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2011 最新版 全国英语等级考试 公共英语三 教材 unit16

Title:1.Two students are discussing some social problems.
Question:What do some countries do to deal with population explosion?
Question:Is there any improvement on population increase according to Robert's view?
Question:What other social problems do they talk about?

With the rapid development, more and more problems are coming out.
Just think of the population explosion.
If that continues at the present rate, we all will be starving in future.
Oh, don't say that.
Most countries are developing family planning programs now.
At least there is a solution to the population explosion.
It's all very well to say that population growth will be controlled, but I don't think the figures show any real improvement yet, and all the people alive now obviously want to have children.
You may be right.
But there are other things that need controlling.
Take pollution for example, as the population increases, it produces more waste materials;and industry also causes a lot of pollution.
Yes, because industry is using up the world's natural resources faster and faster, especially energy.
Do you know millions of tons of oil are spilt into the sea every year?
It's terrible!
Yes, I agree.
Oil is a dreadful problem.
Let's hope the scientists can develop new sources of energy.

Title:2.Tang and his foreign teacher Victor are exchanging ideas about the science of clone.
Question:What did that American physicist want to do?
Question:What did people first clone?
Question:Why do some people want to clone human beings?
I read from the paper that an American physicist said he was ready to clone a human being and hoped to produce the first human duplicate within the next 18 months.
You have read a lot.
The scientist also said that if the United States does outlaw human cloning, he would set up his operation elsewhere.
I first learnt about the clone from the cloning of Dolly, a sheep created using genetic material from an adult cell.
It's said that the difference between that and cloning a human being was not that great.
Many experts said that it was not a fear of science but of how to control the technology.
Yes, I agree.
And it seems to me that it touches a central theme-search for immortality.
Huh, huh, quite right.
Everybody seems to believe that you'd just be a younger version of who you are today and could use all your experience and shape your life because you now know better.
But the reality is that you'd go through another life and it wouldn't be you.
So it's hard to see the future of the human cloning.
In fact, technology is

neither good nor evil.
It's just the use of it.

Title:3.Sarah and Matthew are talking about problems related to the equality of women and men.
Question:What does Sarah think about the life of a housewife?
Question:Does Matthew agree with her?
Question:When did women awaken and start to fight for their rights?
It strikes me that here in Britain women have already got as much freedom as they could possibly want.
They've got the vote;
they can go to university;
they can compete with men in the professions on equal terms.
I agree, but not many.
Most of them are still housewives.
Can you imagine the monotony, the boredom and the frustration?
I can imagine it easily enough.
But don't forget that a lot of men have equally boring jobs and less freedom to do them in their own way.
Most housewives, in my experience, are content to be housewives.
Take my wife Lisa for example, she's not bored or frustrated;
she finds her life quite satisfying;
she cleans, cooks, gardens...
Oh, I'm aware of that.
That's because over the centuries men have trained and educated women to consider themselves inferior and to accept their position.
You mean they've been conditioned to accept an inferior position?
Exactly, they've been brainwashed.
It's the job of the Women's Lib Movement to open their eyes to the way they have been fooled and dominated and exploited all these years.
I believe the housework and the work of bringing up the children should be shared equally.
Well, I do that at my house;
and I fill up the stove and mow the lawn and dig the garden.
Anyway I do quite a lot of shopping.
Fancy that!
And in my time I've bathed a few babies, changed nappies and washed them.
Well, all I can say is you must be pretty unusual.
My husband's never touched a nappy in his life.

Title:4.The following monologue is about the bird flu.
Question:Where was this H7 virus discovered?
Question:What did other countries react to the bird flu in America?
Question:What are the urging measures to fight bird flu?

Chicken farmers in the northeastern US are dealing with a form of bird flu different from the virus in Asia.
Officials say it is the H7 virus which does not have a history of infecting people but does kill chickens, and spread easily.
It was first discovered on a farm in Delaware that provided live chickens to a market in New York City.
State officials ordered that farm to destroy thousands of chickens.
Officials also banned the sales of live chickens.
The United State is the biggest producer and exporter of chicken in the world.
Because of the H7 outbreak, a number of nations have barred imports of American chicken.
Some including Russia barred im

ports only from the affected areas.
Others ordered bans on chicken from anywhere in the United States.
In Asia,officials have been working to control the spread of the avian influenza virus known as H5N1.
That virus has killed millions of chickens in several countries.
The number of human deaths reached 20 last week in Vietnam and Thailand.
The bird flu outbreak in Asia has caused economic damage.
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says it will aid some of the countries affected.
The agency also joined the World Health Organization in urging measures to fight the bird flu.
One of these measures is the use of vaccine medicine to help chickens resist the virus.
Scientists are developing a human vaccine in case the virus takes a form that spreads easily from person to person.

Title:China Scare, Is It Real ?

America's love-hate relationship with China develops speedily.
The latest setback in the bilateral relation is another fearsome "China Scare".
Actually, though, in America it is nothing new.
The United States' politics seems to need a "China Scare" from time to time.
Recall that nearly a storm started around the book The Coming Conflict with China in 1997.
Its author was two US journalists formerly working in Beijing.
The debate was anything but positive about the Sino-US relationship.
It is true that China's strategic aims in Asia are not completely the same with those of the US.
However, the authors seemed to worry far too much by putting much emphasis on China's military strength.
American interest groups are afraid of competing with Chinese imports, because more and more American consumers begin to find Chinese goods a much cheaper choice.
So they held this political view that China's rapid growth is not a blessing for all concerned.
Instead it was being thought of as a force threatening other Asian economies and America's too.
President George W.Bush "encourages the transfer of money, industrial capacity and technology to China that will help its development but will threaten the US and its allies", charges William Hawkins, a supporter for protecting US business and industry.
Then there are also people saying that China's gain is basically on every one else's loss.
An increasingly globalized and modernized nation of 1.3 billion is not a win-win for almost everyone.
It's a losing situation for everyone, but not for China.
That's absurd, I think.
Sure, China's neighbors in Asia are worried about Chinese competition and they know they have to work harder in order to compete with China.
However, it is unnecessarily sending scare by imagining that economic growth will be greatly reduced, domestic stock markets will get ruined and employment levels will become lower.
Certainly, China's economic progress will cause some tense moments.
But, on the whole, Asia and the rest of the w

orld will benefit from China's success.
Surely, China's entry into World Trade Organization and its globalization will not be totally smooth.
Some people on the mainland who want to protect Chinese industries would interfere to slow down market opening.
On the other hand, the Bush administration's decision to cut down on import quotas on foreign steel brought about world wide anger.
That decision has made US strategic and economic allies in Asia and Europe angrier at America than at anything China has done lately.
So who is the greater threat-China or the United States-to the world economy?
Let's just say that what continues to be needed in America's relationship with China is not another "red scare", but the three facts all too often missing:common sense, political maturity and intellectual honesty.

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