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假定你是李华,你的美国网友Tom 最近来到你市某所中学做交换生,因一时无法融入到新的班集体中感到很苦恼。请你用英语给他写一封信,帮他分析原因并给他提出建议。

注意:1. 词数100 左右(信的开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Tom,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble

getting along well with your new classmates.






Li Hua


假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将于下周四下午4:00-4:45 在教学楼112 教室举办主题为“我喜欢的英语电影”的英语沙龙活动。请你用英语给外教Chris 写一封电子邮件,邀请他参加这次活动并就主题进行发言。

注意:1. 词数100 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,






Li Hua


假定你是李华,你不慎丢失了外教Mary 借给你的小说Gone with the Wind。请根据所提供的要点给她写一封电子邮件。


1. 表示歉意;

2. 丢失原因;

3. 补救措施。

注意:1. 词数100 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mary,

I am terribly sorry to tell you that






Li Hua



要求:1. 描述漫画内容;2. 结合生活实际,就漫画的主题发表自己的看法。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







1. 目的;

2. 时间;

3. 地点;

4. 活动情况。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________





1. 感谢他们对你的照顾;

2. 邀请他们来华旅游。

注意:1. 词数100 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr. and Mrs. White,






假定你是某国际学校的学生李华,你校网站上刊登广告为学校的“英语文化节”招募志愿者,要求英语流利,善于交际。你有意参加,请给负责人Miss Brown 写一封申请信。

注意:1. 词数100 左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Miss Brown,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3.

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


假定你是李华,你从互联网上得知你的美国朋友Jack 所在的地区昨天遭遇了飓风,损失惨重。请你给他写一封电子邮件,表示慰问。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________



Dear Tom,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting along well with your new classmates.

I think the biggest obstacle you can meet with is yourself. Maybe you regard yourself as a newcomer and look down upon yourself. Besides, there may be some difficulty in language since you are not a native student. Thus you are too shy to communicate with classmates and teachers.

In my opinion, you should try to remove your feelings of being frustrated and lonely. Meanwhile, you should talk with others actively and take part in various activities with your classmates outside school time. Only in this way can you build a good relationship with your classmates.

I'm firmly convinced that you will soon become part of your class.


Li Hua


Dear Chris,

I am writing to invite you to take part in an activity to be held by the English Club on next Thursday afternoon, whose theme is to share your favorite English movie.

As planned, the members are to gather at Room 112 of the Teaching Building at 4:00 pm. The activity will last for 45 minutes, during which time we will take turns to talk about our favorite movies. It would be a great honor if you could join us and share your favorite English movie with us. If you can come, please arrive 5 minutes early. I would appreciate it if you could give me an early reply.


Li Hua


Dear Mary,

I am terribly sorry to tell you that I have lost your novel Gone with the Wind, and I am writing this letter to show you how much I regret it. I hope you will excuse me for my carelessness. As you know, I loved the novel so much that I carried it everywhere I went. However, I found my wallet and the novel missing after I got off a crowded bus yesterday. You can imagine how angry I was at that moment. Now I am considering buying a new one for you. What do you think of my plan? I am looking forward to your reply soon.


Li Hua


There is an anxious mother and an angry son in the picture. Seeing her son's

not-so-excellent school report, the mother gets mad about it, saying “What would you do if you failed the coming entrance exam?” On hearing this, the boy answers back angrily, “You are so annoying!” So a conflict comes into being because of their lack of effective communication.

When a conflict or misunderstanding arises, the best way to solve it is to listen to the other's point of view carefully. Shouting at each other only hurts each other's feelings.


As the New Year was drawing near, a used book sale was held by the Students' Union of our school to raise money for poor kids in the countryside.

This activity took place from 2:30 pm-5:30 pm in the City Square on December 31. Lots of students took an active part in it and nearly 4,000 books donated by us were sold out in three hours. When the activity came to an end, altogether more than 20,000 yuan was collected.

I was deeply impressed by the activity. I believe if everyone makes a small contribution, the world will be more beautiful.


Dear Mr. and Mrs. White,

I have got back to my country safely. I am writing to express my gratitude to you for your hospitality and kindness.

It was so kind of you to take good care of me during my three-week stay in the UK. When I was not used to English food, you cooked some Chinese food for me. You told me a lot about English culture and history, which broadened my horizons. My trip to the UK has become a wonderful memory, which I will cherish forever.

If it is convenient, please come to China for a visit and I will be honored to be your guide.


Li Hua


Dear Miss Brown,

I'm Li Hua, a student from Class 1, Grade 3. I would like to apply for the position as a student volunteer for English Cultural Festival that you advertised on our school website.

First of all, I have a good command of English so that I am elected as assistant to my English teacher. Besides, I have good communicating skills and I am an outgoing, reliable and helpful person. In addition, I have the burning passion for different kinds of activities. Therefore, I think I am the right person you are looking for.

I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Jack,

I am sorry to learn that a destructive hurricane hit your hometown yesterday. I am writing to express my deepest worry and concern. It broke my heart to see thousands of people become homeless and many injured. I am especially worried about you and your family. Are you all OK? I can't imagine how difficult it must

be for you right now. Do let me know what kind of help I can give you. I believe you will be brave enough to face the difficulties and try to overcome them.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


1. 若集合}12,52,2{2 a a a A +-=,且A ∈-3,则=a . 2. 设集合}3,1,1{-=A ,}4,2{2++=a a B ,}3{=B A I ,则实数=a . 3. 设全集R U =,}0|{>=x x A ,}1|{>=x x B ,则=) (B C A U I . 4. 命题“若b a ,都是偶数,则b a +是偶数”的逆否命题是 . 5. “2>x ”是“2 11≥q p ,则q p ∧为 (真/假),q p ∨为 (真/假). 7. 若命题012,:2>+∈?x R x p ,则该命题的否定p ?为 . 8. 已知集合}20|{},40|{≤≤=≤≤=y y Q x x P ,下列从P 到Q 的各种关系f 不是函数的是( ) .A x y x f 21:=→ .B x y x f 3 1:=→ .C x y x f 3 2:=→ .D x y x f =→: 9. 下列各组函数中表示同一函数是( ) .A x x f =)(与 2)()(x x g = .B x )(=x f 与 33)(x x g = .C ||)(x x x f =与 ?????<->=) 0()0()(22x x x x x g .D 11)(2--=x x x f 与 )1(1)(≠+=t t t g 10. 已知函数x x f 32)(-=,则:=)0(f ,=)3 2 (f . =)(m f .=-)12(a f . 11. 设函数???????<≥-=)0(1)0(211)(x x x x x f ,若a a f =)(,则实数=a . 12. 函数)1lg()(-=x x f 的定义域是 . 13. 函数211)(x x f +=)(R x ∈的值域是 . 14. 下列函数)(x f 中,满足“对任意),0(,21+∞∈x x ,当时21x x <,都有)()(21x f x f >”的是( )


高中英语书面表达必备句子翻译练习 约稿信 1.我想请你为我校英文报“英语之声”栏目写 一篇文章。 2.这个栏目广受同学们欢迎。 3.它刊登的是由外国朋友写的关于如何学好 英语的文章。 4.你能写点有关听、说、读、写的学习方法吗? 5.我们尤其欢迎关于“记单词的最好方法”这 样的文章。 6.大约300字就行。 7.4月20日前把稿发给我好吗? 8.我期待收到你的来信。 9.你能写一些关于最近这十年衣食住行方面 的变化吗? 10.顺便说一下,你的文章可以自拟标题。 邀请信 11.最近一切都怎么样? 12.最近为了欢迎新生,我们学校将举办迎新联 欢晚会。 13.作为学生会主席,我写信邀请你参加。 14.这是一个简短的时间安排表。 15.首先,晚会将在下周日晚7点到9点在学校 会议大厅举行。 16.此外,将有许多老师和同学们的精彩表演, 例如唱歌、跳舞、戏剧表演等等。 17.每个人都渴望你能来,而且如果你能表演 个节目,那就更让人开心了。 18.我相信我们同学一定会非常高兴看到你。 19.方便的时候请告知我你的决定。 20.我真诚地希望你能接受我们的邀请。 投诉信 21.我叫李华,你们店的常客。 22.这些年我对你们的优质服务都很满意。 23.但我现在写信是想对你们店服务员差劲的 服务表示不满。 24.当我在吃牛肉面的时候,突然发现里面有两 只苍蝇,这太让人恶心了。 25.出乎我的意料,他没有给我换, 却以粗鲁的 方式说他太忙了没时间解决这个问题。1.I would like to ask you to write an article for the column, “Voice of English”, of our school’s English newspaper. 2.This column is very popular among us students. 3.It carries articles written by foreign friends about “How to learn English Well”. 4.Would you please write something about the learning methods of listening, speaking, reading and writing? 5.We would especially welcome articles about the best way to remember/memorize new words. 6.About 300 words would be fine. 7.Could I have your article before April 20th? 8.I’m looking forward to hearing from you.. 9.Would you please write something about the changes of food, clothing, housing and transportation in recent years? 10.By the way, your article may have a title made up by yourself. 11.How is everything going recently? 12.Currently, in order to welcome the new students, an evening party will be held in our school. 13.As chairman of the Students’ Union, I’m writing to invite you to join us. 14.Here is a brief schedule. 15.First, it will be held in the school meeting hall from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. next Sunday. 16.Additionally, there will be many wonderful performances presented by the teachers and students,such as singing, dancing, performing plays and so on. 17.Everyone is longing for your coming,and it would be more cheerful if you could give a performance. 18.I have the confidence that we students would be extremely delighted to see you. 19.Please let me know your decision if it is convenient for you. 20.I sincerely hope you can accept our invitation. 21.I am Li Hua, a regular customer in your restaurant. 22.I have been satisfied with your excellent service for years. 23.But now I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction about the poor service of your waiters. 24.When having beef noodles, I suddenly found there were two flies in them, which disgusted me a lot.


高三英语短文改错专项训练(每日一篇) (1) Last Sunday I saw the worst storm in years. It came sudden and went on for over three hours. After lunch, I went into my room to have a rest. The air was hotter, and all is quiet. Then a strong wind started to blow into my room. Pieces of paper on my desk flew high into the air and some flew out the open window. As I ran out to catch them, big drop of rain began to fall. When I came back into house, it was raining harder and harder. I tried very hard to close the window. Then I heard a loudly crashing(碰撞的)sound from the back of the house. When I ran out to find that a big tree had fallen down and broke the top of the back room. (2) I have been planning to join in our college basketball team next year, so now I am spending as more time as I can with other people who likes to play. They are teaching me the most important rules and technologies of the game, and I am getting the better all the time. We have a neighborhood team that play against other teams in the area. One of my neighbors is helping rest of us improved our skills. Tonight we are playing against one of the best teams in the city, and I think we can beat them if we won't make any mistakes. (3) Fang Tong is 34 years old, an actor, director and teacher of Beijing Opera Theater. Most of his students are from other part of China and have come to Beijing at a very young age of sixteen or seventeen. He hopes create an environment for his students that it is much more relaxing than the one he used to study in. He thought that an actor should relax himself when performing. Yet his students deep respect him and he never needs to raise his voice in order to be hearing. For his opinion, actors should go on even when they feel they have made a mistake in their performances because the moment is already gone but people can never be back to it. . . So art is always changing and


2018届高三第一次作文训练 ——了解高考作文的评分标准 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章(60分)。(月考优秀作文)母亲节前后,许多网友在微博、微信、网络社区中扎堆,突击“秀孝顺”。有的网友晒出为母亲购买的价值不菲的化妆品、首饰、包、电子产品;有的人请母亲去高档餐厅,并将菜式拍照上传;有的人转发“母爱”主题文章,抒发对母亲的讴歌。对此,有人赞赏,也有人提出质疑。 对于以上事情,你怎么看?请综合材料内容及含意,表明你的态度,阐述你的看法。要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭。

陪伴最为长情 ①母亲节前后,许多网友在微博、微信、网络社区中扎堆,突击秀孝顺。有的网友晒出为母亲购买的价值不菲的化妆品、首饰、包和电子产品;有的人请母亲去高档餐厅,并将菜式 拍照上传;还有的人转发母爱主题文章,抒发对母亲的讴歌。我并不赞同这种做法。相较于 这种仅在意外在的表现,我认为发自内心的陪伴最为长情。 ②随社会进步,科技发展,我们的生活质量在不断的提高。旧时代所谓的高档品拿到现代都极为平常。很多人认为,想让母亲享受一些旧时代没有的高档品,来感谢母亲的养育之恩。这种想法本身是没有错误的。但是做法有很大问题。买完高档品后晒到网上、朋友圈,吃一 顿大餐,发多张照片。这真是儿女全心全意对母亲爱的表扬吗? ③在我看来只是流于形式。无论是买高档品、吃大餐、还是在网上转载母爱的文章,都只是你想让别人知道你很爱母亲,所以你为她做这些。为什么爱一个人要让别人知道?是出于 炫耀的目的,想让别人称赞你,说你有多爱你母亲吗?你愿意花这么多钱为她买东西,但这 些东西母亲一定会用吗?你买了东西对母亲来说很可能是不适合的,她可能不想用。那么你 花那么多钱,母亲也不想去用。因此,流于表面形式又浪费了金钱,使纯净的爱变了质。 ④我认为,母亲真正想要的并不是物质上的。现在生活条件比以前好太多了,母亲用什么其实都是高档品,与其再买高档品给她,不如陪伴母亲一天,一起买菜,一起做饭,吃完晚 饭后陪母亲下楼绕楼遛圈,这其实已经足够了。平时你忙于工作或忙于学业,很难抽出大量 时间陪在母亲身边,母亲嘴上不说,其实她很想跟你沟通,和你交流,了解你的困难,帮你 出出主意,增进彼此间的感情,拉近你和母亲间的距离,这才是母亲真正想要的。 ⑤如果在抉择中让母亲选择你和高档品中的一个,任何母亲做出的选择都不可能是高档品,无论这个高档品多么贵重,在母亲眼里你就是唯一的。明明这些你都懂,为什么选择金钱这 种表面形式来感谢母亲?可见,陪伴才最为长情。 ⑥我认为,现在的我们并不应通过花钱买东西或者在网上转载文章这种形式表达对母亲的感恩之情,我们应抛开这种表面形式,多一点真诚,少一点套路,发自内心的陪伴母亲,这 才是最为长情的,这才是最好的礼物。 点评: 一是内容上:全文始终能够围绕“陪伴最为长情”这个中心展开论述,立意切合材料中心。 二是表达上:①题目《陪伴最为长情》直击材料和文章的中心,亮出文章观点,画龙点睛;②开篇引 述材料与观点,语言简洁明快,提出中心;第2段~第5段围绕观点分层展开论述。摆现象——分析阐述——揭示道理——阐述自己主张。 三是发展上:①因说理透彻而深刻,因内容全面而丰富;②因语言朴实严谨、长短句结合而具有文采;③因思路清晰,层次清晰而结构谨严;④因按照要求完成写作任务而符合要求。 附:


高考数学大题 1.(12分)已知向量a =(sin θ,cos θ-2sin θ),b =(1,2) (1)若a ⊥b ,求tan θ的值; (2)若a ∥b ,且θ为第Ⅲ象限角,求sin θ和cos θ的值。 2.(12分)在如图所示的几何体中,EA ⊥平面ABC ,DB ⊥平面ABC ,AC ⊥BC ,且AC=BC=BD=2AE ,M 是AB 的中点. (I)求证:CM ⊥EM: (Ⅱ)求DE 与平面EMC 所成角的正切值. 3.(13分)某地区为下岗人员免费提供财会和计算机培训,以提高 下岗人员的再就业能力,每名下岗人员可以选择参加一项培训、参加 两项培训或不参加培训.已知参加过财会培训的有60%,参加过计算机培训的 有75%.假设每个人对培训项目的选择是相互独立的,且各人的选择相互之间没有影响. (Ⅰ)任选1名下岗人员,求该人参加过培训的概率; (Ⅱ)任选3名下岗人员,求这3人中至少有2人参加过培训的概率. 4.(12分) 在△ABC 中,∠A .∠B .∠C 所对的边分别为a .b .c 。 若B A cos cos =a b 且sinC=cosA (1)求角A .B .C 的大小; (2)设函数f(x)=sin (2x+A )+cos (2x- 2C ),求函数f(x)的单调递增区间,并指出它相邻两对称轴间的距离。 5.(13分)已知函数f(x)=x+x a 的定义域为(0,+∞)且f(2)=2+22,设点P 是函数图象上的任意一点,过点P 分别作直线y=x 和y 轴的垂线,垂足分别为M ,N. (1)求a 的值; (2)问:|PM|·|PN|是否为定值?若是,则求出该定值, 若不是,则说明理由: (3)设O 为坐标原点,求四边形OMPN 面积的最小值。 6.(13分)设函数f(x)=p(x-x 1)-2lnx,g(x)=x e 2(p 是实数,e 为自然对数的底数) (1)若f(x)在其定义域内为单调函数,求p 的取值范围; (2)若直线l 与函数f(x),g(x)的图象都相切,且与函数f(x)的图象相切于点(1,0),求p 的值; (3)若在[1,e]上至少存在一点x 0,使得f(x 0)>g(x 0)成立,求p 的取值范围.


英语作文 V. 书面表达(1 题,10 分) 请以"Why are Bicycles so Popular in China?"为题,根据下列要点用英语写一篇120词左右的短文。 1. 大多数中国人居住的地方离上班或上学的地点不远,骑自行车很方便。而且,骑自行车是锻炼身体的好方法。 2. 自行车是一种很方便的交通工具(means of transportation),骑自行车做短途旅行,想到哪都可以。 3. 骑自行车可以节省能源,减少空气污染。 Why are Bicycles so Popular in China? Bicycles are a convenient means of transportation. People can go wherever they like by bike on a short trip. It is easy to go to work or school by bike because most of the Chinese live not far away from where they work or study. Riding bicycles is also good exercise, which can help build people's bodies. What's more, riding bicycles can save energy. China has a population of more than 1,300 million. As bicycles are not expensive, almost every family has one. Now each family in China has at least a bike instead of a car. Thus a great deal of energy is saved and serious air pollution is reduced. That's why bicycles are so popular in China. 假如你是Amy,请你给你的网友Joan发一封电子邮件告诉她你在老师的帮助下学习英语的一些变化和取得的进步。 1.过去:认为学英语就是背语法规则和英语单词:不喜欢读英语,更不愿意和同学练习对话。 2.现在:意识到英语是说出来的,开始喜欢讲英语并和同学用英语交流;经常上网阅读一些新的英语文章并查阅一些英语资料,对英语越学越感兴趣并且取得了很大的进步。 注意:词数100左右,开头已给出,不记入词数。 生词:互联网internet 软件 software Dear Joan, Hello! I’ m glad to send you an e-mail to tell you that I ‘m getting more and more interested in English. However, in the past I thought learning English meant learning grammar rules and words by heart. I didn’t like to read or speak English, nor was I willing to practice dialogues with my classmates. Now with my English teacher’s help, I came to realize we learn to spe ak English by speaking as we learn to sing by singing. I began to enjoy speaking English and communicate with my classmates. I often read some fresh English news or articles and look up some information on the internet. As a result, I have made great progress in English. Yours sincerely, Amy 假如你的朋友李明应邀去参加美国朋友的家庭宴会,他不懂如何应付。请你给他提些建议,告诉他如何去做以便给人留下好印象。根据以下提示写一篇100词左右的短文。


Last week my parents and I took a two-days trip to Emei Mountain in Sichuan. As every one knows, it’s famous mountain with all kinds of plants and animals. The weather was fine. It was about noon we arrived at the foot of the mountain. The three of them were very excited. As we climbed the mountain, we fed monkeys, visiting temples and told stories. On the way up I was busy taking picture since the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes quickly. Evening came down. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the mountain. The food was expensive and the service was good. I was so tired that I fell asleep at the moment my head touched the pillow. (二) Many teachers worry about the effects of television with young people. According to studies, many children spend more time watching television than they spend in school. Because so much viewing, children may not be develop the habit of read and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries much about the radio program young people listen to, although radios can be very noise. Teachers also wonder about the effects of television commercials. On one year the average child will see 25,000 television commercials, all planned and written by grown-ups to make children to want things that they don't real need. (三) I’m the captain o f our school team so with my fellow players we’ve won sever al games. There will an important game next month. But one of the best player in our team told me just then that he wouldn’t play basketball once more. His parents asked him to spend in more time preparing for the college entrance examination. I feel sorry to him. But his parents think go to college is more important than playing sports and college was the only place for a smart boy like his son. So my friend had no choice. He wanted to make their parents happy. (四) When I first learned to write English, I ran into many difficulties . The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English. My teacher advised me to keep my diary. I followed her advice and should put down 100 words or so each day. Soon I began to enjoy talk to myself on paper as I was learning to express me in simple English .One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher .She liked it very much and reads it to the class .All said the story was a good one. Their word were a great encouragement to me. (五) Dear Ralph, I’m a newcomer here of a small town. I would describe myself as shy and quietly. Before my classmates, it seems always difficult for me to do things as well them. I'm sure they will laugh to me and see me as a fool. So I feel happy every day. Besides, I have few friends. I don't know that they don't like to talk with me. Sometimes, we talked to each other very well in class, but after class we become stranger at once. I am trying to improve the situation since it doesn’t seem to work. Can you tell me about what I should do? Yours, Xiao Wei


2018届高三第一次质量检测作文 22.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。(60分) ①2017年11月12日,成绩优异的湖南高三学生小罗因成绩波动被批评并要被通知家长,在办公室将班主任刺死。 ②小罗(同上文)的成绩足以考上一所重点大学,但他只想考取一所二本学校。他的解释是:“我只想过轻轻松松的生活。” ③没有教不好的学生,有不会教的老师。(中国现代教育家陈鹤琴) ④宁吃高考苦,不留终身憾!(某校高考励志口号) ⑤我是教师/我拒绝把我比作灵魂工程师……不要给我戴上神圣的光环/再用世俗的眼光把我的人格蔑视贬低……(网络流行诗《我是教师,我拒绝》) ⑥一想到为人父母居然不用经过考试,就觉得真是太可怕了。(日本作家伊坂幸太郎) 读了上面六则材料你有怎样的感触与思考?请以其中两三则为基础确定立意,并在文中合理引用或适时联系,写一篇文章。要求自选角度,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭;不少于800字。 立意分析: 从命题形式上看,本次作文材料是组合型材料,载体不再是叙述型语段,而变为多个个相对独立又彼此有关联的一些词语、语段、名言警句等,要求考生自由组合立意并合理引用,不再对文体作出限制。 从材料内容上看,它的命题基点还是传统文化、人文底蕴、核心价值、责任担当等核心理念,旨在引导学生关注现实,思考人生,用思辨精神吸收优秀文化养料,培养家国情怀和时代担当精神,增强文化自信,具有鲜明的时代特征。 尤其要注意的是:本次作文表面上是组合式材料作文,实则是一则时评类任务驱动型作文,它以小罗刺死班主任事件为核心,罗列了跟这件事有关联的时评观点,从教师、学生、家长、社会等各个角度揭示了这一教育悲剧事件发生的背景和原因。 学生方面:佛系思想的蔓延,在该奋斗的年纪选择安逸,自己不奋进,也拒绝别人的批评和激励。 社会方面:教师被神圣化,社会把更多教师作为一种谋生的职业之外的诸多身份特征附加在教师身上,“人类灵魂的工程师”“学生的再生父母”“太阳底下最光辉的职业”是“人梯”“蜡烛”“春蚕”等,教师为了不辜负种种美誉,为学生付出一切,为教育付出一生。 教师方面:教师过度关注学生的成绩而忽视了对学生人性和德育的培养,个别教师教育措施不得当,简单粗暴,容易激化师生矛盾。 家长角度:家长教育知识欠缺,教育角色缺位,对孩子生而不养,养而不教。把一切教育对推向了社会(辅导机构),推向了学校,推给了教师。 总之,本次作文只要是围绕教育的话题展开,谈师生关系,家庭教育,学校教育,德育智育,求学与吃苦精神等,但凡引用得当,立意积极均不偏题。为学生写出饱含真情实感,真知灼见的高分作文打开了方便之门。 一类:48分以上 弘扬正能量,立意高远,恰当引用,有条理,有层次。 《才以治学,德以修身》 《荣誉台亦可能的断头台》


高考数学复习练习题全套 (附参考答案) 1. 已知:函数()()2411f x x a x =+-+在[)1,+∞上是增函数,则a 的取值范围是 . 2. 设,x y 为正实数,且33log log 2x y +=,则 11 x y +的最小值是 . 3. 已知:()()()()50050A ,,B ,,C cos ,sin ,,αααπ∈. (1)若AC BC ⊥,求2sin α. (2)若31OA OC +=OB 与OC 的夹角. 4. 已知:数列{}n a 满足()2 1 123222 2 n n n a a a a n N -+++++= ∈……. (1)求数列{}n a 的通项. (2)若n n n b a =,求数列{}n b 的前n 项的和n S .

姓名 作业时间: 2010 年 月 日 星期 作业编号 002 1. 2 2 75157515cos cos cos cos ++的值等于 . 2. 如果实数.x y 满足不等式组22 110,220x x y x y x y ≥??-+≤+??--≤? 则的最小值是 . 3. 北京奥运会纪念章某特许专营店销售纪念章,每枚进价为5元,同时每销售一枚这种纪念章还需向北京奥组委交特许经营管理费2元,预计这种纪念章以每枚20元的价格销售时该店一年可销售2000枚,经过市场调研发现每枚纪念章的销售价格在每枚20元的基础上每减少一元则增加销售400枚,而每增加一元则减少销售100枚,现设每枚纪念章的销售价格为x 元(x ∈N *). (1)写出该特许专营店一年内销售这种纪念章所获得的利润y (元)与每枚纪念章的销售价格x 的函数关系式(并写出这个函数的定义域); (2)当每枚纪念销售价格x 为多少元时,该特许专营店一年内利润y (元)最大,并求出这个最大值. 4. 对于定义域为[]0,1的函数()f x ,如果同时满足以下三条:①对任意的[]0,1x ∈,总有()0f x ≥;②(1)1f =;③若12120,0,1x x x x ≥≥+≤,都有1212()()()f x x f x f x +≥+成立,则称函数()f x 为理想函数. (1) 若函数()f x 为理想函数,求(0)f 的值; (2)判断函数()21x g x =-])1,0[(∈x 是否为理想函数,并予以证明; (3)若函数()f x 为理想函数,假定?[]00,1x ∈,使得[]0()0,1f x ∈,且00(())f f x x =,求证 00()f x x =.


高考英语书面表达必备6 1.【浙江省学军中学高三上学期第四次月考英语试题】 假如你是高三的学生,最近你就高三模拟考试该偏难还是该偏易这个问题进行了一次调查。请结合下表内容,用英语写一篇短文,介绍有关调查情况,并发表自己的看法。 注意:1.词数120左右,开头已为你写好(不计入总词数); 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Recently I have made an investigation on whether a model-test paper for Senior Three should be difficult or easy.Opinions are divided on this matter. 答案: Recently I have made an investigation on whether a model-test paper for Senior Three should be difficult or easy.Opinions are divided on this matter. Some students think that a difficult exam is just like a challenge.The harder, the better.It can help students find out where they are weak in studies and improve their learning approaches. Others,however,are against a difficult exam.In their opinion,if it is very difficult,they may become discouraged and feel terrible about the coming College Entrance Examination.Besides,with an easy exam,they can get high marks and gain confidence. I prefer it to be neither too difficult nor too easy, because if it is too easy, teachers will not know how we are actually getting on with our studies, and if it is too difficult, we will lose heart 2.【浙江省宁波效实中学高三上学期期中考试英语试题】 假如你是来自美国的Peter,在中国留学期间,经常在马路上看到一些人不遵守交通规则,于是向某报社写信反映此情况,内容如下: 1.部分行人过马路时慢慢悠悠或攀爬护栏; 2.某些骑自行车的人擅闯红灯;


2020英语专题卷 专题十一:短文改错说明类专练 短文改错(每题1分,共40分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。 A Chinese Dream is made up of ordinary people dreams. If someone asks me how 考点11 my Chinese dream is, and 考点12 I will answer it without hesitation:to be a good doctor. The reason when 考点10 I want to be a doctor is because考点11 I want to save as many lives that 考点13 I can. If 考点13 I was young, I got seriously injured in a terrible accident. Thanks to the doctors’ efforts, so I was brought back to life. Since then, which考点11 has always encouraged me is to be a good doctor. To make sure of 考点11 my dream can be realized, I have been studying hard so as 考点13 I can be admitted into a good medical college. Only in this way can I achieve my goal. B As we all know, to change the entire world is absolute考点06 impossible. But a number of small change考点04 can make a big difference. Every one has tasks that they fear to doing考点08. Think of a task that your dear one hated考点09, and do it for him or her! You can imagine the pleasure where 考点13 you see your bathroom unexpectedly cleaned. Next, whether your talent is singing, cooking and考点12 giving good advice, share it. You may not think your talent is interesting, but they


长沙市2017届高三第一次联考优秀作文点评 雁鸣清音 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(长沙市2017届高三联考) 为激励子女经常到护理院探望父母长辈,苏州一家护理院推出了“奖孝金”管理制度。这项制度规定:子女两个月内到护理院探望父母长辈超过30次,就可获200元现金抵用券,“奖孝金”现金抵用券,可以在缴纳老人相关费用时抵用。 据媒体报道,自从“奖孝金”制度推出后,许多子女前来看望老人的频率明显增加,有的子女以前一个星期来一次,现在变为两三天来一次,以前两三天来一次,现在几乎天天过来探视。 然而,在一家门户网站所做的调查中,近半数网友认为护理院没有必要设立“奖孝金”制度。 面对护理院此举,你有怎样的思考和想法?要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体(诗歌除外),自拟题目;不要套作,不得抄袭。 【优秀作文】 以“金”驱使慰寂寥 (58分) 若本应视为清莲的亲情染上铜臭,怎能使其一尘不染如初? 若徒为金钱推崇孝道,怎能真正慰寂寥? 在这人心不古的年代,“敢为人先”被换成了“敢为金先”。“有钱能使鬼推磨”,这话一点不假,连探视父母,也要在“金”的驱动下才肯去!卧冰求鲤,老莱娱亲等等佳话全被抛之脑后,这奖孝金哪里是在奖励孝?分明是在助纣为虐,助长了这股为金钱驱使的嚣张气焰!

为金驱使的情感,是不纯的,亲情当是一个人心中最珍视的情感,父母哺育我们成人,实属不易,应当让他们老有所依,而命运是,被送进疗养院不说,就连来探望的次数也是寥寥可数,如此何来慰寂寥? 对待最应珍视的情感,只凭金钱如何真实?巴尔扎克有言:“金钱填补不了任何情感的空虚和人格的缺陷。”与山巨源绝交的嵇康,宁死也不愿谄事佞幸,以求得微薄的俸禄;居里夫人将镭馈赠给了全世界,自己却甘愿过着清贫的生活。他们心中挚爱,是自由,是物理,而非金钱,如此才能慰寂寥,用最珍贵之物填补内心的寂寥。 若俯仰一世,只单为一“金”字,又有何益处?在生命的旅程中,不断奔跑,只在乎远方的风雨兼程与专注于脚下的跑道,忘记了呵护至深的父母,丢弃了他人对你的好,只是为金驱动着,奔跑着,金矿在哪儿我就去哪儿,直到有一天,发现以为永远也不会沾上尘埃的亲情也得靠金钱得以记挂与维系,会不会有“满面霜,泪千行”的嗟叹? 我不知道。 我只知道人生在世,最重要的是情,而非“身外之物”。长此以往,为“金”奔驰的人,也不过是一具躯壳罢了,只会僵硬的呼吸与机械麻木地抬髋腿蹬地罢了。亲情,又有什么重要呢?为了钱,天天去看看就行了,至于心中是否还残存着对父母的感恩之情而去的,又有什么重要呢? 除了钱,又有什么重要呢? 还要说,“奖孝金”,是在错误的时间,给予错误的人,一个错误的机会。若只是为钱而来,那与不来,又有何区别呢?毫无真情实感,不必慰寂寥,也无法慰寂寥。 以“金”驱使慰寂寥? 做梦! 【点评】 本文以两个包含“若……,怎能……?”语词的假设反问句式发端,紧扣材料内涵发出质疑之声:“徒为金钱推崇孝道,怎能真正慰寂寥?”,开篇不凡,发人深省。接而笔锋直指“奖孝金”的本质是“助长为金钱驱使的嚣张气焰”,旗帜鲜明地提出中心论点。主体论证部分,作者分别阐明因金钱而驱使的情感的“不纯”及危害,提出用“最珍贵之物”对待“最应珍视”的亲情,最后,用犀利的反语再次抨击忽视亲情、

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