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Inheritance tax freeze to fund social care cap of £75,000 From the Guardian of February 11, 2013

Jeremy Hunt says he wants UK to be among first nations where people don't need to sell their home to pay for care

Jeremy Hunt: social care reforms are 'protecting people's inheritance'

The government is expected to introduce a £75,000 cap on the cost of social care, funded by freezing inheritance tax,

as it moves to end the "scandal" in which people are forced to sell their homes, Jeremy Hunt has said.

Ministers are determined to protect people's inheritance, the health secretary said, as he rejected suggestions that the Tories were abandoning George Osborne's pre-election pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m. Hunt was speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC1 before his statement to parliament on Monday, in which he will outline the government's response to the Dilnot report on funding social care.

He recommended a cap on the amount individuals are expected to pay for care when they become elderly and infirm before the state steps in of between £25,000 –£50,000, to be settled at £35,000.

Hunt all but confirmed the cap would be set at £75,000 after Osborne warned ministers the Dilnot proposal would cost at least £2bn.

The health secretary also came close to confirming reports that the £1bn cost of the new cap would be funded by freezing inheritance tax (IHT) at the current rate of

£325,000 until 2019. If IHT, frozen since 2009, increased in line with inflation every year until 2019 it would reach £420,000.

Hunt said: "We have a scandal at the moment that every year 30,000 to 40,000 people are having to sell their houses to pay for their care costs. Around 10% of us end up paying more than £100,000 in care costs.

"If you've got dementia, which is going to affect a million people in the next few years, you have this double whammy. You are trying to cope with this incredibly difficult condition, the loss of your memory, the impact on your relationships with your family. And then you have the double whammy of having to sell your home. That is what we want to sort out."

Hunt said the cap was designed to ensure nobody had to pay anything by fostering a culture in which people make provision for their care by making it easier to take out insurance. He said: "There is a misunderstanding about the cap. If you set the cap at £75,000, which is the number the newspapers are talking about this morning, that is not

saying we want everyone to pay £75,000 before the state helps.

"Actually we don't want anyone to pay anything at all. By setting an upper limit to how much people have to pay, then it makes it possible for insurance companies to offer policies for people to have options on their pensions so that anything you pay under the cap is covered."

In the Sunday Telegraph the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, writes that the new system should result in nobody having to sell their homes to fund their elderly care, a promise that depends on people taking up private health insurance to cover that initial £75,000 costs.

"We will make sure no one is forced to sell their home to pay for care in their lifetime, and no one sees their life savings disappear just because they developed the wrong kind of illness," he writes.

Hunt dismissed claims that the government was going back on Osborne's pledge in 2007 to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m. This was abandoned in the coalition agreement after objections from the Liberal Democrats.

The health secretary said: "The point of what we are doing is to protect people's inheritance. The worst thing that can happen is that at the most vulnerable moment in your life you lose the thing you have worked hard for – your own house. We are trying to be one of the first countries in the world where people do not end up having to sell their house."

The shadow care and older people's minister, Liz Kendall, said: "This would be a small step forward for some people who need residential care in five or more years time. But it won't be fair for people with modest homes. Andrew Dilnot recommended a cap on care costs of £35,000 and warned that anything above £50,000 won't provide adequate protection for people with low incomes and low wealth.

"And these proposals won't do anything for the hundreds of thousands of elderly and disabled people who are facing a desperate daily struggle to get the care and support they need right now. More than £has been cut from local council budgets for older people's social care since the coalition came to power. As a result, many vulnerable people can't

get the support they need and are having to pay more for vital services."

She called for a bigger and bolder response to meet the needs of the UK's ageing population. "We need a ... genuinely integrated NHS and social care system which helps older people stay healthy and living independently in their own homes for as long as possible. This is what Labour's policy review will address."


《英美报刊选读与教学研究》学后感 曹禹本着想通过英美报刊丰富自己的知识、积累词汇量、更深入了解英语文化的意图,我选修了这门课程。我从这科学习中了解到: 1、类型多样 英美报刊类型多样,内容全面。英语报刊信息包罗万象,从内容上来看,有文化、体育、保健、娱乐、历史、地理、生物、科技、环保等多方面知识;就领域而言,有人文、社会、教育、心理、政治、经济、金融、法律及其他新领域、新学科的热点问题;在形式上,则有新闻报道、报刊评论、学生习作、图片图表、分析推理等。该报涵盖了初中教材所涉及或是学生所关心的话题,从多种角度激发学生的学习兴趣,是学生积累社会文化知识、拓宽知识面的有效途径。 2、内容的专业性 词汇学习可以直接促进英语水平的提高,如何有效扩大词汇量,或者如何把学得的掌握的词汇尽可能灵活运用即转化为复用式词汇是当务之急。在英语报刊阅读过程中,可以紧扣阅读学习进行有联系的词汇教学,指导学生在篇章中学习词汇,通过上下文的联系进行比较、对比,根据上下文意思进行观察、分析、推理和归纳,以这种方式学习词汇更显示其优势。 英语报刊能提供不同体裁的范文,就篇章结构而言,学生习惯以汉语思维去阅读文章,在这时教师要加强引导,使学生认识到英、汉两种语言之间的差异,从报刊阅读中不断吸收地道的、符合英语表达习惯的表达方式和思维方式。教师除了分析宏观的篇章结构之外,还应指出单词、短语、句子使用的妙处,如何使用不同手段将一些简单句组合起来,表达复杂的意义,使学生能够欣赏语言,并逐渐积累语言知识,运用到写作实践中去,从而切实提高他们的写作能力。学生对词和短语的吸收尤其需要教师的指导,他们可能分不清词的内涵和外延、大词和小词、书面语和口头语之间的区别,而教师的责任就是帮助他们进行区分,并鼓励他们使用恰当的、符合书面要求的词语和句子。通过英语报刊阅读,学生普遍反映在篇章结构和语言表达上得到很多启发,更直观地了解了英语作文的特点,尤其是吸收了通俗的表达习惯方式,受益非浅。 英文报刊阅读开阔学视野,拓展英语学习的渠道,丰富课外知识,拓展学生的思维方式,增强英语教学的开放性和灵活性,更是学生获得知识和吸收语言的主要来源,如篇章的展开模式、地道的语言和精练的句子及段落之间的衔接和连贯等;同时,也吸取有关英语国家文化、风俗、习惯,使他们充分认识到中、英两种文化之间的差异,在写作中避免出现跨文化交际方面的失误。在读的过程中吸取精华,在写的过程中运用所掌握的知识。英语写作能力的提高要经过一个循序渐进的基本功训练过程,须遵循由浅入深、由简及繁的原则。违反语言掌握规律而急于求成,企图一蹴而就,结果自然就欲速则不达了。总之,英语写作是一个学习、吸收、模仿、创造的过程,为何不利用报刊阅读使学生在写作方面循


Inheritance tax freeze to fund social care cap of £75,000 From the Guardian of February 11, 2013 Jeremy Hunt says he wants UK to be among first nations where people don't need to sell their home to pay for care Jeremy Hunt: social care reforms are 'protecting people's inheritance' The government is expected to introduce a £75,000 cap on the cost of social care, funded by freezing inheritance tax,

as it moves to end the "scandal" in which people are forced to sell their homes, Jeremy Hunt has said. Ministers are determined to protect people's inheritance, the health secretary said, as he rejected suggestions that the Tories were abandoning George Osborne's pre-election pledge to raise the inheritance tax threshold to £1m. Hunt was speaking on the Andrew Marr Show on BBC1 before his statement to parliament on Monday, in which he will outline the government's response to the Dilnot report on funding social care. He recommended a cap on the amount individuals are expected to pay for care when they become elderly and infirm before the state steps in of between £25,000 –£50,000, to be settled at £35,000. Hunt all but confirmed the cap would be set at £75,000 after Osborne warned ministers the Dilnot proposal would cost at least £2bn. The health secretary also came close to confirming reports that the £1bn cost of the new cap would be funded by freezing inheritance tax (IHT) at the current rate of


广东2016年1月英美报刊选读试题类型 代码:10876 一填空10%(共五小题) (考一些常识) 1、被认为是美国宪法的雏形。 2 是美国唯一的全国性综合日报。 3导致尼克松总统辞职时美国民众心理产生了很大打击。 4. 保守主义的代表是。 5.美国以种族和分裂成两个美国。 6.在西方世界中,是唯一法律允许私人拥有枪支的国家。 7.伊拉克战争中,伊军打的是机械化半机械化战争,联军打的是战争。 8. 标题Soldier Salaries Soar 采用的修辞手法是 9. 美国早期的始于19世纪末。当时的女权斗争主要是。。。。。。。。。。。。 10.二战后生育高峰期被称作。 二改写标题10%(共五小题) 把下列标题改写成完整的句子 11. China voice hope ahead of US VP’s trip. 12.Medvedev notto resign, denies pressure. 13. Army brief; Thai soldier take no side in conflict 14.China , Brazil .pledge to further partnership. 15. China’s economy grow to 7.5%. 三选择题10%(共十小题) 选择与划线部分意思相近的单词或短语 四阅读简讯,从A~E中选出标题10% (很简单的,标题中的关键字可以在简讯中找到) 五翻译句子20%(共五小题) 六阅读理解40% A阅读下列报道,用英文简要回答问题。 (问题的答案都可以在文中找到) Russia grants us whistle blower 1 year temporary. (阅读的标题) B阅读选择,(都很简单) 1.北京申奥 2. 孙杨& 奥运锦标赛 3. 关于张艺谋超生的事件


1,李成杰的就业指导课和心理健康。李就业指导课确有一定价值就是仅仅1学分他的心理健康课上限分数最高80 相比之下鲁杰的最低80 至于质量就不用说了吧鲁杰著名心理学家~(下面有叙述) 2,高风证券投资基础证券投资风险控制生活中的控制上课就是听老师跟你吹自己和他那个过街天桥都不会过的儿子的牛逼保证一节课下来你脸都能听绿了但是真的东西还是能学到一点的但更多的是学习吹牛逼自己不脸红的本事分数一般我全勤外加答上几乎所有题目是76分所以自己掂量着办吧 3,王岩中级英语听力(外语学院2个王岩这个是那个自称年轻的)记住了期末胡给分! 4, 生命学院的专业选修课(给学弟学妹们的建议)如果你想后悔一辈子请选医学信息检索 5, 如果你想后悔两辈子请选计算化学导论 6 一个人叫方方听名字以为是某个娇滴滴小姑娘其实是个糟老头子总是笑嘻嘻的肚子很大感觉跟老爷爷似的但是这一切都是假象他才是真正的阴险毒辣的人课堂上跟个人似的但凡你要是求他什么事或者被他抓住什么把柄得嘞完蛋!生命学院的弟弟妹妹们切忌选他的课他的实验课也是非常操蛋他自己擅自改上课时间去不了就不及格还吓唬我说这事情我要是说出去他饭碗就没了我真后悔没他妈说出去!我们班主任都帮我说话了他都不给我及格而他自己还说哪怕你做个假我都能让你过!这话都说了可见其人品之次 还有一些选修课不少是我没有亲自上过的但是已然成为“佳话”的老师及他们的课程 例如 何** 人力资源管理 某老师的英美概况(20页ppt包括10分的考试范围满分为100 另外90分不给范围) 韩文强的婚姻法(我班学习一哥才得70多分) 计算机网络应用 英语视听说 竹翠的计算机专业英语, 电控鲍长春曾经让全专业只过五分之一的人的主所有只写姓名和学号没答题者通通-1分加权不加反而减数字语音编码原理

英美报刊选读(辅修) 电桥

英美报刊选读(辅修)电桥 电桥是一种实验仪器,常用于测量电阻、电流和电压等电学量。 它由一组电阻、一个电流表和一个电压表组成,通过连接在电路中的 不同位置来实现测量。电桥在科学研究和工程实践中具有广泛的应用,本文将详细介绍电桥的原理、结构和使用方法。 1.电桥原理:电桥利用韦氏电桥原理进行电学量的测量。韦氏电 桥是由德国物理学家格斯特纳提出的,它建立在基尔霍夫电路定律的 基础之上。 2.韦氏电桥原理:韦氏电桥原理是通过调节电桥的各个电阻使得 电桥两个对角的电路相等,从而在电压表零位上产生完全平衡。 3.电桥结构:电桥一般由四个电阻、一个电流表和一个电压表组成,其中一个电阻可调节以实现电桥平衡。 4.电桥用途:电桥可以用来测量未知电阻、电流和电压,也可以 用于检测电导率、电容和电感等电学特性。

5.电桥的类型:常见的电桥有韦斯通电桥、肖特基电桥、亨廷顿 电桥等多种类型,每种电桥都有其适用的特定场合。 6.电桥的优点:电桥具有精度高、灵敏度好、测量范围广等优点,被广泛应用于科学研究和工程实践中。 7.电桥的缺点:电桥在某些情况下可能会出现误差,需要根据实 际情况进行补偿或调节。 8.电桥的组装:组装电桥时应根据具体实验要求进行连接,确保 电桥能够正常工作。 9.电桥的调节:调节电桥时应注意使得电桥两个对角的电路相等,以实现平衡。 10.电桥的测量方法:通过读取电流表和电压表的示数来得到所需 的电学量数值。 11.电桥的应用领域:电桥可应用于电子、通讯、化工、生物医药 等领域,对各种电学量进行测量。 12.电桥的校准:电桥应定期进行校准,以确保其准确性和可靠性。

英美报刊选读(辅修) 正弦曲线

英美报刊选读(辅修)正弦曲线 正弦曲线是一种周期性的函数,它在数学、物理、工程等领域都有广 泛的应用。本文将从以下几个方面介绍正弦曲线:定义、图像特征、 性质、应用及相关概念。 一、定义 正弦曲线可以通过以下公式表示: y = A sin (ωx + φ) 其中,A为振幅,ω为角频率,φ为初相位,x为自变量,y为因变量。 二、图像特征 1. 周期性:正弦曲线是一种周期性函数,其周期为2π/ω。 2. 对称性:正弦曲线具有奇对称性。即当φ=π时,y轴对称。 3. 最值:振幅A表示正弦曲线的最大值和最小值之间的差异。最大值 为A,最小值为-A。

4. 零点:当sin(ωx + φ) = 0时,称该点为零点。正弦曲线在每个周期内有无数个零点。 三、性质 1. 周期函数:正弦曲线是一种周期函数。它的周期是2π/ω。因此,在一个完整的周期内,函数值重复出现。 2. 连续可导:正弦曲线在其定义域内连续可导。它的导数是cos(ωx + φ)。 3. 奇函数:正弦曲线是一种奇函数。即当x取相反数时,其函数值也取相反数。 4. 正交性:正弦曲线具有正交性。即两个不同频率的正弦曲线在一个周期内的积分为0。 四、应用 1. 物理学:正弦曲线在物理学中有广泛的应用。例如,它可以用来描述波动、振动等现象。

2. 工程学:正弦曲线在工程学中也有重要的应用。例如,它可以用来描述电信号、声音信号等。 3. 统计学:正弦曲线也被广泛地应用于统计学中。例如,它可以用来描述周期性数据的变化规律。 五、相关概念 1. 振幅:振幅表示正弦曲线最大值和最小值之间的差异。 2. 角频率:角频率表示单位时间内完成一个周期所需旋转的角度数。它与频率之间存在如下关系:ω = 2πf。 3. 初相位:初相位表示在x=0时,函数值与最大值之间的相位差。它决定了函数图像在x轴上的位置。 4. 频率:频率表示单位时间内完成一个周期的次数。它与角频率之间存在如下关系:f = ω/2π。 总之,正弦曲线是一种周期性函数,具有许多重要的性质和应用。在数学、物理、工程等领域中都有广泛的应用。对于学习和掌握正弦曲线,我们需要深入了解其定义、图像特征、性质、应用及相关概念。


考前练兵-试题详解 (1)avant-garde • • • 正确答案:A (2) Why did people think Haifa was a safe place ? • • • • 正确答案:B (3) spiral • • •‘s every means 正确答案:A (4) Why must local government keep his or her doors to every visitor ? •

• • • 正确答案:A (5) By the _____ , building life skills came into vogue. • • • • 正确答案:B (6) How many nations does the commonwealth have? • • • • 正确答案:B (7) On what does China spend the least money ? • •

• • 正确答案:D (8) decrepit. • • • 正确答案:B (9) ____ is a spokeswoman for the American Association of Health Plans. • • • • 正确答案:C (10) People sometimes don’t pay much attention to what a film is about because _______. • • •

•D the weather is very hot in the summertime 正确答案:C 考前练兵-试题详解 单选题(52) 判断题(30)(11) accelerate . •A desert sb without any excuse •B lose face before the public •C move or happen more quickly 正确答案:C (12) Public Agenda •A公众议程 •B公共设施 •C公共交通 •D公共日程 正确答案:A (13) influx. •A arrival of people or things


一,who we are now 1.But the president was openly ambivalent, too. 2.Because who we are now-a country in which traditional barriers of race, age and gender are crumbling-flows in many ways from what LBJ did then. 3.Why exhume the long-dead Johnson on the occasion of one of the most engaging inaugural since George Washington took the oath at Federal Hall… 4.His conflicting language underscores the nation’s occasionally wary view of the changes wrought by immigration. 5.There is something quintessentially American about a lumbering white man from Texas… 6.In the understandable thrill of the inaugural season, all eyes are turned to this single man, all ears attuned to his voice. 7.Whatever your politics, the election of the 44th president represents a kind of redemption from the long and tragic history of blacks… 8.If you count a generation as roughly 21 years, he was off the mark, since the rapidly inspired backlash shaped politics for more than 40 years 9.In 1909,…proposed a literary test to restrict the influx of the “Italians, Russians,Poles,Hungarians”… 10.Then,in1952,Congress passed the…Act,which essentially made naturalization colorblind.(平等的对待不同肤色的人) 11.The tension between assimilation and separation is eternal, but there is no doubt that this flood of immigration and the breaking down of barriers between previously estranged (疏远的,隔离的)groups within the country has created a much more fluid culture than… 12.The key cohort is the 75 million-strong generation known as the millennials(1980-2000) 13.perennial:lasting for a long time or forever 14.The disparity between older and younger voters was greater in 2008 than at any other time… 15.The younger cohort is more diverse than the general population, more female, more secular, less socially conservative and more willing to describe themselves as liberals. 16.In the wake of a possible terrorist attack, fear could easily lead to tension, resent and discord.


《英美报刊选读》模拟卷 考试形式:闭卷考试时间:90分钟 I. Translate the following terms into Chinese.( 30×1´= 30´) 1.Blue Berets poll 3. same-sex marriage 4.discount store 5. property tax 7. elevated highways superhighway 9. cellular phone 10. talk show II. Translate the following sentences. ( 5×6´= 30´) long as people feel embarrassed, restrained or openly criticized for using a particular language, it’s only n atural for them to want to avoid continuing to do what’s causing a negative response, whether it’s something overt like having your mouth washed out or more subtle like discrimination. the United States and Australia in past decades, the government forced native peoples to abandon their languages through vehicles such as boarding schools that punished youth for speaking a traditional tongue. the time of last week’s election, she had won over all but the most partisan of critics. messaging is being used effectively by two colleges in West Yorkshire as a way of communicating with students. As well as sending them reminders about lessons and dealines, the phones are being used for learning games and revision exercises. meeting certainly produced more than the usual photo ops and spin– and its participants did not go away yelling at one another as they have in the past. VIII. Reading Comprehension ( 20×2´=40´) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Passage one: Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. Violence Can Do Nothing to Diminish Race Prejudice In some countries where racial prejudice is acute, violence has so come to be taken for granted as a means of solving differences, that it is not even questioned. There are countries where the white man imposes his rule by brute force; there are countries where the black man protests by setting fire to cities and by looting and pillaging. Important people on both sides, who would in other respects appear


闭卷 A卷 开卷(开卷考试禁止使用手机等电子设备)□B卷 大学试题、试卷纸 班级: 2019专升本英语课程名称: 英美报刊选读拟题人: 2021 年4月 28日 姓名: 学号: 审题人: 年月日请将所有的答案都写在答题卡上!!! Section I Fundamental Knowledge of News Reading (50 points in all) Part A. Multiple Choice Question (40 points in all, 2 points each) Directions: choose an appropriate answer for each of the following sentences. 1. News is a _____________ of a recent or what is reported in a newspaper, news periodical, or news broadcast with news values. A. story B. comment C. record D. report 2. The news that deals with formal or serious topics and events is called ___________. A. hard news B. soft news C. hot news D. home news 3. The news that deals with informal or interesting topics and events is called ___________. A. hard news B. soft news C. hot news D. home news 4. The news that provides the latest information is called ____________. A. hard news B. soft news C. hot news D. home news 5. The types of journalism include the news story, news report, feature,editorial, and __________. A. event B. commentary C. obituary D. announcement 6. The most important news can be found in the __________ of the major English newspapers. A. second page B. third page C. front page D. the last page 7. News summary is usually laid on the ___________ page. A. second page B. third page C. front page D. the last page 8. News lead is usually located ______________. A. under the headline B. under the news summary C. on the second page D. on the last page 9. ___________ is the heading printed in large, outstanding letters above a story in a newspaper. A. News summary B. News lead C. News headline D. Editorial 10. The word “metro” which appears in front page of a news paper means ____________. A. subway B. international news C. city news D. national news 11. The comma used in the headline “Maria, Lisa win the Best Young Actress” means____________. A. or B. and C. but D. with 12. The comma used in the headline “Bomb Blows Down Bus in Thailand, Kills 3 Soldiers” means__________. A. or B. and C. but D. with 13. The colon used in the headline “President Bush: Banned Weapons Will Be Found” means___________.


如拟发表,请通知作者,以免重稿 记者英文采访过程中的常用句型 □王卫明熊靖靖沈栋琴纪佩吉① 随着对外开放的不断深入,中国记者采访外国人的机会越来越多,采访外国人的需要也比以往更为迫切,大多数记者都可能遇到采访外国人的情形,这时,“使用英语这一国际通用语言进行采访”便成为许多新闻记者希望掌握或需要掌握的本领。 但是,目前国内的新闻教育(包括《英语新闻》和《英美报刊选读》课程在内),缺乏对有关英语采访知识的介绍,在网上也难以检索到直接可用的资料。因此,相当多的记者(即使英语口语特别好)在采访外国人过程中颇为尴尬,不知道如何用英文表达某些语句,因此丧失采访良机。经过对真实采访案例的分析及新译,我们归纳出英文采访过程中的常用句型和语句,供各位记者参考、仿用。 (一)采访初始 电视台的演播室采访或电话连线采访,开始时可以这样说: 1)Good to have you with us,Si r/Ms. 记者采访外国人时,如果觉得用英语对话有难度时,记者可以首先询问被采访者是否懂中文,如果被访者懂中文那采访自然更顺利。记者可以这样说: 2)Can you speak Chinese 3)Can we taIk with each other in Chinese (二)采访新闻诸要素 来访的基本内容包括5个“W”和一个“H"(即What, When, Why, Where, Who, How) 对这几个关键问题,常见的提问句型有: 关于Who,可以这样问: 1)Who i s i nvol ved i n ••• 例句:V/ho i s invoI ved in it 2)Who benefited from 3)Who suffered from … 4)Who made … 关于What,可以这样问: 1)What i s the current status of … 2)What' s your opinion of … 3)what kinds of …can you share 4)What is simi lar to ••• ①王卫明系南昌大学新闻与传播学系副教授、中国传媒大学新闻学博士,熊始结系南昌大学新闻与传播学 系2008级硕士生,沈栋冬系南昌大学新闻与传搐学系2008级本科生。


Answer key for Lesson 10 V. CABDC VI. 1.Richard Atkinson investigated the problems by personally reading the manuals and sample tests to review and assess the verbal and mathematical questions. Besides, he visited schools to find students’ responses to SAT exams. 2.After the investigation, he proposed that SAT I should be scrapped. His proposal has caused a huge stir on campuses nationwide and rekindled long-standing arguments about the test. 3.The College Board argues that SAT measures the sort of higher-order math and literary-reasoning skills that students need to succeed in college and later in life and that the test correlates well with freshman-year college grades. 4.They have adopted college admission systems based in part on class is automatically admitted to state universities. 5.Their worry is that it is only a matter of time before there is pressure to scrap subject-area tests and getting rid of the SAT is the first step in a wretched direction. 6.SAT I refers to the tests on higher-order math and literary-reasoning skills. Many critics think the questions are confusing and verbal analogies too obscure. SAT II refers to the subject-specific achievement tests which measure knowledge in such areas as writing, math, physics, history and foreign language. 7.The test debate will not die down anytime soon. Answer key for Lesson 11 V. B C B A D VI. 1.The insurance company has refused Lorraine Hiskey’s medical bill, because the company claimed that her treatment was “experimental”. 2.Politicians have focused attention on the 35 million Americans who have no health coverage. 3.The kind of medical care deemed experimental, unproven, unnecessery or to inappropriate is denied coverage。 4.Insurers try to justify insurance denials by saying that they want to pretect patients from unnecessary medicine and improve the overall quality of care. The primary reason is to trim costs. 5.Patients are beginning to fight back and win. 6.Not exactly, there are some inconsistencies,which may spur many consumers to press on. 7.In the fight against the insurer, a direct personal appeal is the best initial strategy. Learning why coverage was turned down is the first step. 8.Many denied claims stem from a doctor’s or hospital’s failure to file the necessary paperwork or to protperly justify what actions they took. 9.The final word on an insurance appeal legally rests with the employer, not with the insurer; a sympathetic boss may reverse the denial. So ,the best way is to win the employer’s sympathy


黄淮学院外国语学院2017-2018学年度第一学期 期末考试《英美报刊选读》A 卷 注意事项:本试卷适用于2015级英语专业学生。 I.Fill in the blanks (本大题共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分) 1. 英语新闻报刊多种多样:有纸质新闻报纸、纸质新闻杂志等。主要可细分为 、 、半周报和双周报等。 2.新闻英语五大要素是: 、 趣味性、时新性和客观性。 3.《泰晤士报》是英国历史最悠久、最有权威、政治影响很大的报纸。它是 年1月1日由 创办的。 4.《经济学家》周刊是英国的詹姆斯.威尔逊于 年9月创办的,距今已有 年的历史。 5.世界最大的快餐连锁店是 ,其经营口号是“ ”。 6.美国最有影响的报纸是_______.日发行量最大的是________. 7.美国历史上最大的一次恐怖袭击事件发生在________年________月________日。 8.世界上最大的连锁零售企业是________。 9.按照事件的性质分类,新闻可分为________ 和________。 10.美国NBA 分为________区、________区和________区。 II 、Translate the following into Chinese (本大题共20个小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1.newsman 2. extra 3.Newspaper Week 4.the front page 5.big news 6.hot news 7.public notice 8. book review 9. exclusive news 10.The Daily Telegraph 11.The Guardian 12.The Financial Times 13.The Observer 14.The Sunday Times 15.The Los Angeles Times 16.The New York Times 17.Washington Post 18.The Wall Street Journal 19.The New York Daily News 20.Chicago Daily Tribune III 、Reconstruct the messages of the following headlines of news stories (本大题共5个小题,每小题2分,共10分) Example: Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered ---An Italian Ex-Mayor Is Murdered 1. US told not to exploit Tibet issue 2. Rubin, Greenspan at odds 3. Visitors flocking to Mao’s birth place 4. Man quizzed after wife is knifed in sports store 5.Financier Killed By Burglars 1 yellow press A 黄色报刊 B 低级报刊 C.黄色印刷机 IV 、 Choose the correct translations according to the texts you have learned (本大题共10个小题,每小题1分,共10分)


LESSON 1 The top talent in countries around the world have a new suitor: the Chinese government.China has a severe shortage of skilled talent and, in a policy reversal, has decided to open its doors to talent from around the world. This could mean that the brilliant NASA scientists the U.S. laid off, could find new employment — and a new home — in Shanghai or Beijing.Chinese research labs have long had difficulty recruiting qualified workers to perform necessary research and development, and its corporations struggle to find competent managers. The situation will likely get worse as China's high-tech industries grow and it increases its national R&D spending from the present 1.62 percent of GDP, according to the Chinese government, to the planned 2.5 percent by 2020. China's President Hu Jintao, in May 2010, declared talent development a national priority in order to fill the void. The goal is to dramatically increase the education level of China's workforce and to build an innovation economy.China has launched several high-priority programs to encourage skilled Chinese to return home — all in an effort to meet the country's pressing talent demands. One of these programs is the "Thousand Foreign Talents Program." The program's goal is to bring 2,000 experienced engineers, scientists, and other experts of Chinese origin back from the West. The government also announced that it aims to cultivate 100 "strategic entrepreneurs" who can lead Chinese firms getting into the ranks of the world's top 500 countries.Both efforts are running ahead of target according to Dr. Huiyao Wang, the Director General of the Center for China and Globalization and an advisor to the Chinese government. China had recruited more than 1,500 "high quality talents," according to Wang, and 300 returnees had been enrolled in management training courses by August 2011. The courses were conducted by senior ministers. These individuals, while re-learning how to operate successfully within the Chinese system, are expected to serve as a critical catalyst in transforming China's innovation environment in ways that will enhance the country's competitive edge across a range of key, strategic industries.

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