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The word …Communication? has been derived from the latin word-…communis? means …common?.

Hence communication is having common experiences with other people.

Communication means transfer of ideas, opinions, feelings, facts etc, from one person to another.

Communication can be defined as the process through which two or more persons come to exchange ideas and understanding among themselves.


1. “Communication is the process of pass ing information and understanding from one

person to another” – Keith Davis

2. “Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to

another”. – Ricky W. Griffin

3. “Communication is the intercourse by words, letters or messages, i ntercourse of

thoughts or opinions. It is the act of making one?s ideas and opinions known to other”.

– Fred G. Meyer.


1. It involves at least two persons:

It involves at least two persons, a sender and a receiver.

The sen der is called …communicator? and the receiver of the message is known as …communicate?.

A person who speaks, writes or issues some instructions is the …sender/communicator?

and the person who receives the message is the …receiver/communicate?.

2. In Communication messages is the must

A message is the subject-matter of communication, (eg.) The contents of the letter or

speech, order, instructions or the suggestions. A communication must convey some message.

3. Communication is written, oral or gestural

It is generally understood as spoken or written words.

But in reality communication is more than speaking and writing.

It includes everything that may be used to convey meaning from one person to another. (eg) movement of lips, or the wink of an eye or the wave of hands.

4. Communication is a two way process

It involves both information and understanding.

Communication is not complete unless the receiver has understood the message properly and his reaction or response is known to the sender.

5. Its primary purpose is to motivate a response

The primary purpose of communication is to motivate a response or influence human behaviour.

6. Communication is formal or informal

Formal Communication follows the formal channels provided in the organization structure.

Informal channels of communication which are not provided in the organization structure.

These channels develop among members because of personal contacts through working with each other.

7. Communication flows up and down and also from side to side

Communication flows downward from a superior to subordinates and upward from subordinate to a superior.

8. Communication is an integral part of the process of exchange

It refers to the exchange of ideas, feelings, emotions and knowledge and informations between two or more persons.


Communication process/Cycle involves the following elements.

1. Sender

Sender is the source of Communication

All Communication requires a source.

Any communication starts from the source or sender.

Sender has some thought, idea, need or information that he wishes to transmit to another person.

2. Message

This is the subject-matter of communication

This may be opinions, attitudes, feelings, views, suggestions, order etc.

3. Encoding

The sender uses certain symbols such as words, actions; pictures etc (or) the ideas are translated into a code or a set of symbols especially in the form of language.


Communication may be of the following types:

1.Oral Communication

It takes place in face to face conversation, group discussions, etc. Spoken words are used to direct, instruct, and share experiences.

2.Written Communication

Putting in writing includes letters, reports, notes etc. The written words are used to transmit one?s expectations, likes and dislikes.

3.Vertical Communication

Vertical communication is the one that flows both up and down the organization, usually along with formal reporting lines.

It consists of two types namely upward communication & downward Communication.

1. Upward Communication: It consists of messages from subordinates to superiors.

The message may be in the form of requests, responses, suggestions, complaints etc.

2. Downward Communication: It occurs when information flows down the hierarchy

from superiors to subordinates. The message may be in the form of directions, assignments, performance, feed back etc.

4.Horizontal Communication

This communication occurs among colleagues and peers of the same level in an organization.

5.Grapevine Communication

In every organization, there is an informal channel of communication called the grapevine.

It is quite natural for a group of people working together to be interested in one another and talk about appointments, promotions, retirements or even domestic affairs.

The grapevine is basically a channel of horizontal communication because workers of the same status can informally communicate with one another with perfect ease.

6. Object Communication

The most common form of object communication is clothing. Clothes de termine one?s personality traits. A good example of clothing as object communication is the uniform.

Also the body adornments such as wedding rings, bindis as marital status, tatoos, and brands. Also, anything used a status symbol comes under the category of object communication.

7. Intra-Personal Communication

This can be defined as a process through which one communicates with himself.

This means the communication is within the self and to the self.

For example, thinking, working out a problem, writing diaries, etc.

8.Inter-Personal Communication

Inter-personal communication may be defined as a process of interaction between two people, generally face- to-face talk.

For example, interaction between teacher and student in the classroom, a telephone conversation, interview etc.

The emphasis is on speech, non-verbal forms of communication.

Difference between inter-personal and intra-personal communication:

Intra-personal communication takes place when a student, without the help from anyone, solves a mathematical problem.

Inter-personal communication occurs when his friend helps him in solving the same mathematical problem at every stage.

9.Group Communication

It refers to the process of interaction within groups of people and by groups of people to others.

The groups may be small or large.E.g. A family and committee meeting.

10. Mass Communication

Mass communication takes place when the communication is received by large number of people.

For example, open-air concert for a thousand people, radio, and postal systems, etc.




Ned. A. Flanders defines, “Teaching as an interactive process. Interaction means participation of teacher and students in the process of teaching. In this process, teacher


1. The classroom verbal interaction can be made more effective.

2. The teacher can increase student participation in his teaching.

3. The direct behaviour of teacher may be shifted to indirect behaviour, which is more

suitable in democratic way of life.

4. The tape recorder and videotape can be used for recording the classroom events. The

trainee can encode and decode his own behaviour.

5. This technique can also be combined with other feedback device such as microteaching

and simulated teaching.

FLANDER’S INTERACTION ANALYSIS CATEGORY SYSTEM (FIACS) Ned. A. Flanders developed a system of interaction analysis to study what is happening in a classroom when a teacher teaches. It is known as Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories System (FIACS).

Flanders and others developed this system at the University of Minnesota, U.S.A.


1.Teacher Talk (7 Categories)

A)Indirect Talk

In this method of analysis, the first four categories represent the tea cher?s indirect influence.

Category 1: Accepts Feelings

In this category, teacher accepts the feelings of the pupils.

He feels himself that the pupils should not be punished for exhibiting his feelings.

Feelings may be positive or negative.

Category 2: Praise or Encouragement

Teacher praises or encourages student action or behaviour.

When a student gives answer to the question asked by the teacher, the teacher gives positive reinforcement by saying words like …good?, …very good?, …better?, …correct?, …excellent?, …carry on?, etc.

Category 3: Accepts or Uses ideas of Pupils

It is just like 1st category. But in this category, the pupils ideas are accepted only and not his feelings.

If a pupil passes on some suggestions, then the teacher may repeat in nutshell in his own style or words.

The teacher can say, …I understand what you mean? etc. Or the teacher clarifies, builds or develops ideas or suggestions given by a student.

Category 4: Asking Questions

Asking question about content or procedures, based on the teacher ideas and expecting an answer from the pupil.

Sometimes, teacher asks the question but he carries on his lecture without receiving any answer. Such questions are not included in this category.

B) Direct Talk

Next 5th to 7th categories re present the teacher?s direct influence.

Category 5: Lecturing /Lecture

Giving facts or opinions about content or procedure expression of his own ideas, giving his own explanation or citing an authority other than a pupil.

Category 6: Giving Directions

teacher gives directions, commands or orders or initiation with which a pupil/student is expected to comply with,

- Open your books.

- Stand up on the benches.

- Solve 4th sum of exercise 5.3.

Category 7: Criticizing or Justifying Authority

When the teacher asks the pupils not to interrupt with foolish questions, then this behaviour is included in this category.

Teacher?s …what? and …why? also come under this category.

2. Pupil Talk (2 Categories)

Category 8: Pupil Talk Response

It includes th e pupils talk in response to teacher?s talk

Teacher asks question, student gives answer to the question.

Category 9: Pupil Talk Initiation

Talk by pupils that they initiate.

Expressing own ideas; initiating a new topic; freedom to develop opinions and a line of thought like asking thoughtful questions; going beyond the existing structure.

3. Silence or Pause or Confusion (1 category)

Category 10: Silence or Pause or Confusion

Pauses, short periods of silence and period of confusion in which communication cannot be understood by the observer.


The observer sits in the classroom in the best position to hear and see the participants.

At the end of every three seconds he decides which category best represents the communication events just completed. Thus the time involves in coding one tally for every 3 seconds, is 20 tallies in one minute, 100 tallies in 5 minutes and 1200 tallies in one hour.

In this process only the serial numbers of the categories are recorded.

The serial number of that category is recorded on the data sheet by the observer.

When the observation is over, the observer shifts to some other room and prepares the details on the basis of those serial numbers of the categories.

In this observation process, the writing of serial numbers of the categories is known as ENCODING.

Writing details of behaviour on the basis of these categories is known as DECODING.

The observers should remember the serial numbers of these categories.


Flanders category method has many rules for observation without following which the observation is not possible. The observer must remember these rules. These rules help in maintaining consistency and making observations uniform. These rules are as follows:

Rule 1: If more than one type of category occurs during a 3 second period, the observer should choose the category that is numerically farther from category 5 (but not category 10). Suppose the observer is in doubt whether the category is 2 or 3; he should write 2 categories.

Rule 2: The observer should not involve his personal viewpoint.

Rule 3: If more than one category is active in a span of 3 seconds, and then all the categories should be recorded. If after 3 seconds, no category changes, then the same serial number should be repeated in the next 3 seconds.

Rule 4: If the time period of silence exceeds 3 seconds, it should be recorded under the category No.10

Rule 5: When teacher calls a child by name, the observer is supposed to record a 4th category.

Rule 6: When the teacher repeats the student?s answer and the answer is a correct, that is recorded as a category No. 2. This tells the student that he has the right answer and therefore functions as praise or encouragement.

Rule 7: When a teacher listens to a pupil and accepts his ideas for a discussion, then this behaviour belongs to category No. 3.

Rule 8: The words …All is ok?, …yes?, …yah?, …hum?, …alright? etc belong to the category No. 2. (Encouragement)

Rule 9: If a teacher jokes without aiming at any pupil, this behaviour belongs to the category No. 2. But if he makes any joke aiming at some particular pupil, then it belongs to the category No. 7.

Rule 10: When all the pupils respond to a very small question collectively, then the serial number of category-8 is recorded.


After encoding or observation procedure of interaction, the coded behaviours are written in 10 x 10 table. This 10 (rows) x 10 (columns) table is known as a matrix.

The category numbers of the record sheet the tabulated in the matrix table. Each number is entered in the form of sequence pairs, being used twice, first as the first numbers and second as second number.

The row of the matrix represent the first number and the columns the second number.

For example an observation recorded is 6, 10, 7, 5, 1, 4, 8, 4

Hence, the beginning and end of the coding should have the same number of the categories.

It is the tradition of adding number 10 in the beginning and at the end. Hence the above number will be written in this way 10, 6, 10, 7, 5, 1, 4, 8, 4, 10




1. Teacher Talk Ratio / Percentage of Teacher Talk (TT)

The tallies of first seven categories are added and divided by the total tallies of the matrices (N) and hence the percentage can be calculated.




2. Indirect Teacher Talk Ratio (ITT)

It indicates teacher actions in encouraging and supporting pupil?s participation.

3. Direct Teacher Talk Ratio (DTT)

It indicates the teacher actions restricting student participation.

In this ratio, the tallies of 5th , 6th and 74. Pupil’s Talk Ratio/Percentage of Pupil Talk (PT)It indicates verbal activities of pupils in response to the teacher.

the tallies of 8and to 5. Silence or Confusion Ratio (SC)



C SC 6. Indirect and Direct Ratio (I/D)



effective tool /instrument etc.

7. It is much useful in team teaching and microteaching.


1. It consumes much time in preparing 10 x 10 matrix without which, interpretation is not possible.

2. Less attention has been paid towards pupil-talk.

3. The observers have to be trained in order to code correctly.

4. Classroom interaction of pupil-pupil type is not considered here.


The system of coding and decoding procedure very difficult and expensive.


摘要:弗兰德互动分析系统(Flanders Interaction Analysis System,简称FIAS)是著名的教室中师生教学互动行为观察系统,一种记录和分析教师在教学情境的教学行为和师生互动事件的分析系统。文章结合案例详细介绍了弗兰德互动分析系统在实际课堂教学中的应用。关键词:弗兰德互动分析系统;教学互动行为;代码系统 教室内的社会互动极为细致与繁杂,为了进行有效的观察,弗兰德(Flanders)在1970年提出互动分析系统(Flanders Interaction Analysis System)。FIAS是一种教室中师生教学互动行为的观察系统。FIAS的作用在于运用一套代码系统(Coding System)记录在教室中师生互动的重要事件,以分析研究教学行为,了解发生在教室互动情境中事件的影响,以帮助教师了解并进而改进其教学行为。FIAS出现之后,引发了许多对教室内师生互动行为观察系统和方法的研究。一般而言,教室观察大致可分为两个取向:一是“量化观察法”,以系统的规则、记录方式来进行的系统观察;另一种是“质化观察法”,结合人的主观意识的观察技巧。作为教室观察的方法为求观察的广度与深度,理应兼采“量化观察法”与“质化观察法”。在各种教室观察方法之中,以弗兰德(Flanders)在1970年所提出的互动分析系统发表的年代最早,分类最为简明,易于执行与解释,而且能兼顾质的研究之特性与量的研究之客观优点。 弗兰德互动分析系统 (一)概述弗兰德互动分析系统强调教室内师生的教学互动行为,它采用一套系统的、兼顾直接与间接教学风格的行为分类方式对教室



基于弗兰德斯互动分析法的中学化学课堂分析 扬中市第二高级中学翁建红 弗兰德斯互动分析法(Flanders’Interaction Analysis System,简称FIAS)是著名的课堂分析工具,它包括三部分:一套描述课堂互动行为的编码系统,即量表;一套关于观察和记录编码的规定标准;一个用于显示数据,进行分析,实现研究目标的迁移矩阵. 弗兰德斯互动分析法的编码系统如表1—1 所示.它把课堂上的语言互动行为分为教师语言、学生语言和沉寂或混乱(无有效语言活动)三类共十种情况,分别用编码1—10 表示. 然而从新课改的实施理念和信息技术运用的角度来看,FIAS 也具有不足之处,新课改要求课堂上以学生为主体,教师主导,学生活动占课堂的大部分。另外化学学科的本身特点也决定了弗兰德斯互动分析法存在一定的不足之处。具体如下:重视教师在课堂教学中的行

为表现(7 个类别),忽视学生在课堂中的行为表现(2 个类别),无法真实的了解课堂中学生的学习行为;信息技术作为课堂教学中一个不可忽视的要素,在教学过程中与教师和学生都会产生丰富的交互活动,但FIAS 无法反映出这一类互动:“沉寂”表达的情形复杂,含义也有所不同,把它们归为一类无法分清楚真实情况,FIAS 转化后的变量数据无法回溯;实验是化学的基础,实验过程中不仅有学生的活动,也有师生互动,但FIAS 无法反映出特殊的过程;另外,课堂板书也是教师课堂活动的一个重要组成部分,不是用“沉寂”所能表达的。基于此,我采用了顾小清老师等人改进了的FIAS,并基于化学学科的特点,作了稍微的调整,形成了如表1—4 所示的ITIAS 编码系统(Information Teshnology-basedInteraction Analysis System)


弗兰德斯互动分类体系(FIAC) 弗兰德斯师生言语互动分类体系(FIAC)是国外较有影响,被广泛使用的编码体系。FIAC对师生的言语互动进行观察研究,它把课堂的言语活动分为10个种类,每个分类都有一个代码(即一个表示这类行为的数字),如下表。 案例1、时间取样观察 将一堂课40分钟划分为800个单位,每三秒为一个单位。并设计成800个空格的数据表。然后将每个三秒出现的言语行为类型的号码记录在数据表相对应时间的空格中。 全部记录完毕,将号码整理成矩阵图,作为分析的依据。 下面是一堂课开始时师生对话的记录示例(每句话之后的号码,代表言语行为的类别)。 教师:同学们,已经上课了,请大家安静坐好!(6) (之后三秒钟内,全班鸦雀无声)(10) 教师:王强!别趴桌子了,准备上课!(7) 教师:好!这一节课我们来复习三角函数的性质。(5) 大家好像很兴奋,看来很喜欢三角函数的知识。(1) 谁知道三角函数的性质?(4) 学生:老师!我知道。三角函数 (8) 根据上述对话,观察记录依次将号码填入记录表格。 在整节课的时间内,每隔3秒钟观察者就依照上述分类记下最能描述教师和班级言语行为的种类的相应编码,记录在数据表中。从精确意义上讲,记录此表的最好方法是对照课堂实录,结合定格的方式记录。因为我们是现场听课当堂记


合计 1:共36频次 2:共356频次 3:共7频次 4:共150频次 5:共27频次 6:共242频次 7:共72频次 数据统计表: 数据呈现: 1、本节课总体时间偏长,共花了44分30秒。 2、师生活动时间分配不当。根据弗兰德斯建议,如果同一个3秒钟内发生了两个事情,应记录更为突出的那一个,如果同样突出则都应记录下来。而本节课教师在学生回答问题等活动时参与较多,时不时地把学生的话语“抢”来自己说,把自己变成了突出的事件了。新课程的课堂应该明确地凸显出学习的主体是学生,而教师则是学生学习的组织者、引导者和合作者。本节课教师与学生活动时间比例相当,说明教师还没充分地让学生成为学习的主体。 3、从教师活动的三个类型比例看,教师过于侧重讲解,虽然这是一节概念课,但从教学情节看还是以学生探究为主的,教师的讲解却占了其活动的 89.22%,一是教师教学语言不精练,二是教师课堂提问度不够,具有思考价值的问题少。此外,教师的教学评价语言过少。课堂中教师极少评价,更不用说是表扬了。


弗兰德斯互动分析系统包含哪些主要内容?如何在课堂研究中改进弗兰德斯系统? 内容:弗兰德斯互动分析系统大致由三个部分构成:(1)描述课堂互动行为的编码系统。主要是对师生的言语互动进行研究,将课堂的言语活动分成十个种类。(2)观察和记录编码。在课堂观察中,弗兰德斯互动分析法采用时间抽样的办法,一般每间隔 3 秒钟观察者就依照上述分类记录下相应的编码.这样一节40 至50 分钟的课大约有800 至1000 个编码,这些编码反映了课堂中按时间顺序发生的一系列事件,而这些按事件按时间顺序连接成一个序列,又能呈现出课堂教学的结构、模式和风格。(3)对得到的数字进行数学处理。采用的数学处理方法包括矩阵分析或曲线分析。 当我们了解了弗兰德斯互动分析系统之后,我们看到了它的一些局限性。 FIAS的局限在于重视口语行为,不重视非口语行为,而忽略了许多重要信息;其次,重视教师对整个班级的行为,而对学生话语的分类(仅有两个)太少,较忽略个别学生的行为;再次,FIAS所转化后的变量数据,虽然可以了解教师的教学风格,也可以做各种广泛的比较研究,但是无法回溯分析是因为哪些具体的话语而得到此数据。 所以,第一,在教学中,我们同样要重视学生的书面语。例如,引导学生做笔记,记一些容易忽略的重要信息;还可以在课堂上提醒学生那里是重点需要记一下等。第二,我们应该给孩子自我表现的机会。例如,我们可以让学生组成小组,每次发言都是小组不同的人;学生可以自由发言等。第三,我们可以在做各种广泛的比较研究中,分析是因为哪些具体的话语而得到此数据,就是麻烦些。 什么是课堂志?课堂志研究的主要特点是什么? 如何理解“教师成为研究者”的含义? “教师成为研究者”是具有广泛影响的国际运动,也是教师发展的一种必然趋势。 优秀教师一旦成为教研员,他们既不能像理论工作者那样从事纯学术的研究,也不能像一线教师那样从事教学实践活动,成为与一线教师分离的、与理论工作者缺乏联系的中间阶层。换句话说,专业的教学论研究者在他们的研究领域中理所当然地从事纯学术的研究,教师则在他们的教学领域心安理得地扮演“教书匠”的角色,教研员则在二者的分离中难以定位,进而沦为名不副实的“非教非研”人员(即“教师成为研究者”沦为名不副实的“非教非研”人员)。造成这种现象的原因是什么呢? 在我看来就是固有观念的影响。教学论研究者认为他们就是应该理所当然地从事纯学术的研究,其余的,他们都不需要。所以,让他们像优秀教师一样的教学就是难事。教师认为他们就是应该在他们的教学领域心安理得地扮演“教书匠”的角色,其余的,他们都不需要。所以,让他们像教学论研究者一样进行研究学术就是难事。所以,当教师成为研究者时,他们就特别的茫然,不知该怎么走,最后沦为了名不副实的“非教非研”人员。因此,这就要求教师做好充分的准备,使他们在成为研究者时,可以成为名副其实的研究者。 教师成为研究者,一方面应该认真地从事教学工作,另一方面应该认真地从事对教学工作的研究。这样确实有很多困难,但作为成为研究者的教师,面对今天教育的现实要求,就必须学会研究教学,从研究教学中提高自己的教学质量。这就是我对“教师成为研究者”含义的理解。


弗兰德斯互动分析系统简介 弗兰德斯互动分析系统简介 弗兰德斯在贝尔斯的基础上将教师和学生在课堂教学中的互动行为(以语言为主)分为10 类,其中7 类是教师的、2 类是学生的、1 类是沉默或混乱。弗兰德斯的大量研究表明:教师在课堂教学中与学生的互动行为,对学生的学习态度和学习效果均有重大影响。 弗兰德斯认为,评价一堂课的最佳方法就是对课堂内的师生语言行为进行互动分析。从某种意义上说,把握了课堂教学中的师生语言行为也就把握了课堂教学的实质。弗兰德斯互动分析系统由一套描述课堂互动行为的编码系统,一套关于观察和记录编码的规定标准,一个用于显示数据、进行分析、实现研究目的的矩阵表格三部分构成。弗兰德斯互动分析的编码系统如下表所示。它把课堂上的语言互动行为分为教师语言、学生语言和沉默或混乱(无有效语言活动)三类共10 种情况,分别用编码1~10 表示。 (一)弗兰德斯互动分析的编码系统 弗兰德斯的分类几乎囊括了课堂内师生的所有语言行为。换句话说,师生在课堂中的几乎所有语言行为都可以对应地归入上述10 类语言行为中去。 1. 教师语言 (1)间接影响 ①接纳情感:教师用没有威胁的方式接纳或澄清学生的感受。学生的感受可以是积极的,也可以是消极的,学生有权表达其感受,不会因为表达其感受而受到惩罚。例如:教师说,“看得出来,大家都很好奇。”有的教师常常拒绝学生的感受,说“有什么好奇怪的”、“有什么好高兴的”等语言。 ②鼓励或表扬:教师赞赏或鼓励学生合适的行为。包括消除学生紧张的笑话(当然,这种笑话不是以牺牲另一个学生为代价的),教师的点头,说“对”、“不错”、“很好”以及“试试看”、“继续说下去”、“不要怕答错”、“你怎么想的就怎么说”、“说错没关系”、“胆子大一点儿”等语言。 ③接纳或利用学生的观点:教师澄清、充实或发展学生的观点。如果教师掺人了更多自己的观点,应划归第 5 类语言行为。 ④提问:教师就内容或程序向学生提问,并希望学生回答。教师的自问自


第二期培训作业 弗兰德斯课堂观察矩阵分析 一、整体介绍: 我校是一所以英语为主要特色的外国语小学,从一年级起每个年级每个班每学期使用两套教材,每周5节英语课,其中一节为外教课,4节正课。下面就以观察我校的一节五年级的英语自编课程为例进行观察分析。 二、弗兰德斯课堂观察分析:

表格中对角线上(左上到右下)的各个单元格叫做“稳态格”, 表示某种行为出现的时间超过 3 秒钟,即持续的做某事。如 5-5 稳态格中的数字表示持续讲授,8-8 稳态格表示学生与教师的积极互动,10-10 稳态格则表示这段时间内课堂中进行的是一些无意义的语言或行为。矩阵中 1~3 行于 1~3 列相交的区域是积极整合格,如果在这个区域里记录次数密集,反映的是教师与学生之间情感氛围融洽,是一种积极整合的表现。矩阵中 7~8 行和 6~7 列相交的区域是缺陷格,如果在这个区域里记录的次数密集,反映的是教师和学生之间情感交流上有隔阂,是课堂上应该注意避免的缺陷。当落在积极整合格的记录次数占总次数的比率大于或是远大于落在缺陷格中的比率时,我们就说教师与学生的情感气氛融洽。如表 3-2 中,落在积极整合格的记录次数占总数8%,而缺陷格0,可见该课中教师与学生情感氛围比较融洽。 通过弗兰德斯互动分析矩阵我们还能观察到教师提问的创新程度。有 4-4、4-8、8-4、8-8 四个单元格所形成的闭环显示了由教师提问驱动学生回答的情况,代表了训练型提问的程度;3-3、3-9、9-3、9-9 四个单元格所形成的闭环则显示了由教 弗兰德斯课堂观察分析矩阵 类别 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 坐标数总和 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 20 0 5 4 4 0 7 0 0 40 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 4 4 0 3 3 8 6 1 0 98 0 0 119 5 0 0 0 11 80 3 0 7 1 0 102 6 0 1 0 6 0 9 0 8 1 0 25 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 13 1 87 13 6 0 58 2 0 180 9 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 125 0 129 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 坐标数总和 1 39 4 119 103 24 0 181 129 600 百分比% 0.16% 6.50% 0.67% 19.83% 17.17% 4.00% 0 30.17% 21.50% 0 总和 教师说话总和 48.33% 学生说话总和51.67% 沉默或混乱0


弗兰德斯互动分析法(Flanders’Interaction Analysis System,简称FIAS)它包括三部分:一套描述课堂互动行为的编码系统,即量表;一套关于观察和记录编码的规定标准;一个用于显示数据,进行分析,实现研究目标的迁移矩阵. 观察教师窦桂梅<秋天的怀念>的教学视频,记录编码如下: 5、5、5、5、5、5、5、5、5、5、5、5、4、4、4、8、8、8、8、8 8、8、8、8、8、8、9、9、9、9、9、9、9、9、2、2、2、2、9、9 9、9、3、3、3、5、5、5、5、5、5、8、8、8、8、8、5、5、5、5 6、2、2、2、2、8、8、2、2、2、8、8、8、6、6、6、8、2、2、2 2、8、8、2、2、2、6、6、8、8、8、8、8、8、8、6、6、6、9、9 9、3、3、3、2、1、1、2、8、8、9、9、1、1、9、9、2、2、8、8 4、8、8、8、8、8、8、4、9、9、9、10、4、6、8、8、2、2、2、2 2、5、5、5、2、2、2、5、5、5、4、4、4、4、8、8、9、9、4、2 5、8、8、8、2、 6、8、8、8、5、5、5、2、6、6、4、4、4、5、5 6、8、8、6、6、8、8、6、6、6、8、8、8、5、5、6、6、5、5、4 4、8、8、9

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一堂小学语文课的弗兰德斯互动分析 摘要:课堂教学活动主要以言语方式进行,言语行为是课堂中最主要的教学行为,其方式及效率直接影响课堂教学质量。本文以弗兰德斯互动分析法为主要研究方法,并结合课堂志方法对其补充,对一节小学五年级语文课进行了记录分析,揭示了语文课堂语言互动现状及存在的问题与困境。 关键词:弗兰德斯互动分析法语文课堂言语分析“课堂志”研究方法 课堂教学活动是教育教学活动的核心,因此,课堂教学质量对学生的发展有重要影响。课堂中师生的言语作为课堂交往的主要方式,其互动方式及效率不容忽视。除此之外,课堂教学是在课堂的情境之下,以教师、学生作为对话的主体,以言语作为主要的交流方式,以人的自由自觉发展为终极取向的教育活动[1]。在课堂教学活动中,师生的言语互动不是单纯地以信息交换为目的的。弗兰德斯(Ned.Flanders)的课堂教学师生言语行为互动分析系统(Flanders interaction analysis system,简称FIAS)理论抓住了课堂教学的本质,为人们进一步深入探讨课堂教学规律提供了有效途径,是教育界进行教育研究的一种比较理想的工具。弗兰德斯的课堂教学师生言语行为互动分析系统强调,言语行为是课堂教学活动中最主要的教学行为,占所有教学行为的80%左右[2]。 一、弗兰德斯互动分析系统

(一)方法介绍 本研究以弗兰德斯互动分析技术为主要研究方法,该方法是美国学者弗兰德斯在20世纪60年代提出的一种课堂行为分析技术,该技术以贝尔斯(R.F.Bales)群体内互动行为为基础而形成。这种分析方法的优点在于容易进行“中立”和“客观”的观察、记录和分析,能够有效克服定性研究中所存在的主观倾向,因此被广泛应用于各国教学研究中(王鉴,2007)[3]。弗兰德斯认为,评价一堂课的最佳方法就是对课堂内的师生语言进行互动分析。从某种意义上说,把握了课堂教学中的师生语言行为就把握了课堂教学的实质。弗兰德斯互动分析系统由一套描述课堂言语互动行为的编码,一套关于观察和记录编码的规定标准,一个用于显示数据、进行分析、实现研究目的的矩阵表格三部分构成。弗兰德斯把课堂上师生的语言互动行为分为教师语言、学生语言和沉默或混乱三类共10种情况,分别用1―10表示。1.表达情感,2.表扬或鼓励,3.接受或者使用学生的主张,4.提问,5.讲授,6.给予指导或者给予指令,7.批评或者维护权威,8.学生被动的说话,9.学生主动的说话,10.无有效的语言(王鉴,2007)。其中1―7为教师语言,1―4为教师的间接影响,5―7为教师的直接影响;学生语言是8―9,分别为学生的被动回答和主动发言;10为沉默或混乱。 (二)编码记录的规定 按照弗兰德斯互动分析系统对编码记录的规定,在观察课堂时,需要每三秒钟取样一次,对每个三秒钟的课堂语言活动都需要按照编码系统所规定的意义赋予一个编码号,作为观察记录。一堂课大约记录800―1000个编码,用以表达课堂之中按照时间顺序所发生的事件,每个事件占有一


UNIT: IV COMMUNICATION MEANING OF COMMUNICATION The word …Communication? has been derived from the latin word-…communis? means …common?. Hence communication is having common experiences with other people. Communication means transfer of ideas, opinions, feelings, facts etc, from one person to another. Communication can be defined as the process through which two or more persons come to exchange ideas and understanding among themselves. DEFINITION OF COMMUNICATION 1. “Communication is the process of pass ing information and understanding from one person to another” – Keith Davis 2. “Communication is the process of transmitting information from one person to another”. – Ricky W. Griffin 3. “Communication is the intercourse by words, letters or messages, i ntercourse of thoughts or opinions. It is the act of making one?s ideas and opinions known to other”. – Fred G. Meyer. CHARACTERISTICS OF COMMUNICATION 1. It involves at least two persons: It involves at least two persons, a sender and a receiver. The sen der is called …communicator? and the receiver of the message is known as …communicate?. A person who speaks, writes or issues some instructions is the …sender/communicator? and the person who receives the message is the …receiver/communicate?. 2. In Communication messages is the must A message is the subject-matter of communication, (eg.) The contents of the letter or speech, order, instructions or the suggestions. A communication must convey some message.

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