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剑4test 1口语参考答案

剑4test 1口语参考答案
剑4test 1口语参考答案

C4 Test 1


Part 1


1.Q: Do you have a large family or a small family?

A: Well, I have a small family, for there are only three people in it --- my parents and myself.

2.Q: Can you tell me something about them?

A: Certainly. My father works at an international company as a sales manager for

already 8 years. I think he’s been working hard for his career as well as for our family.

My mother has the occupation of a doctor in a local hospital. She specializes herself in brain surgeries. I assume she qu ite likes her job, though it’s sometimes a tough one to handle, she thinks. Both my parents love me a lot. They show very much concern to my life and study. More importantly, they’ve been role models for my life during all these years of my growing up.

3.Q: How much time do you manage to spend with members of your family?

A: Actually, I usually manage to spend around 5 hours with them. As I mentioned above, both of my parents work busily for their jobs. I, as a student in college, have to

accomplish a daily school schedule. So, the only time we can manage to spend together is when we all finish our work and go back home.

4.Q: What sort of things do you like to do together?

A: The things we like to do together could be various. We have dinner together, during whi ch time we talk about one another’s daytime events. Sometimes, we watch

television programs after it. We do have a favourite one --- a talk show on Channel 4 every Tuesday evening. We choose to go out for a walk, too, sometimes. We might also participate in activities held in our community centre. They are usually fun and relaxing and offering us opportunities to get to know people living in the same neighbourhood with us.

5.Q: Did/Do you get on well with your family?

A: I guess I’m able to say so. You see, i n my family, everyone communicates with others on a regular basis to make sure there’re no misunderstandings ever between us. We treat it as a healthy way to let our thoughts and emotions be revealed to others and discuss about them openly. For that reason, I don’t think we have what people call

“generation gap” in the family.

Part 2

You will have to talk about the topic for one or two minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Model answer:

I would like to talk about one of my senior high school teachers. He taught me

mathematics in my second and third grades. His way of teaching was special compared with that of the other teachers. Instead of lecturing about many tedious and abstract concepts and displaying lots of formulas. During his lecture, he never forgot to show his great sense of humour to add to the activeness of the class. What was most impressive about him and

disadvantages of them and making us select the best presented solution on our own initiative. He opened our mind to new ideas and cultivated us to be capable of analyzing the pros and cons of a resolution in order to make the best decision. This capability to a great extent influenced me in the ways of making judgements in my work as well as in my life.

Part 3

Developments in education


Q: How has education changed in your country in the last 10 years?

A: As a matter of fact, I did see a big bounce in the development of China’s education

system in the last decade. It’s hard to believe that ten years ago education was no

better than the dull implementation of the old-fashioned teacher-centre approach

which could hardly succeed in motivating students. The only advantage students got

seemed to be the mere skills gained from painfully repetitive exercises that could help them pass the exams. In opposition to it, the education we have now emphasizes on

what people call Quality Teaching which aims to cultivate the initiative and creativity of students, helping them know how to learn, not just what to learn. Only in this way can they turn out to be persons with the capability of independent thinking. This is beyond doubt a big and bold step in the reform of teaching methodology in the education in my country.

2.Q: What changes do you foresee in the next 50 years?

A: In the 50 years that follow, I’m confident we can see quite a few changes taking place in this area. The most significant transformation in education would be a switch from

being examination-oriented to being capability-oriented, thanks once again to the

continuing implementation of Quality Teaching. The next possible change will occur in

the teaching approach concerning the growing utilization of computers. Teaching will

likely be conducted via the Internet to make remote education more applicable. Lastly, I predict a big possibility of bilingual teaching in the future. As is a trend to use English as an international language, schools shall be required to employ it as a second teaching


A national education system

3.Q: How do the expectations of today’s school leavers compare with those of the

previous generation?

A: Compared with the former generation, present-day school graduates absolutely hold higher expectations for their future. They are no longer satisfied with a Bachelor’s

degree which was clearly still a dream to pursue for many of the previous generation.

School leavers now hope to acquire further education opportunities both home and

abroad which in return could turn them into Masters and even Doctors. The desire to be equipped with more knowledge and skills comes from the pressure exerted by the

increasing career competition and the improvement of people’s average academic level.

4.Q: What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?

A: Extracurricular activities undoubtedly have their advantages for students in their

study. They help balance students’ life and study, offering them a way to release their

stress or any negative feeling in a healthy way. Besides, some activities with physical

exercise involved could also enable them to better maintain their health, guaranteeing

the successful fulfillment of their intense academic schedule.

Different styles / methods of teaching and learning

5.Q: What method of learning works best for you?

A: Well, umm… It’s really hard to say …, nevertheless, I do find the method of learning

from practice works a great deal for me. Knowledge and information from textbooks are systematic and comprehensive, yet are usually unable to make me have a lasting

memory and a thorough appliance of them. Learning from practice, I will be able to

experience the whole process by myself. Practice of independent thinking, analyzing

causes, comparing results and concluding from the facts will all be included in it. With

experience gained, I will have my own insight of the knowledge, hence a deep memory

of it.

6.Q: How beneficial do you think it is to group students according to their level of ability?

A: The way I see it is that it brings benefits to students to some extent in certain

circumstances. Some schools classify their students based on their different learning

abilities for special purposes such as selecting candidates for the preparation of some

academic competition. It’s quite understandable to do that. On the othe r hand, some

divided their students into different groups simply with the goal to achieve a higher

academic score through the specialized training of those “more intelligent ones”. This

act may occur to the school as a thoughtful way to promote its teaching quality, but it

will unquestionably affect students who are grouped as “less intelligent ones”,

undermining their will and zeal to learn.


Optional Topics for Oral English Test 13.12 1.On Culture 1) What do you know about the American symbols? Give us some examples. The main sign of the United States of America's Statue of Liberty, Bobbi doll, uncle Sam,American Gothic and the Buffalo Nickel.For first one,the Statue of Liberty is France in 1876 presented to the United States 100 years of independence. Liberty Island Statue of Liberty is located in the United Statesnear the city of New York in the American state of New York, is an importanttourist attractions in the United States of America.For Uncle Sam,It was used to refer to the "American" or "the government of the United States," was created by artist James Montgomery Flagg, is one of the top five American symbol. Americans also "Uncle Sam" honest, hard-working, as well as the spirit of patriotism and national pride and their total quality.And"American Gothic" is a 1930 painting by Grant Wood.He asked his 62 year old dentist and his 30 year old sister as the charactermodels, and let them put on the nineteenth Century Vitoria times. Although in thetwo people are standing in a block, but in fact these two characters are done in different occasions. the Buffalo Nickel,is in 1911 the famous American artist James Earl Fraser design, 1913-1938 years into a coin production.The United States coins depict traditional main is a towering figure in the United States government, most of which is the famous presidents. 2) Give us at least 3 symbols of Chinese culture. 1:Beijing courtyard is the court house from the East, West, South, North surroundedthe house Wai together form. It is the main architectural form generations living in the oldpeople in Beijing.The typical characteristics of exterior courtyard rules, midline symmetry, and the usage is extremely flexible 2:Hanfu, also known as Chinese dressed, Han Chinese traditional dress, also known as the Chinese clothing, clothing


雅斯口语题库(完整版) 口语test分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发 part 1 注意:部分问题也可能在part 3中被问到 1。 Basic Information what is your full name what can I call you what is your ID number Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom) 2. Working or Studying Are you working or studying What do you usually do(worker only) where do you work what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work what is your ideal job where do you study what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university what subject/major do you have(College students only) what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major(College students only) Characteristics: Special Idea, Vocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure and Home


College English Oral English Test 2015-2016学年度第二学期2015级普本、专升本期末 口语试题 注:学生通过抽签选定试题。每人准备1-2分钟。 Items 1-8 are from College English Integrated Course 2 (大学英语综合教程第二册) 1. What are the differences between Chinese and American learning ways? Which one do you prefer, why? Chinese learning way is show children exactly what to do or how to do, and teaching by holding children’s hand. American learning way is making children learn to think by himself, to solve problems on his own and even to discover new problems, for which creative solutions are wanted. It’s value originality and independence more than the Chinese do. In my perspective, I prefer tradition Chinese learning way. There are two reasons for it. First, children can come back for more and happier. He can know the solution immediately and learn effetely. Second, I was taught by this tradition Chinese way, and I think my learning ability is well now. 2. How do you comment on Karl Green's way of life? Give your reasons.Karl Green lives in a modest apartment, wears suitable cloth and has a dependable 1999 car. Though he is not rich, his life is colorful. First, he has a very healthy living condition, he exercises every day and feels vigorous and spirited. His “can do” attitude makes him healthy. Second, he has a very colorful mantle world. He writes poetry and shares it with friends. And he has many friends in the same hobbies. Third, he is devoting himself to charity. He rings the bell for the people who need help. He helps a lot of people and feels connect. He is psychological satisfaction. 3. What do you think causes the generation gap, and how to solve this problem? Several reasons can account for this common phenomenon. Firstly, the gap between p arents and teenagers is a little big. That’s to say, parents are mutual and old-fashioned while teenagers are quite active,passive and in style. Therefore, it’s normal that parent s and teenagers are both very hard to find the common language. Second, the most important reason is that parents and teenagers are usually not trying to under stand each other. Just like Heidi’s father get with on his children.Thirdly, the children want to be more independent, but the parents still want to take children under their wings. I think we should build a bridge between parents and children. The can have a family meeting and exchange each side’s opinion, communicating and to have an agreement.Parents can also observe their children’s behavior in order to understand their children’s personality and reduce the quarrels between them.In conclusion, to have a close relationship between parents and children, it is rather important for each


2012级非英语专业本科生第一学期期末口语考试安排 时间: 本学期第18,19周随堂考。 考官:任课教师交叉担任,具体由教研室统一安排。 考生:每次两位学生同时考试,编组在考前由考生自由组合。当教学班级人数为单数时,最后一个单数学生可以请另一考 完的学生组合,考完学生的成绩不再记录或修改。 试题:教研室统一命制10套难度相当的试卷(提前公布),学生抽题进行考试。 测试内容:课内70%,课外30% 录音:对10个考场进行全程录音,每一录音考场需要配备一名研究生帮助操作设备。 大学英语二部 2012年11月20日

Oral Examination for Grade 2012(样卷) Part I Self-introduction(10%) 1) 学生简要自我介绍(姓名、学号、专业) 2) 考官指定学生角色A,角色B Part II Situational Dialogues (50%) 要求对话中包含以下规定信息,具体信息内容可因人、因时、因地而异。 1)A向B(陌生人)问火车站在哪儿,有多远,怎么走。 (考官依照学生在对话中所说出的有效话语打分) Part III Topic Discussion (40%) 1)两位学生分别用英语陈述:我最崇拜的人(25%) (此部分要求学生表明观点,并适当展开。) 2)两位学生讨论:怎样才能成为一个有益于社会的人(15%)

Oral Examination for Grade 2012 Ten Situational Dialogues (50%) 1)学生B打电话给学生A,要选《英语阅读与写作》课程,A 告 诉B这门课的有关信息,如上课时间,考试方式,任课老师等。 2)A(顾客)打电话预订宾馆,B(接待员)询问其要求,如房型、 入住时间等。 3)A问及B的手机,B向A介绍其颜色、形状、功能等信息。 4)A(顾客)在店里买了一个MP3, 有问题,是保修期内。问B (营业员)能否免费维修。 5)在西餐餐馆里,A(顾客)向B(服务员)点餐(含酒水、主 食、甜点)。 6)A (面试官)面试一位来应聘销售职位的B(求职者),面试内 容包括个人简历,工作经历,将来打算等。 7)学生A和学生B计划周末去博物馆(明确出发时间、地点,交 通工具,主要参观内容)。 8)B(顾客)要买一双鞋,问A(营业员)有关鞋的尺寸,颜色, 质地,价格。 9)学生A邀请B(某学院教授)来参加圣诞晚会,B明确时间地 点后表示要看是否有时间。 10)学生A和学生B讨论激活新时代交互英语视说教材的问题(说 明每一步骤)。


2020年1月-4月雅思口语话题库(IELTS完整版) 话题库说明: 此次话题库更新为2020年1月换题季更新,适用于2020年1月-4月参加雅思考试的考生,包含各渠道最新题库,可下载打印高清版进行复习准备,预祝各位考生一次通过。话题库共包含两部分 PART1:共37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题 PART2:共48个话题,新题23题,旧题25题 PART1 话题-(本部分包含37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题) PART1 新题回库(共13题) Water sport Have you done water sports? What water sports do you like doing? Are water sports popular in China? What kind of water sports do you want to try? Spending time by yourself Do you usually spend time by yourself? What did you do last time you were by yourself? How do you usually spend your time by yourself?

Do you like spending time by yourself? Cake Do you like dessert? Do you like eating cakes? What desserts do Chinese people like? Have you ever made cakes? Science class Do you like science class? Did you have science class in primary school or high school? What kind of science did you do at school? Do you think science classes are important? Running How often do you go for a run? Where do you usually go running? Do you like running? Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? Break Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks? What do you usually do during a break? Why do you need to take a break? How often do you take a break?


大学英语听说IV级口语考试题目(十三周考试用) 1.Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. If you were to travel, would you want to be with a companion or alone? Some might say they would want to travel alone. However, I have an opposite opinion. I think it is better to travel with a companion for the following reasons, they can give us information about the place, we won’t feel boring if we travel together, and we can have opportunities to meet more people through a companion. People travel around some places to get information about the specific areas. To get the information about the place, we need a guide. If we hire a guide, we should pay money and we will somewhat not be free to go anywhere. Despite that, if we travel with friends, they could tell us about it as a guide. We can save money and get some information about the place that we visit. In addition, we could be free to go anywhere we want. As t o the second point, if we travel with friends, we wouldn’t fell tedious while traveling. We can talk to each other and get chances to know each other more. On the other hand, traveling alone could make us feel down because it is quite boring to hang around by themselves. Thus, I would prefer traveling with a companion to alone. Besides, the second point, if we travel with a companion, we can get more opportunities to meet other people through my friends. For example, when I was 10 years old, I went to china. I have met a lot of people through my friend there and I’m still keeping in touch with them. If I didn’t go to china with my friend, I could have not met them in my life. This is the final reason why I think it is better to travel with friends rather alone. To conclude, some people might say it is better to travel alone because it might interrupt us if we travel with a companion. Nevertheless, I think it would be better to travel with a companion for the previous reasons, they can tell us some information about the place, we can enjoy more because it’s not boring, and we could get opportunities to meet many people through friends. 2.Some people like to do only what they already do well. Other people prefer to try new things and take risks. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. Many people like to do things that they already do well, many others like to take risks to do things new. Both sides are supported by good reasons. For my part, I think it depends on what kind of things that people in the face of. I prefer to do things that I already do well when I should do things to benefit the others. On the other hand, I would like to take risks to try something new in order to improve myself, that means I will be the person who benefit from what I do. People are all live in the society and have relationships with each other. So what one do can influence the others directly or indirectly. In this case, people should do their best to benefit and convenient for the others. If one does not have enough experience and skills to do things well, the people around them maybe complain or they will ruin their plan. Is it very nice to share their own risks to the others to get more experience for themselves? Absolutely not. The society or the small


Marion 14720138 Food and Restaurants (Week 2) 1、Which do you like better, Chinese food or Western food? I prefer Chinese food,because Chinese food tastes delicious 。 it usually hot ,and I like hot food。 because i live in China,i have got used to the chinese food。 but i also like western food,because i need to try some new things。 2、How would you deal with an angry customer? Deal with an angry customers can be one of the most challenging aspect of a job. Whether they confront you face-to-face, or you speak with them over the phone,Remain calm and adjust your mindset. Listen actively to what the customer is saying. Repeat the customer’s concerns ,Apologize is necessary .Call your manager over if the customer asks you to.。 3、Do you like cooking? What can you cook? I like cooking,but the level is very poor,The only thing I can cook is dumplings 4、What are the different food flavors? 5、What are some examples of Western food? Do you like it? Why or why not? Hamburger pizza French fries beefsteak cheese I am not fond of it, 6、What are some cultural differences between China and Western countries, regarding food and restaurants? in a western restaurant, each person generally orders their own food or dishes and eats what they order. western people don't usually put all of the food in the middle of the table and share unless they are eating pizza. one of the biggest differences between chinese restaurants and western restaurants is the noise. most western restaurants are quiet and people speak in quiet voices. avoid shouting, especially to the staff. 7、If you order a steak or a hamburger at a restaurant, the waiter or waitress will likely ask you this question: how would you like it cooked? What does this mean? How would you answer this question? Medium Transportation (Week 3) 1、How do you like to travel around your hometown? when I want to visit most place around my hometown,i usually travel by train。It convenient and comfortable,During the day, i can do some reading or just enjoy the landscape outside the window on the train. Trains also have the advantage of being safe.What’s more, you can travel by train at high speed with less money 2、What is a problem with public transportation in your hometown? Nowadays there are cities where the population is very high,The traffic situation in many big cities is becoming a big problem and in others cities already is a big problem. they make a lot of jams .traffic accident 3、What did you do last weekend? last weekend ,i was very busy .At the saturday ,I went to visit my parents ,we had a very good time .I was very happy.I backed school in the evening .At the sunday ,I Finished my homework and playing basketball with my roommates,In a word ,I had a wonderful weekend .


Topics for Oral test 1. Which great leader do you admire most? What qualities did/does he/she have? bill gates 2. Which do you cherish more, your friendship with a good friend or your romantic relationship? obviously, friend is easy to make, but lover is kind of hard to seek for. Since relationship between friends might be not that close compared to romantic relationship, I will probably take it serious and cherish this sweet relationship. Also, I believe that my friends will support me and our relationship won’t be tense and freezing because of this. As the Chinese saying goes, once you got a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you may leave your friends out of your mind. I partly agree this, and when I fall in love, especially at the very beginning, I think I will cherish it more than friendship. 3. What factors would you consider first if you were to find a job (even a part-time job)? I will first consider whether this company and the offered position is high potential. I think high potential is a quality that is vital for the company’s future development and its personnel’s self improvement. Every one need a room to promote and realize one’s self-value. Another factor I concern is—its location. I’d like to work and live in big cities because big cities offer so many opportunities and a higher salary while small cities can’t. 4. Whom do you usually turn to when in trouble, vour parents or your friends? They know me better than anyone else and their vision is wide, their thoughts are mature.


个人信息类 Studies 1.What subject(s) are you studying? 2.Why did you choose to study that subject? 3.Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) 4.Is it very interesting? 5.(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? 6.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon? Teachers 1.Do you have a favorite teacher? 2.Do you want to be a teacher in the future? 3.What kinds of teachers do you like? 4.Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? 5.Do you like strict teachers? 6.What's the different between young and old teachers? 7.Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently? 8.What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates? Hometown 1.What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)? 2.Is that a big city or a small place? 3.Please describe your hometown a little. 4.How long have you been living there? 5.Do you like your hometown? 6.(Possibly) Do you like living there? * 7.What do you like (most) about your hometown? 8.Is there anything you dislike about it? 9.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Do you live in a house or a flat? 3.Who do you live with? 4.How long have you lived there? 5.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 6.(If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 7.Can you describe the place where you live? 8.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 9.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 10.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 11.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 12.Please describe the room you live in. 13.What part of your hometown do you like the most?


小学一年级上册语文期末口语测试题_口试题 一、朗读课文(任抽以下一篇课文)读错处个成绩 《爷爷和小树》《雨点儿》《一次比一次有进步》《借生日》 二、背诵课文(任抽以下一篇课文)读错处个成绩 《阳光》《四季》《小小的船》《自己去吧》 三、认读测试(四抽一:具体内容见附件)错处成绩 四、口语表达测试题(三抽一) 1.在学校里,哪件事最让你高兴?说说为什么? 2.在家里,你最喜欢干什么?为什么? 3.仔细看图,说说图的意思,把事情说明白。 附件(认读) 1 、我家的小花园 在我家的阳台上,爸爸为我造了一座小花园。不过,在这座花园里,你看不到几十米高的大树,也见不到绿色的小草。在我们的花园里,只有十几花。可不要小看这十几花,它们在每一天,都会带给我们许多快乐!就说冬天吧,红红的梅花开了,满屋子都是花香,直香到心里。在这样的地方生,能不美吗?春天、夏天、秋天,和冬天不,很多花都开了,什么春花呀,桃花呀,花色、花香不一样,可花都是一样的美丽,一样地让人快乐。 在我家的花园里,一年四季都有鲜花。小朋友,你就不想到我家来看一看、玩一玩吗? 2、新房子 一天,小猫、小熊、小山羊还有小猴子,一起在森林里玩。他们看见小狗正在造房子。 小猫说:“朋友们,我们也来造一间房子怎么样?” “好啊!”小山羊说,“我要把房子造在草地上。这样,我一出门就能吃到青青的草。” 小猫说:“不好,不好。我要把房子造在小河边。这样,会有好多小鱼在河里着我呢!” 小熊说:“我可是要住在山洞里的,要不我们就在这里一个洞吧!” 小猴子听了,跳起来,说:“那怎么。我看,还是住在树上最好,那多自在呀!” 房子到造在哪儿呢? 3、我的好朋友 最近,爸爸给我带来了一个好朋友。他,个子不高,方方的头,大大的。坐在那里安安静静的,很少说话。他的本可大了! 每天,只要我一回家,他就成了我最好的朋友和老师。我们一起读书、画画、玩游……我这个朋友可神了,没有他不会的。做起来又对又快,告诉他的从来不会。他还能让我不出家门,知道我想知道的一。 怎么样,我的好朋友不吧!小朋友,你们知道他是谁吗? 4、年 年就要到了。平平坐在窗前,望着天上闪闪的星星,着新年娃娃的到来。不一会儿,远远的天空升起了一朵彩云,彩云越来越近,来是一条金色的小船。船头上小黄猫和小黑狗正大声告诉大家:年到了!小船很快到了平平面前。他看见船里有许多小动物。嘴巴的小鸭子、长尾巴的小松鼠、会骑车的小猴,还有一个漂亮的娃娃。她就是新年娃娃。平平高兴得跳起来。他和新年娃娃一起,小朋友们问好,大家新年快乐! 夜深了,平平在新年的声中睡着了,睡得那么香。早晨,他发现床头放着一个漂亮的新年娃


10 涉外护理 科目《口语》期末考试题 I. Words (1′×10) 1.学期 ______ 2.持续 ___ 3.到达______ 4.紧张的______ 5.讲座,演讲____ 6.勇敢的______ 7.报纸________ 8.学费________ 9.fit _________10.repeat II.Phrases(2′×15) 1.点名______ 2.毕业_______ 3.口语_____________ 4.主修_______ 5.取得进步______ 6.attend lectures_______ 7.课后_______ 8.就寝________ 9.文科生________ 10.优等生______ 11.give up_______ 12. after class_______ 13. class schedule_______ 14. to go to bed_______ 15.got it _______ III.Choose the best answer. (1′×15) ( )1.—Let me int roduce myself. I’m Rose. —______. A.What a pleasure B.It’s my pleasure C.Nice to meet you D. What a long way it is ( )2. —Can I give you a lift ?(顺便搭车) —_____.I prefer to walk on such a lovely day . A.Thank you B.No.Thanks C.It’s very kind of you D.No,you can’t ( )3. —Charlie sends his best wishes.—______. A.That’s Nice of him B.Oh.he is too polite C.It’s kind kf him to say so D.You are really kind to me ( )4. —Would you like another cup of coffee?—I’ve had enough.______. A.Thank you any way B.Thank you very much C.Thank you all the same D.Thank you in a way ( )5. —I’m going to Dalian on holidays this afternoon.—_____. A.See you tomorrow B.You’re welcome C.Good journey D.It’s n o matter ( )6. —Let’s go to the park —_____.Let’s go . A.No,thank you B.Sorry C.Is it possible D.Why not ( )7. —______.—Thank you.I certainly will.
