成功)

jubilant (about/at/over sth) showing great happiness, esp. because of success

Diplomats were jubilant at successfully completing this session.

8. inject sth. into (比喻)向某人引进,注入(新思想,活力,感情等)

inject sth (into sb/sth) introduce (new thoughts, feelings, etc) into sb/sth

Their agreement will inject optimism into a gloomy global economy.

9. unity 和谐和睦,团结一致

10. concession 妥协,让步

concession thing granted or yielded, esp. after discussion, an argument, etc.

11. penalty duties 惩罚性关税

12. subsidy 补贴agriculture subsidy 农业补贴

13. scrutinize 仔细或彻底检查

scrutinize look at or examine (sth) carefully or thoroughly

14. take into account 考虑take into account = take into consideration

15. Kyoto accord 京都议定书

The Kyoto accord also called Kyoto Protocol aims to curb the air pollution blamed for global warming. The accord requires countries to cut emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997.

16. take precedence 优先的权利;优先权

take precedence (over sb/sth) have the right to come before sb/sth in time, order, rank,etc.

The needs of the community must take precedence over individual requirements.

Answers to comprehension questions:

1. It aimed primarily at reducing tariffs on goods and services as well as opening

markets and setting trade rules for rich and poor countries alike.

2. The implied meaning of U.S. Trade Representative’s saying is that Seattle’s trade

talk is a total failure. It failed to achieve the basic objective of WTO—reducing trade barriers.

3. They hope their agreement on starting a new round of trade talk will inject

optimism into a gloomy global economy and send a message of unity and determination to a world shaken by the Sept. 11 attacks.

4. Besides the agenda for new talks, the new round will focus on the needs of

developing countries and some environmental issues.

Translation of background reading

WTO 同意开展新一轮的贸易谈判多哈,卡塔尔—世界贸






除了展开新一轮的谈判成果之外,代表们希望他们的协议能够为不景气的世界经济注入乐观情绪,同时向受到911 袭击重创的世界发出团结和坚定的信号。

欧盟贸易委员会会长帕斯卡·拉米说:“911 袭击使我们放眼长远,考虑大局。”除了新一轮谈判的日程安排,来自世贸组织142 个成员国的官员还针对发展中国家的需求通过了单独的协议。默瑞说:在西雅图“发展中国家的需求没有给予足够的聆听。”早期来自华盛顿的让步和后来欧盟的让步促成了发展中国家的参与,官员门





Part A

First listening: listen for the gist

What is the main idea of news item one?

It reported the survey result conducted by the Pew Global Attitude Survey. According to this worldwide poll, more economic integration is good for the world.

What is the main idea of news item two?

China is optimistic that a framework agreement on the new round of WTO negotiations would come out by the end of July according to signals from different consultations and meetings related to WTO.

Second listening: listen for specific information

In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.

?Notice expressions related to globalization and how people perceive it. Globalization: economic integration, anti-globalization, market access, improved investment climate

People’s perception:


Globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality;

Significant decrease in the number of the world’s extreme poor since 1980;

Views of globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones;

Developing country people blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills.


Globalization has been received with great distrust;

Anti-globalization activists argue that global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the poor from developing nations;

?Notice how many different kinds of meetings related to


International General Meeting of the Pacific Basin Economic Council: 太平洋盆地经济理事会年会, 该组织每年5 月举行一次国际大会。

OECD ministerial meeting: 经济与合作发展组织部长级会议

WTO mini-ministerial:世界贸易组织微型部长级会议

APEC trade ministers' meeting:亚太经合组织贸易部长会议

WTO G20 ministerial meeting:世界贸易组织20 国集团部长会议

(DDA)Doha Development Agenda:多哈贸易谈判进程

Ask students to fill in the blanks with missing information in news item one. Compare answers.

Note: 这个练习锻炼学生的辩声能力和抓听数字的能力。

Students should be able to listen for specific purpose: important facts, figures and numbers. This is an important skill in listening business-related news.

Ask students to do True (T) or False (F) questions for news item two. Compare answers. Explain to students why they are true or false and find evidences to support. Third listening: sentences imitation

Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).

Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. Y ou ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences.

1. indeed-- globalization indeed helps reduce poverty and inequality.

2. favors-- Global economic integration favors the already wealthy while hurting the

poor from developing nations.

3. more positive…than--views of globalization are distinctly more positive in

low-income countries than in rich ones.

4. compared to--in Sub-Saharan Africa 75% of households thought that multinational

corporations had a positive influence on their country, compared to only 54% in rich countries.

5. Of the--Of the 38,000 people in 44 nations surveyed, those in the developing

world generally blamed their local governments, not globalization, for their country’s ills.

6. no ground for-- There is, however, no ground for complacency.

7. take…attitude--He hoped all WTO members would take a "flexible" and

"pragmatic" attitude in talks.

8. consultations on-- It seems the trade ministers have had serious consultations on

the DDA (Doha Development Agenda) issues.

9. named after-- The Doha Development Agenda refers to the WTO talks named

after the Qatari capital of Doha.

10. make compromises and concessions-- So we have to be flexible and pragmatic,

and give necessary consideration to the concerns of other parties, including making compromises and concessions when the situation so warrants."

Part B

First listening: listen for the gist

What is the main idea of this interview on globalization?

The IMF official explained what globalization embodies and the reasons why so many

people are worried and even protest against globalization process. He also illustrates in what ways poor countries have not fully benefited from globalization. Finally he offers some advices on how developing countries can quickly catch up in the process of globalization.

Second listening: listen for specific information

In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.

Since Part B is a long interview, the teacher can ask students to listen to it in four separate parts based on the table in the textbook. Stop at each part and leave time for students to fill in the blanks in the table. The key information in the table will make a good summary for the interview. Compare answers.

Ask students to answer the following 4 questions. Compare answers. .

?Train students’ ability to take down notes and write out key words in order to answer each of the following questions.

1. W hat is “gl obalization” after all? What are the opposing views on it?

--historical process; the result of human innovation and technological progress; increasing integration; movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology); --beneficial; inevitable and irreversible;

--hostility; fear; increases inequality; threatens employment and living standards; prevents social progress.

2. Why are people so worried about globalization?

--on the one hand, global markets; greater opportunity; tap into more and larger markets; have access to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets; on the other hand; markets; ensure; benefits of increased efficiency; shared by.

3. What are the per capita GDP increases for the whole world, for the

richest quarter and for the poorest quarter respectively?

--unparalleled economic growth, global per capita GDP; increase five-fold; evenly dispersed; gaps have grown; income inequality; trade; capital movements; movement of people; spread of knowledge.

4. How can developing countries catch up more quickly in the process of

globalization? What can they do?

--create conditions; conducive to; long-run; per capita income growth; macroeconomic stability; outward oriented policies; structural reform; strong institutions and an effective government; education, training, and research and development; external debt management.

Third listening: sentence imitation

Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they

have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).

Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. Y ou ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences.

1. view it as-- Some view it as a process that is beneficial—a key to future world

economic development.

2. regard it-- Others regard it with hostility, even fear.

3. refer to-- It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world,

particularly through trade and financial flows.

4. tap into-- Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and

larger markets around the world.

5. be shared by-- Markets do not necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased

efficiency are shared by all countries.

6. neither…no r-- they can neither enjoy the market efficiency nor benefit from the

market opportunities.

7. unparalleled-- The 20th century saw unparalleled economic growth.

8. accompanied by-- A period of rapid trade expansion accompanied by trade, and

somewhat later, financial liberalization.

9. see…increase-- The richest quarter of the world’s population saw its per capita

GDP increase nearly six-fold.

10. experience…increase--The poorest quarter experienced less than a three-fold


11. as a whole--Developing countries as a whole have increased their share of world

trade, while Africa as a whole has fared poorly.

12. associate…with--Many people associate globalization with sharply increased

private capital flows to developing countries.

13. the proportion of--The proportion of l abor forces round the world that was foreign

born increased by about one-half.

14. marginalize-- This makes them even more marginalized.

15. not only…but also-- For direct foreign investment brings not only an expansion of

the physical capital stock, but also technical innovation.

16. hinder-- Many factors can help or hinder globalization process.

17. what matters--- What matters is the whole package of policies, financial and

technical assistance, and debt relief if necessary.

Part C

First listening: listen for the gist

What is the main idea of this news coverage?

It talks about the result of the Pew survey on globalization who has found that not only was the attitude generally positive but there was more enthusiasm for foreign trade and investment in developing countries than in rich ones.

Second listening: listen for specific information

In this part the teacher has great freedom and flexibility to ask students questions, to clarify any difficult language points, to add in supplementary materials as background knowledge or in-depth understanding of the listening materials.

?Notice how these expressions are related to facts and


survey 38,000 people; in 44 nations; with …coverage of; only 28% of people; the figures for…stood at; a significant minority/majority; respectively; negligible numbers of.

?Notice how these words are related to the logical organization of the news report.

in general; but what was striking; while; in contrast; although; far more likely; conversely; compared to; on the other hand.

Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words. Compare answers.

Ask students to fill in the table with exact figures. Compare answers.

Third listening: sentence imitation

Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).

Please first write down the following words on the blackboard or computer. Then ask students to listen for sentences with these words in them. Y ou ask them to listen two times and see who has caught more sentences.

1. worldwide poll-- A recent worldwide poll may have come as a shock to some


2. what was striking-- But what was striking in the survey is that views of

globalization are distinctly more positive in low-income countries than in rich ones.

3. respectively-- The figures for "very good" stood at 56% and 64%, respectively.

4. far more likely-- Sub-Saharan Africa (56%) were far more likely to find

integration "very good."

5. have bad effect on-- a significant minority (27% of households) in rich countries

thought that "globalization has a bad effect on my country.

6. nearly as positive-- Views of the effects of the WTO, World Bank, and IMF on

their country were nearly as positive in Africa (72%).

7. respondents-- only 28% of respondents in Africa thought that anti-globalization

protestors had a positive effect on their country.

Acting out

If the teacher would like to organize a debate on globalization you can divide students into two groups: one group is for globalization whereas the other group is against it. Debate T opic “Globalization Is Goo d for All the Countries”


--beneficial to all

--key to future economic development

--free flow of goods, services, capital, people, technology and information

--increasing integration and deregulation

--greater market opportunities

--consumer benefits of diversified goods and services

--better resource allocation and efficiency


--hostility and fear

--uneven economic growth and development

--increased inequality and wealth gap

--pressure and burden for environmental issue

--monopoly and hegemony

--power politics

--cultural imperialism


In m y opinion…

As far as I am concerned…

If you ask me, my view i s…

Don’t ever for get…

I would like to draw your attention to this fact.

I have two points to make with regard to globalization.

I think this point is worth mentioning.

I am sorry I don’t agree with your opinion.

I couldn’t agree with you more, but I have one more point to add.

I would like to give one example to illustrate my point.

I don’t agree with you. On the contrary I believe globalization is tool used by developed countries.


Unit 1 Task 2 M: Come in, please. W: Good morning, sir. I’m Karen Yang. M: Good morning, Miss Yang. I’m Kevin Carter, the Administration Manager. Take a seat, please. W: Oh, is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is so beautiful. M: Thank you. Ah… Miss Yang, I’ve gone through your resume. I’d like to ask you some questions now, if you don’t mind. W: Of course not. please go ahead. M: Well, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us? W: I really like this kind of work, and having been a doctor for three years, I want to apply for this position for a change. M: Don’t you think it’s a pity for you to leave your present job? W: To some extent, it is. I have learned a lot in the hospital. But I would like to try a different kind of life. W: By the way, could you tell me how much the new job pays? M: Sure. There is a five-month probationary period and you can only get RMB2,000 for each month. After that, we’ll determine your salary according to your performance. W: Oh, I see. Then, what about the paid holidays, insurance, and things like that? M: Every employee in our company enjoys life insurance and unemployment insurance. In addition, they enjoy two-week paid holidays. W: That sounds fine. How much time will it take for me to be promoted here? M: I’m not sure. It depends on your ability and performance. Maybe we’ll send you to one of our branches, if you like. W: No problem. I hate staying at one place all the time. But in which cities do you have your branches? And, where is your company based? M: Our company is based in New York, with branches in many cities, such as Philadelphia, Beijing and London. Follow-up practice Cai: May I come in? Ms. Smith: Yes, please. Cai: Good morning, Madam. My name is Cai Ning. I am coming to your company for an interview, as requested. Ms. Smith: Fine, thank you for coming, Miss Cai. Please sit down. I am Anne Smith, Assistant Manager for the Personnel Department. Cai: Nice to see you, Ms. Smith. Ms. Smith: Nice to meet you, too. Would you like to have a cup of coffee or tea? Cai: Tea is fine. Thank you. Ms. Smith: I’ve read your CV. It looks good. Now, I wonder if you can tell me more


《商务英语听力I 》课程标准 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:180020 适用专业:商务英语学时数:36 学分:2 先修课程:无 后续课程: 《商务英语听力II》、《商务英语口语II》、《英语口译》 课程归口:商务英语专业 二、课程性质 本课程是商务英语专业的专业必修课。通过系统而专门的商务英语听力单项和综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、归纳、记录等能力,使学生掌握基本的听力技能,了解相关背景知识,为后续课程《商务英语听力II》和《英语口译》以及将来从事的涉外活动打下良好的听力基础。 三、课程教学目标 1、能力目标 ①能听懂英语国家人士就学生熟悉的题材所作的较为浅易的讲话和日常生活的交谈,要求学生能够抓住讲话和交谈的中心大意; ②能利用网络资源进行英语听说训练;能利用网络搜索、阅读相关资料; ③能基本听懂英语语速为每分钟150-200个词的商务英语涉外业务活动包括商务旅行、产品介绍、会展、接待、宴会等的一般交谈和简短讲话,辨别商务活动中讲话人的态度和语气,理解特定情景中

语言的含义; ④能选择听力材料中关键的词和句子并做简要笔记; ⑤能归纳并复述所听材料的大意; ⑥能快速反应所听材料中的数字、时间、地名等关键性信息; ⑦能在15 分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的录音材料(词数140-160 个,共念四遍。第一、四遍的语速为每分钟80-100 个词,第二、三遍根据分句或句子停顿),错误率不超过10%。 2、知识目标 ①掌握英语听力训练的方法和途径; ②掌握预期、猜测、抓住要点和连贯记忆等基本的听力技能; ③了解从事商务活动中的文化差异,如饮食文化差异; ④掌握英语的连读方法和易混淆的音素; ⑤掌握和商务会议、商务旅行、商务宴请、产品推介等相关的商务英语术语和交际功能语言; ⑥掌握所听材料的背景知识。 3、素质目标 ①具备良好的自我学习与提升的能力; ②具备良好的理解能力、沟通能力和团队协作能力; ③拥有良好的职业道德,具备良好的抗压能力。


商务英语视听说听力原 文 Modified by JACK on the afternoon of December 26, 2020

Unit 1 Task 2 M: Come in, please. W: Good morning, sir. I’m Karen Yang. M: Good morning, Miss Yang. I’m Kevin Carter, the Administration Manager. Take a seat, please. W: Oh, is that your wife, Mr. Carter She is so beautiful. M: Thank you. Ah… Miss Yang, I’ve gone through your resume. I’d like to ask you some questions now, if you don’t mind. W: Of course not. please go ahead. M: Well, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us? W: I really like this kind of work, and having been a doctor for three years, I want to apply for this position for a change. M: Don’t you think it’s a pity for yo u to leave your present job?


商务英语听力 篇一:商务英语口语学习商务英语口语学习球经济一体化步伐加快,越来越多的外企进入中国,中国与其他国家的贸易往来也日益频繁,无论是本国企业还是涌入中国的跨国公司都急需一大批既懂商务知识又会英语技能的商务英语专业人才。可是能真正成为这样的人才却不是一件容易的事情。一、巩固商务英语口语基础并提高学好音标,注意非音段层面的发音技巧的练习。模仿标准的语音语调,注意连读、弱读、失去爆破、音的同化等语言现象,解决普遍的发音问题,克服错误的发音习惯。可选择磁带、广播,电影中自己喜欢的声音模仿,而且材料要实用,要符合自己的兴趣和学习需求。同时,练习时要大声,要遵守先慢后快原则,口齿清楚,使口腔肌肉得到最充分的锻炼,以养成正确的发音习惯。ABC360有真人外教进行一对一的在线教学,可以帮助学生更好的发音。二、增加自信,突破心理障碍提高语言基本功的同时,需要逐渐树立起自信心。由于传统英语教育过于强调准确性,再加上传统文化中害怕出错丢面子等种种不利于英语口语学习的障碍心理,阻碍了口语流利性的提高。一些学生性格内向,缺乏自信,没有勇气,不善沟通与交流。而经过在ABC360和外教长期的全程英语课程与对话,可以使学生说英语越来越自然,不会觉得不好意思。三、有意识的培养商务文化知识导入商务文化意识,在情境中练习。第一,补充商务知识。一方面注意商务词汇的扩展。另一方面注意学习专业知识,了解、熟悉异国的政治制度、经济环境、法律体系、经营习惯以及商业价值观,培养过硬的外语运用能力。第二,提高商务情景中的表达和沟通能力。ABC360的外教除了是经验丰富的专业老师之外,也多许多本身有商务方面的教育背景,对学生商务方面知识的拓展有很大帮助。四、利用丰富的网络资源提高商务英语听力水平听是输入,说是输出,沟通要顺利进行缺一不可。因此,听力理解水平的高低直接影响口语交际的质量,因此,利用网络丰富的资源,搜索相关的听力和视频材料,以及口碑较好的系列商务英语口语素材。不过想要在工作的时候流利的说出一口英语需要一个漫长的过程,如果真的想学就一定能学好。篇二:商务英语听力与会话课程标准《商务英语听力与会话》课程标准课程代码:2212014 适用专业:商务英语专业一、课程性质 1、课程性质商务英语专业的培养目标是:培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展,具有扎实的英语语言基础与专业技能和比较熟练的


真题3阅读和写作答案 VANTAGE3 KEY TO READING & WRITING TEST 1 Reading Part 1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 C 7 A Part 2 8 B 9 A 10F 11 D 12 E Part 3 13 A 14 B 15 C 16 B 17 A 18 D Part 4 19 A 20 C 21 D 22 D 23 A 24 C 25 B 26 D 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 A 31 B 32 D 33 C Part 5 34 WITH 35 CORRECT 36 TO 37 CORRECT 38 SO 39 THESE 40 ABOUT 41 ALTHOUGH 42 HA VING 43 CORRECT 44 TOO 45 THAT Writing Part 1 From: Petar Koev T o: All Staff Date: 27 March 2004 Subject: Computer System I want to inform you that the computer system will be closed next Wednesday at 12 o'clock. The system will be down for at least two hours, please make sure that you have saved all your work. The whole system will ran on a new server which is faster. Thank vou. Band 5


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商务英语听力 【课程代码】 【课程中文名称】商务英语听力 【课程英文名称】Business English Listening 【学分】1 学分【总学时】 26 学时【讲授学时】 26学时 一、 教学目标 本课程教学目标为:了解更多更高层次的商务活动;理解如会展、物流、金融、投资、贸易、股票等商务活动基本程序;形成一定的商务活动中的语言交际能力;掌握获取商务信息的基本途径和方法。 二、 课程描述 本课程的主要内容包括:通过学习本课程,学生对各种商务活动如新闻报道、新闻发布会、市场调查、市场分析、股票行情分析、政治文化等因素对商务活动的影响分析等将有进一步的了解。 本课程以商务交际为语境,培养学生在商务领域中分析问题、解决问题、获取信息的能力,使学生能够运用所学到的商务知识为日后进入这一领域做好必备工作。 三、 课程性质及教学对象 商务英语听力中级是全校外语类选修课程,本课程面向全校文理学生开设。开课1个学期,共26学时。 四、 教材选用 1.选用教材:《商务英语听力》(Business English: Successful Listening)第三册(虞苏美主 编,高等教育出版社,2001) 2.学生使用教材说明: A 需要学生购买教材 B 教师根据教材内容发放活页材料 3.参考教材:《商务英语精读》(1-4册),张逸,高等教育出版社,2001 《商务英语泛读》(1-4册),吴长墉,高等教育出版社,2001 《商务英语口语》(1-4册),杨乾龙,高等教育出版社,2001

《商务英语写作》(1-2册),张春柏,高等教育出版社,2001 《商务英语词汇手册》,张春龙,高等教育出版社,2001 五、 教学内容 Introduction Unit 1 Part I Passage A. Hong Kong Electronics Fair Passage B. First China Private Enterprises Fair Part II Passage A. Fortune Global Forum (1) Passage B. Fortune Global Forum (2) Part III Passage A. “Shanghai Five” Passage B. APEC 【参考学时】 4 学时 【参考资料】[Internet, newspapers, radio and TV programs] Unit 2 Part I Passage A. EMS Sets to Speed up Passage B. Background of DHL Worldwide Express Part II Passage A. Introduction of DHL-Sinotrans Passage B. Philosophy of DHL-Sinotrans Part III Passage A. DHL Is Facing Fierce Competition Passage B. UPS to Extend Its Delivery Service 【参考学时】 4 学时 【参考资料】[Internet, newspapers, radio and TV programs]

中级 新编剑桥商务英语听力部分

精心整理 LISTENING SCRIPTS Module 1 1.1 Working from home (page 8) I=Interviewer M=Michela I OK,Michela.You work from home now.Can you tell me about a typical day? M R=Richard W=Woman M=Marek R Hello? W Hello,Richard.I ’d like to introduce you to Marek. R Oh,yes.Hello,Marek.How do you do?Nice to meet you at last. M Hello,Richard.Pleased to meet you too. W Oh,do you two know each other already? M Well,we ’ve spoken on the phone a few times. R But we ’ve never actually met.Anyway,take a seat.Would you both like a coffee? Conversation 2 A Would you like a coffee? B Oh,thanks.

A Milk? B Yes,please,and a sugar…thanks. A So have you enjoyed this morning? B Yes,it was very interesting.The first speaker was particularly good. A Is this your first time at one of these events? B Yes,it is.And you? A No,I’ve been coming for years.The company pays and if the location is good then I come.I remember the best year we had was in Monaco… Conversation 3 M=Marie W=Woman M May I join you? M You’ W That W this A That all Norway with for E=Examiner C=Candidate E And where do you live exactly? C I’m from a small town in northern Switzerland but at the moment I’m studying for a business degree so I live in Zurich. E What types of business are most successful in your town? C Err,well,I suppose that tourism is quite important to the area and there are many small farms so agriculture also.Zurich,where I study,is more famous of course for banking and financial services. E How is working life changing in your country? C Sorry,can you repeat the question,please? E Yes,how is working life changing in your country?


商务英语视听说原文与 答案 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】

S c r i p t s U n i t1 Part II Listening and Speaking Task 1 FAQs in job interview Comments on the three questions: Point for Q 1: Tell me something about yourself. Sample answers: Q1. I am graduating in June,2015 from Guangdong University of Finance and my major is financial secretary. I am an outgoing, energetic person. I enjoy teamwork very much. As part of my degree program, I needed to communicate with different peopel. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and a very positive attitude. My career aspiration is to become a successful secretary. During my internship at one company, I worked as a secretary. My duties included offering friendly and efficientschedule to my boss, answering phone calls, taking and passing on messages to my boss. Q2. I received honors in several Financial management and computer contests. I am good at communicating, organizing and coordinating. I like to get along well with people from different something blocks my path, I will look for a solution. I never give up easily. Sometimes I receive comments that I need to improve in the area of filing. I am now trying to improve by learning from others. Q3. Interest and career development are two of my criteria in choosing a job. Interest is the best motivation. I love to be a secretary, so I will definitely devote myself to it. Moreover, high job satisfaction can be attained when the job is what I am interested in. Career development is very important for me when choosing a job. From what I know, Shangri-La provides equal career advancement for all staff. The job rotation plan and individually tailored training program are really exciting and helpful for young people like me. Task 2 Inappropriate questions in job interview Script: M: Come in, please. W: Good morning, sir. I’m Karen Yang. M: Good morning, Miss Yang. I’m Kevin Carter, the Administration Manager. Take a seat, please. W: Oh, is that your wife, Mr. Carter She is so beautiful. M: Thank you. Ah… Miss Yang, I’ve gone through your resume. I’d like to ask you some questions now, if you don’t mind. W: Of course not. please go ahead. M: Well, can you tell me why you would like to work as a medical representative with us


课程单元教学设计 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost. 滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. it’s none of your business.

关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 一基本信息 学生:应用英语09级一班和二班 (学生特点:大一学生,高中学习侧重英语语法与写作,听力、口语相对薄弱)课程说明:第一学期(日常交际篇)要求学生在听懂不同情景的短篇对话、幽默故事和短文的基础上,着重训练复述、问答的能力;能判断不同听力材料的听力技 巧。 第二学期(涉外活动篇)难度适当提高,以商务材料为主,逐步过渡到以话 题为中心,在听懂语言材料的基础上进行适量讨论和评述。听力和听说材料 的难度和长度逐渐提高,提示逐渐减少。 第三学期( 涉外业务篇) 内容涉及询价报价、谈判、付款方式、包装、保 险、运输、索赔等涉外业务活动的各个方面,让学生通过听力和情景模拟熟 悉上述场景所运用的基本语言。 课程目标:培养具有商贸知识的应用型英语人才,主要为外贸进出口业、物流港口外轮代理业、旅游酒店服务行业培养管理、服务第一线的实用人才。 课堂教学材料:1《商务英语听力》主教材选用高等教育出版社出版的《新编商务英语 听力》,共四册,有“日常交际篇”、“涉外活动篇”、“涉外业务篇”及 “综合篇”。本学期使用《新编商务英语听力Ⅰ》,在完成教学要求基 础上,适当补充各类主题的听力材料,以培养学生“听”的兴趣。 2 VOA special English 3 英语动画video 二单元设计 本次课标题: Unit 3 Food & Drinks (第二部分:提升阶段) (本册是商务英语的基础,涉及商务活动的日常交际,本单元主题是围绕商务活动的饮食方面,本次课程是饮食方面听力的第二次课,在第一次热身课堂基础上,为学生对该话题的提升训练而设计的。) 教学目标: 1 能力目标: ◆能听懂英语国家人士就饮食主题所作的讲话和交谈,能抓住所听语段中的关键 词,理解话语之间的逻辑关系(涉及内容:点餐、中西饮食对比、中西饮食文 化介绍); ◆能自主判断不同听力材料所适用的听力技巧


扩展商务英语视听说1-8单元答案 Unit 1 Part I Listening and Speaking Task 1 Q1. I am graduating in June from ABC University and my major is hotel management. I am an outgoing, energetic person. I enjoy teamwork very much. As part of my degree program, I needed to finish different projects with my teammates. I possess excellent interpersonal skills and a very positive attitude. My career aspiration is to become a successful hotelier. During my internship at the Grand Hyatt, I worked as a receptionist. My duties included offering friendly and efficient check-in and check-out service to guests, answering phone calls, taking and passing on messages to guests, I find that if I can make the guests happy, I will be very happy, too. Q2. I received honors in several school-wide English and computer contests. I enjoy working with people from different backgrounds. I am good at communicating, organizing and coordinating. If something blocks my path, I will look for a solution. I never give up easily. Sometimes I receive comments that I need to improve in the area of filing. I am now trying to improve by learning from others. Q3. Interest and career development are two of my criteria in choosing a job. Interest is the best motivation. I love the hotel business, so I will definitely devote myself to it. Moreover, high job satisfaction can be attained when the job is what I am interested in. Career development is very important for me when choosing a job. From what I know, Shangri-La provides equal career advancement for all staff. The job rotation plan and individually tailored training program are really exciting and helpful for young people like me. Task 2 Is that your wife, Mr. Carter? She is so beautiful. Avoid asking interviewer personal questions or making personal comments. Could you tell me how much the new job pays? The interviewer might infer from these questions that you are only interested in your own needs and not those of their company. Wait until the employer raises these subjects to discuss them.

新视野商务英语视听说(第二版)第三单元 听力原文

Unit 3 Part 2 A: Good morning, Paper Mills plc. How can I help you B: Good morning. Can I talk to Pail Osman, please A: Who’s calling please B: Simon Weller, calling from Singapore. A: Well, Mr. Weller, I’m afraid Mr. Osman is not available at the moment. He has just left for a workshop. B: What time do you expect him back I need to talk with him. A: He told me he would come back in half an hour. Can I take a message or would you like to call him on his cellphone @ B: I’ll try his cellphone. Could you give me the number, please A: . B: Just let me check that. . A: That’s right. B: Thank you. Bye. Part 3 2. Operator: Hello, ABC Ltd. How can I help you Paul: This is Paul Jackson of Grandiose. Can I have extension 3421, please O: Certainly, hold on a minute, I’ll put you through. ¥ Roy: Louise Paulson’s office, Roy speaking. P: This is Paul Jackson calling. Is Louise in R: I’m afraid she’s out at the moment. Can I take a message P: Yes. Could you ask her to call me at 979-326-8965. I need to talk to her about the order; it’s urgent. R: Could you repeat the number please P: Yes, that’s 979-326-8965 and this is Paul Jackson. R: Thank you Mr. Jackson. I’ll make sure Louise gets this as soon as possible. P: Thanks. Bye. R: Bye. Part 4 。 Video 1 Receptionist: Hello, International sales. Schulz: Hello, this is Mr. Schulz here, calling from England. R: Yes, Mr. Schulz. Who do you want to speak to S: I’d like to speak to Mr. Matthews. R: Fine. Hold the line, please. I’m connecting you now.


商务英语视听说课程标准Prepared on 21 November 2021

《商务英语视听说》课程标准 《商务英语视听说》课程通过“视”“听”“说”三位一体的教学模式,最大限度地激发了学生学习的积极性和主动性,培养学生对真实交际场合中各种视听材料的理解能力和表达能力,语言的实际运用能力和交际能力,使学生能够熟练运用英语进行外贸业务、外事接待、英文翻译、公文处理等工作,能够更好地认识和理解英语国家的政治、经济、文化等背景方面的知识,同时培养学生良好的职业素养、职业道德和爱岗敬业精神的高级技能型人材。 二、课程性质与定位 (一)课程性质 《商务英语视听说》是商务英语专业的职业能力课程,同时也是一门必修课程。(二)课程定位

《商务英语视听说》课程的课程定位是适应高职商务英语专业学生职业岗位的需要,通过视、听、说帮助学生了解和巩固相关的商务知识。本课程强调语言技能的训练与商务英语知识的融合,强调应用能力的培养。本课程的先修课程为《英语听力》和《英语视听说》。 课程开设的对象为商务英语专业三年级的学生,开设学期为五学期,每学期周课时4,总计64课时。 三、课程设计思路 本课程遵照教高[2006]14号、教高[2006]16号、教高厅函[2007]47号等文件精神,依据本专业的人才培养方案,确定本课程的目标和教学内容,具体遵循以下原则:(一)目标设定:面向淄博区域经济商务职业岗位,把增强学生的职业适应能力和应变能力作为课程目标的基本要素,培养学生商务方面的英语听说能力,进而提高商务交际能力和国际贸易能力。 (二)教学内容的设计:突出对商务职业素养的养成和旅游技能的训练,强调商务和旅游及酒店工作中英语语言的使用。立于基本,立于实用,立于实践,培养学生的学习能力、应用能力、协作能力和创新能力。 (三)改革教学方法与手段,按照“教、学、做”为一体的总体原则,根据课程特点选择教学方法,推广情境教学、案例教学、项目教学、任务教学等教学方法。另外,积极探索校企合作的教学模式,推进产学研结合。 (四)利用现代技术:极大地利用现代网络技术,为学生提供课文学习所需要的教学资料,背景知识等。通过多媒体等现代技术手段为学生选择不同水平级别的材料或模块学习。建立网络学习资源库,集多媒体技术声音、图像、文字、动画于一体,使教学形象化、立体化,生动化,调动学生学习的积极性,提高学习效率,有效培养学生自主学习能力,提高英语语言应用能力。 四、课程培养目标 (一)总体目标

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