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1、问题:Editorials in newspapers are written mainly to _.


A:argue a point

B:entertain readers

C:provide information

答案: 【argue a point】

2、问题:Samuel Slater opened a new factory in Rhode Island in 1790 and employed seven boys and two girls between the ages of seven and twelve. The primary purpose of this sentence is to _.


A:persuade readers

B:inform readers

C:to entertain readers

答案: 【inform readers】

3、问题:Much of our lives, in fact, is spent filling out surveys, taking tests, and being interviewed. This statement is a(n) ___.




答案: 【opinion】

4、问题:Alder, too, believed that early childhood experiences shaped the human personality, but he emphasized the social nature of the child’s urges. This statement is a(n)_.




答案: 【fact】

5、问题:There are two types of note-taking: Table notes and __.



B:outline notes

C:reading journals

答案: 【outline notes 】

6、问题:In source-based writing, when you put the meaning of the text into new words, you are ____.





答案: 【paraphrasing】

7、问题:Peer review can be adopted to promote students’ co llaborative learning.




答案: 【对】

8、问题: Tone refers to the author’s attitude toward the subject.




答案: 【对】

9、问题:A fallacy is a smart trick in reasoning that is often used to give strong support.




答案: 【错】

10、问题:A huge amount of this nation’s land is owned by the government in the form of national parks and forests. This is especially true in the West. Much of this land is not needed for public recreation and could be sold to private enterprises, with the money going to pay off part of the national debt. This sentence shows the author’s bias or point of view.




答案: 【对】


1、问题:You must give _ each time when you directly refer to the work of another writer in your writing.


A:full documentation

B:the author’s name

C:the title of the work

D:the date of publication

答案: 【full documentation】

2、问题:Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment. New York: Knopf, 1976. In this documentation, the underlined part refers to __.


A:an article

B:a magazine

C:a book

D:a newspaper

答案: 【a book】

3、问题:In their article, “Three Issues in AIDS Research” in Current Social Issues, Leon Cheung and Marlene Johnson write, “Now that we have …” The method of the in-text citation used here is ___.





答案: 【quoting】

4、问题:The type of citation used in the above sentence (Question 3) is __.


A:integral citation

B:non-integral citation

答案: 【integral citation】

5、问题:According to one scholar, Weinstein, Disneyland’s success is due to its ability to reflect and reinforce “America’s most important beliefs, values, ideals, and symbols” (151). The number put in the parenthesis at the end of the sentence refers to _.


A:the paragraph number

B:the page number

C:the section number

答案: 【the page number】

6、问题:Like the Tokyo park, Euro Disneyland reflects American themes (Bower 244). The type of citation used in this sentence is _.




答案: 【non-integral】

7、问题:An analytical tool in an analysis paper can be _.


A:a principle

B:a theory

C:a concept

D:all of the above

答案: 【all of the above 】

8、问题:To write a good interpretive essay, you should first ___.


A:choose an interesting novel

B:think of an interpretive question

C:write an attractive title

答案: 【think of an interpretive question】

9、问题:When you analyze a literary work, you are doing __.


A:an interpretive analysis

B:a theoretical analysis

C:a personal analysis

答案: 【an interpretive analysis】

10、问题:The thesis statement of an interpretive analysis should tell readers ______.


A:the title of the work

B:the background of the author

C:what to look for in the interpretation

答案: 【what to look for in the interpretation】


1、问题:The writing task in the new TEM-8 test is _.


A:narrative essay writing

B:source-based writing

C:argument essay writing

答案: 【source-based writing】

2、问题:The two basic parts of a TEM-8 essay are _.


A:Response and Conclusion

B:Summary and Response

C:Introduction and Summary

答案: 【Summary and Response】

3、问题:When writing a primarily agreeing response, you should do all the following EXCEPT ___.


A:giving a long summary of the article

B:building on the text

C:applying the ideas to a new context

D:praising the text

答案: 【giving a long summary of the article】

4、问题:The supporting evidence for the thesis statement of your response essay often comes from __.


A:the text given

B:your personal knowledge and experiences

C:the combination of these aspects

D:all of the above

答案: 【all of the above】

5、问题: In the IELTS writing test, you are required to write only argument essays.




答案: 【错】


1、问题:Argument refers to an individual claim, but not a whole text.




答案: 【错】

2、问题:Toulmin’s argument pattern can be simplified as a general thesis-support structure




答案: 【对】

3、问题:Is it the role of government to attempt to control population? This yes/no question for argument writing is called an issue question



答案: 【对】

4、问题:Writing a critical review means making criticisms or being negative.




答案: 【错】

5、问题:The review or criticism section is central to a critical review paper, and there is no need to summarize the work to be reviewed.




答案: 【错】

6、问题:A good arguable issue usually involves _.


A:more than one reasonable answer

B:personal tastes

C:purely private questions

答案: 【more than one reasonable answer】

7、问题:Qualifiers can play an important role in your writing, giving your readers clues about how confident you feel about the information you’re presenting. Which of the following words is a qualifier?




D:All of the above.

答案: 【All of the above.】

8、问题:A proposal argument essay is written to persuade people to take _.


A:your stand or position on an issue

B:your proposed solution to a problem

C:your personal experiences into consideration

答案: 【your proposed solution to a problem】

9、问题:In a critical review, criticisms can be made in terms of __.


A:claims made

B:evidence used

C:support used

D:all of the above


2020智慧树知到《新融合大学英语(I)》章 节测试[完整答案] 智慧树知到《新融合大学英语(I)》见面课答案 见面课:Campus life, Human relationship, Romantic Affairs, Family affection 1、The prefixes“pre-” and“post-” are synonymous, i.e. they have the same meaning. A.对 B.错 正确答案:错 2、The prefixes“in-”,“im-”,“ir-” and“il-” are totally identical and they are interchangeable. A.对 B.错 正确答案:错 3、What kind of basic sentence pattern does the sentence “I told him that the bus was late” belong to? A.SV B.SVO C.SVOCo D.SVCs 正确答案:SVO

4、The sentence“The question is if material wealth can bring us happiness.” is grammatically right. A.对 B.错 正确答案:错 5、The suffix“-less” expresses a negative meaning. A.对 B.错 正确答案:对 6、We can use the word“squint” to describe the situation that we move our head quickly to see something instead of focusing on that thing for very long. A.对 B.错 正确答案:错 7、Which of the following conjunctions is not used to introduce adverbial clause of time? A.as B.since C.unless D.until 正确答案:unless


智慧树英语词源探秘答案_见面课答案_知到英语词源探秘智慧树答案 问:川菜所用的调味品既复杂多样,又富有特色;尤其是号称“三椒”的(),“三香”的葱、姜、蒜,远非其他菜系能相比。 答:花椒胡椒辣椒 问:唐宋贬谪文人的被贬之处多位于以下哪些地区? 答:湖湘巴蜀 问:预防艾滋病的主要措施应包括()。 答:上述各项 问:下面()属于中国传统民俗节日。 答:元日上巳寒食端午节 问:以下哪些关键词适用于唐代的南方文学? 答:逐臣文学怨愤精神李群玉岭南、湖湘 问:50年代的“三面红旗”不包括()。 答:社会主义五年计划纲要 问:庐山会议由纠左转向反右是由于彭德怀给毛泽东的信引起的。() 答:√

问:中共中央十六届三中全会通过了《关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》。() 答:错误 问:下面哪位人提出了读书的三种境界?() 答:王国维 问:巴黎和会三巨头是哪三个国家的领导人?() 答:英法美 问:6磷酸果糖激酶-l最强的激活变构剂荚( ) 答:2,6~二磷酸果糖 问:6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶催化的反应中直接受氢体是:( ) 答:ADP+ 问:6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶缺乏时,易发生溶血性贫血,其原因是( ) 答:缺乏ADPH+H+,致使红细胞中GSH减少 问:6欧与3欧的两个电阻并联,它的等效电阻值应为()。 答:2欧 问:6-巯基嘌呤核苷酸不抑制( ) 答:嘧啶磷酸核糖转移酶 问:下面哪一项不属于便捷式生涯规划法 答:灵活变动法

问:下面哪一项不属于玻璃幕墙的特点?() 答:隔热功能好 问:下面哪一项不属于不同要素所有者之间的交换价格的决定因素?() 答:交换双方的技术水平 问:下面哪一项不属于布雷顿森林体系的核心?() 答:法郎本位 欧元本位 银本位 问:下面哪一项不属于抽象绘画与具象绘画的差别?() 答:以上都不正确 问:哪项可能是维生素C缺乏的表现( ) 答:皮肤淤斑、出血点 问:“世界的本源是什么?人类的思维从何而来?”这两个话题是由()提出的。答:泰勒斯 问:规范性是法区别于其他社会规范的基本特征之一。() 答:√ 问:以下哪一项是“わ”的读音?() 答:wa


第一章节测验 1 【单选题】 Baseball was invented as an urban game in order for owners to make money, players to become arrogant, and spectators to drink overpriced beer. The tone of the sentence is _____ ____. 答案:humorous •A、 objective •B、 nostalgic •C、 humorous •D、 bitter 2 【单选题】 The Puritans came to the new land for religious freedom, ye t they allowed little freedom to their followers. Anne Hutch inson was banished from the colony for preaching that salvat ion can come through good works. The tone of the sentence is _________. 答案:ironic •A、ironic

•B、sentimental •C、optimistic •D、friendly 3 【单选题】 When I study now, I’m in a lab with 50 noisy computers. What happened to the quiet chair in a corner with a table for your books, papers, and pencils? The tone of the sent ence is _________. 答案:nostalgic •A、objective •B、nostalgic •C、bitter •D、critical 4 【单选题】 If given the funding, scientists could trace most aggressive behavior of crime and violence to either too much testoste rone or low blood sugar. The tone of the sentence is _____ ____. 答案:objective •A、objective •B、sentimental •C、subjective •D、joyful 5 【单选题】 Editorials in newspapers are written mainly to __________. 答案:argue a point •A、argue a point •B、entertain readers •C、provide information •D、tell a story 6


最新资料欢迎阅读 2020 智慧树,知到《中级英语写作》章节 测试【完整答案】 智慧树知到《中级英语写作》章节测试答案 1、问题: What are the three parts of a paragraph? 选项: A:a topic sentence B:a concluding sentence C:supporting sentences 答案 :【a topic sentence ; a concluding sentence; supporting sentences】 2、问题:What are the three sections of an essay? 选项: A:the introductory paragraph B:the supporting paragraphs C:the concluding paragraph 答案 :【the introductory paragraph; the supporting paragraphs; the concluding paragraph】 3、问题:How is a paragraph expanded into an essay? 选项: A: The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesis

最新资料欢迎阅读 statement of the essay. B:The supporting sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs in the essay. C:The concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph. 答案 :【The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesis statement of the essay.; The supporting sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs in the essay.; The concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph. 】 4、问题:What are the common supporting sentences? 选项: A:major supporting sentences B:big supporting sentences C:minor supporting sentences D:small supporting sentences 答案 :【major supporting sentences; minor supporting sentences】 5、问题:Read the first body paragraph of the essay “Animal Camouflage” and then analyze the supporting sentences.1In birds, for example, while adult males are brightly colored and


见面课:英语词汇概貌 1、问题:英语属于印欧语系中哪个语言家族成员? 选项: A:拉丁语族 B:罗曼语族 C:日耳曼语族 D:希腊语族 答案: 【日耳曼语族】 2、问题:在面临北欧海盗入侵时,领导人民抗击入侵,不仅拯救了盎格鲁-撒克逊民族,也挽救了英语。 选项: A:诺曼公爵 B:圣奥古斯丁 C:阿尔弗雷德大帝 D:英国伯爵哈罗德 答案: 【阿尔弗雷德大帝】 3、问题:历史上不曾入侵过不列颠岛的民族是。 选项: A:罗马人 B:希腊人 C:北欧人 D:法国人 答案: 【希腊人】

4、问题:1476年,将印刷术带回英国,为书面英语标准化奠定了最初的基础。 选项: A:William Caxton B:William Tyndale C:Geoffrey Chaucer D:Samuel Johnson 答案: 【William Caxton】 5、问题:Samuel Johnson 最主要的贡献是。 选项: A:编纂《英文难字字母顺序表》,解决了人们阅读《圣经》的困难 B:编纂《英语词典》,很大程度上规范了英语单词的词义和拼写 C:解释钦定版《圣经》,让《圣经》走人老百姓生活 D:重新组编莎士比亚作品,焕发莎剧作品新生命 答案: 【编纂《英语词典》,很大程度上规范了英语单词的词义和拼写】 6、问题:英语的形成主要受哪些历史事件的影响? 选项: A:公元449年的盎格鲁-撒克逊入侵 B:公元597年圣奥古斯丁(St. Augustine)在英国传播基督教引发的语言文化革命。C:始于公元787年并持续100多年的北欧海盗入侵 D:发生于1066年的诺曼征服(Norman Conquest) 答案: 【公元449年的盎格鲁-撒克逊入侵; 公元597年圣奥古斯丁(St. Augustine)在英国传播基督教引发的语言文化革命。;


2020智慧树,知到《中级英语写作》章节 测试【完整答案】 智慧树知到《中级英语写作》章节测试答案 1、问题: What are the three parts of a paragraph? 选项: A:a topic sentence B:a concluding sentence C:supporting sentences 答案: 【a topic sentence ; a concluding sentence; supporting sentences】 2、问题:What are the three sections of an essay? 选项: A:the introductory paragraph B:the supporting paragraphs C:the concluding paragraph 答案: 【the introductory paragraph; the supporting paragraphs; the concluding paragraph】 3、问题:How is a paragraph expanded into an essay? 选项: A: The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesis

statement of the essay. B:The supporting sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs in the essay. C:The concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph. 答案: 【 The topic sentence of the paragraph becomes the thesis statement of the essay.; The supporting sentences of the original paragraph expand into three separate body paragraphs in the essay.; The concluding sentence is made into a concluding paragraph.】 4、问题:What are the common supporting sentences? 选项: A: major supporting sentences B:big supporting sentences C: minor supporting sentences D: small supporting sentences 答案: 【 major supporting sentences; minor supporting sentences】 5、问题:Read the first body paragraph of the essay“Animal Camouflage” and then analyze the supporting sentences.1In birds, for example, while adult males are brightly colored and


2021国家开放大学电大本科《高级英语写作》期末试题及答案(试卷号: 1359) Part 1 VocabuiaQ and Structure f 10 pointsj Questions 1 — 5 arc based on the following task. Cboose the appropriatr words or expressions from the box to complete the following paragraph. Ilicrc are THREE extra chokes Hint you don't need. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet. Nanotechnology is the science of the small. ( I ) ______________ from rhe Greek word for *dwarfnano a one billionth unit of measurement (2) _____________________ a nanometer is a billiomh of a meter# and a virus is nearly 100 nanometers across. Nnnotechnology 诉the Term ( 3) _ describe a wide army of theoretical and experimental approaches to engineering finy machines: everything from making smaller microchip!!> TO environing molecular robatis that could swim through our bloodstream and fight disca«. People working in the held of nanotechnology today are divided between two disciplines:those working from the "bottom up." mostly chemist* attempting to create suucture by connecting moleculesi (4) thu! for ending a mesnage^ (6)_______________________ •Etnuil is so pcrvtfsivc in organizatians thni it has become the default choice for communic^Tion t People still call each other at work, but sending an email to someone in the next cubicle common, h 1 * no surprise that moM people believe email is u»cd too often instrnd of (her-to-Cure comTnunicatioru (7) ________ • For nhoft messages a nd quick questions, these channels ate ideal. Of courset with smart phono, email may give you an instant response ns well, but this varies by orKnntzations and ptrople. A> you probably know, the real value of IMing 44presence awarcnc«s H—you know someone is available to respond imrnediattjly t Although nomc people COn5idcr ,M nn annoying interruption at work, people who IM are at fhr office report frwrr diaruptionn and believe that IM saves time and provides timely, relevant information. One analyst predicts that in the next few years, a vast majority of the employees will use IM as【be” pnmnry communications tool. Prrhnps the more interesting technologies for communication nrc social media, Web 2. 0. which cncouragca online interaction, has opened the door for people to participate on the wcb・ I his in quite different from the one - way communinition of the curly Internet, when componitii would post brochure - like wrl^ite (or pcoplr to connuinr


见面课:一分钟话中国第1讲 One Minute Talk about China 1 1、问题:The earliest recording about dragon can be found in the Zhou Book of change. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 2、问题:How many steps are there involved in making dumplings? 选项: A:Two B:Three C:Four D:Five 答案: 【Four】 3、问题:The core idea of Chinese Kung fu is derived from the ___ theory of both “the mean and harmony” and “cultivating qi”. 选项: A:Confucian B:Taoist C:Buddhist D:Mohist 答案: 【Confucian】 4、问题:Chinese Kung fu contains the ancient great thinkers’ pondering of _ and __.

选项: A:life B:health C:universe D:longevity 答案: 【life; universe】 5、问题:Which one is not the “four new national treasures”? 选项: A:Kung fu B:traditional Chinese medicine C:Acupuncture D:Peking Opera 答案: 【Peking Opera】 title: 2020知到答案主题英语最新智慧树满分章节测试答案 date: 2020-04-14 19:15:38 categories: –网课答案 tags: –网课答案 –智慧树答案 见面课:一分钟话中国第1讲 One Minute Talk about China 1


2020智慧树,知到《基础英语写作》章节 测试完整答案 智慧树知到《基础英语写作》章节测试答案 见面课:社会深度问题剖析型文章的写作鉴赏 1、问题:Rising prosperity is one of the reasons why we feel so time-pressed today 答案: 【对】 2、问题:Technology gradually reduces the free time we have by cramming work into our leisure time 答案: 【对】 3、问题:People in professional and executive jobs exaggerate their feeling of pressure 答案: 【错】 4、问题:People try to buy time because of their perception of time famine 答案: 【对】 5、问题:The author suggests that we spend more time with our children 答案: 【错】 第一章 1、Identify which type of writing is being described.指出写作类型

A story about the time you learned how to ride a bike. A.Narration B.Description C.Exposition D.Argumentation 答案: Narration 2、Identify which type of writing is being described.指出写作类型 A web page telling how to create a bank account A.Narration B.Description C.Exposition D.Argumentation 答案: Exposition 3、Identify which type of writing is being described.指出写作类型 A paper discussingthe impactsof a war A.Narration B.Description C.Exposition D.Argumentation 答案: Exposition


西北工业大学高级英语写作学堂在线答案 1、--_______ does Ben go to school?--By bus. [单选题] * A. How(正确答案) B. What C. Where D. Why 2、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] * A. a little B. little C. a few D. few(正确答案) 3、Though the _____ drama is wonderful, I guess most audiences will be tired as it is too long. [单选题] * A. four-hour(正确答案) B. four hours C. four-hours D. four-hour's

4、Every means _____ but it's not so effective. [单选题] * A. have been tried B. has been tried(正确答案) C. have tried D. has tried 5、She and her family bicycle to work, _________ helps them keep fit. [单选题] * A. which(正确答案) B. who C.it D. that 6、Helen is new here, so we know _______ about her. [单选题] * A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing(正确答案) 7、42.—________ meat do you want?—Half a kilo. [单选题] *


试卷代号:1359 国家开放大学2 0 2 0年秋季学期期 高级英语写作试题 2021年1月 注意事项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后, 把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才 可离开考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上, 写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the examinees: ● This examination consists of 3 parts.They are: Part l: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points) Part 2 : Paragraph Organization and Development (40 points) Part 3 : Writing (50 points) ● The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. ● There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore, you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task. Part l Vocabulary and Structure ( 10 points) Questions l - 5 are based on the following task. Choose FIVE appropriate words or expressions from the list a-h to complete the following paragraph. There are THREE extra choices that you don' t need. Write the Ietter of your choice on the Answer Sheet A common example is the gesture of waving farewell.In Italy, the palm of the hand is held(l)_ the speaker and the fingers make the motion of drawing the departingperson back. In Spain,the movement iS the same, (2) _ the hand is held horizontally.In France, the palm is frequently held facing the departing person, and the movement of the hand appears to (3)_ the departing person on his way. Some scholars think that exposing one's palm(4)_ surrender, so perhaps the French form of farewell implies a reassurance of nonaggression. Americans are (5) _ show the palm also and move the flattened hand from left to right Part 2 Parayaph Orgaruzation and Development (40 points)


试卷代号:1359 国家开放大学2021年秋季学期期末统一考试 高级英语写作,试题 2022年1月 注意事.项 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带出考场。监考人收完考卷和答题纸后才可离开考场。 二、仔细阅读题目的说明,并按题目要求答题。答案一定要写在答题纸的指定位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效。 Information for the examinees: ●This examlnation consists of 3 parts. They are: Part 1:Vocabulary and Structure [10 points] Part 2:Paragraph Organization and Development [40 points] Part 3:Writing an Essay [50 points] ●The total marks for this examlnation are 100 points. Timeallowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes. ●There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the Answer Sheet; therefore,you should write ALL your answers on the Answer Sheet as you do each task. Part1Vocabulary and Structure[10points,2points each] Questions1-5are based on the following task. C hoose the appropriate words or expressions from the box to complete the f ollowing paragraph.There are THREE extra choices that you don't need.Write Nanotechnology is the science of the small.(1) from the Greek word for : “dwarf,”nano is a one-billionth unit of measurement.(2) a nanometer is a billionth of a meter, and a virus is nearly 100 nanometers across. Nanotechnology is the term (3) describe a wide array of theoretical and experimental approaches to engineering tiny machines: everything from making smaller microchips,to envisioning molecular robots that could swim through our bloodstream and fight disease. People working in the field of nanotechnology today are divided between two disciplines: those working from the “bottom up”,mostly chemists attempting to create structure by connecting molecules; (4) those working from the “top down”, engineers taking existing devices,(5) transistors, and making them smaller. Part2Paragraph Organization and Development[40points] Qu estions6-8are based on the following task.(15points,5points each) Read the following paragraphs.Choose the best answer to each question.Write


智慧树知到《高级英语(鲁东大学)》见面 课答案 智慧树知到《高级英语(鲁东大学)》见面课答案 见面课:Love Is a Fallacy 1、问题:Dobbie turned out more like Dr. Frankenstein, whose creation ruined himself, than Pygmalion, who was rewarded by creating something fabulous. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 2、问题: Dobbie’s love for Polly was more in the nature of self-centered desire. 选项: A:对 B:错

答案: 【对】 3、问题: Whatever logic lessons Dobbie taught Polly, her vain glorious trait could not be altered. 选项: A:对 B:错 答案: 【对】 4、问题:The logical fallacy in “You can’t go with him, Polly. He’s a liar. He’s a cheat. He’s a rat.” is. 选项: A: Post Hoc B: Hasty Generalization C: poisoning the well D: Ad Misericordiam 答案: 【 poisoning the well】


智慧树知到《中级英语写作》见面课答案 XXX.】 In writing。it is XXX is made up of three parts: a topic sentence。supporting sentences。and a concluding sentence。The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph。XXX and examples to support the main idea。The concluding sentence summarizes the main point of the paragraph and often leads into the next paragraph. An essay。on the other hand。is made up of three ns: the introductory paragraph。the supporting paragraphs。and the concluding paragraph。The introductory paragraph introduces the topic and often includes a thesis statement。which is the main point of the essay。The XXX concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of the essay and often includes a final thought or call to n.


看美剧,学口语 见面课:凝聚语言力量,致敬建党百年 1.退票用英语表达应该是 _the ticket答案:refund 2.Stay true to our aspiration的意思是_答案:不忘初心 3.The train tickets to Shanghai were snapped up in ten minutes.根据本次见面 课的知识点,本句短语snap up指的是( )答案:抢购 4.表达鼓舞、提高、增强士气to _morale,不可以用下列哪个单词?答 案:reduce 5.爆破音和爆破音相邻,第一个爆破音只形成阻碍,但不发生爆破,称为失爆, 这是英语发音规则中的_答案:略读 见面课:舌尖上的中西饮食文化 1.Which side does the waiter serve dishes?答案:left 2.Which side do ladies to get seated from?答案:left 3.Guest must wait for the hostess to put her napkin on the lap.答案:对 4.The most important table man ners is to “do as romans do”答案:对 见面课:语言因交流而多彩,文明因互鉴而丰富 1.英语发送邮件的附件,不能用下面哪个英语_答案:add 2.Will you carry the ball this time? Alex did it last time. 该句中的 carry the ball 的意思是_。答案:负责项目 3.这个句子的时态是______。I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still ha ven’t found it.答案:现在完成进行时 4.Ok, listen up, you’d better make your bed.这个句子用到了英语语法中的什么 语气?答案:祈使语气 5.用英语发送商务邮件的五大原则中,“2C”是指什么?答案:Clear and concise 第一章测试 1.表示接电话的短语是()up。A、getB、takeC、pickD、make答案:C 2.QR code指的是()A、质量保证B、问题代码C、二维码D、档案密码答 案:C 3.Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there 是什么意思() A、碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。 B、有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳 成阴。C、云想衣裳花想容,春风拂槛露华浓。D、芳树无人花自落,春山 一路鸟空啼答案:B 4.表示挂电话的短语是()up。A、hangB、holdC、pickD、make答案:A

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