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Being in the list of Chengdu Historical and Cultural Protection Project, Broad and Narrow Alley is composed of broad alley, narrow alley and across alleys, among which, there are a lot of traditional courtyards, or Siheyuan.

Some very old alleys in Chengdu where some important people had lived. After its reconstruction, the Broad and Narrow Alley has been reopened to pubic and is now, one of the hottest tourist destination in Chengdu.

A bit about its history

According to documents, Officers lived in those broad alleys, while the Eight Flag members lived in a narrow alley that was parallel to the broad one.

The courtyards among the alleys were developed pretty well with the development of the Qing Dynasty. However, the alleys were constructed into western-styled architectures at the late Qing Dynasty; and during the period of the Republic of Chinathe owners of the courtyards were changed into some noble families, and ever since then, the structure of the alleys remained till now.

Why the alleys have been descended?

Because they were so unnoticeable. The south area to the Shao City was not a good area, and was not on reachable transportation lines either. We can say that this area is the forgotten area of the city construction. The imperial city has disappeared; city walls have been destroyed; most of the city architectures are vanishing too; nowadays, Broad and Narrow Alley seems to be carrying the responsibility that it shouldn't carry.

Broad and Narrow Alley is the last remaining part of the old Chengdu. The discovery of the alley made people realize the value of it. In 2003, reconstruction was started and the alley was gradually opened to the public.


The dispute about the reconstruction was pretty severe. In 2005, a dramatic scene can be seen along the street: some artist sit around, drinking tea and talking, while right beside them was the loud machine working for the reconstruction.

How to reconstruct it? There were two ways. One was to emphasize on its protection by the government, but the government couldnt afford it; the other was all about business, but the protection of the alley could not be fulfilled. Theres got to be a way in between, which was to balance the residence area and business area.

At the beginning, people thought about imitating Shanghais style; however, this idea was denied because the structures of the two cities are completely different. Shanghai has more western architecture while Chengdu only has traditional layout, which didnt have the qualification to be like Shanghai. Therefore, the protection to the origin style of architectures idea was passed. The layout, style of architectures had to be remained, and all the construction material had to be traditional.

To balance the residence and business area, a lot of people had to move out. After the reconstruction, there were only 100 households (out of 900) that remained. Those who remained here can be divided into 3 kinds of people: the rich, departments that belonged to the government and those who really had strong feelings about this alley.


华山中英语导游词 篇一:8华山英文导游词 关于华山的中文解说词各位团友: 今天我们将游览被誉为“石作莲花云作台”的华山。华山又称太华山,位于西安城东120公里的华阴市以南。 华山古称西岳,是我国五岳之一,因山峰自然排列若花状,故得名华山。1992年12月会山被评为全国风景名胜40佳之一。即使没来有来过华山的朋友也会从一些有趣的神话和掌故了解到一些华山的情况,如“自古华山一条路”、“华岳仙掌”、“沉香劈山救母”、“华山论剑”,以及近代的智取华山等,这些美丽的神话传说和故事体现了自古以来人们对华山的向往和崇拜。 华南山北瞰黄河,南依秦岭,被称为“华山如立”,整个山体线条简洁,形如刀削、斧劈,奇峰突兀,巍峨壮丽。被誉为“天下奇险第一山”。说到奇,它是由一块巨的完整的花岗岩构成。古人云,“山无石不奇,无纯石不奇”,“华山削成而四方,其广十里,高五千仞,一石也”是谓之“奇”。华山共有五座主峰,其东、西、南三峰最高,三峰鼎峙耸立,“势飞向云外,影倒黄河里”,影天外三峰”之称。提到险,其凌空架设的“长空栈道”,悬岩镌刻的“全真岩”,三面临空,上凸下凹的“鹞子翻身”以及在峭壁悬岩上开凿的千尺童、百尺峡、老君犁沟、擦耳崖、苍龙岭等处都奇险异常。“自古华山一条路”。山道路仅有南北

一线,约10公里,逶迤曲折,艰险崎岖,不少地方真可谓是“一夫当关,万夫莫开”。 华山除了有壮丽的自然景观之外,同时又有丰富的历史文化积淀,人文景观比比皆是。仅山上山下及峪道沿途,题字、诗文、石刻就会使人流连忘返。 朋友们,我们现在来到的就是玉泉院,据说 因这里的泉水与山顶的玉井相通,水质清洌甘美,故名“玉泉院”。它是攀登华山的必经之地。相传为隐士陈抟所建。院内殿宇亭台、回廊曲折,泉水淙淙,是游赏胜地。玉泉院与我们一会将会见到的东道院、镇岳宫都是道教的活动场所,现共有殿宇53间。院建筑多是清代乾隆年间重新修建的。 各位朋友,我们现在位于五峰之一北峰脚下,距华山谷口约10公里,这里是华山山峪水流的源头。请家顺着我手指的方向看那些树,也许是许多人都会认识它,对,就是青柯树。这里青柯树在此浮苍点黛,故名“青柯坪”。 过青柯坪至回心石。登山的道路由此交从平坦的石板路变为在峭壁上开凿的狭窄的石梯,眼看山路盘旋而上,许多意志薄弱的游客来到这里都会回心转意望山兴叹无功而返。 朋友们,现在我们已到达了北峰。经过前面三关,我想家已经对华山的险有了一定的认识了吧。北峰双名云台峰,海拔1550米,这里山势峥嵘,三面悬绝,巍然独秀,有若云状,因恰似一座云台而得名。它的高度是最低的,却有着非常重要的地理位置,它扼守的四峰的要


天津各景点英文导游词 天津各景点英文导游词1 Temple of Solitary Joy is located at inside west city gate of Ji County, Tianjin City. It is known for its refined architecture skill in Channels ancient buildings and has got the reputation of Six Best. These are: The earliest Dingshan Gate (Gate of Withstanding Hill) of the ground hall preserved now; The earliest Chiwei object on the Hill Gate preserved now; The earliest plane distribution which took pavilion as the center on the architecture plane; The biggest clay sculptured statue of Avalokiteavara inside a pavilion in China; The Avalokiteavara is also the most ancient high storeyed one; The more precious fact is that the Temple of Solitary Joy has stood unscathed after thousand years of rain, snow, wind and frost and 28 big attacks, hence the most durable ancient Monastery of thousand years. Entering the Temple , the first comes to sight is 10 m high gate, on the arch of which there hangs a horizontal inscribed board: Temple of Solitary Joy. The single eaves ground hall roof was the roof building form during the western Tsin (AD265-316) and Southern and Northern Dyansty (420-589) period, which was called


关于华山的中文解说词各位团友: 今天我们将游览被誉为“石作莲花云作台”的华山。华山又称太华山,位于西安城东120公里的华阴市以南。 华山古称西岳,是我国五岳之一,因山峰自然排列若花状,故得名华山。1992年12月会山被评为全国风景名胜40佳之一。即使没来有来过华山的朋友也会从一些有趣的神话和掌故了解到一些华山的情况,如“自古华山一条路”、“华岳仙掌”、“沉香劈山救母”、“华山论剑”,以及近代的智取华山等,这些美丽的神话传说和故事体现了自古以来人们对华山的向往和崇拜。 华南山北瞰黄河,南依秦岭,被称为“华山如立”,整个山体线条简洁,形如刀削、斧劈,奇峰突兀,巍峨壮丽。被誉为“天下奇险第一山”。 说到奇,它是由一块巨的完整的花岗岩构成。古人云,“山无石不奇,无纯石不奇”,“华山削成而四方,其广十里,高五千仞,一石也”是谓之“奇”。华山共有五座主峰,其东、西、南三峰最高,三峰鼎峙耸立,“势飞向云外,影倒黄河里”,影天外三峰”之称。提到险,其凌空架设的“长空栈道”,悬岩镌刻的“全真岩”,三面临空,上凸下凹的“鹞子翻身”以及在峭壁悬岩上开凿的千尺童、百尺峡、老君犁沟、擦耳崖、苍龙岭等处都奇险异常。“自古华山一条路”。山道路仅有南北一线,约10公里,逶迤曲折,艰险崎岖,不少地方真可谓是“一夫当关,万夫莫开”。 华山除了有壮丽的自然景观之外,同时又有丰富的历史文化积淀,人文景观比比皆是。仅山上山下及峪道沿途,题字、诗文、石刻就会使人流连忘返。 朋友们,我们现在来到的就是玉泉院,据说因这里的泉水与山顶的玉井相通,水质清洌甘美,故名“玉泉院”。它是攀登华山的必经之地。相传为隐士陈抟所建。院内殿宇亭台、回廊曲折,泉水淙淙,是游赏胜地。玉泉院与我们一会将会见到的东道院、镇岳宫都是道教的活动场所,现共有殿宇53间。院建筑多是清代乾隆年间重新修建的。 各位朋友,我们现在位于五峰之一北峰脚下,距华山谷口约10公里,这里是华山山峪水流的源头。请家顺着我手指的方向看那些树,也许是许多人都会认识它,对,就是青柯树。这里青柯树在此浮苍点黛,故名“青柯坪”。 过青柯坪至回心石。登山的道路由此交从平坦的石板路变为在峭壁上开凿的狭窄的石梯,眼看山路盘旋而上,许多意志薄弱的游客来到这里都会回心转意望山兴叹无功而返。 朋友们,现在我们已到达了北峰。经过前面三关,我想家已经对华山的险有了一定的认识了吧。北峰双名云台峰,海拔1550米,这里山势峥嵘,三面悬绝,巍然独秀,有若云状,因恰似一座云台而得名。它的高度是最低的,却有着非常重要的地理位置,它扼守的四峰的要枢。我们面前的这个亭桨军魂亭”,此名来源于景片《智取华山》。 现在我们来到的是峰。峰又名玉女峰。传说春秋时,华山隐士萧史,善吹讹,优美的箫声博得秦穆公的女儿弄玉的爱慕,使她放弃了奢华舒适的宫廷生活,随箫史在此隐居,多年后二人修炼成仙乘凤而去,山上许多名胜也因此得名。有玉女洗头盆、舍身树等。由于这则美丽的爱情故事,华山在它博、庄严、深沉之后又被赋于了一些浪漫与温柔。 经峰,我陪同家去东峰参观。 东峰,又称朝阳峰,峰顶有朝阳台,在此是观日出的最佳地方。山不在高,有仙则名。华山据传是众多神仙聚居的地方。道家仙境。传说宋太祖赵匡胤与华山隐士陈抟老祖在一个孤峰,上有棋台,那就是他们下棋的地方。陈抟又叫希夷先生,是一个有道行的仙人,二人经过商议,越匡胤以华山做赌注。结果输给了陈抟,按事先订立的条件,华山自此成为道家的道场且永有纳粮。在东东峰的东崖上,有一天然图案。家看到了吧,像不像一只巨掌?这只巨掌20余丈,五指参差不齐,指直贯顶峰,每当日光照射,五指跃然如悬图上。这


广州景点导游词英文版 广州是一个全国文明城市之一,国际化大都市,作为导游的你应该怎么向外国友人介绍广州,下面就是我整理的广州的英语导游词范文,一起来看一下吧 广州景点的英文导游词一 The entrance hall of the temple is called The Hall of Heavenly Kings and is the shrine for Mile Buddha (Maitreya) and the Heavenly Kings (or the Divas as are called in Buddhist sutra). The statue in the middle, the man with a big belly, is Mile Buddha, who is commonly known as the Laughing Buddha because he is always grinning from ear to ear? He is the future savior that will deliver all living beings to the Buddhist paradise after Sakyamuni’s Buddhist power is exhausted, and so he is also known as the Future Buddha ? The couple t on both sides is a complime nt to the Laughing Buddha, meaning literally: "A big belly can hold the world’s troubles that are troubling people? An open mouth is smiling at those who are to be smiled at." On either side of the hall we can see two statues? They are the four Heavenly Kings, who are protectors of Buddhist doctrines, with each taking care of one side-the east, west, north and south


A Brief Introduction of Chengdu & Surrounding Tourist Attractions Chengdu Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan. Covering a total land area of 12,400 square kilometers, Chengdu has a jurisdiction of over 7 districts, 4 cities and 8 counties. By the end of 1999, the population of Chengdu had reached 10.036 million, of which 3.30 million were urban residents. Chengdu enjoys a long history. 2500 years ago, Kaiming IX, king of ancient Shu in the Zhou Dynasty (11th century 256BC), started to set up the capital in Chengdu. "A town was built in this area in the first year and the capital in the second year, so the ancestor named the city as Chengdu, which means to become a capital. Later on, Chengdu gradually became one of the most important centers of politics, economy and culture in China. It has been the capital for the feudal dynasties five times and twice for the peasant uprising regimes, known as Dashu and Daxi. As early as in the Han Dynasty (206BC-220AD), Chengdu began to enjoy the fame of one of the Top Five Capitals. In the Tang Dynasty (618-907), Chengdu was reputed as the Yang (Yangzhou) first, yi (Chengdu) second; it had by then became the economic center just after Yangzhou. In the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-8AD), brocades produced in Chengdu were very popular in China. So Chengdu was also called the City of Brocade. In the Five Kingdoms Period (907-960), Mengchang, king of the Houshu Kingdom, decreed to plant hibiscuses on the protective wall of the city, so Chengdu was also called the City of Hibiscus. As one of China's famous historical and cultural cities, Chengdu enjoys rich tourist resources. 1500 years ago, a well-known poet in the Jin Kingdom, Zuo Si extolled Chengdu as lofty and pretty. This city has also gained the eulogium by both Li Bai, the poet immortal and Du Fu, the poet sage. With rich cultural heritage and beautiful scenic spots, Chengdu is a peaceful and prosperous city.


四川英文导游词讲解 篇一:四川英语导游词杜甫草堂 dufuThatchedcottage Goodmorning,ladiesandgentlemen:Todaywewillvisitthepoet-historiandufu ’sformerresidence,dufuthatchedcottage.Peopleregardhimaschina’sShakespear.itislocatedinthewestofchengdu.ourtouringlinewilltracealongt hecentralaxis:theFrontGate,Lobby,hallofPoemhistory,GongBuShrine,thet hatchedcottage.after2hours’visitwewillmeetatthefrontgateat11:30.Pleasestaywithourgroup,becarful,an dtakegoodcareofyourpersonnelbelongingsandnotedownmyphonenumber1 3438394121andthecarplatechuana4566 inthewinteroftheyearof759,duFufledfromGanSuintoSichuanprovincetobea wayfroman-ShiRebellion.Hesetupastraw-roofedhousenamedcaotangnearb yHuanhuabrook,wherehelivedforaboutfouryearsandcomposedmorethan24 0poems.weizhuang,apoetinFivedynastiesreconstructedthestraw-roofedhou se.inthefollowingdynastiesthesitehasbeenundergonewithseveralrenovation s.Themostextensivetwobeingcarriedoutinthe13thyearofemperorHongzhi’sreigninthemingdynastyandthe16thyearofemperorJiaQing’sreignintheQingdynasty.Fromthenon,thelayoutofthethatchedcottagetooko ntheshape.Thecottageiswellknownasafamousculturalsanctum,featuringthe


安徽宣城旅游景点导游解说词3篇Commentary document of Anhui Xuancheng tourist attr actions 编订:JinTai College

安徽宣城旅游景点导游解说词3篇 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是安徽的特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:安徽宣城导游词文档 2、篇章2:安徽宣城导游词文档 3、篇章3:安徽宣城导游词文档 宣城是中国文房四宝之乡、山水园林城市,历史悠久,人文荟萃,吸引来自各地的游客来游览参观。下面是带来的安徽宣城导游词,欢迎大家阅读。 篇章1:安徽宣城导游词文档 亲爱的游客们:

你们好!我是你们的导游齐真,你们可以叫我齐导,欢迎 你们来到文房四宝之乡——宣城。祝你们在游览过程中心情愉快,能体会到宣城文化的魅力。 我先给你们介绍一下宣城吧!宣城位于安徽省东南部,有12340平方公里,自西汉设郡以来已有20xx多年的历史了, 被誉为文房四宝之乡、山水园林城市、历史文化名城。邮政区码为2420xx。 噢,看!那边的广场有人在唱花鼓戏呢!我带你们过去看 看吧!花鼓戏是我们宣城的地方戏,它原名为花鼓调,是安徽 5大剧种之一,流行于皖南与浙江苏南等相邻地区,而以宣城、郎溪、广德、宁国一带最为盛行。花鼓戏最大的特点是通俗活泼;唱腔有民歌风味,变化多端、优美动听;在表演艺术上讲究文演、武演、热演和冷演。其中以《姐妹皇后》、《羯鼓惊天》、《春嫂》最为著名。 好了,接下来我将带你们去参观梅文鼎纪念馆。梅文鼎 是我们宣城的一位名人,他是清初著名的天文家、数学家,为清代“历算第一名家”和“开山之祖”。梅文鼎最重要的贡献是在数学方面,他写了20多种数学著作。将中西方的数学进 行了融会贯通,对清朝数学的发展起了推动型的作用。他在中


上海英文导游词 篇一:上海景点导游词 ilding.ThecongresspassedtheParty'sprogramandresolutions,ele ctedthecentralcommittee,anddeclaredthefoundingoftheCPC. ShanghaiLibrary ThenewShanghaiLibrary,whichcoversanareaofsome80,000squareme ters,hasacollectionof13millionbooksandisconsideredoneofthet optenlibrariesintheworld.Thelibraryincorporatestheopen-stac ksapproachfavoredintheWest,whichallowsforconvenienceinborro wingbooks. ShanghaiGrandTheater LocatedinthenorthwesterncornerofPeople'sSquare.theShanghaiG

randTheatercovers70,000squat,meters.Itisactuallycomposedoft hreetheaters.Thetheaterscanaccommodateperformancesofballeto pera,symphonies,chambermusicmoderndramas,andmusicals.Thethe ateralsoownsthelargest,fullyautomaticstageinAsia.Thetheater hasbecomeasymbolofmoderncultureinShanghai. DuoLunRoad CulturalCelebrities'Street,locatedalongDuolunRoadandsurroun dingareas,isalivingmemorialtothemodernculturalcelebritiesof Shang-haiandisalsoacondensationofmodernculture.SuchChinesel iterarygiantsasLuXun,MaoDun,GuoMoruoandYeShengtaolivedandwr otehere,makingtheroadanimportantfeatureinChina'smoderncultu ralhistory.Inaddition,thefamousGongfeiCafe.CelebritiesMansi on,theShanghaiArtOperaTroupe,andHaiShangJiuLialsodisplaythe accumulatedculturalatmosphereofDuolunRoadtoday.


四川峨眉山英文导游词 峨眉山(Mount Emei)位于中国四川省乐山市峨眉山市境内,是中国四大佛教名山之一,地势陡峭,风景秀丽,素有峨眉天下秀之称,山上的万佛顶最高,海拔3099米,高出峨眉平原2700多米。《峨眉郡志》云:云鬘凝翠,鬒黛遥妆,真如螓首蛾眉,细而长,美而艳也,故名峨眉山。下面是由小编为大家带来的关于四川峨眉山英文导游词,希望能够帮到您! 四川峨眉山英文导游词 Mt.Emei is one of the four famous mountainsin China. It lies about 168km from Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province. Before the tour of the holy mountain, it is important to obtain some inforation about the spread of Buddhism in China, Buddhism in Mt. Emei and its hiking routes. The Spread of the Buddhism Buddhism was founded in India around the 16th century BC. It is said that the founder was Sakyamuni. Sskyua was the name of the clan to which his family belonged. Sakyamuni was a prince and was brought up in luxury. In his 20s, he became discontented with the world. Every day he had to face with sights of sickness, death and old age since the body was inescapably involved with disease, decrepitude and


故宫导游解说词 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 女士们、先生们: 今天有幸陪同大家一道参观,我感到很高兴。这里就是世界闻名的故宫博物馆,一般大家都简称它为故宫,顾名思义,就是昔日的皇家宫殿。自1911年清朝末代皇帝爱新觉罗.溥仪被迫宣告退位上溯至1420年明朝第三代永乐皇帝朱棣迁都于此,先后有明朝的14位,清朝的10位,共24位皇帝在这座金碧辉煌的宫城里统治中国长达五个世纪之久。帝王之家,自然规模宏大,气势磅礴,时至今日这里不仅在中国,在世界上也是规模最大,保存最完整的古代皇家宫殿建筑群。由于这座宫城集中体现了我国古代建筑艺术的优秀传统和独特风格,所以在建筑史上具有十分重要的地位,是建筑艺术的经典之作,1987年已被联合国教科文组织评定为世界文化遗产。 故宫又称紫禁城,究其由来,是由天文学说和民间传说相互交融而形成的。中国古代天文学家将天上所有的星宿分为三垣、二十八宿、三十一天区。其中的三垣是指太微垣、紫微垣和天市垣。紫微垣在三垣的中央,正符合“紫微居中”的说法。因此,古人认为紫外线微垣是天帝之座,故被称为紫宫。皇帝是天帝之子、人间至尊,因此他们也要模仿天帝,在自己宫殿的名字上冠其紫字,以表现其位居中央,环视天下的帝王气概。还有一个说法就是指“紫气东来”。传说老子出函谷关,关令尹喜见有紫气从东来,知道将有圣人过关。果然老子骑了青牛前来,喜便请他写下了《道德经》。后人因此以“紫气东来”表示祥瑞。帝王之家当然希望出祥瑞天象,那么用“紫”字来命名也就顺理成章了。“禁”字的意思就比较明显了,那就是皇宫禁地,戒备森严,万民莫近。此话决无半个虚字,在1924年末代皇帝被逐出宫后这里正式开放以前平民百姓别想踏近半步,大家可以想像紫禁城过去是多么崇高威严,神圣不可侵犯啊! 紫禁城建在北京,是有其历史的,也因为这里是一块风水宝地,说起来话长。故宫从明永乐四年(1406)开始修建,用了14年的时间才基本建成,到今天已有570多年的历史。大家看到了,故宫是一级红墙黄瓦的建筑群,为什么这样呢?据道家阴阳五行学说认为,五行包括金,木,水,火,土,其中土占中央方位,因为华夏民族世代生息在黄土高原上,所以对黄色就产生了一种崇仰和依恋的感情,于是从唐朝起,黄色就成了代表皇家的色彩,其他人不得在服饰和建筑上使用。而红色,则寓意着美满,吉祥和富贵,正由于这些原因,故宫建筑的基本色调便采


最全故宫英文导游词 优秀的导游词不仅能使游客影响深刻,也会激起游客对当地景点文化的兴趣,加深对景点的好感。下面是小编整理的有关于故宫英文导游词范文的全部内容了,希望能够帮助你们! 篇一:故宫英文导游词 Lying at the center of Beijing,the Forbidden City,called Gu Gong,in Chinese,was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now known as the Palace Museum,it is to the north of Tiananmen Square. Rectangular in shape,it is the worlds largest palace complex and covers 74 hectares. Surrounded by a six meter deep moat and a ten meter high wall are 9,999 buildings. The wall has a gate on each side. Opposite the Tiananmen Gate,to the north is the Gate of Devine Might (Shenwumen),which faces Jingshan Park. The distance between these two gates is 960 meters,while the distance between the gates in the east and west walls is 750 meters. There are unique and delicately structured towers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall. These afford views over both the palace and the city outside. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts. The southern section,or the Outer Court was where the emperor exercised his supreme power


Southern provincial capital knows how to work and play Giant pandas and a pleasant living environment are some of Chengdu's major attractions, but the capital of southwestern Sichuan province is also justifiably proud of its appeal to foreign investors. By far, Chengdu boasts the presence of 212 Fortune 500 companies, including Intel, Texas Instruments and Dell, surpassing all other cities in China's central and western regions. The provincial capital was chosen to host the upcoming 2013 Fortune Global Forum, making it the third city in the mainland to hold the major business event after Shanghai and Beijing. Chengdu's robust economic growth in recent years has attracted an increasing number of business travelers. Here are three attractions for business travelers. 1. Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base


成都旅游景点介绍 成都十大景点:都江堰、青城山、武侯祠、杜甫草堂、望江楼、青羊宫、宝光寺、文殊院、西岭雪山、天台山。 都江堰位于四川省成都市都江堰市灌口镇,是中国建设于古代并使用至今的大型水利工程,被誉为“世界水利文化的鼻祖”,是全国著名的旅游胜地。通常认为,都江堰水利工程是由秦国蜀郡太守李冰及其子率众于公元前256年左右修建的,是全世界迄今为止,年代最久、唯一留存、以无坝引水为特征的宏大水利工程,也是全国重点文物保护单位 青城山为中国道教发源地之一,属道教名山。位于四川省都江堰市西南,古称“丈人山”,东距成都市68公里,处于都江堰水利工程西南10公里处。主峰老霄顶海拔1260米。在四川名山中与剑门之险、峨嵋之秀、夔门之雄齐名,有“青城天下幽”之美誉。青城山是中国著名的历史名山和国家重点风景名胜区,并于2000年同都江堰共同作为一项世界文化遗产被列入世界遗产名录。2008年汶川地震中青城山受到比较大的影响。 成都武侯祠,位于四川省成都市南门武侯祠大街,是中国惟一的君臣合祀祠庙,由刘备、诸葛亮蜀汉君臣合祀祠宇及惠陵组成。始建于公元223年修建刘备陵寝。千多年来几经毁损,屡有变迁。武侯祠(指诸葛亮的专祠)建于唐以前,初与祭祀刘备(汉昭烈帝)的昭烈庙相邻,明朝初年重建时将武侯祠并入了“汉昭烈庙”,形成现存武侯祠君臣合庙。现存祠庙的主体建筑1672年清朝康熙年间(康熙十一年)重建。1961年公布为全国重点文物保护单位。1984年成立博物馆,2008年被评为首批国家一级博物馆,享有“三国圣地”之美誉。 杜甫草堂位于四川省成都市,现今是成都杜甫草堂博物馆,是为了纪念中国唐代伟大现实主义诗人杜甫的博物馆。是当年杜甫流寓成都时的居所,由后人重建得以保存并成为纪念杜甫场所 成都市望江楼位于成都市望江楼公园内,望江楼公园位于成都市东门外九眼桥锦江南岸一片茂林修竹之中,面积176.5亩,


十里菊香博物馆现场讲解词 紫红底色部分为初步规划的区域命名 PART1 到达展示馆 各位游客朋友们,大家好: 欢迎大家来到洋马十里菊香菊文化博物馆,我是讲解员小X。很高兴为大家提供讲解服务,愿我的服务陪伴您度过一个轻松、愉快的菊文化之旅。 这里就是景区的特色主题馆,占地8000平,以菊花为主题,约13处主题小品,稍后我们将一一观赏。 (面对游客,手指向圆形花圃) 大家正前方所看到的圆形展区,“十里菊香”是我们本次的展览主题,用青瓦白墙的徽派建筑作为背景,突出人文意境。花圃中的盆栽以观赏菊为主,有多头大菊、欧美小菊、悬崖菊、切花菊等,呈现出丰富的色彩层次。 另外大家能看到花圃中的丹顶鹤,它们和麋鹿,都是盐城旅游形象代言人哦。 PART2 向右行走途中 围绕花圃一圈,向大家展示的是菊花印象,主要介绍了观赏菊和药用菊两类品种的特点。 观赏菊花的活动从宋代末年开始盛行,距今已有700多年历史了。而拿菊花入药,也是古代很多文人医师推崇的,比如,晋代名医陶弘景、诗人陶渊明都曾提到服菊对人的好处。常见能入药的菊花有黄菊、白菊、贡菊、泸菊、川菊,“身价最高”的就是引进的金丝皇菊,市场上品相一般的都能卖到3元一朵,7厘米的甚至能卖到70元,比一般的菊花贵了近10倍。不过,药用菊对人体的好处是显而易见的,长期饮用能降血压、消除癌细胞、扩张动脉、抑菌、调节心肺,特别适合中老年人和儿童饮用。 PART3 游行经过小门 曲径通幽,经过这道徽式牌楼,我们看到是楼台菊韵。在这里,为大家展现的是一处“菊花深处探幽亭”的景象,让我们感受到“亭皋木叶下,原隰菊花黄,凭高满眼秋意,时节近重阳”的意境。这一片展区是很多游客的“自拍圣地”!稍后大家可以拍照留影。 PART4 继续前行


成都锦里英文导游词 八里沟景区导游词【一】 各位朋友:大家好!今天我们要游览的是八里沟景区。 八里沟景区位于辉县市西北25公里处的太行山石门沟内,景区森林覆盖面积率达90%,植物有1100多种,动物60多种。 景区内有7大险谷、36奇峰、处处皆有神秘奇异之感。 这里荟萃了太行山水之精华,集奇、险、峻、秀、幽于一谷,自古即为游览胜地。 这里的主要景点有三潭、三龛、石门水库姚家坟、八里沟大瀑布、猕猴自然保护区等40余处。 19xx年我国园林专家来此考察,认为八里沟景区贵在原始、美在自然,称此景为“亚洲一绝”。 在车上,我们沿途将看到柳叶泉水库、三潭,石门庙等景区柳叶泉位于三潭之下、石门沟口之外。 泉水从乱石中汩汩涌出,水面细长,状如柳叶,故称柳叶泉。 泉水四季不断,缓缓注入柳叶泉水库,形成清澈透明的山间平湖。 湖水深则碧绿,视若无底;浅则透明,沙石可见。 鱼跃蟹浮,日月临照,青山入映,是理想的游泳和垂钓场所。 三潭,位于石门沟口处两峰对峙的河沟之内,由内向外称头潭、二潭和三潭。 又名白龙潭、黄龙潭和黑龙潭。

潭潭相挂,面积各有数亩。 其中三潭最大,潭水呈黛色,深不可测。 相传潭中有神灵,人不敢犯,投入瓦石,风雨立起,求雨甚灵。 潭上原建有三仙宫、朝阳宫等,殿堂楼阁建筑雄伟,寺庙倒映潭中,如水晶宫一般。 现仅存一通石碑,其余皆毁. 石门庙,系指三潭之上所有庙院的总称。 有关帝、龙王、灵宫、王母洞等,其中规模宏伟,密集紧凑的有朝阳宫、太平宫、三仙宫、合称石门三宫。 创建于宋,最盛时期三宫为入进院落,院院相通,有房屋130余间。 三宫中朝阳宫最大,大殿敬奉王母娘娘,配殿供奉十一神像。 相传朝阳宫很有灵气,因此每日香客络绎不绝,每年二月,十月都要在此举行一个月的盛大庙会,商贾云集,热闹非凡,香火集盛。 抗日时期,八路军武工队在此活动,日伪军曾多次进攻这里,屡攻屡败,日伪军认为这是神灵在保佑我军,于是便火烧三宫,整整烧了七天七夜,所有建筑化为灰烬,然而敌军还是未能取胜。 壮士崖,位于三潭西岸。 19xx年6月,太行军区48团与国民政府反动派在此激战,消灭敌军400多人。


四川英文导游词 【篇一:四川英语导游词杜甫草堂】 du fu thatched cottage good morning,ladies and gentlemen: today we will visit the poet-historian du fu’s former residence, du fu thatched cottage. people regard him as china’s shakespear. it is located in the west of chengdu. our touring line will trace along the central axis: the front gate, lobby, hall of poem history, gong bu shrine, the thatched cottage. after 2hours’ visit we will meet at the front gate at 11:30. please stay with our group, be carful, and take good care of your personnel belongings and note down my phone number134******** and the car plate chuana4566 in the winter of the year of 759, du fu fled from gan su into sichuan province to be away from an- shi rebellion. he set up a straw-roofed house named cao tang nearby huanhua brook , where he lived for about four years and composed more than 240 poems. wei zhuang, a poet in five dynasties reconstructed the straw-roofed house. in the following dynasties the site has been undergone with several renovations. the most extensive two being carried out in the 13th ye ar of emperor hong zhi’s reign in the ming dynasty and the 16th year of emperor jia qing’s reign in the qing dynasty .from then on, the lay out of the thatched cottage took on the shape .the cottage is well known as a famous cultural sanctum, featuring the perfect combination of memorial architecture and traditional gardens my friend, we have visited the lobby, hall of poem history. now we are standing in front of the gong bu shrine. gong bu is named after du fu’s official title. on the west side is qia s hou hang xuan pavilion while on the east side is the shui zhu pavilion; both pavilions deriving their names from du fu’s poems please look at the ancient couplet hangs on the top of the front door. it reads: you enjoy the spring breeze over the brocade river, i come back to visit your cottage on the seventh day of new year. it was written by he shao ji on his way home, chengdu, a scholar and calligrapher of qing dynasty, after taking charge of the imperial examination in nan chong. the couplet means that du fu owned the jinjiang river and the

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