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Unit 2 Cloning


Miss the Wild Geese

One morning in early fall, I spotted a pair of wild geese on our pond. The beautiful sight caught me by __1__, because we'd never seen geese there before. I wondered where they came from and why they'd__2__ our pond.

As the days passed, I couldn't__3__getting a closer look and started talking to the geese. They craned their necks and raised their heads __4__but seemed to realize I was a __5__and not an enemy. I felt __6__we were bonding.

One day as they were __7__ in the grass near the driveway, I

discovered the reason for their __8__—the male had a broken left wing.

He was __9__ to fly, and his lifelong mate would not leave him

__10__. I marveled (惊叹) at the __11__between them.

I asked a wildlife biologist friend what I should__12__. He explained that sometimes a broken wing will heal by itself and suggested letting __13__ take its course.

On the first day of November, I was __14__ in the vicinity

(在……附近) of the geese with my tractor. I caught some __15_from the corner of my eye.

Both geese were running toward the pond, wings beating __16__. The geese gained enough altitude to clear a neighbor's house, then __17__back toward me, flying no more than 50 feet over my head as if to say goodbye. Then they were out of__18__.

I grew __19__them during their stay at our pond, and I miss them. I'll never forget their __20__ to each other. We could all learn a lesson or two from this pair.





1.A.anger B.surprise

C.terror D.sorrow

答案:B 根据下一句中的“we'd never seen geese there before”可知,作者以前从



2.A.cleared B.destroyed

C.chosen D.disturbed

答案:C 由本句中的“I wondered where they came from and why”可知,作者非常

疑惑这两只大雁从何而来,以及为什么会选择停在了作者家的池塘,所以用chosen。大雁的到来并没有破坏(destroyed)和干扰(disturbed)池塘,反而形成了难得的美景,所以B、D 为错误项。

3.A.resist B.imagine

C.escape D.admit

答案:A 根据第一段第二句中的“beautiful sight”和第三句中的where和why可知,作者对这两只大雁既感到钦羡又有不少疑惑,所以忍不住靠近它们,想对它们有更多的了解。can't resist doing sth. “忍不住做某事”。

4.A.naturally B.happily

C.sadly D.cautiously

答案:D 由本句中的“not an enemy”说明它们对人的警惕性。cautiously意为“谨慎地”,符合语境。

5.A.hunter B.helper

C.friend D.guard

答案:C 由句中的关键信息“but ... I ... not an enemy”可知,大雁意识到作者不是敌人,不会伤害自己,有可能是朋友。所以选friend。

6.A.whether B.even if

C.how D.as though

答案:D 句意:我觉得我们好像正在建立感情。作者对这两只大雁很欣赏,也和它们亲近,而大雁也逐渐将作者看作了朋友,虽然不能用语言交流,但作者觉得自己在与它们建立一种关系和感情。bond “培养感情”,这是作者的感受,所以用as though引导表语从句。

7.A.jumping B.feeding

C.working D.growing

答案:B 根据句中的“in the grass”可知,两只大雁在草丛中觅食的时候,作者发现公雁的左翅折了,feed可用作不及物动词,意为“吃(食)”,符合语境。

8.A.absence B.delay

C.visit D.departure

答案:C 结合上文可知,这对大雁光临作者家的池塘,成为作者和家人的不速之客,而本句中的“a broken left wing”说明作者明白了大雁来到池塘停留的原因,visit意为“游览;参观;拜访”,符合语境。

9.A.unable B.curious

C.eager D.afraid

答案:A 公雁因为左翼受伤,所以不能飞了。unable意为“不能的”,符合语境。

10.A.mad B.calm

C.around D.behind

答案:D 根据上文可知,作者看到的是一对大雁一直形影不离。而现在明白了它们不飞走的原因,也明白了母雁之所以没有飞走是因为对公雁的不离不弃。leave sth. /sb. behind 意为“将某物/某人留下”,而母雁并没有将公雁丢下独自离去。

11.A.bond B.quarrel

C.conflict D.competition

答案:A 句意:我对两只大雁之间的关系感到惊叹。本句中的bond是一个名词,意为“联系;关系”,特别强调两只大雁之间生死相依的紧密联系。

12.A.do B.cure

C.share D.check

答案:A 根据下一句可知,对于作者的疑惑,野生生物学家朋友给出了解释和建议,说明作者希望能做点什么来帮助这只受伤的大雁,所以用do,这里是一个实义动词,而what 是其宾语。

13.A.chance B.nature

C.fate D.knowledge

答案:B 根据空前的“a broken wing will heal by itself”可知,这个野生生物学家朋友告诉作者,折翼会自愈,并建议作者什么都不要做,而是顺其自然。let nature take its course意为“顺其自然;任其自然发展”,是固定搭配,符合语境。

14.A.playing B.experimenting

C.working D.fighting

答案:C 根据句中的“with my tractor”可知,作者开着拖拉机在靠近大雁的地方工作,working符合语境。

15.A.atmosphere B.division

C.response D.movement

答案:D 根据上一句可知,作者本来在工作,而本句中的“from the corner of my eye”说明,作者在工作的时候用眼睛余光捕捉到了大雁的一些举动。movement意为“举动”,符合语境。atmosphere “氛围”,氛围是感受到的,不是看到的。

16.A.wildly B.occasionally

C.slowly D.aimlessly

答案:A 根据下一句中的“gained enough altitude to clear a neighbor's house”可知,受伤的大雁也能飞了,所以翅膀拍打得格外有力,这里用wildly强调大雁的兴奋和激动。

17.A.floated B.circled

C.slid D.skipped

答案:B 句意:两只大雁飞到了一定的高度,高到能越过邻居家的屋子,然后飞向我,在我上方盘旋,距离我的头顶不到50英尺,像是要跟我说再见。结合飞鸟的习性可知,在一定的区域内飞行不降落时要盘旋飞行,circle在此作动词,意为“盘旋”,符合语境。

18.A.order B.place

C.sight D.control

答案:C 结合上一句中的“flying no more than 50 feet over my head as if to say goodbye”可知,这对大雁起飞后和作者道别,然后就飞走了,也就是消失在作者的视野中。out of sight意为“消失在视野中”,符合语境。

19.A.angry with B.fond of

C.tired of D.grateful to

答案:B 结合上文及空后的“I miss them”可知,作者已经将两只大雁看作自己的朋友,而两只大雁离开之前也似乎表现出不舍,说明在大雁停留池塘期间作者是很喜欢它们的,所以用grew fond of表示“渐渐喜欢上”。

20.A.sympathy B.objection

C.adjustment D.devotion

答案:D 根据第三段最后两句中的“and his lifelong mate would not le ave him __10__”和“marveled (惊叹) at ... ”可知,作者已经知道母雁对公雁真挚的爱,所以用devotion强调两只鸟儿之间深切的爱。devotion意为“忠诚;热爱;献身;奉献”,符合语境。



Cloning is a biological term that refers to the process of producing genetically identical organisms such as bacteria, insects and plants that reproduce asexually (无性地). Life on planet survives and thrives due to adaptable cloning that occurs over the course of time. Plants can be cloned using various medium, but this article speaks specifically about water as a medium for cloning.

Using Water for Cloning

Growing plants in water is a very old practice; the Chinese have been doing it for long. Just bear in mind a few of the following steps and tips, and you can grow your own plant clone.

As old as it may sound, take cuttings from a healthier plant, and use a sharp knife to cut it. Healthier the mother plant, and sharper the cut, better will be the success rate. Cut the stems at an angle of 45°, around 1/4 inch below the leaf nodes. Always have a minimum 5-6 cuttings.

To prepare the rooting solution, take a water holder or container, and pour water in it. Three-fourth of the jar should be filled.

Stand the cuttings individually in different jars, and cover them with transparent plastic sheets while cloning. The plastic covering will ensure high humidity levels, and this, combined with the rooting water, will speed the rooting process. Make sure the water stays clean. Change water after 2-3 days.

The roots will appear in a week's time. Once you see them, remove the sheet and place them in a location where they can receive partial natural light. Move the rooted cutting to a soil medium once they have enough healthy roots.

Cloning of plants in water or through other mediums can ensure existence of species, especially those which are endangered. There are many plants that have one in hundred chances of breeding naturally, or can't produce seeds, so cloning such plants through advance technologies will ensure there continued existence. Cloning plants and trees has helped in better harvest, and increased the plant resistance to harmful viruses and diseases.


1.According to Paragraph 1, ________.

A.cloning can only be used in all animals and plants

B.many medium can be used to clone plants

C.all the livings can clone themselves

D.water is the best medium to clone

答案:B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段最后一句中的“Plants can be cloned using various medium”可知,可用多种媒介来克隆植物。故B项正确。

2.It can be inferred that cloning plants in water ________.

A.is seldom used in today's agriculture

B.can make plants not catch diseases

C.can increase farmers' income

D.sometimes make species be endangered

答案:C 推理判断题。文章最后一段提到了水中克隆植物可以使植物更加抗病、高产,因此可推知这样可以增加农民的收入。故C项正确。

3.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Ways to clone plants.

B.Cloning plants in water.

C.How to clone animals and plants.

D.A special way to grow plants.

答案:B 主旨大意题。文章主要是讲怎样在水中克隆植物,故B项是最佳选项。


People may use the expression “birdbrain” in English to talk about someone who is stupid, but crows prove that this is unfair. Now it has been discovered that crows may understand analogies (类推法).

It was once thought that only humans could understand analogies, which help us to solve problems creatively, put things into categories, and make scientific discoveries.

To test this ability in animals, scientists do “relational matching-to-sample (RMTS)” tests, according to the IFL Science website. If a pair was AA, for example, then picking BB to match it would be correct. If the pair was CD, however, then EF would be correct.

Apes and monkeys have learned RMTS, but scientists wanted to know if crows could do it, too. An international team led by Edward Wasserman from the University of Iowa in the US first trained two hooded crows to match things by color, shape, and number in what is called “identity matching-to-sample (IMTS)”, then moved onto RMTS.

For the IMTS test, the birds were put in a cage with a plastic tray that had three cards and two cups in it. The card in the middle was the sample card. The cups on

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