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D 1. “Ode to the west wind” was written by the author of ___.

A “I wandered lonely as a cloud”William wordsworth

B “Kubla Khan”Samuel taylor coleridge

C “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”byron

D “As Defense of Poetry”shelley

D 2. Which of the following poets does not belong to the school of romantic poets?

A William Wordsworth

B Percy Bysshe Shelley

C George Gordon Byron

D John Donne

D 3. Charles Dickens wrote all of the following except ___.

A Oliver Twist

B David Copperfield

C A Tale of Two Cities

D Heart of Darkness

B 4. “A Red, Red Rose” was written by ___.

A Alexandra Pop

B Robert Burns

C William Blake

D John Keats

D 5. Pip is the character of Charles Dickens’ novel ___.

A Oliver Twist

B David Copperfield

C A Tale of Two Cities

D Great Expectations

B 6. Sense and Sensibility is a ___ by ___.

A play… Jane Austen

B novel… Jane Austen Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park,

C play… Emily Bronte

D novel… Anne Bronte

D 7. In reading Shakespeare, you must have come across the line “To be or not to be---that is the question” by___.

A Iago in Othello

B Lear in King Lear

C Shylock in the Merchant of Venice

D Hamlet in Hamlet

A 8. Robert Browning’s “My last Duchess” is composed in the form of a(n) ___.

A dramatic monologue

B extended metaphor

C syllogistic argument

D dialogue

A 9. Thomas Hardy wrote novels of __.

A character and environment

B pure romance

C “stream of consciousness”

D psychoanalysis

D10. “Wessex novels” refers to the novels written by ___.

A Charles Dickens

B D.H. Lawrence

C James Joyce

D Thomas Hardy

C 11. The sentence “shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the beginning line of one of Shakespeare’s_____.

A comedies

B tragedies

C sonnets

D histories

A 12. The three dialects spoken by____ _____and _____mixed into a single language called Anglo-Saxon, or old English.

A Anglos, Saxons jutes

B Anglos, Saxons, Irish

C Anglos, Saxons, Scottish

D Anglos, Saxons, welsh

B 13. contribution to English lies chiefly in the fact that he introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter---the heroic couplet to English poetry.

A William Shakespeare’s

B Geoffrey Chaucer’s

C Thomas more’s

D Edmund Spenser’s

A 14. Spenserian stanza is a form of poetry first employed by Edmund Spenser

in his long poetry_____.

A the faerie queene

B the shepherd’s calendar

C epithalamion

D amoretti

C 15. Francis bacon is a ____.

A poet

B playwright

C essayist

D novelist

A 16. We can perhaps describe the west wind in shelly’s poem “ode to the west wind” with all the following terms except_____.

A tamed

B swift

C proud

D wild

D 17. The novel starts with “it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune ,must be in want of a wife.” The novel is Jane Austen’____.

A Emma

B persuasion

C sense and sensibility

D pride and prejudice

B 18. The major concern of ____ fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature.

A Charles dickens’s

B D.H .Lawrence’s

C Thomas hardy’s

D john Galsworthy’s

B19. “do you think, because I am poor ,obscure ,plain and little ,I am soulless and heartless? And if god had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me , as it is now for me to leave you .” the above Is quoted from_______.

A pride and prejudice

B Jane Eyre

C Wuthering heights

D great expectations

C20. Which of the following is not one of the Bronte sisters?

A charlotte Bronte

B Anne Bronte

C jenny Bronte

D Emily Bronte


2003年英语专八人文知识真题 31. is not a nationally observed holiday of America. [A] Christmas [B] Easter Sunday [C] Thanksgiving Day [D] Independence Day 32. The university of Dublin was not founded until . [A] the 19th century [B] the 18th century [C] the 17th century [D] the 16th century 33. The introduced old-age pensions in New Zealand in 1898. [A] Labor Party [B] Democratic Party [C] Liberal Party [D] Conservative Party 34. Irish culture experienced a golden age from to . [A] the eighth century, the eleventh century [B] the seventh century, the ninth century [C] the sixth century, the eighth century [D] the ?fth century, the seventh century 35. Which of the following writings is not the work by Charles Dickens? [A] A Tale of Two Cities [B] Hard Times [C] Oliver Twist [D] Sons and Lovers 36. is a dramatist who holds the central position in American drama the modernistic period. [A] Sinclair Lewis [B] Eugene O'Neill [C] Arthur Miller [D] Tennessee Williams 37. is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age. [A] Ernest Hemingway [B] F. Scott Fitzgerald [C] William Faulkner [D] Ezra Pound 38. is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form of others in terms of certain categories. [A] Concord [B] Immediate constituent [C] Syntagmatic relations [D] Government 39. studies the sound systems in a certain language. [A] Phonetics [B] Phonology [C] Semantics [D] Pragmatics 40. A linguistic situation in which two standard languages are used either by an individual or by a group of speakers is called . [A] situational dialect [B] slang [C] linguistic taboo [D] bilingualism 2004年英语专八人文知识真题 31. The following are products imported by Australia from China EXCEPT . [A] food [B] textiles [C] steel products [D] electronics 32. Scots regard as the most important festival in a year. [A] Near Year's Day [B] Christmas Day [C] New Year's Eve [D] Easter 33. The republican movement has been gathering momentum in Australia since became Prime Minister in 1992. [A] John Howard [B] Bob Hawke [C] Malcolm Fraser [D] Paul Keating 34. was known for his famous speech "I have a dream". [A] John F. Kennedy [B] Martin Luther King, Jr [C] Abraham Lincoln [D] Thomas Jefferson 35. Of all the 18th century novelists, ______ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a "comic epic in prose", and the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. [A] Daniel Defoe [B] Samuel Johnson [C] Oliver Goldsmith [D] Henry Feilding 36. Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th century American writers, is well known for his .



3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france and connects the atlantic ocean and north sea. 英吉利海峡:英吉利海峡是一道狭长的海峡,分割英法两国,连接大西洋和北海。 the dee estuary: a small sea ( in irish sea) where the dee river enters. 迪河河口:是迪河流入的一个小海。 "the act of union of 1801": in 1801 the english parliament passed an act by which scotland, wales and the kingdom of england were constitutionally joined as the kingdom of great britain. 1801合并法:1801年英国议会通过法令,规定英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士根据宪法合并成为大不列颠王国。 gaelic: it is one of the celtic language, and is spoken in parts of the highlands. 盖尔语:是盖尔特语言的一种,在高地地区仍有人说这种语言。 the "backbone of england": it refers to the pennies, the board ridge of hills.


专八人文知识(练习题) 篇一:★英语专八人文知识题与答案 英语专业八级人文知识 试题(1) 美国概况练习题: 1. The traditional dividing line in America between “east” and “west” is_____. 2. The earliest part in America to be found and taken over by early settlers is ____. 3. The largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A is____. 4. Before 2000, the largest minority group in the United States is____. has the world’s oldest written constitution and political party. 6. The economic problem caused by the depression in 1929 was eventually solved by____. years. institutions. 9. The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are____________. 10. _____ (which state ) is not governed by the common law. 练习题答案及题解:


2003年英语专八人文知识真题 31.is not a n atio nally observed holiday of America. [A] Christmas [B] Easter Sunday [C] Tha nksgivi ng Day [D] Independence Day 32.The uni versity of Dubli n was not foun ded un til . [A] the 19th cen tury [B] the 18th cen tury [C] the 17th cen tury [D] the 16th cen tury 33.The in troduced old-age pensions in New Zeala nd in 1898. [A] Labor Party [B] Democratic Party [C] Liberal Party [D] Con servative Party 34.Irish culture exp erie need a golde n age from to . [A] the eighth cen tury, the eleve nth cen tury [B] the seve nth cen tury, the ninth cen tury [C] the sixth cen tury, the eighth cen tury [D] the ?fth cen tury, the seve nth cen tury 35.Which of the follow ing writ ings is not the work by Charles Dicke ns? [A] A Tale of Two Cities [B] Hard Times [C] Oliver Twist [D] Sons and Lovers 36.is a dramatist who holds the central position in American drama the moder ni stic p eriod. [A] Si nclair Lewis [B] Euge ne O'Neill [C] Arthur Miller [D] Tenn essee Williams 37.is often acclaimed literary sp okesma n of the Jazz Age. [A] Ernest Hemi ngway [B] F. Scott Fitzgerald [C] William Faulk ner [D] Ezra Pou nd 38.is a relati onship in which a word of a certa in class determ ines the form of others in terms of certa in categories. [A] Con cord [B] Immediate con stitue nt [C] Syn tagmatic relatio ns [D] Gover nment 39.studies the sound systems in a certa in Ian guage. [A] Pho netics [B] Phon ology [C] Sema ntics [D] P ragmatics 40.A lin guistic situati on in which two sta ndard Ian guages are used either by an in dividual or by a group of sp eakers is called . [A] situati onal dialect [B] sla ng [C] li nguistic taboo [D] bil in gualism 2004年英语专八人文知识真题 31.The followi ng are p roducts imp orted by Australia from Ch ina EXCE PT . [A] food [B] textiles [C] steel p roducts [D] electro nics 32.Scots regard as the most imp orta nt festival in a year. [A] Near Year's Day [B] Christmas Day [C] New Year's Eve [D] Easter 33.The republican movement has been gathering momentum in Australia since became P rime Mi nister in 1992. [A] Joh n Howard [B] Bob Hawke [C] Malcolm Fraser [D] Paul Keat ing 34.was known for his famous sp eech "I have a dream". [A] Joh n F. Kennedy [B] Marti n Luther Kin g, Jr [C] Abraham Li ncoln [D] Thomas Jeffers on 35.Of all the 18th century novelists, ___________ was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a "comic epic in prose", and the first to give the moder n novel its structure and style. [A] Daniel Defoe [B] Samuel Joh nson [C] Oliver Goldsmith [D] He nry Feildi ng 36.Mark Twain, one of the greatest 19th cen tury America n writers, is well known for his . [A] international theme [B] waste-land imagery [C] local color [D] symbolism


2020年英语专八人文知识练习题2020年英语专八人文知识练习题 Part 1. Colonial America 殖民地时期的美国文学 Thomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩(1737-1809): The Case of the Officers of Excise税务员问题; Common Sense常识; American Crisis美国危机; Rights of Man:Downfall of Despotism人的权利:****体制的崩溃; The Age of Reason理性时代 Philip Freneau 菲利普·弗伦诺(1752-1832): The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲; The British Prison Ship英国囚船; To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士; The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花; The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地 Jonathan Edwards 乔纳森·爱德华(1702—1758): The Freedom of the Will自由意志论; The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defended伟哉原罪论辩; The Nature of True Virtue 真美德的性质 Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林(1706-1790):

A Modest Inquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Money; Po or Richard’s Almanack穷查理历书; The Way to Wealth致富之道; The Autobiography自传 Part 2. American Romanticism 美国浪漫主义文学 Washington Irving 华盛顿·欧文(1783-1859): A History of New York纽约的历史——美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作; The SketchBook见闻札记; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说——使之成为美国第一个获得国际声誉的作家; Bracebridge Hall布雷斯布里奇田庄; Talks of Travellers旅客谈; The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉 James Fenimore Cooper 詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀(1789-1851): The Spy间谍; The Pilot领航者; The Littlepage Manuscripts利特佩奇的手稿; Leatherstocking Tales皮裹腿故事集:The Pioneer拓荒者;The Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人;The Prairie大草原;The Pathfinder探路者;The Deerslayer杀鹿者


专八人文知识总结(终) 英语专业八级考试人文知识 -- 文学 Ⅰ英国文学 一、 The Anglo-Saxon period古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066) The Song of Beowulf(贝奥武甫):英国的民族史诗(epic),口头文学遗产 二、 The Anglo-Norman period中古英语时期的英国文学(1066-1350) 1、 allegory非常盛行 2、 Romance(传奇文学):Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 高文爵士和绿衣骑 士 3、Geoffrey Chaucer乔叟: “Father of English poetry”被誉为英国诗歌之父,代表作The Canterbury Tales,首引入“英雄偶句体”(the Heroic Couplet),。 4、Ballads 民谣:Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale《罗宾汉和阿林代尔》。 三、 The Renaissance文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪) 1、 Thomas More托马斯·莫尔: Utopia《乌托邦》 2、 Thomas Wyatt 最先将sonnet引入英国文学。 3、 Philips Sidney锡德尼:An Apology for Poetry((also known as The Defense of Poetry)《为诗辩护》,这是伊丽莎白时代文学批评的最佳之作。Arcadia《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱。 4、Edmund Spenser斯宾塞: The Fairy Queen《仙后》, the greatest epic poem of the time. 5、William Shakespeare莎士比亚:plays and sonnets 四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》Hamlet《奥赛罗》Othello《李尔王》king Lear《麦克白》Macbeth 四大喜剧:《威尼斯商人》The Merchant of Venice 《仲夏夜之梦》A Midsummer Night's Dream《皆大欢喜》As You Like It《第十二夜》Twelfth night 7、Ben Johnson 本·琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》 8、 John Donne约翰·多恩metaphysical poet“玄学派”诗歌创始人


英语专八人文知识考试总结 1 专八考试人文知识考试内容总结 其中英美文学包括英国文学和美国文学。英国文学主要分为六个时期: 1. Old and Medieval English Literature(中古英国文学)。 2. The Renaissance Period(文艺复兴时期)。 3. The Neoclassical Period(新古典主义时期)。 4. The Romantic Period(维多利亚时期)。 5. The Victorian Period(维多利亚时期)。 6. The Modern Period(现代时期)。 美国文学主要分为四个时期: 1. The Literature Around the Revolution of Independence(独立革命前后的文学)。 2. American Romanticism(美国浪漫主义文学)。 3. American Realism(美国现实主义文学)。 4. American Modernism(美国现代主义文学)。 语言学,考生不光要知道语言的本质还要掌握语音学,音位学,形态学,句法学,语义学和语言学的知识。 关于英语国家概况,英语专业的学生都会开设英美概况这门课程,但是专八考试的中需要考生了解的是英语国家概况,不光包括英国和美国,还有其他一些说英语的地区,包括爱尔兰概况,加拿大概况,澳大利亚概况和新西兰概况。 3专八人文知识:英国地理概况 the english channel: the channel is a narrow sea passage which separates england and france


英国文学 一、古英语时期的英国文学(499-1066) 1、贝奥武夫 2、阿尔弗雷德大帝:英国散文之父 二、中古英语时期的英国文学 1、allegory体非常盛行 2、Romance开始上升到一定的高度 3、高文爵士和绿衣骑士 4、Willian Langlaud 《农夫皮尔斯的幻象》 5、乔叟坎特伯雷故事集(英雄双韵体) 6、托马斯.马洛礼《亚瑟王之死》 三、文艺复兴时期的英国文学(伊丽莎白时代)(14-16世纪) 1、托马斯.莫尔《乌托邦》 2、Thomas Wyatt 和Henry Howard引入sonnet 3、Philips Sidney 《The defense of Poesie》 《阿卡迪亚》描述田园生活;现代长篇小说的先驱 4、斯宾塞《仙后》诗人中的诗人;斯宾塞体诗节; 5、莎士比亚: 长篇叙事诗:《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》、《露克丝受辱记》 四大悲剧:哈姆雷特、李尔王、奥赛罗、麦克白 7、本.琼森风俗喜剧(comedy of manners)《人性互异》 8、约翰.多恩“玄学派”诗歌创始人 9、George Herbert 玄学派诗圣

10、弗朗西斯.培根现代科学和唯物主义哲学创始人之一 《Essays》英国发展史上的里程碑 《学术的推进》和《新工具》 四、启蒙时期(18世纪) 1、约翰、弥尔顿:《失乐园》、《为英国人民争辩》 2、约翰、班扬:《天路历程》religious allegory 3、约翰、德莱顿:英国新古典主义的杰出代表、桂冠诗人; 《论戏剧诗》 4、亚历山大.蒲柏:英国新古典主义诗歌的重要代表;英雄双韵体的使用达到登峰造极的使用;《田园组诗》是其最早田园诗歌代表作 5、托马斯、格雷:感伤主义中墓园诗派的代表人物《墓园挽歌》 6、威廉、布莱克:天真之歌、经验之歌; 7、罗伯特、彭斯:苏格兰最杰出的农民诗人; 8、Richard Steel和Joseph Addison合作创办《The tatler》和《the spectator》 9、Samuel defoe 英国现实主义小说的奠基人之一;《鲁滨逊漂流记》;《铲除非国教徒的捷径》,仪表达自己的不满; 10、Jonathan Swift 《一个小小的建议》;《格列佛游记》;《桶的故事》; 11、Samuel Richardson 英国现代小说的创始人;帕米拉;克拉丽莎;查尔斯.格蓝迪森爵士的历史; 12、Henry Fielding 英国现实主义小说理论的奠基人;《约瑟夫。安德鲁》;《汤姆.琼斯》,英国现实主义小说的最高成就; 13、劳伦斯、斯特恩:感伤主义小说的杰出代表,《项狄传》,第一部开创了意识流小说的先驱之作品;《感伤的旅行》 14、Oliver Goldsmith:《好心人》;《屈伸求爱》;《威客菲尔德牧师传》,感伤主义文学; 诗歌《荒村》从新古典主义向浪漫主义过渡的标志; 散文作品《世界公民》; 15、谢里丹:《造谣学校》,莎士比亚之后最杰出的英国喜剧,是整个英国史上最优秀的作品之一;达到英国“风俗喜剧”之巅; 五、维多利亚时期的英国文学(19世纪)


精品文档 今日话题:辅音如何分类 1. 发音部位(places of articulation):双唇音(bilabial)、唇齿音(labiodental)、齿间音(dental)等; 2.发音方法(manners of articulation):、爆破音(stop)、摩擦音(fricatives)、破擦音(affricates)、鼻音(nasal)、边音(lateral)等; 3.声带状态:清辅音、浊辅音。 因此更正第七期第十道 10. English consonants can be classified into stops, fricatives, nasals, etc, in terms of ____ A manner of articulation B openness of mouth C place of articulation D voicing 选择A而不是C 1. St. Lawrence and River Columbia are shared by both _b___ A America and Mexico B America and Canada C America and Cuba D America and Brazil 2. European settlement of Australia began in the late part of _c___ when a British penal colony was established on the east coast of the continent. A the 16th century B the 17th century C the 18th century D the 19th century 3. Which sport is supposed to be America's national sport and used to be call “American's favorable pastime”? a A baseball B basketball C rugby D cricket 4. The largest city in New Zealand is b____ A Auckland B Wellington C Christchurch D Dunedin 5. After Adam Bede,____wrote The Mill on the Floss and Silas Marner in which moral problems arediscussed and psychological analysis of characters are emphasized. A George Eliot B Jane Austin C George Dickens D Charlotte Bronte 6.All of the following odes are written by John Keats EXCEPT____ A Ode to Autumn B Ode to a Nightingale C Ode to a Skylark D Ode on Melancholy 7. Of____'s four famous comedies, the best known is Lady Windermere's Fan. A Oscar Wilde B Richard Sheridan C Bernard Shaw D Somerset Maugham 8. If the air stream meets with no obstruction when a sound is pronounced, it is a(n) __c__ A voiced consonant B voiceless consonant C vowel D explosive 9. The internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is ____ A I.P.A B I.A.P.S C I.S.S D S.S.I.P 10. With the __d__, Latin words were added into the vocabulary of the language spoken in Britain. A invasion of the Romans B Christianization of Britain C Scandinavian invasion D Norman Conquest 答案 BCAAA CACAB 9. 国际音标(international phonetic alphabet)是目前世界上比较通行的音标,简称IPA,最初制定于1889年


2021年英语专业八级考试人文知识精选练习题 及答案2 1 _____is the largest city and the chief port of the United States. A Washington D.C. B Los Angeles C San Francisco D New York City 2 The flag of the United Kingdom, known as the union Jack, is made up of _____ crosses. A one B two C three D four 3 Washington D.C. is named after___________. A the U.S. President George Washington B Christopher Columbus C both George Washington and Christopher Columbus D none of them

4 _____ was the home of the Lake Poets William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge and Robert Southey of 19th century Britain. A Lough Neagh B Windermere C Lake District D Coniston Water 5 The first American president to be elected from the Republican Party was______. A Thomas Jefferson B James Monroe C James Madison D Abraham Lincoln 6 Of the fifty states, the smallest state in area is_____. A Rhode Island B Virginia C Texas D Montana 7 The national flag of the United States is known as_____.


专八人文知识(练习题) 篇一:专八人文知识(练习题+答案详解) 专八人文知识(练习题+答案详解) 专八人文知识练习(1) 1. Morphology is a study of ___1___ A. the internal structure of words and the rules that govern their formation B. the uses of different types of utterances in different contexts C. the differences between sounds used in human languages and sounds in nature D. the rules that pertain to all languages throughout the world 2.Which of the following does NOT belong to “open class words”?___2___ A. Nouns B. Adjectives C. Conjunctions D. Adverbs 3. What is the minimal unit of meaning?___3___ A. Phoneme B. Morpheme C. Allophone D. Allomorph 4. Which of the following is NOT a free morpheme?___4___ A. bed B. tress C. dance D. children 5. Which of the following is NOT a compound word?___5___ A. Rainbow B. Inaction C. Icy-cold D. Unpleasant 6. ___6___ are bound morphemes because they can not be used


专八语言学练习 1. Which of the following feature is NOT one of the design features of language? a. Language is a system, b. Language is symboli c. c. Animal also have language, d. Language is arbitrary. 2. The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is good proof that human language is . a. arbitrary b. non-arbitrary c. logical d. non-productive 3. Which of the following terms best describes the "-ate" in the word "affectionate"? a. Derivational morpheme, b. Inflectional morpheme. c. Free morpheme, d. Prefix. 4. Which of the following teerms best describes the pair of words kill and dill? a. Minimal pair. b. A phonemic contrast. c. Closed class words, d. Bound morphemes. 5. What is the basic lexical relation between piece and peace? a. Synonymy. b. Antonymy. c. Homonymy. d. Polysemy. 6. /p/ is different from /b/ in . a. the manner of articulation b. the shape of the lips. c. the vibration of the vocal cords. d. the place of articulation. 7. Of all the speech organs, the is/are the most flexible. a. mouth b. lips c. tongue d. vocal cords 8. The phonological features, the consonant /t/ are . a. voiced stop b. voiceless stop c. voiced fricative d. voiceless fricative 9. The branch of linguistics that studies show context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called . a. semantics b. pragmatics c. sociolinguistics d. psycholinguistics 10. The utterance "We' ve abeady eaten ten tons. " Obviously violates the maxim of . a. quality b. quantity c. relation d. manner 11. All the back vowels in English are pronounced with rounded-lips, i. e. rounded,


2014年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案 1. The study of __ is Syntax. A textual organization B sentence structures C word formation D language functions 2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language? A arbitrariness B productivity C cultural transmission D finiteness 3. The speech act theory was first put forward by__. A John Scarl B Johan Austin C Noarn Chomsky D M.A.K Halliday 4. The capital city of Canada is __. A Montreal B Ottawa C Vancouver D York 5. U.S. presidents normally serve a (an) __ term. A eight-year B four-year C six-year D two year 6. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northeast, U.S. A Huston B Baltimore C Philadelphia D Boston 7. The state church in England is __. A The Baptist B The Roman Catholic C The Protestant Church D The Church of England 8. The novel Emma is written by__. A Jane Austen B Elizabeth C Gaskell Charlotte Bronte D Mary Shelley 9. Which of the following is not a Romantic Poet? A William Wordsworth

英语专业八级考试 人文知识复习

英语专业八级考试 人文知识复习:美国地理概况 本文针对英语专业八级考试的人文知识部分,总结了美国国家的主要地理概况,希望对同学们有所帮助。 The Fall Line瀑布线:A point where water-falls or rapids suddenly drop from a higher level to the lower one. 瀑布线指的是瀑布急速地从高处向低处流泻的点。 The Appalachian Range阿巴拉契亚山脉:1200 miles long,consists of the Piedmont Plateau, Appalachian Plateaus and Appalachian Range. 阿巴拉契亚山脉全场1200英里,由皮德蒙特高原、阿巴拉契亚高原及阿巴拉契亚山脉组成。 The Cordillera Range科迪勒拉山脉:Composed of the Coast Range, the Cascades and the Rocky Mountains. 科迪勒拉山脉由海岸山脉、卡斯卡德山以及洛基山组成。 The Great Basin大盆地:The Part between the Colorado and Columbia Plateaus. 指的是科罗拉多和哥伦比亚高地之间的部分。 The Great Central Plain中部大平原:The land mass between the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachians. 指的是洛基山和阿巴拉伊亚山之间的平原。 The Great Plain大平原:The western part of the central plain. 大平原:指的是中部平原以西的部分。 The Mississippi River密西西比河:The longest, the most important river in the U.S.A. . It has a drainage area of 3225000 square kilometers. 密西西比河是美国最长、最重要的河流。它的流域面积达3225000平方公里。 The Five Great Lakes北美五大湖:Lake Michigan, Superior, Erie, Huron and Ontario. 北美五太湖指的是密歇根湖、苏必利尔湖、伊利湖、休伦湖以及安大略湖。 The Niagara Falls尼亚加拉瀑布:Famous falls in North America, 1240 meters wide, the drop averages 49 meters. 尼亚加拉瀑布是北美最著名的瀑布,有1240米宽,平均落差为49米。 Yellow stone National Park黄石国家公园:Located in the northern part of Wyoming. It is the oldest national park in the world and the largest wildlife preserve in the U.S.A. 黄石国家公园位于怀俄明州的北部地区。是世界上最古老的国家公园,是美国最大的野生保护区。 Grand Canyon大峡谷:In northern Arizona, one of the great natural wonders of the world. It measures about 277 miles long, up to 18 miles wide, and more than a mile deep. Its walls show layers that tell the story of the formation of the earth. 大峡谷在亚利桑那州的北部,是世界上最伟大的自然奇迹之一。它约有277英里长,18英里宽,约1英里深。它的墙壁断层记录了地球形成的过程。 Old Faithful老忠实喷泉:The most famous gayer in Yellowstone National Park, erupting more than l00 feet in the air about every 73 minutes. 老忠实喷泉是黄石国家公园最著名的喷泉,每73分钟向空中喷水100英尺多高。 Chinatown唐人街:An area in a city where many Chinese people live and where are Chinese shops, restaurants, clubs; two, important Chinatowns: New York City and San Francisco.

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