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When we were standing backstage, nervousness/tension came flooding over me.(心情做主语)

I could feel my heart in my mouth when my name was called.

While I was walking onto the stage , I could feel my palms sweating, heartbeat racing uncontrollably. However, the hall packed with audience made me even more nervous.(心情加深:站在台上看到观众后,让我觉得更加紧急)

My heart beat wildly and my legs trembled.

With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply.

I stood there so nervously that I felt my throat tight, wondering what to do next.

Therefore, I reached to grab her hand, only to find her freezing fingers sweating and trembling. (Only to do 表出乎意料的结果)。


On the journey to the lake, a wide excitement took hold of Mom(无灵主语:心情做主语的现象)

Mom insisted that(此处省略了should insist的虚拟语气用法) we go camping in the next village , her eyes glittering/twinkling with excitement.(主格,眼睛闪光)

When we arrived at the camping place, Mom couldn't wait to zoom out and excitedly urge d us to put up the tent.

Then, Mom walked towards the lake and then came an excited scream/and then came a scream of excitement(倒装结构)

Enjoying the beautiful view Mom could hardly contain her excitement.

Certainly as it was the first time that we had helped father cook food outdoors, my brother and I also felt thrilled.

Breathing in the fresh air and smelling the delicious food, we jumped up and down with excitement.【Cherry老师为何选这段】。

本段侧重描写家人兴奋快乐的心情。本段大家可以关注“互动〞措写,妈妈和孩子们之间的互动动作支撑起来整段话的核心情节。妈妈要求孩子们搭帐链等。其中这几个高级结构需要大家重点积累:主格结构:her eyes glittering/twinkling with excitement.倒装结构:then came an excited scream.


Looking at Anne's face wet with tears, I began to feel regretful and guilty. Suddenly, Anne let out a cry of regret,“ I'm so silly.〞Then she dashed out before I could say a word ,leaving me dumb with deep regret . I froze there, with regretful tears in my eyes. If only I had not quarreled with Anne!(虚拟语气:要是...就好了,该句型多用于表达“懊悔懊悔〞的心情) Finally with guilt and regret flowing in my mind(with的复合结构),I rushed out to apologize to Anne.



这段话中的“if only〞表达“要是…就好了〞的意思,为虚拟语气的常用结构。该句型常用语“懊悔、沮丧〞的心情表达,例句如下,


“If only I had listened to my mother's advice!" the little girl whisper ed to herself.


If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.

2024届高三英语二轮复习读后续写 写日记改掉抱怨的坏毛病 讲义素材

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成篇完整的短文。 I'll admit it. I can be a complainer. After all, there's so much in this life to complain about: the dirty clothes that don't make it into the basket, that annoying neighbor's loud music, my husband's shoes spread out at the front door, rainy days, traffic... 我承认。我可以抱怨。毕竟,这辈子有太多可抱怨的事情:脏衣服进不了篮子,那个烦人的邻居大声的音乐,我丈夫的鞋子铺在前门,雨天,交通。。。 Complaining is a habit I cultivated since childhood, a skill I developed through the years. My parents didn't seem to mind—they were great complainers, too—though I do recall some eye-rolling and long-drawn sighs from friends and schoolmates when I would voice my negative opinions. In fact, I can distinctly recall the exact moment when I first realized my complaining habit reached its expert level. 抱怨是我从小养成的习惯,也是我多年来养成的技能。我的父母似乎并不介意——他们也是很爱抱怨的人——尽管我确实记得当我发表负面意见时,朋友和同学们会翻白眼,长叹一口气。事实上,我清楚地记得我第一次意识到我的抱怨习惯达到专家水平的确切时刻。 One day, as I reminded ray husband once again to remove his bills from the dining-room table, put his shoes away, and lower that bothersome radio, he put up his hand." Stop! You’re your complaining. It's driving me crazy." 有一天,当我再次提醒雷丈夫把账单从餐桌上拿下来,把鞋子收起来,放下那台烦人的收音机时,他举起了手。“住手!你在抱怨。这快把我逼疯了。” I looked at him blank-eyed. He took a deep breath. "You never hear me complaining, do you?" "Well," I answered, "you're complaining about my complaining, so actually, yes, I am hearing you complain right now." His eyes widened. A drop of sweat formed his upper lip. Then he grabbed his car keys and ran out of the door. 我茫然地看着他。 他深吸了一口气。“你从来没听我抱怨过,是吗?” “嗯,”我回答,“你在抱怨我的抱怨,所以实际上,是的,我现在听到你


读后续写必背片段〔1〕 片段1: When we were standing backstage, nervousness/tension came flooding over me.(心情做主语) I could feel my heart in my mouth when my name was called. While I was walking onto the stage , I could feel my palms sweating, heartbeat racing uncontrollably. However, the hall packed with audience made me even more nervous.(心情加深:站在台上看到观众后,让我觉得更加紧急) My heart beat wildly and my legs trembled. With butterflies in my stomach, I breathed deeply. I stood there so nervously that I felt my throat tight, wondering what to do next. Therefore, I reached to grab her hand, only to find her freezing fingers sweating and trembling. (Only to do 表出乎意料的结果)。 片段2: On the journey to the lake, a wide excitement took hold of Mom(无灵主语:心情做主语的现象) Mom insisted that(此处省略了should insist的虚拟语气用法) we go camping in the next village , her eyes glittering/twinkling with excitement.(主格,眼睛闪光) When we arrived at the camping place, Mom couldn't wait to zoom out and excitedly urge d us to put up the tent. Then, Mom walked towards the lake and then came an excited scream/and then came a scream of excitement(倒装结构) Enjoying the beautiful view Mom could hardly contain her excitement. Certainly as it was the first time that we had helped father cook food outdoors, my brother and I also felt thrilled. Breathing in the fresh air and smelling the delicious food, we jumped up and down with excitement.【Cherry老师为何选这段】。 本段侧重描写家人兴奋快乐的心情。本段大家可以关注“互动〞措写,妈妈和孩子们之间的互动动作支撑起来整段话的核心情节。妈妈要求孩子们搭帐链等。其中这几个高级结构需要大家重点积累:主格结构:her eyes glittering/twinkling with excitement.倒装结构:then came an excited scream. 片段3: Looking at Anne's face wet with tears, I began to feel regretful and guilty. Suddenly, Anne let out a cry of regret,“ I'm so silly.〞Then she dashed out before I could say a word ,leaving me dumb with deep regret . I froze there, with regretful tears in my eyes. If only I had not quarreled with Anne!(虚拟语气:要是...就好了,该句型多用于表达“懊悔懊悔〞的心情) Finally with guilt and regret flowing in my mind(with的复合结构),I rushed out to apologize to Anne. 【Cherry老师为何选这段】. 本段侧追描写仆人公懊悔和愧疚的心情。除了常见的惭愧相关的动作措写, 这段话中的“if only〞表达“要是…就好了〞的意思,为虚拟语气的常用结构。该句型常用语“懊悔、沮丧〞的心情表达,例句如下, 1.“要是我当时听取了妈妈的建议该多好!〞小女孩低声对自己说。. “If only I had listened to my mother's advice!" the little girl whisper ed to herself. 2.要是她没有把留在汤姆的包里就好了。。 If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.


读后续写 I finally worked hard for my college 试题呈现: Living in the shadow of my two elder sisters at college who already had their lives planned out since they were little, I was always undecided about everything. As a teenager, I was fickle(反复无常的). I would like one thing for a week and then hate it the next. But I was constantly searching for the beginning of the rainbow. Changing my dream from a vet to an astronaut, I thought there were various options available to me. However, my parents would shake their heads and repeatedly asked me such questions as, “Why can’t you be more like your sisters? What are you going to do with your life? Aren’t you interested in anything at all?” After a couple of shrugs(耸肩), my parents usually stopped talking. I was not sure if they gave up or anticipated my dull reactions. I often responded, “I couldn’t answer all of your questions now.” Actually, my parents just had high expectations that never seemed to be fulfilled. Plus, like other parents, they just wanted to give the best to me and expected me to achieve success. The arguments with my parents seemed childish. One day, my mother made her thoughts clear, “Your grades aren’t high enough. No schools are going to want you, dear. We didn’t pay so much money for nothing.” Hesitating for a while, I said, “No matter what you say, I believe I will enter a good college.” Still, I let my emotions control myself. Certainly, I had never planned not to go to college. After another debate with my mom, I decided to make a change. No longer would I sit back and let my parents mistake me for a bad boy. It was time to take action. I knew it was a crucial year at high school. Releasing my feelings, I began to collect all the knowledge I had learned and review it with all my heart. I didn’t argue with my parents any more, but instead turned to my sisters for help and tried my best to study. Finally, I took the national college entrance examination with ease and confidence.


读后续写的提升是学生自己写出来的,更是学生自己修改出来的。写是输出,要能写出来,就要先输入,也就是学生的知识体系中需要有素材,和相应的表达方式。读英文名著,是最有效的输入方式之一。名著中的表达方式就是学生需要的。例如,形容在很饿的情况下看见了食物,你会怎么写?eat it as quickly as possible ,或者ate them within a few minutes。那么你考虑过wolf down?或者he swallowed the brandy and ate the food like a hunted animal。这表达方式来自Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone和Great. Expectations。 【续写故事】 It was an early winter morning. Joan was sleeping soundly when the phone rung in the living room. She milled over and glanced at the clock on the wall--it was already nine o'clock. Every weekend morning, her mother had to work part-time in the cafe. Although Joan was still sleepy .she knew she had to get up. After all, she didn't expect her brother Mike, who was sleeping like a log, to hear the phone. She quietly went over to the living room. When she picked up the receiver, on the other end came the warmhearted greetings, “Good morning, my Dear!” Recognizing the voice from her father,Joan was immediately surrounded by a sense of joy and the sleepiness swept away. 那是一个初冬的早晨。琼正在酣睡,这时客厅里的电话响了。她转过身来,瞥了一眼墙上的钟——已经九点钟了。每个周末早上,她的母亲都要在咖啡馆做兼职。尽管琼仍然很困。她知道她必须起床。毕竟,她没想到睡得像木头一样的哥哥迈克会听到电话。她悄悄地走到客厅。当她拿起听筒时,另一端传来了温暖的问候:“早上好,亲爱的!”琼认出了父亲的声音,立刻被一种喜悦包围,睡意一扫而空。 Joan's father was a seaman , who rarely came back. Working on the sea was really hard. Born in a not-rich family , Joan and Mike felt the stress of life but they were happy to enjoy the family atmosphere. At school, they were straight-A students throughout the academic career and actively involved in school activities. They became the pride of the school and the envy of the students. 琼的父亲是一名海员,很少回来。在海上工作真的很辛苦。琼和迈克出生在一个并不富裕的家庭,他们感受到了生活的压力,但他们很乐意享受家庭的氛围。在学校,他们在整个学术生涯中都是全优学生,并积极参与学校活动。他们成了学校的骄傲,也成了学生们羡慕的对象。


读后续写—冒险奇遇—冰上救援 第二节:读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 About a halfmile behind our Minnesota farm lay a pond. In summer, my brother Harry and I would run through a stand of oak trees to skip stones there. The pond wore a collar of black mud. It was not a place for swimming. In late summer, the pond would be covered by a green and bubbly scum(起泡的浮渣). Sometimes a strong, unpleasant smell rose from it. We stayed away. When winter came, the pond was once again an inviting place. One day when ice covered it, Harry said to me, “Try walking across.” The ice looked solid. No water showed through it, but I hesitated. “Go ahead.” Harry urged. “Try it. You’re lighter than I am. If the ice holds, we can run and slide carefully on it. It’ll be fun.” I wanted to please Harry, and I thought about the fun of a long slide on the ice. I began to slide across the pond. In the middle of the pond, the ice gave way with a sudden crack(裂缝)! I stretched out(伸展) my arms. The next thing I knew I was hanging on to the edge of a hole in the ice by arms outstretched on the ice. From my shoulders down I hung in icy water. I thought of the bottom of the pond. I knew it would be black and awful down there, full of mud and maybe rotting creatures. I tried to climb out of the hole, but when I got a knee on the ice, it broke like window glass. Again and again I tried to get out. Again and again the ice broke into pieces. The hole widened. I was wearing a coat of heavy material. As it became pletely wet, it dragged me down. I was tired of the struggle and rested with my arms stretched out on the ice. I looked at Harry on shore. He seemed rooted to the spot. “I can’t get out!” I screamed when I caught some breath. Paragraph 1:He turned and ran from the pond. Paragraph 2: I crashed through the kitchen door, sobbing, mum rushed over. Para1:He turned and ran from the pond. Staring at his familiar figure out of sight, my mind went blank. My heart ached, tears streaming down my cheeks. The icy water pieced my skin with needlelike chill. After what seemed to be centuries of fruitless waiting, I was on the verge of collapse. It was at this moment that I saw Harry ran towards to me with a large, black, Vshaped oak branch. My worry gave way to relief in no time. He lay on his stomach, pushing the branch before him and wound his way towards me. I grabbed the branch immediately and was ultimately dragged out of the icy water by Harry. What a narrow escape! We staggered shiveringly home, with my wet clothes dripping(滴水) and my shoes squishing(发出嘎吱声)and squirting(喷出) water. Para2:I crashed through the kitchen door, sobbing, mum rushed over. Looking at me shivering with coldness, She asked me in surprise, “what had happened?” Before I answered, she quickly took off my wet coat and gave me a hot bath. After then, she asked me to rest on the bed. I sobbed out my grievances to her and Henry was lectured about getting me into such a trouble. His head drooping, Harry murmured an apology to me. I was temporarily forted and relieved but in fact, the pond was still a permanent temptation to young Harry and me, especially when winter came again. 文本大意: 在明尼苏达农场附近有一个池塘。夏天,池塘满是淤泥与浮渣,甚至发臭,不宜游泳;但是到了冬天,池塘是滑冰的好去处。那是一个冬天,池塘结冰了,我在哥哥的怂恿下为溜冰“开路”。我一步步往池塘中心试探,不幸的是,冰面突然“咔嚓”一声,我掉进了冰窟。我被卡在冰面上,肩膀以下甚至全都浸在水中。带着恐惧,我一次次努力挣扎爬上冰面,但是一次次失败。我无助望向哥哥,但他却在岸上纹丝不动。听到我求助的尖叫,他回过神来,却跑开了…

高三教学情况调研(一)读后续写讲义- 高三英语二轮复习

苏锡常镇四市高三教学情况调研(一) 英语读后续写 第二节(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Keeping up with fashion seemed so important when I was a teenager. Back in 1973, if you weren’t wearing Penny Loafers (平底便鞋) you’d just as soon go around in your bare feet. There was only one problem that year. I didn’t have a pair of Penny Loafers. “I need some money for Penny Loafers.” I told my dad one afternoon at the place where he worked as a car mechanic. Dad looked at me for a full minute before he answered, “Wear those shoes one more day. Look at every pair of shoes you see at school. If you can tell me that you are worse off than the other kids, I’ll buy new shoes for you.” The next day, I did what Dad said. I saw many schoolmates wore shabby shoes of the likes I’d never had to wear, and shoes with holes in them, but I had no intention of telling him the results. When school was out, I rushed to the place where Dad worked. It was quiet. Only an occasional clank of metal could be heard as Dad worked under a car. Then Dad’s shoes came into my sight. They were old and black, and they were the kind mechanics and service station attendants wore. I saw the mended soles (鞋底) and the spliced laces (鞋带). “Did you do what I told you today?” “Yes, sir.” “Well, what do you want to do?” He looked as though he might know what my answer would be. “I still want the Penny Loafers.” I forced myself not to look at his shoes. Dad handed me ten dollars. I took the money and went to the store two blocks down the street. A rack (架子) on a far wall appeared as if it had a million pairs of black Penny Loafers resting on it. On a rack next to it was a sign that reads “CLEARANCE 50% OFF”. Below the sign sat several “young” versions of Dad’s shoes. 注意: 1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请按如下格式作答。 Paragraph 1: My mind was playing ping-pong. Paragraph 2: I ran back to the shop and put Dad’s new shoes on the seat in his car.


读后续写原文中文 own. Dad would get up a little earlier and make it for me. The outside of the sack might be covered with a heart inscribed with "Dad-n-Angie K. K. ". Inside there would be a napkin with that same heart or an "I love you." 会早点起床为我做午饭。饭盒的外面可能会贴着一个心形图案,上面写着“Dad-n-Angie K. K. ”。里面会有一张餐巾纸,上面有同样的心形图案或一个“我爱你”。 I used to hide my lunch so no one would see the bag or read the nap kin, but that didn't last long. O ne of my friends saw the napkin one day, grabbed it, and passed it arou nd the lunch room. My face burned with embarrassment. To my astonis hment, the next day all my friends were waiting to see the napkin. Fro m the way they acted, I thought th ey all wished they had someone wh o showed them that kind of love. I felt so proud!我以前经常藏起我的午饭,这样就没有人会看到饭盒或读到餐巾纸,但这种情况没有持续很久。有一天,我的一个朋友看到了餐巾纸,抓起来在午餐室里传阅。我的脸因为羞愧而发热。令我吃惊的是,第二天所有的朋友都在等着看餐巾纸。从他们的反应来看,我认为他们都希望有人能向他们表达那种爱。我感到无比的自豪!


原题呈现: 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 The summer I turned 16, my father gave me his ’69 Chevy Malibu convertible(敞篷车). Beautifully repainted cherry red with V8 engine—it was a gift wasted on me at that age. What did I know about classic cars? The important thing was that Hannah and I could drive around Tucson with the top down. Hannah was my best friend, a year younger but much taller, almost five foot ten. “Hannah’s a beautiful girl,” my mother always said. And sure enough, that summer she signed with a modeling agency. She was already doing runway work. A month after my birthday, Hannah and I went to the movies. On the way home, we stopped at the McDonald’s drivethrough, putting the fries on the seat between us to share. “Let’s ride around awhile,” I said. It was a clear night, ovenwarm, full moon casting low over the desert. Making a turn too fast, I hit a patch of dirt and the back of the car slid to the other side. I then drove through a neighbor’s landscape wall and knocked into a fullgrown palm. The front wheels came to rest halfway up the tree trunk. There were French fries on the floor, the dash(仪表盘), and my lap. An impossible amount of blood was on Hannah’s face, flaps of skin hanging into her eyes. They took us in separate ambulances. In the ER, my parents spoke quietly: “Best plastic surgeon in the We’d been wearing lap belts, but the car didn’t have shoulder bands. I’d broken my When her mother, Sharon, came into my hospital room, I started to cry, preparing myself for her anger. She sat beside me and took my hand. “I rearended(追尾)my best friend when I was your age,” she said. “I destroyed her car and mine.” “I’m so sorry.” I said, Para1: “The most important is that you’re both alive. I forgive you and Hannah will too.”



文本分析: 故事大意我和我爸爸一直期待着我高中最后一年的州际越野赛。我在队里是跑得最快的,也为此准备了三年。爸爸一直非常支持我,陪我训练,观看我的比赛,为我加油。终于,比赛的日子到了。比赛那天,太阳无情地炙烤着大地,不知何时,我的力量开始耗尽。

续写情节: 第一段:然而我的力量正在耗尽。尽管我知道我的胜利梦想破灭了,但我必须完成比赛。我用尽全身力气,手脚并用,一寸一寸地爬过终点线。 第二段:我轻声说:“爸爸,我很抱歉让你失望了。”他温柔地笑了笑说,你永远不会让我失望。有时这些事情就会发生。重要的是你尽了最大的努力。 附:官方参考答案范文 However without warning, my strength was running out. My lungs fought to take in enough air, and my feet transformed into cement bricks. Neck and neck with one of my greatest rivals. I could see the finish line. I had begun the final sprint into glory when my knees buckled and my legs gave way. Nothing I could do would make them hold my weight. They were as weak as jelly. Even though I knew my dreams of victory had been destroyed, I had to finish the race. With all of the strength left in me, I got on my hands and knees and crawled, inch by inch, across the finish line. Shame pulsed through my veins as Dad squatted down and pulled me into his arms. I whispered, "I'm so sorry I disappointed you, Dad." He gave me a gentle smile and said."You could never disappoint me. Sometimes these things just happen. All that matters is that you did your best."Lifting my face, I saw my dad's eyes, in which I saw the sweat, the time. and the work we had put into our dream. The miles we had run together, all for this race. flashed across my mind. "But we worked so hard. What about our dream?" I asked. In that second, the world stood still. He reached over for my hand, holding back his own tears, and said. "Don't you know that you are my dream e true?" 下水文: However without warning, my strength was running out. The air in my lungs seemed to be evacuated, and my feet turned into large stones, as if weighing a thousand pounds. One of my biggest opponents has already run ahead of me. I can see the finish line, but it looks very far away. When my knees bent and my legs bent, I had already started the final sprint. My legs are as weak as jelly. Although I know my dream of victory has been shattered, I must plete the petition. I used all my strength, hand and foot, and finally climbed over the finish line. When my father greeted me at the key line, I felt ashamed and couldn't help but find a crack in the ground to get in. I whispered, "I'm so sorry I disappointed you, Dad."He patted my shoulder and

读后续写解析邻里关系类我沉默的邻居讲义 高三英语二轮复习

2023.12金十二校读后续写解析 For courage,my fingers clung to the harness(背带、保护带)on Cho's broad back as we passed the fence of my neighbor Mr. Groll's yard. Walking by Mr. Groll's yard is the best part of our morning walk, and also the worst. It is the best part because the roses talk to us. “Good morning, Cho,”whisper the rose scents to my guide dog's nose. Other roses shout to me,“Hello, Mai!”Now comes the worst part: Mr. Groll. As usual, friendly Ch thumps her tail. But Ch6 is just a dog; how can she know that this neighbor does not like me at all?“Hello, Mr. Groll.”I greeted him as I did every morning. And like every other morning, he didnot answer me. ButIknewhe was there, watching, behind his fence.He always sounds out ofbreath.and the creaky gate swings nervously in his hand.Maybe he's afraid of me because I'm blind. Disabilities do scare grown-ups sometimes. Then I remembered: the other day I heard him playing checkers (西洋跳棋)with my friend Jimmy, who's in a wheelchair.Ch6 and I marched on, and my thoughts kept step. Why did Mr. Groll ignore me? It's a mystery to me. Papa has told me that some folks do not like people from faraway places. Does this solve the mystery? Maybe Mr. Groll does not like neighbors from faraway places. No, that can't be it. Every Saturday Mr. Groll and my big brother, Lien, help each other with yard work. They are friends.Well, then, I wondered, why wouldn’t he talk to me? The toe of my shoe scuffed the sidewalk.and I think, maybe he didn't like me because I'm a girl. The sidewalk hummed beneath my feet. Askateboard zoomed by. “Hello, Mai and Cho!”my friend Jana yelled. “Hi, Mr. Groll”I waited. If Mr. Groll ignored Jana, then the mystery was solved. But his voice called out, “Hello, Jana!”Paragraph 1: The sound of it twisted my heart. Paragraph 2: “It is Ch6 that scares my words away.”he replied. 【重难点讲解】 划线第一句话表达了主人公Mai和她的导盲犬Chó在邻居Mr. Groll的花园旁边经过时,花朵仿佛与他们对话的意象。花的香气对Chó的鼻子轻声细语地说:“早上好,Chó”,而其他的花则向Mai大声喊:“你好,Mai!”Mai作为盲人,眼睛虽然看不见,但是听觉是很好的,这种描写通过赋予花朵生命和语言的特性,传达了一种温馨和友好的氛围,也表现了Mai的乐观,与其在邻里中感到的其他情感形成鲜明对比。

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