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,knkk Chapter1 LandandPeople






Strictlyspeaking,theBritishIsles,GreatBritainandEnglandareallgeographi calnames.




TheRepublicofIreland爱尔兰共和国hasbeenanindependentrepublicsince1949anditscapitalis Dublin.

:England,Scotland,,mostpopulousandrichest,sopeopletendtouse“Engla nd”and“English”whentheymean“Britain”and“British”.

大英帝国:onefourthoftheworld’speople and onefourthoftheworld’slandarea.







Smog:smoke+fog Mortel:motor+hotel Kidult:kid+adult




盎格鲁撒克逊人,buttheScots,WelshandIrishare Celts凯尔特人.()

四、总结①Britain’sofficialname②BritishCommonwealth Chapter2 TheOriginsofaNation(5000BC–AD1066)






2.难点、考点:①theAnglo-Saxons:Heptarchy七王国;foundationoftheEnglishstate ②KingAlfred③NormanConquest




——盖尔人,about600BC;布列吞人,400BC,(Britain);比利其人,150BC,(Belgium). Gaelic:盖尔语

,theIrishandtheWelsh,andtheirlanguagesarethebasisofbothWelshandGae lic.

:Druidism:The Celts’.



,threeTeutonictribes:Jutes朱特人(fromsouthernDenmark),Saxons,and Angles (bothfrom northernGermany);AnglesweretogivetheirnametotheEnglishpeopl e.

2.★Heptarchy七王国——sevenprincipalkingdomssetupbytheAnglo-Saxons:Kent,Essex,Sussex,Wessex,EastAnglia,Ma rciaandNorthumbria.(英国版的战国七雄)Monarchy:君主制TheAnglo-Saxontribes部落

wereconstantlyatwarwithoneanother,eachtryingtogettheupperhand,sothatth ekingdomswereoftenbrokenupandoftenpiecedtogetheragain.


日耳曼人的religion:Tiu—war,Woden—heaven,Thor—Storms,Freya—Peace 奥古斯丁——thefirstArchbishopofCanterbury.坎特伯雷大教主

6.★Anglo-SaxonslaidthefoundationsoftheEnglishstate:dividethecountryinto sh ires(郡),latercounties;thenarrow-strip,three-fieldfarmingsystem(三田轮作);manorial 庄园system;Witan(议会)(councilormeetingofthewisemen,贤人会








2.★hiscontributions:“thefatheroftheBritishnavy”;reorganizedthe fyrd


(theSaxonarmy);translatedintoEngli shBede’s EcclesiasticalHistoryofth eEnglishPeople;establishedschoolsandformulatedalegalsystem.





:theKingofNorway,theDukeofNormandy,TostigandHarold (twobrothersofEdward’sQueen);4人对英国有继承权,挪威国王,诺曼底公爵和爱德华国王王后的两个兄弟



:thebest-knowneventinEnglishhistory;thefeudalsystemwascompletelyes tablished.法国诺曼第人征服后,威廉成为英国国王,成为英语历史最着明的事件,并且完本建立了封建制度.




1重点:1England’sfeudalismundertheruleofWilliamtheConqueror;2Contentsandt hesignificanceoftheGreatCharter;3OriginsoftheEnglishParliament;4TheHun dredYears’Warwith Franceanditsconsequences;5ConsequencesoftheBlackDeat h;





largeestatesinEnglandinreturnforapromiseofmilitaryserviceandaproportio noftheland’sproduce.

Thebaronsparceledout分配landtothelessernobles,knightsandfreemen,,unfreepeasantswhowerelittlebe tterthanslaves.

★Classstructure等级结构:theking;barons-tenants-in-chief;lessernobles,knights,andfreemen;vil lains\serfs

(补充:baron’soathofalle giance誓词fortheking:“wewhoareasgoodasyousweartoyou,whoarenobetterthanwe,toacce ptyouasourkingandsovereignlordprovidedyouobserveallourstatutesandlaws; ifnot,no.”国王与贵族在封建法规所规定的权力和义务范围内平起平坐.)


WilliamreplacedtheWitan,thecounciloftheAnglo-SaxonKings,withtheGra ndCouncilofhisnewtenants-in-chief,onwhichtheywererequiredtoservewhensu mmoned.


Inordertohaveareliablerecordofallhislands,histenantsandtheirpossessi onsandtodiscoverhowmuchtheycouldbecalledupontopaybywayoftaxes,Williams enthisclerkstocompileapropertyrecordknownasDomesdayBookbecauseitseemed totheEnglishnotunliketheBookofDoomtobeusedbythegreatestfeudallordofall onJudgmentDay.


4.HenryⅡ,founderofthePlantagenetdynas ty(金雀花王朝),ruledfor35years.

Henry,founderoftheAngevinDynasty,usuallyknownasthePlantagenetdynasty,b ecamekingandwentontorulefor35years.

InHenryⅡ’sreignacommonlaw,whichover-rodelocallawandprivatelaw,wasgra duallyestablishedinplaceofthecustomsofthemanorwhichhadpreviouslyvariedn otonlyfromshiretoshirebutevenfromonecommunitytoanother. Thecommonlawistheunwrittenlawcommontothewholepeopleasdistinctfromlawgo verningonlysectionsofit,andis“case-made”,.,basedonprecedentjudgments, andderivedfromacknowledgedcustom.

InHenry’sda ythejurysystem-whoseoriginscanbetracedtoprimitivetrialsinw hichwitnesseswerecalledforwardtosweartotheinnocenceoftheaccused-wasatla streplacingoldEnglishordealsbyfireandwaterandoldNormantrialsbybattle. ii.contentsandthesignificanceoftheGreatcharter



Thebarons’charter,orMagnaCartaasitcametobeknown,waspresentedbyadeleg ationoftheirclasstothekingandhisadvisersinthesummerof1215ataconferencea tRunnymede,anislandintheThamesfourmilesdownstreamfromWindsor.

3.contents-63clauses:NotaxshouldbemadewithouttheapprovaloftheGrandCo uncil;nofreemanshouldbearrested,imprisoned,ordeprivedofhispropertyexcep

tbythelawoftheland;theChurchshouldpossessallitsrights,togetherwithfreed omofelections;Londonandothertownsshouldretaintheirancientrightsandprivi leges,andthereshouldbethesameweightsandmeasuresthroughoutthecountry.

AlthoughMagnaCartahaslongbeenpopularlyregardedasthefoundationofEnglis hliberties,itwasastatementofthefeudalandlegalrelationshipbetweentheCrow nandthebarons,aguaranteeofthefreedomoftheChurchandalimitationofthepower softheking.

4.significance:regardedasthefoundationofEnglishliberties;thespirit-t helimitationofthepowersoftheking





2.provisionsofOxford----GrandCouncilof24members,halftobenominatedbyt hebaronsthemselves;apermanentbodyofadvisors,withoutwhoseauthoritytheki ngcouldnotact.

Acivilwarbrokeoutbetweent heking’ssupporters,mostlyforeignmercenaries, andthebaronialarmyledbySimondeMontfort.


3.★theearliestParliament----in1265,2knightsfromeachcounty,2burgesses( citizens)fromeachtown. TheGreatCouncildevelopedlaterintothelordsandtheCommonsknownasparliamen t.



4.underEdwardI,;PrinceofWales,atitleheldbytheheirtothethrone underEdwardI,HenryIII’sson,Waleswasconquered(1277-1284),atitleheldbyt heheirtothethroneeversince.

iv.thehundredyears’warwithFranceand itsconsequences

1.theintermittentwar,1337-1453;thenameisgiventotheintermittentwarbet weenFranceandEnglandthatlastedform1337to1453.



Afterhisdeathin1422,theFrench,encouragedbyJoanofArc,theirnationalheroi ne,drovetheEnglishoutofFrance.



5.ablessingforbothcountries:goodforthedevelopmentofseparateEnglishan dFrenchnationalidentity. TheexpulsionoftheEnglishfromFranceisregardedasablessingforbothcountrie s;hadtheyremained,thesuperiorsizeandwealthofFrancewouldcertainlyhavehi nderedthedevelopmentofaseparateEnglishnationalidentity,whileFrenchnati onalidentitywashinderedsolongasaforeignpoweroccupiedsomuchFrenchterrit ory.

(淋巴腺鼠疫),anepidemicdiseasespreadbyratfleas. BlackDeathwasthemodernnamegiventothedeadlybubonicplague,,particularlyi n1347-1350.

,reducedEngland’spopulationfrom4millionto2millionbytheendof14th century .


,muchlandwasleftuntendedandtherewasaterribleshortageoflabor. Itintervenedforthefirsttimetoestablishrulestokeepdownwages.

IV.总结:WilliamtheConquerorandfeudalism;thelimitationofthekings’power:Grea tCharterandParliament;theHundredYears’war;BlackDeath




点:thenatureandconsequencesofthewarsoftheroses;HenryVIIIandtheEnglishr eformation;ElizabethIandParliament;Elizabeth’sreligiousreformandherfo reignpolice;DistinctivefeaturesoftheEnglishrenaissance;TheCivilWarsand theirconsequences;ThecommonwealthunderOliverCromwell;Therestorationand theGloriousRevolution;

2.难点\考点:theEnglishreformation;ElizabethI;Englishrenaissance;Therestoration; TheGloriousrevolution;



:arevivalofbaronialactivity;thewarsoftheroseswasfoughtbetweentowbranch esofthePlantagenetfamily,theHouseofLancaster(symbolizedbytheredrose)an dtheHouseofYork(thewhiterose)between1455and1485. ThistimetheinstabilitywascausedbythetwobranchesofthePlantagenetfamily, theHouseofLancasterandtheHouseofYorkbetween1455and1485.

2.thenamewascoinedby19th centurynovelistSirWalterScott. Thenamewarsoftheroseswas,infact,coinedbythegreat19th centurynovelistsirW alterScott,butithasbecometheacceptedwayofreferringtothesebattlesbetwee nthegreathouseofLancaster,symbolizedbytheredrose,andthatofYork,symboli zedbythewhite.


4.,afterhisvictory,marriedElizabethofYork,thusunitingthehousesofLanc asterandYorkandputtingthecountryundertheruleoftheTudors.

OnAugust22,1485atBosworthFieldinLeicestershirethelastbattleofthewarsof theroseswasfoughtbetweenRichardIIIandanotherclaimanttothethrone,HenryT udor,part-welshgrandsonofOwenTudoranddescendantofJohnofGaunt,DukeofLan caster.

Soonafterhisvictory,HenryTudormarriedElizabethofYork,thusunitingthehou sesofLancasterandYorkandputtingthecountryundertheruleoftheTudors.

5.Consequences:feudalismreceiveditsdeathblow;thenobilitywasmuchweake nedanddiscredited;theking’spowernowbecamesupreme. Althoughthewarsoftheroseswerewagedintermittentlyforthirtyyears,二





Elizabeth’sreignwasatimeofconfidentEnglishnationalismandofgreatachiev ementsinliteratureandotherarts,inexplorationandinbattle. Generallyspeaking,.

3.avoidedtroublingparliamenttoooftenforpoundsbymakingstricteconomies atcourt.(在皇宫中厉行节约)

besides,Elizabethavoidedtroublingparliamenttoooftenforpoundsbymakingst ricteconomiesatcourt.


,hermarriage,herforeignpolicy,thesuccessiontothethrone,andherfinance.四Elizabeth’s religiousreformandherforeignpolicy

:broke Mary’s tieswithRome andrestoredherfather’sindependentchurchofEng land,keepingtocatholicdoctrinesandpracticesbuttobefreeofthePapalcontro l;“outwardconformitytothee stablishedreligion,butopinionshouldbeleftfr ee”.Herrdligioussettlementwasunacceptabletoboththeextreme Protestantsk nownaspuritansandtoardentCatholics.


Fornearly30yearsElizabethsuccessfullyplayedoffagainsteachotherthetwogr eatcatholicpowers,FranceandSpain,andpreventedEnglandfromgettinginvolve


3.thedestructionofSpanishArmanda,in1588showedEngland’ssuperiorityas anavalpower,andenabledEnglandtobecomeagreattradingandcolonizingcountry .


;thetransitionalperiodbetweenthemiddleagesandmoderntimes,1350-1650;its awthechallengeofthesupremacyoftheromancatholicchurchbythereformation,t heriseofHumanism,thegrowthoflargenation-states,thefar-rangingvoyagesof exploration,andanewemphasisontheimportanceoftheindividual.


InEngland,therenaissancewasusuallythoughtofasbeginningwiththeaccession ofthehouseofTudortothethronein1485.

3.5characteristics:EnglishculturewasrevitalizedmainlybycontemporaryE uropeans;insularcountry;nativeliterature(14th centurypoetChaucer);Englis hrenaissanceliteratureisprimarilyartistic;coincidedwiththereformation.







1628,petitionofRight(<民权请愿书>),the2nd MagnaCarta.


(1642-1646):CharlesgainedthesupportofthenorthandwestofthecountryandWal es,andtheuniversitiesofOxfordandCambridge;,whiletheparliamentaryarmywa smadeupofyeomanfarmers,middle-classtownspeople,’smenwerecal ledCavalie rs(骑士派),andthesupportersofparliamentwerecalledRoundheads(圆颅派)becauseoftheirshorthaircuts.


PrinceRupert,theking’syoungnephew,losttoOliverCromwell’s“ironsides ”cavalryregimentatMarstonMoor. OliverCromwellbecamelieutenantgeneralofthenewmodelarmy.


Charleswastriedbyahighcourtofjustice,foundguiltyofhavingleviedwaragain sthiskingdomandtheparliament,condemnedtodeath,andexecutedonascaffoldou tsidethewindowsoftheBanquetingHouseatWhitehallonJanuary30,1649.


5.alsocalledthepuritanrevolution theEnglishcivilwarisalsocalledthepuritanrevolution,becausetheking’sopp onentsweremainlypuritan,andhissupporterschieflyEpiscopalianandcatholic.

6.asaconflictbetweentheparliamentandtheking,butalsoasaconflictbetwee ntheeconomicinterestsoftheurbanmiddleclassesandthetraditionaleconomici nterestsofthecrown.

7.itnotonlyoverthrewfeudalsysteminEngland,butalsoshookthefoundationo fthefeudalruleinEurope.



(残余国会),OliverCromwellandtherump–membersofthelongparliamentwhohadvotedfor Charles’sexecutiondeclaredEnglandacommonwealth.


OneofCromwell’sfirstactswastocrushwithout mercyarebellioninIreland,.





:theparliamentaskedthelateking’ssontoreturnfromhislongexileinFranceas kingCharlesII(1660-1685).




:theEnglishpoliticiansrejectedJamesII,acatholic,andappealedtoaprotesta ntking,WilliamofOrange,James’sDutchnephewandthehusbandofMary,James’,


,acompromise:excludinganyromancatholicfromthesuccession;confirmedthepr incipleofparliamentarysupremacy;guaranteefreespeechwithinbothhouses.

,underqueenAnne,theactofUnion(<联合法>)unitedEnglandandScotland;thenameofgreatBritaincameintobeing. Chapter5theriseandfalloftheBritishEmpire(1688-1990)


1重点:WhigsandTories;agriculturalchangesinthe18th century;theEnglishindustr ialrevolutionanditsimpactonthedevelopmentofBritain;thechartistmovement anditsconsequences;thebuildingoftheBritishempire;Britainandthefirstwor ldwar;Britainandthesecondworldwar;PostwarBritain;Thatcherism

2.难点\考点:1)WhigsandTories2)theenclosureact3)industrialrevolution4)chartistmo vement5)colonialexpansion6)effectofthetwowarsonBritain7)Thatcherism



,opposedabsolutemonarchyandsupportedtherighttoreligiousfreedomfornonco nformists;earlofShaftsbury-firstleader;carefortheinterestsofmerchantsa ndbankers;later,withdissidentTories,becametheliberalparty.

–Irishwordmeaningthugs,supportedhereditarymonarchy,reluctanttoremovek ings;traditionalistswhowanttopreservethepowersofthemonarchyandthechurc

hofEngland;theToriesweretheforerunnersoftheconservativeparty,whichstil lbearsthenicknametoday.


,自由主义aradicalideaoffreetrade;becausetheybelievedthattheimportandexportdutie sinterferedwiththenaturalflowoftrade.

二Agriculturalchangesinthelate18th century

圈地法>):duringthelate18th andearly19th centuriestheopenfieldsystemendedwhenth eenclosureactsenabledwealthierlandownerstoseizeanylandtowhichtenantsco uldprovenolegaltitleandtodivideintoenclosedfields.


,and newagriculturalmachinery:suchastheseeddrillinventedbyJethroTull.“farmerGeorge.”

:farmsbecamebiggerandbiggerunitsasthegreatboughtupthesmall;morevegetab les,moremilkandmoredairyproducewereconsumed,anddietbecamemorevaried;

:adisasterforthetenants,enclosureleadingto massimmigration,;anew classho stility wasintroducedintoruralrelationships.

三theindustrialrevolution(1780~1830) TheEnglishindustrialrevolutionanditsimpactonthedevelopmentofBritain

–referstot hemechanizationofindustryandtheconsequentchangesinsocialand economicorganizationinBritaininthelate18th andearly19th centuries.

:thelimitedmonarchywhichresultedfromthegloriousrevolutionof1688ensured thatthepowerfuleconomicinterestsinthecommunitycouldexerttheirinfluence overgovernmentpolicy;probablylaissezfaireandprotestantworkethichelped. ,especiallycottonandsilkandinothertradeslikehardware,飞梭)speededduphandweaving,’s spinningjenny.(詹尼纺纱机) EdmundCartwright’s powerloom(动力织机)

1.steamengine:thefirststeamenginewasdevisedby ThomasNewcomer;theScott ishinventorJamesWatt modifiedandimprovedthedesignofsteamengine.

2.themostimportantelementinspeedingindustrialization:breakthroughbyA brahamDarby,smeltingironwithcoke. Perhapsthemostimportantelementinspeedingindustrializationwasthebreakth roughwhichcamewhenAbrahamDarbysucceededinsmeltingironwithcokeinsteadof charcoalin1709.

3.improvedtransportation(road,canalconstruction)ranparallelwithprodu ction.


Asaresultoftheindustrialrevolution,Britainwasby1830the“workshopofthew orld”;noothercountrywasyetreadytocompetewithherinindustrialproduction .

5.theindustrialrevolutioncreatedtheindustrialworkingclass,theproleta riat,anditlaterledtotradeunionism.

6.“Luddites”-supposedlyledbyNedLudd,attemptedtodestroythehatedmach ines,butwereseverelypunishedbythegovernment.


英语国家概况考试题型如下: 1.选择题(30 X 1’) 2.填空题(20 X 1’) 3.简答(10 X 2’)--必须回答完整的句子 4.分析题(6 X 5’)-- 必须回答完整的句子 总分100 分 主要内容包括: 一.U.S. Geography 1.Full name of U.S.. 2.Number of States: 50 states. 3.After President Jefferson brought the Louisiana territory from France there was a desire for territorial expansion among many frontier men. 4.The U.S. has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometers. The fourth largest countries. 5.Taxas is the largest mainland state of the U.S.. Alaska is the largest state of the U.S.. 6.Hawaii is in the Pacific Ocean. 7.America’s movies are mostly made in Hollywood near the city of Los Angeles in south California. 二.U.S. People 1.The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the US is the Blacks (Afriican-Americans). 2.The “first Americans” were the Indians. 3.The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States. 4.The first permanent settlement in North America was established in today’s V erginia in the year of 1607. 5.The “Three Faiths” in the U.S. refer to: ?Protestan ?Catholic ?Jewish 6.The majority of the Catholics in the U.S. are descendants of immigrants from Ireland, Italy and Poland. 7.American society is a stratified one in which power, wealth and pestige are unequally distributed among the population. 8.WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.


2011年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷 I. Vocabulary and. Structure (10 points, 1 point each) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1 .Students should_____their own interests as well as do their schoolwork. A. persuade B .pursue C. persist 2. I'd like to remind you that there is no_____on the part of suspects to answer questions. A. obligation 3. He blamed his poor performance_____jet lag. B .for 4 .We_____knowledge from our families,schools,jobs,and the mass media. 5. Not until recently_____that Thompson had ben telling the truth all along. realized I realize did realize I 6. I don’t need any help at the moment,but I_____your offer. 7 .The sad condition of women working as house servants around the world received much media_____early this year. A .importance B. attention 8 .She has no hostility to us, _____can be judged from her eyes. A. that 9 .When you're_____ a crisis, it often helps to talk to someone. through in for after over on whether the message is right or wrong should at least come after _____what the message is. out out out out II. Cloze Test (10 points,1 point each) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 People in all parts of the world are observing "No Tobacco Day". It is the day 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) appeals to people to stop using tobacco products. WHO hopes if people stop smoking cigarettes or 12 tobacco for one day, they will stop permanently. Health experts have warned for years that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other 13 .WHO says diseases linked to smoking kill 14 2,500,000 persons each year. Still, many people find it 15 stopping smoking. One reason is nicotine, a substance found in cigarettes. Nicotine is a drug. Its effects are 16 those of cocaine and heroin. "No Tobacco Day" is intended for smokers and 17 who earn money from tobacco sales. So businesses are urged to stop selling tobacco products for twenty-four hours. 18 are urged not to carry advertisements for cigarettes. WHO has approved plans to help reach its 19 of a "smoke-free" world. They urge governments to take action to help 20 make money by growing other crops. They also call for improved public information campaigns about the risks of smoking. 11. A. whether B. which C. when D. what


Chapter 1 land and people are the differences between Britain and the British Isles, Great Britain,England,the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth The British Isles,Greant Britina and England are geographical names, no the official names of the country,while the official name is the United Kingdom,but the full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern British Commonwealth is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britian. the geographical position of Britian Britain is an island country. It lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of is separated from the rest of Europe by the English channel in the south and the North Sea in the east. in Great Britain are mostly highland and lowland The north and west of Britain are mainly highland, while the south and south-east are mostly lowlands. Britain have a favourable climate why Yes,it has a favourable climate, because it has a maritime type of climate---winters are mild,not too cold and summers are cool, not too has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole has a small range of temperature,too. are the factors which influence the climate in Britain Which part of Britain has the most rainfall and which part is the driest


Unit1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 1.The flag of Britain : Union Jack (英国国旗中没有显示出Welsh旗) 2. The basic information of each country: Count ry Capital Area Memo Englan d London 最大 1.最不会把自己的 “英格兰文化区 别于其他文化” 2.一个高度城市化

3.The time joining the British parliament: However, in 1707 by agreement of the English and Scottish parliaments, Scotland joined the Union. 4.Difference between the British Isles ,UK, Great Britain , and England: British Isles: the island of Great Britain the island of Ireland

surrounding isles ●UK=Great Britain + Northern Ireland ●Great Britain =England +Scotland + Wales 5.The four major invasions in the history of Great Britain : At first, England was occupied by Celtic people. Then in 43AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire. Result: England and Wales became a part of the Roman Empire for nearly 400 years. the Angle-Saxon invaded. Result: The land they lived became" Angle-land", later changed into England, the language they spoken became English. PS:One of the best-known English legends derives from this time. In 5 century AD, King Author(亚瑟王) united the British, and with his magical sword, Excalibur(被称为“王者之剑”的圣剑),


英语国家概况》期末复习题(含答案) (第I卷客观题共45分) 1. 选择题(共30 分; 每题1 分) U.K. 1. The importance of the British monarchy can be seen in its effect on ___ . D A. passing the bills B. advising the government C. political parties D. public attitude 2. The policies of the Conservative Party in Great Britain are characterized by pragmatism and . D A. government intervention B. nationalization of enterprises C. social reform D. a belief in individualism 3. Oxford University is the oldest university in the English-speaking world. 4. Cabinet members are chosen by ___ in Britain. B A. the monarch B. the Prime Minister C. the Archbishop D. the Lord Chancellor 5. English belongs to the Germanic group of Indo-European family of languages. 6. The Severn River is the longest river in Britain. 7. The following Christmas traditions are particularly British except ___ . A A. Trooping the Color B. Queen 's Christmas message C. Boxing Day D. Christmas pantomime 8. Among Britain q'uaslity press, the following newspapers are regarded as the “ BigThree with the exception of The Observer. 9. In 2012, Britain had a population of about 63 million. 10. The two main islands of the British Isles are Great Britain and Ireland. 11. British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher once said that, “ Britain and tht e dUSntiates will stand side by side ”. 12. The Labor Party affected the British society greatly in that it ___ . A A. set up the National Health Services B. improved public transportation C. abolished the old tax system D. enhanced the economic development 13. Margaret Thatcher go'v s ernment introduced the biggest changes in British economic policy since World War II. 14. Charles Dickens is a representative of English Critical Realism at the turn of the 19 th century. 15. The three principle features of the climate of Britain are the following EXCEPT ___ . C A. the frequent fog in winter B. the large number of rainy days C. extreme coldness even in summer D. changeability all the year round 16. Samuel Johnson 'dsictionary was influential in establishing a standard form of spelling in English. 17. The introduction of Christianity to Britain added the first element of Latin and Greek words to English. 18. __ was not among the four self-governing dominions in the British Empire. C A. Australia B. Canada C. India D. the Union of South Africa 19. Of the following sectors in Britain, service industry has experienced spectacular growth si nee the end of World War II. 20. Cambridge has more Nobel Prize winners than any other institution in Britain.


…………………………………………………………精品自学考试资料推荐……………………………………………… 全国2018年4月自学考试英语国家概况试题 课程代码:00522 请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上 I. Read the following unfinished statements or questions carefully.For each unfinished statement or question,four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D are given.Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question.Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet.(50 points,1 point for each) 1.___________of 1066 is perhaps the best-known event in English history, in which William,the Conqueror confiscated almost all the land and gave it to his followers. A. The Roman Conquest B. The Anglo-Saxon Conquest D. The Celt Conquest C. The Norman Conquest 2.As a result of the Black Death,___________. A. all land was left untended B. no labor was required any longer C. 1and owners tended to change from arable to sheep-farming


2005年4月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷及答案 (课程代码:00015) PART ONE (50 POINTS) Ⅰ.Vocabulary and Structure (10 points, 1 point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 1.Would’t you rather your child ______ successful with his study and won the scholarship? A. became B. become C. would become D. becomes 2. Although Tom is satisfied with his academic achievement, he wonders _______will happen to his family life. A. it B. that C. what D. this 3. We hope that all the measures against sandstorms, ________ was put forward by the committee, will be considered seriously at the meeting . A. while B. after C. since D. as 4. We cannot leave this tough job to a person_________. A. who nobody has confidence B. in whom nobody has confidence C. for whom nobody has confidence D. who everyone has confidence of 5. You are the best for the job _____ you apply your mind to it . A. until B. if only C. in case D. unless 6.Hey, leave _____!I hate people touching my hair. A. behind B. out C. off D. over 7.I thought the problem of water shortage would ________ at the meeting but nobody mentioned it. A. come up B. come up to C. come over D. come to 8.Mr.Smith , can I ________ you for a minute? I’d like to hear your opinion on this issue. A. say a word with B. have words with C. mention a word with D. have a word with 9.There is a deadlock (僵局) in the discussion when neither side gives ________ to the over . A. a way B. way C. the way D. its way 10. This type of desk and chair can be adjusted ________ the height of students at different ages. A. with B. for C. to D. in Ⅱ.Cloze Test (10 points, 1 point for each item) 下列短文中有十个空白,每个空白有四个选项。根据上下文要求选出最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。 For over a hundred years Japan has consistently spent large sums of money and considerable human resources in an effort to obtain technology. Her ability to negotiate __11___ by the fact most of the technology she wanted was no commercial secrets. Japan’s __12__ has also been strengthened by the fact that her internal market was large, so that __13__ to this market could be offered to multinational companies as an attraction to them to grant licenses. Besides, Japan’s work force was disciplined, so it was capable __14__ applying the information it acquired. Finally, American and European companies, who were __15__ licensers, felt that the


英语国家概况知识点总结 Full name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Others names: The United Kingdom /The UK/Britain/The Great Britain/The British Lion/England/The British Isles British Isles: 范围最大,包含了大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛及其附近的许多小岛 U K : Includes England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Great Britain: Includes only England, Scotland and Wales Area : 242,514 square kilometers (93,635square miles) Population: about 60,587,300 National capital: London National Flag: The Union Jack National Anthem: God Save the Queen/King

Components: England: 1.The largest and the most populated country of UK. It occupies more than half the island of Great Britain. 2.Area: 130,281 square kilometers (5 3.7 percent) 3. Population: 50,762,900(83.8 percent) 401 people per square kilo 4. Capital: London (the seat of government, center of business, the heart of arts and culture, dominates England just like England dominates The UK) Scotland: 1.The second largest of the four nations both in area and population .no longer has a separate legislature and executive, and its economy is integrated into that of the rest of Britain. But it does have a separate administration, different legal and educational systems as well as its Presbyterian national church. Above all it has retained much of its distinct cultural identity. 2.area: 77,925 square kilometers(32.1 percent) 3.population: 5,116,900 (8.4persent) 65 people per square kilo 4.capital: Edinburgh (on the east cost represent the capital of the region) 5.the l argest city is Glasgow (In the west) Wales: 1. A peninsular jutting from England into the Irish Sea, and is the smallest among the three nations on the island of Britain. And has been dominated by England for longer period than the other three nations since its officially union with England in 1536(actually England has ruled Wales in 1343 but not officially recognized) 2.area: 20732 square kilometers (8.5percent) 3.population: 2,965,900( 4.9persent) 142 people per square kilo 4.capital: Cardiff (southern Wales) serving as an important seaport and industrial center 5.Wales retained a unique cultural social and economic development, notably its national language, Welsh, and a devolved Welsh Assembly Northern Ireland: 1.Often referred to as the province of Ulster, is part of the island Ireland located in its northeast corner. And is the smallest both in area and population among the four nations of the UK. 2.area: 13,576square kilometers (5.7 percent of the UK and one six of the island


1. How does the United States rank among the countries of the world in population and area? The United States of America is the third-largest country in the world in population and the fourth-largest country in area. 人口:印度-中国-美国- 面积:俄罗斯-加拿大-中国-美国-巴西-澳大利亚-印度 2. What are the two major mountain ranges in the United States? They are the Appalachian Highlands 阿巴拉契亚山脉and the Rocky Mountains. 落基山脉 3. What is the Continental Divide, or Great Divide? The Continental Divide, or Great Divide, is an imaginary line that separates streams that flow into the Pacific Ocean from those that flow into the Atlantic. 4. What are the five Great Lakes of the United States? They are Erie, Huron, Michigan, Ontario, and Superior. 5. How many geographical regions can be found in the United States? What are they? There are seven geographical regions in the United States. They are New England, the Middle Atlantic States, the southern States, the Midwestern States, the Rocky Mountain states, the Southwestern States, and the Pacific Coast States and the New States. 6. What states are in New England? New England is made up of six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. 7. Apart from Now York City, what other large cites are located in the Middle Atlantic region? Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, and Newark.


第一章British the republic of ireland became independent in the year(1949) the british empire was replaced by the british commonwealth in(1931) the English people and the English language were born from the union of(norman conquerors an the defeated anglo-sax ons the first known settlers of Britain were (the iberians) about 80000 scots speak gaelic which is an ancient (celtic language) the ancestors of the welsh were the ancient(celts) the average population density in Britain is(250)people per square kilo in 1066 harold and his troops fought against William on Senlac field near(hastlings) the Plantagenet dynasty was found by(henry 2) english reformation was carried out by(henry8) simon de Montfort reform beginning of English (parliament) from 1649 to 1658,it was ruled first by oliver Cromwell as(lord protector) it was during the reign of(anne)the the name great Britain came into being in 1707 the 1851 london great exposition was held in the crystal palace designed by queen(victoria)husband albert. the house of commons has(650)members of parliament british conservative party(tory)party in the 18th century the house of common is headed by(the speaker) the economic policy in the 1950s and 1960s was based on(john maynard keynes) in Britain less than(2/)are farmers britain became a net exporter of oil in the(1980s) the following financial institutions have their headquarters in London except(royal bank of scotland) to stimulate economic recovery, the thacher polcies but(interventionism) britain is the(sixth)largest trading nation british oil fields were discovered on the(north sea) the national health service was established in(1948) (central government)is directly responsible for the nhs children up to the age of (16) can receive family allowance for children (the baptists)is not among the anglican churches (the Methodist church)is the largest of the free churches the principal non-Christian communities in Britain are(the jews) the church of scotland is a(Presbyterian) (the free churches)in Britain have also been known as dissenters (7) roman catholic provinces in great Britain the church of english has two provinces, they are(Canterbury and york) there are some (90)universities the universities of oxford and cambridge date from the (12th and 13th) (public schools)are independent schools secondary education in(northern ireland) is selective harrow school is a(public school) higher education is usually defined as advanced course of a standard higher(gce a level) the following universities belong to red brick except(glasgow) the leading scientific society in Britain is(the royal society) the times is a (quality daily) the daily mirror is a popular daily

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