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2014年12月考试大学英语(2) B 卷


1. Xiao Li proposed we postpone the journey to next month and everybody

disagree ____ him. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 to

B、 with

C、 on

D、 at

2. Too much work and no time for rest is a () on him both physically

and mentally. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 deposit

B、 burden

C、 cover

D、 revolution

3. ( ) the bad weather, the football match had to be put off. (本题

分数:1 分。)

A、 Because of

B、 Because

C、 In case

D、 On occasion

4. Something unexpected happened () our way to the seaside. (本题

分数:1 分。)

A、 in

B、 on

C、 by

D、 at

5. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at ( )

chemist's. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 each

B、 some

C、 certain

D、 any

6. I saw him at ()__, not at ()__. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 my uncle...the Blacks

B、my uncle’s...the Blacks

C、my uncle’s...the Blacks’

D、 my uncle...the Blacks’

7. Let’s take a rest and have a cup of coffee, ()? (本题分数:

1 分。)

A、 shall we

B、won’t we

C、 shall you

D、won’t you

8. To most of the students, Economics ()__ always an important subject,

also a difficult one. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 is are

B、 have been

C、 was

9. “Go()” means each person will pay for his own meal. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 England

B、 France

C、 Germany

D、 Dutch

10. I feel like () to the owner of the house to complain. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 writing

B、 to write

C、 write

D、 having written

11. T he service of this hotel is so bad that we just spend one night there

and then (). (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 check in

B、 check out

C、 move in

D、 move out

12. H e asked me ( ) the party. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 if I had enjoyed

B、 if had I enjoyed

C、 I had enjoyed

D、 had I enjoyed

13. I have never spoken ill of her, ( ) I don't like her. (本题分数:

1 分。)

A、 if

B、 because

C、 so that

D、 though

14. P eople in different places use different body language, for example,

in China, people usually _____ their heads to show their

disagreement. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 nod

B、 shave

C、 wave

D、 shake

15. I express my idea()in order to avoid misunderstanding. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 implicitly

B、 complicity

C、 explicitly

D、 completely

16. X iao Ming is ()about everything and keeps asking questions. (本

题分数:1 分。)

A、 stubborn

B、 interested

C、 curious

D、 addicted

17. S ome people want to go hunting, ( )others want to go fishing. (本

题分数:1 分。)

A、 or

B、 because

C、 while

D、 since

18. I’ll go home for a vacation as soon as I () my exams. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 finished

B、 will finish

C、 am finished

D、 finish

19. I t’s so cold this winter here, I feel like () to the seaside to

spend Christmas holidays on the beach. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 going

B、 goes

C、 go

D、 gone

20. A s a devoted wife and mother, she insists doing the homework all by

herself and the () tasks are never burden to her. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 house kept

B、 housekeeping

C、 home kept

D、 home keeping

21. T he human body is composed of organs, each ()a definite jot to

do. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 have

B、 has

C、 to have

D、 having

22. () business across the world through Internet is becoming more and

more popular. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 Committing

B、 Contacting

C、 Conducting

D、 Consuming

23. I wasn't able to ( ) the meeting because I was too busy. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 Attend

B、 attempt

C、 assign

D、 withdraw

24. H e was scared when he saw the shadow _____ the window. (本题分数:

1 分。)

A、 took over

B、 made over

C、 thought over

D、 .loomed over

25. E mail allows families and friends around the world to communicate ___

a low price. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 at

B、 with

C、 in

D、 on

26. A new theory () before it can be put into practice. (本题

分数:1 分。)

A、 must be tested

B、 be tested

C、 can be tested

D、 to be tested

27. I t’s hard to _____ such mistakes in such a long report. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 remind

B、 realize

C、 mention

D、 identify

28. A s they ( ) newspapers for a long time, they knew nothing about the

world. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 hadn't read

B、 didn't read

C、 haven't read

D、 don't read

29. —"Someone took my book."

—"Well, I didn't and ( )." (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 nor did Jack

B、 nor Jack did

C、 Jack did nor

D、 Jack nor did

30. N ever ( )until tomorrow what may be done today. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 put forward

B、 put over

C、 put through

D、 put off

31. C ommunication here is very convenient. You can make a call at the

telephone () around the city. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 stall

B、 booth

C、 pavilion

D、 store

32. T here isn’t any difference between the two. I really don’t know

( ). (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 which to choose

B、 to choose what

C、 what to choose

D、 to choose which

33. H e thought the painting was of little ( ), so he let me have it for

only ten pounds. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 cost

B、 value

C、 price

D、 expensive

34. S he said ( ) (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 what it was a beautiful flower

B、 what a beautiful flower it was.

C、 how a beautiful flower it was

D、 how a flower was beautiful.

35. ---“ Hello, this is Dr. Smith’s office. Dr Smith will be busy at

Tuesday afternoon; he asks if you can change the appointment ()the same time next week?”

---“ Ok, next Tuesday will be fine ()me.” (本题分数:1 分。)

A、for …. with

B、at… to

C、to… to

D、in …. for

36. H e asked me () to Lijiang. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 if I had gone to

B、 B. if I had been to

C、 C. had I gone to

D、 D. had I been to

37. T he ability of remaining anonymous ( ) a kind of cheating. (本题

分数:1 分。)

A、 lead to

B、 leading to

C、 leaded to

D、 leads to

38. I f you ( ) the doctor's advice, you would have recovered already. (本

题分数:1 分。)

A、 followed

B、 would follow

C、 follow

D、 had followed

39. () by the way she spoke to me, I left the office. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 Annoying

B、 Angry

C、 Been angry

D、 Annoyed

40. I thought it was very ____ way to spend a weekend in countryside. (本

题分数:1 分。)

A、 relax

B、 relaxed

C、 relaxing

D、 relaxes

41. T his style ( ) in Germany in the 17th Century. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 Flourished

B、 Fashioned

C、 Blossomed

D、 bloomed

42. W orking in the factory for years, you must have been ( ) to the noise

of the machines. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 Accepted

B、 Committed

C、 Accustomed

D、 accounted

43. T he customs ( ) in different parts of the United States. (本题分

数:1 分。)

A、 Vary

B、 Change

C、 very

D、 exchange

44. A t first he was bothered by the warm and humid weather there, but soon

he () it. (本题分数:1 分。)

A、 was adapted to

B、 was accommodated to

C、 was adjusted to

D、 was accustomed to

45. T he only access to the town is across the bridge.( ) (本题分数:1 分。)






1. Mr Reese was born in a big city. His father had several companies and

got a lot of money. He could give his son all the young man wanted.

He was busy with his business and never asked him how he got along with his studies. So the boy spent most time in the restaurants or cinemas. Of course he was weak at his lessons and learned nothing at school. He made many friends but none of them was good and when they knew he came from a rich family, they began to teach him to gamble (赌博)- Of course he lost much money.

Now Mr Reese was twenty and finished middle school. He could not do anything. But his father didn''t mind it until one day he found the young man had sold one of his companies. He became so angry that he made him leave his house. The young man couldn''t gamble any longer.

His friends made him pay his debt. He had to ask his mother to help him and the woman often gave him some money. But one evening his father happened to find it. The old man stopped his wife from doing so. They began to fight in the room. The young man brought out a knife and killed his father. His mother helped him to run away, but soon after that he was caught and sentenced (判刑) to death.

It was a cold and wet day. Suddenly it began to rain hard when Mr Reese was being sent to the execution ground (刑场). Soon both he and the soldiers were wet through. He said angrily, "Bad luck! I shall be shot in such bad weather!""Don''t complain, brother," said one of the soldiers. "You''re luckier than us all. We''ll have to go back to the city after that!" (本题分数:10 分。)

(1). Old Reese never wanted to know about his son's studies because

( ). (2 分)

A、 he was sure his son was good at his lessons


he spent all his energies on his business


he knew nothing about the education

D、 his wife looked after their children

(2). The bad young men taught Young Reese to gamble in order ( ). (2


A、 to play with him


to spend spare time


that they could get much money form him

D、 that they could find jobs in his father's companies

(3). Old Reese became angry because ( ). (2 分)

A、 his son had learned nothing at school


his son was weak at all his lessons


his son couldn't do anything in the companies

D、 his son had lost one of his companies

(4). The young man was sentenced to death because ( ). (2 分)


he had killed his father


he often gambled


he made friends with the bad men

D、 he had sold a company of his father's

(5). The phrase "be wet through" in the story means ( ) (2 分)








In the United States, it is not customary to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is shaving or having breakfast, the time of the call shows that the matter is very important and requires immediate attention. The same meaning is attached to telephone calls made after 11:00 p.m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he assumes(想当然地认为)it''s a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the call communicates its importance.In social life, time plays a very

important part. In the U.S.A. guests tend to feel they are not highly regarded if the attention to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date. But it is not true in all countries.

In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far in advance because plans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be forgotten. The meaning of time differs in different parts of the world. Thus, misunderstandings arise(产生) between people from cultures that treat time differently.

Promptness is valued highly in American life, for example. If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as impolite or not fully

responsible. In the U.S. no one would think if keeping a business associate waiting for an hour. It would be too impolite. A person who is 5 minutes late is expected to make a short apology. If he is less than 5 minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence. (本题分数:10 分。)

(1). "The same meaning is attached to telephone calls after

11:00p.m." Here "attached" means ( )

(3.333333 分)

A、 Taken





D、 shown

(2). According to this passage, time plays an important role in ( )

(3.333333 分)


everyday life


school life



D、 private life

(3). The best title for this passage is ( )

(3.333333 分)


The Voice of Time


The Importance of Time


The Importance of an Announcement

D、 Time and Tide Wait for No Man


The climate of any place is the kind of weather it usually has over

a long period of time. The house we live in, the clothes we wear, even

the foods we eat depend on the climate of the place where we live.

Climate is a pattern that is not nearly as simple as we think, it is affected by many factors. The distance to the North or South Pole to the equator (赤道) really matters a lot. If you live near either of the Poles, you live in a cold climate, for the place where you live does not get as much or as direct sunshine as a place farther away

from the poles. In places close to the equator, the climate is very hot, for they are the parts where the sun shines almost straight down. The amount of rain or snow falls makes a great difference to the climate. In hot, dry desert, little rain fall, but in a hot rain forest, the amount of rainfalls is far larger than that in a desert, for there is a heavy rain almost every day, even several times per day.

Though a rainforest and a desert may be the same distance from the equator, their climates are rather different from each other.How much rain or snow falls are determined by the winds, the surrounding mountains and the currents (水流) in nearby seas and so on. In short, it is a very complex natural phenomenon (现象). (本题分数:10 分。)

(1). This passage mainly talks about ( ).

(2 分)




different climate


climate and its determining factor

D、 the difference between weather and climate

(2). Form this passage, we know climate and weather are ( ) and climate

is ( ).

(2 分)


almost the same, the general term of weather

quite different, the average (平均) weather

B、 conditions at a particular place over a period of time


not the same, included by weather

D、 very much alike, bigger and weather is smaller

(3). According to this passage, the most important factor that

determines the cold climate in the

Antarctica (南极洲) and the Arctic (北极) and the hot climate

in equator is ( )

(2 分)


how near a place is near to either pole or the equator

the different angles (角度) at which the sun shines


that the equator is in the middle of the globe

C、 while the Antarctica and Arctic are at the ends of the


D、 their different geographical positions on the earth

(4). The difference of the climates between a tropical desert and a

tropical rainforest is affected by ( )

(2 分)


the amount of rainfalls


the winds and the surrounding mountains


the currents in nearby seas

D、 how much rain the two different places can get

(5). From the context, we can guess that the word "complex" is ( )

and it ( ).

(2 分)


a noun, means a simple thing


an adjective, means being easy to understand


an adverb, has almost the same meaning of "rather"

D、 an adjective, means being difficult to understand or


4. Many new students find it hard to do all the study that has to be done;

they find themselves putting off reading assignment(作业), jumping from one subject to another and not being quite certain what they are trying to do during a particular study session. The best way to overcome these difficulties and to start studying efficiently(高效的) is to plan your time and organize your work. Let us suppose that you have 15 hours per week of classes and that you decide to allow yourself a 40-hour-working week (a reasonable figure, leaving you 70 waking hours for other activities.) You now have to decide how to divide the remaining 25 hours of private study. Naturally, the

decision you make will change from week to week according to what essays have to be written and what reading has to be done. Many people find it helpful to draw up each week a seven- day- timetable showing the occasions on which they will be studying. By change such a plan at times during the week, you can see what you have done and what you have still to do: the whole plan becomes more manageable. There are

a number of places where you can study --- college library, public

library, home, empty classrooms, on bus or train --- and each has several obvious advantages and disadvantages. The college library is least busy in the evening, on Wednesday afternoon, and all day Friday and Saturday. (249w) (本题分数:10 分。)

(1). Many new students find it hard( )

(2.5 分)


to make a good plan


to study efficiently


to delay their reading

D、to jump from subject to subject

(2). A student’s organization of his work will need to change

according to ( )

(2.5 分)


how many hours he is awake

2020年12月大学英语B统考题库原题 网考大学英语B真题12

一、交际英语 1、--Do you dance? --Yes, I do. --_________? --Every weekend. A:How hard do you practice B:How much do you pay for it C:How often do you go dancing D:How long do you practice it 答案:C 2、--I went to the beach and got plenty of rest. --________. You looked tired last time I saw you. A:I hope so B:Really C:I'm glad you did D:The sound was nice 答案:C 3、-- Wow! This is a marvelous room! I've never known you're so artistic. --______ A:Great, I am very art-conscious. B:Don't mention it. C:Thanks for your compliments. D:It's fine. 答案:C 4、-- Madam, do all the buses go downtown? -- A:Wow, you got the idea. B:No, never mind. C:Pretty well, I guess. D:Sorry, I'm new here. 答案:D 5、-- Who's speaking? -- This is Tom . A:speaks B:spoken C:speaking


一、交际英语 1.--Have a cup of tea, ? --Thanks a lot. A don’t you B haven’t you C shall me D will you 2.-- ? --He is not very well. A Who is he B What is he C How is he D Who he is 3.—Why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday? -- . A Excuse me, my frie nd sent me a flower B Fine, I never go to birthday parties C Well, I don’t like birthday parties D Sorry, but my wife had a car accident 4.—This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs. -- A You may ask for help B I’ll give you a hand C Please do me a favor D I’d come to help 5. -Could I ask you a rather personal question? -Of course, . A good idea B that’s right C never mind D go ahead 二、词汇与结构 6.I don’t know the park, but it’s to be quite beautiful. A.said B.old C.spoken D.talked 7.Mike is better than Peter swimming. A.for B.at C.on D.in 8.The young lady coming over to us our English teacher; the way she walks tells us that! A.must be B.can be C.woul be D.could be 9.Had you come five minutes earlier, you the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it. A.Would catch B.would have caught C.Could catch D.Should catch 10.Eggs, though rich in nourishments, have of fat. A.a large number of B.the large number C.a large amount D.the large amount 三、阅读理解 Passage 1 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green, yellow, or black. There have been snowflakes of almost every color. Think how it would seem to have colored snowflakes coming down all around you. Black snow fell in France one year. Another year grey snow fell in Japan. It was found that the snow was mixed with ashes. his made it look dark. Red snow had come down in other countries. When this happened, the snow was mixed with red dust. Most snow looks white, but it is really the color of ice. Snow is ice that comes from snow cloud. Each snowflake begins with a small drop of frozen water. More water forms around this drop. The way the water freezes gives the snowflakes its shape. No two snowflakes are ever just the same size or shape. Sometimes the snowflakes are broken when they come down. Other snowflakes melt as they fall. All snowflakes are flat and have six


《大学英语2》综合复习资料 1. — Guess what? I passed the English exam! —______ C. Congratulations! __________ 2. — I must go now. The plane will leave in half an hour. Thank you for seeing me off. —________ A. Good luck.____ 3. —Will you be able to come to my birthday party this Saturday? —____ D. Yes, I’d love to. 4. —Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital. —Oh, __ C. I’m sorry to hear that._______ 5. —Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the railway station? —B. Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here. ____________ 6. — Could I borrow your CD of English songs? —____ B. I’m sorry. It’s not at hand now. 7. —Hello, Sally. How’s everything? —____ D. Just so-so._____ 8. — Waiter! —__ A. Yes, sir? ______ 9. — Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? — __ A. Sorry, he is busy at the moment _______. 10. — Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? —____ C. Yes, help yourself ____. 11. — What can I do for you, madam? —_ A. I want a kilo of apples _______. 12. — Do you mind telling me w here you’re from? —_ D. Certainly not. I’m from London 13. —May I see the menu, please? I’ve been waiting an hour already. —___ C. Here you are, sir ______. 14. —I want to look up a new word. Could you lend me your dictionary? —_____B. Here you are. _______ 15. —I’m sorry that the postcards you want to buy have been sold out. —______ D. Oh, what a pity! _______ 16. —Do you mind if I smoke here? —__ C. Sorry, it’s forbidden here.________ 17. — Do you think living in the countryside has more advantages? —B. Well, it depends.____________ 18. —You’ve won the basketball game. Congratulations! —____ C. Thank you. We’re really lucky.________ 19. — Excuse me, Sir. Could you hold the suitcase for me? —____ D. With pleasure. 20. —Mom, I’m very sorry for having broken the plate. —Oh, boy, __ A. it doesn’t matter._________ 21. —It’s really nice of you to give me a hand in time! —____ D. It’s my pleasure. ________

2013~2014学年第二学期期末考试试卷 初二历史

2013~2014学年第二学期期末考试试卷 初二历史2014.06 (时间:50分钟总分:50分考试形式:闭卷) 注意事项: 1、本试卷共四部分,考试时间50分钟,满分50分。考生作答时,务必将自己的姓名、学校、座位号、考试证号填写在答题纸的相应位置上,并将答案答在规定的答题纸范围内,答在本试卷上无效。 2、答题时使用0.5毫米黑色中性(签字)笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。 一、单项选择题(在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 1.“长夜难明赤县天,百年魔怪舞蹁跹,人民五亿不团圆。一唱雄鸡天下白,万方乐奏有于阗,诗人兴会更无前。”诗中的“一唱雄鸡天下白”是指 A.抗日战争的胜利B.解放战争的胜利 C.新中国的成立D.文化大革命的结束 2.《人民日报》的“元旦社论”打上了鲜明的时代印记,成为民众了解党和国家政策的风向标。下列社论发表于新中国成立初期的是 A.在伟大爱国主义旗帜下巩固我们的伟大祖国 B.把无产阶级文化大革命进行到底 C.在“十五大”精神指引下胜利前进 D.迎接新世纪的曙光 3.小芳同学在笔记中写到:“粉碎了帝国主义分裂中国的阴谋,标志着祖国大陆基本统一,实现了各民族的大团结。”据此判断,她学习的内容是 A.西藏和平解放B.抗美援朝 C.香港回归D.澳门回归 4.在进行“中国人民志愿军一最可爱的人”研究性学习时,你认为可以作为史料运用的是①当时的文献资料②历史博物馆内存放的有关实物资料 ③电影《英雄儿女》《上甘岭》④当时的实况纪录片和照片 A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④ 5.右图是1951年1月6日山东某农民领取的土地房产所有 证,他取得此证是依据 A.《中华人民共和国土地改革法》 B.《中华人民共和国宪法》 C.《中华人民共和国刑法》 D.《中华人民共和国民法通则》 6.观察下表,探寻数据背后的历史。造成表中阶级结构数据变动的主要原因是 白城县岭下、胜利、建政三村阶级结构的变动情况表(单位:人) A.《共同纲领》的颁布B.新中国的成立 C.土地改革的完成D.抗美援朝的胜利 7.图表中为我国在“一五”时期的各部门投资比例。由此可见,我国当时

2019年12月大学英语B统考题库 网考大学英语B真题3

一、交际英语 1.- Mike, I am going to skate in the mountains tomorrow. - Oh, really? _________ A.I am sorry. B.Thank you. C.Have a good time. D.Congratulations! 答案:C 2.- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. - ________ A.Yes, I beat the others. B.No, no, I didn't do it well. C.Thank you. D.It's a pleasure. 答案:C 3.- Could you help me with my physics, please? - ________ A.No, no way. B.No, I couldn't. C.No, I can't. D.Sorry I can't. I have to go to a meeting right now. 答案:D 4.- Do you mind my smoking here? - _______ A.No, thanks. B.Yes, I do. C.Yes. I'd rather not. D.Good idea. 答案:B 5.- Please help yourself to the seafood. - ________ A.No, I can't. B.Sorry, I can't help. C.Well, seafood don't suit. D.Well, I'm afraid I don't like seafood. 答案:D


大学英语1测试答案 注意:标红为答案 测验一: (AABAA BBACA CBCCA CAAAA,题目顺序随机)题目1:They have a share.

A. each; B. every 题目2:child enjoys Christmas. A. Every; B. Each 题目3:My pen is lost. This one is my A. brother; B. brother's 题目4:Have you the skirt by yourself? A. made; B. built 题目5:My room is than the one next door. A. cleaner; B. cleanner; C. cleanest 题目6:John is the of the three brothers. A. taller; B. tallest; C. tall 题目7:We've entered an agreement. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目8:He entered his son the English examination. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目9:No one saw the thief when he entered the buliding. A. for; B. into; C. * 题目10:Everyone he will win. A. believes; B. believe 题目11:Just then, the telephone rang. It rang____. A. at once; B. immediately; C. again; D. at that moment 题目12:The shop assistant found some curtain material___me.


人教版2014-2015年六年级数学上册 期末试卷及答案 学校 班级 姓名 一、填空 1、31 2 吨=( )吨( )千克 70分=( )小时。 2、( )∶( )=40 ( ) =80%=( )÷40 3、( )吨是30吨的1 3 ,50米比40米多( )%。 4、六(1)班今天出勤48人,有2人因病请假,今天六(1)班学生的出勤率是( )。 5、0.8:0.2的比值是( ),最简整数比是( ) 6、某班学生人数在40人到50人之间,男生人数和女生人数的比是5∶6,这个班有男生( )人,女生( )人。 7、从甲城到乙城,货车要行5小时,客车要行6小时,货车的速度与客车的速度的最简比是( )。 8、王师傅的月工资为2000元。按照国家的新税法规定,超过1600元的部分应缴5%个人所得税。王师傅每月实际工资收入是( )元。 9、小红15 小时行3 8 千米,她每小时行( )千米,行1千米要用( )小时。 10、用一根长12.56米的绳子围成一个圆,这个圆的直径是( ),面积是 ( )。 11、在一块长10分米、宽5分米的长方形铁板上,最多能截取( )个直径是2分米的圆形铁板。 12、请你根据图形对称轴的条数按照从多到少的顺序,在括号里填上适当的图形名称。 圆、( )、( )、长方形。 二、判断 1、7米的18 与8米的1 7 一样长。 …………………………………………( ) 2、周长相等的两个圆,它们的面积也一定相等。………………… ( ) 3、1 100 和1%都是分母为100的分数,它们表示的意义完全相同。……( ) 4、5千克盐溶解在100千克水中,盐水的含盐率是5%。…………… ( ) 5、比的前项增加10%,要使比值不变,后项应乘1.1。…………………( ) 三、选择 1、若a 是非零自然数,下列算式中的计算结果最大的是( )。


一、交际英语 1.- Sorry I'm late. - _________ A.You are welcome. B.It's a pleasure. C.Take care. D.Don't worry. 答案:D 2.- We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us? - ________ A.I'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting. B.Of course not. I have no idea. C.No, I can't. D.That's all set. 答案:A 3.- Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening? - ________ A.No, I already have plans. B.I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. C.No, I really don't like being with you. D.I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out. 答案:B 4.- Must I take a taxi? - No, you ________ . You can take my car. A.had better to B.don't C.must not D.don't have to 答案:D 5.- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please - ________ A.Speaking, please. B.Oh, how are you C.I'm listening. D.I'm Don. 答案:A 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导


Test Seven, Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections. Section A Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper answers to questions. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) Mary is not here, because she is ill. B) No, it isn't. C) Yes, it is. D) We are ready. 2.A) I am not hungry. B) But the price is too high. C) I like doing some cooking. D) I want to have a rest. 3.A) No, you can't. B) Yes, you can. C) I want a seat near the window. D) That's all right. 4. A) Thank you. B) I agree with you. C) Me, too. D) A little better. 5.A) It's snowing now. B) I like it. C) Yes, the grounds are white. D) it sounds good. Section B Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 6.A) $16. B) $32. C) $8. D) $64. 7.A) Patient and doctor. B) Waitress and customer. C) Wife and husband. D) Secretary and boss. 8. A) Worried and frightened. B) Quite unhappy. C) Very relaxed. D) Angry with the professor. 9. A) The woman was late for coming. B) The woman asked the man to wait. C) The man was annoyed by her late coming. D) The man was quite all right. 10. A) Young people are quick in making decisions. B) They seldom stay long on one job. C) They are easy to lose jobs. D) They are too eager to succeed. Section C Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you have heard. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin. Dick was a sailor on a big ship. It went to Japan and Australia, so Dick was often on the ship for some months at a time. When he (11) up in the morning and looked out, he only (12) the sea, or sometimes a port. When he was twenty-three, Dick married and bought a small (13) with a garden in his wife's town. It was (14) away from the sea. Then he had to go back to his ship, and was away (15) home for two months. He went from the port to the town by bus, and was very happy to see his wife again.


大学英语一级期末考试试题(B卷) 课程名称:《大学英语读写I 》任课教师签名: 大学英语教学部(一教) 出题教师签名: 题库审题教师签名: 张文君_____ 考试方式(闭)卷适用专业 07级化工与制药学院、材料学 院、理学院、经管学院和 法学院共58个班 考试时间( 120 )分钟 Part I. Reading Comprehension (2’X20=40’) Directions: Read the following three passages carefully and do the multiple-choice questions. Passage One Dogs are social animals and without proper training, they will behave like wild animals. They spoil your house, destroy your belongings, bark excessively, fight other dogs and even bite you. Nearly all behavior problems are perfectly normal dog activities that occur at the wrong time or place or are directed at the wrong things. The key to preventing or treating behavior problem is learning to teach the dog to redirect its normal behavior problems, but it is the foundation for solving just about any problem. Training opens up a line of communication between you and your dog. Effective communication is necessary to instruct your dog about what you want it to do. Training is also an easy way to establish the social rank order. When your dog obeys a simple request of “come here, sit”, it is showing obedience and respect for you. It is necessary to establish yourself as top dog or leader of the dog pack by using extreme measures. You can teach your dog its subordinate role by teaching it to show submission to you. Most dogs love performing tricks for you pleasantly if they accept that you are in charge. Tainting should be fun and rewarding for you and your dog. It can enrich your relationship and make living together more enjoyable. A well-trained dog is more confident and more safely allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained animal. 1. Behavior problems of dogs are believed to _______. A) worsen in modern society B) be just part of their nature C) occur when they go wild D) present at threat to the community 2. The primary purpose of obedience training is to ________. A) enable the dog to regain its normal behavior B) teach the dog to perform clever tricks C) make the dog aware of its owner’s authority D) provide the dog with outlets for its wild behavior 3. Effective communication between a dog and its owner is _______. A) an extreme measure in obedience training B) a good way to teach the dog new tricks C) the foundation for dogs to perform tasks D) essential to solve the dog’s behavior problems 4. Why do pet dogs love performing tricks for their masters? A) To show their willingness to obey. B) To show their affection for their masters. C) To avoid being punished. D) To win leadership of the dog pack. 5. When a dog has received effective obedience training, its owner________. A) will enjoy a better family life. B) can give the dog more freedom C) can give the dog more rewards D) will have more confidence in himself Passage Two: Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and


2014年普通话期末考试试卷 班级姓名 一、语言文字政策法规知识题 (每题1分,共10分) 1.1982年通过《中华人民共和国宪法》第19条明确规定:(C)。 A.国家推广普通话 B.推广全国通用的普通话 C.国家推广全国通用的普通话 2. 国家推广普通话,推行。(A) A. 规范汉字 B. 通用汉字 C. 标准汉字 3. 国家机关以为公务用语用字。(B) A. 汉语和汉字 B. 普通话和规范汉字 C. 中文 4.《普通话水平等级测试标准》将普通话水平划分为三个级别,每个级别内再划分为两个等 次,其中最高水平和进入最低等级的水平分别为。(A) A. 一级甲等和三级乙等 B. 一级乙等和三级甲等 C. 一级甲等和三级甲等 5.推广普通话是促使公民普遍具备普通话应用能力,。(B) A.在任何场合都说普通话,不说方言 B. 在正式场合和公共交际场合说普通话 C. 只在学校里说普通话 6.提倡公共服务行业以为服务用语。(A) A. 普通话 B. 当地方言 C. 普通话和当地方言 7.国家机关工作人员应达到的普通话等级是不低于。(C) A. 二级甲等 B. 二级乙等 C.三级甲等 8.语文教师和对外汉语教师应达到的普通话等级是不低于。(B) A.一级乙等 B.二级甲等 C.二级乙等 9. 国家级电台电视台的播音员、节目主持人应达到的普通话等级是。(A) A. 一级甲等 B. 一级乙等 C. 二级甲等 10. 普通高等学校、中等职业学校的学生普通话水平应当分别达到以上水平。(C) A.一级乙等 B. 二级甲等 C. 二级乙等 二、汉语拼音知识 (一)给词语选择正确的读音(每题0.5分,共10分) 1.号召 A.hào zhào B.hào zhüo 2.因为 A.y?n wai B.y?n w?i


一、交际英语 Sorry I'm late. - _________ are welcome. 's a pleasure. care. 't worry. 答案:D We are going to have a singing party tonight. Would you like to join us - ________ 'm afraid not, because I have to go to an important meeting. course not. I have no idea. , I can't. 's all set. 答案:A Would you like to go to the concert with us this evening - ________ , I already have plans. 'd love to, but I'm busy tonight. , I really don't like being with you. 'm ill, so I shouldn't go out. 答案:B Must I take a taxi - No, you ________ . You can take my car. better to 't not 't have to 答案:D Could I speak to Don Watkins, please - ________ , please. , how are you 'm listening. 'm Don. 答案:A 电大、各类远程网络教育统考大学英语B、计算机应用基础统考辅导


Section A Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. The classroom needs______. A) clean B) to clean C) to be cleaned D) being cleaned 17.There is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ______. A) whom it belongs to B) whom does it belong to C) it belongs to whom D) whom does it belong 18. Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets ______ lived in the 19th century. A) which B) who C) those D) that 19. the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate. A) Although B) Since C) If D) Until 20. It is requested that every student ______ a paper on sustainable development. A) writes B) wrote C) writing D) write 21 .He said, "I ______ a lot of new poems by the end of last year." A) h ad already learnt B) have already learnt C) would have already learnt D) already learnt 22. As Edison grew ______, he became more and more interested in science. A) elder B) the elder C) older D) the older 23. Only in this way ______ catch up with your brothers. A) do you can B) can you C) you can D) you do can 24.No one, except his two best friends, ______ where he is. A) know B) knows C) to know D) knowing 25. Mr. John has decided that he will ______ the branch company set up in the small town. A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead to Section B Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write .the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 26. We started the attack when the enemy (cross) ______ the river. 27.My suggestion is that we (send) ______ a few people to help the other groups. 28.I am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve)______on the design at all. 29. I prefer (live) ______ in the country rather than in a city. 30. We had difficulty (carry) ______ out the plan. 31. Not(know) ______ her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. 32.Do you know the (high) ______ of St. Paul's Cathedral. 33. The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) ______ the need for careful driving. 34. Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) ______ temperature control system. 35 .That one is no good; this one is even (bad) ______. Part ⅢReading Comprehension (40 minutes) Direction: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. T ask 1 Direction:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 through 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) or D) . You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a Single line through the center.

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