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If you're invited to an American friend's home for dinner,keep in mind these general rules for polite behavior.First of all,arrive approximately on time(but not early).Americans expect promptness. Being a few minutes late might give the host more time to get dressed or finish preparing the dinner,so it's OK to be10 or15minutes late but not45minutes late. Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then.When you're invited to someone's home for a meal,it's polite to bring a small gift.Flowers or candies are always appropriate.If you have an attractive item made in your native country,your host would certainly enjoy receiving that as a gift.

If you are served some food that you don't like or can't eat,don't make a fuss about it.If your host doesn't say anything about what you aren't eating,then you shouldn't,either.Simply eat what you can and hope that no one notices what you left. If you are questioned,you may have to admit that you don't eat meat(or whatever),but you can also say that you've enjoyed the other foods and have had"more than enough"to eat.Don't make the host feel obliged to prepare something else for you.Be sure to compliment the host on the food that you enjoyed.

Don't leave immediately after dinner,but don't overstay your welcome,either. When your friend seems to be getting tired and running out of conversation,take their behavior as a cue to leave.The next day,call or write a thank-you note to say how much you enjoyed the evening.如果你被邀请到美国朋友的家里吃饭,请记住这些一般的礼貌行为准则。













Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers who have some trouble understanding English.But they become annoyed when a person pretends to understand but doesn't really.This creates problems when he misunderstands what is said.No one wants soap when he asks for soup.So if you don't understand what is said to you,admit it and politely ask the person to repeat or explain.All you have to say is,"Excuse me,would you mind repeating what you said?I didn't understand."

Second,it is quite rude to converse with a companion in your native language and leave your American friends standing there feeling uncomfortable because they can't understand the conversation.The Americans may also feel that you are talking about them or saying something you don't want them to hear.If you have to switch to your native language to explain something to a non-English-speaking companion,then at least translate for your American friends so they don't feel left out. Statements:

1.Americans will get impatient if a person can't understand English.

2.Sometimes it is wise to pretend to understand what one actually doesn't in order to avoid embarrassment.

3.Asking for repetition or explanation is not considered good manners when talking with Americans.

4.It is impolite for people to talk in their native language in the presence of Americans.

5.Americans may feel uncomfortable when they can't understand the conversation of non-English speakers.美国人通常会容忍那些对英语有困难的非母语人士。

















One winter day in San Francisco,a woman in a red car drove up to a tollbooth.The back seat of her car had a pile of colorful Christmas gifts on it.She smiled at the tollbooth operator and said,"I'm paying for myself,and for the six cars behind me."She handed the operator seven toll tickets and drove on.As the next six cars arrived at the tollbooth,the operator told each driver,"A lady up ahead paid your toll. Have a nice day."

Why did the lady do this?As she told her husband later,"I read a card taped on my friend's refrigerator.It said, 'Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.'I liked that phrase and copied it for myself.Paying the tolls was a little act of random kindness I could do."

Now all over the U.S.,it is becoming a popular phrase.One can see it on car bumper stickers,on walls,and even on business cards.Random acts of kindness are easy to perform if one is looking for opportunities.In Portland,a man might put a coin in a stranger's parking meter just in time to save that person from getting fined for overtime parking.In Chicago,a teenage boy may shovel snow not only from his driveway but also his neighbor's driveway.Undoubtedly thousands of random acts of kindness occur every day.

What are some senseless acts of beauty?A person might plant flowers along a highway.Another might clean graffiti from a city park bench.Yet another might pick up litter from the street and put it in a trash can.在旧金山的一个冬天,一名妇女开着一辆红色的车,开到一个收费亭。














You should remember this phrase and put it into action.Not only will you help others, but you will feel better yourself since you have helped the world to become a better place.And who knows?The people you help might well be inspired to help someone else later.It's a"win-win"situation. Statements:

1.The woman paid for the six cars behind her as a Christmas gift.

2.The woman taped a card on her refrigerator that reads:Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.

3.Random acts of kindness are not difficult to perform.

4.One can see graffiti everywhere in the U.S.

5.People sometimes do good unconsciously.

6.The world can become a better place because of the little acts of kindness and beauty.

7.The people you help may well help someone else later.

8.Random acts of kindness and beauty do good to all parties involved.
















Don't talk with your mouth full.

Keep your elbows off the table.

Say"thank you".

Any of those sound familiar?

Chances are,if you observe a parent, he or she has repeated at least one of those lines a few thousand times. Etiquette experts and people who work with children tend to agree that teaching the children good manners is more than worth the effort.Good manners can definitely begin at home.Veronica tries to teach her5-year-old son Matthew about the importance of the Golden Rule in words that he can understand."You need to treat people the way you want to be treated,"she tells Matthew.

According to etiquette experts, teaching by example is the best approach. By using good manners,parents can be role models for their children,who often learn by imitation."At2years old,they're watching,"experts say."You know,monkey see,monkey do."They also advise parents to begin introducing their toddlers to simple words like"please","thank you", "excuse me",and"I'm sorry".

"It's never too soon to start teaching them,"they say."When they're sitting up in the high chair,you can start."

By teaching children good manners and then helping them practice,parents are doing their children a great service. It's not just about being polite and well-mannered in the short run.Ultimately, as they grow and they're better-behaved, they'll go on to greater success in their lives and be better liked.

















But home is not the only teaching environment when it comes to manners and etiquette.More and more schools are looking for ways to instill good manners in their students.

1.All parents try to teach their children good manners.

2.You need to treat people the way you want to be treated.

3.Monkeys are especially good at imitating small children.

4.Parents should set an example to their children when teaching them good manners.

5.Parents are helping their children in the long run by teaching them good manners.

6.Both parents and teachers are responsible for the teaching of etiquette.

1.What manners do parents teach their children?

2.What is the Golden Rule?

3.What is the best way for parents to teach their children good manners?

4.What's the appropriate time to start teaching children manners?

5.What is the ultimate goal of teaching children good manners?















(Four students are sitting in a dorm lounge,casually watching TV.) Wayne:You know,people lie to us all the time!That advertiser on TV just told me that all I have to do to be attractive is to drink the right kind of beer.I don't even like beer!

Celia:And I've seen the same kind of ads for different clothing brands.I don't see how anyone can believe all of that stuff. Heather:It's not just TV ads.Religious leaders tell us that if we attend their church we'll be happy and politicians tell us if we vote for their party members the nation's problems will disappear.Not true!!

Randy:I think most of us are smart enough to figure out that these things are lies.But it really irritates me when people have the arrogance to start their sentences to others by saying"You need to"do something when they really mean"I need you to"or"I want you to".That's a kind of lying too.

Celia:You're right.In fact it's really rude because it implies that other people lack the intelligence to determine for themselves where their interests are and to act accordingly.

Heather:My dad has talked about a person in his office who does this a lot. He's creating a bad work environment and it's obvious that the co-workers are getting tired of being ordered around like this.They know what they should do and want to do it their way.

Wayne:I imagine that even the boss should be careful in this respect.If he's rude to his employees by implying they don't know what they're doing,they won't put forth their best effort.



























Celia:Since we started talking now,I've been thinking about a friend I had in high school.She kept telling me what I "needed"to do.After a while I realized it was her way of getting me to do what she wanted.Needless to say,our friendship ended.And it was a kind of lying on her part because she wasn't saying that what I"needed"to do was really what she "wanted"me to do.It took me a while to figure that out.

Randy:I guess there are all sorts of ways to lie.We'd better watch out,right? Others:Right.


(Paul and Joyce are going to a movie.) Paul:Hurry up,Joyce.We need to leave now if we're going to get to the theater a half hour before the feature begins. Joyce:Why on earth do we need to be there that early?The theater is never even half full.I've also been wondering if we should take the kids with us,even though Mom is here with them.

Paul:Leave the kids at home.We're not going to a kid's movie like Harry Potter. When I went to the movies that night you went to play bridge it looked like a day care center in the theater.Strollers were flying down the aisle,kids were restless and obviously bored,so started whining for candy,and there was even a fight. Joyce:My goodness!What happened? Paul:One other patron who was trying to enjoy the movie told the parents of some noisy children behind him to shut their kids up.The father of the noisy kids hit the complainer and that led to a fight.The police had to be brought in.西莉亚:自从我们开始说话以来,我一直在想我高中的一个朋友。




















Joyce:I'm ready to go,but you still haven't told me why we need to be so early.

Paul:Actually I like to watch the people.For some just choosing a seat is a major decision.They stand in the middle of the aisle juggling coats,popcorn and Cokes,almost overwhelmed by having to choose.You can almost read their thoughts.Should I sit down in front,or will that be too close?Is this too far back? That man is tall.I won't be able to see the movie if I sit behind him.I'd love to sit close to the middle,but then I'd have to sit close to that big group of teenagers. Oh,dear!The lights are dimming and I haven't made up my mind.I won't be able to see where I'm going.

Joyce:You aren't the only one to notice such things.Many people choose their seats,find they are unsatisfied,so move. I've watched a few couples go from one spot to another four or five times before settling down.

Paul:While we're on the topic,my other pet peeve is people who won't be quiet during the movie.They comment on everything."What a cute puppy,"they say when they see a dog appear."I have a lamp like that at home but mine's red."And on it goes.

Joyce:I don't like the people behind me to sit and chew popcorn noisily.It's possible to be quiet but they don't try. They just keep on chewing and then start on a big box of candy.

Paul:So let's go!We'll try to find a good seat,look around us a bit,and then we'll sit down and shut up.乔伊斯:我已经准备好了,但是你还没有告诉我为什么我们要这么早。

























1.Why does Paul decide not to take kids to the movie?

2.Why was there a fight the other night?

3.Why do some people find it difficult to decide which seat to take?

4.What problem troubles the couple at the theater?

5.Which of the following is true according to the dialog?


China is known as a state of etiquette and ceremonies.Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation such as"Civility costs nothing" or"Courtesy demands reciprocity"and so on.For instance,there is an interesting short story.Once upon a time,a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift.But it escaped from the cage on the way and in his effort to catch it,he got hold of nothing but a feather. Instead of returning home,he continued his journey with the swan feather.When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved by the story as well as the sincerity.And the saying"The gift is nothing much,but it's the thought that counts"was spread far and wide. Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a salute.This tradition has a history of more than2,000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival.And shaking hands is more popular and appropriate on some formal occasions.Bowing,to convey respect to the higher level,was often used by the lower like subordinates and attendants.But at present,things are quite different.Chinese youngsters tend to simply nod as a greeting.To some extent this evolution reflects the ever-increasing pace of modern life.






















Writing a thank-you letter after an interview doesn't just show a candidate's manners—it can also make or break their chances of landing a job.Nearly15 percent of hiring managers say they would not hire someone who failed to send a thank-you letter after the interview.32 percent say they would still consider the candidate,but would think less of him or her,according to a recent survey.The survey,"How to Get in the Front Door", included more than650hiring managers.

Although most hiring managers expect to receive a thank-you note,format preferences differ.One-in-four hiring managers prefer to receive a thank-you note in e-mail form only,19percent want the e-mail followed up with a hard copy,21 percent want a typed hard copy only and 23percent prefer just a handwritten note.

According to the survey,no matter which format you choose,it's crucial to act quickly when sending a thank-you letter to your interviewer.26percent of hiring managers expect to have the letter in hand two days after the interview,and 36percent to have it within three to five days.Sending the letter quickly reinforces your enthusiasm for the job, and helps keep you top-of-mind for the interviewer.

1.Sending a thank-you letter after the interview adds to one's chances of getting a job.

2.32percent of hiring managers would not consider the applicant who does not write a thank-you letter.

3.650hiring managers advise people on how to climb up the ladder in their career.












4.As to the format of the thank-you note,most hiring managers prefer an e-mail.

5.19percent of hiring managers want a thank-you note in e-mail form followed up with a hard copy.

6.Sending a thank-you letter to the interviewer promptly is of vital importance.


One day many years ago,Swift Eagle visited some friends on an Indian reservation in central New York.While he was out walking,he heard sounds of boys playing in the bushes.

"There's another one.Shoot it!"said one of the boys.

When he pushed through the bush to see what was happening,he found that they had been shooting small birds with a gun.They had already killed three.The boys looked up at him,uncertain what he was going to do or say.

As an Indian bird lover,Swift Eagle might have given a stern lecture on the evil of killing birds or threatened to tell the boys'parents about their wrongdoing. However,he did something else.

Ah,he said,I see you have been hunting. Pick up your game and come with me.

He led the boys to a place where they could make a fire and cook the birds.He made sure they said a thank-you to the spirits of the birds before eating them, and as they ate he told stories.It was important,he said,to be thankful to the birds for the gifts of their songs,their feathers,and their bodies as food.The last thing he said to them they never forgot—for it was one of those boys who told me this story many years later."You know,our Creator gave the gift of life to everything that is alive.Life is a very sacred thing.


















But our Creator knows that we have to eat to stay alive.That is why it is permitted to hunt to feed ourselves and our people.So I understand that you boys must have been very,very hungry to kill those little birds..."

Thus children were taught the values of their culture through example and stories. Instead of scolding or lecturing them, Swift Eagle showed the boys how to build a fire and cook the game they had shot, giving the birds the same respect he would have given a rabbit or deer.He told stories that pointed out the value of those birds as living beings.What he did taught the boys more than a hundred lectures would have done,and the lesson stayed with them all their lives.

1.What is true about Swift Eagle?

2.What did he do when he found the boys killing birds?

3.What did the boys do afterwards?

4.What did Swift Eagle tell the boys to do?

5.What lessons did the boys learn from this experience?但我们的造物主知道,我们必须吃东西才能活下去。







2。当他发现这些男孩杀死鸟时,他做了什么? 3。男孩们后来做了什么?




新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说(上) 听力原文 LESSON 1 Music 1. M: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant顾问about our new health program? W: I contacted联系his office but his secretary said he would (be out for)试图得到lunch until two. Q: What does the woman mean? B. she couldn’t talk to the consultant before two 2. W: We need to let everyone know about the charity [?t??riti] n. 慈爱concert, but we don't have much money for advertising. M: How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service服务announcements.通告 Q: What does the man suggest they do? c. Ask the school radio station for help 3. W: I don't understand why this self-study 自学book doesn't have answers to the questions. M: But it does. You can find them at the back of the book. Q: What does the man say about the self-study book? d. the book does include the answer 4. M: The new sales manager says he has never met you befor e. W: We've been introduced about three times. He seems a little forgetful. Q: What do we learn about the new sales manager? B. He probably has a poor memory 5. M: Have you had the brakes[breik] n制动器; 闸; 刹车. and tires checked? And do you have enough money? W: I have taken care of everything. And I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful极好的, 精彩的, 绝妙的trip. Q: What's the woman going to do? D. spend some time travelling 6. M: I've had my new stereo立体声for a whole week, but I haven't yet figured out想到how to record music. W: Didn't an instruction manual [?m?nju?l] 手册形式的,像手册的;教范性质的come with it? Q: What does the woman imply? B the man should refer to the instruction manual 7. W: I want to pay you for that long-distance call I made. But, I suppose you haven't gotten your phone bill yet, M: Oh, but I have. Q: What does the man mean? A he has received his telephone bill. 8. M: Professor Smith assigned us three more novels to read.

2012-6 研究生学位英语听力原文

2012-6 GET Listening Comprehension Section A 1. W. Larry, are you feeling ok? You are so quiet at the party tonight. M. To be honest, whenever I go back to campus now, I feel really old, and all the students look so young, I feel out of place when I am surrounded by students. Q. What does the man mean? 2.W. Are you asleep or are you just pretending to sleep? M. I am really asleep. W. If you can hear me, you must be faking it, good, you can give me a hand with the chores. Q. What is the probable relationship between the man and woman? 3. M. How was your date last night? W. We were going to see a movie, but we couldn’t ag ree on which movie to see, so we ended up going shopping. Q. What happened in the end according to the women?


1.你希望你在做谈话好吗?一个伟大的健谈的人是与人,让他们觉得自己很重 要。他们跟你说话的时候,让你觉得你房间里唯一的人。 成为一个好的沟通者需要知道三件事:第一,如何开始谈话;第二,如何保持下去;第三,如何结束它。 开始一段谈话通常意味着要有一个开口线或破冰。冰断路器最好是积极的。赞美的话总是一个很好的破冰船,通常会欣赏。任何新闻事件是一个很好的破冰。事实上,任何开口线都行,只要不是负面的,只要它不是一个谎言。为了吸引人和你谈话的最好方式就是真诚和尊重,并让他们知道你是在谈论他们的兴趣。 一旦你已经有了一个谈话,保持它的最好方法就是通过问对方问题,不需要回答是或否。问类似的问题记者会问出一个人:谁,什么,何时,哪里,为什么和如何的问题。你问的最后一个人的问题说。这就是所谓的“加工工艺”。一旦你想到你觉得有趣,不断地提问,为了得到人阐述的话题尽可能多的。一个健谈的人阐述了他们的经验。不是说党是有趣的,为什么它是有趣的。说明为什么你有一个很好的时间里,发生了什么事,它在哪里,以及人们如何安排宴会。进入细节。描述是最好的沟通方式,因为它让人们的兴趣,激发他们。 如果你开始与另一个人交谈,你有困难的结局,有几个信号可以发送给其他人,会将谈话接近尾声时不伤害任何人的感情。打破眼神接触是一种谨慎的信号,谈话即将结束。另一种信号是使用过渡词一样好,或者至少。你可能想翻新都说。无论你做什么,不要欺骗别人。如果你不感兴趣又对他们说,不要提及未来的会议可能只是出于礼貌。那是虚伪的。相反,你可以说,“很高兴见到你。”然后,离开。 最后,一定要给对方一个良好的,坚定的握手。最后你的印象会是重要的一个初始的你。 2。一般来说,是很有礼貌的说“恭喜你!“(充满激情的)当一个人已经完成的东西。这类场合的例子包括毕业,升职,孩子的出生,和一个家庭购买。当是为了祝贺,有时还适当的给的礼物,尤其是当被邀请参加一个生日,毕业,结婚,或周年晚会。 邀请可以说在下一个RSVP,指的是一个法语意思“回应”的缩写,请”。如果邀请函上说,“RSVP唯一遗憾的回应,“通过电子邮件或电话如果你不能来。 同样必须注意在悲伤的场合礼貌。如果你的同事,同学,邻居的经验在家庭中的死亡,这是适当的表示同情。在这样做的话,应该避免死亡或死亡。最好是简单地说,“我很遗憾听到你的损失。”


考试须知 1、本次考试试卷有试题册(试卷一)和答题纸(Answer Sheet)两种,答题时间 为120分钟。 2、请考生用钢笔在Answer Sheet上写上姓名、学号、专业班级。 3、请考生在Answer Sheet上答题,写在试题册上的答案一律作废。 4、选择题每题只能选一个答案,多选作废。选定答案后,在Answer Sheet中找到相应题号,将答案对应字母(A\B\C\D)填写在题号后的括号里。注意保持字迹清晰工整,容易识别。由于字迹潦草、答案模棱两可甚至无法识别者,一律判为0分,责任由考生本人负责。 5、简答题、翻译和作文等主观题部分的答题请考生用钢笔书写在Answer Sheet 指定位置上。 6、考试结束,考生不得将试题册和答题纸带出考场。请把试题册和答题纸分别 上交监考老师。 Test 19 Part I. Situational Conversations (10%) Directions:In this part, there are ten short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that most appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center of the corresponding letter. 1. Consumer: I’m look ing for a new living room set. Salesmen: We have a lot of very nice sets. What style do you have in mind? Consumer: __________. What I need is something comfortable. A. It really doesn’t matter B. I really don’t bother C. it’s really not necessary D. I really don’t think 2. Bob: Hi, Michel. Michel: Hi, Bob. The party is really nice, isn’t it? Bob: __________. Lots of food and drinks! A. It must be B. It is certain C. It sure is D. It is real 3. Kathy: Do you have any tissue, Larry?


新闻真题听力理解 Model Test 1 Section C NEWS BROADCAST Questions 17 and 18 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news. 17. Some Haitians are on strike in order to __________. [A] get proper medical treatment [B] ask for their political rights [C] protest against the US decision [D] demand food supply aid from the US 18.The strikers are denied entry into the US because __________. [A] AIDS virus has been found among them [B] they cannot get political asylum in the US [C] the US government has refused to take them [D] they don't accept proper medical treatment Question 19 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question. Now listen to the news. 19. The US auto-makers decided to stop their action because __________. [A] Japanese auto-makers promised to stop dumping cars in the US [B] the Government promised to solve the US-Japan trade imbalance [C] three US companies have ended the US-Japan trade imbalance [D] Japan agreed to sell cars at the agreed prices inside the US Questions 20 and 21 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the news. 20. Where did the storms first strike? [A] The eastern US. [B] The Gulf of Mexico. [C] The Canadian border. [D] Some areas in Cuba.


1.我不相信幸运这一类事情.我认为大多数时候事情发展地顺利或不顺利主要因为人们自 己的行为.我相信大多数的情况下你可以通过努力工作,自我约束,坚持不懈,把个人的发展作为每天必考虑的事情等方面创造自己的幸运. 2.许多的职业都包含其他人(的参与). 你可能具有超强的学术能力,然而缺少社交能力,即 有能力倾听别人,对其他人(的反应)敏感,甚至游刃有余地给出或吸纳批评. 3.如果你周边的环境经常让你意志消沉,也许你的确该改变一下了,可能不是改变你的位置, 但至少是你的态度.如果你能学会很好地利用任何情况,你就能消除掉挡在你和你梦想之间的可怕的障碍. 4.任何人在忙忙碌碌的时候都会犯错误.但是注意力不集中的人经常遇到麻烦不是因为他 们太忙了,而是因为他们缺乏优先考虑的事情.这样,不仅浪费了他们的实践,也浪费了资源. 5.如果你拒绝变化,你就是拒绝成功.学会灵活,否则就得学会习惯忍受失败. 6.你的天分越大,你就有可能越倚赖于天分,甚至忽视日复一日完善它的工作.如果你有了这 样消极的倾向,给自己定一个进步计划,这样你就能充分利用好上帝给你的天赋. 2 第二单元翻译 1.老师、教授常被描述成生活在象牙塔中的理想主义者,他们脱离实际。人们指责他们只强调学力或学业,而这些对帮助学生将来求职或就业并无直接关系。 2.大学之所以存在,是因为它在人们富于想象力的学习中成为老少两代人之间的纽带,因而保持了知识和生活热情之间的联系。 3.我们必须使每个学生开始明白:他/ 她在人类连绵不断的链条上只是其中的一环,这一环虽小,却至关重要。这链条的前面有数千年的历史,并向无限的未来延伸。 4.人生不是支离破碎地学习一些课程,充实的人生应该是发现艰巨的任务并运用我们掌握的智慧和能量工具来完成这些任务。我们准备放手让你们来完成一些艰巨的任务。让我们拭目以待——看看你们如何来完成。 5.让我们为学生营造环境,使他们成长为有创造性、有思想的人,成为一群懂历史、哲学、宗教、文学等等的个体。毕竟,这些都是“人性化的学科”(或:“人文研究学科”),这些学科可以解放思想,有助于学生对陌生、神秘事物的探求。 6.如果我们可以接受乌帕姆所讲的话,我们就有义务帮助学生面对他们毕业后所接触的真实的世界。那么在这个技术日益发展的时代,文科才可能有光明的未来。


新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说(下)第二版 听力全文 主编:李玉璞 上海外语教育出版社

Table of Contents LESSON ONE Resources and Energy (5) PART A (5) PART B (6) Passage I: (6) Passage II: (7) Part D (8) Lesson Two Crime and Punishment (8) Part A (8) Part B (9) Passage I (9) Passage II (10) Passage III. (11) Part D (12) Lesson Three Computers and the Internet (12) Part A (12) Part B (13) Passage I (13) Passage II (14) Passage III (15) Part D (16) LESSON FOUR Finance (16) PART A (16) Part B (17) Passage I (17) Passage II. Functions of Money (18) Passage III Credit Cards (19) Part D (20) LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain (20) Part A (20) Part B (21) Passage I: (21) Passage Ⅱ: (22) Part D (23) LESSON SIX Education (23) Part A (23) Part B (24) Passage I SAT Examination (24) PART II Medical Education (25) LESSON SEVEN Business (26) Part A (26) Part B (28) Passage I How to Increase Business Profits (28)


硕士研究生学位英语考试考生须知 1. 研究生须持学生证(本校教师可携带工作证、课程进修生携带进修证)、身份证(军人课可携军官证)两证进入考场, 并主动出示证件,接受监考人员检查。 2. 考试8:30开始,考生在考前30分钟进入考场。考试开始后迟到30分钟以上者不得入场,考试开始90分钟后方可交卷退场。 3. 考试分两部分,8:30-10:00为试卷一,10:00试卷一结束,收机读卡,开始试卷二翻译和作文。10:30开始禁止交卷退场。11:00全场考试结束,收答题纸。 4. 答题卡上的准考证号为考试编号,同时须注意保持机读卡整洁,不能折叠。 5. 耳机使用清水河校区品学楼A 区、B 区考场收音方式为调频、86Mhz 、音频;沙河校区二教考场收音方式为调频、音频。 特别说明: (1)所有选择题答案必须填在答题纸上。答题纸上除姓名外,试卷代号、准考证号及选择题答案等都只能用铅笔填画,否则无效。注意,准考证号为14位数字或者16位数字,但在填涂机读卡时请,只填涂后12位数字。如某考生准考证号码为9、试卷代号为A ,则只需在机读卡上填涂、A 即可: (2)答题时,试题纸上的题号与答题卡上的题号必须对应!听力第16-20题需在答题纸二上作答,机读卡上16-20题应该空出。 用2B 铅笔 在相应数字或字母中央填涂 用阿拉伯数填入,此行用钢笔用2B 铅笔在与上面方格内对应数码中央填涂

4.考生须将与考试有关的资料等放置于指定位置。 5.考生不得携带电子词典、手机等任何具有存储功能的电子设备进入考场。考试期间发现有使用上述电子设备者视为作弊处理。 6.考生按指定座位就座。考试期间一律不得擅自离座,需服从监考人员指挥,违者以违反考场纪律处理。 7.学生遇到试题字迹模糊等问题可举手向主考教师询问,但不得询问或试探与解题内容有关的问题,更不得询问其他考生。 8.学生要自觉维护考场秩序,保持安静。交卷后立即离开考场,不得在考场逗留和喧哗。 9.学生必须严格遵守考场纪律,考试期间凡有代考、夹带、传递、抄袭、暗示,交头接耳或偷看他人答卷等作弊等处理,并由有关部门给予必要的纪律处分。 10.考试终止时间一到,立即停止答卷,等候监考老师收卷完毕、允许离开后方可退出考场。

研究生英语系列教材听说教程(上)1-6单元答案总结 主编李萌涛-

研究生英语听说教程上 主编李萌涛1-6单元答案总结 听写填空 第1单元、page5,A: 1.suffer that nightmare 2.genders 3.unaffordable 4.sufferers 5.more than 1 in 20 adults 6.expensive electronics 7.such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population 8.make finding a cure a priority 第2单元、page20,A: 1.Location: Rockefeller Centre, New York 2.Time: right before the Christmas Season 3.Height of the tree: nearly 9 stores 4.Audience: people from all around the country 5.Number of the lights on the tree: 3000 6.Size of the star topper: nearly 10 feet in diameter 7.Material of the star topper: crystal 8.Source of the tree: a home in Connecticut 第2单元、page29,A: post-vacation depression includes 1. sleeplessness2. loss of appetite 3. irregular heartbeat 4.feelings of despair 5. tiredness 6. stomachache 7. trouble breathing 8.anxiety 9.nervousness10.space the month-long vacation out,11.blow it all at once12.returning on a Monday 13.such blues are temporary 14.don^t make important decisions15.a new period in life 16.personal growth 第3单元、page34,A:Reporter: In Vail, Arizona, a new school 1.in this case involves 2.impact 3. available 4. resources 5. What's the point 6. medium 7. reasoning 8. normal 9. from their perspective 10. opposed to just the one angle


GET Listening (2011-1) Section A 1. W: Johnson’s in a real bad mood today, what’s wrong with him? M: His job was taken over by a fellow worker. Q: What happened to Johnson? 2. M: I got a speeding ticket. Do you think I should go to court to fight it? W: What are you going to tell the judge? M: That I was basically going with the flow. W: T hat’s not going to work. I will just pay the fine. Q: What is the man going to tell the judge? 1

M: Do you want to go fishing with me next weekend? W: Yeah, but I might have to give my dad a ride to the train station. I don’t know the exact time yet. M: Let’s play it by ear then. Just call me when you find out for sure. (If you play it by ear, you don’t have a plan of action, but decided what to do as events take shape.) Q: What will the two speakers do? 4. W: Why do you look so stressed? M: I’m going to be dead if I don’t finish this project by tomorrow. W: I thought you had two weeks to go. Q: What does the woman mean? 2


Unit One Life of Aspiration Part Two Focus-Listening A Great Communicator in All Circumstances Task One 1.Many American presidents are skilled at communicating with others, and they are great communicators, such as John F. Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. 2.Ronald Reagan is the Great Communicator. 3.Reagan was one of the best-known announcers in a radio station in his early twenties. He displayed an uncommon ability to connect and communicate with people. His vision for presidential campaign was clear and simple, and he was able to communicate with maximum effectiveness. 4.Because he possessed a clear vision, made decisions easily, and delegated very effectively. Part Three Home Listening Dream vs. Goal Task One Why we need dreams: Dreams give us a vision of a better future. They nourish our spirit; they represent possibility even when we are dragged down by reality. They keep us going. Dreams are where we want to end up. Interpretation of goals:Goals are concrete objectives. Goals are our day-by-day plans that provide achievable targets for increasing improvement. Goals provide our daily routine. They show us where to start and they establish our priorities. They make us organized and create the discipline in our lives. Goals are how we get there. Example of climbing the corporate ladder:Your dream is to get the promotion in a large company, but there seems to be too many people competing for too few positions at the top. What you have to do is to break down the dream into components and study the dream position, and you make sure that they want a hardworking, driven person who can manage a team and improve productivity. So your goals become perfecting each of these characteristics. Then find opportunities to show your boss you are the right person.

新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说 学生用书听力原文上(免费)

LESSON ONE Music 1. M: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant顾问about our new health program? W: I contacted联系his office but his secretary said he would (be out for)试图得到lunch until two. Q: What does the woman mean? 2. W: We need to let everyone know about the charity [?t??riti] n. 慈爱concert, but we don't have much money for advertising. M: How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service 服务announcements.通告 Q: What does the man suggest they do? 3. W: I don't understand why this self-study自学book doesn't have answers to the questions. M: But it does. You can find them at the back of the book. Q: What does the man say about the self-study book? 4. M: The new sales manager says he has never met you before. W: We've been introduced about three times. He seems a little forgetful. Q: What do we learn about the new sales manager? 5. M: Have you had the brakes[breik] n制动器; 闸; 刹车. and tires checked? And do you have enough money? W: I have taken care of everything. And I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful极好的, 精彩的, 绝妙的trip. Q: What's the woman going to do? g. M: I've had my new stereo立体声for a whole week, but I haven't yet figured out 想到how to record music.


2007-1 PART II VOCABULARY (10 minutes, 10 points) Section A (0.5 point each) 21. If innovators are not financially rewarded for their innovations, the incentive for path-breaking innovation will eventually dry up. A. investment B. resource C. inspiration D. stimulus 22. These illegal immigrants have to work long hours a day despite the appalling working conditions. A. bewildering B. exasperating C. dismaying D. upsetting 23. Many critics agreed that by and large, this movie was a success in terms of acting and photography. A. all at once B. by and by C. to some extent D. on the whole 24. The country carried on nuclear tests without feeling apprehensive about the consequences. A. optimistic B. anxious C. uncertain D. scared 25. There is the fear that babies might be genetically altered to suit the parents' wishes. A. enhanced B. revised C. alternated D. modified 26. The American Civil War is believed to have stemmed from differences over slavery. A. arisen from B. contributed to C. patched up D. participated in 27. Experts said the amount of compensation for sick smokers would be reduced if cooler jurors prevailed. A. resigned B. compromised C. persisted D. dominated 28. Hamilton hoped for a nation of cities while Jefferson contended that the country should remain chiefly agricultural. A. inclined B. struggled C. argued D. competed 29. There have been some speculations at times as to who will take over the company. A. on occasion B. at present C. by now D. for sure 30. TWA was criticized for trying to cover up the truth rather than promptly notifying victims' families. A. briefly B. quickly C. accurately D. earnestly Section B (0.5 point each) 31. New York probably has the largest number of different language _________ in the world. A. neighborhoods B. communities C. clusters D. assemblies 32. Nuclear wastes are considered to _____ a threat to human health and marine life. A. compose B. impose C. expose D. pose 33. Some states in the US have set _____ standards concerning math and science tests. A. energetic B. vigorous C. rigorous D. grave 34. This school promised to make classes smaller and offer more individualized ___________. A. presentation B. instruction C. conviction D. obligation 35. Because of ______ ways of life, the couple has some difficulty getting along with each other.


Take on Listening:Listening and Speaking Strategies Lesson 2 Denise: Excuse me, miss, how much does it cost to ride BART Stranger: Well, that depends on your destination. From here to Glen Park it’s only a dollar ten, but if you go as far as Fremont, it costs a lot more. Tom: We’re going to Berkeley. Do you know what the fare is Stranger: There are two stations in Berkeley. Which one are you interested in Denise: Oh, gee, I’m not sure. We’re from out of town. We’re visiting my sister. She told me her house is just a stone’s throw from the UC Berkeley campus. Which station is that Stranger: The downtown Berkeley station is really close to the university. I’m sure that’s the one you want. Denise: Tom, are you going to remember this, or should I be jotting this down Tom: What is there to write down, Denise The woman is giving us very simple directions. So, how much is the fare to downtown Berkeley Stranger: Let’s go take a look at the map over there. You see, the map shows you how much it costs to go from one station to another. Ah, there it is: two dollars and sixty-five cents. Tom: Two sixty-five That’s highway robbery for such a short distance! Denise: You think that’s expensive Tom from our house to Amherst it costs twice as much as that. Tom: Yeah, but that’s an hour ride. You really get your money’s worth. Stranger: Yeah…Uh…Well, did your sister explain which train to take Tom: Berkeley. WE take the Berkeley train to Berkeley, right Stranger: Well, no actually. That’s just one stop on the Richmond line. Here, let me show you on this map. Here we are a t Powell Street in San Francisco, and it’s basically a straight shot on the Richnond line to the downtown Berkeley station. Denise: Yes, my sister said we wouldn’t have to change trains. Stranger: Uh-oh, what time is it Denise: It’s 8:15. Stranger: You can’t go directly to Berkeley from San Francisco after 8:04. Tom: Uh-oh. Is there another train we can catch Stranger: Don’t worry. You can take the Pittsburg line. Look here, take the Pittsburg line to the 12th Street Station in Oakland, and then transfer to the Richmond train. The Richmond train will stop in Berkeley. Get off at the downtown station. From there you can walk to your sister’s house. Denise: We want to be there by 9 o’clock. If we have to transfer, w e might be late. Do you think we’ll make it in time Stranger: It doesn’t take that long. Let’s see; there’s a train from here at 8:18. It arrives at the 12th Street Oakland station at 8:34. You can get a Richmond train right away at 8:34, and you’ll arrive in Berkeley at 8:46. Tom: Let’s see if I’ve go t this right: We take the 8:18 Pittsburg train and arrive in Oakland at 8:34. Then we take the 8:34 Richmond train to Berkeley. That should be a snap.

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