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Syllabus for undergraduate of OUC

Course name:Principle of management

Course time:48 class hours

Course teacher:Dong Zhiwen

1.Course Overview

Principle of management is a professional basic course of all kinds of management specialty. Following the six functions of management, this course includes basic functions, basic principles and basic methods of management. In addition, this course focuses on the systematic analysis and research of the practice of modern enterprise’management, it is an important basic course for students to learn other management courses.

2.Student Learning Outcomes

By learning this course, the students can master the basic principle of management, basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skill. Moreover they are expected to master management skill to do the work such as decision-making, planning, organizing, leading, controlling and innovation. the students can broaden the train of thought, renew the idea, grasp the basic knowledge of management, and their ability to solve problems in practical economic activities can be improved.

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3.Course Expectations

(1) Come to class, listen carefully in class, participate in class discussion, in-class exercises and tests actively.

(2) Finish homework on time.

(3)Complete a certain amount of reading literature and background information.


In unit 3(planning) and unit 6(leading) teacher arranges practicing teaching. The students are required to find informant about project, make presentation and discuss case.

5.Books To Purchase

《Management: Principle and Methods》(6th edition),compiled by Zhou Sanduo, Chen Chuanming, Jia Dingliang, Fudan University publishing house, December 2014.

6.Grading Policy

Test method is close-exam.

Comprehensive evaluation system: the final grade consists of regular grades and final test scores. The regular grades are grading by their attendance and other behaviors in class, design for homework and so on. T

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The regular grades accounts for 40 percent of the final grade and the final test scores accounts for 60 percent of the final grade.

7.Course Calendar

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UNDERSTANDING CANADIAN BUSINESS CHAPTER # 1 notes chater1 MANAGING WITHIN THE DYNAMIC BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 动态商业环境下的管理 Business and Entrepreneurship: Revenues, Profits, and Losses 事业和企业家能力:收益,利益和损失 Business: Any activity that seeks to provide goods and services to others while operating at a profit. 事业:寻求当在一笔利润操作时向其他人提供货物和服务的任何活动。 Profit: The amount a business earns beyond what it spends for salaries and other expenses. 利益:一种商业在它为了薪金和其他话费所话费的以外赚的量 Entrepreneur: A person who risks time and money to start and manage a business. 企业家能力:冒险用时间和金钱开始和管理一种商业的一个人 Revenue: The total amount of money a business takes in during a given period by selling goods and services. 收益:一种商业在一段特定的时间期间通过出售商品和服务获得的金钱 Loss: When a business’s expenses are more then its revenue. 失去:当一种商业的花费超过其收益时 Risk: The chance an entrepreneur takes of losing time and money on a business that may not prove profitable.风险:一个企业家浪费了时间和金钱在事业上,却无利可图的机会 Responding to the Various Business Stakeholders 对各种各样的傻瓜也既得利益者作出反应 Stakeholder:All the people who stand to gain or lose by the policies and


Chapter 1 – Introduction to Management and Organizations True/False Questions The four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. True (easy) Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs. False (moderate) Efficiency is often referred to as "doing things right." True (moderate) When managers meet organizational goals, they are efficient and effective. False (difficult) According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the informational role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminating information. True (moderate) Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management. True (moderate) The systems perspective underscores and emphasizes the fact that organizations are different, face different circumstances, and thus may require different ways of managing. False (moderate) Multiple Choice _____________ are organizational members who integrate and coordinate the work of others. a. Managers (easy) b. Team leaders c. Subordinates d. Operatives e. Agents Typically, in organizations it is the _____________ who are responsible for making organizational decisions and setting policies and strategies that affect all aspects of the organization. a. team leaders b. middle managers c. first-line managers d. top managers (easy) e. subordinates _____________ distinguishes a managerial position from a nonmanagerial one. a. Manipulating others b. Concern for the law c. Increasing efficiency d. Coordinating and integrating others' work (moderate) e. Defining market share Which of the following is NOT an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg? a.spokesperson (moderate) b.entrepreneur c.disturbance handler d.resource allocator e.negotiator Which of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work? a.human skills b.technical skills (easy) c.conceptual skills d.empirical skills Understanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a building contractor. a. human b. technical (easy) c. conceptual


《管理学原理》 一、基本信息 课程代码: 课程名称:管理学原理 英文名称:Management 适用对象:公共事业管理专业四年制 课程性质:必修课 总学时:52; 理论学时:52; 学分:3 开课学期:第2学期 开课院系:管理学院 二、课程概述 《管理学原理》是管理类各专业必修的专业基础课。本课程的教学目的是,通过学习,使学生系统地掌握管理学的基本概念、理论和方法,并增强学习、研究、应用管理学的能力。本课程的内容大体上可分为两大部分:第一部分是管理学基础部分,含管理、管理者、管理学,管理学理论的形成和发展,组织环境,企业社会责任和企业伦理;第二部分以管理的四项基本职能(计划工作、组织工作、领导工作、控制工作)为主线来展开分析和讨论,分别阐明各项基本职能的概念、内容、理论、原则、程序和方法等。本课程采用大班授课与小班讨论相结合的方式,小班讨论主要包括专题讨论和案例讨论,着重培养学生的创造性学习能力、研究能力、独立思考能力、分析问题、解决问题能力。 三、课程目标 (一)总体目标 《管理学原理》是我院公共事业管理专业的专业必修课程,在大一第二学期开设,直接为培养学生的管理能力服务;同时,又为本专业后续的相关管理课程,如:《人力资源管理》、《卫生事业管理》等奠定基础。本课程服务于本科人才培养目标,坚持理论与实践结合,以管理技能培养为主线,旨在培养基层管理岗位的综合管理技能与素质。 《管理学原理》是一门理论性、实践性、科学性与艺术性兼而有之的应用性学科。通过该课程的学习,学生将树立现代管理的思想理念,较全面地了解现代管理的基本理论和方法,对基层管理实践问题进行分析和决策,为日后学习专业技术课程和职能管理课程打下扎实的理论基础;也为学生就业打下坚实的理论基础和职业基础。 (二)分类目标 1.知识目标 以培养基层管理岗位综合管理技能为主线,使学生全面系统了解现代管理的基本原理;熟悉管理的基本职能和方法的运用,并树立科学的管理理念,为进一步学习专业课和为日后的实际管理工作奠定理论基础。 2.职业技能目标 通过本课程教学与实训使学生具备基层管理岗位的综合管理技能,培养学生的四大职业关键能力,即计划与决策的能力、组织与人事的能力、领导与沟通的能力和控制与评价能力;提升学生发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 3.职业素质养成目标(或态度目标) 使学生具备从事基层管理岗位的综合管理素质:崇高的敬业精神和良好的职业道德,有积极的开拓精神和创新意识,良好的团队合作精神;培养作为领导者应具备的宽容胸襟并注重提高个人修养,以身


第六章制定决策:管理者工作的本质 一、决策制定过程 每个人不论是在组织内或组织的哪个领域中,都在制定决策,也就是说他们要在两个或更多的方案中做出选择。 决策制定过程(decision-making process)的步骤,包括8个步骤:识别决策问题、确定决策标准、以及为每个决策标准分配权重,然后进入开发、分析和选择备择方案,这些方案要能够解决你的问题。接下来是实施备择方案,以及最终评估决策的结果。 步骤1:识别决策问题 决策制定过程开始于一个存在的问题,也就是开始于现状与希望状态之间的差异。 问题的识别不那么简单,在事情被确认为问题之前,管理者需要意识到问题,感到有采取行动的压力,以及拥有采取行动的资源。 步骤2、确认决策标准 对于解决问题来说,确认决策标准非常重要,管理者必须决定什么与制定决策有关。 无论决策标准是否被清晰的陈述,每一个决策者都会有某些标准来指导他的决策。 步骤3、为决策标准分配权重 决策标准并非都是同等重要,因而决策制定者必须为每一项标准分配权重,以便正确的规定它们的优先次序。 采用你个人的偏好来排列指标的优先次序,这些指标是你在决策过程第2步确认的。 步骤4、开发备择方案 决策制定者列出可供选择的决策方案,这些方案要能够解决决策所面对的问题,无需对这一步所列出的方案进行评估,只需要列出它们既可。 步骤5、分析备择方案 一旦确认了备择方案,决策制度者必须认真的分析每一种方案,对每一种方案的评价是将其与决策标准进行比较,通过比较,每一种备择方案的优点和缺点就变得明显了。 步骤6、选择备择方案 从所有备择方案中选择最佳方案是很重要的。 步骤7、实施备择方案 实施(implementation)包含了将决策传送给有关人员和部门,并要求他们对实施结果作出承诺。 步骤8、评估决策结果 评估决策结果,看看问题是否得到解决。 二、决策的普遍性 制定决策是管理者所有四个职能的组成部分,这也是管理者在计划、组织、领导和控制时通常被称为决策制定者的原因。事实上,决策制定是管理的同一语。管理职能中的决策: 计划: 组织的长期目标是什么?什么战略能够最佳的实现这些目标?组织的短期目标是什么?

华南农业大学 管理学原理试题答案 英文

华南农业大学期末考试答题纸(A卷) 2008学年第一学期考试科目:管理学基础 考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业 II.Choose the only one correct answer for each question (2 points each question, total 40 points) Ⅲ. Notion explanation. (4 points each notion, total 20 points) 1.MBO Management by objectives (2 points) Four elements: jointly determined objectives; explicit time period; specific objectives; periodically review (0.5 each) 2.Hawthorne effect Social norms or standards are the key determinants of individual behavior in a group. (4 points) 3.Boundaryless organization An organization that is not defined or limited by boundaries or categories imposed by traditional structures; attempt to eliminate vertical, horizontal, and inter-organizational barriers. (4 points)


Chapter Three: Foundations of Planning True/False 1. Planning is concerned with defining an organization’s goals and objectives and how to integrate and coordinate activities. (True; Easy; p. 88) 2. In informal planning, the organization's objectives are rarely verbalized. (True; Moderate; p. 88) 3. Planning is exactly what is needed in order to more effectively manage a chaotic environment. (True; Moderate; p. 89) 4. Without planning, there can be no effective control. (True; Moderate; p. 89) 5. In informal planning, the organization's objectives are written down and communicated to employees. (False; Moderate; p. 88) 6. Planning minimizes waste and redundancy. (True; Easy; p. 89) 7. Uncertainty and change produce a need for more effective planning in today’s business environment. (True; Moderate; p. 89) 8. Planning can completely replace the need for intuition and creativity. (False; Moderate; p. 89) 9. Strategic plans describe how an organization’s overall objectives are to be achieved. (False; Easy; p. 92) 10. Short-term plans describe how an organization’s overall objectives are to be achieved. (False; Easy; p. 93) 11. Long term plans describe what an organization plans to do within the next two to three years. (False; Easy; p. 93) 12. Well-thought out formal plans eliminate the need to rely on intuition and creativity. Apple Computer is a prime example of this concept. (False; Moderate; p. 93) 13. Organizations with formal plans will always outperform those organizations without formal plans. (False; Challenging; p. 91)


一、战略管理的重要性 1、什么是战略管理? 战略管理是一组管理决策和行动,它决定了组织的长期绩效。战略管理包括几乎所有的基本管理职能,也就是组织的战略必须被计划、组织、实施和控制。 2、战略管理的目的 战略管理包含了许多重要的管理决策,各种商业期刊上报道的绝大多数企业当前的重大事件都涉及战略管理。 对战略计划和战略管理有效性的研究还发现,具有正式战略管理体系的公司,其财物回报要高于那些没有战略管理系统的公司。 二、战略管理过程 战略管理包含6个步骤: 步骤1:确定组织当前的使命、目标和战略 每一个组织都需要使命,使命是对组织目的的陈述,使命回答了如下的问题,即企业存在的理由是什么? 定义组织的使命会迫使管理者仔细的确定企业的产品和服务的范围。 案例:普赖姆公司是美国密苏里州的卡车运输公司,它的使命是通过向其顾客提 供卓越的服务来实现公司的成长。 案例:博迪商店国际公司的使命是这样陈述的:专心致志于我们的事业,以跟上社会和环境变革的步伐。 确定一个组织的目的或存在的理由,对于非营利性组织来说也是同样重要的。 步骤2:外部因素分析 外部环境对管理者是一个重要的约束。外部因素分析是战略过程的一个关键步骤,因为组织的环境在很大程度上定义了管理者的选择范围。成功的战略将是与环境吻合的战略。每一个组织的管理者都需要分析环境。例如:竞争的情况、拟议中的法律法规的影响、对地的劳动力供给情况等。 在分析外部环境时,管理者应当检查具体的、特定的和一般的环境,以发现正在发生的趋势和变化。 在分析环境之后,管理者需要评估机会和组织面临的威胁。 机会是外部环境因素的积极趋势,威胁是负面趋势。 注意:同样的环境可能对处以同一产业的不同公司意味着机会或者威胁,这是因为每家公司的资源或管理能力不一样。 步骤3:内部因素分析 我们从外部环境转向考察组织的内部。内部分析主要是对组织的资源进行评估, 比如:金融资本、技术能力、熟练雇员、经验丰富的管理者等。 管理者必须要认识到,每一个组织,不管是大型的还是成功的,都在某种程度上受到它所拥有的资源和能力的限制。 组织擅长的活动或专有的资源构成组织的优势。而劣势是指组织不擅长的活动或非专有的资源,这些虽然是竞争所需要的,但组织并不能独占它。 如果组织的任何能力和资源是与众不同的,那么这种能力和资源就被称为组织的核心能力(core competencieS。核心能力是组织主要的价值创造技能,它决定了组织的竞争武器。 理解组织的文化以及它的长处或缺点是关键的组成部分。强势文化或弱势文化对战略具有不同影响,文化的构成对战略的实施起着主要的影响作用。 在强文化中,几乎所有的雇员都能够清楚地理解组织的宗旨,这使得管理当局很


Management Glindex (Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter) (Eighth Edition) (英汉对照) 管理学原理双语组编写 2007年3月 Chapter 1 Management and Organizations 1、Manager:管理者 Someone who works with and through other people by coordinating their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals . 管理者是这样的人,他通过协调其他人的活动达到与别人一起或者通过别人实现组织目标的目的。 2、First-line managers :基层管理者 Managers at the lowest level of the organization who manage the work of nonmanagerial e mployees who are involved With the production or the organization’s products 是管理着非管理人员所从事的生产和提供组织产品的工作,是最低层的管理者 3、Middle managers :中层管理者 Mangers between the first-line level and the top level of the organization who manage the work of first-line managers 处于基层和高层之间,管理着基层管理者。 4、Top manager :高层管理者


第一章 管理总论 Manager 管理者 First-line managers 基层管理者 Middle managers 中层管理者 Top managers 高层管理者 Management 管理 Efficiency 效率 Effectiveness 效果 Planning 计划 Organizing 组织 Leading 领导

Controlling 控制 Management process 管理过程 Management roles 管理角色 Interpersonal roles 人际关系角色 Informational roles 信息传递角色 Decisional roles 决策制定角色 Technical skills 技术技能 Human skills 人事技能 Conceptual skills 概念技能 Closed systems 封闭系统 Open systems 开放系统 Special environment 具体环境 General environment 一般环境 Contingency perspective 权变观

Universality of management 管理的普遍性 Nonmanagerial employees / Operatives 操作者 第二章 管理的历史 Division of labor 劳动分工 Industrial revolution 产业革命 Scientific management 科学管理 Therbligs 基本动作元素 General administrative theorists 一般行政管理理论家 Principles of management 管理原则 Bureaucracy 官僚行政组织、层级组织Quantitative approach


Discuss the function of leadership and team building in employees' encourage Abstract Facing with the changing environment and fierce challenges, the article explains that when encouraging employees how can leadership and team building play a role with an organic combination by taking two different roles played by leadership and team building in employees' encourage as the starting point, and the article also discusses the question that how can company makes employees work better with the encourage of leadership and team building. Key words: Leadership Team building Encourage Coexistence

Contents 1 Introduction (3) 2 The functions of Leadership and Team Building on motivating staffs (4) 2.1 The concept and importance of motivation (4) 2.2 The functions of leadership encourage (5) 2.3 The functions of team building encourage (5) 3 Discuss whether Leadership and Team building can coexist or not (6) 4 Case study (8) 5 Conclusion (8) References: (9)


Syllabus for undergraduate of OUC Course name:Principle of management Course time:48 class hours Course teacher:Dong Zhiwen 1.Course Overview Principle of management is a professional basic course of all kinds of management specialty. Following the six functions of management, this course includes basic functions, basic principles and basic methods of management. In addition, this course focuses on the systematic analysis and research of the practice of modern enterprise’management, it is an important basic course for students to learn other management courses. 2.Student Learning Outcomes By learning this course, the students can master the basic principle of management, basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skill. Moreover they are expected to master management skill to do the work such as decision-making, planning, organizing, leading, controlling and innovation. the students can broaden the train of thought, renew the idea, grasp the basic knowledge of management, and their ability to solve problems in practical economic activities can be improved. - 1 -


蓝色4 红色6 Multiple Choice Questions 1. When we classify managers according by their level in the organization they are described as _______. a. functional, staff and line managers b. top managers, middle managers and supervisors c. high level and lower level managers d. general managers and administrative managers 2. Conceptual skills relate to a manager’s ability to a. take a strategic view of how the parts of the organization function. b. solve detailed problems in groups. c. correctly evaluate organizational problems. d. understand and interact effectively with others in the organization. 3. The ability to build networks and power bases that increase one’s power in the organization is referred to as _____. a. influence skill b. political skill c. controlling d. strategic skill 4. A manager is someone who a. actually performs the service or produces the product. b. works anonymously behind the scenes. c. sets the goals of the organization. d. supervises the work of others. 5. Which of the following skills is most important for top managers (CEO’s)? a. Interpersonal b. T echnical c. Functional d. Conceptual 6. A manager who has a reputation for being open and honest and understands how to motivate employees and customers is said to have good ________ skills. a. sales b. Political c. Interpersonal d. technical 7. Annie’s Pies produces cakes and pies that come in 207 different flavors that are shipped across the USA. Each week, 3 or 4 new flavors are added. Annie’s produces high quality cakes and pies using the best ingredients, it wastes little, and few employees work overtime because the business operates a. Effectively. b. Reliably. c. Efficiently. d. Flexibly. 8. Doing a job in a way that achieves results without wasting any resources is referred to as

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