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* He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints.

2348. obfuscate : confuse; muddle

* Do not obfuscate the issues by dragging in irrelevant arguments.

2349. obituary : dealth notice

* I first learned of her death when I read the obituary in the newspaper.

2350. objective : not influenced by emotions; fair

* Even though he was her son, she tried to be objective about his behavior.

2352. obligatory : binding; required

* It is obligatory that books borrowed from the library be returned within two weeks.

2353. oblique : slanting; deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line

* The sergeant ordered the men to march \oblique right.\

2354. obliterate : destroy completely

* The tidal wave obliterated several island villages.

2356. obloquy : slander; disgrace; infamy

* I resent the obloquy that you are casting upon my reputation.

2357. obnoxious : offensive

* I find your behavior obnoxious; please mend your ways.

2358. obscure : dark; vague; unclear

* Even after I read the poem a fourth time, its meaning was still obscure.

2359. obscure : darken; make unclear

* At times he seemed purposely to obscure his meaning, preferring mystery to clarity.

2360. obsequious : slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic

* Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated

her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.

2361. obsequy : funeral ceremony

* Hundreds paid their last respects at his obsequies.

2362. obsession : fixed idea; continued brooding

* This obsession with the supernatural has made him unpopular with his neighbors.

2364. obsolete : outmoded

* \Hip\ is an obsolete expression; it went out with love beads and tie-dye shirts.

2365. obstetrician : physician specializing in delivery of babies

* Unlike midwives, who care for women giving birth at home, obstetricians generally

work in a hospital setting.

2366. obstinate : stubborn

* We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he was obstinate and refused to change.

2368. obtrusive : pushing forward

* I found her a very obstrusive person, constantly seeking the center of the stage.


2370. obviate : make unnecessary; get rid of

* I hope this contribution will obviate any need for further collections of funds.

2371. occident : the West

* It will take occident to understand the ways and customs of the orient.

2372. occlude : shut; close

* A blood clot occluded an artery to the heart.

2373. occult : mysterious; secret; supernatural

* The occult rites of the organization were revealed only to members.

2374. oculist : physician who specialized in treatment of the eyes

* In many states, an oculist is the only one who may apply medicinal drops to the eyes

for the purpose of examining them.

2377. odoriferous : giving off an odor

* The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite.

2380. offensive : attacking; insulting; distasteful

* Getting into street brawls is no minor offense for professional boxers, who are required by law to restrict their offensive impulses to the ring.

2387. omnipotent : all-powerful

* The monarch regarded himself as omnipotent and responsible to no one for his acts.

2388. omnipresent : universally present; ubiquitous

* On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus is omnipotent.

2389. omniscient : all-knowing

* I do not pretend to be omniscient, but I am positive about this fact.

2390. omnivorous : eating both plant and animal food; devouring everything

* Some animals, including humans, are omnivorous and eat both meat and vegetables; others are either carnivorous or herbivorous.

2392. onomatopoeia : words formed in imitation of natural sounds

* Words like \rustle\ and \gargle\ are illustrations of onomatopoeia.

2399. opportunist : individual who sacrifices principles for expediency by taking advantage of circumstances

* Forget about ethics! He's such an opportunist that he'll vote in favor of any deal that

will give him a break.

2402. optimist : person who looks on the bright side

* The pessimist says the glass is half-empty; the optimist says it is half-full.

2403. optimum : most favorable

* If you wait for the optimum moment to act, you may never begin your project .

2404. optional : not compulsory; left to one's choice

* I was impressed by the range of optional accessories for my microcomputer that were available.


2405. optometrist : one who fits glasses to remedy visual defects

* Although an optometrist is qualified to treat many eye disorders, she may

not use medicinesor surgery in her examinations.

2408. oracular : foretelling; mysterious

* Oedipus could not understand the oracular warning he received.

2409. oratorio : dramatic poem set to music

* The Glee Club decided to present an oratorio during their recital.

2412. ordinance : decree

* Passing a red light is a violation of a city ordinance.

2413. ordination : ceremony conferring holy orders

* The candidate for ordination had to meet with the bishop and the diocean officers before being judged ready to be ordained a deacon.

2414. orient : get one's bearings; adjust

* Philip spent his first day in Denver orienting himself to the city.

2417. ornate : excessively or elaborately decorated

* Furniture of the Baroque period can be recognized by its ornate carvings.

2418. ornithologist : scientific student of birds

* Auduborn's drawings of American bird life have been of interest not only to the ornithologists but also to the general public.

2419. orthodox : traditional; conservative in belief

* Faced with a problem, he preferred to take an orthodox approach rather than shock anyone.

2420. orthography : correct spelling

* Many of us find English orthography difficult to master because so many of our words are written phonetically.

2423. ossify : change or harden into bone

* When he called his opponent a \bonehead,\ he implied that his adversary'sbrain had ossified and that he was not capable of clear thinking.

2424. ostensible : apparent; professed; pretended

* Although the ostensible purpose of this expedition is to discover new lands, we are

really interested in finding new markets for our products.

2425. ostentatious : showy; pretentious; trying to attract attention

* Trump's latest casino in Atlantic City is the most ostentatious gambling place in the East: it easily outglitters its competitors.

2429. outmoded : no longer stylish; old-fahioned

* Unconcerned about keeping in style, Lenore was perfectly happy to wear outmoded clothes as long as they were clean and unfrayed.

2433. outwit : outsmart; trick


* By disguising himself as an old woman, Holmes was able to outwit his pursuers and escape capture.

2435. overbearing : bossy; arrogant; decisively important

* Certain of her own importance and of the unimportance of everyone else, Lady Bracknell was intolerably overbearing in manner. \In choosing a husband,\ she said,

\good birth is of overbearing importance; compared to that, neither wealth nor talent

2436. overt : open to view

* According to the United States Constitution, a person must commit an overt act before he may be tried for treason.

2440. overhaul : thoroughly examine the condition of and repair if necessary

* It is necessary for the engineers of NASA to overhaul the rocket everyday; otherwise,

an incident similar to that of Challenger accident might happen.

2441. pachyderm : thick-skinned animal

* The elephant is probably the best-known pachyderm.

2442. pacifist : one opposed to force; antimilitarist

* The pacifists urged that we reduce our military budget and recall our troops stationed overseas.

2443. pacify : soothe; make calm or quiet; subdue

* Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.

2445. painstaking : showing hard work; taking great care

* The new high-frequency word list is the result of painstaking efforts on the part of

our research staff.

2455. palpable : tangible; easily perceptible

* I cannot understand how you could overlook such a palpable blunder.

2456. palpitate : throb; flutter

* As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically.

2457. paltry : insignificant; petty

* This is a paltry sum to pay for such a masterpiece.

2458. pan : criticize harshly

* Hoping for a rave review of his new show, the playwright was miserable when the critics panned it unanimously.

2459. panacea : cure-all; remedy for all diseases

* There is no easy panacea that will solve our complicated international situation.

2461. pandemic : widespread; affecting the majority of people

* They feared the AIDS epidemic would soon reach pandemic proportions.

2462. pandemonium : wild tumult

* When the ships collided in the harbor, pandemonium broke out among the passengers.


2466. pantomime : acting without dialogue

* Because he worked in pantomime, the clown could be understood wherever he appeared.

2467. papyrus : ancient paper made from stem of papyrus plant

* The ancient Egyptians were among the first to write on papyrus.

2469. paradigm : model; example; pattern

* Pavlov's experiment in which he trains a dog to salivate on hearing a bell is a paradigm of the conditioned-response experiment in behavioal psychology.

2470. paradox : statement that looks false but is actually correct; a contradictory statement

* Wordworth's \The child is father to the man\ is an example of paradox.

2474. paramount : foremost in importance; supreme

* Proper nutrition and hygiene are of paramount importance in adolescent development

and growth.

2475. paramour : illicit lover

* She sought a divorce on the grounds that her husband had a paramour in another town.

2476. paranoia : psychosis marked by delusions of grandeur or persecution

* Suffering from paranoia, he claimed everyone was out to get him; ironically, his

claim was accurate; even paranoids have enemies.

2478. paraphrase : restate a passage in one's own words while retaining thought of author

* In 250 words or less, paraphrase this article.

2479. parasite : animal or plant living on another; toady; sycophant

* The tapeworm is an example of the kind of parasite that may infest the human body. 2482. parity : equality; close resemblance

* I find your analogy inaccurate because I do not see the parity between the two illustrations.

2486. parody : humorous imitation; travesty

* We enjoyed the clever parodies of popular songs that the chorus sang.

2491. partial : incomplete

* In this issue we have published only a partial list of contributors because we lack space to acknowledge everyone.

2492. partial : biased; having a liking for something

* I am extremely partial to chocolate eclairs.

2493. partiality : inclination; bias

* As a judge, not only must I be unbiased, but I must also avoid any evidence of partiality when I award the prize.


2494. partisan : one-sided; prejudiced; committed to a party

* On certain issues of conscience, she refused to take a partisan stand.

2496. passive : not active; acted upon

* Mahatma Gandhi urged his followers to pursue a program of passive resistance as he

felt that it was more effective than violence and acts of terrorism.

2500. pathetic : causing sadness, compassion, pity; touching

* Everyone in the auditorium was weeping by the time he finished his pathetic tale about the orphaned boy.

2501. pathological : pertaining to disease

* As we study the pathological aspects of this disease, we must not overlook the psychological elements.

2502. pathos : tender to sorrow; pity; quality in art or literature that produces these feelings.

* The quiet tone of pathos that ran through the novel never degenerated into the maudlin or the overly sentimental.

2505. patriarch : father and ruler of a family or tribe

* In many primitive tribes, the leader and lawmaker was the patriarch.

2506. patrician : noble; aristocratic

* We greatly admired her well-bred, patrician elegance

2507. patronize : support; act superior toward

* Experts in a field sometimes appear to patronize people who are less knowledgeable

of the subject.

2512. pedagogue : teacher

* He could never be a stuffy pedagogue; his classes were always lively and filled with humor.

2513. pedagogy : teaching; art of education

* Though Maria Montessori gained fame for her innovations in pedagogy, it took years before her teaching techniques became common practice in American schools.

2514. pedant : scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities

* Her insistence that the book be memorized marked the teacher as a pedant rather than

a scholar.

2515. pedantic : showing off learning; bookish

* Leaving his decisions with humorous, down-to-earth anecdotes, Judge Walker was

not at all pedantic legal scholar.

2516. pedestrian : ordinary; unimaginative

* Unintentionally boring, he wrote page after page of pedestrian prose.

2517. pediatrician : physician specializing in children's diseases.

* The family doctor advised the parents to consult a pediatrician about their child's



2520. pellucid : transparent; limpid; easy to understand

* After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable.

2521. penance : self-imposed punishment for sin

* The Ancient Mariner said, \I have penance done and penance more will do,\to atone

for the sin of killing the albatross.

2523. pendant : hanging down from something

* Her pendant earrings glistened in the light.

2524. pendant : ornament (hanging from a necklace, etc.)

* The grateful team presented the coach with a silver chain and pendant engraved with

the school's motto.

2525. pendulous : hanging; suspended

* The pendulous chandeliers swayed in the breeze as if they were about to fall from the ceiling.

2526. penitent : repentant

* When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent.

2527. pensive : dreamily thoughtful; thoughtful with a hint of sadness

* The pensive youth gazed at the painting for a long time and then sighed.

2528. penumbra : partial shadow (in an eclipse)

* During an eclipse, we can see an area of total darkness and a lighter area, which is

the penumbra.

2530. penury : extreme poverty

* When his pension fund failed, George feared he would end his days in penury.

2532. perceptive : insightful; aware; wise

* Although Maud was a generally perceptive critic, she had her blind sports: she could

never see flaws in the work of her friends.

2533. percussion : striking one object against another sharply

* The drum is a percussion instrument.

2536. peremptory : demanding and leaving no choice

* From Jack's peremptory knock on the door, Jill could tell he would not give up until

she let him in.

2537. perennial : something long-lasting

* Tese plants are hardy perennials and will bloom for many years.

2538. perifidious : treacherous; disloyal

* When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend.

2539. perforate : pierce; put a hole through

* Before you can open the aspirin bottle, you must first perforate the plastic safety seal


that covers the cap.

2540. perfunctory : superficial; not thorough; lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm

* The auditor's perfunctory inspection of the books overlooked many errors.

2541. perigee : point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth

* The rocket which was designed to take photographs of the moon was launched as the

moon approached its perigee.

2542. perimeter : outer boundary

* To find the perimeter of any quadrilateral, we add the lengths of the four sides.

2544. peripheral : marginal; outer

* We lived, not in central London, but in one of those peripheral suburbs that spring up

on the outskirts of the great city.

2545. periphery : edge, especially of a round surface

* He sensed that there was something just beyond the periphery of his vision.

2546. perjury : false testimony while under oath

* When several witnesses appeared to challenge his story, he was indicted for perjury. 2547. permeable : porous; allowing passage through

* Glass is permeable to light.

2548. pernicious : very destructive, harmful

* He argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young and susceptible minds.

2549. peroration : conclusion of an oration

* The peroration was largely hortatory and brought the audience to its feet clamoring

for action at its close.

2551. perpetual : everlasting

* Ponce de Leon hoped to find perpetual youth.

2552. perquisite : any gain above stipulated salary

* The perquisites attached to this job make it even more attractive than the salary indicates.

2553. personable : attractive

* The man I am seeking to fill this position must be personable since he will be representing us before the public.

2554. perspicacious : having insight; penetrating; astute

* The brillant lawyer was known for his perspicacious deductions.

2555. perspicuity : clearness of expression; freedom from ambiguity

* One of the outstanding features of this book is the perspicuity of its author; her meaning is always clear.

2556. perspicuous : plainly expressed

* Her perspicuous comments eliminated all posibility of misinterpretation.

2558. pertinacious : stubborn; persistent


* He is bound to succeed because his pertinacious nature will not permit him to quit.

2559. pertinent : suitable; to the point

* The lawyer wanted to know all the pertinent details.

2560. perturb : disturb greatly

* I am afraid this news will perturb him and cause him grief.

2561. perusal : reading

* I am certain that you have missed important details in your rapid perusal of this document.

2562. pervasive : spread throughout

* Despite airing them for several hours, she could not rid her clothes of the pervasive

odor of mothbals that clung to them.

2563. perverse : stubbornly wrongheaded; wicked and unacceptable

* When Hannibal Lecter was in a perverse mood, he ate the flesh of his victims.

2564. perversion : corruption; turning from right to wrong

* Inasmuch as he had no motive for his crimes, we could not understand his perversion.

2565. pessimism : belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess

* The good news we have been receiving lately indicates that there is little reason for

your pessimism.

2568. petrify : turn to stone

* His sudden and unexpected appearance seemed to petrify her.

2572. phenomena : observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation

* We kept careful records of the phenomena we noted in the course of these experiments.

2574. philanthropist : lover of mankind; doer of good

* As he grew older, he became famous as a philanthropist and benefactor of the needy. 2577. philology : study of language

* The professor of philology advocated the use of Esperanto as an international language.

2590. pinnacle : peak

* We could see the morning sunlight illuminate the pinnacle while the rest of the mountain lay in shadow.

2598. placate : pacify; conciliate

* The teacher tried to placate the angry mother.

2600. placid : peaceful; calm

* After his vacation in this placid section, he felt soothed and rested.

2602. plaintive : mournful

* The dove has a plaintive and melancholy call


2606. plauditory : approving; applauding

* The theatrical company reprinted the plauditory comments of the critics in its advertisement.

2607. plausible : having a show of truth but open to doubt; specious

* Even though your argument is plausible, I still would like to have more proof.

2609. plenary : complete; full

* The union leader was given plenary power to negotiate a new contract with

the employers.

2610. plenitude : abundance; completeness

* Looking in the pantry, we admired the plenitude of fruits and pickles we had preserved during the summer.

2612. pliable : flexible; yielding; adaptable

* In remodeling the bathroom, we replaced all the old, rigid lead pipes with new, pliable copper tubing.

2620. poignancy : quality of being deeply moving; keenness of emotion

* Watching the tearful reunion of the long-separated mother and child, the social worker was touched by the poignancy of the scene.

2621. polarize : split into opposite extremes or camps

* The abortion issue has polarized the country into pro-choice and anti-abortion camps. 2623. politic : expedient; prudent; well devised

* Even though he was disappointed, he did not think it politic to refuse the offer.

2624. polity : form of government of nation or state

* Our polity should be devoted to the concept that the government should strive for the

good of all citizens.

2625. polygamist : one who has more than one spouse at a time

* He was arrested as a polygamist when his two wives filed complaints about him.

2626. polyglot : speaking several languages

* New York City is a polyglot community because of the thousands of immigrants who

settle there.

2628. ponderous : weighty; unwieldy

* His humor lacked the light touch; his jokes were always ponderous.

2632. portend : foretell; presage

* The king did not know what these omens might portend and asked his soothsayers to interpret them.

2633. portent : sign; omen; forewarning

* He regarded the black cloud as a portent of evil.

2634. portly : stout; corpulent

* The salesclerk tactfully referred to the overweight customer as portly rather than fat.


2637. posthumous : after death (as of child born after father's death or book published

after author's death)

* The critics ignored his works during his lifetime; it was only after the posthumous publication of his last novel that they recognized his great talent.

2639. posture : assume an affected pose; act artificially

* No matter how much Arnold boasted or postured, I could not believe he was as important as he pretended to be.

2640. potable : suitable for drinking

* The recent drought in the Middle Atlantic States has emphasized the need for extensive research in ways of making sea water potable.

2641. potent : powerful; persuasive; greatly influential

* The jury was swayed by the highly potent testimony of the crime's sole eye witness. 2642. potentate : monarch; sovereign

* The potentate spent more time at Monte Carlo than he did at home on his throne.

2643. potential : expressing possibility; latent

* The juvenile delinquent is a potential murderer.

2647. practicable : feasible

* The board of directors decided that the plan was practicable and agreed to undertake

the project.

2648. practical : based on experience; useful

* He was a practical man, opposed to theory

2649. pragmatic : practical (as opposed to idealistic); concerned with the practical worth or impact of something

* This coming trip to France should provide me with a pragmatic test of thevalue of

my conversational French class.

2650. pragmatist : practical person

* No pragmatist enjoys becoming involved in a game that he can never win

2653. preamble : introductory statement

* In the preamble to the Constitution, the purpose of the document is set forth.

2654. precarious : uncertain; risky

* I think this stock is a precarious investment and advise against its purchase.

2655. precedent : something preceding in time that may be used as an authority or guide for future action

* This decision sets a precedent for future cases of a similar nature.

2656. precedent : preceding in time, rank, etc.

* Our discussions, precedent to this event, certainly did not give you any reason to believe that we would adopt your proposal.

2657. precept : practical rule guiding conduct


* \Love thy neighbor as thyself\ is a worthwhile precept.

2658. precipice : cliff; dangerous position

* Suddenly Indiana Jones found himself dangling from the edge of a precipice

2659. precipitate : headlong; rash

* Do not be precipitate in this matter; investigate further.

2660. precipitate : throw headlong; hasten

* The removal of American political support appeared to have precipitated the downfall of the Marcos regime.

2661. precipitous : steep; overhasty

* This hill is difficult to climb because it is so precipitous; one slip, and our descent

will be precipitous as well.

2662. precise : exact

* If you don't give me precise directions and a map, I'll never find your place.

2663. preclude : make impossible; eliminate

* This contract does not preclude my being employed by others at the same time that I

am working for you.

2664. precocious : advanced in development

* By her rather adult manner of discussing serious topics, the child demonstrated that

she was precocious.

2665. precursor : forerunner

* Though Gray and Burns share many traits with the Romantic poets who followed them, most critics consider them precursors of the Romantic Movement, not true Romantics.

2666. predatory : plundering

* The hawk is a predatory bird.

2667. predecessor : former occupant of a post

* I hope I can live up to the fine example set by my late predecessor in this office.

2668. predilection : partiality; preference

* Although the artist used various media from time to time, she had a predilection for watercolors.

2669. preeminent : outstanding; superior

* The king traveled to Boston because he wanted the preeminent surgeon in the field to perform the operation.

2670. preempt : head off; forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself; supplant

* Hoping to preempt any attempts by the opposition to make educational reform a hot political issue, the candidate set out her own plan to revitalize the public schools.

2673. prehensile : capable of grasping or holding

* Monkeys use not only their arms and legs but also their prehensile tails in traveling


through the trees.

2675. prelude : introduction; forerunner

* I am afraid that this border raid is the prelude to more serious attacks.

2677. premise : assumption; postulate

* Because Jack had based his argument upon a faulty premise, his opponent cheerfully pointed out the holes in his logic.

2679. premonitory : serving to warn

* You should have visited a doctor as soon as you felt these premonitory chest pains.

2680. preponderance : superiority of power, quantity, etc.

* The rebels sought to overcome the preponderance of strength of the government forces by engaging in guerrilla tactics.

2681. preposterous : absurd; ridiculous

* When the candidate tried to downplay his youthful experiments with marijuana by saying he hadn't inhaled, we all thought, \What a preposterous excuse!\

2682. prerogative : privilege; unquestionable right

* The President cannot levy taxes; that is the prerogative of the legislative branch of government.

2683. presage : foretell

* The vultures flying overhead presaged the discovery of the corpse in the desert.

2684. prescience : ability to foretell the future

* Given the current wave of Japan-bashing, it does not take prescience for me to foresee problems in our future trade relations with Japan.

2685. presentiment : premonition; foreboding

* Hamlet felt a presentiment about his meeting with Laertes.

2686. prestige : impression produced by achievements or reputation

* The wealthy man sought to obtain social prestige by contributing to popular charities. 2688. pretentious : ostentatious; ambitious

* I do not feel that your limited resources will permit you to carry out such a pretentious program.

2689. preternatural : beyond that which is normal in nature

* John's mother's total ability to tell when he was lying struck him as almost preternatural.

2690. pretext : excuse

* He looked for a good pretext to get out of paying a visit to his aunt.

2691. prevail : induce; triumph over

* He tried to prevail on her to type his essays for him.

2692. prevalent : widespread; generally accepted

* A radical committed to social change, Reed had no patience with the conservative


views prevalent in the America of his day.

2694. prey : target of a hunt; victim

* In Stalking the Wild Asparagus, Euell Gibbons has as his prey not wild beasts but

wild plants.

2696. primogeniture : seniority by birth

* By virtue of primogeniture, in some cultures the first-born child has many privileges denied his brothers and sisters.

2697. primordial : existing at the beginning (of time); rudimentary

* The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial ancestors.

2700. privation : hardship; want

* In his youth, he knew hunger and privation.

2701. privy : secret; hidden; not public

* We do not care for privy chamber of government.

2702. probe : explore with tools

* The surgeon probed the wound for foreign matter before suturing it.

2703. probity : uprightness; incorruptibility

* Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all.

2704. problematic : perplexing; unsettled: questionable

* Given the many areas of conflict still awaiting resolution, the outcome of the peace

talks remains problematic.

2705. proclivity : inclination; natural tendency

* The cross old lady has a proclivity to grumble.

2707. procurement : obtaining

* The personnel department handles the procurement of new employees.

2709. prodigal : wasteful; reckless with money

* The prodigal son squandered his inheritance.

2711. prodigy : highly gifted child; marvel

* Menuhin was a prodigy, performing wonders on his violin when he was barely eight

years old.

2712. profane : violate; desecrate

* Tourists are urged not to profane the sanctity of holy places by wearing improper garb.

2713. profligate : dissipated; wasteful; licentious

* In this profligate company, she lost all sense of decency.

2714. profound : deep; not superficial; complete

* Freud's remarkable insights into human behavior caused his fellow scientists to honor him as a profound thinker.

2715. profusion : lavish expenditure; overabundant condition


* Seldom have I seen food and drink served in such profusion as at the wedding feast. 2716. progenitor : ancestor

* The Roth family, whose progenitors emigrated from Germany early in the nineteenth century, settled in Peru, Illinois.

2717. progeny : children; offspring

* He was proud of his progeny but regarded George as the most promising of all his children.

2718. prognosis : forecasted course of a disease; prediction

* If the doctor's prognosis is correct, the patient will be in a coma for at least twenty-four hours.

2719. prognosticate : predict

* I prognosticate disaster unless we change our wasteful ways.

2720. projectile : missile

* Man has always hurled projectiles at his enemy whether in the form of stones or of highly explosive shells.

2722. proliferate : grow rapidly; spread; multiply

* Times of economic hardship inevitably encourage countless get-rich-quick schemes

to proliferate

2723. prolific : abundantly fruitful

* She was a prolific writer who produced as many as three books a year.

2725. prolong : extend; draw out; lengthen

* In their determination to discover ways to prolong human life, doctors fail to take

into account that longer lives are not always happier ones.

2726. prominent : conspicuous; notable; protruding

* Have you ever noticed that Prince Charles's prominent ears make him resemble the

big-eared character in Mad comics?

2727. promiscuous : mixed indiscriminately; haphazard; irregular, particularly sexually

* In the opera La Boheme, we get a picture of the promiscuous life led by the young artists of Paris.

2728. promontory : headland

* They erected a lighthouse on the promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore.

2729. prompt : cause; provoke; provide a cue for an actor

* Whatever prompted you to ask for such a big piece of cake when you're on a diet?

2730. promulgate : make known by official proclamation or publication

* As soon as the Civil Service Commission promulgates the names of the successful candidates, we shall begin to hire members of our staff.

2733. propellant : substance that propels or drives forward


* The development of our missile program has forced our scientists to seek more powerful propellants.

2734. propensity : natural inclination

* Convinced of his own talent, Sol has an unfortunate propensity to belittle the talents

of others.

2735. prophetic : having to do with predicting the future

* In interpreting Pharaoh's prophetic dream, Joseph said that the seven fat cows eaten

by the seven lean cows represented seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine.

2737. propinquity : nearness; kinship

* Their relationship could not be explained as being based on mere propinquity: they

were more than relatives; they were true friends.

2739. propitious : favorable; kindly

* I think it is advisable that we wait for a more propitious occasion to ann

ounce our plans; this is not a good time.

2740. proponent : person who supports or proposes (an idea)

* After the bill had been amended and re-amended in committee, even its original proponents didn't want to vote in its favor.

2741. propound : put forth for analysis

* In you discussion, you have propounded several questions; let us consider

each one separately.

2742. propriety : fitness; correct conduct

* I want you to behave at this dinner with propriety; don't embarass me.

2743. propulsive : driving forward

* The jet plane has a greater propulsive power than the engine-driven plane.

2746. proscribe : ostracize; banish; outlaw

* Antony, Octavius and Lepidus proscribed all those who had conspired against Julius Caesar.

2749. prosperity : good fortune; financial success; physical well-being

* Promising to stay together \for richer, for poorer,\ the newlyweds vowed to be true to

one another in prosperity and hardship alike.

2750. prostrate : stretch out full on ground

* He prostrated himself before the idol.

2752. protocol : diplomatic etiquette

* We must run this state dinner according to protocol if we are to avoid offending any

of our guests.

2753. prototype : original work used as a model by others

* The crude typewriter on display in this museum is the prototype of the elaborate


machines in use today.

2754. protract : prolong

* Seeking to delay the union members' vote, the management team tried to protract the negotiations endlessly, but the union representatives saw through their strategy.

2755. protrude : stick out

* His fingers protruded from the holes in his gloves.

2759. provident : displaying foresight; thrifty; preparing for emergencies

* In his usual provident manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.

2760. provincial : pertaining to a province; limited in outlook; unsophisticated

* As provincial governor, Sir Henry administered the Queen's law in his remote corner

of Canada.

2762. proviso : stipulation

* I am ready to accept your proposal with the two proviso that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks.

2763. provoke : stir up anger; cause retaliation

* In order to prevent a sudden outbreak of hostilities, we must not provoke our foe.

2764. proximity : nearness

* The deer sensed the hunter's proximity and bounded away.

2766. prude : excessively modest or proper person

* The X-rated film was definitely not for prudes.

2767. prudent : cautious; careful

* A miser hoards money not because he is prudent but because he is greedy.

2769. pseudonym : pen name

* Samuel Clemens' pseudonym was Mark Twain.

2770. psychiatrist : a doctor who treats mental diseases

* A psychiatrist often needs long conferences with his patient before a diagnosis can be made.

2771. psychopathic : pertaining to mental derangement

* The psychopathic patient suffers more frequently from a disorder of the nervous system than from a diseased brain.

2772. psychosis : mental disorder

* We must endeavor to find an outlet for the patient's repressed desires if we hope to combat this psychosis.

2774. puerile : childish

* His puerile pranks sometimes offended his more mature friends.

2776. pugnacious : combative; disposed to fight

* As a child he was pugnacious and fought with everyone.

2780. pulsate : throb


* We could see the blood vessels in his temple pulsate as he became more angry.

2781. pulverize : crush or grind into very small particles

* Before sprinkling the dried herbs into the stew, Michael first pulverized them into a

fine powder.

2783. punctilious : laying stress on niceties of conduct or form; precise

* We must be punctilious in our planning of this affair, for any error may be regarded

as a personal affront.

2785. pungency : sharpness; stinging quality

* The pungency of the cigarette smoke made me cough.

2786. punitive : punishing

* He asked for punitive measures against the offender.

2788. purchase : firm grasp or footing

* The mountaineer struggled to get a proper purchase on the slippery rock.

2789. purgatory : place of spiritual expiation

* In this purgatory, he could expect no help from his comrades.

2790. purge : clean by removing impurities; clear of changes

* If you are to be purged of the charge of contempt of Congress, you must be willing to answer the questions previously asked.

2791. purport : intention; meaning

* If the purport of your speech was to arouse the rabble, you succeeded admirably.

2792. purveyor : furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer

* As purveyor of rare wines and viands, he traveled through France and Italy every

year in search of new products to sell.

2797. pyre : heap of combustible material, esp. for burning a corpse.

* The mortician put pyre on the corpse before burning a corpse.

2798. pest : troublesome or annoying person

* He was a pest; always bothering people.

2799. prohibitive : extremely high (of prices etc.)

* The super computer's price was prohibitive.

2801. quadruped : four-footed animal

* Most mammals are quadrupeds.

2806. qualified : limited; restricted

* Unable to give the candidate full support, the mayor gave him only a qualified endorsement.

2812. quash : subdue; crush; squash

* The authorities acted quickly to quash the student rebellion, sending in tanks to cow

the demonstrators.

2816. querulous : fretful; whining


* His classmates were repelled by his querulous and complaining statements.

2819. quiescent : at rest; dormant

* After this geyser erupts, it will remain quiescent for twenty-four hours.

2820. quietude : tranquility

* He was impressed by the air of quietude and peace that pervaded the valley

2821. quintessence : purest and highest embodiment

* Noel Coward displayed the quintessence of wit.

2825. quiver : case for arrows

* Robin Hood reached back and plucked one last arrow from his quiver.

2829. quotidian : daily; commonplace; customary

* To Philip, each new day of his internship was filled with excitement; he could not dismiss his rounds as merely quotidian routine.

2836. ramble : wander aimlessly (physically or mentally)

* Listening to the teacher ramble, Judy wondered whether he'd ever get to his point.

2845. random : without definite purpose, plan, or aim; haphazard

* Although the sponsor of the raffle claimed all winners were chosen at random, people had their suspicions when the grand prize went to the sponsor's brother-in-law. 2846. rankle : irritate; fester

* The memory of having been jilted rankled him for years.

2848. rapacious : excessively grasping; plundering

* Hawks and other rapacious birds prey on variety of small animals.

2852. ratify : approve formally; verify

* Before the treaty could go into effect, it had to be ratified by the president.

2853. ratiocination : reasoning; act of drawing conclusions from premises

* While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift

for ratiocination made him a superb detective.

2854. rationalization : bringing into conformity with reason

* All attempts at rationalization at this time are doomed to failure; tempers and emotions run too high for intelligent thought to prevail.

2855. rationalize : reason; justify an improper act

* Do not try to rationalize your behavior by blaming your companions.

2857. ravage : plunder; despoil

* The marauding army ravaged the countryside.

2858. rave : overwhelmingly favorable review

* Though critic John Simon seldom has a good word to say about contemporary

plays, his review of All in the Timing was a total rave.

2861. ravine : narrow valley with steep sides

* Steeper than a gully, less precipitous than a canyon, a ravine is, like them, the


product of years of erosion.

2862. raze : destroy completely

* The owners intend to raze the hotel and erect an office building on the site.

2863. reactionary : recoiling from progress; retrograde

* His program was reactionary since it sought to abolish many of the social reforms instituted by the previous administration.

2864. realm : kingdom; sphere

* The realm of possibilities for the new invention was endless.

2866. rebate : discount

* We offer a rebate of ten percent to those who pay cash.

2867. rebuff : snub; beat back

* She rebuffed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed.

2869. rebuttal : refutation; response with contrary evidence

* The defense lawyer confidently listened to the prosecutor sum up his case, sure that

she could answer his arguments in her rebuttal.

2870. recalcitrant : obstinately stubborn

* Donkeys are reputed to be the most recalcitrant of animals.

2871. recant : repudiate; withdraw previous statement

* Unless you recant your confession, you will be punished severely.

2872. recapitulate : summarize

* Let us recapitulate what has been said thus far before going ahead.

2873. receptive : quick or willing to receive ideas, suggestions, etc.

* Adventure-loving Huck Finn proved a receptive audience for Tom's tales of buried treasure and piracy.

2874. recession : withdrawal; retreat; time of low economic activity

* The slow recession of the flood waters created problems for the crews working to restore power to the area.

876. recipient : receiver

* Although he had been the recipient of many favors, he was not grateful to his benefactor.

2878. reciprocate : repay in kind

* If they attack us, we shall be compelled to reciprocate and bomb their territory.

2879. recluse : hermit

* The recluse lived in a hut in the forest.

2880. reconcile : correct inconsistencies; become friendly after a quarrel

* Every time we try to reconcile our checkbook with the bank statement, we quarrel. However, despite these monthly lovers' quarrels, we always manage to reconcile.

2881. recondite : abstruse; profound; secret



计算机常用英语词汇表 高频700单词 一、硬件类(Hardware) ('hɑ:dwε?) CPU(Center Processor Unit)中央处理单元('sent?'pr?uses?'ju:nit)Main board主板(mein b?:d) RAM(random access memory)随机存储器(内存)('r?nd?m '?kses 'mem?ri) ROM(Read Only Memory)只读存储器(ri:d '?unli 'mem?ri) Floppy Disk 软盘('fl?pi disk) Hard Disk 硬盘(hɑ:d disk) CD-ROM 光盘驱动器(光驱) monitor 监视器('m?nit?) keyboard 键盘('ki:b?:d) mouse 鼠标(maus) chip 芯片(t?ip) CD-R 光盘刻录机 HUB 集线器 Modem= MOdulator-DEModulator, 调制解调器('m?udem'm?djuleit?di:'m?djuleit?) P-P(Plug and Play) 即插即用(pl?ɡplei) UPS(Uninterruptable Power Supply) 不间断电源(?nint?'r?pt?b?l

pau?s?'plai) BIOS(Basic-input-Output System) 基本输入输出系统('beisik 'input 'autput 'sist?m) CMOS(Complementary- Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor) (k?mpli'ment?ri 'met?l '?ksaid semik?n'd?kt?)互补金属氧化物半导体 setup安装(set?p) uninstall卸载(?nin'st?:l) wizzard向导('wiz?d) OS(Operation System)操作系统(?p?'rei??n 'sist?m) OA(Office AutoMation)办公自动化('?fis ?:t?'mei??n) edit编辑('edit) copy复制('k?pi) cut剪切(k?t) paste粘贴(peist) delete删除 (di'li:t) select选择 (si'lekt) find查找 (faind) select all全选 (si'lekt ?:l) replace替换 (ri'pleis) undo撤消 (?n'du:) redo重做 ([ ri:'du:) program程序('pr?uɡr?m)


QUIZ FIVE 1.sinecure a. hopeful sign b. fruitless search c. careless act d. easy job 2.curator a. doctor b. lawyer c. caretaker d. spectator 3.periodontal a. visual b. inside a tooth c. around a tooth c. wandering 4.peripatetic a. wandering b. unemployed c. surrounding d. old-fashioned 5.procure a. say b. obtain c. look after d. heal 6.curative a. purify b. healing c. saving d. repairing 7.perimeter a. factor b. characteristic c. supplement d. boundary 8.periheral a. supplementary b. around a tooth c. wandering d. dangerous 1.theosophy 1.immaturely overconfident excellent 2.sentiment 2.outstandingly 3.sensuous 3.docrine of God and the world 4.sophomoric 4.gratifying the senses reasoning 5.sophistry 5.false by emotion colored 6.sentient 6.opinion 7.sophisticated 7.receiving perceptions 8.sensational 8.highly complex https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2415076893.html,pared to 1.introspection sound 1.inaudible 1.involving hear 2.shrewd 2.visitation to 2.auditory 2.impossible 3.vis-a-vis technique 3.prophet 3.ultrasound 3.diagnostic hearing 4.auspicious 4.appearance critical 4.resonance 4.a hearing 5.self-examination to 5.perspicacious 5.relating 5.auditor 6.sonic 6.unharmonious 6.noticeable 6.visionary 7.favorable 7.conspicuous 7.dissonant 7.finacial examiner 8.audition 8.continuing or echoing sound 8.official call 8.visage 243


考研词汇5500 主讲:刘一男 00-01 词汇的记忆方法 常见方式:考试的词汇以列表的方式发给大家 本课程的讲解方式:词根、词缀学 1、难点 2、重点 3、知识点 4、落脚点 01-1 A开头的字母 第一个规律:单词记不住的原因--没有理解 英语和汉语的区别 英语单词有词性,汉语无词性,例:讨论 背诵英语单词的前后缀:前缀(9),后缀(30) angle n.角度----ang-角度+le名词缀 备课方法:通过单词的词根开头字母的顺序来排列 acid n酸,尖酸----a尖锐的形象+id ache v.痛、刺痛----ach=ac尖,刺+e acute a.敏锐的、尖锐的;(疾病)急性的----ac尖+ute后缀acute sense 敏锐的感觉 acute sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉 agony v.痛,刺痛n.苦恼,痛苦----ag=ac尖,刺+ony 音:爱过你浊轻互变 minute 分钟----mini小+ute名词后缀,一分钟是一小会儿 01-2 architect n.建筑师 英语单词的三大变化: 1. 浊轻互变:p-d,t-d,k-g,f-v 2. 平卷舌音互换:s-sh,c-ch,t-th,p-ph 吃饭俄罗斯 ac=ach 3.近亲字母互换:r-l-n, er=el-名词缀 very Parise 巴黎,翻译时把p浊化翻译成了b的音 architect n.建筑师----arch拱+i词素+tect盖子 i-在两个词根中间出现i或者u,他们叫做词素或者连字符,作用是承上启下,没有具体含义tect-盖子detect 发现、察觉,t-top顶 rect-直立rectify 纠正,r-right ject-喷射inject注射,j-jet fect-制造、改造affect 影响、感动,f手 fact 事实----f手,事实是一手制造的 finger手指/ feel抚摸/ fist拳头/ foot脚/ factory工厂detect 发现、察觉----de往下+tect盖子,拿下盖子 ★知识点:单词如果是a+连续两个形同的辅音字母开头,那么a+第一个辅音字母的作用是加强语气(ac除外) ac-前缀的两个含义:1.进入2.加强 01-3 课程回顾: 如何记住单词: 单词当中有 前缀: 辅助表示含义 词根:核心表示含义 后缀:表示词性 ★规律:1. 单词的含义在词根上 2. 词根的含义在开头的辅音字母上 英语单词发展的三大变化 1.浊清互变:p-b,t-d,k-g,f-v dentist 牙医----dent牙+ist名词缀 artist 艺术家/ scientist 科学家----ist表示”专家”的名词缀 do did done go went walk散步/ way路/ ward方向----w-go走inward往里backward往后 talk谈话/ teach讲/ tell告诉----t-tongue舌头 dent-词根,牙,词根的含义在开头的辅音字母d上 d-t-tooth 牙,这里就发生了浊清互变 adapt v.(to)(使)适应,适合;改编,编写 ----ad加强语气前缀,解释为:去,to + apt容易 be apt to 容易… adaptation n.改编;适应----ad加强+apt容易+ation名词缀agitate v.鼓动,搅动;搅拌----ag=act行动+it它+ate动词缀由ag=act可以得出,g=ct distinct 截然不同的----di分开+st站+inct=ing无义的表音成分aviation n.航空、航行----音:爱飞,av-鸟+ation aviary 养鸟笼----av,词根,鸟+iary social 社会的----soc词根,社会+i+al形容词缀 actual 现场的、活的----act词根,行动+u+al形容词缀 在一个正宗的后缀前面加上i或者u,用于组成后缀,无实质含义


新东方高中3500 核心词汇速记班笔记整理 字母: A牛,尖锐 B孕妇,房子 C拿,喊叫,运输 D门,向外引导,挖 E向外,由内而外发散的,窗,眼睛 F标记(大部分表示的是不好的标记),飞 G搬运,土地 H梯子,高,篱笆,手,拥抱 I自己(eg:im-否定) J跳跃(这个字母出现在莎士比亚后期) K嘴,口 L长度,拉伸,手臂,腿 M山,水 N标准,门 O嘴,圆形的东西 P手掌 Q女性(女性的背面),敏捷、迅速(猴子) R芽,草,直立,旋转,路 S曲线,牙齿,切分 T连接,舌头,标记(正向的标记) U(由V 演变而来) V水,胜利,路,看 W水,女性(两个V 连起来是W) X未知,愈 Z曲线 字母互变规律: 1.元音字母互变规律eg: do-de ad-ac 2.辅音字母互变规律eg: f-v b-p r-l-n(南方人老奶奶热牛奶—lao lai lai le liu lai) 3.字母同化规律eg: a+相同的两个字母,则a+第一个字母=ad 4.字母省略规律eg: already的al 实际上是all,“全部”的意思 5.字母错位规律 词根: acu:尖端acute 尖锐的 ag:做,行动agency代理处;agenda 议程 agri:田地,农业agriculture 农业 ann: 年annual 每年的 astro,aster :(star) 星星,天体disaster灾难;astronomy 天文学 audi, audit 听:audible 可听见的;audience 观众,听众 bi,bio:生命:biology 生物学biography 传记 brillil :发光:brilliant 闪耀的


一、人称(Grammatical person) 祖父:grandfather 祖母:grandmother 姑姑:aunt 叔叔:uncle 父亲:father 母亲:mother 儿子:son 女儿:daughter 哥哥:elder brother 弟弟:younger brother 姐姐:elder sister 妹妹:younger sister 堂、表兄弟姐妹:cousin 二、人体部位(body parts) 头: head 头发:hair 眼睛:eye 鼻:nose 耳朵:ear 嘴:mouth 牙齿:tooth 舌头:tongue 脸:face 颈:neck 肩:shoulder 手臂:arm 三、方向(direction) 东:east 南:South 西:West 北:north 前:front 后:back 左:left 右:right 上:up 下:down 父母:parents 儿女:children 成年人:adult 绅士:gentleman 女士:lady 青年人:young man 男孩:boy 女孩:girl 小孩:kid; child 婴儿:infant; baby 邻居:neighbor 手:hand 手掌:palm 手指:finger 臀部:hips; buttocks 膝盖:knee cap; patella 脚:foot 心:heart 肝:liver 肺:lung 胃:stomach 血液:blood 四、时间和季节(time &seasons) 上午:morning 中午:noon 下午:afternoon 夜晚:night 过去:past 现在:present 未来:future 春:spring 夏:summer 秋:autumn; fall 冬:Winter

常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:教诲、告诫 -(韦博分享)

常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:教诲、告诫-(韦博分享)常用英语口语8000句:重要的提醒和忠告:教诲、告诫-(韦博分享) 重要的提醒和忠告 ●教诲、告诫 约翰,向她道歉。 John, apologize to her. John, apologize to her. (约翰,向她道歉。) I'm really sorry. (真对不起。) 约翰,你听我说! John, you listen to me! John, you listen to me! (约翰,你听我说!) I don't want to. (我不想听。) 危险,别淘气。 Watch out! Don't play with that thing. Mom, watch! (妈妈,你看!)

Watch out! Don't play with that thing. (危险,别淘气。) 自己的事情自己做。 Do it yourself. Can you fix my bicycle? (能帮我修一下自行车吗?) Do it yourself. (自己修。) Do it by yourself. Do it for yourself. 你别半途而废。 You should finish what you start. I'm going to give up. (我想放弃了。) You should finish what you start. (你别半途而废。) Don't leave things half done. *也可用half done来表示“半途而废”。 我认输了。 I'm ready to throw in the towel. *这是一句拳击用语,用来比喻“认输”。 You failed the exam again. (你又没考上。) I'm ready to throw in the towel. (我认输了。) 这是你(应尽)的责任。 It's your duty (to do that)。*duty “(法律、道德上的)义务,应尽的责任”。


-OR/OUR ambassador conqueror counselor governor inspector neighbor savior successor tailor tutor -STER gamester gangster minister songster spinster youngster -Y/YER enemy lady lawyer sawyer 54

LESSON THIRTEEN ACERB/ACRI acid acidify acidity acidulate acidulous acrimonious acerbic acrid acrimony exacerbate STRING/STRICT string stringency straight strain strait straiten strangle strangulate stress stretch strict strictness stricture astringency constringe constrain constrained constraint constriction constrictive constrictor distress distressful district overstrain restrain restraint restrict restriction restrictive astringent constrict prestigious stringent STRU/STRUCT structure structural construct construction reconstruct reconstruction construe destroy destruct destructible destruction destructive instruct instruction instructive instructor instrument instrumentality misconstrue misconstruction obstruct obstruction obstructive substructure superstructure deconstruction infrastructure construe instrumental PROP/PROPRI proper property proprietor proprietorship appropriation appropriator expropriation impropriety misappropriate misappropriation appropriate expropriate proprietary propriety TORT/TORS torture torturer tortuous tortoise torment torch contort contortion contortionist distort distortion extortion retort tort extort torsion tortuous VIV victual viand vital vitality vitalize vivacity vivid vivify vivisect devitalize revitalize revive revivification reviviscence survive survival survivor convivial revivify vivacious vivisection SERV serve servant service servility serf serfdom sergeant conserve conservancy conservation conservative conservatory deserve disserve disservice observe observance observation observatory preserve preservation preservative reserve reserved reservation reservoir serviceable servile servitude subservient CLUD/CLUS close closet closure conclude conclusion conclusive disclose disclosure enclose exclude exclusion exclusionism exclusive include inclusion inclusive occlude preclusion reclusion reclusive seclude secluded claustrophobia 55


英语单词记忆下载https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2415076893.html, 刘畅词汇Flash 请到 1-1学习词汇注意的问题 1、单词的英文解释和例句 例:The oppressed ____ freedom. [ A ] A. demand B. require C. request oppress →op+press press 挤,压→pressure 压力 op=against 因此oppressed 为“压迫”的意思→oppressed 被压迫的 the+形容词表示一类人 “被压迫的人____自由”那么ABC 选项应选择什么? 这题就暴露出一个问题:我们是按汉语记单词的,ABC 的中文意思中都有“要求”的意思。 但是汉语只能大概的描述英文,不能百分之百的精准的解释英文。 我们看一下ABC 的英文解释: demand :ask for firmly, unwilling to accept a refusal.强烈地要求,并不情愿接受拒绝 require :the ruler set a rule with the expectation that it will be obeyed.统治者期望自己的命令规定会被遵守。(如老师要求你完成作业,老板要求你完成工作) request :ask for politely.礼貌地要求 单词的例句有两点好处: 1)一个好的例句是最能准确说明单词最本源含义的句子 2)给写作文的时候打下扎实的基础 “不满意”怎么说呢?第一想到satisfied →content 大部分单词我们只能达到认识(第一重境界),却达不到会运用(第二重境界) 2、单词的熟词生意 late “死亡” house “坐落于”,如Beijing neworiental school is housed in Haidian district. tell “我能够看出来”正确的英文怎么说?I can tell. brave “勇敢地面对”,如国歌中的“冒着敌人的炮火,前进,前进,前进进”brave the enemies' gunfire, march on, march on, march on, on, on... 3、单词的发音 语音的基础是一个单词一个单词地读 postcard 名信片,我们对单词的发音,并不敏感,只对单词的拼写和中文意思敏感 pig ,第一反应就是“猪” 建设每天花5分钟时间跟读单词,读准后再背单词,这样单词才会背得立体 1-2词汇的记忆方法 一、形象化记忆词汇的方法 人们对于图像的存储速度要远远高于对于语言符号的存储速度。 检验一下我们的“智商”!!开始记忆: 一把大汤勺,四个高脚杯,湖水,肥皂,鸡蛋,面包,玫瑰花,云雾,江河湖海 这是很难记忆下来的,如果我们给一些简单的图片,如下: 把这个理论用到单词的记忆上,就可以把枯燥的单词转变成一幅 幅生动的画面。 (1)chill 名词“寒冷”,动词“使寒冷”. 把C 想象成天空一弯明月,hill ,小山的意思 (2)image 名词“形象,印象” ma 妈妈的感觉,age 年龄,上了年纪,把i 想象成一根红红的蜡烛


8000词汇星级词根词缀 1.ac acr acu =sour/sharp acid a. 酸的 n. 酸度,酸性 a.微酸的 v. 酸化 acrid adj. 辛辣的,刻薄的 n.杂技演员 n.杂技 n.只取首字母的缩写词 acupuncture n.针灸adj.尖锐的,敏锐的n.敏锐,聪明 2. aer =air aerate v. 通气,a. 空气的a.无形的,非实体的n.航空力学n.空气动力学,气体力学 aerogram n.无线电报 3. agr-=field,land agriculture n.农业n.农学a.土地的,农业的n.农用拖拉机 4. alter= to change alterable a. 可改变的n.改造,改变 n. 争吵,口角 5. am=love amateur n.业余爱好者a.恋爱的, n.爱情a.多情的,色情的 6. ambul=walk ambulance n. 救护车,流动医院a.走动的,流动的v.环行,绕…而行v.梦游 7. anim=life, spirit animate v.使有生气,活泼 n. 生动,动画n.憎恨,憎恶a.意见一致的a. 心胸博大的n.平静,沉着 8.ann enn= year anniversary n.周年纪念n.年金,养老金a.终年的,长期的a.一年二次的a.二年一次的 9. apt ept= fit, ability aptly adv. 适当的v. 使适应,适应环境a.不适宜的,无能的a.敏捷熟练的,灵巧的 10. aqua aque= water aquarium n.水族馆 a.水的,水中的n.引水槽a.多水的 equal a.平等的. V.等于,相等n.方程式公平的, 公正的n.赤道 n.平衡,均势 a.相等的,等价的equivocal a.支支吾吾的,模棱两可得 11. arch=ruler,rule,chief archive vt.存档/n.档案文件n.考古学 anarchy n.无政府状态n.无政府主义者a.无政府主义的n.无政府主义n.独裁统治n.君主,帝王hierarchy n.阶级,等级 12. art=skill,joint,trick artless a.憨厚的,粗笨的n.技巧,诡计a.人工的n.工匠,技工v.用关节连接,咬字清晰的说 13. aud=hear audience n.观众n.礼堂,讲堂v.旁听,审听n.旁听生,审计员a.听得见的 inaudible a.听不见的 14. avi=desire, bird avian adj鸟类的 n.鸟n.鸟笼,鸟舍n.飞行员v.飞行 avid a.渴望的,贪婪的n.贪心a.贪婪的,贪心的 15. ball=throw,dance,ball ballet n.芭蕾舞n.芭蕾舞女演员n.弹道学n.枪弹 ballot v.投票n.投票 v.民意测验v.废止,废除n/v 磨光,擦亮 16. bell bel =war, fight


《英语常用学术词汇表》是由一些应用语言学家统计出来,最常用的有570个词目(headwords),每一个词目下面还列出了该词目的相关变化形式。其中斜体字,analysis,在学术英语中最为常见。 Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List analyse analysed analyser analysers analyses analysing analysis analyst analysts analytic analytical analytically analyze analyzed analyzes economy economic economical economically economics economies economist economists uneconomical environment environmental environmentalist environmentalists environmentally environments legislate legislated legislates legislating legislation legislative legislator legislators legislature major majorities majority method methodical methodological

analyzing approach approachable approached approaches approaching unapproachable area areas assess assessable assessed assesses assessing assessment assessments reassess reassessed reassessing reassessment unassessed assume assumed establish disestablish disestablished disestablishes disestablishing disestablishment established establishes establishing establishment establishments estimate estimated estimates estimating estimation estimations over-estimate overestimate overestimated overestimates overestimating underestimate methodologies methodology methods occur occurred occurrence occurrences occurring occurs reoccur reoccurred reoccurring reoccurs percent percentage percentages period periodic periodical periodically periodicals periods policy


英语口语1.Goodmorning? 早上好? 2 .Good afternoon? 下午好? 3.Good evenin g

晚上好 4. How old are you? I am nine. 你几岁了?我9岁。 5. What is your name? My name is li qi liang 你叫什麽名字?

我叫李其亮。 6. See you tomorrow! 明天见! 7. Are you OK? Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 8. Hi, how are you? I am fine, thank you. 嘿,你好吗?我很好,谢

谢。 9. Excuse me! 打扰一下! 10. Bye-bye mum / daddy. 再见妈妈/ 爸爸。 11. Good-bye 再见。 12.See you next week. 下周见。

(二)表扬,感谢 1. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 2. You are clever! 你真聪明! 3. You are good! 你真棒! 4. Great! / Good! / OK! 好。 5. Very nice! 非常好! 6. Happy New Year! 新年快乐! 7. Happy birthday! 生日快乐! 8. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐! 9. Thank you very much! 非常感谢你! 10. Wonderful! 太棒了! 11. I am the winner! 我是胜利者! 12. I am the first! 我是第一名! 13. You are beautiful! 你真漂亮! 14. You are welcome! 欢迎你! 15. How beautiful! 多美呀! 16. How funny! 多有趣呀! 17. Wow! It’s so nice!哇!太好了。 18. It’s a nice day! 这是一个很好的一天! 19. Oh, my god / goodness!哦,我的上帝! 20. Wow! It’s so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了/ 太可爱了! 21. Nice girl / boy. 好女孩/ 男孩。


18分以上~ 写作: 1)作文:10:00-10:35 三分钟审题 学会不打草稿写作文30分钟写作 检查:拼写正确标点语法:时态(一般现在时为主)冠词主谓一致(单复数)名词单复数 2)便条:10:35-10:45 一分钟审题:找到提纲八分钟写作一分钟检查 复习计划: 1、攻克词汇(8000):词汇书、软件《新东方背单词》(5)、记忆法《17天搞定GRE词 汇》 2、精研真题:98年至今 真题只做一遍研究: (1)词汇没有一个不认识(专四词汇的核心意思就是真题中考过的意思) (2)选项每一个不了解:正确的为什么正确,错误的为什么错误----研究弱点 考前三天甚至一周不用做题 (3)句子结构没有一个不清楚(有限的句子结构表达无限的意思) 3、适当模考:4月,考前务必模考三次!!-------时间分配 学习方法: 最笨的方法就是最好的方法! 一、提高实力: 1、背诵:20大必背范文(10+10) 滚瓜烂熟!脱口而出!多多益善! 大作文: 1)2000真题(课外活动) 2)2003真题(心态) 3)2008真题(志愿者活动) 4)2009真题(旅游与环境) 5) 2010真题(自立) 6)模拟题:网络 7)模拟题:全球变暖 8)模拟题:读研 9)模拟题:电子游戏 10)模拟题:金钱与成功 小作文:

2、默写:仔细对比原文,发现写作弱点 笔记本+练习本 默写的程度:大作文200词15分钟默写完,小作文50词4分钟默写完达不到此程度则说明背的不够熟 3、仿写:提高写作实力 用背的范文去写另外一个作文,尽可能用到背的表达 二、掌握技巧;万能框架 大纲解读 两个黄金原则: (一)内容第一位,语言第二位,结构第三位 1、内容(50%) 1)论点:首段尾句或者二段首句以及末段首句----不需要构思新颖 2)论据: 3)论证: 2、语言(40%):语法20% 词汇15% 得体性5% 两大评分标准(1)基本确证:及格分 (2)丰富多变(词汇加句型):高分 3、结构:逻辑性 1)段落结构:总分总------三段就可以 主题句:1句,改写提纲 论证:1-4句 (小结:一句) 2)评分标准: 客观性


日常英语口语8000句文本 ●从起床到出门 Good morning, mom. 早晨好。 Did the alarm clock go off? Did the alarm clock buzz? Did the alarm clock ring? 闹钟响了吗? It's time to get up! 该起床了! I don't want to get up. 我真不想起。 want to=want to; going to=be going to美语口语常用说法It's time to get ready. Get up soon. 快点儿起床! I don't want to. 我真不想起。 Are you awake? 你醒了吗? I am now. 我刚醒。 Are you feeling sick? 你不舒服吗? No, I'm just tired. 没有,仅仅有点儿累 Did you sleep well? 睡得好吗? Yes, I slept very well. 嗯,睡得挺好。 No, I couldn't fall asleep.哪儿几乎没睡着

Would you turn off the alarm clock? Please turn off the alarm clock. 能帮我关掉闹钟吗? You finally got up. 你终于起来了。 It's a nice day! 今天是个好天! It sure is. 是不错啊。 It's a beautiful day! It's a wonderful day! It's a great day! Did you stay up late last night? 昨晚你熬夜了? Did you go to bed late last night? Let's fold up the futon. 把被子叠好 Let's put the futon away. 把被子收起 You were snoring last night. 打呼噜 Did I keep you up? 影响你睡觉了吗? I had a nightmare. 我做了个可怕的梦 It's all right now. 现在没事了/挺好的 You left the light on. 你一直没关灯啊 You forgot to turn off the light.你忘关灯了I have to go wash my face. 我得....


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刘毅 10000 词汇学习笔记 经典版

刘毅10000 词汇学习笔记lesson 1(1) 1.abdomen:part of the body below the chest and diaphragm,containing the stomach. 腹部 abdominal(adj) 腹部的an abdominal operation 腹部手术 belly:(口)front of the human body from the waist to the groin;belly 肚子,胃 with an empty belly 空着肚子 in the belly of a ship 在船腹里 belly out(动词用法):鼓涨,凸出The wind bellied out the sails 2.bereave:使某人丧失(尤指亲属)bereave sb of sb an accident which bereaved him of his wife 使 他丧失妻子的事故 the bereaved husband 死了妻子的男人 the bereaved 丧失亲人的人 bereavement(n):丧亲之痛,丧失亲人 deprive:take sth away from sb;prevent sb from enjoying or using sth 剥夺sb/sth 的sth;阻止某人享有或使用sth deprive sb/sth of sth deprive of one's civil rights 剥夺某人的公民权 deprivation(n):剥夺;贫困;被剥夺的事物 widespread deprivation 普遍贫困 Missing the holiday was a great deprivation.错失假日是极大的损失。 deprived(adj):贫困的,穷苦的deprived childhood 贫苦的童年 3。consecrate:devote sth/sb to or reserve sth/sb for a special (esp religious) purpose 把sth/sb 献给 sth/sb 做某种(尤其宗教)用途consecrate sth/sb to sth consecrate one's life to the service of God,to the relief of suffering 献身于为神服务(解除世人痛苦) 的事业 devote:give one's time,energy to sth/sb; dedicate 为某人付出,向某人奉献,献身于devote oneself/sth to sb/sth devoted(adj):热爱的,非常忠实的,全心全意的a devoted son 孝子 She is devoted to her children. 她深爱她的孩子。 devotee(n):献身于某事物的人,热心者,某事物的迷恋者;某一宗派的拥护者a devotee of sport devotion(n):devotion to sth/sb 深爱,忠心,忠诚 4.evoke:bring to mind(a feeling,memory) 引起或唤起情感,记忆 produce or cause(a response ,reaction) 产生或引起(回应,反应) evocation(n): invoke:use as a reason for one's action 援用(sth)为行动依据或理由 beg for sth by praying 以祷告祈求某事物 The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having thebook banned.政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书。invocation(n): invocation to sb 求助于神或法律 5。groove:沟,槽,纹 习语:get into a groove 养成某种生活习惯 furrow:犁沟,垄沟 (v)(尤用被动语态)犁,使起皱纹 newly furrowed fields 刚犁过的田地 6。jolt:(使某人某物)颠簸着移动 The old bus jolted along 旧公共汽车颠簸而行jolt sb into/out of sth:使某人受到震惊而采取某种行动

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