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热门表情包 The Hot Memes(大学英语作文)

热门表情包The Hot Memes


The oscar winner Leonardo has registered a weibo account, which is the most popular social media. The fans were happy about it and they gave the warm welcome to him by all kinds of memes. Memes has been the favorite way to express emotion for the young people.奥斯卡奖得主莱昂纳多已经注册一个微博账户,微博是最受欢迎的社交媒体。粉丝很高兴,他们给了他热烈的欢迎,发出了各种各样的表情包。表情包是年轻人表达情感最喜欢的方式。

Since the invention of memes, they become very popular in the Internet. People like to use these funny pictures to express themselves. It works much better than typing the words. On the one hand, memes not only have the function to tell words, they also impress others by showing the lovely pictures. When people use these funny images, they feel so relax to communicate.自从出现了表情包,它们在互联网变得非常受欢迎。人们喜欢用这些有趣的图片来表达自己。它比打字更有用。一方面,表情包不仅有传达话语的功能,他们也给他人留下深刻印象,通过展示可爱的图片。当人们使用这些有趣的图片时,他们感到很放


The memes has become part of the Internet culture. These hot emojis that are created by us are popular around the world. The NO.1 emoji is the round face smiles with tears, which means the awkward situation. Many foreigners join the team to use Chinese memes. This creative way to express our mood is much acceptable than words. The network language provides people more ways to communicate.表情包已经成为网络文化的一部分。这些由我们创造的热门表情在迎世界各地都很受欢迎。没有。第一名的表情是微笑的圆脸上有微笑与泪水,这意味着尴尬局面。许多外国人加入中国人的队伍去使用表情包。这种表达我们情绪创造性的方式比言语更让人容易接受。网络语言给人们提供了更多的交流方式。

大学英语作文-大学英语作文范文- 全世界的唐人街

大学英语作文 大学英语作文范文: 全世界的唐人街 Chinatown Around the World 全世界的唐人街 It is known to all that Chinese people are all around the world and there is a place for them to live and work. It is called Chinatown. As it is full of Chinese flavor, Chinatown has been one of the hottest tourist sites for visitors. 众所周知,世界各地都遍布着中国人,有一个专门的地方给他们生活和工作。它被称为唐人街。因为它充满了中国味道,所以唐人街也成为游客最热门的旅游景点之一。 The biggest Chinatown is in San Francisco. The early Chinese immigrants came to America in search of gold. The men left their wives and children to seek for the wealth. As more and more Chinese people came to America to pursue their dreams, they gathered together and made the place they lived as a small town. That’s how Chinatown came. 最大的唐人街是在旧金山。早期的中国移民来到美国寻找黄金。男人们离开了他们的妻子和孩子去寻求财富。随着越来越多的中国人

大学生追求时尚College Students Pursue the Fashion(大学英语作文)

大学生追求时尚College Students Pursue the Fashion 大学英语作文 When students go to college, they are much free than before and can have time to do what they want. Without the school’s regulation, college students can wear the fashionable clothes. As they are affected by the commercial ads, more and more college students pursue fashion. But they need to measure their situation.当学生上大学了,会比以前自由很多,也有时间去做他们想做的事情。没有了学规,大学生可以穿时尚的衣服。由于他们收到了商业广告的影响,越来越多的大学生追求时尚。但是他们得要衡量要自己的情况。On the one hand, college students have the right to pursue fashion. They are young and full of energy, it is good for them to dress out their styles. The skill to dress in different situation is the course for them to learn. They will learn how to dress in the process of pursuing fashion.一方面,大学生有权利去追求时尚。他们年轻,充满了活力,穿出自己的风格对他们来说是好的。在不同场合的穿衣技巧是他们要学习的课程。他们会在追求时尚的过程中学习打扮技巧。On the other hand,

幽默感 Sense of Humor (大学英语作文)

幽默感Sense of Humor 大学英语作文 Humor is a flavor of our lives. Humor can soften relationshipbetween people; humor can adjust the atmosphere of different occasions; humorcan bring more fun and joy to our lives. 幽默是生活的调味剂。幽默可以缓和人们的关系,调节不同场合的气氛,给我们的生活带来乐趣和快乐。 First, humor is very necessary incommunicating with others because it can soften relationship between people. Inthe process of getting along with others, the occurrence of difference and contradictionis inevitable. Sometimes, when we want to persuade others to agree with ourpoints, we will find that our points are easier to be accepted if we argue in ahumorous tone. 首先,幽默在与他人交流的过程中是很必要的因为它可以缓和人们之间的关系。在与他人相处的过程中,出现分歧和矛盾是不可避免的。有时候,当我们想要说服他人同意我们的观点时,如果我们采用幽默的口吻,会发现我们的观点更容易被接受。 Second, humor can adjust the atmosphere ofdifferent

勤能补拙 Diligence Redeems Stupidity(大学英语作文)

勤能补拙Diligence Redeems Stupidity 大学英语作文 It is generally accepted that diligence is the mother of success. As the proverb goes, Diligence redeems stupidity. If you consider yourself is not smart enough, then you should make great efforts to make your dreams come true. In this world, there are many successful men in this world, some of them are scientists, some of them are superstars, and some of them are entrepreneurs. Behind their successes, they have made tremendous effort that ordinary people can barely imagine. Einstein once said, “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspirations.”This means one should put all his heart on the thing he wants to succeed.人们普遍认为勤奋是成功之母。俗话说:勤能补拙。如果你自认为自己不够聪明,那么你就应该加倍努力让自己的梦想实现。在这个世界上,有许许多多的成功人士,如科学家、超级巨星、企业家等等。在他们成功的背后,他们所付出的努力是大多数人不能想象的。爱因斯坦曾说过:天才是百分之一的灵感加百分之九十九的汗水。这意味着一个


大学生热点英语作文3篇 导读:本文大学生热点英语作文3篇,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 【篇一】 What is the hottest topic this summer, there is no doubt that it belongs to the amusement show Where Do You Go, Dad, the show is such great success that everyone talks about it. The show is about five groups of fathers and their children go to different places, learning to cope with each other. The show reminds people of the role father plays in children’s growing up. 这个夏天最热门的话题是什么,毫无疑问属于一档娱乐节目《爸爸去哪儿》,节目很成功以至于人人在讨论。节目是关于五个组的爸爸和孩子去不同的地方,学习彼此合作。节目提醒人们爸爸在孩子成长过程中的角色。 In nursing a child, the mother always takes care of everything, while father puts less care in nursing because of the work. It is a natural situation for most of the families. As the time goes by, mothers also need to go out for work; they want to share the equal duty with their husband. Even the mothers go out for work, but fathers do not realize the duty


大学英语作文 大学英语作文(通用29篇) 作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。作文分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。下面是小编整理的大学英语作文,欢迎大家分享。 大学英语作文篇1 Hi,everyone! I'm Cendy. I live in Nanhai. I'm 13 years old. I am tall and thin. Now,let me tell you something about my family.There are seven members in my family. They are my grandparents,my parents,my sister,my brother and me. My grandparents like reading newspapers. They are very old. They are always happy. My father is a businessman. He works hard. He's not very tall but fat. He likes sleeping. He's kind. My mother is a housewife. She looks young. She's strict to our study. My sister is a university student. She studies hard. My brother is in Grade Four. He is only 10 years old. He likes playing computer games. He's a naughty boy.I love each person in my family. I love my sweet warm home. 大学英语作文篇2 Chinese New Year is the longest and most important celebration in the Chinese calendar. Chinese months are reckoned by the lunar calendar,with each month beginning on the darkest day. New Year festivities traditionally start on the first day of the month and continue until the fifteenth,when the moon is brightest. In China,people may take weeks of holiday from work to prepare for and celebrate the New Year. 大学英语作文篇3

大学英语作文:热门表情包 The Hot Memes

大学英语作文:热门表情包 The Hot Memes 【篇一】热门表情包 The Hot Memes The oscar winner Leonardo has registered a weibo account, which is the most popular social media. The fans were happy about it and they gave the warm welcome to him by all kinds of memes. Memes has been the favorite way to express emotion for the young people. 奥斯卡奖得主莱昂纳多已经注册一个微博账户,微博是欢迎的社交媒体。粉丝很高兴,他们给了他热烈的欢迎,发出了各种各样的表情包。表情 包是年轻人表达情感最喜欢的方式。 Since the invention of memes, they become very popular in the Internet. People like to use these funny pictures to express themselves. It works much better than typing the words. On the one hand, memes not only have the function to tell words, they also impress others by showing the lovely pictures. When people use these funny images, they feel so relax to communicate. 自从出现了表情包,它们在互联网变得非常受欢迎。人们喜欢用这些有 趣的图片来表达自己。它比打字更有用。一方面,表情包不但有传达话 语的功能,他们也给他人留下深刻印象,通过展示可爱的图片。当人们 使用这些有趣的图片时,他们感到很放松地去交流。 The memes has become part of the Internet culture. These hot emojis that are created by us are popular around the world. The emoji is the round face smiles with tears, which means the awkward situation. Many foreigners join the team to use Chinese memes. This creative way to express our mood is much

年轻一代面临新的挑战 The Young Generation Faces New Challenges(大学英语作文)

年轻一代面临新的挑战The Young Generation Faces New Challenges 大学英语作文 The young generation has been labeled as the lost generation; young college graduates are unemployed, upset about debt and unable to find a promising career. It is not for everyone, but an increasing number of graduates have been forced into this situation, at the same time, they face new challenges. 年轻一代被打上了“迷失一代”的标签,年轻的大学毕业生找不到工作,为债务和找不到有前途的职业而烦恼。这并不是针对每一个人,但是越来越多的大学生已经被迫面临这样的情况,同时,他们面临新的挑战。First, the rising debt, lack of income and high house prices give the young generation great pressure, most of them can’t afford these, and have to live with their parents. Living with their parents makes the young generation loses certain freedom, like they have to go home at night and can’t have fun with friends. What’s more, the children are easy to depend on their parents; they don’t take responsibility of


人工智能(大学英语作文) Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer science that aims to create machines or software that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, etc. AI has become a hot topic in the 21st century, as it has many potential applications and benefits for various fields and industries. However, AI also poses some challenges and risks that need to be addressed carefully. One of the advantages of AI is that it can help humans improve their efficiency and productivity. For example, AI can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases, recommending treatments, and performing surgeries. AI can also help teachers in designing personalized curricula, grading assignments, and providing feedback. AI can also help businesses in optimizing their operations, marketing strategies, and customer service. Another advantage of AI is that it can enhance human creativity and innovation. For example, AI can generate new ideas, designs, artworks, music, etc., by analyzing large amounts of data and learning from existing examples. AI can also collaborate with humans in co-creating novel products, services, or solutions. AI can also inspire humans to explore new possibilities and frontiers. However, AI also has some disadvantages and dangers that need to be considered. One of the disadvantages of AI is that it may replace human workers and cause unemployment or inequality. For example, AI may automate many jobs that are repetitive, routine, or low-skilled, leaving humans with fewer opportunities or income. AI may also create a gap between those who have access to AI technology and those who do not. Another disadvantage of AI is that it may threaten human values and ethics. For example, AI may not have the same moral principles, emotions, or empathy as humans, and may act in ways that harm humans or the environment. AI may also challenge human dignity, autonomy, or identity, by manipulating, deceiving, or controlling humans. AI may also raise questions about the responsibility and accountability of its actions and outcomes.


表情符号在沟通中的优缺点英语作文100字 Leonardo, the Oscar winner, signed up for a microblog account, which is the fans' favorite social media, and they warmly welcomed him. Since the invention of memes, memes have always been the favorite of young people to express their emotions. They are very popular on the Internet. People like to express themselves with these interesting pictures. On the one hand, they are much better than typing. Memes not only have the function of saying words, but also impress others by showing lovely pictures when people use these interesting pictures. They think memes are memes Communication is so relaxed that it has become a part of the network culture. These popular emoticons created by us are popular all over the world. Without emoticons, it is a round face with a tearful smile. This means that many foreigners join the team to use Chinese memes. This creative way of expressing our emotions is more acceptable than words. The network language provides people with More ways to communicate.

电视上的广告The Advertising on Television(大学英语作文)

电视上的广告The Advertising on Television 大学英语作文 如今电视上的广告是越来越多,商业化也越来越多,那么你是如何看待电视上的广告呢? The Advertising on Television 电视上的广告Nowadays we can see advertisements on television every day. Some people believe that advertising on television can bring us benefits, but others don't think so. In my opinion. I’m in favor of the advertising on television. 现在我们每天都可以在电视上看到广告。有些人相信电视广告会给我们带来利益,但是另一些人则不是那样认为的。我觉得我支持电视广告 There are three reasons, I think, for the growing number of advertisement on TV. First a competitive economy, the consumer usually has the choice of several different brands of the same product. Thus, manufacturers are confronted with a problem-How to keep sales high enough to stay in business. They solve this problem by advertising. Through advertising,


高中英语作文200字有翻译 英语是高考英语中的必考题型,它可以考查高中学生英语的综合运用能力,代表了学生的英语书面表达能力。下面,是小编为你整理的高中英语作文200字有翻译,希望对你有帮助! 高中英语作文200字有翻译篇1 The oscar winner Leonardo has registered a weibo account, which is the most popular social media. The fans were happy about it and they gave the warm welcome to him by all kinds of memes. Memes has been the favorite way to express emotion for the young people. 奥斯卡奖得主莱昂纳多已经注册一个微博账户,微博是最受欢迎的社交媒体。粉丝很高兴,他们给了他热烈的欢迎,发出了各种各样的表情包。表情包是年轻人表达情感最喜欢的方式。 Since the invention of memes, they become very popular in the Internet. People like to use these funny pictures to express themselves. It works much better than typing the words. On the one hand, memes not only have the function to tell words, they also impress others by showing the lovely pictures. When people use these funny images, they feel so relax to communicate. 自从出现了表情包,它们在互联网变得非常受欢迎。人们喜欢用这些有趣的图片来表达自己。它比打字更有用。一方面,表情包不仅有传达话语的功能,他们也给他人留下深刻印象,通过展示可爱的图片。当人们使用这些有趣的图片时,他们感到很放松地去交流。 The memes has become part of the Internet culture. These hot emojis that are created by us are popular around the world. The NO.1 emoji is the round face smiles with tears, which means the awkward situation. Many foreigners join the team to use Chinese memes. This creative way to express our mood is much acceptable than words. The network language provides people


表情包在聊天中的作用英语作文 The sword has two blades In now days internet has brought huge change to our life.Without the internet,life will be tough for us.The internet facilitated our daily life in varied aspects.With the help of internet,we can have better efficiency both in work and in study.we also can make friends on the internet.It is good for the development of communicative skills.Everything has a limit.No matter in the real life or the virtual world if you spend too much time making friends with other people you will not have enough time for study.Even in the real life the cheat still exist everywhere.The internet is not the direct cause of the cheat.Absolutely we can not live without the internet and it is not necessary to give up such a powerful tool.What we need to do is to control the time we spend on internet and be careful.Having a clear mind and decent behaviour is the most important thing.


Making memes into a fashion statement斗图?表情包被潮人穿身上了! Doge, Grumpy Cat, Pepe the Frog ... these memes (表情包) are often used in our chats with friends on the internet. But now they have also found their way into the world of fashion. According to global fashion search engine Lyst, memecore (“梗式穿搭”) will become one of the biggest fashion 1_________(hit) this year. 2____________(follow) this trend, some brands have pushed memes to their “extremes” to get people excited. This meme-inspired fashion trend is a 3___________(reject) of the idea that clothing has to abide by (遵守) rules defining what’s ‘in’ and ‘out’,4 _______ the fashion website CR Fashion Book notes. The only rule is to“wear what you want, even if it seems odd to those who aren’t in on the joke.” This attitude of fashion freedom5 ___________(stick) a chord with (引起……的共鸣) many young people. According to Refinery29, a creative global platform for young people, as aesthetics (审美) change rapidly, people often ask 6_________ their aesthetic is because they want something to define themselves. Growing up on the internet, 7______________(surround) by nontraditional memes and comment sections, young people want to take down the usual hierarchies (层级) of taste. “It feels niche (小众的) to get [a memecore fashion product] anywhere else, but it’s also a fun joke 8__________ you can share with someone,” Aiden Arata, 9_____ memecore fashion lover, told Seventeen Magazine. “That’s a nice balance,” Arata added. Meanwhile, in an era filled with stress and competition, people 10 ____________(leave) craving(渴望) for jokes and irony (讽刺). Now the memecore fashion trend can provide a supply to meet this demand. Some people might say that the rise of memecore fashion is “a form of escapism (逃避主义)”, an idea put forward by CR Fashion Book. But in a stressful life, why not wear some memecore clothes and bring more joy to both yourself and others? 参考答案:1 hits 2 Following 3 rejection 4 as 5 has struck 6 what 7 surrounded 8 that 9 a 10 are left Playing board games goes digital “桌游电子化”时代即将来临 Do you like playing board games? Or do you prefer playing games1 ___________(digital) on your phone? Now you can do_2_______ at the same time! The classic board game Settlers of Catan (《卡坦岛》) was released on gaming consoles in late February. It’s another entry in a long line of board games going digital. The original Settlers of Catan tabletop board game 3___________(make) in Germany in 1995. It quickly became a big 4__________(globe) hit. In the game, players race to set up settlements (定居点) across the board, rolling dice (骰子) and trading resources5_____________(build) and upgrade them into cities. It’s a fast-paced strategy game that requires 6_____________(plan) with players to get the resources needed to win. Now, people can play the game not just with friends over a table,7 __________ online with people worldwide. Or if you don’t feel like 8__________(be) social, you can play with an AI. But as cool as the digital game is, sometimes you just can’t beat the face-to-face tabletop experience. Watching your friends shout and barter (交换) for 9_________they need is when the game really comes to life in the real world and is something that gets lost in the digital game. But it is still very convenient playing online. You can play anywhere, 10_________ any time. 参考答案:1 digitally 2 both 3 was made 4 global 5 to build 6 planning 7 but 8 being 9 what 10 at


Ancient characters come alive on memes甲骨萌表情 甲骨文,这种最早刻在龟甲和动物肩胛骨上的中国书写文字。清华大学美术学院陈楠教授钻研甲骨文19年并将其制作成表情包,如今这些表情包活跃于中国互联网,在年轻一代中逐渐发展成为一种新的网络语言。 Jiaguwen,the earliest Chinese writing inscriptions(刻印文字)carved on tortoise shells and animal scapula(肩胛骨),comes alive on Chinese internet and evolves (逐渐发展)itself as a new online language among the young generation. “I never imagined that I can use Jiaguwen to communicate with my friends. I thought they can only be seen in my textbooks and understood by a fe w researchers. Also,these memes(表情包)look so creative and cute,” said Sian We Ibo user Doosan Xiao pan. “The digitization of Jiaguwen is a brilliant idea to promote traditional Chinese culture,and I hope the designers can launch more memes for me to learn the ancient characters,” we Chat user Xing Wensum added. Chen Nan,who designs Jiaguwen memes,is happy to know that Chinese denizens like his works. “At present,most people think Jiaguwen is hard to understand and ignore the great historic value of it. Through using Jiaguwen memes,I truly hope that more people can develop the interest of the ancient characters and make it accessible to more people's daily life,” Chen said. “Jiaguwen is mainly the pictograph(象形文字)with regular strokes(笔画)and beautiful forms,and it can be dated back to the Shang Dynasty (1600—1046 BC),which is regarded as the primary form of modern Chinese characters,” Chen added.

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