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Today, I am going to introduce the definition of narration to all of you.

First, let’s start with what exactly the narration is. As we all know, narration, in fact, is a particular way of telling stories. So in the light of this, we can say that narration is the use of a written or spoken commentary to convey a story to an audience.

Second, to make a narration complete, believable, six elements are needed. They are usually called as “5Ws and 1H.” The so-called six elements are when, where, who, what, why and how. The reason why they are indispensable is that they guarantee the passage makes sense and to some degree, finds an echo in readers. Without them, the whole passage will be not only superficial and shadow, but less appealing.

Third, as I have mentioned before, think of narration and we soon think of telling a story. Here, let’s see the way in which a story teller would choose to tell a story. In other words, the way the writer plans to lay out his memories and on the other hand wants his readers to catch his point of view. So here comes the written style in a narration. They are chronological order, space order and consecution order. As long as they are used appropriately, it will not prove difficult to make a logical, attractive narration. It is worth noting that as a way to narrate a story, they are not strictly separate from each other. Anyway, just like novels, the more complex plot is, the more fascinating narrations will be. I am sure that no one wants to read a long, boring diary which has nothing to do with themselves, doesn’t it?

This is all about the narration I would like to share with you. Thank you very much for listening.


小学语文知识(写作方法)集锦 01、怎样写文章开头? 文章的开头,就是文章怎样“提笔”。开头应该新颖别致,引人人胜。常见的方法有:(1)总冒式:文章一下笔就开宗明义,点出全文的中心思想,使读者对全文的中心思想有一个概括了解,然后,全文围绕这一中心进行记叙。 [例段]我家对门住着一位远近闻名的下棋能手——胡爷爷。《下棋能手》 (2)开门见山式:文章一下笔就先交待事情发生的时间、地点、原因、人物,然后再叙述主要内容。特点是下笔扣题,点出题目,揭示文章主题,直截了当,既可清楚地展开记叙,又可节省篇幅,全文顺势而下,但开头要注意语言简洁、凝练。 [例段]今天早晨,我们想去看日出,可太阳总是不肯出来,我们就只好看云。《太阳和云》(3)介绍式:这种开头的方式是对所叙述的人物、事件、环境等,先作一些概括的、简单的介绍,使读者获得总的印象,然后引入正文,再作具体的介绍。 [例段]电子计算机是尖端科学、高新技术、渊博知识的象征。而微机是计算机大家庭中的一员。从前,我对它是非常陌生的,而在今年暑假,我却和它交上了朋友。《同微机交朋友》(4)提问式:文章开头提出问题,造成悬念,引起读者的急切关注或兴趣,促使读者读下去,而问题的答案就是正文要叙述的内容。 [例段]我的家乡,在中国地图上是个连手指甲大的位置也没占到的地方,近年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,不相信吗?你听——《你听——我讲新鲜事》 (5)描写式:这种格式的开头,从写景状物下笔,抓住景物的特征,起到渲染环境气氛,烘托文章中心的作用,引出即将出现的人物。 [例段]记得小时候暑假里的一天,太阳象火球一样炙烤着大地,一丝风也没有,我坐在家里虽然拿着扇子猛扇,可黄豆般的汗珠子还是直往外冒。《我难忘的一件事》 (6)倒叙式:倒叙式开头,与“开门见山式”开头恰恰相反,先写出事情的结果,再回过头来写事情的起因和经过。其目的是造成悬念,引人人胜。 [例段]虽然刘老师已经离别我们三年了,但崇拜、眷恋之情还时常在我的心头滋生,多么难忘呀!那堂堂的仪表,爽朗的笑声,习惯性的用小拇指搔头……《桃李情》 02、怎样写文章结尾? 文章的结尾,就是到此收笔,结束全文。好的结尾,有深化主题、突出中心或增强文章感染力的作用。文章的结尾与文章的开头一样,方式很多。常见的方法有:


小学语文修辞手法大全 1.比喻: 比喻由三部分构成: 1、本体 2、喻体 3、比喻词 (比喻和拟人最大的不同在于比喻含有喻体,拟人没有。) 作用:将表达的内容说得生动具体形象,给人以鲜明深刻的印象,根据事物的相似点,用具体、浅显、常见的事物对深奥生疏的事物解说,即打比方,帮助人深入理解。 比喻的三种类型:明喻、暗喻和借喻: 类别|特点|本体|比喻词|喻体|例句 明喻|甲像乙|出现|像、似的、好像、如、宛如、好比、犹如|出现|那小姑娘好像一朵花一样。 暗喻|甲是乙|出现|是、成为|出现|那又浓又翠的景色,简直就是一幅青山绿水画。 借喻|甲代乙|不出现|无|出现|地上射起无数的箭头,房顶上落下万千条瀑布。 例句:像一块空灵的蓝水晶。朱自清《春》 2.比拟: 借助丰富的想像,把物当成人来写,或把人当成物来写,或把甲物当成乙物来写。 作用:能启发读者想像,令文章更生动。 比拟分为拟人和拟物 (1)拟人: 把物当做人写,赋予物以人的思想、感情、活动,用描写人的词来描写物。作用:把禽兽鸟虫花草树木或其他无生命的事物当成人写,使具体事物人格化,语言生动形象。 例句:

1.桃树、杏树、梨树、你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。《春》朱自清 2.感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。《春望》杜甫 3.太阳的脸红起来了。《春》朱自清 (2)拟物: ①把人比作物,或把此物当作彼物来写 例句 1.人群不顾一切,涌了上来。 2.在群众的呼喝声中,那个恶霸夹着尾巴逃跑了。 ②把甲事物当成乙事物来写。 例句 1.火山发出一声咆哮。 2.月光如流水一般,静静地泻在这一片叶子和花上。(《荷塘月色》朱自清) 3.夸张: 对事物的性质,特征等故意地夸张或缩小。 作用:提示事物本质,烘托气氛,加强渲染力,引起联想效果。 类别特点例句 扩大夸张对事物形状、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以夸大柏油路晒化了,甚至铺户门前的铜牌好像也要晒化 缩小夸张对事物形象、性质、特征、作用、程度等加以缩小只能看到巴掌大的一块天地 超前夸张把后出现的说成先出现,把先出现的说成后出现她还没有端酒怀,就醉了。 4.排比: 把三个或以上结构和长度均类似、语气一致、意义相关或相同的句子排列起来。作用:加强语势、语言气氛,使文章的节奏感加强,条理性更好,更利于表达强烈的感情(表达效果)。 例句:他们的品质是那样的纯洁和高尚,他们的意志是那样的坚韧和刚强,他们的气质是那样的淳朴和谦逊,他们的胸怀是那样的美丽和宽广。


Today, I am going to introduce the definition of narration to all of you. First, let’s start with what exactly the narration is. As we all know, narration, in fact, is a particular way of telling stories. So in the light of this, we can say that narration is the use of a written or spoken commentary to convey a story to an audience. Second, to make a narration complete, believable, six elements are needed. They are usually called as “5Ws and 1H.” The so-called six elements are when, where, who, what, why and how. The reason why they are indispensable is that they guarantee the passage makes sense and to some degree, finds an echo in readers. Without them, the whole passage will be not only superficial and shadow, but less appealing. Third, as I have mentioned before, think of narration and we soon think of telling a story. Here, let’s see the way in which a story teller would choose to tell a story. In other words, the way the writer plans to lay out his memories and on the other hand wants his readers to catch his point of view. So here comes the written style in a narration. They are chronological order, space order and consecution order. As long as they are used appropriately, it will not prove difficult to make a logical, attractive narration. It is worth noting that as a way to narrate a story, they are not strictly separate from each other. Anyway, just like novels, the more complex plot is, the more fascinating narrations will be. I am sure that no one wants to read a long, boring diary which has nothing to do with themselves, doesn’t it? This is all about the narration I would like to share with you. Thank you very much for listening.

the frist person narration

First Person Point of View A first person narrator is usually also the main character, or protagonist, in a story. Because the protagonist only knows his own thoughts, his perspective is limited. The reader only receives information from the protagonist's perspective, and he may be na?ve or unreliable. However, first person narration imparts to the reader a sense of immediacy and realism. Additionally, because the reader sees events through the eyes of the protagonist, the reader almost feels as though he were part of the character. Intimacy The narrator is also a character in a first person novel, making for a more intimate perspective for the reader. Whether the narrator is the protagonist or a more minor character, the reader gets a sense of being closer to the action, among the other characters. A first person narrator can tell a story from the present, or from the perspective of an older, wiser self looking back on the events. In either case, the first person perspective gives the reader a sense of personally knowing the character. Reliability Telling a story in first person allows an author to creatively withhold information. Readers naturally believe what a narrator tells them, but a writer may not necessarily create a reliable narrator. A first person narrator can be mistaken, lie or be insane, and a writer can choose to reveal the truth at a later point in a story. A writer can also hint at a narrator's unreliability, leaving the reader to draw conclusions about the level of truth in a narrator's version of events. Experimenting with reliability can lend suspense to a story and make for particularly interesting characterization. Creating a first person narrator who is less than sane, or who doesn't know or understand all that happens in a story can also make a story far more complex. Naturalness Since we use first person when speaking in real life, some authors believe writing in first person is easier than third. First person can be more straightforward, with a narrator who says what he feels and sees, rather than a narrator who describes what someone else feels. Writing in first person also requires a writer only to inhabit a single character's thought process, rather than switching between several characters' perspectives. Some writers argue that using a first person perspective simplifies the writing process.


小学语文知识(写作方法)集锦 01、怎样写文章开头? (1)总冒式:文章一下笔就开宗明义,点出全文的中心思想,使读者对全文的中心思想有一个概括了解,然后,全文围绕这一中心进行记叙。 [例段]我家对门住着一位远近闻名的下棋能手——胡爷爷。《下棋能手》 (2)开门见山式:文章一下笔就先交待事情发生的时间、地点、原因、人物,然后再叙述主要内容。特点是下笔扣题,点出题目,揭示文章主题,直截了当,又可节省篇幅,全文顺势而下,但开头要注意语言简洁、凝练。 [例段]今天早晨,我们想去看日出,可太阳总是不肯出来,我们就只好看云。《太阳和云》 (3)介绍式:这种开头的方式是对所叙述的人物、事件、环境等,先作一些概括的、简单的介绍,使读者获得总的印象,然后引入正文,再作具体的介绍。

[例段]电子计算机是尖端科学、高新技术、渊博知识的象征。而微机是计算机大家庭中的一员。从前,我对它是非常陌生的,而在今年暑假,我却和它交上了朋友。《同微机交朋友》 (4)提问式:文章开头提出问题,造成悬念,引起读者的急切关注或兴趣,促使读者读下去,而问题的答案就是正文要叙述的内容。 [例段]我的家乡,在中国地图上是个连手指甲大的位置也没占到的地方,近年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,不相信吗?你听——《你听——我讲新鲜事》 (5)描写式:这种格式的开头,从写景状物下笔,抓住景物的特征,烘托文章中心的作用,引出即将出现的人物。 [例段]记得小时候暑假里的一天,太阳象火球一样炙烤着大地,一丝风也没有,我坐在家里虽然拿着扇子猛扇,可黄豆般的汗珠子还是直往外冒。《我难忘的一件事》(6)倒叙式:倒叙式开头,与“开门见山式”开头恰恰相反,先写出事情的结果,再回过头来写事情的起因和经过。其目的是造成悬念,引人人胜。 [例段]虽然刘老师已经离别我们三年了,但崇拜、眷恋之情还时常在我的心头滋生,多么难忘呀!那堂堂的仪表,爽朗的笑声,习惯性的用小拇指搔头……《桃李情》 02、怎样写文章结尾? 文章的结尾,就是到此收笔,结束全文。好的结尾,有深化主题、突出中心或增强文章感染力的作用。文章的结尾与文章的开头一样,方式很多。常见的方法有: (1)首尾照应式:即结尾照应开头,前有伏笔,后有照应,首尾圆和。不仅使文章结构完整,而且给读者留下余味。这种结尾的特点是在开头段中,对以后将要出现的人物、事件作必要的暗示。而在结尾时,对首段留下的伏笔作必要的回应。 [例段](开头)每当我看到写字台上那笑容可掬的“不倒翁”时,那举家欢笑的情景便浮

gatsby narration

Bobbie Ausmus, Jiahui Wang, Eric Watson, Reggie Evans Mr. Banks English III CP 24 February 2012 First scene: The first scene we selected is the acquaintance between Nick and Gatsby. In this scene, Nick familiarizes himself with Gatsby and how he acts around other people. This leads to Gatsby befriending Nick. This scene is really important because it serves as a bridge between Nick and Gatsby, which helps Gatsby meet Daisy. It reveals Gatsby’s American Dream is to get Daisy to fall back in love with him. And also we chose the song that is a little bit sad because this scene also foreshadows the destruction of Gatsby’s American Dream, setting the tone and mood for the story between Gatsby and Daisy. Second Scene: The second scene we chose is the reunion of Daisy and Gatsby. This is really crucial because this moment is the almost realization of Gatsby's American Dream, the repeat of the past, as he once said. Gatsby finally meets the girl he has been thinking solely about for 5 years. The American Dream has seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. We could imagine that he must be full of excitement inside, and softness outside when he sees Daisy. Therefore, we chose a song that is slow and quiet, but expresses a feeling of happiness. Through the song, the audience and readers will feel the exact mirth inside Gatsby.


部编版六年级语文上册-知识集锦之写作方 法 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

小学语文知识(写作方法)集锦 01、怎样写文章开头? 文章的开头,就是文章怎样“提笔”。开头应该新颖别致,引人人胜。常见的方法有:(1)总冒式:文章一下笔就开宗明义,点出全文的中心思想,使读者对全文的中心思想有一个概括了解,然后,全文围绕这一中心进行记叙。 [例段]我家对门住着一位远近闻名的下棋能手——胡爷爷。《下棋能手》 (2)开门见山式:文章一下笔就先交待事情发生的时间、地点、原因、人物,然后再叙述主要内容。特点是下笔扣题,点出题目,揭示文章主题,直截了当,既可清楚地展开记叙,又可节省篇幅,全文顺势而下,但开头要注意语言简洁、凝练。 [例段]今天早晨,我们想去看日出,可太阳总是不肯出来,我们就只好看云。《太阳和云》 (3)介绍式:这种开头的方式是对所叙述的人物、事件、环境等,先作一些概括的、简单的介绍,使读者获得总的印象,然后引入正文,再作具体的介绍。 [例段]电子计算机是尖端科学、高新技术、渊博知识的象征。而微机是计算机大家庭中的一员。从前,我对它是非常陌生的,而在今年暑假,我却和它交上了朋友。《同微机交朋友》 (4)提问式:文章开头提出问题,造成悬念,引起读者的急切关注或兴趣,促使读者读下去,而问题的答案就是正文要叙述的内容。 [例段]我的家乡,在中国地图上是个连手指甲大的位置也没占到的地方,近年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,不相信吗?你听——《你听——我讲新鲜事》 (5)描写式:这种格式的开头,从写景状物下笔,抓住景物的特征,起到渲染环境气氛,烘托文章中心的作用,引出即将出现的人物。 [例段]记得小时候暑假里的一天,太阳象火球一样炙烤着大地,一丝风也没有,我坐在家里虽然拿着扇子猛扇,可黄豆般的汗珠子还是直往外冒。《我难忘的一件事》 (6)倒叙式:倒叙式开头,与“开门见山式”开头恰恰相反,先写出事情的结果,再回过头来写事情的起因和经过。其目的是造成悬念,引人人胜。 [例段]虽然刘老师已经离别我们三年了,但崇拜、眷恋之情还时常在我的心头滋生,多么难忘呀!那堂堂的仪表,爽朗的笑声,习惯性的用小拇指搔头……《桃李情》


Narration in Chronological Order Action appeals to us. Not only do we love to take part in and watch actions, we enjoy telling what we have done and what we have seen others do. We likewise listen and read eagerly what other people have done and seen. Histories, autobiographies, biographies, novels, short stories, narrative poems, and plays thus give us much joy and satisfaction. In fact, narration, which consists of telling an event or a series of events, makes up most of our reading. There are a great many events waiting to be told and written. How do we begin? A good narrative answers clearly the six questions When? Where? Who? What? Why? How? In other words, in relating an event, we must inform our readers as to the time (When?) and the place (Where?) at which the event takes place; we must let them know the people (Who?) that are involved in the action and the incidents that make up the narrative (What?); and we must indicate the cause (Why?) of the action and tell in what way (How?) the outcome is brought about. And the incidents that make up the story are usually told in the order in which they occur, that is, narration in chronological order. The following is a paragraph narrating the Jewish legend of the creation of the world. Note how rigidly it keeps to the chronological order. True, it adheres to the principle that a narrative should move rapidly from beginning to end, but the factors that stimulate interest, and the suspense that tries to hold the events from occurring too soon are lacking. Further, descriptions of the actions are lacking, making the narrative dull and monotonous. The world was created by Jehovah. In the beginning the world just floated in space, with no land, only endless waters. One day, Jehovah came and brooded over the sea, somberly silent and dark. He was unhappy about this. So he commanded light, which he called Day and the end of it Night. Heaven was made the next day for the clouds to float on and the winds to blow across. On the third day land emerged from the waters with grass, trees and shrubs growing on it. Then Jehovah said: “Let the Heavens be filled with stars so that the seasons and days and the years may be marked.” This was done, thus ended the fourth day. The fifth day saw the creation of fishes in the waters and birds in the sky, among them the mighty whale and the tiny minnow, the giant ostrich and the little sparrow. Then came the most important creation of all ---after Jehovah ordered the world to be full of creatures that creep and those that walk on legs, he took some of the dust of the soil and molded it into an image just like himself. He gave it life and called it Man. This was the sixth day, and Jehovah was contented. The next day he took a rest. The eighth day saw the man, Adam, feeling lonesome, as all other creatures had been given the companionship of their own kind but he was alone. Jehovah took a rib from his body and out came Eve. Thus Jehovah completed his great mission of Creation. The narration above is too rigid to be appealing because of the lack of details. The following is another narrative which is about the life of Christopher Marlowe, a contemporary dramatist of William Shakespeare’s. In the year when William Shakespeare was baptized, another great dramatist, Christopher Marlowe, was born to a Canterbury shoemaker. It is certain that he had a regular education and attended Cambridge University. However, we become less certain when we come to the exact period when he started writing plays, probably on leaving Cambridge. He associated himself with a theatrical company of nobleman, and , in the meantime, became acquainted with the leading men of letters. He has been greatly commended upon for his great contribution to enriching the blank verse. Some of the scenes of his plays are still among the most dramatic in English literature. It has in fact been suggested that he had a share in the writing of Shakespeare’s plays. Unlike Shakespeare, whose life remains a mystery, Marlowe is known to have le a stormy life. He was arrested in 1593 for spreading atheistic opinions. He was also suspected of being a government agent. Though these seemed to be nothing doubtful about his life history, there have been puzzles about him——was he indeed a government agent? Was his death purely the result of a mere quarrel? Maybe we’ll uncover more facts about the man who was reputed to have exerted the most


NARRATION writing skill (1) 1. What is narration? Narration means telling a single story or several related stories. The story can be a means to an end, a way to support a main idea or thesis. Narration is powerful. Every public speaker, from politician to classroom teacher, knows that stories capture the attention of listeners as nothing else can. We want to know what happened to others, not simply because we're curious, but also because their experiences shed light on our own lives. Narration lends force to opinion, triggers the flow of memory, and evokes places, times, and people in ways that are compelling and affecting. 2. How narration fits your purpose and audience; Narration can also appear in essays, sometimes as a supplemental pattern of development. In addition to providing effective support in one section of your paper, narration can also serve as an essay's dominant pattern of development. In fact, we can use a single extended narrative to convey a central point and share with readers your view of what happened. Although some narratives relate unusual experiences, most tread familiar ground, telling tales of joy, love, loss, frustration, fear--- all common emotions experienced during life. Narratives can take the ordinary and transmute it into something significant, even extraordinary. As Willa Cather, the American novelist wrote: ―There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before." The challenge lies in applying your own vision to tale, thereby making it unique. 3. Prewriting strategies for narration; ?What event evokes strong emotion in you and is likely to have a powerful effect on your readers? ?Does your journal suggest any promising subjects? ?Does anything point to an event worth writing about? ?Will you focus on a personal experience, an incident in someone else's life, or a public event? ?If you write about an event in someone else's life, will you have time to interview the person?


小学语文知识(写作方法)集锦 市实验一小陈思思 市实验一小陈思思 01、怎样写文章开头? 文章的开头,就是文章怎样“提笔”。开头应该新颖别致,引人入胜。常见的方法有: (1)总冒式:文章一下笔就开宗明义,点出全文的中心思想,使读者对全文的中心思想有一个概括了解,然后,全文围绕这一中心进行记叙。 [例段]我家对门住着一位远近闻名的下棋能手——胡爷爷。《下棋能手》 (2)开门见山式:文章一下笔就先交待事情发生的时间、地点、原因、人物,然后再叙述主要内容。特点是下笔扣题,点出题目,揭示文章主题,直截了当,既可清楚地展开记叙,又可节省篇幅,全文顺势而下,但开头要注意语言简洁、凝练。 [例段]今天早晨,我们想去看日出,可太阳总是不肯出来,我们就只好看云。《太阳和云》 (3)介绍式:这种开头的方式是对所叙述的人物、事件、环境等,先作一些概括的、简单的介绍,使读者获得总的印象,然后引入正文,再作具体的介绍。[例段]电子计算机是尖端科学、高新技术、渊博知识的象征。而微机是计算机大家庭中的一员。从前,我对它是非常陌生的,而在今年暑假,我却和它交上了朋友。《同微机交朋友》 (4)提问式:文章开头提出问题,造成悬念,引起读者的急切关注或兴趣,促使读者读下去,而问题的答案就是正文要叙述的内容。 [例段]我的家乡,在中国地图上是个连手指甲大的位置也没占到的地方,近年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,不相信吗?你听——《你听——我讲新鲜事》(5)描写式:这种格式的开头,从写景状物下笔,抓住景物的特征,起到渲染环境气氛,烘托文章中心的作用,引出即将出现的人物。 [例段]记得小时候暑假里的一天,太阳像火球一样炙烤着大地,一丝风也没有,我坐在家里虽然拿着扇子猛扇,可黄豆般的汗珠子还是直往外冒。《我难忘的一件事》


部编版五年级下册语文知识集锦之写作方 法 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

部编版小学语文知识(写作方法)集锦 01、怎样写文章开头? 文章的开头,就是文章怎样“提笔”。开头应该新颖别致,引人入胜。常见的方法有: (1)总冒式:文章一下笔就开宗明义,点出全文的中心思想,使读者对全文的中心思想有一个概括了解,然后,全文围绕这一中心进行记叙。 [例段]我家对门住着一位远近闻名的下棋能手——胡爷爷。《下棋能手》(2)开门见山式:文章一下笔就先交待事情发生的时间、地点、原因、人物,然后再叙述主要内容。特点是下笔扣题,点出题目,揭示文章主题,直截了当,既可清楚地展开记叙,又可节省篇幅,全文顺势而下,但开头要注意语言简洁、凝练。 [例段]今天早晨,我们想去看日出,可太阳总是不肯出来,我们就只好看云。《太阳和云》 (3)介绍式:这种开头的方式是对所叙述的人物、事件、环境等,先作一些概括的、简单的介绍,使读者获得总的印象,然后引入正文,再作具体的介绍。[例段]电子计算机是尖端科学、高新技术、渊博知识的象征。而微机是计算机大家庭中的一员。从前,我对它是非常陌生的,而在今年暑假,我却和它交上了朋友。《同微机交朋友》 (4)提问式:文章开头提出问题,造成悬念,引起读者的急切关注或兴趣,促使读者读下去,而问题的答案就是正文要叙述的内容。 [例段]我的家乡,在中国地图上是个连手指甲大的位置也没占到的地方,近年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,不相信吗?你听——《你听——我讲新鲜事》(5)描写式:这种格式的开头,从写景状物下笔,抓住景物的特征,起到渲染环境气氛,烘托文章中心的作用,引出即将出现的人物。 [例段]记得小时候暑假里的一天,太阳像火球一样炙烤着大地,一丝风也没有,我坐在家里虽然拿着扇子猛扇,可黄豆般的汗珠子还是直往外冒。《我难忘的一件事》 (6)倒叙式:倒叙式开头,与“开门见山式”开头恰恰相反,先写出事情的结果,再回过头来写事情的起因和经过。其目的是造成悬念,引人人胜。


小学语文知识:写作方法集锦 导语:小学语文中有哪些写作方法呢?下面是小编为您收集整理的写作方法,希望对您有所帮助。 01、怎样写文章开头? 文章的开头,就是文章怎样“提笔”。开头应该新颖别致,引人人胜。常见的方法有: (1)总冒式:文章一下笔就开宗明义,点出全文的中心思想,使 读者对全文的中心思想有一个概括了解,然后,全文围绕这一中心进行记叙。 [例段]我家对门住着一位远近闻名的下棋能手——胡爷爷。《下棋能手》 (2)开门见山式:文章一下笔就先交待事情发生的时间、地点、 原因、人物,然后再叙述主要内容。特点是下笔扣题,点出题目,揭 示文章主题,直截了当,既可清楚地展开记叙,又可节省篇幅,全文 顺势而下,但开头要注意语言简洁、凝练。 [例段]今天早晨,我们想去看日出,可太阳总是不肯出来,我们 就只好看云。《太阳和云》 (3)介绍式:这种开头的方式是对所叙述的人物、事件、环境等, 先作一些概括的、简单的介绍,使读者获得总的印象,然后引入正文,再作具体的介绍。

[例段]电子计算机是尖端科学、高新技术、渊博知识的象征。而 微机是计算机大家庭中的一员。从前,我对它是非常陌生的,而在今 年暑假,我却和它交上了朋友。《同微机交朋友》 (4)提问式:文章开头提出问题,造成悬念,引起读者的急切关 注或兴趣,促使读者读下去,而问题的答案就是正文要叙述的内容。 [例段]我的家乡,在中国地图上是个连手指甲大的位置也没占到 的地方,近年来却发生了翻天覆地的变化,不相信吗?你听——??? 《你听——我讲新鲜事》 (5)描写式:这种格式的开头,从写景状物下笔,抓住景物的特 征,起到渲染环境气氛,烘托文章中心的作用,引出即将出现的人物。 [例段]记得小时候暑假里的一天,太阳象火球一样炙烤着大地, 一丝风也没有,我坐在家里虽然拿着扇子猛扇,可黄豆般的汗珠子还是直往外冒。《我难忘的一件事》 (6)倒叙式:倒叙式开头,与“开门见山式”开头恰恰相反,先写出事情的结果,再回过头来写事情的起因和经过。其目的是造成悬念, 引人人胜。 [例段]虽然刘老师已经离别我们三年了,但崇拜、眷恋之情还时 常在我的心头滋生,多么难忘呀!那堂堂的仪表,爽朗的笑声,习惯 性的用小拇指搔头…… 《桃李情》 02、怎样写文章结尾? 文章的结尾,就是到此收笔,结束全文。好的结尾,有深化主题、突出中心或增强文章感染力的作用。文章的结尾与文章的开头一样,
