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Non-finite Verbs Used as Adverbial in Writing


授课老师:陈丽璇授课班级:高二1班2015.3.30 Teaching goal: master the use of non-finite verbs used as adverbial in writing.

Teaching important point: three forms of non-finite verbs (v-ing; v-ed; to v)

Teaching difficult point: how to use non-finite verbs as adverbial to make sentences Teaching steps:

Step 1. Review: blank-filling

1. ___________(feel) tired, she went to bed early.

2. She rang up her boyfriend ________(say) sorry.

3. ___________(see) a snake, she was scared.

4. ___________(heat), water will boil.

5. The child fell, ____________ (hit) his head against the door.

Step 2. Discovery: try to rewrite the sentences (改写).

eg. ①We were touched by the teacher's words.

②We decided to work hard.

Combination (合并): Touched by the teacher’s words, we decided to work hard..

1) ①We sat around the table.

②He sang songs together.


2) ①He didn’t know what to do.

②He turned to his teacher.


3) ①He worked hard.

②He earned more money.


4) ①________________________________________________________


Combination: The workers had to work from dawn till night to complete the project. Discovery: how to rewrite simple sentences using non-finite verbs.

(选填:to do, doing, done, 主句,从句)

I. 找简单句之间的关系,定________(主句/从句)。

II. 找动词与逻辑主语的关系,改________(主句/从句)。

(________表主动, ________表被动, ________表目的、固定搭配)


Step 3. Practice: rewrite or combine. (尽量用非谓语)

1)Mother went to work in a hurry and she didn't have breakfast. She was as busy as a bee these

days and came back home very late.

______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ 2) There are still lots of people. They have no houses to live in. Even if you have bought an

apartment(套房), I'm afraid you have to pay off the money you borrow from the bank(还清银行贷款). You will work hard day and night all your life.

______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Step 4. Extension: combine the sentences into five ones using non-finite verbs.




On May 12th, 2008, a worst earthquake struck Sichuan Province. The earthquake caused

thousands of people homeless. A great number of people were injured or even killed. The government rescued the trapped and buried people. The government immediately took effective measures. The government sent the soldiers to the earthquake-stricken areas. When they heard the terrible news, the people all over the world came together to help them. Although they lost everything, they are trying their best to overcome all kinds of difficulties and rebuild their home.


_________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

Step5. Homework: rewrite the short passage using non-finite verbs.



There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing. They serve passengers heart and soul. They play an important part in the traffic of Beijing. They make some money. They work from dawn till night. One day, I left my cellphone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver. He drove to my home and gave it back to me. I was very excited.


非谓语动词 不定式作状语时相当于一个状语从句,不定式作状语时往往用来作目的状语、结果状语或原因状语。 1.不定式用来作目的状语:作目的状语时,不定式的逻辑主语通常也是全句的主语,这里往往译作“为了,想要”。 (2009·辽宁卷)To be a winner,you need to give all you have and try your best.要想成为赢家,你要付出所有并竭尽全力。 2.不定式用于so...as to ...,such...as to;enough to;too...to;only to等结构中作结果状语。Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle? 你能不能行行好,借给我你的自行车? He is such a fool as to think that his strange behaviour can inflect others.他如此愚蠢以至于认为他奇怪的行为会影响他人。 He hurried to the booking office only to have been told all the tickets had been sold out. 他匆忙去了售票处,结果被告诉所有的票已经卖完了。 专家提醒:“only+to do”表示出乎意料的结果,tell 和主语He 之间存在动宾关系,因而应用不定式的被动结构。而现在分词作结果状语则表示自然而然的结果。 His parents died,leaving him an orphan. 他的父母去世了,使他成为孤儿。 1.(2010·江西卷)There were many talented actors out there just waiting________. A.to discover B.to be discovered D .being discovered C.discovered 解析:句意为:很多有天赋的演员就在那里等待被发现。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。此题空格处用不定式来表示目的,而且actors与discover之间为被动关系,所以B项为答案。 答案: B 2.(2010·合肥第二次教学检测)—Why are the students working so hard these days. —________ready for the ing entrance examination. A.To get B.Get D .Got .CGetting 可知,此句是省略句,”为了即将来临的入学考试准备“考查非谓语动词。根据答语解析: 不定式作状语,表示目的。 答案: A 3.(2010·新课标全国卷Ⅰ)With Father's Day around the corner,I have taken some money out of the bank________presents for my dad. A.buy B.to buy D.to have bought C.buying 解析:句意为:父亲节就要到了,我已经从银行取了些钱出来准备给爸爸买些礼物。本题考查非谓语动词作状语。从语境看,本空在句中作目的状语,用不定式,因此A的动词原形、C的现在分词、D的不定式完成式都不符合题意。 答案: B


分考点 1 不定式作状语 Point 1 做目的状语,意为“为了”,可以单独放在句首、句中或句末。 To pass the college entrance exam, we must work hard. 为了通过大学入学考试,我们必须努力学习。 Mike had to shout to make himself heard above the sound of the music. 麦克不得不大声说话,以便能在如此大的音乐下被别人听见。 【特别注意】也可用in order to 或so as to 表示目的,但so as to 不能用于句首。 The bus stopped so as to pick up passengers. 公交车停下来以便搭载乘客。 He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他早起是为了赶上第一版公交车。 Point 2 作结果状语。常表示令人意外的结果。 Only/just to do 表示意想不到的结果 Enough to do 足够做... Too...to do 太...而不能..... So/such... as to...如此...以至于.... I went to see him last night only/ just to find him out. 我昨晚去找他。结果发现他出去了。(表示出乎意料的结果) Mary is too tired to do the job. 玛丽太累了,做不了这项工作。 He is old enough to go to school. 他到上学的年龄了。 Point 3 作原因状语。常用在表示情感或态度的sorry, surprised, disappointed, excited, glad,happy 等形容词后,常用结构为“主语+系动词+形容词+to do”。 Tom was very happy to see his mother. 汤姆看到她的妈妈很高兴。 I was surprised to find him here. 发现他在这里我很开心。 【特别注意】easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expensive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good 等形容词表示主语的特征或性质,后面接不定式作状语时,不定式和句子主语之间存在被动关系,但常用主语形式表示被动意义。 English is easy to learn. 英语学起来很容易。 The book is very hard to understand. 这本书很难理解。 分考点 2 分词作状语 形式意义 Doing 主动,进行 Having doing 主动,完成 Done 被动,完成;用作形容词,表状态 Being done 被动,进行,意为“正在被做”


Non- finite Verbs in writing StepⅠPre-writing : 学生原作赏析: Our Spring Outing National College Entrance Examination is coming. To relax ourselves, our class had a meeting to discuss where to go for our spring outing. Having a barbecue is our choice. The next day, we set off early in the morning. We climbed the mountain, talking and laughing. When we arrived, we began to barbecue. Having had a big dinner,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and the beautiful view. We were tired but happy. 找出非谓语动词,并判断成分 ? 1. Making o ur city greener is everyone’s duty. ? 2. The government is determined to continue the green program. ? 3. I found my hometown changed so much. ? 4. Having fresh air, trees can reduce air pollution. ? 5. Every effort to the program makes a difference. Proof-reading: 1.Looking from the top of mountain, the city is beautiful . 2. In my opinion, climb mountain is an enjoyable thing. 3. —Which team is good at cooking? —A team called itself the supper cook. Summary:________________________________________ StepⅢ: While-writing Activity1: ①It is high time we took part in some activities. ②We wanted to make ourselves more healthy. → ____________________________________________________ ①Wangqi climbed so hard that she lost her temper. ②She complained about the long walk. → ____________________________________________________ ①The monitor has set a good example for us . ②The monitor deserves the honor and we should learn from her .


非谓语动词作状语学案 ——Margaret 【知识链接1】 1)谓语和非谓语,都是与______有关。 2)谓语:句子中________的成分,有____、_____、_____的变化,受主语_____和______的 制约。 3)英语中一个分句只能有________主谓结构(并列主语、谓语除外),如果出现更多动词, 可以:加连词(and / but / so…);放入从句;变为_______。 4)非谓语:句子中________的成分,可做____、_____、_____、 ____、_____、_____,非 谓语有____、_____的变化,非谓语动词可以带自己的_____和______,构成非谓语动词短语。 【知识链接2】 状语是修饰______、形容词、副词及全句的成分。根据其作用,状语可分为_____状语、____状语、______状语、______状语、______状语、方式状语、比较状语、让步状语、条件状语、伴随或补充说明的状语等。 【基础篇】 Complete the following sentences and draw a conclusion. (1) I’d climb the highest mountain, just ______(see) you smile. I’d swim the ocean, just_______ (hold) your hand. I’d run a million miles, just ________(be) with you forever. (2) We’d better start early,_________________. (为了不错过火车) 考点小结: 1.______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ (3) We hurried to the railway station, only _______(find) the train had just left. (4) They mistook me for a robber, ________(cause) me some embarrassment. (5) He fired, ________(kill) one of the enemies. 考点小结: 4.______________________________________________________________________________ (6) She looks so beautiful as _________(attract) all of us. (7) The tea is too hot ________(drink)=The tea is not enough cold ________(drink) 考点小结: 5.______________________________________________________________________________ (8)We were surprised __________ (find) the man in rags was actually a millionaire. 考点小结: 6.______________________________________________________________________________ (9)___________(know) English well, he translated the article without a dictionary. (10)___________(give) more time, he would be able to do it better. 考点小结: 7.______________________________________________________________________________ 【课后作业1】 Complete the following sentences with the proper forms of the words given. (1) _________(avoid) criticism, do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. (2) He lifted a big stone, only_______(drop) it on his own feet. (3) I am only too pleased _______(help)you.


非谓语动词作状语全解 不定式和分词作状语的用法 一、不定式作状语可以作: 1. 主要用作目的状语。常与 in order to do (为了或 so as to do(以便连用。 so as to 不用于居首。 He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他早起为了赶上第一班车。 He sat down to have a rest.他坐下来休息。 He went to France to learn French。他去法国学习法语。 They stood by the roadside to talk about the plan.他们站在路边为的是谈论这个计划。 They stopped to ask the way. 他们停下来问路。 (停下来的目的 2.作结果状语。表示出乎意料的结果。做结果状语的不定式只能出现在句子的末尾,常见的不定式动词有:to find, to hear, to see, to be told, to form, to give, to make, to produce 等。 He hurried to the station only to find the train gone. 他匆匆忙忙地赶到火车站,发现火车已经开走了。 He woke up to find everybody gone. 他醒来发现大家都走了。 His family was too poor to support him.他的家庭太穷,不能维持他的生活。 The boy is not tall enough to reach the book shelf. 这男孩个子不够高, 手伸不到书架。 He is old enough to go to school. 他到上学年龄了。 He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。


非谓语动词 一、非谓语动词作状语 1.动词不定式作状语 ①I stopped the car to take a short break as I was feeling tired.(2013·山东高考) 由于感到累了,我就停下车稍微休息了一下。 ②George returned after the war, only to be told that his wife had left him.(2012·山东高考) 乔治战后归来,却被告知他的妻子已经离他而去。 ③You will never know how happy I was to see her yesterday. 你永远不会知道昨天看到她时,我是多么高兴。 ④This machine is very easy to operate. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.(2012·辽宁高考) 这台机器很容易操作。在几分钟内任何人都能学会使用。 [规律总结] (1)动词不定式可以用作目的状语。注意其他非谓语动词形式不能用作目的状语。 (2)only to do sth.为不定式作结果状语,表示出乎意料的结果。 (3)形容词或过去分词作表语时,后面可接不定式作原因状语。常见词有:happy, lucky, glad, sorry, anxious, proud, disappointed, angry, surprised, ready, delighted, clever, foolish, pleased, fortunate, right等。 (4)在“主语+系动词+表语(形容词)+to do”结构中,不定式的主动形式表示被动意义。该结构中常用的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult, important, impossible, interesting, pleasant, nice, comfortable, safe, dangerous等。


非谓语动词(6~8分) 第一讲:非谓语动词(一) 教学目的:唤起学生对非谓语概念的理解,使学生掌握判断非谓语动词的方法和有关词汇的双重用法,掌握非谓语的三种形式。 教学重点:本节教学重点是判断非谓语动词的方法,有关词汇的双重用法;动名词的考点。 教学难点:掌握什么时候用非谓语 教学过程: 一、考情分析 非谓语动词在专升本中是一个重要考点,属于每年必考内容,主要考查分词做状语、定语和独立主格结构,和一些动词的固定搭配。所谓非谓语动词是指不能作谓语的动词(针对谓语而言),也不受主语人称和数的限制,但具有动词的某些特征。它可以做主语、表语、宾语、宾补、定语、状语和同位语。 二、讲课过程 基础知识补充 动词的形式:五种基本形式(为了区别谓语与非谓语外加另外一种不定式形式)原形单三过去式 eat eats ate (谓语动词形式:即可以单独作谓语) 现在分词过去分词不定式 eating eaten to eat (非谓语动词形式:不能作谓语) He eats an orange.(主+谓+宾) I eat an orange.(主+谓+宾) I ate an orange.(主+谓+宾) I am eating an orange.(主+谓+宾) He has eaten an orange.(主+谓+宾) An orange was eaten by him.(主+谓+宾) I am to eat an orange.(主+谓+宾)

含义:不能做谓语的动词 1、什么时候用非谓语? 一句话,有谓语,多动作,无连词 Seen from the top of the mountain, our school looks so beautiful. 2、形式:动名词(构成:动词原形+ing) 分词(现在分词、过去分词) 现在分词构成:动词原形+ing 过去分词构成:动词原形+ed 或done; 动词不定式 基本形式:“to+动词原形”, 有时可省去to 非谓语动词的形式如下: 非谓语动词的否定形式:not +不定式,not + 动名词,not + 分词 非谓语动词的语法功能 一、动名词 主语:Reading is my hobby. 宾语:I enjoy reading. 表语:My hobby is reading. 定语:He is in the reading room. 二、现在分词


分考点1不定式作状语 Poi nt 1做目的状语,意为“为了”,可以单独放在句首、句中或句末。 To pass the college entrance exam, we must work hard. 为了通过大学入学考试,我们必须努力学习。 Mike had to shout to make himself heard above the sound of the music. 麦克不得不大声说话,以便能在如此大的音乐下被别人听见。 【特别注意】也可用in order to或so as to表示目的,但so as to不能用于句首。 The bus stopped so as to pick up passe ngers. 公交车停下来以便搭载乘客。 He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他早起是为了赶上第一版公交车。 Point 2作结果状语。常表示令人意外的结果。 Only/just to do 表示意想不到的结果 Enough to do 足够做... Too...to do太…而不能..... So/such... as to...如此...以至于.... I went to see him last ni ght only/ just to find him out. 我昨晚去找他。结果发现他出去了。(表示出乎意料的结果) Mary is too tired to do the job. 玛丽太累了,做不了这项工作。 He is old eno ugh to go to school. 他到上学的年龄了。 Poi nt 3作原因状语。常用在表示情感或态度的sorry, surprised, disappo in ted, excited, glad,happy等形容词后,常用结构为"主语+系动词+形容词+to do ”。 Tom was very happy to see his mother. 汤姆看到她的妈妈很高兴。 I was surprised to find him here. 发现他在这里我很开心。 【特另U注意】easy, difficult, hard, cheap, expe nsive, fit, comfortable, heavy, good 等形容词表示主语的特征或性质,后面接不定式作状语时,不定式和句子主语之间存在被动关系,但常用主语形式表示被动意义。 En glish is easy to learn.英语学起来很容易。 The book is very hard to un dersta nd. 这本书很难理解。


非谓语动词(三) 一、本质 不定式:强调动作,具体的,一次性的;目的状语,出乎意料的结果;将来; adj + to do 动名词:习惯 分词:状态 现在:主动,进行 过去:被动,完成 二、时态和语态 分词做状语 time, I will… If your giving more time, I will… 四、with的复合结构 with + sb./ sth. + to do (无被动) doing done With lots work to finish, we …

含有介词to的常考短语 ●be addicted to doing 沉溺于 ●devote oneself to doing sth.=be devoted to doing sth.致力于 make contribution to doing sth. e.g. Her life was devoted to caring for the sick and needy. ●be equal to doing sth. e.g. This is equal to saying that he knows her well. She didn’t feel equal to receiving visitors. ●object to doing sth. = have an objection to doing sth. e.g. He objected to being treated like a child. ●be opposed to doing sth. e.g. I am opposed to telling him the news at once. ●reduce sb. to doing sth. e.g. Hunger reduced then to stealing. ●pay attention to doing. 注意做某事 ●be used to doing sth. = be accustomed to doing sth. ●get down to doing sth. e.g. After lunch we got down to discussing the issue of pay. ●looking forward to doing sth. 期盼做某事 ●come/ be near/ close to doing sth. e.g. We had an outstanding season and came so close to winning the title again. ●in addition to doing sth. e.g. In addition to giving me some advice, he gave me some money. ●key to doing sth. e.g. Transportation is the key to getting this food to the children and their families. ●when it comes to doing sth. e.g. There is no shortage of ideas when it comes to improving the education of children. ●o n one’s way to doing e.g. Alice just got into the medical school. She is one her way to becoming a doctor.


非谓语动词 一般式:to do 主动将来目的--- to be done doing 主动进行----being done done 被动完成完成式:to have done --- to have been done having done --- having been done 进行式:to be doing--- to be being done 非谓语动词的否定式的not 在非谓语动词之前加。 做状语:分词作状语 1.分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致。2. 分词作状语必须和句中主语含有逻辑上的主谓或动宾关系,否则不能使用分词作状语。 例如:Seeing from the hill, I found that our school is beautiful. Seen from the hill, our school is beautiful. 分词或分词短语作状语时,可以表时间、原因、结果、条件、让步、行为方式、伴随状况等。 Hearing the news, they got excited. (时间) Having been bitten by a snake, she was frightened at it. (原因) Given a chance, I can surprise the world. (条件) The cup dropped to the ground, breaking into pieces. (结果) Having been told many times, he still repeated the same mistake. (让步) The teacher came into the lab, followed by / following some students. (伴随状况) to do 作状语,可以表示目的或者出乎意料的结果。 To improve my English, I intend to practice reading English texts everyday. I hurried to the airport, only to find the plane had taken off. 1.Mr. Brown came in two students. A. follow B. followed C. followed by D. to follow 2.from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine wherever he goes. A. Suffered B. Suffering C. Having suffered D. Being suffered 3. The population of Korea is now very small, one tenth of the people living in Australia. A. made up B. to make up C. making up D. makes up 4. ──Why did he make marks on some trees?── his way back easily. A. Find B. To find C. Finding D. In order to finding 5. such difficult work before, he felt it was terribly hard for him. A. Not having done B. Not have done C. Having not done D. Not having been done 6. Once lost, ______________. A. it is hard to get such a chance again. B. to get such a chance will be difficult C. one can never get such a chance again D. such a chance might never come again 7. ,tears came into his eyes. A. Moved by her words B. Moving by her words C. He was moved by her words D. Because he was moved by her words 8. Yesterday, I called you, you some information on computer. A. asked B. asking C. and ask D. to ask 9. ____his father, Wang Lin entered the room, ____ by his two brothers. A. Follow, follow B. Following; follow C. Followed; following D. Following; followed 10. The young man rushed out of the room, _____ into his car and started it hurriedly, ___ to get home as soon as possible. A. got; hoped B. getting; and hoped C. got; hoping D. getting; hoped 11. , all the students shouted and jumped with joy. A. To be excited B. Having been excited C. Exciting D. Being excited 12. from the moon, the earth looks like a water-covered globe. A. Watching B. Looked C. Seen D. Seeing 13. the seriousness of pollution, all countries in the world have made an agreement that they will fight against it together. A. Realized B. Having realized C. To realize D. Realizing 14. Jenny went to the reading room, the door . A. finding…locked B. found…locked C. to find…being locked D. and found…locking 15. her accent, she must be from Northeast China. A. Judge by B. Judged by C. Judged from D. Judging from 16. by the story in the movie, we could not help tears. A. Deeply moved…shed (流下) B. Moved deeply…shed C. Deeply moved…shedding D. Moved deeply…shedding


高考英语非谓语动词教学案 在做单选题,如果遇到非谓语动词,可以根据句中的搭配结构、非谓语的主被动形式和非谓语的“时态”三个角度,从语言的结构到语义由简单到复杂依次排选。 第一步:根据非谓语形式在句中可作的成分来分析空白处可填入的非谓语形式,看能否在不定式、分词和动名词几个形式之间先排除一个或几个。 非谓语动词在句中可作成分一览表 注:1).the 分词也可用作主语和宾语; 2).现在分词完成式不作定语。 1.非谓语形式作主语或宾语时,除“the 分词”外一般只能用不定式或动名词。其中不定式作介词的宾语时要使用“特殊疑问词 不定式”结构。 例如:1).It’s very kind of you to help us. 2).Fighting broke out between the South and the North. 3).The driver failed to see other cars at the moment . 4).Please show us how to do that. 2.作状语时,不定式表示目的以及so/as to do和(only)to do中的结果状语,其它状语都用分词来表示。 例如:1).To sleep late the next morning,he turned off the alarm clock. (“非谓语 主句”模式中,非谓语在句首而且由逗号与主句隔开,此句中的不定式只作目的状语;此时的分词表示时间、原因或条件状语,有时分词前可加when,while,if,before, after,as和though 等连词,如:①Given more attention,the trees could have grown better. ②When asked,never be silent.) 2).He came here only to say good-bye to us. (不定式在句中作目的状语时它前面不能用逗号) 3).He spoke a lot at the conference,only to show his ignorance on the topic. (不定式在主句之后,又有逗号与主句隔开时常用(only)to do形式表示出乎主语意料的结果) 第二步:在第一步的基础上从非谓语的主被动形式这个角度进行筛选。 1.非谓语用作主语或状语时,一般根据它们的逻辑主语来判断主被动形式的选用;若无逻辑主语,则以主句主语为判断对象。


非谓语动词作状语用法详解 一、不定式作状语 不定式作状语常常考查的有以下三方面知识: ⒈不定式作目的状语 一方面不定式可以独立作目的状语;另一方面不定式还可以用在 so as (to) 或 in order (to) 后,表示目的。从结构上讲,不定式作目的状语放于句首时,通常用逗号和句子隔开;如果放于句末,通常不用逗号: 【名题1】 (2003北京海淀区高三第二学期期中练习· 26) _____ their service, the workers of the hotel are active in learning English. A. Improving B. To improve C. Improved D. Having improved 【解析】本题考查非谓语动词作状语。不定式放于句首,说明了酒店员工积极学习英语的目的。答案为B。 【名题2】 (2003北京东城区高三总复习练习(一)· 26) ______ time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their charac ters with only three fingers and a thumb. A. To save B. Saved C. Saving D. Having saved

【解析】本题考查非谓语动词作状语。不定式放于句首,说明了漫画家在画人物的手指时为什么只画三个手指和一个大拇指。答案为A。 【名题3】(’99SHMET· 18) —Mum. Why do you always make me eat an egg every day? —_______ enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up. A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be 【解析】本题考查非谓语动词作状语。分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、伴随情况;不定式作状语多表示目的和结果。问句以why 开头,暗示了要用非谓语动词作目的状语。作目的状语的不定式可用in order to 来引起;有时为了强调,也常常放在句首。答案为C。 2.不定式作结果状语不定式作结果状语时放于句末,其前面时常有副词only (In the last analysis or final outcome:—最后的分析,最终结果:): 【名题4】 (2004陕西省高三调研题· 27) The American troops tried many times to break into the mosque, _______eac h time. A. beaten back B. only to be beaten back C. being beaten back D. having been beaten back


非谓语动词作状语练习 (A)(时间原因条件状语) 1. ____ anything about the accident, he went to work as usual. A. Not known B. Knowing not C. Known not D. Not knowing 2. _______ more attention, the trees could have grown better. A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given 3. ____ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being founded B. It was founded C. Founded D. Founding 4. _____ by the advances in technology, many farmers have set up wind farms on their land. A. Being encouraged B. Encouraging C. Encouraged D. Having encouraged 5. _____ the right kind of training, these teenage soccer players may one day grow into the interna tional stars. A. Giving B. Having given C. To give D. Given 6. _____ that he was in great danger, Eric walked deeper into the forest. A. Not realized B. Not to realize C. Not realizing D. Not to have realized 7. ______ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend two days on the farm. A. Attracting B. Attracted C. To be attracted D. Having attracted 8. ____ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog. A. Being bitten B. Bitten C. Having bitten D. To be bitten 9. _____ the general state of his health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation A. Given B. To give C. Giving D. Having given 10. ___ the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. A. Approaching B. Approached C. To approach D. To be approached 11. ____not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry. A. Reminding B. Reminded C. To remind D. Having reminded 12. _____ by the loud noise. I went to see what was happening. A. Having frightened B. Frightening C. To be frightened D. Frightened 13. ____ untidy, his bedroom needs doing out. A. Look B. Looking C. Looked D. To look 14. ______ with such great difficulty , Jack felt at a loss ________. A. Facing; what to say B. Faced; what to say C. Having faced; how to tell D. Being faced; how to speak 15. ______ in white, she looks much more beautiful. A. Wearing B. Dressing C. Dressed D. Having dressed 16. ______ in the fog, we were forced to spend two hours in the woods. A. To lose B. Losing C. Lost D. Having lost 17. _____ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. Being lost 18. _____ many times, he finally understood it. A. Told B. Telling C. Having told D. Having been told 19. _____ to reach them on the phone,we sent an email instead. A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 20. ____ in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car. A. Waiting B. To wait C. Having waited D. To have waited

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